8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday March 15, 1953 Won JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL 3-3474 act : PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY Pictured following their mar- riage recently in the chapel of Albert Street United Church are Mr. and Mrs. Orest Krawchuk. The bride, the fomer Miss Alice Lazar, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lazar of Osh- awa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Nicholas Krawchuk of Ituna, Saskatche- Photo by Hornsby Studio Baked Ham Slice, Glazed Fruit Perfect Entree For Easter marvelous piece of enough to be sure of its reception and good enough for everyone's applause! The golden corn syrup glaze adds just the right sweetness and flav- or to baked hams and broiled fruits is a familiar Here eating BAKED HAM SLICE | 1 ham slice, (1-inch thick) | 1 cup golden corn syrup \ 14 cup. pine le juice 14 cup vir whole cloves cinnamon stick slashes in fat around ham score fat »dge with whole place in baking dish Combine golden corn syrup, pine- apple juice gar and cinna mon stick in Il saucepan Simmer gently for 5 minutes; remove cinnamon stick, Pour glaze over ham. and bake uncovered in 350 deg. F. oven 45 to 50 minute Baste frequently once during baking | BROILED GLAZED FRUIT | 14 cup golden corn syrup can (20 oz.) well-drained peaches, p apricot pineapple slices Place golden corn syrup and Come Doubles Hold | Western Round-Up | The Come-Double Club of North- minster United Church held a West- ern Round-up at Red Wing Orch- ards on riday evening | 2 cloves; | vine turn ham slice 1 1] or | rs, As each couple arrived they were given a name tag in the form of al cowboy hat, six guns or a cowboy boot. Games, billiards and bowling started at 7.30 p.m. and continued until 9.30, when all went up to the hayloft and enjoyed round square dancing At the stately Toyal (ork they serve famous and Mr Winners of the bowling prizes | Mr. | melted butter in shallow baking | pan. | Arrange fruit in syrup. (An as- sortment of canned fruits may be| used.) Place pan about 5 inches from heat and broil fruit 5 to 10 minutes on each side, basting frequently until well-glazed and lightly brown ed MUSTARD SAUCE 2 teaspoons corn starch 1 tablespoon dry mustard 3 teaspoon salt 1%. teaspoons sugar Few grains pepper tablespoons salad oil % cup milk 1 tablespoon vinegar Mix corn starch, dry mustard, salt, sugar and pepper in small saucepan. | Add salad oil, blending well; | stir in milk gradually. | Cook over low heat, stirring con- | stantly, until mixture thickens and | comes to a boil. Remove from heat Combine egg yolk and vinegar; | gradually stir into cooked mixture. Return to heat and cook 1 min- ute, stirring constantly. Serve hot or cold with ham, | frankfurters or fish. | Yield: 3% cup sauce were Mrs. J. W. Payne and Mr. | John Jeffries with the highest | scores. Other prizes were won by| Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sage for the| elimination dance, Mr. and Mrs. | Victor Cubitt for the balloon | dance Box lunches were enjoyed and the evening closed with the presi-| dent, Mr. Harold Hawkshaw, in-| troducing new couples, and thank- ing the committee for the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hunt conven- ers, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Walmsley ,| and Mrs. Arthur Berry and and Mrs. Ernest Cooke. | | | (Chase & Sanborn In the palatial dining rooms of Toronto's Royal York Hotel, a faultless cuisine daily meets the challenge of an international reputation The enjoy coffee of rare distinction. . and important clientele. ment of gracious dining is heightened by a . Chase & Sanborn. Your family, too, will find Supreme satisfaction in ch aroma and flavor of this matchless coffee. Why not serv delicious Chase & Sanborn at home! More fine hotels and restaurants throughout Canada serve Chase & Sanborn Coffees than any other brand. Presents Pupils In Music Recital The Oshawa Branch of the On- tario Registered Music Teachers' Association presented pupils in Grades six, seven and eight before a capacity audience in the auditorium of the Oshawa Public Library on Saturday evening. Mrs. G. K. Drynan, president, presided and introduced those who took part in the program as fol- lows: Marilyn Williams, Natalie Rudy, Lynn Powell, Pat Johnston, Judith Drynan, Virginia Piper, Mary Ann Hughes, Rolf Wehnert, June Fleming, Janet Lapp, Reta Graham, Linda Mercer, Norah Wood, Carolyn Johnson, Bill Dalziel, Joanne Joyce, Stephen Macko, Shirley Quantrill, Marilyn Quantrill, Marilyn Anthony, Claire Tierney, Margot Morris, Donald Parkes, Carolyn Storie, Pat- ricia Brewer, Barbara Stanley. Acting as ushers were Miss Joan Cryderman and Miss Barbara Mor- PERSONALS Mrs. A. F. Annis, Simcoe Street North, has had as a guest her sis- ter, Mrs. F. F. Treleaven of Bur- lington, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dodman, Ted, Ernie and Dorothy Ann, of Merri- ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Williamson, College Avenue, over the weekend. Mrs. Lucas Peacock, Simcoe | Street North, entertained the execu-| tive committee of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association at K BONNY Enjoying his picture being tak- en is Philip Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collen, Hillside Avenue. Philip, who was nine BABY BOY months old on February 18, is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Collen and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kupnicky, all of Oshawa. luncheon at her home prior to the| meeting yesterday. | Miss Evelyn Everson will review | GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES "The Channel Shore" by Charles | Bruce for members of the Literary | Group of the Lyceum Club which | is meeting this evening at the home | of Mrs. Glenn Henry, Centre Street. P.M.A. CLUB Mrs. George V. Lee presided at this week's meeting of the Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club. Mrs. R. G. | Collison called the Roll showing A miscellaneous shower with 25|25 members and one visitor pres- guests present was held on Fri day evening at the home of Mrs Earl Luke, in honor of her niece, 26. Mrs. Thomas Fairbrother, Mrs 0. C. Weeks and Mrs. Arthur Craw ford attended the 49th annual con vention of the Ontario Horticultur al Association held at the King Ed ward Hotel Toronto, day and Friday. Sunday from taking part Quebec Week the Montreal merce. Chamber of Com BRIDE-TO-BE 'engagement is announced today of Miss Lorraine Kathleen Clarke and Mr. William Ray- mond Cox who plan to be mar- ried in Oshawa early in April. Miss Clarke is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Roy Clarke of Oshawa and. her finance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Elmer Cox of Bowmanville Th NO SUNDAY SHOW WORTHING, England (CP) -- Authorities of this Sussex town banned Punch and Judy shows on Sundays, after 14 clergymen and 386 residents protested the shows cut down attendance at Sunday schools. CLAIM VIEW LONDON (CP)--Dr. W. G. Allt, principal of Trinity college of music, says: "Parents and teach- ers need not worry if their chil- dren are swing and boogie-woogie fans, because discrimination will come with experience and train- ing." Roxborough Avenue, Miss Mar- jon Tunn of Toronto, whose mar-| riage is to take place in Fairlawn | poris United Church on Saturday, March | prs E last Thurs- Mr. Ford Lindsay returned on|ett Dart. in the tour sponsored by | | J -| ent. Mrs. Lee welcomed Mrs. Gor- .|don Wolfram back. Mrs. James | Tate was reported to be on the sick list. Readings were given by Mrs. Law, Mrs. John Parker, Hastings, Mrs. George Whitbread, Mrs. W. J. Collins and Mrs. William Reed. Mrs. Reed '| also played a selection of Iris "tunes on the piano. Mrs. Tate "| donated a doily to be raffled and "| money to be put in the fund. This "| was won by Mrs. Emma Tabb. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Frank Dolley and Mrs. Ever- MEDITATION GROUP The regular meeting of the Me- | ditation Group of Cedar Dale Unit- |ed Church was held in the | Church on Wednesday -afternoon with the president, Mrs. Frank | Singer presiding and opened the meeting with prayer. | The recording secretary's report | was given by Mrs, Albert Porter | and the financial report by Mrs J. F. Norton. Each member an- | swered the roll call by repeating | a favorite verse from the Bible. | The members have purchased 20 Bibles to be placed in the church. | A letter of thanks was read from the official board of the | church for the donation toward the new electric organ An invitation was received from the Albert Street Church WMS to visit with them on April 6, also an invitation from the WMS of | St. Andrews United Church to] meet with them on March 22. Mrs Frank Singer reported | there had been a good representa- tion of the group at the World | Day of Prayer held in the Saly- | ation Army on February 25. | | The worship service was in| charge of Mrs. J. F. Norton and | Mrs. Earl Hoy : | | The meeting was closed with aj | missionary hymn with Mrs. Al-| | fred Barnes at the organ and a | prayer by the president. | VALLEYVIEW PARK AUX. The monthly meeting was held | | on Thursday evening at the home | of Mrs. Frank Britton, Warren Av-| | enue with 15 present. Mrs Lloyd | Masters, president, presided | | Mrs. Charles Silver reported a | | very successful home - baking sale | Speciafty formulated for babies! Breaks up phlegm--eases wheezing. | "Poor Abdul! I SD \ Ie wasn't riding a 'Sanforized' carpet!" Avoid shrinkage problems. Your washable cottons won't let you down, if you look for the ""SANFORIZED" trade mark on the label -- before you buy. and thanked the women of community for their support. Mrs. Raymond Godridge gave a report on the cards sent out to sick and bereaved members in the community. Mrs. Howard Brown presided for the election of the new slate of officers as follows: President, Mrs. Kenneth Zufelt; president, Mrs. second vice - the Russell Pinch; president, Mrs. Ace Abbott; secretary, Mrs. William Manuel; treasurer, Mrs. Silver; press reporter, Mrs. Alan Parkinson. The next meeting will be held | day, Rex doy sacs unger feeling, this very at the home of Mrs. Charles Sil- first vice -| ver, Gladstone Avetme, sn TRare- day, April 14. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Harold Irvine and Mrs. Ken- neth Zufelt as co-hostesses. SILVER CROSS WOMEN The Oshawa and District Chap- ter "Silver Cross Women" held its regular meeting on Thursday in The Legion Hall. Mrs. Arthur Wigston president presiding. Two new members were initiat- ed to the chapter. Report was giv- en on the four adopted 'First World War Veteran's" and boxes are being sent for this month. The National Council Convention will be held in The "King d- ward Hotel" Toronto, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday May 4, 6. A Tag Day will be held Satur- day June 11. A Rummage and home baking sale will be held in the Scout Hall, Athol Street, west, on Thursday March 17 at 2 p.m. and tickets for the quilt and cush- fons will be drawn for. The draw donated by Mrs. Fred Langley, was won by Mrs. Edward Holland, the proceeds go- i to the "Memorial Book' fund. Alderman Christine Thomas, was guest speaker and gave an inter- esting address on the "Memorial Books', she had seen in the dif- ferent places in the "British Isles, she had visited in 1949, The next evening meeting and social will be held at the home of Mrs. Martha Rea, Dundas St., hf Whitby, on Thursday, March ST. STEPHEN'S SR. W.A. The regular meeting of St. Stephen's Sr. W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. David Clarey, Mrs. Frank Crawford presided. The scripture was read by Mrs. Emanuel Hurvid. Mrs. Frank Crawford read the topic, 'The Way of the Cross". The WA creed was read by Mrs. Frank Kirby. The secretary's report was read by Mrs. Emanuel Hurvid, The treasurer, Mrs. Ray Smith gave her report. It was decided to charter a bus for a trip to Toronto on March 30. Mre. Wy Bri way appointed convener. The conveners were appointed for the St. Patrick's tea end home baking sale to be held on Wednes- day, March 16, at 2.30 p.m.: tea room, Mrs. Charles Rundle, Mrs. Ernest Moth, Mrs. David Clarey, Mrs. R. E. Ambrose; home baking, Mrs. Sid Martyr and Mrs. W. W. Gilroy. The meeting closed with the Miz- pah Benediction. Lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. D. Clarey assisted by Mrs. Ray Smith, Mrs. Gerald Lang and Mrs. Frank Kirby. The next meeting on March 24 to be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Rundle. Nonquon Road. SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Roy Clarke of Oshawa announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Lorraine Kathleen, to William Raymond Cox, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Elmer Cox of Bowmanville. The marriage is ot take place in Oshawa early April. HOUSEHOLD HINT Do not use a linen napkin for a potholder. You are warned that if you do, you are likely to get carbon-containing grease on the napkin, and this stain is practically impossible to remove from table linen. UP TO DENTIST TIS | LONDON (CP)--Ofiicials ruled ' he that a dentist must be held 10 When you're loading your w ponsible if a child sucking his ing machine for the family wash, thumb holds up treatment of den-| add one garments at a time, and tal patients under the National only as long as there is free ac< Health system. !tion of the clothes in the water, This is important. . MORE BACHELORS 3 Do not try to make your washer LONDON (CP)--The registrar!| handle too many clothes at once.: general reports spinsters are be-| This may throw an overload on coming more rare in Britain, Be-|the motor and result in excessive tween the ages of 25 and 34, there| wear on your clothes. It's good idea are 1,349 bachelors for every 1,000, to wash two or three large articles irl with a few smaller ones. HOUSEHOLD HIN? BECAUSE YOU LACK A HIGH SCHOOL DI You can get one at HOME in yourspare time. If you are 17 or over and have left school, write for interesting free booklet; tells you how! AMERICAN SCHOOL Dept. 0-G. -- 165 Colborne, Send me your FREE 56 page High School booklet. ADDRESS. NAME 2 Graduates will receive the High THIS IS Charles | SPIRIN T. M. Reg. In Canada Tioussnds amazed what a Men, Women! Old al 40,50, 60! Want Pep? SEE low in iron. Introductory or "get-acquainted" size only 60¢. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for Your Druggist is featuring Aspirin 100579: = buy a bottle this week for your medicine cabinet ey TY a Tv Ih i oy LO] Vi VM The new Dodge is actually ONE FOOT LONGER than its largest selling competitor! . --- Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada; Limited Biggest car in the low-price ie Bf DODGE gives most for your money Any way you mecsure RB, here's BIG-CAR size » imide and out--12 inches longer overall than one Here's BIG-CAR style! Long hood ond forward-thrusting twin grille. New Motion- Design styling for The For- ward Look, even when the cor is stand- ing still. New Horizon the first irve dl Soe the '55 Dodge with Motion-Design for the Forward Look... Comer posts are swept back so glass wraps around aft top as well os of bottom. More visi- bility ot eye level -- where you need it. Pp Relax in BIG-CAR comforl Wide, chair-height seats. Beautiful two- tone interiors Fashionable new AUTOMATIC POWER ASSIST All the BIG-CAR power helpers you want--power steering, power seat adjustment, ond power window lifts are available of extra cost. So is PowerFlite -- finest of oll automatic transmissions | More POWER than ever! \"A - RTH Choice of three new engines! Big, new 6's -- famous for de- pendability and smooth, thrifty operation. New high-compres- sion V-8 for maximum power and getaway. power brakes, There's a car in the Dodge family that's right for your family! Twelve beautiful Mayfair, Regent, and Crusader models. Also, see the style-setting new at your DODGE-DE SOTO dealer's now! ROBINSON MOTORS 574 Ritson Rd., Oshawa Dodge Custom Royal--avail- able in three luxurious models with 183-h.p. V-8 engine and PowerFlite automatic trans. mission as standard equipment, McMAHON & ELMS MOTORS 401 Dundas St. E., Whitby