Wedding Trip To Florida Follows Hayter Rites in a outer g ceremon inster Church pois: A with the Reverend HW. A, Mel ar of garden fowsts ade m low | studde snd Miss Irene Heath in i y all wore identical ured Ls or: designed with bodices having portrait and on sleves wore 0 with vel vet, and mittens to gowns and carried cascades of John | carnations in contrasting hues, Mr, Arnold Henry of Ajax, Ont, Mar: | was best man, The ushers Ware Mr, T, Claude Reynard and Mr, Al- fred Reed both of Whit | reception was he 'in the Masonie Temple where the bride's th | mother received wearing a dress bracken rose nylon crepe and , | of Chantilly lace, Shaded roses and ried a facade of white gagdeniss as. and red r Miss Mary Lavis was maid of honor in blossom , The brides. corded ribbon fashioned her close fitting hat, The bride room's moth. er ¢ powder blue crepe with ah trimmed pink hat, Both wore corsages of roses, w he br with matching straw ite white accessories, and corsage of talisman roses. On their return he couple will live in Whithy, maids were Migs Barbara ¥ dwn CHILD GUIDANCE 7 Family Vacation Tri Can Help Child With Studies By G, CLEVELAND MYERS No doubt, you too, have spent 8 boring hour or so, watching the A PRETTY SUMMER WEDDING At Northminster United , Charles Henry Lee of Oshawa Church recently Mr, and Mrs, | and the bridegroom Is the son Harry Gordon Gibbard exchang- | of Mrs, George Henry Gibbard od nuptial vows, The bride, the | of Oshawa, and the late Mr r Miss Joyce Lucille Lee, | Gibbard, is the "dnugh or of Mr, and Mrs, Photo by Ireland MARY HAWORTH MAIL Psychiatric Help Is Indicated To Unravel Young Man's Problem MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL able, If they were to meet in other t circumstances where you n Coy a Mg vs figure, she might regard the young four sweethearts but they all|ladies amiably and discern in them were discouraged by my mother, | many pleasing attributes, But when Recent] I met a nice girl who|¥you feteh a Sweetheart home to rosa Af I am afraid 8 meet' your parents, | bring her ie 1. to meet my .| mother doesn't take time to go , a8 I expect that my mo ha, nto the fine print, as it were, of treat her like the other four,|the girl's qualities, She doesn't ive your guest a chance to reg: Br 1 feel that Alice should fie pA a BB Moff I get he falked with m; mother | Character, What your mother dislikes Is far seed fhe Miiatioy she ihe a the fact" that the girl likes you ant, ei ovary like the girl, nats nough to put your Sih Jour ¢ 1781 fer's consistent hostil gwar Should your youth mances marks her ) ho ° jot Alice a8 Mom--and for a specialist's pie. try fure of ily Hon of Sroblem par Hopef ent, read "Their Mothers' ' Sn am ny Sting Your Ye (Lippincott) bh Dr. Edward NEEDED Strecker, a friendly study of the Dear N, 8, You may as well destructively jealous mother, come to grips with the feet that |MOM IN ERROR t hel: etting| No doubt your mom feels that|e ucate ife on|each of your sweethearts Is a brazen . hussy, chasing you; and thus persuades herself that it is her duty to frown them down before they lead you into missteps, Per. haps It is true that these girls do pay court to you in the begin ning, to give you confidence in sdeking their society, Living in the shadow of a form- idable mom, It isn't likely that you would be a bold selective cour: tier, More probably you tend fo pair off with girls who graciously you do, take the initiative--and so remind It isn't that your mother sees|you of mom ("at her best" in girls as soclally Inaccept- your experience), Significantly you for plane, If you don't get such help, you'll never become a aa in relation to your mother until you solve this prob- , you "can't be a man in re to other women either, Your mother's frankly unfriendly pititude towards your girl friends is simply an ungloved female warning to them to "keep off" -not to try to win your heart, or be serious, They get the point, even if you do not--though 1 think A, | With movie # friend had taken of a recent trip, You just had to grin and bear it, Occasfonaly, however, It was good entertainment, especially if you were greatly interested in the people in the picture, It is even more appealing, when the movie is made by a family with small chil: dren, SPECIAL OCCASION Recently Mrs, Myers and I en. joyed a film like this in the home of one of our children, It revealed all sorts of good times the five grandchildren and their parents had hed together, The children, from age two to ten, were allowed fo stay up past thelr regular bedtime to view the us, Now one youngster, then another, would burst forth excitedly and relate the incidents that led to a scene in the picture, It afforded a happy, useful outlet of expression and every child had something to. contribute, It's wonderful when a whole family can take and enjoy a trip together, The experiences can be highly educational terms of knowledge and living together, A film of the trip which they can see over and over later can enrich these ex ces, ather your| GOOD Buying a cameras may be & very wise investment indeed, especialy when one or both parents have sul in Aalattin the sceney and tograp Pen chers ve that children who take trips with their Darents Vv ; Reynard, all of nthe 4] Ms, { she wants to visit your a. abd run the ek of being snubbed by your mother, In conclusion I repeat that y need . psychiatric help in gettin healthy perspective on your moth- er's Jealous clinging, As you com: your rights, The results at first may be painful for both; but the freioet indness you ean do her run is to become a really manly son, M, H, Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not by mall or per: sonal interview, Write har in care of this newspaper, is a good day to talk to a London Life representative because you can't expect to buy life insurance in the future at a lower rate than today . , , because at any time illaess, or an accident) could rab you of your health--and make it im. possible for you ever again to obtain protestive life insurance ; io | because every day that your family gees without adequate protection, they run the chance of a drastic change in their way of living, in case of your death or disabilivy , , + because buying the lide insurance you need means taking an important step forward financially ~making sure of necessary future income for your family and yourself, London Life Insurance Company HEAD OFFICE & LONDON, CANADA up In the grades, Why not aim to make any family trip as highly educative for the children as pos: sible? Next fall, many teachers of the upper grades will have the pupils write about their summer experi- ences, Let us hope, however, that verbal and written. reports of sum- mer trips, made next fall by some of the children, will not cause those who stayed at home to feel badly, When our daughter was in the ninth grade, she sald one day, "1 wish we sould all take a long trip to important places so 1 could have something to tell about at school next fall, Just coming back here to this old farm won't seem very important to the teacher and the other kids," Her attitude didn't speak well for the teacher, That téacher mins ed a big opportunity to give her class a true sense of values, PERSONALS Out of town guests at thé Henry. Reynard wedding were; Mr, and Mrs, Harry Lott, and Mrs, T, Chourinard, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Lott, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Chourinard all 'of Trenton; Mr, and Mrs, Byron Lott, Mr and Mrs, Arnold Henry, all of Ajax; Mr, Murray Huff, Mr, Stanley Ya- cobosky, Mr, William Hawes, Mrs, A, 8. Wilson, Mr, Alfred Reed, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Henry, Mr, lel MeKenzie, Mr, and Mrs, Doug- , and Mrs, Leonard ur. Douglas Henry, Mr, Misses Caro and Ida Wonry, r, and Mrs, T + Slaude | and I" re, Ji Mrs, Ber. n Colville, rion and #0, Miss Mrs, Evel omville Gell. Lorraine, Mr. William OW Bernice Colville, Miss Bertha Col ville, Mr, Jack Colville, and Mr, Mr, |= Dan| Jr, They of rhinestone] to match their|. PICTURED FOLLOWING CEREMONY Mr, Kenneth James Atkinson and his bride, the former Miss Beverly Ann Hackborn, whose marriage was solemniged recent ly at Bt, Gregory's Roman Cath olic Church: The bride is the and Mrs, William Colville, Mr, and Mrs, Everson Hobbs, all of Bow manville, Mr, Joe Benham, Roch- ester, NY, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Orr, Glen Miller; Mrs, Raymond Cox, Sr, and Mr, Raymond Cox Detroit; Mrs, Gerald Palma- tier, Pleton; Mr, and Mrs, ald Henry, Havelock, Mr, "Mrs, Gordon Yeo, En: nisktilen; Mn, Gordon Thom horn ie | Mrs, FE Bt, af Mrs, Carl St, Thomas 2h hil dren, ou of Lindsay, Mr, Murray Yeo, Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Smith Mr, and Mrs, Searde Yeo, all of Hampton; Mr, and Mrs, Paul Van ! Yhe, Tyrone, GUARANTEED BY THE GREATEST NAME IN INDUSTRY AND IN STALLED BY EXPERTS! suYy GENERAL MOTORS DELCO - HEAT ATDIXON'S DILCO OIL BURNER 313 ALBERT ST, PHONE RA, 3-4663 Helen Sturrock Prosper Corbeil | Eachangs Vows regory's oman Catholic' Charch diy y i © the wedi id hikes the bride J (RL) furgubse dr t, navy rd Yoses, The pl ol I five Tn Oo "oh rir " Out-of from Toronto, Suahiry, ago and Schumacher, THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA sorles and 8 YOMORROW wn or this day ith | [ oritient ou can make headway daughter of Mrs, Edward Dick: 3 son and Mr, Wilfred Hackborn, both of Brantford, and the bride: §room is the son of Mr, and |§ re, Stanley Atkinson of Osh. |¥ , AWA, ~Photo by Homshy Studie ¥ bi y 5 V LA BUILDINGS DESTROYED FORT ERIE (CP)~Fire swept |% through farm buildings near Ridge: way, 10 miles west of here, Wed. nesday and destroyed Jropesty. valued at nearly $15,000, A newly: built milk-house and a large barn, conatining two calves and a quan- d thy of farm machinery, were de royed, oi lunteot firemen pre. \ i oo he flames reaching a -- Doarby hue a poultry house and 4 WAYS TO BUY farm home. ® Cosh ® Layowey ® Budget ® Charge Cocky-leeky soup, dish in Scotland and the North of 42 KING 87. WwW, England, Is made from a fowl bolled with leeks, by moving business "Vises | moving slowly~aspoeially in usin ia financial Matters, # , Your cour clearer thon 1 wits tn toe early | sb ore on Ear evening ris tends nll ven ees should find great elal action, ou 1 suits, Win "Will "also Ye under good ae pests, " ve to keep watch the more ng, and wi usual, "VENETIAN BLINDS *ORAPERY TRACKS 'hr UGS 174 Ritson Road South OPEN TO 10 P.M, DAILY SPREADS "MI DE HO" SWIMSUITS IN SUMMERAMA SHADES ive. Lodo Camry ot 'seivige 10 your sore re own A Lo poy od J, Really shows off @ pretty fi rel Wel 0 het volo Ld hoor Softly shirred bra ast a flags, piping and flont (Ho We're sof i You can't throw away a memory The man driving the combine out there in the field get rid of his last team of horses many years ago, The horse. collar and the harness lay around the bam, collecting dust and mould, But for some reason he could never throw them out, It was the same way with the milking stool, the lantern, and the pitchfork, They all brought back memories--of hard times, to be sure, but times that could never be forgotten, So the farmer who owned them left these relics of the past in a corner of the old bam, Now he does his farming the modern way, In the spring he wastes no time putting in the crop with his big Massey- Harris tractor, Mid-summer he gets out his baler and lays in a year's suppl y of feed for his herd of cattle, In the fall the crop is whisked off in record time with @ combine, and winter and summer the milking is done by a power driven machine, I's an easier, more productive life for the Canadian farmer now, and a better one for all Canadians, Medern farming has brought a higher tadend of living in both town and country, for every Canadian benelits when farmers are prosperous, Massey-Harris machines were leaders in this t fa revolution, And today, other Massey-Harris in are quietly in the making, You will hear about them and benefit from them-----aas the years go by, MASSEY-HARRIS-FERGUSON LIMITED Toronte, Canada