REVOLT DEBRIS Sema ss THE ARGENTINE revolt , Buenos Aires cleans up top, officers carry away & bh that did not go off, Bot , laborers repair the street i g in front of Government House, principal target of the airmen Troops guarding the capital are being ordered back to their bar racks as order is restored in the country, «Central Press Canadian TUESDAY EVENING J 7.4 CIBC WOR-Harry WGR-Fibber LB-Great CBl News CJRC-Meldoy -Hongs v . Wo Man's CBL-As Tunes Go By WBE! Mi chu summer Musie : wih m0 7 BRC a Ci cConcars Hall i "a we re -Salet GER Sm CBs WEBEN-Bruge Bradiéy oe a we ra, Crna maton ¥ . Wik rob, CBi Lelcester Square "News: a Calling WGR-Beb Glaey Show poriai § 8. Truman otiee Musie WOR-Glacys Basement; Rendos Masters CKLB-Rythm WEDNESDAY MORNING WGR-The "ee CKLB-Musie CFRE-Namiy Keyboard 10,00 CKLB-News i CFRE-Neows| CKEY News) GR-Bark CKLB-Deyotions CFRB-Nolghbeurhood Corner WHEN Breakiast Club Keatons AM, 0 AM, Broadeast and CIRC Tennessee Ernie WREN Arthur Godfrey My CFRB-Memory Cup. AM, 04 AM CBRL The Song Shop CFRE-BIL 'Connor WGR-Break the Bank CIBRC-Whispering Streets 1000 AM, CKLB-News; Muse CHL of Lite Dale Rabin 11,18 AM, AM JFRB-With The Martine Welle™e | CHL Backstage Wits " ne AM, OKLB-Courtahip & Mart: alo WGR-Phrase That Pars n CHI News; Amos Andy WHEN-Make Up Your CFRE.David Rose WGR-Widder Brown he Bible ne A, CKLB-Dr, Paul Number One Lo News: Areaktan 'Newsy J Jane Weston £ a Jy ne CIBC You and Me / Songs Of Our 'News: My Living CFRE-Whe Am |) CPRB-Strike up the Band) WEDNESDAY 8 "e WGRDr, N, "i CFRA-Ma WGN Melody WEEN Nora "Larenso 106 P.M, LB-Grable and James Weather Manor ews Tops Wn Uhl Guiding CIRC Concert WOR-Nows; N, 10th ww Road of Life WGR- John Lascviles . . WHEN House CHL Popper WG Popp Sees Communism | Here Permanently CANTERBURY, England (AP ir. Hewlett Johnson, the "Red" of Canterbury, sald recently WBEN-Dr, Malone A) John Lascelles | Wt ir Re Ti VEEN, fa oe WHEN Perry Mason WOR Melon Neville § LM PM, CFRB-Gal Sunday CKEY Baseball "ere CFRA-Bri WGR Ut Pays 7078 Aaron Jones WHEN Brighter Day LESH our CFRA- Club Time CKEY Nows; 1 Anniversary WHEN Hilltop House CBL-Ma Porking (20 2 CFRB-Club Time AFTERNOON 1.0 FM, CKLB #ar CIBC Cy Potues Tolk CBLAMIE of our Time CVRENews Views) ows) Merry Go w vers V1' srt TELEVISION PROG ony, ' TURSDA 5.00-Children's Fim BiibIndin §i%0~Howdy Doody $100 Hangs Rider 6:30-"Tabloid (Ab-Nows 100-F avorile Mory 7130=-Dinsh Shore Tidb=Lillia Palmer 00 the 10:30--What's My Line 11100=News 11i16-News In Sports 11130-~8herlogk Holmes ony Torents wo Ohosnel § WEDNEADAY ~Children's Film ~A Wilk with Kirk Howdy Doody The Pinder ~Lone Ranger Tabloid $58 33 tt $F se 130 Robert Cummings 100 Viek Oheek (#0-1_Lave Luey 100... Ford Theatre sw «Denny Vaughan seTBacnIBR Medic uckwagon ow News in Sports Film TH Sports 1L00~Eleven Thirty Thestre WRONESDAY il--Reoret Blorm 400-08 Your Acooust " ad dren's aire i WEDNESDAY SYENING # Clinte "wa 71 48=Juling y! Ross 4 I} d illonsire 've Got » Beored Front Row Center News| Wi 1130=-Elaven Thirty Theater WOR = BUFFALO. SRANNIL ' TUESDAY BYENING Li lows; Weather La ris Boope 6:30 Fabian 7:00-Outdoors Inn Tiih-Movie Museum 7i180~Dinsh Shore 7 Usmel News 8100-This 1s Your Like #i30=Arthur MilFray 9:00~Fireside Theatre 0 30~Armstrong_ Circle 10/00-"Truth or Consequences Eddies Cantor 100=Nowsi Weathers Sports 1Hido=Harry 8, Truman 15100~-Tonight : WEDNESDAY 7i00--"Today 9: 00-Welcome Travelers raham i enn nes Ernie 4 1 %0= Feather Your Nest 1100 Mid-Day Matinee 8i100Boss Lady 2:30=Doliar 3:00-Helen Neville Ll 10 45~Henny and 11100-Naws, Werther 1 'Roel Hy t WINNIPEG (CP)=Osman Valle lives quietly in Suburban Fort Garry as a caretaker, But in his native Gloucester, England, he is accepted as a select and privileged citizen, A blue and gold badge which the 09-year-old caretaker wears on his lapel identifies him as a Freeman of Gloucester, It places him among the select group of Gloucester na: tives to whom the honor has heen assed down as a birthright since 'eudal times, Mr, Valle sald there are only about 200 Freemen of Gloucester in the world, and he believes he is the only one in Canada, The term Freeman is applied to one who ses the freedom of a city or borough, Some 30 royal liberties were granted to the Free. men of Gloucester, beginning in the reign of Henry II in 1185 and ex: tending throu the reign of Charles II In s SPECIAL PRIVILEGES Under a charter granted b Henry VIII Mr, Valle and his wife Doris can secupy living quarters at Alms House, don road, and Gloucester, for as as they wish, Since he is over Mr, Vaile in entitled to a sion for himself and his wile a fund established in 146, But he Crna News: aollywoos M. a Melodies ORE Ho V. Pesle WARN Second Husband Of A Time © CB Hneores Drake WGR John Lascelles WHEN Sally Work CHL Encores Cl Ble You am allvoom CFRE-Nows; Surprise Party 816 PN, WHEN Car nd Kitohen CRL8 Comunity Holi upper Chul Wa hon Glaey CIBO-News' Elwood Glover - Lian Woman tn M. Party P.M, Young Young LL] CFMB Personalities News CRL-Legonds that he believes a synthesis of Christianity and communism will "bring blessings to the entire human race." Claims Seizure Before Accident BUFFALO, N.Y, (AP)=A state Supreme Court Jury falled re. cently to ares on a verdict in the trial of Emil A, Decina, w "0, tomobile Jumped a curb and killed four Buffalo school girls last March The J war diam Just: foe Hamilton Ward, Becina's 'hail of $2,000 was continued pending a new trial on the oriminal negli gence charge, Decina had told authorities that he "blacked out" before the accel: dent, During the trial, Dr, Joseph Wechter testified that after the ae. cident Decina was found to be suf: fering fr om "Jacksonian epi lepsy." Ward, in his charge to the Jur ors, told them they should decide whether Decina knew that he suf. fered from. an {liness that could cause unconsciousness, The state contended that "De- cina gambled and loat." The de: fence claimed that he did not know of the condition and 'could not anticipate' the seizure, He made his statement from the | "communism has come to stay. It pulpit of Canterbury cathedral in the first of six sermons on 'com munism and Christianity." He sald Is a living faith, passionately held by and deeply influencing the lives of hundreds of millions of people, Canadian Undertaker Select Citizen In English Town would have to live In Gloucester to collect it, Under his rights Mr. Valle ean communicate directly with the Queen should some problem arise which only she can settle, Mr, Valle went to Gloucester last year to claim his title, Ne took the oath of allegiance before Mayor Howard Gibson of Gloucester and hig name was entered in the Free. man's register, The title cannot be bought or sold and when Mr, Vaile dies his --a Arthur, & Aamfitior in Win: hy 0 oucester to claim his birth) ht privilege, However, Mr, Valle has no plans to settle in Gloucester; he and his wife prefer Winnipeg. Records History 0f Indian Tribe VICTORIA (CP)--~An old story. teller of the Bonghese Indian tribe has adopted modern methods to re. cord for posterity legends and re liglous beliefs of his people, : Jimmy Fraser, 82-year-old grand. oy of Chief Chestehlatzht, went to museum and be reer avian, 42 8 ma; forgotten AA 4 He said he had intended maki some predictions shout man's rd ture, which he claims he receives from great spirit, but had heen dissuaded by his people. "Young le no longer believe n these ings," he said, "Foo ad, Jimy related thet su spirit dwells in Mount Douglss, nesr here, Many years ago the Bove wir , ] Aivine bo oh! flood would gover the world, Fre vine person changed imself into 8 mountain ~ Mount order to enable the In ns to tle their canoes to Ms % during the flood, He said that when he was 8 baby mother called re giard i im A LAr Me 280s Dears 1 don't koe] keep clear of them." Yee Sorkin, Columbus, salesman parked his auto on & downtown street and returned to find a beehive of unwelcome guests decorst! the celling of his car, Wile Sorkin pondered EXERCISE THEIR RIGHTS hat to do (as shown) ioe w a . Sum heekeeper | the swarm of hees into custody and allowed the salasmon to eons on [J 1 - oniral Press Canadian New Wheat Resistant Will Get Series Of Critical Tests By WALTER GRAY Canadian Press Staff Writer WINNIPEG (CP)~A series of tests this winter may provide Cana: dian farmers with a new strain of wheat resistant to all known forms of rust, Dr, R. ¥, Peterson, officer in charge of the federal agriculture department's cereal breeding lab- oratory at the University of Man. itobs, sald in an Interview the ser. les of "eritienl" tests will elimax four years, of careful cross-breed. Ing and research ubject of the milling and qual ity tests will be the kernels of wheat plants produced by cross. ing the quality wheats with the highly rust-resistant strain, Kenya Farmer, first brought to this coun. ry for breeding purposes from Kenya, Yast Africa, in 1048, P ISING VARIETY Although Kenya farmer's rust resistant features are excellent, its rowing, milling and baking quali. les could not meet Canadian Mandards, Hence the cross-hreed. n| ¥xenya farmer has much more promise than what we have pro duced before," sald Dr, Peterson, whose department was responsible for the introduction of such dis oase.resistant wheats as Renown, mation, Regent, Redman and Peterson said the first wer. fos of crosses with Keoya farmer began in 1061 in the field and lab. l 0 t, two || oratory g y ony farmer 1s resistant to Rice B-3 stem rust, and Race leaf varieties races A at, # strain resistant to 158 and devel oped by the laboratory in 1963, It Blind Group Participates In Water Skiing Feature By JOE MACSWEEN Canadian Press Bia! Writer IVRYSUR-LELAC, Que, (CP) It was a happy and adventurous weekend in this Laurentian lake distriet--for everyone but the see ing-eye dogs, The Seeing-eye dogs were horrl fled at the antics of their blind masters, who practised water-ski ing behind fast motorboats on Lake Manitou, near Bte, Agathe, In what was believed to be the first event of ita kind, the blind men and women braved speed and swells while observers with normal vision marvelled, Six blind persons from Montreal = including three women--took part, led by George Cohen, who originated the fad last Jonr when he tried water skiing or a lark and was successful at the second attempt, TODAY'S CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 Coot terri f tory o 2Te0 , ATMs 7 falsehos® Wholly 15.A glittering, Wandered in 36. Nickname 4 4. A White ng Wan . 47 a ) metallic of food 16, Man's + 11, Chief deily nickname * Babyl) 17, A knave 18, Dancer's cymbals 37 A new kind of plane 26, An articl, of virtu 27, Confers Wnighthood upon 28. A special aptitude 0. Wicked 31, Georgia (abbr) 332, Proverbs 28, Jewish month 37. The god of thunder (Ger) 84, Boring tom 39, Low, heavy wagons 40. A type of Alling (Dent) 41. Ascend 43 Endure ARR AIC TARE | [6M pIUIL IRIE IS ES IWIA [PF] AITITIAICTH EL IA IMIA | [LILILIRIGIALL ] 49, Pen nt RIOIE | 20, Bous AKC IE ILIALY] ILA IMIR TE 1% IV [ME | AIVIEIS ERS [| [LIO]S] A ITIEINIE IRC IB IL 11] [VIE IC [MRL [A DLA JS IA BPI |] [IFILL IS IE | [TIRIVINIKIS | G1 INIKIS | ALI IRIE | ANGI | NIE) Yesterday's Anawer ofal. 8, President (var) ¥ 20. It In (cons go 5, Bea eagle tracted) (Bun)* 30, Poetry 36, Girl's name 32, Aftix To - 33, June bi Jetting bait (var) uf bob Ngnuy was mass-distributed for the first time this year in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Dr. T, Johnson, officer in charge of the plant pathology laboratory, said new rust strains do not sud. denly appear; they are always pre pent, but when one rust strain is finally held In check by » new resistant grain, another moves In, RECORD 1054 LOSS Rust, which last year cost west ern farmers 120,000,000 bushels of | grain--the greatest loss in history originates in Mexico and south ern Texas The tiny spores are horne hy winds up the Mississippi valley to the Dakotas, across the interna tional bordey, then spread through southern Manitoba and Bask: atchewan, Little rust reaches Al. herta, ' A heavy rust Infestation in Can ada hinges on two factors: The density of rust moving up through the states and .a heavy moisture content in Canadian fields, Rust thrives on molsture; the more there is the greater the in festation, Agriculturists fear that the heavy rains this spring fore tell crop losses again Swirling through the, air the spores finally drop on grain flelds and attach themselves to the young, tender shoots, Once al tached, each spore produces a germ tube which moves long the plant to the nearest air hole then slides inside, The germ tube then prodioes a mans of fine threads which, work ol plant 1, The reads finally break through the brittle skin of the plant and ap: Jed on the surface as fine, pow: HOCKED HIS DOG George, 41, totally blind for some 10 years, skimmed over the lake off "Manitou jodge with apparent ease, hut his Beeing-eye dog Bambi whined and whimpered on the dock, shocked to see his master moving at such speed, Other Seeing-eye dogs chimed In with their mournful dirge, despite the delighted laughter of the blind folk as they frolicked on the waves, Cohen-termed 'practically pro: fessional" by veteran water skiers ~had little difficulty, while the others plowed head flost into the walter without injury on their inl tial attempts during the two-day outing, NEVER BEFORE None had ever attempled water skiing before this weekend, The sport was sponsored by the CN.ILR, and the Montreal Associ: ation of the Blind, Mr, Cohen, originator of the lan, sald he was delighted with ts success, He plans to to Saint ohn, N.B,, next weekend to dem: onstrate water skiing there in ald of a CN.LB, bullding fund, and if possible later continue to Halifax, dery rust, The process takes ahout 10 days, / The new rust spores are then picked up by the winds and blown along to the pest field and the same process is repeated, DUSTING CONTLY Chemistry has been tried in the fight against rust, Experiments fol lowing the establishment of the coreal laboratories here in 1026 showed that cereal rusts could be effectively controlled by sulphur dust applied hy ground dusters or from alreraft, "However, the cost element was a factor," said Dr, Johnson, "And there was no satisfactory method of retaining the dust on the plants, It vis washed off by the first rain" It hegame apparent that the most practiesl and sconomieal mw.ethod of rust control would he hy the pro. duction of resistant varieties of vain, This reasoning was eon: med between 1086 and 1050 when Canada had no rust problem, "But in 1060 Race 168 cropped up and we had to start all over again," sald Dr, Johnson, THEATRE GUIDE BOE in, gyn, Sov"s 10, 30, Bilimore = "Rear Window" (tech. pleolor), 12.80, 8.11, 6.57, 10,08, "Doctor In The House", (tach nicolor), 1.41, 5.07, 8.36, Last complete show 8.36 p.m, Plasa =~ "The Lone Gun", 1.00, 3.95, 6,10, 8.45, "The Golden trans', 8.18, 4.48, 7,23, 9.58, Last complete show 8.45 pm, Marks = "Wages of Sin", 180, 4.06, 6.40, 9.90, Last complete show 8.86 p.m, Brock Whithy = "Every Girl should be married", "The Yel fow Tomahawk", Evening show 7 and 5,5 p.m, Drive In = "Here Come The Girls" and "The Vanquished', Box office opens 8.00 pm, Last complete show 10,40 p.m, A -- RECORD DANCE THIS WED. NIGNT ADMISSION 50¢ Firs! 60 People ADMITTED FREE ) Robert TAY LOR wit EETGH Geo TIROGUEF COP BALL EXTRA! NEWS CARTOON SHORTS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "The suitcases are full of electric appliances frem MEAGHER'S! The King of Moravia iri takes @ chance with hotels!" Prompt, Efficient Repairs To All Makes Of Television, Radios and Appliances MEAGHER'S §'KING W, Phone RA 3.3428 A VANITY fe hivie olor Perfect Family Entertainment TX TERT Coheed Bol Bo 0 Bc et .;,A