hat 15 Lxely to be around for a | tiest aud finest slips are fashioned | THE DAILY TIMES-GAZEITE, Wednesday, April 13, 18 © 'MARY HAWORTH MAIL "Brief" Lingerie | [Ggimei®; © UL of ney plesied, Sofia so | . tol . |less for her money in all these| emerges as a very important (abric noir ensembles in delicate, dreamy pretty pajamas or combined with Wardrobe Poses Problem To Women 'Becomes Fashion | short, short fashions--she's get-| for some trousseau type slips and cc'ors, Among heavier fabrics, pylon net or tulle for boudoir en. By ELEANOR ROSS ting more * com'ort, more high petticoats and night-gown and peig-| there is nylon satin done up into | sembles. S 1 Vv inl F Chic | WHOEVER thought that the day | fashion, more fun, and less laun-| EE --, Who trugge s val Y or 1 would come when a woman wanted | dry to do. Just think how many : ' p It is less for her money instead of more? | shortie nighties and short skirts Dear Mary Haworth: I've never|tio make a good appearance 5 Well, he ie To chet can. be tosses n article that hit home so achieved by study, planning and) 8 i Ja an | read a as your March 9th column | systematic ~unflagging enterprise, | Pass and the stores have plenty into the washing machine load. I's, : A ' i i i ) f of this. | just going to allow more leisure, a poorly groomed wife--| in corralling the right items and of proof Pa ; : mig vi Rn We have | keeping them in repair. In stock are shorter nighties" and | that's all, LE LIFE | . daughter and I don't want her| It is possible that in your for- pyjamas, shorter shorts for south-| THE SIMP E | ; a daug ern climes, short skirts for college, And now that there are all the 3 x ; indi ar-| mative vears--maybe up to the ; bo be 28 ndiferant 10 her, Ae a of aaa Sp almost | Wear, shorter boleros, toppers and| washable materials anyone could that example is the best teacher. no "say" in what you wore; or at jackets for low-cut dresses and want, more no-iron fabrics are I am tall, have a nice figure|least not enough to encourage you shorter gloves. | appearing by the day and a family and could be very attractive. {to take a creative interest in your SMALL PACKAGES | wears less and less of even these have no trouble making and keep-| looks. Thus perhaps you developed Smart fashions do indeed come | easy washables, how can life be i i they alll an air of indiff e towards in small packages in this day and| anything but simple? ¥ ne friends. Bul Sveiiaslly they Te x oa] Fashion offers a short By This Spring some of the pret- ? , STRAPLESS de " | and try to persuade | clothes, in an unconscious attempt| age. me to take better care of my|to rise above a profound sense of | "__ grooming. My poor husband has | to rise above a profound sense of | tried too and nowadays Be buys frustratk nor discouragement, or Mr. PEEK & 'lothes that he thinks will prove | defea s area where indivi- becoming. Also he periodically | dual taste cries for expression Mr. FREAN have Hew for you WALTER OFF-SHOULDER "Ty Add "hecks shoes, to see if they | (especially in womankind). Se Sifts or cleaning. | CURE NOT EASY ANP frauiay Repeatedly 1 resolve to mend my | Perhaps as a child you yearned ways, but soon fall back into the | intensely for styles of raiment that unkempt groove. 1 am very fussy were Sealed Jou, " that Jour t personal cleanliness, but | potential feeling for clothes wen! ia wh io Ci the visual appearance ] underground figuratively speaking, «+. a cookie with a delicious, esn't ther me--al and later emerged in protest-reac- | : make doe 1 don't mind wearing | tions, That Hg in Fi that rich Caramel flavour, topped a striped blouse with a plaid skirt | professes to despise clothes-con- y : ai | --and so on | sciousness--either as a sour-grapes : with cane sugar, You'll like it, | STRUGGLES VAINLY " | declaimer of interest in a field of | en taken to task, 1 earnest choice once clos to you or. | b O | ee kee op. TN go Ahrough | maybe, as a blind childish thrust NOW BRINGS YOU A | my wardrobe and mend, press, dis-| at authority--an attempt to spite ! ---- | card, etc.: then I'll get a new hair- | whoever once dressed you, by od > A o¥ ) . | do (new cut and permanent)--yet | looking as badly as possible inthe J - | somehow 1 don't feel any worth-| stuff provided. | Z - RA while change has been wrought.| Maybe this protest - reaction 9) i ; Actually 1 feel I look He SAG | became a Jabit, with its original | NS : no matter how much or how little evance lost sight of, in your | effort I make | memory catalogue -- so that now : 4 FOR All YOUR NECKLINES ! 1 don't have any great fashion| you. dress like a scarecrow, not | J - { sense; but I do know I can't gol knowing why. In any case, what-| | wrong if I stick to plain tailored | ever the inside story, the fact that | | lines and a few good colors--yet| your husband feels obliged to check # A after 1 stock up with good ecsen-| your shoes periodically, to keep tials, I don't care if I wear them | them presentable, suggests that ; ' GARDEN PARTY GLAMOR or not. 1 am 32 and alwavs have | your sloppiness is infantile, and Look v loveli i : been this way. Can Jou help me also lazy--two classic by-products ) your loveliest in our bra with MCT thats ha avs g sgrain r | erstand why?----and wha | Vy frustration G wi 1 PICTURE hats have alway of black grosgrain ribbon on the do' rstand > 1 husband -and| As for solving the problem, it isl ; 8 OZ PACKET the new high rounded look. been about the most flattering top of the brim apd royal blue Br ? frames for the feminine face | grosgrain in the same position | friends and my own desires can't| related to character as I've said | 9 1 | Embroidered satin cups... foam that milliners ever dreamed up | under' the brim. The streamers | change me, can anything? f Thus the cure, if any, must come ; | and this season they are par- | meet and over-lap. Worn off-the- | --K.V AARACTER FR a general process of J | rubber padded . . . dacron lastex back, q / P a 1 s | forehea t is f $ -'d LEC CH 4 | " of growi | ¢ . . ticularly big and beautiful. This orehead, it is ideal for sum REFLECTS haphazard | organized adult growing up to | Cushioned wires for comfort and one, made of natural leghorn mer weddings and al fresco par- | Dear K. V Your La Tossin iter ancepiatice of os. straw. is trimmed with a band ties | dress, which dismays your hus-| bus s. For help in this you hat "spri ih) 7 band and friends, probably reflects might read "The Mature Mind" | t springy" uplift. lackadaisical behavious generally. (Notion) by Dr. HA. Overstreet A Favorite Dish In The Maritimes [Ax fuse det Meine) ary sawortn cosets | Se Fashionable and Glamar BY {up probably has counsels through : » : eo le | immature dependent. cast of Sha her column, not by mail on Wakord of Jmoud BISCUITS | ue AT YOUR 1 1 racter, unburdened by a sense of | personal interview. Write her in | VANITY BRASSIERE CO, LI Salt Cod Savory Baits Appetites personal responsibility as if a|care of this newspaper Ls. A. a, SS]. sy MITED « MONTREAL ; FAVORITE SHOP : 3-vear-old had casually pieced -------- enim --n ---- -------- Ta an i Ph ND Seldom heralded salt cod is|1'2 cups chopped onions together his (or her) outfit for the | 4 % one of the most economical and|1 1-0z. can whole mushrooms |d4ay, donning what came to hand. oldest known of Canadian fish. It 8-0z. can tomato sauce Being pleasingly dressed, by played a role in the development tablespoons butter | reasonable adult standards, is 1 4 | of this country as an important 4 tablespoons flour | accident. Rather it is a fruit of | part of the early Canadian fishing 1 teaspoon salt | purposeful effort--a net result of | industry. However, the salt cod we 1 cup milk | intelligent conscientious endeavor 1 teaspoon Worcestershire --------------_------ buy today is m far cry from that ised by homemakers of the past sauce Modern methods of curing have|2 cups cooked noodles, macaroni | wrought a change or rice y. \ Pp [+ | L | i | ' The fish today is tender and Sprinkle vinegar over flaked flavorful. It can well be the found- cod. Saute onions and mushrooms | 4 i | 5 | 6 ation for many really delectable |in the salad oil until tender add ' ' dishes which will be proudly pre-|tomato sauce, heat thoroughly. | sented by the homemaker with a Meanwhile make a white sauce by | flair for culinary creations end an melting butter, blending flour and | Bb eve to the budget. Easily prepar-|salt, gradually adding milk, cook- | ed, Salt Cod Savoy is hearty and ing and stirring until thickened. | | ' pleasing to the palate, a novel way |Add Worcestershire sauce and of utilizing the Maritime favorite. | flaked cod to white sauce. Heat 4d . . A sauce combining onions,mush-| through. Add onion and mush-| E---- . . . rooms. tangy condiments and sub- | room mixture mix well and serve | v tly - spiced tomato sauce provides | ever cooked noodles, rice or maca- ad | | O U S O [ r U a § S O | | - a N an enticing background for the|roni. Makes six servings \ fish. A bed of noodles, macaroni or - . fluffy rice seems the perfect com- i for this savory supper | 4 | hd Ww A) h, Bait the family with a fish|} dinner like this and a fine aren HO R N S B Y ! 5 a of compliments will be yours, GET 2 AE THE PRICE O°} i nd - | y 1 . 4 ---------------- SALT COD SAVORY Photographer . . . 2 cups flaked salt cod P.US A PENNY tablespoon vinegar Plan your PORTRAIT > a as carefully es ' i / 2 tablespoons salad oil ; YOUR WEDDING | i : i 24 \ % Have Personal PORTRAITS J ' ot = A SSU by MR. HORNSBY { Ar . . : LOW BLOOD PRESSURE Appaintments Tor candid A paw Low blood pressure usually caus- weddings must be made ! 3 $ hg es less trouble than high blood well in advance | by pressure, unless it is dangerously 2. whie * i rou oad 48 4 ; low. In this case, it may be the HORNSBY STUDIO i. ' 4 aly : symptom of some other disease 15 KING W. ~~ wg 4 ' Diet 3-015) : x which should be treated specifical- 3 Simcoe S. . ly, which will probably result in | Bowmanville We. 5-3778 reredying the low condition { : J 3 £ " i Al, - 4 STARTING TOMORROW ---THURSDAY -9 AM. With Your Purchase of Materials -- 4 GEC Tr LMM Sclected from Oshawa's Greatest NAR | = Drapery Values--30,000 Yards o CAT EA reated Material To Choose From PATTERNS BY THE WORLD'S LEADING DESIGNING ARTISTS, VAT-DYED, PRE-SHRUNK 48" FABRICS YOU CANNOT BEAT THESE PRICES ANYWHERE! SPECIAL FEATURES DRAPERY FABRICS IMPORTED, TOP QUALITY IN 48-INCH WIDTHS 48" SATEE Of This Amazing Offer ABSTRACTS @ FLORALS @ SCENICS N * You get topsauality DISTINCTIVE HAND PRINTS, ETC. . DRAPERY Lael ' \ | Come in today and find out h y in! i G local prize in this fun-filled Conte: Fah h R custom drape making THAT SHOULD ORDINARILY 48 IDTH LININ " WIDT Bell Diamond Ring. And the Manufacty f Bridal" ¢& Lined o lined from the new Bell Diamond Rings is offering a Notions: Brie rsa) aed fupiagan SELL FOR A MUCH HIGHER REG. 1.39 YARD orl Honeymoon at the Waldorf" . . . a whole week in New PRICE. FREE : York with all ex enses paid You have 00 © ces M A K | N G YARD win, so come th now for your entry form If you live ® Any number of idt : Y Brida! Bell ¥ out of town, just write us and we will send you an entry form and complete details. : For Further Information Contact bassetts ~~ | "am FABRIC TOWN : 4 ge osWAWA 5.1611