4 THE DAILY TIMESGAZETTE, Vriday, May 27, 1955 WHITBY and DISTRICT !(Mental Health Is! HS Topic I meeting of the Dun- | ron LIBERALS GIRD SELVES FOR BATTLE With electionfever growing every day, the various parties are setting up their headquar- ters in town, Shown here Is the yz. | Toean] Liberal which Is located in the office adjoining the Ontario Machine and Tool workshop, Seated at headquarters, PLEBISCITE PROBABLE Meeting On Town Park Reaches No Conclusion A public meeting, called to dis euss a site for a proposed new town hall in Whitby, has been ad- Journed sine die after hearing a number of propositions of sites and solutions to the dilemma in which the council has found it- self, A nearly packed town hall turned out to debate the matter, members of the town counell oc. cupying seats at the front: Des. te the fact that the meeting had pte, called for an open discuss jon on the matter, Rev, H G. Crozier, while voicing approval of council's action in choosing the town hall, was forced to cut his address short by hecklers in the hall Town Clerk John R. Frost was #ppointed chairman for the meet. ing. Mayor Harry Jermyn, among the first to speak, stated that his mind was quite open on the mat. ter and, bearing in mind that the tax rate is 62 mills and that tax- payers are quite sensitive to that fact, running a town was like buy- ing a jacknife = to get a good one, one has to pay the money. The present town hall site, he said, is y large enough although it could bi ot by the town, The town a he said, is crowded and ac- commodation provided for the fire | of poor department would prohibit the town from purchasing a ladder truck. In four years' time, he said, he hoped there would be 20 million dollars assessment in the | town 14,000 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING Mr, Fairfield, architect who has drawn preliminary plans for a new town hall, told the meeting that a building to house town offices, po- lice and fire departmnts would re. quire 14,000 square feet, It was hall property located and landsca- ed in a ERMAN ENT 'FIRE DEPARTMENT Art Stanlick, a member of the meeting, suggested that if the town hall were moved to the town park, a permanent fire brigade would be needed, This, he claim. ed, would cost the town an addl- tional $50,000 per year, We can't have taxis waiting at the four corners at 3 am. for a fire call," he said, of a suggestion that taxis could take firemen to the fire hall in the town park Rev, H, D, Crozier urged the meeting never to forget the future, The mayor, he sald, was right when he predicted drastic changes in the town in years to come, One of the great mistakes of the. past, he sald, had been in not providing adeguaie parking space for the public buildings now in existence, The question at the moment, he sald, was not where the fire hall is to be built but where will the town hall be built, Side issues, he said, could be settled later. Other ball diamonds, he said, could be built elsewhere and he, for one, was in favor of bullding the town hall in the i e town patk. In a display ste, seldom heard in this town, on heckiens at the meeting re: fused to listen to him any further and he left the platform, Councillor Joyce Burns said that fa ohn ghould stick up for the Whitby Garden Club and again vlad toe town hall be built in the town park "where there Is plenty of room for landscaping." Oscar Moore suggesed a two- acre site near the Ontario Ladies' College between Colborne and Dun. lop Streets, Speaking of the town park site, he sald, "I don't think pointed out that the present town. owned property at the town hall occupied a lot 82 feet by 272 feet, enough room for the building but | leaving little for parking space | and landscaping Councillor Stu Roblin, chairman | of the special committee which had selected the town park as site | hall as it now stands Harold Boys, a member of the fire | department, would run from his garage to the town park for a fire call, He can run from there to the | present site," Harry Inkpen wondered (f the town planned on leaving the town "like that | of a new town hall, told the meet. | beauty spot ACTOss the street from | ing that a number of things had 'prompted this choice costs if the present site were used; no parking space at present site; | possible inadequacy of this site in years to come; the town park is geographical centre of the town; ample parking there; good adver: tising for the town to have the Windsor May Get A City Manager WINDSOR (CP)--Mayor Michael Patrick sald Wednesday he may appoint a new committee to con. sider a proposal to do away with the city hoard of control in favor of a city manager A five-man committee under con- troller Thomas Brophey, appointed several months ago to consider the demolition | | change in the make-up of the city the library? He claimed that businessmen would not be so very concerned about. planting shrubs about a new building as they would be about the administrative possi bilities of the building, He sugges- present site, At present, "1 am keeping my children short recommended against any "recently proposal, meeting alter one council, and advised a public rel erendum on the question of a city manager Mayor Patrick said the problem was too complex to he decided in only one meeting. He said the city manager's Job was almost the same as that of hoard of control and having the two position confuse city government even more than it is now BROC WHITBY Phone 8.3618 oo 1 5 > >) Ww Song favorite * Neat "King" Cole woom "My x EVENING SHOWS 7.9 P.M, SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 NOW PLAYING HOT TIPI DON'T MISS THIS \ TIPPITY-TOP MUSICAL THAT WILL , \ HAVE YOUR HEART GOING HIPPITY: HOP! JANI Poin: (i ith nul. Tow SOBAT NAT RING BLUM ¢ BONNY IS: GG. i. ALSO: CARTOON -- COMEDY -- NOVELTY Fare CLL b LL Ww. | hall on its present site.' ted a two-storey building on the | he said, | moved that the meeting adiourn would | | States on television, | her the desk is the secretary of the local Liberal Association, Mrs, Victor Smith, sorting out cam. paign correspondence, of things because the taxes are so | high, | e cannot afford a palatial town hall, sdckits HE UCITE Mrs, Melneste suggested that My % may near when the area between the Rouge and the Durham County line might be: come a metro system, in which case, she Jointed out, the new i". root Home and School Asso- ciation was held at the school on Wednesday Gyening, with the presi- dent, Mrs, W, Bmith, presiding, Miss Hadlick, who was a 1964 'sduste from the Ontario Hospl- al, and assistant to Mrs, D, Hol liday in Bocial Service, gave an interesting and informative talk on Mental Health, entitled "Chil dren's Mental Health", Miss Gail Manson of Thornton's rs gave two plano solos, Mrs, Jalir's room won the atten. rs, Ven Duren, past president of the Association, installed the new members who are as follows: president, Mrs. W, Bmith; vice Bb Mrs, R, Law and Mrs, Dslr; recording secretary, Mrs, D, Jones; corresponding secretary, Mrs, J, McKone; treasurer, Ross Law; on the executive are: Mrs, MecLesn, Mrs, G, Boych yn, Mrs, H ows, Mrs, Gale and Mr, Bud Wereshments were served by Mn. C. , Lawson and her commit WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY Accounts of social events and news lems of local interest and names of visitors are ap. preciated, Mrs. H, C. Phillips has luted | home after spending two months with her friend, Mrs, Frank | Archer, of Burbank, California, Withholds Copies | Dempsey Receipts OTTAWA (CP) -- A Progressive Conservative motion demanding that the government make public photostatic coples of receipts of {mpaign contributions received in 1951 by an Ontario Progressive | Conservative was defeated by a vote of 135 to B6 today in the Com mons, Revenue Minister McCann re« fused to produce the photostatic coples under the secrecy provi slong of the Succession Dutles Act, The motion, submitted by John Diefenbaker (PC--~Prince Albert), asked for photostatic coples of town hall would fhe noted that present plans called for an auditorium In the new bullding and said that if the town offices needed the space, the pres. ent auditorium could be used while the question of hall site was left to a plebiscite during the Decem- ber election, Councillor Alex Scott asked the meeting to consider that a town hall in the park would make it a better park. In three years, he sald, a paid fire department would i 3 be nee and he would not like to see a good site dropped. Reeve Kenneth Lee told meeting he was against a the town hall to the park site an: cited inconveniences to the police and fire departments, Councillor Willar d also urged that the lown hall be kept on the present site, John Hare angered why the council felt it necessary to build a new town hall at t i time. He sald that there was no need to spend the Allen bequest right away and he proposed a long range plan |g which might eventually take in the entire block in which town hall now stands, In the meantime, he sald, the bers or the n possession of the revenue department concerning payments made by the late John T, Drohan, Barry's Bay lumber. man, to James Dempsey, Progres- *iva Conservative member of the Ontario legislature for Renfrew bouth, The motion sald the photo. static copies were shown by Dr, MeCann to Premier Frost or On. taro. during the recent federal provinnial conference, Mr, Dempsey lost the support of Premier vost for not reporting the contributions which are reported to have totalled $6,800 PC'S PREPARE FOR ONTARIO CONTEST t Doctor Dymond's Progressive Conservative campaign Is well under way, Shown here is the party's headquarters In Whitby, which is located in Donald's Motors, Seated around the table, sorting campaign mate- rial, rl will, Mrs, are, loft to t, Mrs, obertson, Mrs, Allan Col Mrs, A.B. Sturgess and J. Gaye, Lawyer's Action Said Shocking In Suit Here In an action which was termed ""Distasteful and disgraceful", an Orillia businessman was yesterday awarded damages of $4,360 against a Beaverton lawyer. Mr, Justice Stewart, wi aaldin in Bupreme Court at Whithy, directed that the Law Boclety of Upper Canada be advised of the action taken against Remington White, Beaverton soli eitor, In the action, Cyril Troyer, operator of a snack bar in Orillia, sued for monies he claimed White had not accounted for and had not 'retuned to him, Taylor, represented by Willlam Moore, of Moore and Carter, Oril- lia, told the Court that Remington White had been conducting his business during 1962 when he had | purchased a camp property in Muskoka, He sald that he sold, through Mr, White, a prop- | erty in Virginia, in Georglan Township and the money realized | from this sale was to be turned | had operated the summer camp during the summer of 1952 but Mr, White, by December of that year, despite several visits from hig clients, had not paid the $3,000 down payment and in January of 1088, the former owner had re- possessed the prop perty. During that summer, sald Troyer, he had spent, in labor and materials, $1,900.30 in reconstruction of the lodge and cottages, He showed the Court that the defendant, White, had in his pos- session about $2,300 or $2,400 of his money and had not made any ac- counting nor had he returned this matey to him, Troyer, ARGUMENT During Moore noted his argument, Mr, that he had found had | himself in "a most embarrassing position in having to plead thig case." In recounting the evidence, Mr, Moore stated that it had Ahown that Mr, White, a solicitor, over to the owner of the Muskoka | had had this money entrusted to property as a down payment, To seal the agreement, he told His Lordship he had given the vendor $100, hed (aken possession before the down payment had been re. celved from Mr, White who was closing the property sale in Vir. ginia He and his wife, Troyer stated, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING GARDENS AND LAWNS ROTO-TILL ww, Phone M MO, 8:3145, Whitby, EARL * VIAKE" BRYANT, LEC TRIC 81° contracting, new homes, water heat ore, fixtures, range cables a specialty, Phon 80, June 28 FOR SALE -- &ROOM BRICK RUNGA. tow: NHA, Principals only, Phone MO. an. nm WAVE YOUR GARDENS ROTO TILL od, Phone Mohawk 8:2006, Whithy June 19 auditorium might be used for ad- ditional office space, He also stat: ed that the town might well have acquired the old high school as a town hall site before it was taken over by the Public School ond. OD, FRESH CUT, 18 yd. In fleld; 200 yd. delivered,' W, Ward, 2003. June 11 N RETE G EL, i | ROAD GRA: vel, 1.28 yd, Fo ity Brie Branton, #2640, FOR BALE May 2 | |] J, H Or d that he had known the late Arthur Allin very well during his later years: He noted that he had lived right behind the town hall on Green Street and had often looked into its back yard, "I believe he had it definitely In his mind, when he made this bequest in his will, to clean up that corner, If he could come back tonight and stand on that olatform." sald Mr, Ormis- ton, "he would say 'build the town On this note, D. B, Mcintyre sine die Miss Truman To Interview Ex-President By WAYNE OLIVER NEW YORK (AP) Anybody might be expected to feel a little nervous about interviewing a | former president of the Un ted | But that Margaret "The isn't what's worrying | Truman, only thing I'm worried { about Is trying to sit In Ed Mur row's chair," says Miss Truman | of her latest TV role, conducting a 'person to person' interview with parents on CBS tomorrow night After planning for months to have the former president appear | on the show, Murrow had to go to | England to cover today's election, So he asked daughter Margaret, now a TV veteran, to take his place as the cameras visit the Truman home in Independence, Mo WANTED ALL THREE "The first time Kd asked dad to appear he simply couldn't fit it | Into his schedule," Miss Truman explains, "The next time 1 couldn't be there because | was on a con: cert tour and Ed wanted all three | re South, { of us together, Then three or four {weeks ago he asked if I'd take | his Blace here dor the visit Friday | night | More Than 600 Attend Ball In Rideau Hall OTTAWA (CP) -- The lights burned late Wednesday night at Rideau hall and the music was paced for dancing It was the first of two balls Governor-General Massey is hold | ing for a sparkling list of guests | that included Prime Minister St, Laurent, members of matie corps, senaiors, members of the C the diplo- | HOME INSULATION Method, Free ¥ilimate BEPTIC | TANKS CLEANED THE SANITARY | WAY, WALTER WARD, Whitby, Phone 0, 8.2383, Juned TRLOW N FOR BALE -- ICEBOX, WOODEN, GOOD condition, 80 Ibs, capacity, Phone MO & 100. 10611 ON'T DELAY, PHONE 0 83746, Have your hand or power mower serv | feed now, If you are thinking of buying | & power or hand mower, why not place | Lou order, We also have new and used Hoyeles and trieycles for all ages, CC a) Dealer, Gall Wilron's MO 8.3746, Whit hate | RELIABLE MIDDLE « AGED WOMAN desires a position as housekeeper or companion, Write Hox 106 Times Gas site, Whitby 131 | FOR RENT «= LARGE, FURNISHED, room, suitable for light housekeeping, all vonvenlences, suitable tor couple TMoom and hoard by the week, 700 Cen Whitby, 188 1 | Electric WANTED TO RENT-WIITRY, THRER. room self-contained apartment, Posses. son, June 15. No children, MO 88417 or Oshawa RA B.4840, 19%e a ------ A RAAT WHITRY SOD SUPPLY, FIELD LOAD: ed or delivered, Phone MO, 8.3520, Whitby 1a WANTED TWO MALE BOARDERS, willing to share room. Also willing to mind small child while mother works, Phone MO, 8.2009 le FOR RENT FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping room, with adjoining bath Private entrance, Phone MO. 8.2332, 543 Mary east 181e FLOOR SANDER, Extension Ladder, Clipper Lawn Roller, Cement Mixer, Wheel: Whithy Hardware, 111 Phone MO. 8.3540. May13,17,00,84,97 TOOLS FOR RENT Power Baws, Drills, Hedge Lawn Aerator, harrow, Ete, broek North, FOR SALE « VERY GOOD USED Westinghou 'Frig, #', 8118. One only 17" Motorola TV, slightly used, 8110, Terms. Independent Service, 107 Dun dan West, Whithy, Phone #2081 18a FOR SALE FINLEY ELECTRIC Range, three burner: Cold Wall Frigl daire, super freszer ohest Excellent condition, Immediate Sale necessary, 807 Dundas East 120s TWO LARGE ROOMS, Central, Phone MO, 2000 1290 FEMALE YOUNG Indy, experienced, for dry goods store Write Box 17 Times Gazette, Whitby 123 FOR RENT | wolf contained HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED YOUNG Indy, experienced, for dry goods store. Write Box 17 Times-Gagette, Whitby, 13 WARREN J. MOWAT, REALTOR $11,000 Beautiful clapboard bungalow 01 a 50° lot in a neighborhoed of real home folks and only a few Built In 1949, rooms are large divided ond has on blocks from the centre of town it has been kept in excellent condition and all 4 ond newly decorated attractive finished recreation room, Owner The heated basement is veeds substantial down payment for other investment $11, This is a charming one-awner frame ing large living and dining room, rooms. The location is ideal, close to 500 2-storey, oil heated home, boast step saving kitchen and 3 bed school and shopping, The grounds are well-landscaped, big enough for beauty, small enough for easy care, Terms can be arranged, $23, 6 Room tastefully decorated ranc 900 h style bungalow resting on al- most an acre of green lawn, The grounds have shade and fruit trees, the view breath-taking and an in features Include beautiful living pieture window, bedrooms, tiled bathroom, 2 co $10,000 is required for the down viting swimming poel. The many room with open fireplace and dining room, modern kitchen and utility room, 3 r attached garage with shower payment BUSINESS PROPERTY $10,000 down will purchase this Dundas Street West, It is suftable location with 118" frontage on for 7 offices with spacious parking oreo and 2 entrances, Full price $25,000 or make offer BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Long established business, centrally located, priced right for quick sale 5-year lease available. Great opportunity for ambitious busines man. $3,000 buys stock, equipme down. Present owner wishes to ret nt and geod will, with only half ire LOTS Exclusive building lots in and out of town $650. up *MO 8 After § Bryant, MO '8.3450 115 DUNDAS ST, W Members of Oshawa, Whitt | and others, 1] y an ranging in price from 2601 10 Call WJ, Mowat, MO 8.2819 WHITBY 1 District Real Estate Board 123a him since 1052 and "just had not accounted for it In any way, shape or form." He also noted that Mr, White had not defended the action, In passing the plaintiff, sald: JUDGMENT "This Is one of the most dis Tatein and' disgraceful actions 1 I udgment In favor of royer, His Lordship have over had to decide, oy on one other occasion have 1 heard of such a shocking situation and such a shameful breach of a pro. fesslon which for centuries has been held in such high regard, The plaintiff has dis splayed a forbear: ance unusual and almost startling, I cannot depreciate too much t behavior of this map, The state ment of claim has been fully sub- stantiated, It has been uncontest- ed and in my views, uncontest- able, It has been established that the plaintiff suffered $100 loss through a payment on this Whitn camp and an additional $1,060, for work and material bxpended on that camp, There is also $2,300 or $2,400 held by the defendant which he has not accounted for," "There was also a claim for $2,000 per year for los sustained by not having pur d this Say City Jobless Less Than Thought Ai ai num a ations ment finder the city's jobs Tor fen is considered 8s". boy as a A that the Toronto vere unemloent slistion LE less ser pt the tn [ Xa spent A EE 111 Sh Bri nd itr Boo 0 bg d d fig ia by doa 4 son os ohh Stine Discharge 4,000 Absent From The Armed Forces OTTAWA (CP) «= Almost 4000 men llegally absent from the Cana. dian armed forces were discharged belween the start of the Korean War in June, 1950, and March this year, A return tabled Wednesday In the Commons for Li-Col, Douglas Harkness (PC~Calgary East) sald te arin) rmy a bL0 Iws, the HUNTLEY SASH & FRAMES Free Eetimotes PEEL ST, WHITBY PHONE MO, 8-3595 W. 0, Town & Sons FRIGIDAIRE AUTHORIZED DEALER WHITBY MO, 5.3410 Burnsides HOME BAKERY Phone MO, 8-3586 12:00 noon on -- TENDERS FOR UNIFORMS Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the supplying of uni- forms for the Ontario County Gaol Of- ficers and Court Constable up until Thursday, June 9th, 1955 The lowest of any tender not necessarily accepted, Further particulars moy be obtained from the WM. G. MANNING, Court House, Whitby, Ont, Sounty Clerk-Treasurer, camp, I find that no loss was suffered," "I give Judgment to 0 hs aintit in the amount of $4,360 of this amount $2,500 is for i re- ceived by She defendant, I direct that a copy of this - judgment be forwarded to the secretary of the Law Boclety of Upper Canada for I feel it an utterly shocking thing that any man who is so lacking in ethien of his profession and even In common decency, be permitted to practise i " Fo FOR BETTER HEALTH Father Helps Most To Maintain Family Health By HERMAN N, BUNDESEN, MD When you stop to think about it, Father, as the head of the house- hold, has a real and lasting In. fluence on the m sical, moral and mental health his family, Seeing that hs children are brought up in a healthy manner is the father's responsibility--per haps his greatest responsibility in the long run, A father, by his own family attitude, can encourage a healthy, Intelligent attitude in his children, WISE FATHERHOOD As we all know, mental disorders or neurotic complaints are on the increage, Many children develop physical complaints due to frustra- tion, worry or mental eonfliets, Wise fatherhood that insthls selfs respect, confidence and wholesome: ness in children, can avoid mental disorders of this type A child brought up in a home of constant stiife between the mother and father, or one in which com petition between the children Is stressed and favoritism amon, children is prevalent, Is in rea danger of growing up with an ab: normal mental attitude and is a good candidate for a nervous dis order , |Seamen Notice Flying Cigar LONDON (Reuters)--The crew of a Portuguese Air Lines Skymaster claimed when they landed here Wednesday from Lisbol that they saw a "long cial like object with: out wings travelling at a terrific apeed" as they approached Londo, Radio officer Jaoa Almeida sald that in nine years of flying he had never seen anything like it. "It owas long and slim and Most fathers' duties go beyond merely providing an omg for their families, A father instills in. dependence, clean thoughts and few 'ving within his ehildren, Healthy living and thinking begin in the home, Even th school, which is so important in forming a child's basic concepts, . surpass ed by the home in its influence on clean and healthy thinking. Then, too, it is Father's Riovide | jor the family in RL Mother cares for im. mediate health of the children, it is the father who usually insures adequate protection in Sate of seri ous illness, and seen to it that his family Is Jrovided with a healthy environm QUESTION "Np ANSWER Mrs, H, B My daughter, twenty: seven, had "bot her ovaries re: moved due to owe. Siow d she be, taking thmale Answer: 0 Fl 4 o 'that, due to early removal of the ovaries, your daughter may have or: some symptoms such as hot flushes. The taking of female hor. mone, under the directions of a physician, would be advisable in such a case, However, if she has no symptoms, there is no need to take hormones, seemed to be revolving as it flashed under the nose of the air. craft," he sald, "It seemed to me to be only about 100 yards away, but I could be wrong, It Jooked, as if it was made of aluminum Flight engineer Jose Silva sald: "The object seemed to approach from the port side and nd_ pase rig right under the nose, like a silver of; hig There -- 4 smoke-trail coming from it." The Portugues plane was flying at between and 6,000 feet at the time. South of Dundas St oree from existing feeder, E. J. BRYANT, Chairmen, POWER INTERRUPTION Power will be interrupted in the Town of Whitby in the following location from 6:00 o'clock a.m. to 9:00 o'clock a.m.. Sunday, May 29th, 1955 You shore Versaasentey nclariomie thames polos on" the | The Public Utility Commission of the Town of Whitby SHYING uy 4 way A401 end i H. L. PRINGLE, Superintendent. J - cra.850 174 Ritson Street, [J QUALITY PAINTS PAINTING? Indoors or outdoors «4 + easy-to-use Conant paint makes home decorating a cinch, And when you buy Conant you pay only for quality, 7277 Visit the Conant Colour Bar at Alf. Harrell & Son, 1072 Simcoe St, Nerth OSHAWA, Ontarle Teli RAndolph 5.0438 ond 5.0844 GLECOFF |.G.A. SUPERMARKET OPEN EVERY' NIGHT UNTIL 10 P.M, Oshawa, Ontario * birdzophaphetherphloktoogether" O26LE/EY BREWING COMPANY LIMITED PUBLISHED FOR YOUR AMUSEMENY