4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, March 26, 1955 WHITBY and DISTRICT Getting into a jewellery store | however, is the hard way is the apparent purpc Whitby's Dundas St. on AT KING ST. SCHOOL OPERA scene "Hansel from Humper- and Gretel' Music Demonstration yesterday, Ramond Reeson, | Brodie at King St. School shows Hansel, e E> : NO BREAKIN THIS of this group of men This, not the case, nor are they digging for gold. Ac- tually, they are PUC workers with the unromantic task of un- covering a fractured water main. |. Zone Commander Visits Auxiliary CMO MIATA "we ne Commander Rose Bates, | paid an official Auxiliary of Branch 112 of the Cana- y Legion at the regular meet- in the hall on Wednesday ev- | Accompanying her m embers of the Bowmanville The zone commander and those 1panying her were welcomed | president, Mrs. E. J. Hum- and following the meet- | bingo was played and re-| reys, ie zone commander congrat- ted the local auxiliary of some | F members on the very fine work | are doing here, and outlined that e 0 v Whithy C i £ lary. vmanville, to the Ladies' iments served, of be accomplished. ed very favorably on the work the branches | 223: L referring | 215; and | | All auxiliar- | w, were working hand | Gg hand with Canadian Legion | done or « her increased = memberships ped-up activities. she said, hes the other things She in all jurisdiction, in the zone, were (283): B. Procunier, 728 (260); S. Davies, 710 (248); J (298); D. Reynolds, 708 (281); A Reardon, 685 (252); (232). High singles; Wilson, 327; J. Strank, Dingley, 261; E. Steer, Swartz, 257; L. Sabins, Fisher, 239; J. Robson, Mowat, 232, Team standing; rane BA, | Red Wings, 10: | Corner Pins, 10 es, 9; Whitby Cleaners, 4. 276; B 260; M 246; B Al's Majors, 10; LADIES' CANDY LEAGUE | High singles for the day; { ams, 301 /. Brinning, 285, Lott, 270 229; I 209; W. Rigler, 221, son, 205, 202; D Roblin, 243; e- | Stevens, 250; | bes, 232; H. Moore, Correll, 223; S. Dilling, 215; Cook, 214; N. McCarroll, Wilkinson, 209; J. Cox, Harris, 203; C. Gray, 200 | Triples for the day; F | 680; W. Brinning, 646; D | 634; M. Kadwell, 613; M 204; M Moore, 264; L M. Kadwell, 228; G BOWLING NEWS 596; E. Yates, 593; Kalar, 563; C MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE son, 785 (298); Mewett, zh 'triples; Watson, 320) S 99 ering J. Ross, 800 (275); C R. Bragg, 789 (288); M. Jordan, 7 769 (276); D Cummings, 770 i G. Sweet, 748 (310); C 822 (307); F ond, Adams, (288); | 751 (285); A Heath, 7 Harris, 557; M. Correll, 553; G. | ijanson, 545; 1 .. Stevens, 541: Hg Sreve 522; L | Roblin, 515; H | Loyst, 511; Moore, 515; K J. Cox, 511. Points for the day | Life Savers, 3; All Sorts, 3; 52 | pops, 3; Gumdrops, 1; Wyatt, 709 P. Sweet, 681 | A. Brown, 321; E. 234; B.| Hicks-Coch- | 10; Wilson Furniture, 10; Head Pins, 9; Ac- D. Ad- 226; Mothersill, 228, Pog- | E. Yates, 242; M. For- 244; J. | Wiles, M. Pamenter, F. Kalar, 215; 210; 208; | Lott, Adams, Pogson, N. McCarroll, | | 593; oy Peggs, 588; W. Rigler, 574; | F. Gray, 559; G.| Forbes, 1H Wiles, 550; W. Mothersill, 545; E. Cook, 533; Mrs. Lafaine, 515; J. Humbugs, 4; Lol- | Pepper- Choruses And Opera Feature At King St. Demonstration Both vocal and instrumental mu- sic were featured in the King St. | 'School Music Demonstration last { night, | and Gretel, Bonnie Townsend, being seized by the Witch, Dale DAY-BY-DAY WHITBY WHITBY DUPLICATE BRIDGE With 10 tables playing, the fol- lowing are top scores in this week's game. North and South: | Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Spratt, 80%; Mrs. Stiner and | Mrs. Holliday, 79%: Mrs. Spratt | and Mrs. Wilson, 78. East and | West: Mrs. Heron and Mr. Heron, 110%; Mrs. Booth and Mrs. Ken- nedy, 91%; Mrs. Baxter and Mrs Forsyth, 90; Mrs. and Miss Bov- | ay, 82%. FIRE ALARM Volunteer Fire Bridage | yut yesterday afternoon to | answer a call for assistance from the Community Arena. Firemen a welder's torch had ignited a par- | tition. The fire had been exten- | guished by men arrived. workmen before fire- WHITBY BRIEFS Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Lear, Burns | | Street, have as a visitor Mrs. | | Reg. Lear ,of Sudbury, while her | son is at the Sick Children's hos- pital in Toronto Chairman E. J. Bryant, of the | | Public Utility Commission, is en- | Joying a holiday in Florida. | | Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Phin, who | | have been visiting for a few weeks | in San Francisco, are expected | home on Monday "evening. | Rev. David and Mrs. Marshall | returned yesterday from a holi- day spent at Daytona Beach, Fla, | by to find that a spark from | | | | | | | FOR RENT IN WHITBY 9,000 3Q. FT. Light Manufac- Winter, 90; Mr. and | - | APARTMENT FOR RENT, 3 | modern rooms and bath, sink and built: | ace St., [ | ment, The concert, which was held in the Town Hall, commenced with an opening chorus, by the choir of grades 4 and 5, which was fol- fowed by a choral selection by that choir, and one by grades 2 and 3. Grade 1 boys and grade 1 girls gave separate selections after which grade 4 sang two pieces with perdinck's opera 'Hansel and Gre- descant. A delightful adaption of Hum- tel' was given by the pupils of grade 5, the cast being as follows; Narrator, Barbara Foote, Hansel, Raymond Reeson, Gretel, Bonnie Townsend, Peter, their father, Donald Waltham, Gretel, his wife, Jo-Anne Underwood, the Witch, Dale Bell. Grades 2 and 3 Made Rabbit' 'Peter their dramatic offering. Starring in this playlet were: Mo- |W ther Rabbit, Janice Greenlaw. Pet- er Rabbit, Andrew Goode, Flopsy bit, Maurine McQuire, pttontail Rabbit, Ricky Sanford, Mr, Mec- Greggor, Christopher Cuddy, and the Scarecrow, Robert Whitney. This was followed by grade three's interpretation of 'Roy Rog- TWO JUNKS ROUTED HONG KONG (Reuters) -- Two armed pirate junks attempted to intercept a Unitd States navy landing craft last Saturday about 50 miles south of here, the U. §. information service announced to- day. The junks fled without fire when an American naval tankc. came to the rescue after the land- ing craft radioed for help. KITCHEN REMINDER Sanitary work practices are just | as important in the kitchen of the home as in public eating places. pr -------------- WASHER (HEPAIRY | work Guarenteed. Complete check wp. Wringer grease end gear oll cha Wringer rolls in BUTT RADIO And Appliance 118 Brock St. S., Whitby" MO. 8-3707 ers'. Jerry Hicks as Roy Rogers, Sharon Missett as Dale Evans and Victor Diamond as Pat Brady. The Bands were; Rythm Bands: Grade 1, Gorls Conductor Louise Pogson. 'Grade 1 boys. conductor, Alan Brown. Grade 2 Conductor, David Wright, Grades 2 and 3 Conductor Patsy Stacy. Grade 3 Conductor Kathy Cuddy. These Rythm Bands were follow- ed by a Flute selections by the Grade 4 flute band, under their conductor, Stuart Evans. e Nery enjoyable evening was brought to a close with the sing- ing of The Queen" by the entire company. The teachers in charge, by whose efforts the show hecame possible were; Grade 1 girls Mrs. Margar- et Teer, Grade 1. boys, Miss Patsy Moore, Grade 2 Miss Mildred Corbett, Grades 2 and 3. Mrs. Eil- cen Clarke, Grade 3, Mrs. Dorothy Gregor and Mrs. Nellie Hopkins, Grade 4, Miss Gertrude Corbett, sud Grads 5, Mr. D. G. Cath- NEW! REMINGTON Quiel-nitse, The only Portable with Miracle Tob and Super-Strength frame comirve tion. Has 33 other outstanding fee- tures. Freel Touch Method Instruction Book, Carrying Case. Budget Terms. Test type and compare it today ef W. C. SNELGROVE Drugs and Stationery 103 Brock St. S. MO. 8-3684 Phone Whitby CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING | WANTED TO RENT -- HOUSE IN OR | near Whitby, by responsible Write Box B' Times- Gazette, | FOR RENT ~ APARTM modern kitchen, large living room, large bedroom and bathroom. Adults. Phone | Whitby MO, 8-3521. Tia FOR | RENT -- floor, aj kitghen, TWO ROOMS, GROUND ws conveniences, heated, sink in Immediate possession. Phone 2233. FOR "RENT -- LARGE WELL FUR: nished apt. housekeeping room. Adults | apply L. FOSTER, 506 Dundas West. ™e FOR RENT - 3-ROOM M APARTMENT, in modern farm home, near Ajax Reasonable. 8-2195. 72a gr SCOVY DUCKS $2.00 cach or § for $10 Phong MO. s20%. 3 LARGE in cupboards in kitchen. Apply 231 Pal- Whitby 68( | FOR SAL E_BRICK BUNGALOW, 1% blocks from four corners Whitby, 6 | rooms, oil heated, large lot, Terms, Ap-| sly 220 Perry Street. 71d WANTED TO RENT--ONE FURNISH. ed room, or small bachelor apartment, by gentleman, Write Box 22, Times- Gazette, Whitby. 71b ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO GEN. tlemen, Phone MO. 8.2757. 1b FOR RENT -- THREE ROOM APART- private entrance; single room, Heat, hydro. Apply MO. 82046 70 | private entrance, | Hollywood Motel, FOR RENT One or two rooms in Whitby apartment building, furnished or unfurnished. All conveni- Dial Oshowe 5-3214. 71h ences, FOR SALE -- LARGE WARDROBE, two doors ,dark wood. Best offer. 614 Dundas east, pnone MO, 8-3788. T0¢ ROOM AND BOARD FOR THREE gentlemen, willing to share. 408 Gilbert Street east, Whitby. Toe WANTER TO BUY .. POULTRY, after 6. Marts GOING FISHING? Hip Rubber Boots Ist quality $9.95 Collins Shoe Store Mar, 23, 25 BLOWING . Free Estimates. SEPTIC oy CLEANED THE SANITARY WAY. WALTER WARD, Whitby, Phone MO. 8-2563 Mays BREAR'S COMPLETE FLOOR SERVICE tiling, inlaid linoleum, Counter tops a specialty. Phone MO. 8-2060. April 19 TO BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE property just call MéAuley Real ate phone MO, 83331 Whitby anytime, Mar.28 300 COCKERELS FOR SALE, 8 WEEKS old. Reasonable. Apply Fred Brier, RR1 Sunderland, 2% miles west of Pines Gas Station. March 2 | EXPERT PIANO TUNING, MUSICAL lessons, violin, piano, ac¢cordian, gui- tar, 10 a.m. to 8.30 . All musi cal Supplies, European Records. Dial 5-1501, 539 Albert St. South. March 31 Hom E INSULATION, OD. Auctioneer Dial E. J. POMERY Oshawa 3-3036 March23 TENDERS HUNTLEY SASH & FRAMES Free Estimates ' PEEL ST., WHITBY PHONE MO. 8-3595 TELEVISION BUTT RADIO RCA Victory a 118 Brock St. 5. Whitby MO. 8-3707 MINSTREL SHOW Presented by Brooklin 1.0.0.F Wed. & Thur., Mar. 30, 31 8:30 P.M. WHITBY TOWNSHIP HALL ADULTS -- 50¢ CHILDREN -- 35¢ Tickets ot door or from eny Lodge Member TURKEY DINNER 1.25 SUNDAY -- 4 P.M. - 7 P.M. STEAKS ® CHOPS ® SHORT ORDERS ® HOME MADE DESSERTS THE DAIRY RANCH WHITBY Ne. 2 Highway -- 1 Mile West of 4 Comers TOWN OF WHITBY TENDER FOR TRUCK Secled tenders marked "Tender for Truck', addressed to the dersigned, will be ived until 12 o'clock moon on SATURDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1955 for supply of 1 -- new 1955 -- 4 ton truck chassis and cab. The Town of Whitby propeses to offer in trade as part poy ment 1 -- 1949 Ford with dump body and hoist, Tenders must be submitted on Town of Whitby Tender Forms. Further information, tender forms and specifications may be obtained from J. M. Rae, Works Supervisor. The lowest or any tender will not neveIvaily be accepted. Alex Scott, Whitby, Ontario Chemen, Streets Committee Merch 24, 1955. Town Hall, Whitby CONSULT US!... For MODERN methods of Decorating. We have complete stocks of BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS CHAS. A. BRADLEY & SON DECORATING CONTRACTORS Phone ATlantic Love] Cutoff Whitby MO. 8-3559 Kingston Rd. ot Lass: ROTARY CLUB OF WHITBY Presents NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE OLDTIMERS The BLUES vs. The WHITES A Parade of Hockey Greais 'WHITBY ARENA Wednesday, March 30 Game Time 8:45 p.m. See the Conachers -- Charlie, Roy and Bert, Joe Primeau, Busher Jackson, Wallie Stanowski, Billy Taylor, Turk Broda, Roy Worters, Hank Goldup, Butch Keeling, ond many others, ADDED PRELIMINARY ATTRACTION Pickering Alistar Peewees vs. Whitby Allstar Peewees Whitby Police Band in Attendance Arena Box Office will be open Monday end Tuesday from 7 to 10 p.m. and Wednesday, 3 to 6 p.m., to exchange tickets for reserved seats, no extra charge. ADULTS -- 1.00 @ CHILDREN -- 50¢c This advertisement is sponsored by: MeeCorl Hardware, Mcintyre Herdware, Whitby Hardware, Palm Billiards and Wilson's Auto end Bike Shop. WHITBY CHURCHES THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 413 John St. Phone MO. 8-2978 Pastor: 0. MacPherson "The Church of the Old-Fashioned Gospel" 10 AAM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM. --"CHRIST IN GETHSEMANE"* 7 P.M.--""THE NIGHT OF SIN" Men's Trio will be bringing musical selections in the evening service Meénday 7 p.m. -- Junior Church Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Mid-week Service. THE SALVATION ARMY 211 BROCK STREET SOUTH LIEUT. NORMAN COLES LIEUT, ALBERT MARSHALL CORPS OFFICERS Farewell Meetings for Lieutenant Albert Marshall who leaves shortly for Toronto. 11:00 AM. -- THE NEW SELF 2:30 P.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M. -- ALMOST BUT LOST Soloist -- Mrs. |. Tole 8:30 P.M. -- FIRESIDE HOUR "WELCOME" is the word at THE SALVATION ARMY A | WHITBY Duplex -- Built in 1954, this is an opportunity to have your own home and net be d by high hly poy The in- come from the one half of the duplex is nearly sufficient to carry the principal ond interest. Each floor hes two bedrooms with emple closet space; a large pleasant living-room, four-pisce bethraom, wid modern Atco with eating area. This home is end in spotless condition. Full busoment with oil-air conditioning, loundry tubs, and large hot water heater. Heavy wiring for both kitchens. Aluminum storms and screens throughout. A very quiet location on one of the newest streets in Whitby. Down pey t $5,000. Exclusi listing. burd ly d oh hout LOTS We still have a few lots with all services in Whitby, some close te the centre of town, and others s nice walking distance. ALL SAINTS" ANGLICAN CHURCH WHITBY, ONTARIO Rev. M. J. Cathcart, B.A, L.Th,, Rector Sunday Services -- March 27th -- Lent V 9? AM. --HOLY COMMUNION 10 A M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM.--MORNING PRAYER & HOLY BAPTISM 3 P.M.--YOUNG PEOPLE'S BIBLE CLASS 7 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH REV, J. M. WARD, Minister Mrs. W. E. G. Summers, A.T.C.M., Organist 10 A.M.--Sunday School 11 AM.--""Why Jesus Chose the Cross." 7 P.M.--"The Crime of Doing Nothing." Monday 8 p.m. -- B.Y.P.U. Wednesday 8 p.m. -- Midweek Meeting Morning Worship 11 AM. HIS PASSION Members of the Communicants' Class will. be received inte full Church Membership Evening Worship 7 P.M. Le --. Sah "" "" E. White, 735 (296); B.|mints, 1; Jelly Beans, 1; Maple FAINT, YET PURSUING vKs, 740 (286); J. Trott, 7. 39 | Buds, O BROCI 3 WHITBY Phone 8-3618 a) ony Victor MATURE | - Walter PIDGEON / David BRIAN | A DONNA CORCORAN Saturday Evening Shows at 7-9 p.m. STEP RIGHT UP, FOLKS see lovely ESTHER WILLIAMS in MG H's DAZZLING Glue BUGS BUNNY and SPORT turing Space and Offices. Central Location Reasonable Rental Enquire WHITBY MO. 8-2544 Will be received by the PUBLIC UTILI- TY COMMISSION of the Town of Whitby until S p.m., April 11th, 1955 for (1) one Truck Chassis as specified below: ® Chassis with a gross vehicle rating of a minimum of 9,000 Ibs. and a maximum of 10,000 Ibs. Cab-to-axle dimension of 60". Engine -- manufacturers standard. Rear axle -- single reduction. Axle -- front, 3200 Ibs. rear, 7200 lbs. Tires -- single front, 7.00 x 16 -- 6 ply; rear dual, 7.00 x 16 -- 6 ply. (Alternatively, in special instances, 7.00 x 17 or 7.00 x 18 tires are acceptable.) To the above specification should be added items such as: Oil filter, rear view mirrors, heater ete. Replies are to be addressed to the Chairman, and marked Tender for Truck Chassis. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Public Utility Commission of the Town of Whitby E. D. Bryant, H. L. Pringle, Chairman, Superintendent. BROOKLIN $1,500 Down -- Four-bedroom, two-storey house on main street in Livi and dining are both very large and Brook! WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Four up ahd three-piece bathroom. Large lot and two-car garege. basement with furnace. Exclusive listing. ' bright. Extra Tog¢ k hen with cupboad bed Full For these and other listings phone or drop in at our two locations. CALL: DON McQUAY J. P. ALLAN REAL ESTATE BROKER 105 COLBORNE ST. W, WHITBY KINGSTON ROAD WEST WHITBY MO. 8-3564 Day or Night St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church BYRON & ST. JOHN ST. REV. D. MARSHALL MRS, P. N. SPRATT MINISTER ORGANIST 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A M.--BEGINNER'S CLASS 7:00 P.M.--EVENING SERVICE 9:45 AM.--BIBLE CLASS & SUNDAY SCHOOL FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Rev. E. C. Corbett, B.Th. 421 Brock Street North, Whitby 10 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11 AM.--"3. THE 'MAN' CHRIST JESUS" 7 P.M.--"WHERE ARE THE NINE?" Special Music: Our Gospel Radio Broadcast recorded during evening service. Supervised Nursery and large car park available, Visitors are warmly welcomed; come with all your family. Hear ou "Faith Tidings', Sunday, 10:45 AM., CKLB Oshawa. Our Pastor preaching both messages. Orchestra and the Trumpets.