Daily Times-Gazette, 19 May 1955, p. 14

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Bh us. rhe fina mecing fo {he sm | with 1 ES, A Ste, Ware REMEMDER WHEN. .+ sis tu} dhat Sap a Belaio ess. lor the sum- A . Howa A "1. | Stakes, Preakness mer 'was held at Mrs. E. Tre.| Mr..apd Mrs, Russell Virtue|, Oouast Fox, with Earle Sande dint a a win's on May 17. Tyrone: Mr. and Mrs.-H. McGill in the saddle, was an easy winner pg in 3 po Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms at-|Joe and Garth, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. |of the Kentucky Derby 25 years a record that 8 oli tended the dedication Service at|Werry were with Mr. and Mrs. ago today. The three-year-old colt [sault rolled up $424.195 in 1946, Blackstock and were tea guests of | Ralph Virtue. owned by William Woodward won | Citation in 1948 boosted it to $709, Mr, and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, | Mrs. Bud Lambert and family, | the "triple crown' of the Ameri-|470. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton, | Oshawa, were Sunday evening and family were with Mr. and |guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair. Mrs. H. inton, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Western| Robin, Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, Mh PILE UFFERER | and Bill, Guelph, were weekend | were with Mr, and Mrs. S. R. ™ - and Mrs. L. Wearn, hick. : y % There is only one way 'to rid yourself of Piles. Thot is remove the intérnol Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Werry vi couse for inside the body, it's never external, Thot means internal treat Bac IE a tnd | BCR ROMER NC Iny 5 ba 14 up wi a mogeni, compou one Tr ' end pe Lorae Lai || Mw. owes and mei || SEe0d ST we gn LE ln ETRE RELIABLE FURNITURE CO. u , were at Mr. er parents Mr. and Mrs, he i 2, ry Fy Mrs. Garnet Towns, Peterboro. | N. Moore, Trenton. | Eerie mes Tors hove gamporeny mediation Dut YOU. eT: Fopas that ' "Prices Are Born Hers And " . Me and Mi r Ww. Nerry at Bg. and Mrs, Clarke Dorland. | really men something One bottle of Pyltens will prove this er that price re ore Raised Elsewhere en e dedication Service at|John and Judy Lapeer, Michigan, relungaa. uggists only. . . Blackstock and were tea guests | were with his Mother Mrs, J. Dor- | ' ! +. 96 KING E fR RA 3.7928 of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp. land. # 2% 4 TTR onl - Wisi 2 Zl AY x mm. | # ; BRIDGE FOR CAUSEWAY This bridge spans the ship | Cape Breton island to Nova Scg- | it will be used for highway traf- lock which is part of the $23, | tia mainland. The causeway will | fic starting May 20. 000,000 Canso causeway linking ' be opened officially Aug, 13 but | (CP Photo) ENNISKILLEN "Seniors"" won in the second game. Mrs. M. J. Hobbs, attended the --------- Bay of Quinte Conference, Wom- . en's Association at Kingston, Chartered Bus Trip To Toronto |, denn ok Seymour L START THE DAY RIGHT WITH and Mrs. N. E. Wright. . 7 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly, Cor- Zz WAH . 3 With a long, fun-filled week-end directly ahead, smart shoppers . » Most Instructive For Ladies uo anit is Teak Rel, Cor _ CAO Ae tite 3 0) by the score enter the doors of A&P confident of finding what ed Mr, and Mrs. G. Irwin, # they want in good things to eat, at prices they want to pay! MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN by Shirley Mills. A report on the Bert J ay Correspondent i | Oshawa Presbytery meéting, held] MF, 000 MIS. ne: ge ENNISKILLEN -- Last Friday | at Ajax, was given by Mrs. G.| Mrs. Cameron Oke, and Alpha n B A&P's great variety of quality-famous "Super-Right" Meats, fine 15 of oor ladies decid to oot] Yen. {Bs AO as Mir." and Mrs. TE or fresh fruits and vegetables, wonderful dairy foods ~ in fact, ; the more than 3,000 items in your A&P Super Market -- wai hel d --" » aside their househhold tasks of Mrs. J. Slemon introduced the(c : irls, Burke- spring cleaning, gardening, etc, | speaker, Mrs. Grant Thompson | ce meee with Mr. Fog Mn : and board the chartered bus for | from Nestleton, who gave a very | pert Oke. make this a special holiday! Every day's a holiday at A&P . . . it's . which all details had been ar-| interesting talk on "Historical Re-| "Mr and Mr§. Carl Bradley, and : Bb € 3lbbeg a health spa for weary budgets and for folks who want fine * ranged by Mrs. Reed of Hampton. | search" and described the cos-| family Mr, and Mrs. Clarence igh wraducts at even finer savin . The trip was indeed a rare treat | tumes worn through the ages ac-| gradiev. Maurice and Bever- : gs! me Rant with Holl, and cour. panied by Jietires. A poem ley, Bowmanville; Mr Howard . . . teous driver, Russell Balsom, left read and Mrs. Thompson summed Bradley and Brian, Maple Grove: A splendid choice plus wide variety is yours with Enniskillen about 8.30 a.m. pick-up her talk by a poem by Edgar and Grant, Hampton; Mr. and] . SH T------------ o-- ing up several more ladies at| Guest. (Mrs. Don Stainton, Kenneth and | | STOCK UP FOR THE HOLIDAY! ALPS HOLIDAY BUYS IN FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES of Hampton, Solina, and Zion until Mrs. W. Howells thanked the Donald, Tyrone: Mr. and M T s. | FRESH NEW CROP FANCY there were 42 aboard. speaker and all those on the pro- | i | (Travelling in comfort, through gram. : | Rota Fase pug tan Mrs Leonard POPULAR BRANDS lovely country which is at its peak | unch was served by Group 4.| Bradley's * 1 CIGARETTES «in of 10 pkgs of 20 2.99 fl, eauty i" his menth MF ia: | PERSONALS | Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wotten and | Mission of the United Church Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Fockner | the former's sister, Hael of Osh- . M where, after a cup of tea was en- au family, 'Toronto, were Moth. | awa were Sunday caf ers a Mr. | Yukon Club (Contents Only) nest Squeezing Dr. and Mrs. | ers ay visitors of her parents and Mrs. Russell Griffin's. i A reat Gr i » Seana Sire mex Venvioe woz JB | GINGER ALE 230ebis 25¢ il A Treat. Grown in Spin 3-1 calle bog (1 Sc Joyed, Hunniset, | Mr 'and Mrs. H. Grubb. and Misses Hart, and Struthers,| "ng." and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston | Rickey, Thornhill, were with their | ik te egaton Brough 0 wi "hind in, Lk par aie Siew J] ci | Functions 22s Jove by bus ie Ons. 'and Mrs Edwin Sandercocs.| mo E. J. Harrison, Toronto, | RIT Foz pkg 1c : e Church of all Nations, where orong. Miss Elsie Dejong, Osh | visited Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. | California Ne. 1, Large Heads 8 WMS worker substituting for % Said oath Rev. Smith took the ladies through | 2¥2: Mr. Earl Botferell, Newcas-| Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton Crispie Sweet 4 that building te, were with Mr. and Mrs. Carl! and boys; Mr. and Mrs. Q C. MIXED PICKLES . 33 4 *'At lunch fime they enjoyed a| Ferguson. Ashton Lois and Charles, attended | v 16-02 jor 4 ' Florid 3 cafeteria meal in the lunch room 'Miss Betty and Laurence Wright the Mothers' Day family gather. Ann P orida Fancy, Fresh, Tender and Sweet for c St the United Church Publishing | visited Miss Maureen and Lockie ing for Mrs. E. C. Ashton at Mr. | nh 149s ; House. A. Kirby briefly gave the McNay. AEB ; | and Mrs. Gordon Beech's, Maple SALAD DRESSING Woriar 33: history of the Ryerson Press and r. and Mrs. Herbert Wright Grove. i | California Ne, 1 Fresh White A two guides took the group on a|and children, Toronto; Mr. and | SERVICE CLUB McLaren's Manzanills each [4 tour of the complete system lit- | Mrs. Pat Tresise and girls, Osh-| The Service Club ladies met at | ; ¢| awa; Mr. end Mrs. Fred Wright | the home of Mrs. W. Howells, with STUFFED OLIVES Sori 4 i or jor 3 1¢ California Ne. 1, Fresh Tender 3 lgé bet J 5 erally from basement to attic of | : .| and children, Bowmanvivile, were Mrs. T. Wilson as hostess, there the printing and binding of Per-| yioiners Day guests of Mr. and|were 11 ladies present. Lunch was Delisious Canned Meat fodicals and books. i As a refreshing close to the day | Mit N. Wright. served by Mrs. G. Yeo, Mrs. H, SWIFT'S PREM een 39 Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne, Cour- i the ladies visited the brand new ! ' . United Church Training School | Hee: E.R Drinkle, Mr. and ¥ by NE To A Eras a PEELE ica BAKERY SPECTALS "FROZEN FOOD FEATURE four floors guided the ladies, with | Leadbeater, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. L. ' : PEANUT BUTTER 6ozjor 3k ! adr me : i I [] A ealemon SAVE their tour ending in the large liv-| pre Ig i RR 1 hi i 4 A ' ing room where they were gracl-| ji yes" 0 "Beaumont and Jim ni hd \ i 7 NETCN ; f IIR SANDWICH ROLLS wkoo's15¢ LEMONADE 2 : oztins 29¢ ously received by Miss Christie, | | mey, Toronto, were recent visi phncipal of the School aed Por lors of Mr. and Mrs, A. Leadbea- | KETCHUP morbi 19 Jane Barker SAVE 4e Broder' was quite "as pleasant arriving '°" TRE PHL TE radore was quite as NG. GAME £ MIRACLE AAP Faney Red Sockeye FRANKFURTER ROLLS soos 15¢ ~ PEAS 2 35 The Woman's Association was| A very exciting baséball game USCTRE ENE WE SALMON 7%-oz tin 35¢ Jane Parker Orange SAVE 100, . 12-0z pkgs [4 : / : (TAYE CONT TRL E 100 held at the home of Mrs. Harold Was played at: Enniskillen public . mtr CHIFFON . Paseo Mills with 20 members and three | gelion Between Tyrone and "nnis- | For Your Pienis - CAKE each §9¢ ORANGE JUKE 2 visitors present. n. Enniskillen "Juniors" won P . Mrs. G. Yeo opened the meeting | the first game and the Tyrone PAPER PLATES oks 25¢ Jane Parker Orange Delight lesa SAVE 6) é-0x tins 29¢ by all repeating the Motto and = Florida LAYER CAKE . . och 3c Don't Forget to Buy Extra Jane Parker SERVE YOUR CHERRY PIE A-LA-MODE Creed. Devotional was in charge of Mrs. Wm. Asision, A Lymn was ORANGE JUICE 4sozin 3c WHITE BREAD 2uczlont Ic Clover Valley (Asserted Flavours) -0z loal , sung followed by a Bible reading hy Mrs. A. Sharp. Prayer was of. | NOW! AT NO EXTRA COST/ Libby's ae Parla ¥ a Pas MUSTARD 2ewm23 fl VE" BREAD {ICE CREAM +29: beet) Dominion Royal | Soe ib o wero 114 n ations, S0l0 was sung | . - t pkos ¢ ; CL d L 8B The Jubeless ire THAT'S TOVALLY NEW! ] Starlight Summer Assorted PE y . JANE PARKER DELICIOUS EACH : 3 CANDIES +h vox §5¢ A : STAFFORD BROS. | ANON | CANOE anc I , | ; 'Monumental Works || AS o TOTALLY NEW Sofety © TOTALLY NEW Traction Pan a : A © TOTALLY NEW Styling "ow re gm NEW LOW PRICE' Memorials © Markers AY o TOTALLY NEW Ride (Cost ne more, yo! Member of the CANADIAN | d \ CA\ © TOTALLY WEW Sttonce J Rog wh tobesh J 8 ] Reg Price. 55¢ ASSOCIATION of MEMORIAL || 1 i [© CRAFTSMEN, | ; . ~ " a8 3 oo | Dominion @® Royal 8 SAVE 16. 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Buy one. or mire ir se ~~ 4 Phone MO. 83552 || Hil Josclly thom for you diw cor. v \ KRAFT FOODS HEINZ WEEK at A:P! TOILET SOAP Featured at A&P! . ye], i um me KE Kraft Mireole KETCHUP ry 31 Woz bi 25¢ : - = French Dressing :--3lc ... ie) N Jl 2 FOR 25¢ 3 FOR 25¢ Kraft Salad Dressing | CHILI SAUCE . wor bil 3 §¢ pnone "ME SOAP. OF BEAUTIVL WOMEN Miracle Whip 16-0zjar 45¢ BEANS (in Tomato Seuss) %. " 13 Number "il cL | Ri]7 = J, Sendwich Sproad 28 jior po REUSH -..35. DUZ 79 Cheez Whiz «58 HAMBURGER RELISH =...35: PACKAGE Heine Tomate, Vegetable or Pos RAndolph 5-7392 || spic~sPAN 73. 29 fuicue ices oc 998 2ec2s EXTRA LINES AUTOMATICALLY AVAILABLE! RE ee SOUPS Dwain 33e Use this number for all RISCO 35 99. Kraft Dinner 2-28 CUCUMBER PICKLE erin 2 5¢ Heinz (All Varieties) your EATON shopping! Ima i | Ch 83 mperiai Lheese -03¢ BABY CEREALS torris | Ge Margarine Heine White EATON'S oF CANADA Parkay +39: VINEGAR auinl3e 35.37 KING ST, E. 0S H AWA THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIC TEA COMPANY U0. : ps LE er a A abe ® CALTRANS Re Ie Te NEY LULA Aaa ibinng. ta ug i ; | > 3 oa We any ryt . ' (a)

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