y JO ALOWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL RA, 33474 ® KHE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, June 18, 195 Pretty Summer Wedding Unites June Umphrey And John McKa The marriage of Marilyn June Umpheey, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, KE, J, Up of Oshaws, and John Franklin McKay, son of Mr, and Mrs, J, C, of Woodstock, was solemnized on Bat urdsy afternoon at Simcoe Street United Church, White chrysanthemums, white carnations snd blue ¢ ors ¢ with ferns and palms | h by eavaelaben ormed the ke | lh A, i gs fy Bc, Ogiom . RR, & f ay of v ul H ford, uncle of the bride: | Ym ey of North Bay snd Mr, ties The weddin fact D., Umphrey of London , On lo ar al A gdrden was held at Vet . The bride's hg home . Lod Prayer" bef bride's ; 4 : i i The FE 4 od assis mother received wear: : nd 0 Perioct Love" dur. ag on gown of perch 4 : L . il 4 y, " WED IN DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY ing the Higning of the by ster, wi hs victure hat fA i 6 Hh a Mr, and Mrs, John Alexander | Mirest United Church, The bride, | bridegroom fs the son of Mr, ven in marriage ther lod with flow he 4 ons | fine are plotured. [owing he Tormer Wie Whiriey eprine and Mrs, Broce Milne, al of Osh hie Dride wie doug i Bn import. matching' _scsastorish. On her ia < ; cir marriage recently [ ough, 6 dau y ' d g double + ing ceremony wt King | and Mrs Dearl Hough and the ~Photo_by ireland | HK dmcldered. wih whe 44 groom' deiphiniuins, The bride! TOLD AT HOME ON SILVER WEDDING DAY 6th Girl Guide Company Holds [Edith A Brooks |f fe aie pour embroidery und a matching vicrure sat ana secor| Wide Circle Of Friends Honor su Tsp 1h" eles We ST Bo os nn ok AY \ contu asque walstline ng, Mother And Daughter Banquet John F. Smith Wed (itd lel nets? ils tar cm is Moti 6) Mr, And Mrs. Clarence E. Scott y At Bt, George's Anglioan Church | French tulle fllusion attached to [to Montreal and Quebec City, For| Mr, and Mrs, Clarency E, Scott Mollon, Mrs, Wilfred Doble, Mr 8, The 6th Guide Company Mother|son, Commissioner for the Nor th recently, ¥dith Annie Brooks | her halo headdress and carried a|travelling the bride wore a Leonard Gol TE heer sanduot was Dold oc Dini, presented the" following daughter of Mr, and Mrs James white Bible with white hybrid and | 'bride's Khe Dride wore 8 held Open House at. their home on | Leonard Coldgmith, Mrs. tee VLBA | cently in the Parish Hall of Christ| awards; Golden Hand -- Gloria | PEOOLS © Oshawa, became the | gmabolls orchids, hat, navy blue sccesso.| Kinkston Road West' recently 10 gio. Weenoh, Car receptionists | OF ial Church and was well at-| Snowden, Joy Whiteley, Eileen bride of John Frederick Bmith,| Mrs, R, Edward Brown was a white orchid corsage, |celebrate their silver wedding an-|were Mr, Harold Plersep, Mr. rs, Hayden Macdonald, | Kowalski, Mary McQuold, Golden |%on of Mr, and Mrs, John A, Smith) matron - of - honor for her sister.| Mr, and Mrs, McKay will live in|niversary, + | James Pierce, Mr. Bryce Blair and president of the group committte,| Bar--Busan MacDonald, Barbara of Cobourg, « The other attendants were Mrs. | Rexdale for the summer months| The bride of 26 years ago Is the | Me, Fim Li " tion, Mr, Beott is a welcomed the guests and Miss Bee | Broadbent, Walene Roberts, Janice| The ceremony was performed | Jack D, Umphrey of London, On-|where the bridegroom is minister: | former Miss Hazel Marjorie Blake: | re er Mek. the 25 year ' club werley Bull, guide lieutenant, intro-| Fulton, Stephanie Goldstein, Susan) by Reverend ir, D, Cleverdon, |tario, and Mrs, Ronald G, Um- ing at Rexdale United Church and!ly, daughter of the late Mr, and There were over 200 called to Motors having worked yiwoed the head table Euets, Cotter. Proficiency Badges =| Mr, Leon B Nash presided af the|Phrey of North Bay, All" were|will move to Toronto in the fall, |Mrs, 7. C. Blakely of Greenbank, | Sonkratulble the happy couple. 5 of , whom attended the wedding 26 ate thelr wedding an- "Phe toast to the Queen was pro- (Bwimmers, Janice Fulton, Collee:| organ and the ¢ py " 6 Ed 6 10 ] Q pr ] e chimes were played and the briegioom, X rence ki years ago, Other guests were pre- | niversary Mr. and Mrs, Scott took ed by Mrs, Macdonald and El | tors Nancy Gibble, Joan Dan'| by Mr, James Sharples, Bey ire ig og Ry ss wal oi te 7 tr GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES (1 eh i Foy iit rd | 6 fe SR pet 3 801 o 8. Ble hat 3 ; . 4 . Singing of the National Anthem | Mrs np the bride was gowned in a waltz. 4 4 oT 14 1080. atthe home of | bank; Sutton Pheonix, Arl-| Open y wh DRUG STORE he toast to the Guide Movement|phenson with her Brown Owl's War«| length princess styled gown of on Jube 14, 1900, at Mal on a zona white 1ace with a deep V neckline 4 ride's parents at "Baintfield" | "nuts the evening thelr daughe and ALBERT STREET WA \ 16h SCOUT MOTHERS*AUX. |The ceremony was performed by |, iin, The Svening heir daugh | the home of Mr. and Bre 9 SIMCOE N. i twas proposed by Patricia Rice | rant, {and her mother. Mrs. Donald Rice yl ollowing tha Dunquet Vising and long pointed sleeves A lace he Re E, Di fi cup spon oanne Glover prospos:| Up and = Enro ¢ ¢ calot held her circular shoulder .| The WA of Albert Street United | 'The final meeting of the se the Rev, C, E. Dyer, a former The Yost to the mothers and were held, after which 4 Welt ei lonicin'vell nd she carried Ler | Church held its flowin meeting of the 16th Boout Mothers Audi minister' of Greenbank church. | Win, "ay selections on her | sented them Nin er They RA 3.3431 vs, J, K. Glover replied, Sitied A bay | Lg amp bff Bre. quel of gardenias and stephanotis | On Tuesday evening with a ary was enjoyed by 10 membefs of | Gift bouquets of roses and peo | student attending Whitby, District | ceived many ofa ney Mp o- ' {Badges were presented by Mrs, |#ented by the i es an ; LJ A Mrs Sydney T Hopkins who was | luck supper, the Auxillary when they met at [nies graced the rooms. The bride | High School, Their son Lioyd. ot china and cutlery & por i Ar i Nouls Ferency, assisted by Mrs, | Ing was brought to a close WHR | paairon © of - honor for her sister| To open the meetin Mrs. James Lakeview Park recently for a ple: | received wearing figured nylon, many cards, I iH. D. Cleverdon, to the following! campfire wore aqua lace and net with a|BScott read a poem, "Turn Around", | ie. with a corsage of red roses and Pyles clams Ellen Brown, ver| Tha tables for the banduet Were | matching velvet hat and gloves. Poarl group was In charge ident vaminded (hove present thai een were thal "son and A .| attractively decorated with favors The foond class Jrene Rothuls, Margar. [Which were all made by the Group Siow Hts and gladiolus petals Of the devotional, period the Yijihe a bus had been chartered for Wed: | daughter Lloyd and Marilyn, Mar : Mite. proficiency badges Emer: Committee and flowers artistioally|™ yy oeroy Aon TIM Lo Lp im, Erle pesday, Aug. 94. to convey ilyn was wearing a white flowered seney Helper ~ Pat Rice, Pauline| arranged by Mvs. W. G. Corben | ou man"and" ushers were M wr pling, bers to the World Jamboree at Ni- | dress with & corsage of pink roses, 4 kar, needlewoman's =~ Judy| On behalf of the Group Commit) rio Won® guy" op Bid pa: ud tn wat Read by Mrs, Wil-t.agara-on-the-lake, for a day's visit: | Hostess in the afternoon was Mrs, . f {Evans home nurse = Virginia | tee, Mrs, Frank Brown thanked wo "0g Sp Sgoon, Jam, Fike. and Miss Autrey | ont Hahn) will save the Scout Mall | wilfred Harris and in the even . vik { : f Christ Drummond de Woman 6 Auxiliary 0 A recepth h ing Mrs, George Lofthouse, . sh who catered for the ban. eteption was held at the | and Mrs, Frank Cooper closed with| Plans have bee om "ssvsted by 'Mrs Te 2. Wik quel. : bride's Barents home. For the oo | Prayer Cub 'Pick to upond the, weekend | ,0# J 2eTved, In, the font 10wl, assisted by Mrs, R, E, Wil-| quet. mes | CASION the bride's mother -------------------- -|0 chose| The Reverend 8. C. MH. Atkinson of July 23 at Campbe Samac. ' : and many others from London, Kits slate blue lace with a navy blue |was the guest speaker and brought| On behalf of the Auxiliary, Mrs, 8 ree: tin wd ding Pes ' ai ! PERSONALS anc Many OIE rom din. Polar hat and a corsage of pink roses. | a timely message about the women |C. Norton, a past: esident, made |} ieee Pouring apn Mrs : borough. Woodstock, Chatham, Was The bridegroom's mother was in [in the church taking his examples |a presentation to Mrs. J, T, Ar-| pg" co nally "Sister of the bride: ' , ok, ' rose beige lace and crepe with | from Martha and Mary and exhort. | nold, who Is leaving the Sig shart. voom Mrs, R, H, Miles, aunt of ® . terloo, Port Credit, New Hamburg, | white accesories and a corsa . sol go | od the members of the W.A, to use of & cup and sauce ar k okay 2 mphrey Rtas were Rexdale and Belleville. of white gladiolus petals, their privilege of church member. the Boy 4 emblem, ny Mins Ae Bluey. Brookiin, sia: M ACT David Fairbrother, WCAY,| For her wedding trio the bride ship and cliriatign fellowship, _ 8 STREET WA tor of the bride id domi of * HAIR wr ( ) in - F ks mn pe - r, and Mrs, B. J. Logue, Ca r wore turquoise silk pongee wit wal 1 . Loa , nd n, N.§.: Mr, and Mrs, GW, |arrived from Winnipeg on Sunda silk pongee with a dw a omimons rand 8. » go, a Mrs 7) spend a two-week leave wit white straw hat and accesories, J (A Halifax, N A of \ n ' i The couple will 1 Lindsa, Holland gave the treasurer's report, roup num of the W, . a ¥ y dl Sy aid tn Harbors Me Gold Pairrother, Hy ad - ods | Mins fare whottom reported wd Hirst United Church held | Ber WEES M0 Foner, MT 4 A '@rowse Point, Michigan; Mons. yh' a3 CE for the kitchen committee. Visiting | t8 June meeCih In the Church par Sack Tatio, Mrs. Lawgence Allan, 4 Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Galt and SOCIAL NOTI S report was given by Mrs. Herman lor on Thursday, June 33. It Was|aie," yarola Pierson, * Mes, Wil ib OSHAWA gh Madame Omee Baree, Ver . L the last th til Septembe A Quebec; Mr, and Mrs, J. D,| Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Allin spent wxton, Mrs. Erle Cooper read the) te 1a%l meevnk un PLOMDOT: | ium Plorson, Mrs. James Peirce, corresp Mrs, E. G. Legge, prosident, pre-| poy' Gagrdie Scott, all of Oshawa, Keryin, Mr, and Mrs, J, A. Dixon, | the weekend ENGAGEMENT . od Re Mr. | Niagara Falls, AGE Plan's were discussed about the | sided, ' Mig and Mrs, J. R. Hamilton, Mr Mr, und Mrs. Samuel Catalano the bot trip ta Queenston Heights | The meeting opened with a hymn Mis. Joris. Blakely, Greenbank, STARTING JUNE 28th, 29th, 30th at Crystal Beach and Amory, all of Montreal; MF. | ou of.own guests at the Smith. of theirion July 19, The bus to leave the with Mrs, William Dixon at the|™ yi "ooiiny were Mrs, Russel Di 0 the and Mrs, Emile L, Dubols, Hamil: Brooks wedding were Mr. and Mrs, | daughter, Pauline "to Robert Ale|church shar : ' ' " p at 7.90, 0, eript fone Mr. and Mrs. Rey J aller. Edward Allen, Mr, and Mrs, A, B|lan Fry, son of Mr. ard Mrs.| Mrs, Clayton Lee reported on 4) by Men ! Putdy, One mie ' hy ae x a hg Blitings Fisher, Miss Shirley Fisher, Mr, | Charles Fry all of Oshawa, The|the W.A. morning service for July ute of silence was observed for a A vile: Mr. And Mm A | Gilbert Dwyer, Mr, and ' Mrs, | marriage will take place in the rec-|17, During the summer the group | late member, Mrs, James Small. Kitchener: and Mrs. | Claire Moulds and Sharon and Lin. [tory of Holy Cross Roman Catholic | will attend to thelr own plan of | apy Harold Boddy read the sec: | How t k MR. R. CUNNINGHAM, East eee Catharines; Mr, da, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, |Church oon Saturday, July 30, at) work and in September the regular rota's Tpirt, Tin Evans Bow | 0 Keep dra games $t. Remy, King.| William torks, Newcastle; Mr.|130 p.m. meeting will once again resume. |gave'the treasurer's report, Mr. | your house cool il niotive and Tris ston; Dr, and Mrs, G. H, Craig, ad Mr, J. A. Smith dnd Me. and ENGAGEMENT CHEERFUL GIVERS larence Toate sang two wolos| py FT chologist of the Frommes ville; Mr, and: Mes, J. Le Se it singham, Ottas| The engagement Is announced of| The Jung meeting of the Cheerful | Accompanied at the plano by Mrs, | mer days turn your | . ; T off | le, Mr. and Mes, H.C. and Mrs, roost Biokhim, ONS neity Lorraine Johnson "of "Osh: Givers, WMS Group, of King Street | "UMAR OUR and aldo played 4 house or apartment into an inferno? iy oronto Office will be at the ty, Mr, and Mrs. A. D, Mae: Gregor, Whitby; 'Mr, and Mrs, | 2Wa: daughter of the late Mr. and] United Church was_ held recently | Plano. solo, | How ean you make your presept g HOTEL GENOSHA in Osh won, Mr, and Mrs, NW. Frank Laycoe. Ajax; Mrs, F An. | Mrs. John V. Johnson, to George | with the president, Mrs, Lawrence Miss Millicent . Luke was the| place comfortably cooler? What | as we ler, Mr. and Mrs. ¥. A. Hearn, | Frank Layeoe, Als ! Jack Little, | Clifford McKinstry of Oshawa, won| Allin, ~présiding, guest speaker, Thanks were ex:| should you look for, when renti \ : Tues, Wed, Thurs,, June 28 Mra, T, F. Gentleman, n h Fv yi " "lof the late Mr, and Mrs, Willam| Mrs, Douglas Lander vead the progued to the speaker and soloist : ning 4 4 4 ' . and Mrs, W. Hurgt Brown, Dr, | Hamilton, H. McKinstry, The marriage {ll | seripture and Mrs. J. L. Brooks |by Mrs, George Durno, Mrs, Rob.| ©" Puying, to get a cool place? 29, 30, to conduct a three-day Mm. Hone! x Riiaatrong, Dy Mr. and Mrs, George Barron take place on Friday, July 8, 1088, | led in the devotional with the | ert Cowie and committee served re:| July Reader's Digest brings you | aad Mes. R. AH. Kinch, Mr. and] Me. and Ni, thaws, had abt 7-30 m. at 8t. George's Angll-| thotne, The Good Shepher ', Mrs, | froshments. handy tips on beating the heat, clinic fo assist and help. Osh: Dinky Yieailie, Miss Joan Meattlo,| recent guests, Mr. and Mrs, Rufus an Chen. Or Day Jind, the ood Most tells you the simple rules to follow owa citizens with their hair ME. and Mrs, G. F, Hall, Mr, and| Isaac of Fenelon Falls and Mr, and 3 at Bella ella, receiving his D.D, PLANE LANDS SAFELY in building a semmer-cool house -- ; E. V, Rechnitzer, Mr, and| Mrs, Gordon Sanderson and Mrs, | Mrs. Patricia MeClennan, Mark: | degree {n Vancouver, LONDON (AP)--A Spanish .Alr-| without air conditioning. Get your and scalp problems, Learn W A: McDowell, Mr and Olivia Linduay of Toronto. ham, Mra, ¥. W Wallace, JKink-| Wiss Anna Jean MoMillan gave (lines Skymaster, with 54 passengers | copy of July Reader's Digest to- what you can do without cost : aos Bon. ! , Norra Sci. Me. and Nk | oh iown vistors at the Mo: Sil wt Ming tui Hots | Su guar BY. Mr gy [404 4 Grow of ve, ad oan dayi 44 alo of ating interest, or obligation to you in any thon, Mr. and Mrs, V. Bruce Laughtia Publis. Livekry ind re, Irene Gittas, Toronto, Brown gave a preview of the next |emergency landing safely Monday | including the best from leading 4 X by Bry Rog RW Sarnia, Mr, C. C. Bruce, Ayimer,| . BG == [season's study book "Canada', |at London airport but one wheel magazines and current books, in | woy during FROMMES FREE A Mr and Mus, J, Rarey Add Me Abert Phil i "Miss Mary Jeittshments were served by the fol off as He plane rolled down | sandensed form. i CLINIC Faeneh, Mr, and Mrs, C, C; Swain, | Barker, Toronto, Miss Yvonne 1 lost ; Te. y _-- a 20a ue pt, Se 3 / | % * TRICHOLOGIST R. CUNNINGHAM : Mis Mollie Swain, all of Toronto, | Houser, Miss Blodwen Davies, 100 pounds FROMMES DEMONSTRATES NEW HOME TREATMENT woman | ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lo. [| .sror naw toss 4 : : : fove and beauty { enith ieCiFi 1g \Te fn the July Journal, Margle' 81 SIMCOE ST. N. "RA 3 7841 . ELIMINATE DANDRUFF Webb tells how, in just nine months, she went from 250 : e GROW THICKER, STRONGER HAIR ! Ni y bs pounds 10 150 44 + from alse 44 10 alse 14 41 while eating thie 3 . @atisfying meals a day So Don't Guess About Your Hair Worries Transistor Models! ! Sha reveals her diet secrets w 8 ANY ++ how she was able to eat her If you have been uneasily aware of falling hair, unsightly dandruff, tight scalp, Itchy scalp . i Rian rhable Slits Fo Wavorite sweets, And she gives ; + «+ these are the conditions that usually lead to serious hair and scalp disorders, Some * Tiny, Ught In Weight! hearing? you her reducing plan for § falling hair is normal because each hair grows for about four years, then falls out and is * Operating Cont Low #0 . ivshene week 1 v3 21 complete mn, a replaced by others, But too much falling hair means sombething Is wrong and you've been 186 Monthly! At sweet sixteen, Margie od neglecting proper hair care, Some forms of dandruff are caused by specific germs that must HT \ be removed for the sake. of healthy hair. A dry itchy scalp Is also a donger sign, In fact, 4 mented, # 10-Day Money-Boek Ovarsites! mever been compl! » | \ d : : anything but a healthy, ooking head of hair means something is w and res * fary Time Payments " op " Jo wi "how any y by k y, good: ng ing ong requ # 5-Your Service Plant would have wanted Priced ot only $78 to 1081 rry such a blob N RESULTS ARE QUICK oMargle finally was able 0 bi A' ' 6 Til Results are quickly noticeable. Usually it takes a few weeks to cleanse [oc sas va ly auge lies EE ruin suri, ny Moaeiad, the bacteria |] t she always wanted to play ife and mother, swarming beneath the scalp, and correct local disorders, n special ZENITH HEARING AIDS AVAILABLE AT Dont miu100' Pounds OL formule are used to stimulatd the process of hair growth, In less than two months you should begin to see new replacement of hair, 1 IMPERIAL OPTICAL 00. | mitre + ony Ee ack A SiMCoR SOUTH MLUS 27 other artisleg, 12 to 8:30 @ Reasonable Retes (Above Home Dairy, RA 5.1741 wtories and features, - @® Private Offices ' PROFESSIONALLY NT APPROVED . Scalp Specialists TREATMENTS ZENITH HEARING AIDS AVAILABLE AT ROY L. WHITTINGTON BRING YOUR ROOM SIZES « LC i 5 BOND W. RA 5.3638 STA LO Sig hao CANADA