28 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, May 19, 1068 Ns, + rTP Ayr > a SAW dH k ---- | .L, ire, LA ./ (i x a hh a THE ONE-FIFTY" HANDYMAN ~ the lowest cost station wagon in the line, with utility that will delight urbanite and suburbanite alike. ane pa. (TEED vu Se, tem -* THE BEL AIR BEAUVILLE -- as beautiful Inside os it is outside . . . a town car that can double as @ husky and versatile utility car. CHEVROLET BEL AIR HARDTOP ~ the most beautiful styling in the low-priced field has made this luxurious hardtop the most demanded car of N--- "THE "TWO.TEN" HANDYMAN -- ideol for packs 2=2 ing a raft of kids off to school , , . or you #9 the country, 2 THE "TWO-TEN" TOWNSMAN -- four:dosr con- venience that combines with Chevrolet's full-fold seat to make loading easy. BEL AIR CONVERTIBLE -- look where you will -- nowhere else will you find the equal of this loveliest ~~ or retin n "open airs dr ae alg chev ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD., 86 KING ST, E., OSHAWA, ONT, \ CHEVROLET gives a new zest to living -- a new zip to driving. For never before has a lowspriced car so proudly lapped you in such luxury. And never before has a low-priced car offered the instant action you get from Chevrolet's magnificent new engines -- *"Turbo- Fire" V8 and "Blue-Flame" 6. You just press your toe and away you go -- flashing away to a brilliantly new experience in low-cost motoring. Arrange a "Pleasure Drive" demonstration with your local dealer soon. Month HARRY DONALD LIMITED WHITBY, ONT.