THE DAILY TIMES. GAZETTE Combining The Oshawa Times ond Whithy Gezette and Chronicle OSHAWA-WHITBY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1955 . Man Gets Stiff Ter On 2 Driving Count Lions Stage Big Show At t Stadium wa Lions Club ended aciition the current Aig] | mara adr as tian 1ng nT nl ae Clyie "ight of the shen lid . ~ Won by of Bt, Catharines, on wrestling show, Prevident Rufus Lambert of 'the club expressed his thanks and that of the club, and made special men. hare urn " dayls read rd durin, ytime ng the t he downtown at the 0 | car, He Ny conveyed his special thanks to the club for making it sible for him to attend the lons International Convention which was held vecently at Atlan tic City, Ways and Means commit tee chairman Jack Anderson also thatked i he . publi for its response pa = 5 a 3 ----_-- RE or ious was fined 0 costs 2 day. plus 00, ag cons, labor for the illegal pi at license charge od Kel was also fined $200, Souls, loge, was months, and order. ed to two months aalitionst hard the charge yh a he Vile. un. der suspension. ' * ' . 1 4 Eo An " TANNERY SRPETY PATROL GUARDS ASSIST LIONS CLUB Members of the Ritson Road Public School student Safety Pa- trol are shown at last night's wresting and car-draw show Council On Store Bylaw Counell decided this week to hold over for a week its decision of the store closh ng by) w, the orig: nal draft of whi submitted the retail merchants section of | OP the Chamber of Commerce, It was felt more time ought to be given to retallers affected to volce any opinions they may pave, concern Fes the lon! ng times pr posed, I r ore all i the once tion of three a ol to close between the id 7 pm and 7 Y x) the Iw Ho (J od : pn, "on man r+] also stay nine Hy the evening gon. until Decem! Exempt from the bylaw closing restrictions are book shops, drug stores and tobacco stores, The by. law, as introduced, included In the exemptions food stores employing no more than two assistants ine cluding the LL or Manager, INTO COMMITTEE Alter Shr into committee of whole to discuss the proposed by. law, aldermen voted clause Saged ihe Oshawa Lions Club fvie Memorial Stadium, More thai 1,000 persons attended the colorful show, The junior traffic police above were directed by a Delays Ald, Joseph Victor has request: od a recorded vote when bylaw is given a third reading, He Noid bylaw on principal, he told gy Tring, fie sald; "I do not hold with council or any other governmental institution passing restriction bylaws of this nature, i oounell had a Jubgtan. t vestment in any bus perham "members should have a voice In the matter, oy! a "» ; he low LOAN A TAIN He sald 1t was like asking auto. mobile manufacturers in the oll an to make cars after five | o'¢ Ald, Victor, who owns a sports and cycle business In the town sald he would not follow Ald, Rae Halliday's example and ab stain from voting, Ald Halliday owns @ grocery store. He had asked permission, as an Interested arty, to be allowed to abstain rom voting, Ald, Christine Thomas' motion that the bylaw third reading be fo n before reverting to council ive the bylaw a second read. delayed for a week was then ap: proved by council, Knox Church's Congregation Honors Candidate for Clergy Wilfred Moncrieff, who has been recommended by Knox Presbyter- fan Kirk Session as a candidate for the Christian ministry and who leaves Oshawa this week to complete his university course, as a member of the Kirk Session being ordained as a Ruling Elder in February, 1084, Mr, Moncrieff 1s a native of Fowler's Corners, After graduating from the Peterborough Teachers' College, he taught school at Can- was pr ted with a cheque from the congregation at the Knox Church plenie on Saturday. The cheque will open a book « urchase account at Presbyterian Plblications, Toronto, Mr, Moncrieff has given enthusl- astic leadership In young people's work, both in the Knox Society and In the Synod of Toronto and Kingston, He is convener for fel: lowship in the Synodical PYPS, He has shared in the Christian Edu- cation work of Knox Church through ita schools, and has also participated in the pastoral work Stratford Wins Jaycees' Award For P.R. Work HALIFAX (CP)~The Stratford, Ont, branch of the Canadian Junior Chamber of Commerce was the big winner In competitions spon. sored during the year The Stratford Jaycees won first Pikes for their work in public re. ations: tourist promotion, youth development, membership assimi« lation, and as the outstanding Junior chamber in class C. Chatham, Ont,, won In member ship beautification and leadership training, Other winners for two years and then oined the Albert Street Public ichool staff where he has been teaching since S 1083, He expects to complete nufficiont studies this summer to qualify for the final year of his Arts training this autumn, Then will follow three years training in theology at Knox College: Toronto, Upon graduation from this lat ter course Mr, Moncrieff will be eligible for ordination y a teach: ing elder, or minister the word Saerament in the Church of ment and clvie affairs; Niagara Ont,, municipal improve. ; Kitchener . Waterloo, out. standing single external project, The awards were announced here Tuesday at the chamber's an. nual convention, The convention approved without comment a resolution calling on the federal minister of justice to ublish an annual list of Commun: st front organizations overating in the Dominion, The preamble of the resolution states that ere are in Canada at present several organizations with harmless-sounding names--or+ anizations which are, in fact, the ools of communism and are used to mislead the public and to spread Communist propaganda." Port Colborne, Ont, for govern. COMING EVENTS LESKARD WA ANNUAL ry social will be held Ay og School ream on Wednesday, June 39th commenaing al § pm. This is a deli: : CIOUN meal that many of you leak fer Ward to from year to year. We m an you will be well satisfied hody welcome BINGO AT UNION MALL WED: fesday, June Mh at Pol prises. y ' gy 3 Hi BINGO Hall, corner Simeos hosday, June 0, & W. Special, 400 AT S&T. JOMN'S and Bloor, Wed Pn, 85, regular, Jackpots Wa DON'I FORGET TO CO ton Sunday School aa AN. 1 sarling 4 pm. League football game, Hampton versus Selina MT em Good Variety concert at 0.08, we 14% fomplation Steel Shortage Delays Bypass TORONTO (CP) ~~ Shortage of structural steel has caused a delay in the construction of the Toronto bypass section of Highway 401, Officials of the Ontario depart. ment of highways sald Tuesday every effort is being made to speed of the bypass, due July but they have run into a steel bottleneck because of an ac. celerated roads-bullding program In the United Stites. An official of the department sald that the type of steel necessary is not rolled in Canada, and that the | US. has commandeered moat of this steel for its own road use. ber of the city police de- prison g Constable J, MacDer- maid, who later introduced them to Whipper Billy Watson and oth- er performers on the wrestling program, The students were commended by officials of the Lions Club and civic officials for a very efficient job, ~Times-Gazette Photo to _the dr wrentlin last ni safel Special osts of the club, and promoter Pat Milosh at t's show were the student patrol officers at Ritson Road school, The Junior traffic lice were attended by Police Constable J. MacDermaid who took em through the dressing rooms i to the fights to meet the con. ' api and have sutographs sign- Commeenns CITY "fh to the gathering after the fl hipper Watson com. city of Oshawa for its BOARD OF EDUCATION BRIEFS andes the, in bringing these pa- trols hete, as he sald that any ipality has not one child fo TEACHERS' NEW DESKS Authority for the immediate pur- chase of six teachers' new desks for replacement was given by the Board of Education, The replace. ment program is that adopted for pupils' desks, ' $.E. WARD SCHOOL SITE Prospective sites in the South East ward for the erection of a school has been left to a sub-com- mittee for recommendation, by the Board of Education, The type of school Is not yet decided, EQUIPMENT APPROVED § and t for the tunity Class to 'be established Fay fchool has FEACHER SUPPLY Inspector McEwen has re Becket ffir Wn Bora of cht ported #1 resignations and 33 ace tances of teachers In public " ools. to the Board of Education, There are several acceptances from Alberta and one from Edin burgh, Scotland, TO ATTEND CONVENTION School Attendance Officer A, L W. Smith has been appointed Board of Education delegate at the Convention of Attendance Offi. cers at Ottawa on October 1, NEW JANITORS Four new janitors were appoint. ed by the Board of Education on Monday night, Their commencing salary Is 81 an hour and subject to Initial satisfactory service will serve a six.months probationery period beforg final appointment. JANITOR TRANSFERRED The Board of Education has ap- roved the transfer of Alex Reid, anitor at Woodcrest school, to Rit son sche school aa assistant janitor, Education Board Meets Inauguration of a student driv: ing course by the Oshawa Board of Education, identical to one now in operation in St. Catharines, seems remote, 4 School principals and the ma: Jority of the board's trustees at a meeting this week were apposed to the plan, The matter was red until August, E. Murphy, principal of Osh. awa Central Collegiate Institute, had previously reported on a dele: ations visit to the course in St, finally defer- atharines, an external voluntary course. His report showed that the course was truly objective in improving the standard of safe driving, @ course was well or aniged, the success of it depend: ng largely upon the type of man flag as a driving instructor, he principal pointed out to the delegation that class room instrue: tion (In driving) was more impor tant than actual driving instruc: tion, and' that the lecturer should also be the instructor, All students of the recent course were boys pnd girls from Grades 11, 12 and '13, The principal of the course had made two suggestions to the dele: gation, 1, A driver should be able fo take instruction in certain as pects of driving, 2. A small fee, something on the lines of evenin school, should be paid by eac student. Regarding the establishment of a sale driving course In Oshawa, Trustee Dr, C, N, Vipond sald: 'There are many other tech Rigues of living we should teach before driving! Cultural subjects; how to cook and sew, and run ma: chines, and so on; but even then there are- some who would say that these are overdone, I don't think we should teach them how to drive cars, Public hool Inspector T. R. McEwen suggested the Junior Chamber of Commerce be ap proached to make a project of the course and establish it away from the -elty, The Board however decided to discuss fy the merits of it and| it will be finalized at the August meeting Earlier the Advisory « Vocation: REQUEST GRANTED The request of Charles Adams, janitor at Ritson school to be transferred to Woodcrest Public |© school, has been granted by the Board of Education, DAMAGE AT ALBERT STREET Damage of $83,138 to windows and lights at Albert Street School by delinquents, was reported in a letter from the Principal, Mr, A, Korry, to the Board of Education on Monday, An air rifle was used, Police have been notified, SCHOOL ADDITION ARCHITECTS John B, Parkin Associates have been icappointed Are tots of ihe school by the | of hE duchlion. REPORT OF MEETING Mons ie A BTR on Special Comm ng with the Teacher - Board ny mittee of Secondary schools re garding salary acumen WAN ration by the oferred for cons Board to August, STILL I'v DOUBT Before discussing sketch plans for the third Secondary school on the south side of Taylor avenue extended, the Board of Education Is to obtain recommendations as to the most suitable type of school, DOMESTIC FITTINGS Venetian blinds, with drapes in the play room, are to be fitted In Con#nt school, the Board of Education has decided, TRUSTEE DELEGATES The Board of Education has sp. ointed Trustees Mrs. B, C, 'olpus, 8, G, J novell R. C, Bint and Dr. V, Vipond, as their delegation nw oh Convention of Urban and Rural School Trustees at Bigwin Inn July 10 « 22, spare, After his brief speech, he was asked to perform a special duty, that was to present a bouquet { Nowers to Mrs, Jack Anderson a behalf of her husband to show the appreciation which he expres ses to her for all the help which she has given him to put the car draw over, The main event of the avening, Sxtiuding th the dr a ihe nd between per y Watson Karol Ratnikod! This endede In free-for-all with 'Watson, two Kal: mikoff Brothers and Gil Mains who stepped in to assist Watson out of a tight spot, Watson was credit: ed with the win, while Karol Kal- mikoff was disqualified, "1 SAW..." On our way home from ind. say, while we were ridin a side road, T SAW a fro ened woll running across he road, and he was carrying some kind of bird In his mouth, When he saw the car coming, he increased his pace across the road, maing me happy as none of us had a hunting gun, Mrs, O, Goreland, 645 Oxford street, Oshawa, Is being sent two guest ticets for the fea. ture pieture, "Rogue Cop', now being shown at the Regent Theatre. or for any other fea. ture within the next month for having sent in the above *'I BAW" item, Entries for this column should be sent to the "1 SAW" Editor, The Times-Gaz. ette, Oshawa. Two guest tick. ets will be sent to the sender of any item published, Since only one item is used each day, only the most un. usual and dtriking observations will be h and in the SCHOOL ABSENCE REPORT GIVEN There were 60 cases of ire regular and illegal absence at Oshawa elementary and insti tute schools ip May, as fol lows: Elementary schools 39, 0CCI 7, and OCV] M4, There were 10 removals from the city Total school exemptions for May was 28. Grade 10, 6; {irade 9, 13; Grade 8, 8; Grade, 7, 3 and below Grade 7, 3 Oncupational classification was: Under " Over 16 Commercial 8 Trades : 3 Messenger and delivery 1 Domestic 2 L} The announcement was made by the Board of Education at its meeting this week, City Employees Pass Exams Two members of Oshawa's as sessment department staff have passed thelr examinations in an introductory course on assessment practice and principles, One pas: od with honors, The course, spon. sored by the Institute of Munlel. al Assessors of Ontario and con. ueted under the auspices of the Extension Department of Queen's University at Kingston, was com ducted entirely by correspondence, Ralph Found assistant assess. ment commissioner here passed his course with honors, The other successful candidate was Gerald order in which they arrive at The Times. Gazette, School Plans Are Approved Architects' plans for an addi. tion to Woodnrest public school were of Ba in pr lle by the Board of Education at their meet- ing thi 5 week, he extensions comprise six classrooms and a kindergarten teachers' room, at an approxi. mate cost of $180,000, The new "metal cabinet" type of heating will be used; drinking fountains fixed in each washroom: floures- cent lighting will be specified; and glass chock boards installed, A suggestion that there be a basement under bne classroom for the storage of outside equipment was turned down by the Board, This eatimated cost was $7,000 Board Studies Pay Question The question of a maximum sal ary scale for female office em: ployees was discussed this week by the Board' of Education, Mrs, Joseph Greentree and Mrs, O. Lander turn the first sod to ain the beginning of the church extension program at Harmony United Church, They have served for many years in the | work of the church and the TURN FIRST SOD OF NEW CHURCH community, Mayor Norman Down, left, was present at the ceremony, 'Rev, David Bummers, minister of the church, is also shown, The turning » of + the aremony marks a big a in the s to provide accommodation has Dine ever - fiowing number new build will be 47 97 foot. mesures Photo City Lifeboat Set For Use The Oshawa lifeboat purchased by the city last year is now ready for use, reports the Oshawa Yacht Club whose members-are to man the boat, The club has asked coun- ell for an additional $8500 for fire extinguishers and lines needed to make up the equipment. The city property committee has been ask. od to report on this, The lifeboat was purchased by the city for $2,000 last year when it was felt that life . saving fa. cilities at the lake were Inade. quate, Council's decision followed a drowning accident last summer in which twa men lost their lives, GRANT MADE Last fall, council made a grant of $2,500 to the yacht club for the purchase of the boat and for re. pairs and changes that were nec essary, The club reports in an itemized account that repairs and materials cost $420.75, leaving a balance in the bank of $70.35, The club says the condition of the boat will carry out any duties not require wy major outlay for some time, The craft is In the waten and has undergone a series of tests, The club is satistied the | boat is one on which it can de: pend, In competent hands, it says the boat wil cary out any duties it may be called upon to perform, BIRTHDAYS Congratulations are extend. ed to the following readers of The Times-Gazette who are celebrating thelr birthdays to. day, June 20 Warren D, Hough, 381 Jarvis street, Delmer 301 Oshawa F, Haensgen, boulevard south, Will Honor | Donor Of Scholarship The winners of future Fannie Hislop Public School Scholarships are to receive a written apprecia. tion of the late benefactor when Boad of Education has decided, Referring to his attendance at a school where 'the pupils did not oven know of the . ss Hislop Trus- tee 8, G. Saywell sald: "Something more definite should be said about this scholarship, Miss Hislop was.a teacher who had given valiant service to this city and she left money for this scholarship, Some little comment of who Miss |S, Hislop was should be made. Miss Hislop taught in Albert Street school and was principal for many Yeas, The family has all passed B aameciop T. R. McEwen: "We should give the recipient an appre. elation of the donor of the scholar. he al nature of the apprecla. tion, together withallotherprizes, on foot or with all other prizes,|™ Aldermen Appointed eek to'the newly . insugurated industrial commission one men and two members of the Osh. awa Chamber of Commerce, The wip intments were made this Norman Down named two alder. the CITY FIREMEN DRAW PRAISE The Oshawa Fire re Dovast- ment was commended this week in 8 letter read to oy council, The letter, from T, Merrilees, was written on be- half of & boy who was drown. ed at Lake Scugog on June 18, Ald, Gordon Attersiey told council he had authorized the fire fy deparimont to go to Cea. They covered the 33 miles' from Oshawa in only 30 minutes, 'The writer of the letter sald of the fire department officers who went to the scene: ", ,., no words of praise be too pA hi to thank them for the superb orty they made from the the call for help reac! on them until the time it was finally realized the boy was beyond human aid," 0 letter was hilton fr ie" onts oa Ma and William Mlholiand, 76 Westmorland Avenue, will a 000 fund set up for Industrial pro. motion, Part of this mohey wi be spent on the preparation of a brochure of the elty, Named at last night's city coun: ell needing were Aldermen Joseph Victor and John Dyer, Walter Branch, president of the Chamber of Commerce, and Frank McCal. m, first vice.president of the chamber were also | 11 | industrial eommission can "ehort to put forth a more worthy to obtain the objectives of the chamber and of the city at large in making a determined effolt to expand our fine community," The mavor will also be a nfem« ber of the commission, on the recommendation ef the Cham. 44 of Commerce, ORTHY EFFORT Thanking elty council for its co. operation In making possible a new approach to Indusirjal promotion problems, the Chandber of Com. merce tol® council In its letter recommending appointments that SOMERSET ) SWIMMING POOL Ind of | SWITZER DRIVE it "feels that with the funds made , NOW OPEN available by the city, the pr y the lb fae of the I Board In the Fall, GRAND OLD MAN DIES HALIFAX (CP) «Ninety-six year-old Harold St. Clair Silver, rand old man of Halifax, died uesday night a few hours after he was hit by a car, He was the fam surviving Mginbes of the Hal ax provisional ba on's 1+ tion to the Riel rebellion in 1005, - 800 PIGEONS LOST DONCASTER, England (AP)~ Some 800 pigeons were reported lost Tuesday night in a sudden storm over the Erglish channel Saywell recommended that the sn for maximum salary be $3,300 the junior maximum $2,800, Trustee Saytvell sald the board had been los ns female office per: sonnel every few weeks, Sald Trustee Dr, Claude Vipond: "These girls come into the of fice and say 'I'm going' -- I can got more money someplace else! And what it amounts to is that we have come to the point where we say how much they are worth; if they want any more let them go somewhere else." The matter was deferred to the A_teport_trom Trusiee 8. 0. August meeting. Meredith also of the Oshawa as: sessment department, A letter from the institute said] the work was entirely hy corres pondence and was performed in ad. dition to the candidates' muniel. pal responsibilities Therefore says | the institute, we ."regard the suc. cessful completion of this course | as a most praiseworthy achieve. | ment,' ha A al Committee of the Board had approved the appointment of Mr. ! r C, Nash, auto mec hanios | taacher, to take the Student Drivs| ing Course in Toronto, July 415, | al his own expense, . Oity of Oshawa -- Third instalment 1955 TAXES DUE MONDAY - JULY 4th TO AVOID WAITING IN LINE-UP AT TAX OFFICE convenient not PLEASE PAY BY MAIL WITH CHEQUE OR MONEY oapth If do h) TAX BILL. Such envelopes may be dropped Regular Office Hours: Special Bvaning Moun City Nell Disl RA 5.1150 o front entrance to City Hall without stamps ofter hours, Receipted Tox Bills will be returned te you by mail, 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. in our City Hall letter Ls, ot 8:30 AM, to 5:00 P.M, for Monday Only: = CLARENCE L, cox, City Tax Colk Registrations Simcoe Hall NURSERY SCHOOL Children 4 and § Yeon Now Being Accepted DIAL RA 8-8243 for Fall Term PLEASE NOTE! DOMINION DAY Deliveries will be made as usual on the holiday and Saturday, July 2nd OSHAWA DAIRY Lb. "The Dairy That Satisfies" sn JULY Ist ER Se