Daily Times-Gazette, 16 May 1955, p. 8

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i § { tm La ™E pARY TIMES GAZRATE, Monday, May 16, 1058 Women [SALDWINCRLE WOMEN'S DITOR HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONE-YEAR-OLD Saturday was a happy day for and Mrs. Harry Kellar, Ce: Thelr little daughter, Edith Pauline, celebrated her first birthday. Pauline's grands parents ave Mr and Mrs, Btu. My dar Btreel sagt Kellar and Mr, and Mrs George Mason, and she has two ' reat grandmothers, Mrs jeorge Twine and Mrs, Jacek Foskett, all of Oshawa, Phot hy Hornsby Studio GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES OVAL RA, 33474 | 71d Mary M, Hambly Miss Mary Margaret Hambly whose marriage to Mr, Robert Francs White Wis Mlamised . , Gregor on Chureh Sotirdey as heen feted af several pre ype) parties, rs, William Powers and Mrs, home uiure ride, ign Sires reat, East, Mrs, "Com Loh rupees bride Mrs. | Pirie, on ou Wire | Sar the ens, neth i Mrs, Tassel Sorrard, #, enst, enteriained a oi 8 ous shower, Assist a the ng in serving were a. Harold Huntly and Mrs, mld Hunter o Whithy and er Phyllis Gatrari Lucky cup prizes were won hy Mrs, Patrick Roberts and Mrs, Gerald De Pratlo, Mrs, Keith Garrison arranged a relative shower, Mrs, Hugh King MPs," A. Johnson of Whithy # Mrs, B, Dean of Brooklin assist ed in serving refreshments Mrs, William Irving Hambly en terigined for her daughter at » trousseny lea, 'Miss Dawn Steckley and Miss Gretchen Behenek of BL, Catharines were in charge of the guest hook Mrs, C, C, Murty and Mrs, Frank Love were living room hoslesses in the evening Pouring tea were Mrs, Gordon Pirie, Mrs, Frank Love and Mrs dohn Coleman, Berving were Mrs Kenneth Toms, Mrs, Gerald De Pratto, and Mrs, Roy Trudesu of Bowmanville, In charge of the wedding and shower gifls mand trousseay were Mrs, Ralph Hous ton, Miss Helen Stephens Miss Jane Trimble, Miss Greichen Nehenck and Miss Keith Garrison, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Pirie en: leriained at a rehearsal narty mn Thursday evening, Assisting the hostess In serving weve Mrs, Ger ald De Pratto, Mrs, Kenneth Toms --| Tea, Showers Honor | MISS AILEEN PARKER was elected president of | Unly« versity Women's Club of Oshawa and district at the apnual meet: ng on Wednesday. Miss Parker, Election Of Officers, Color Film Close University Club's Season A color flim of a vagsbond eruise in the Caribhesn taken 1/4 he of the members, Mrs, N, M, Temple, annual reports and the election of officers for nexl sen son, made a fl program for the May meeting of the University Women's Club on Wednesday even ing al | Music And Art Brighten Program At Annual Meeting of King St. HS, a hi yy pr shal of King Street School, | well known songs, Si overs, greatly 1o the Interest of the annusl math) of the Home Willard Conk Mrs, Geor| borg Moss, the on i of the as soriation, thanked ha ook and ts mem: | bers of her choir, | Another highlight of the meeting, {was the presentetion of p aint | | Ing, #1 # graduate of the iiversity of Sori, succeeds Miss Marie Shantz. who is concluding her second term of office, Times-Garelte Sall Photos mas dinner had proved popular social events Miss Shantz expressed thanks i the executive Eonpmisee, f press, auditors and Y Mis, RE Ta A shied for the election of officers, Tha slate, presented by Mrs, RV, Bhetfield, was adopled as follows , Miss Alleen Parke) In the wo passengers re, JA travelled some 7,000 miles by sea calling at 15 poris on the outward voyage and six homeward The blue skies, profusion of foli age sheltering exotic flowers and fruit, the historle ehierhes and husy waterfronts unreeled in h cor lorful panorama Hinsing 4 Bt, Kitts, Antigua, Bx Rominiga, it, Lucia, Barbad Vincent, and Mrs, John Coleman Add honey to the sandwich fill ing you fix for your midnight snack the many varied experiences, she and the Reverend Cowan had en countered on the mission field In western Canada A rummage sale w ra planned for May #1, Plang by! made foy catering for # Mrs, Abbott onsadind, thanks to the hostess for the lovable even CANADIAN LEGION AUX, Ladies' Auxitiary to Bhanch, the 43 of the Canadian Legion held Ws regular meeting with the president, Mrs. Robert Williams, presiding, One new member was Initiated and weleomed into the auxiliary Accounts were passed for pay ment, Letters and cards of thanks were read Arrangements were made for the visit to Fairbanks Auxillary on Thursday, May 10, Buses will leave the hus station sharp at 6.15 Names will be taken next Tuesday for anyone wishing to attend the zone rally in Uxbridge on Thurs day, May 26 Mrs, Alfred Lavender gave the Simmons Tovoried on "tok ans, ra Lavender reported on han: quets catered fo recently It was decided to hold a social evening on May 81, Birthday greetings were sung for two members RENDEZVOUS CLUR The regular meeting of The Rendegvous Club was held at Ades laide House with Mrs. A, 8, Calli: son presiding Mrs, Peter Highley read the minutes of the last meeting and gave the treasurer's. report, It was decided to give a donation of 25. to the YWCA warld servie fund, The president thanked th members for their vefreshmen donations to the card party held in the 'Y'" on April 28 Refreshments were served Mrs, Peanington, Mrs, Gordon Rooney, Mrs, David Reid and Mrs hy Preceding | the meeting the mem hers hjoyed joveral games of POWIIng, he nigh hest score Arig being won by 5, James " LAUREL GRO i wil eo Laure Foup of the of ing Bireet th nited Church met in the Bunday school réem for Us quarterly meeting, Mrs, L, Muldrew presided, and gave a Seripture reading, after whieh Mrs. H. MeNeil lef in the devo tional and read a poem on "Moth er, Mrs, KE, W, Burrus gave three readings relating to "Mother's Day" WwW. P. Graham Mrs, sang op to her own Ing, Ref derved by Mrs, Karl James Howe fred Badgley, Mrs, Bak 1 and Mrs, Kenneth AA LOYAL WORKERS WMA The WME Loyal Worker group of King Street United Chureh met in the chureh parlor en Wednesday afterpoon Mrs, Harold Tiers, president, wel comed the 24 members and (wo visitors present and opened with a reading entitled "'Belleve', The roll eall was answered hy each member reading a verse from the Bible Mrs, J, C, Tindall In charge of he Rial period apnea with sole ards were Jographed " Son) ' ros m i had : siness wis hod all members wera asked to Ant on Fr to the be bh ghie supper was enjoyed, R MeNen pio and bring a new mem next movie, which wi In onto Apo served by Mrs, group, CRN RY bt LE WA The West Group of the Woman's Association of Centre Street United Church met recently at the homp of Miss Lula Christie, King Stre West for ils regular meeting, A large number of members were present Mrs, Ace Abbott, group leader had charge of the meeting, Mra A. F, Cowan led in the worship service, She A three poems, de pleting the lives of mothers, grand mothers and mothers-in-law, 'after which she offered prayer, She also John Bmith Have an, interesting deseription of ding, 'Lord Jesus Christ be wilh us now", and oo #einture pre thee ir wi Am 3 gn home calls and seven hospital calls 0 were reported hy the Community Friendshin visitors, Mrs, Hi A. Alexander gave a reading Following the business session Mra, Tiers read a letter from Miss Mary Mansfield, home missionary, telling about her work In the mission flelds Mrs, 8, J, Blephenson sang a solo "He Took Every Burden Away", Mrs, Tindall Inirduced the guest speaker, Miss Belly King, a recent graduate of the Anglican Women's Training College Wn Toronto who gave an inspiring talk on h » eall to preach the gospel and her work in western mission flelds The Migpath Benediction was then Rrenaunced after which Mrs Tindall and her group served re freshments and a social half hour was enjoyed Crenada, Trinidad TP British Guiana Wealth and poverty, beauty and ugliness existed side by side under the tropical sun, Mrs, Temple ob: served and her excellent photo: graphy illustrated her observa tong Mrs, Temple who is a member of the staff of Ontarie Ladies'. Col lege, Whithy, wes Introduced hy wEMuriel Bisson, The retiring president, Miss Marie Bhantz, presented the 10th annual report which showed the club, with a membership of 90 he in a flourishing rondition, The club heen saddened by the foath , 0 valued membgis, Hiltz and Mrs, Prop Atoninly meetings had WR well attended, with the members showing lively interest in quastion | sen periods The fall tea and Christ: How To Make Use Of The 'Extra Room' By ELEANOR ROSS What do you do with that little extra room that Is part" the floor plan of so Jhon hou not of recent vinta It LX Ll sal Fie a i ust a hit the Jie pn nounced that 1 [) NA room L Apment » That A ha it has become es sentially; but it also serves as the guest room, And as a quiet retreat for other, members of the family who want to eateh pi with read: Ing, sewing, writing elters or lis tening fo good musie, The U + shaped Arrangement that worked oul so wel kitehen, was used in placing the furniture in this room, A studio bed, consising of a slip-eovered hedspring and mattress on legs wan sel p flalnet i long, wooden wall unit, of le esk level, The unit pro vided a back for the daybed and a shelf into whieh lighting strips, covered with flush frosted glass panelings, had been hull Hinged onto one end of the wall units was a hookease that eould } EVERY DAY IS VALUE DAY AT A&P! You will find « wide variety of wonder! valves at A&P any day you shop, Come See Come Save LAMB CHOPS --, 49 MINC Extra Lean EEF SPECIAL--JANE PARKER CHERRY PIE Ib 29 Rep 53¢-SAVE 16¢ ~30. PRICES EFFECTIVE MONDAY, TURSDAY and WEDNESDAY firme first vice-president, Mrs, RB, V, ef leid} nd vice-president, Mrs Yaylor; treasurer, M4 # Ni Roes veeording ecyetary, Miss Beverley Nicol; correspond: ing secretary, Miss 'Tune Visher, 'mveners of the standing com: mittees: Entertainment, Mrs, H Millen; hospitality, Mrs, N. C, Fras ser; membergh p, Mrs, John Sm eron; program, Miss Fileen Husk; ways and means, Mrs, D, H, Moore, federation representative, Hume, Routine yl were glyen hy the secretaries, treasurer and con veners of committees, The sgho: Iarship commiitee was appointed os follows: Mrs, G, K. I yal, Ferguson, White, Mie i. ¥, Mo: erguson, yi Mrs, 1, 0 Laughlin, Bowmanville, aly 33 prolh her aghleve ments as president and as a gar dener, Mrs, W, FV, Taylor pre sented Miss Shantz with twe nam: ed Yariety rose bushes In appre: eigtion " [he oo he 4 44 een Parker, incomin president, who was named of pr delegate fo the Phennial meetin monton, In August, thank the members in taking of flee Jd after concluding 1h I§ HOA: dnd Gotles miei 1 he swing out i easy hedmaking, fi] Inside of "the unit formed a ootheard for the daybed, while its opposite end, facing into the room, consisted of open shelves for ra: til, books, plants or cherished ornaments, FTORAGE APACE a iow at the uf ihe " of ; consuls 'general oduetion of Jom Thomp- son's "Vest Wind', the room | winning the parents' aad prize for the year. This painting | was presented to Mr, Lawrence | Savery, prineipsl, who in turn gave | it to Mr, Everett Maycoek, eaeher of Grads VII, The committee responsible for hooting this Pleture by the emin ent. Canadian artist was composed of Mrs, A, W Armstrong and Miss al-Canudian pleture was well re: ceived hy the parents Annus! reports were vead hy members of the executive, Delegates to the Ontario Feder ation Convention In Toronto, gave iterating Begounts of the differs on tandl were Mrs, Georgs Mrs i Weldon, Mrs, Pearce, Mrs, Tho. mas Davidson, Mrs, W, G, Wssex Mrs, Moss commented on the suceess of the metlvities of the past year snd eoneluded her remarks hy saying "May we look forward to a year of Increased interest and may the activities be more sue vessful than in the ear now end ng', Bhe expressed sincere Ap preciation to all members of her executive and to those wha had in any way assisted her during her term of office, Mrs, Moss also V. | made a reauest for the wholehearts ed cers, Mrs, Walter Johnson, chairman, nominating ecommittes, presented her slate of officers for the com Ing year, After Spain, 0 OHawa Seems Like Home To Irish-New Yorker By PEGGY THOMAS Canstlan Press Mall Writer (CP) ~~ Mys, Leo Me: Cal a Wie of the Republic of Ireland's Fi mba dor to Cane ody was horn in the United Bates gver, she Is of Irish descent, hs Ways bedn Interested h Irish things and active in groups og. Irish musie and erature and ihe Gaelie language, It whe during a tp to Ireland r husband, hat Je oe in New York, They support of the Ineoming Offi: leaf that serves as & night table, Boft rose pinks and greens, with touches " white and bitter aweet, made w the color scheme of this pretty, hut Practical room. Except dhe 8 the daybed, wh leh wan pe. he ex Lge yeu down. nie yy ph i oy. The daybe ah ove i all the's a May. Sale conmmues SPR COATS Many Belew Original Whales sale, M . » Nw Reg. NO L409, an 29" ony Below the Maker's Cont, Beautiful Weel and Cash: mere Blonds, Tweeds, Suedes ", Plannels and Cheeks, These wanted Slimline, Coats Flare Coals, ¢ Cont, Sines MW, 18% GROUP II styles in Cluteh Coot ontolr Lopel fo 20) 14M bo 0" GROUP 111 * CASH * BUDGET 4 Ways te Buy: * LAY AWAY * CREDIT 42 KING p Sis s ST. W, Velma Kaiser, Their eholce of an |= you i or nT * VRS, FRANK SINGER 5 Cedar Dale H&S 'Holds Election MRS, GLORGE, MOSS ha a he ak W, Noinson A pe Mrs, Sidney Sharples, past pre. sident of Home wnd School Coun- ell, addressed the meeting bristly and Installed the newly elected ficers ns follows, President, Mrs Ist viee-president, Sibert secretary, Mrs, George Weldon; treasurer; Mrs, George Webster; corresponding secretary, Mrs Randolph Makk; executive members, Mrs, J. D, Bolles, Mrs, Ross Jones, Mrs, WN. J, Britton, Mrs, George Lee and Mrs, Waller Johnson Following the Installation 'Mrs, J. G, Brough expressed the ap JF oeintion of the pssec'atioh to vi, Sharples, A vole of thanks fo the retiring officers was given hy Mrs, Vssex Mrs, Moss announced that the next Home and School Counell meetin M would he held on Tuesday, May ALB pm, in the B55, A Lovell School, Refreshments were served hy the members of the ene utlve MO Fram Sh in was rein hl " 0% "eee "Date | Joeently. rofl me i : sa their Fi 4 nOthet yor rs. hn arence Burgess and oulion, vice orerident, | Sos Kort Campbell, recording see. retary; Mrs, Fred Britten, treasury: | er; Mrs, Arthur Yeo, Mrs, Wil liam Maule, Mrs, John Johnstone, Mrs, Harr Manchan members, Mrs, i, ¥, Dargen wes | it Installed as the Ke i hy Hr secretary and Mrs, 68 new executive member, Mrs, T, D, Thomas presided for | the installation, ing The fo ram for the evening! was #p! talent when the school choly sang George Moss; | Mrs, Thomas of Miss Mary Hewitis; Bobby Shel: mak, & former Cedar Dole pup played the plano accordion and Mrs, Willlam Jenkins, a member | of Cedar Dale Home ond Behoo! Association, # ang in two silos "Moth ¥ Macree" a ask', Mrs, Tenking wos segompaniod at the plano by Mrs, J PERSONALS nd Mrs, Carl Scammell, treet, entert "thi recently arly on t pe ort Wise He resided. hi A al te 0 v, "ing Slrst Rommel *hefors leaving for Niagara Valls, Ontario, The Oshawa Golf Club eieially opened Saturday with a golf com: dance, Mrs, R, §, McLaughlin, Mrs FUR STORAGE TIME For FREE Bonded Pickup FASHION VILLAGE Phone RA 5.2722 were married nine years ago, spent some time In Dublin snd were posted to Bpain In 1040. They travelled to Madrid b, mobile through England, and northern. Spain, COLLECTED PAINTINGS Mrs, MoCauley found the Span. |8t a dinner ish capital "beautiful, colorful and| for Mr. If Interesting," and while there col | Were lected pore " paintings of | sof Bpanish subjéets by wih artis They now nthe - auletly-decorsied L embassy In downtown Ottawa, rh gir. * Mrs, MoCauley, an ail woman with twinkling erative says that coming to Clint is "pl mast tke Doing o hate," she will 50 near her family, I Agnes h mily, who live Her main nlans for her Wl are to travel, perfect her hae do some what ng and hog gulre [ ten or two lo replace Imoso and "Violeta," who were left he. hind in Spal n. Honey tastes good; honey Is good; honey contains food eles ments Deeded by the body, auto rance Mr, Gibbs | the tormenting ehe=yjo | druggln MOGNE 4 ihe as AM ruff has complet two selections under the. direction | and hal Howie 10 ¢ MOON'S ai avery doar 0 vy with strictly home' | Heved ana the lh Home Tremment ' oF yous aulp Ju. kon with ugly su A or "oie. tationg==DON' 8 bis executive nail as that only Jive th Anger to make works, and spr Vor prompt effective ro oe [1 2 diectjone ud hen 4 re ontinue the treatm rf Alp SE t ot Mm " wl BUS '} for CONVENIENCE Get on or off, practically 'at your doorstep! COLONIAL COACH LINES yr GOING ON A HOLIDAY? CO ROUND IN THE BEST CIRCLE = IR BRA Go young with a smoothscontoured bosom line==made possible by 3R's ingenious clrcular sticching=firm yet flexible! Becauseof thisspecial stitching your 3R Bra clings as it setsreetecchios fits you perfectly with every move you make! Ask for it by name, Alp in longline style, Go in perfect ease in the girdle that walks and never rides up! Exclusiv criss-cross front lets you walk, sit, bend, dance or run, Your tummy's in, your hips are slim, through the magic of Satong! xo Gag BAT NRL ARR DOMINION CORSET CO. LTD. * TRADE MARKS REQ'D THE ANSWER TO A MORE BEAUT

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