DIAL 3-3474 Ha OSHAWA PAIR EXC The bride, the former Miss Anne Margaret Lees, signs the register following her marriage recently to Mr. Paul Douglas Tane in Harmony United Church. Mrs. | | Tane is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. George D. Lees and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Tane, all of Osh- awa. Photo by Ray Johnston Popular Thornton's Corners Couple Are Honored At Farewell Party Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sidler of Thornton's Corners, who are giv- ing up farming and leaving the] community, were pleasantly sur-| ised Saturday evening, on being vited to Thornton's Corners Sun- day school, to find nearly 100] meighbors and friends assembled. The honored couple were seated ea the platform where Mrs. Leon- ard Goldsmith presented Mrs. Sid- ler with a corsage of carnations and Mr. Harold Foster, a master of ceremonies, expressed the gi wishes of everyone. present. On behalf of the assembled er sang "Galway Bay," "An Irish Lullaby" and 'Changing Part: ners," with Mrs. Jabez Wright as accompanist. A contest featuring "Honeymoon- ers' arranged by Mrs. Goldsmith created much merriment with the prize awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sidler. Other features of the program were a mouth organ and piano number by Mrs. Haw- kins, wearing an old time cos- tume, and a solo "The Books of the Bible" by Mrs. Fred Crome. Mrs. Goldsmith was assisted in convening the party by Mrs. Rob- . Gordon Reeson and ert Sully, Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Sidler were | Mrs. Everett Pipher. Tinted ae recipients of three pieces of | narcissi centered the brown leather luggage with Mrs. Goldsmith, Mrs. Gordon Reeson and Mrs. Robert Sully making the '| the 35th anniversary of the found- Distinguishd Visit Last Thursday evening marked ing of Sunbeam Chapter No. 73, Order of The Eastern Star and Mrs. Nance McLeese extended 1 eetings from her office as Worthy fiatron to the members and visi- tors. The first to be welcomed was Mrs. Edna Anderson of Bowman- ville, Grand Conductress of the Grand Chapter of Ontario. Mrs. Jean Osburn DDGM No. 11 was introduced and welcomed. Mrs. Jean Gow and Mrs. Elizabeth Sid- ders, both of Toronto and Mrs. Tina Roberts, Mrs. Anne Creighton and Mrs, Meta Moore of Oshawa were the past district deputies pre- sent. Presiding matrons and pat- rons from several neighboring chapters were given a welcome. Visitors were present from York, 35th Birthday, Sunbean Chapter ors Attend on April 15. A letter from Mrs. Douglas Coates, matron of Fair- view Lodge, expressing thanks for the wheel chair presented to them was also read. Miss Sybil Lang- maid PM brought birthday greet- ings from Mrs. Sara Robertson PWGM and honorary member of Sunbeam Chapter. Mrs, Agnes Kemlo, immediate past matron was presented with her framed matron's certificate by Mrs. McLeese and a life member- ship was conferred on a much val- ued member. Mrs. Jean Osbourne LDGM wished Sunbeam Chapter a very happy birthday and expressed her Jieatiire in seeing a life mem- bership given to a deserving mem- | ber while he or she was able to | Gow PDDGM and Mrs. Tina Roberts, PDDGM, also brought greetings. Queen City, Aloha, Scarboro chap- ters in the Toronto area and from Pickering, Bowmanville, Whitby, Port Perry and Port Hope chap- ters. Six of the charter members were in attendance, Mrs. Jessie Goyne, Mrs. Tina Roberts, Mrs. Watkinson and the Misses Vida, Sy- bil and Florence Langmaid. For these Mrs. McLee¢se had a special message of welcome and a momen- to of the occasion. Twelve past ma-- trons and two past partrons of Sunbeam Chapter were also pre- sent, Mr, Jack Phillips, worthy pa- tron of Sunbeam Chapter, welcom- ed the visitors and members. The secretary read birthday greetings from Mrs. Chloa Brown PM and Mr. Harry Shelley PP who are holidaying in Florida, as well Ethel | Closing followed with Mrs. Edna | | Anderson grand conductress giving | |the farewell. A short entertain- | lent had been planned High-| | Lights of this were two piano num: | bers by Mr. Harold Adams of] Brighton. Mr. Adams, a nephew of Mrs. Douglas Ives, had g iven a re- cital in Toronto the previous even- ing and stayed in Oshawa for this occasion. Carol Ann Palmer, daughter of Mrs. Duaine Palmer, worthy Matron Of Durham Chap- ter, Bowmanville, delighted the | members with her display of bal- let and tap dancing. The past matrons also contributed a short drill. And Mrs. Osborne added to the enjoyment of the evening with several Irish numbers. Bouquets of daffodils and sham- as many other messages from various friends of the chapter from out of town. The members| were reminded to contact the| worthy matron at once if planning | to visit Sampson Chapter, Detroit rocks decorated the table that dis- played the beautifully decorated birthday cake out by Mrs. Rob- erts, oldest past matron in the lodge. The refreshment committee | served refreshments GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES LOYAL WORKERS | The Loyal Workers WMS Group | of King Street United Church had | Mrs. H. G. Wildes for its guest | speaker for the March meeting Mrs, Willes spoke on the 'Life of Carrie Jacobs-Bond, publisher and song writer. Mrs. and Miss Effa Wright played some of her most popular songs. Mrs. Harold Tiers welcomed the members present. Mrs, Wright was in charge of the devotional. Mrs, Harvey H. Skinner read a story, "An Easter Legend", Readings were also given by Mrs. H. Myers, "Where Is Heaven?" and Mrs. Jesse Choate, 'The Motto That Counts'. Mrs. Tiers announced the Eas- ter Thank-offering for April 5 would be in the form of a pot- luck supper; Mrs, M. Ferguson to be the guest aker. Mrs. J. H. Wright and her group served refreshments, MERRY MATES The members of the Merry Mates Doubles Club of Christ Memorial Church commenced their March meeting by attending as a group the enten service in the church. After the service the business meeting was held In the lower hall, conducted by the rid Mr, and Mrs. J. Alelighted buffet table, Serving were 'Mrs. Wilfred Harris, Mrs. Lander, Mrs. Arthur Bunker and Mrs. Ken- presentation which included a gold | noth Pipher. satin memory book autographed by Svryoie present. Mrs. Sidler | received a basket of spring flowers from the Woman's Asso- clation of Centre Street United Church, with the president, Mrs ¥. E. Graham, doing the honors | A sing song of old favorites with | Mrs. Charlie Hawkins at the piano | and Mr, Foster as leader, opened the program. Mrs. Douglas Land- The evening concluded with the ging of "For They are Jolly and "Auld Lang sin, Good Fellows" Syne." Residents of Thornton's Corners for over 25 years, Mr. and Mrs. Sidler have two daughters, Mrs. Warham Gordon of Barry's Bay, Ontario, and Mrs. Alfred Knowlton and one son, Mr. Frank Sidler of Oshawa. HOUSEHOLD HINT Dents in furniture may disap- pear completely if you treat them with hot water applied with moist per. For best results, hold a hot over the paper. And if the dent doesn't come out, melt a lit- | tle sealing wax of a matching co- | lor into the dent. Smooth the wax and then polish. HOW FARES THE FARMER? "When I lift a solid head of cabbage, shake a stream of glow- ing red raspberries into my hand or look at a firm, sound cut of beef, 1 often wonder if our con- sumer 'sights' should not be lifted a little from our daily chores to | look afar at the threatened back-| ground of farm and field from which the food in our stores comes. We Canadians count far too blindly on a world of eternal! Room at "the top 0' the Brock" provide an e view of the subli guests from all o ing setting for th served with The choice abundance: am abundance we will only retain, as our population grows, if the technology of agri- culture becomes more important, in our eyes, than the technology of gadgets or of war." Renee-Van telet C.A.C. president Men, Women! Old at old after 40 just because low in iron. Introductory or "get-acquainted" size only 60¢, Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new pep, vigor and younger feeling, this very day. At all drug stores. NN gara'e AN Sheraton Broek they serve famous Chase £ Sanborn The vast picture windows of the Rainbow Dining ic me panorama of Niagara, Notable ver the world find this an enchant- ie Sheraton-Brock's superb cuisine famous Chase & Sanborn Coffee. of world-famous hotels may well be your guide in selecting coffee. Why not enjoy the e aroma of C xquisite flavor... the tantalising hase & Sanborn at home! More fine hotels and restaurants throughout Canada | serve Chase & Sanborn Coffees than any other brazds | Houghton. The members then re- turned to the church to hear an instructive talk by the Reverend H. D. Cleverdon on the symbolism and meaning of the decoration and furnishings In the church, The meeting closed with refresh- ments served by the group in charge. CENTRE STRFET WA. The regular meeting of the WA of Centre Street United Church was held in the chapel recently Jabez Wright | dent, presiding. The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn. Mrs. Earl James read the scripture lesson. | Miss Flora French read the sec- | retary's report and called the roll. | Mrs. David Morris gave the treas- urer's report. The flower report was given by Mrs. James. Members were reminded of the tea to be held on March 3 in the dining hall, P.M.A. CLUB Mrs. George V. Lee presided at this week's meeting of the Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club. Mrs. R. G. Collison called the Roll and read the scripture lesson in the absence of Mrs. Olive Harrison. Birthday greetings were sung for Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Ever- ett Dart. Mrs. John McKay was reported to be on the sick list. Mrs. Doris Law expressed thanks to Mrs. Lloyd Annis for sewing on the "Club Letter' on the new cloth, Mrs. Benjamin Jacklin sang a hymn. Readings were given by Mrs. Wil- liam Reed and Mrs. Law, Hymn No. 96 was sung for Mrs. Amon Toms. Refreshments were served ny Mrs. C. Brown and Mrs. N. M. Sheppardson. It was d come out and enjoy it. Mrs. Jean | 8 A BIRTHDAY PICTURE Guest of honor at a family party on Sunday on the occas- fon of his 85th birthday was Mr. Archie Muir Sr., Elderslie Farm, Courtice, who is pictured with Mrs. Muir at the celebra- tion. The couple have one daugh- ter, Mrs. Eric Courtice (Sadie) and five sons, Harold, Archie, PERSONALS Mrs. David James Walker, the former Catherine Elaine Suds- bury, was guest of honor at a post nuptial miscellaneous shower on Friday evening at the home of Miss Irene Burridge, Courtice. Assisting the hostess in serving refreshments were her mother, Mrs. J. V. Burridge, Mrs: Clifford Terrell of Hampton, Miss Haxton, Miss Marilyn Booth and Mrs. Austin Sudsbury of Oshawa. Out of town guests included Mrs. Kay Jay of Toronto gnd Miss Don- na Ariss of Ajax. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemence, King Street East, and Mr and Mrs. Douglas Barnes, Cadillac Avenue South, were in Orono on Friday where they attended the funeral of Mr. Clemence's brother, the late Mr. A. E. Clemence. Among those from out of town who attended the presentation of Handel's "Messiah" at Simcoe Street United Church last evening were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ed- munds, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pi- and 204 periodicals has been cir- culated among patients during February. Mrs. R. W. Bassett for the nur- that the Reverend S. B. Coles of Knox Presbyterian Church would be guest speaker at the next meeting. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The result of the St. Patrick's Day Bridge was the chief item on the agenda at the monthly meet- ing of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary on Monday afternoon. Mrs. W. F. Mercer heard the re- ports of the conveners of commit- tees. When the final returns are in it is hoped to have raised well over $500 with Mrs. Fred Graham, presi- It was reported that 72 books Inspired by the higher, f rounder, more lady-like look in fashion, Peter Pan's "4-Way" features famous Hidden Treasure built-in contour. Adds fullness, confidentially, without pads or puffs. Stitched nylon cups daintily trimmed with embroidered nylon mar- quisette. Comfortably supported with under-bust wire. In A cup--32, 34, 36; B cup--32, 34, 36, 38; C cup--32, 34, 36, 38. Block and White. NOW AVAILABLE IN CANADA | Makers of MERRY-GO-ROUND* for the average figure INNER CIRCLE+ --for the average or full figure | HIDDEN TREASURE -- for the small or in-between figure «PETER PAN the one bra FOR EVERY OCCASION EVERY WEAR Peter Pan Foundations FASHION 26 Simcoe S. Can Be Obtained At VILLAGE Dial 5-2722 | tea was served with Mrs. sery tee, reported that 36 gowns and two spreads had been returned and 30 gowns and two spreads given out to be stitched. It was also announced that Mrs. . P. Maroosis and Mrs. Ralph Vickery had presented two Gideon Bibles to the residence in memory of Miss Barbara Turpin, ® nurse in training who died recently Mrs. W. G. Paynes reported that a chair had been re-upholstered in one of the common rooms at the auxiliary's expense. At the conclusion of the meeting Dixon presiding. Jean | | New! Scientific Medicated Formulation Bruce, Alec and Robert; seven- teen grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren who com- pleted the family circle, A guest from out of town was Mrs. £. J. Palk of Scarborough, Mr. Muir's only sister. Mr. and Mrs. Muir have lived in Courtice since 1921. --Times-Gazette Staff Photo | [ Chett and Mr. and Mrs. Charles { Pickett, all of Toronto; Mr. and | Mrs. P. W, Geen, Belleville; Mrs. | Frank Gillan, Mr. and Mrs. John Repchuck, all of Hamilton; Mr, |J. D. Gordon and Mr. and Mrs, | Melville Lamb, all of Orillia; Mr, and Mrs. T. Hatton, Mrs. Claude Wickett and Mr. John Wickett, all | of Port Hope. Tea, Sale Of Work Successful Event At Guide House Guide House was the setting for a successful tea and sale of work last Friday afternoon, sponsored by the 1st Group Committee, Girl Guide Association, The auditorium was decorated in the traditional St. Patrick's colors of green and white. The tea table was centered with # soring bouquet of daffodils and iris flank- ed with tall yellow tapers and green shamrocks. The small tables were decorated with small green and white flowers and 'paddy pigs". The home baking table wiith Mrs. James Bowman and Mrs, Edward Peters in charge proved very popular, and Mrs. E. D. Jack- lin and Mrs. E. C. Halcomb were kept busy on the fancy work booth. Miss Vera Moyse who opened the tea and welcomed the guests on behalf of the 1st group com- mittee, spoke a few words out- lining the functions of a group committee. Mrs. Joseph Coldrick, tea con- vener, in thanking Miss Moyse presented her with a corsage of white carnations tied with green ribbons. Mrs. Frank Higginbottom and Mrs. Thomas Holmes who pour- ed tea during the afternoon were also presented with green and white corsages. The guests were received b, Mrs. orman Gower, president, 1st group committee, and Mrs. Jo- seph Coldrick, past resident. CLUB CALENDAR WEDNESDAY S.A. Prayer Meeting Victory Lodge, LOBA Rebekah Lodge Np. 3 St. John Amb. Brigade Storie Park Aux. Cheerful Givers THURSDAY St. George's Eve. W.A. St. George's Aft. W.A, Calvary Baptist WMS Christ Church Eve. Guild Scout Mothers' Aux. Bd. Albert Street WMS Onward and Upward Grp. Oakleigh Lodge, LOBA > he ie DEBORA ANNE, AGED ONE Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mes, B Cocll pint sad Ne. nd Ray Bint, Albert Street, is De- rs. M. F. an reir Da | Sie A20 Ma Pra Hore, all of Oshawa, the granddaughter of Mr. and --Photo by Ed. J. Allin King Street Youn St. Stephen's Sr. Adults | FRIDAY A Patriarch Militant Aux. da \ he ) arash) ---- 6 KING E. PIMPLES Now at last! A new medicated formuladion called CLEARASIL developed especially for pimples! CLEARASIL has such remar! drying action it has proved amazingly effec. tive to bring relief to pimple sufferers, Greaseless and fast-drying in contact with pimples...dries pimples surprisingly leasant to leave on day and night for un. interrupted medication. Reader's Digest reported on clinical vests using CLEARASIL type medication. Now the largest-selling special pimple medication in America...because CLEARASIL has helped so many teenagers and adults. Must work for 69¢ and $1.19, - 0 Your TAMBLYN DRUG STORE CLEARS SKIN-COLORED «.. hides pimples while it works ble t. And CLEARASIL'S antiseptic action S10ps of bacteria that can cause mples, Skin-colored to hide pim. end embarrassment. CLEARASIL is you or money back. Qaly DIAL 3-3143 "And if you wore a 'Sanforized' shirt «= you could come out to play, too," See? Other mothers know It's best to buy their children washable cottons that won't shrink out of fit . . . "SANFORIZED"*- labelled cottons. P.S. The same goes for cottons for any member of the family: "rede Mark Think about Vv ! < S ONTARIO<RETAIL« in the Spring Any lack of the essential vitamins =espectaffy after the rigors of winter--may have far. reaching effects upon the body and its functions. If you have any doubt about your vitamin balance, go to your doctor for advice. And if he suggests a vitamin supplement) remember--YOU CAN DEPEND ON YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DRUGGIST. His training in the profession of pharmacy Includes the study of vitamins and their effect. More, the great pharmaceutical houses who prepare these important elements keep him constantly up to date with information. Your pharmacist will be delighted to help you because he is more than just a merchant. THE MERCHANT WITH A DEGREE Your pharmacist is the only merchant in the come munity who must have a diploma... and who must have it renewed each year. Your druggist shares with your doctor a personal and professional interest in your life. " PHARMACISTS' ASSOCIATION