' iv ram I rt sor ! Oak hie 0 WHITBY and DISTRICT SPEBQSA Sing For Rotary |Day Of Prayer Concert In Whitby Town Hall Observed fos The World Hd of Prayer was | Vour barber shop quirtels and by Rotary president] SDserved ¥ the SPEBGSA, Oshawa Chapter, | Wier Vorbes, a] March 26 Is "Ladies Day" At Grand National | Sweep LONDON (AP)~Next March 28 chase rik iovgbeo "over the Fi WA CIRIRAEN OD Lis ot ,| BEST HORSE OVERWEIGHTER a Paget, whose 80, Ki fii Quantal, Yn. Price, Mrs || 7 he. 4 T Toen Timers, of _Orilla, " the bon of | Indigo; | (ors. tor Tour rede Bn ors | © " # the short-odd entries Wont "Trembant Townsmen and' the Tonesifiers, of| Er Ontario Distret oe ar a a ay FLAG OFFICER WA : "a yb Hy He Penticostal, Balvation Army, | poo. csmieat Hugh Pullen, 4, her, and od | Is ty rn Bt. Andrew's | of Gakville, Ont., will be promol- 3 Cy Toronto chapters, were the | Be or ; the Dixte, Halt of 1vy, Side Yaith api and 81 3 r ure! to ¥img Officer Pacific Coast " . will succeed i dae long. may be Ladies Day at Aintree when the Grand National is raced again, This doesn't mean that ladies "| will be admitted free but several aternoo In the By of the 18 ladies who have entered pool | provided a most entertaining eve go the even have fine chances of winning, the theme being "A Mrs, Wm, Hewls of the Baptist ning a Wilby on Prdey, ain in| ow, How BT an, nd i Te top four favourites all belong |* aw Church was ", ¢ ? Mrs, Breckenridge, py to women---the first time any such ch; Mrs, Miller, onaeos ' / Ady arly Soto B oF, 1 '| Grand National, Mhoicen's MC| Church; Miss Goldring, it nglicsn; oils, be wor | n the Ca or pd iy Hoved errangemen Ye A Anglican; Mrs, Potts h, , Ig Dorey Ag fbi A a ae hud ws, Dry B and She Oshawa chorus rida Teulon Mg and Rursl foun. Baling bk i Mrs, Cathcart, All Saints' next summer, Heatly Dewey atom #lso contributed a on hall dozen nu $, The B Nat: Townsmen, fourth prize Winery An- urals ar: B, Tole, R.| in the same district, out| glican Church, Jove the address | fear-admiral James C, Hibbert, two Waber, 1, Guest and C, Murray, with Sweet Adeline, Ma ing Love nd chose os be her subject the very 7, of Victoria nd \Otaws, wh jumping, veteran, lrieh Liza Se time! "Prayer". "Bo is to retire Ju ause Sefton on we pray only when trouble, | health, y owns ha fhe land on which the race Aon, he § : 3 Master of a ae for the eve-| lele St Mississippi Mud, ning WAS fort Grand of the Osan | Anyiime When '¥ You're Smiling, ; Granlk, who was and If You | Talk In Your Sleep, sin or illness has overtaken us," y -- . "We should Irish Lizard is fifth favoriie and DAY-BY-DRY | cles "ied" 5" firsts Greene, With two Whitby Committee Aims For 106 Percent X-Ray Every month, 200 of the 50,000| District Chairman, Rev, A, Canadians suffering from Tuber! Kemp, Spesliar, ig RA patel culosis are killed the disease, Secretary A and These figures, though somewhat Mrs, D, Wilson. Taso Mes. startling, are a great reduction) G. McMahon, Canvasser P, on previous years, chiefly through, C hubb, . Industrial and 11 School the efforts of the Division of Orga anlzor, Mrs, H, Aon us, Clin herewlosis Prevention, a section upply, and Mr, H, Marshal, of Provineial Health Departments.) Public § flations, will commence strict on the 7th of of instead of just a words of prayer on retiring we should pray in the morning as well as at nl #lso before par. taking of foo and when about to make Important decisions or changes in our We' Mrs. Cath cart pointed out dow. tha that Jonas always withdrew fr fo pray to His Yaines § in earn for a renewal of spirit and how His Ie was spent in continual prayer on every occasion, This address was most inspiring, Mrs. Ross Hall rendered » very beautiful solo, "The Altar pi of Mies Mrs, W. E, G, Bum- mers presided at the organ, The World Day of Prayer Com- mittee presented a short pro- gramme at Fairview Lodge on Sunday afternoon, when Mrs, Me- Pherson was the speaker and Mrs, Wm, Hewis the soloist, The committee wish to thank all who took part in any way fo help make this memorable event A success, 'WHITBY LADIES', CANDY LEAGUE is brac others for sixth favorite Odds at the last count were 100 to 8 10 § against G Quare Times and Tu. to 6 against Fa Hva and SAR 18 to against Irish Lizard and 20 to i [1 against Gigolo, The ranks of lady owners seldom | also provide the winner of this four! year--w| mile, 886-yard, 30Jump steeple. stitute for the A nd ADDS BOAT TO LINE PRESCOTT (CP)~The Prescott Ogdensburg Ferry Company added a third boat to its line across the St. Lawrence river to meet the passager demanded last year, W. C. Town & Sons | FRIGIDAIRE AUTHORIZED DEALER WHITBY MO, 8.3410 A hi ol i g bili; i is er 4; 7 BRITAIN COMMISSIONS ATOM-AGE AIRCRAFT CARRIER le Ro, i 1 Dk | Gy on, al 5 AE | hl ing he, fo and more erful iting final touches to he rigrs, was commissioned at Bir- pA or pig operate omg piri? ve fila, do deck arkings on kenhead this week. She Is the sland ship, Another new feature of the carrier, figst carrier 10 he accepted into 4 floysl enables the ship 10 ') can be seen The backer ound service which Tas the _Angled rom an atomically en) ~Contral Press Canadian As is generally lknown nowa- ad stn , and members of the Asso- Dunlops Halt Colts FALE Win F nal Game 4-1 Ed hi Th STi y| elation will visit a ealth Is now orfaiising, 2 the district, so that everyone will He, the Colts? bi SPheared A they mass X-Ray survey ro- be wate 2 the} ration Fi he f{ ifted jek shot about six] mj for rat | vince, nie, & Jods aren saw the best game of | (hen SSE 0 ECE SH BONE EE J Rg ntl the 0.4 mark| The mobile Radiography unit! thelr "neighborhood, the season on Baturnay AIEht, THe | Lend rner of the net, This gave bt Gould combined with Batten will be in Whitby for the week| com- Whithy Dunlops pinned hack the | the locals the lead and they never | and lata to The actual X-Ray will five the Colts) commencing March 14th, and dur-| mence on Monday, March 14, and Colts' enrd to the tune of 41, The! looked back, This must have real: | their only tall the night, The| ing that week will visit three dif- rubber men were paced by dipsy- HA given the Dunlops a 1ift as they third and fina PLAN MINSTREL SHOW The Rotary Minstrels have started practices in Colborne Street Public School for the an nual show to be held in April, This year the show is again under the direction of Mrs, Vernon Rowe, LJ ational, seam I GUARANTEED OIL BURNER ivr divs WILSON *47cs Hid WHITBY | omavA MO, 8-312 Whitby. Legion Trumpet | Band # WANTED TRUMPETERS Learners and Beginners 7:30 Tuesday Nights LEGION HALL, WHITBY --------.--.------ OBSERVE JUBILEE In keeping with Rotary Clubs in every country the Whitby Club is observing the Golden Jubilee with a series of events, On Tues. day at the weekly luncheon at the community arena the anni. versary film, "50 Years In Ro- tary", will be shown, and this promises to be one of the big | events of the year, LEGION TO MEET The monthly meeting of the | Whitby Branch of the di Legion to be held on wo adien evening In the Legion Memorial Hall will be presided over by M, Kadwell took the top honors | President Andrew Mulr, There is with a triple of 707 (340, 248, 200) | considerable Important business on Wednesday afternoon, tier on hand, scores were: he singles - Poggs, 317, 200; Mothersill, a0, 243; G, Wiles, 223, 211; N. Carroll, 201; W, Shields, 264; ne Pogson, 1; F, Lott, 240; M, Forbes, 228; X Loyst, 224; Mrs, Mifflink, 221; . McDonough, 217; 1, Lafaine, is, C, Watts, 212; A, Hewls, 200; D, Adams, 201, High triples: M, Peggs, 081; ¥. Lott, 827; 1, Mothersill, 619; M, Pogson, 618; G, Wiles, 615; N, McCarroll, 593; C. Watts, 572; D, Adams, 560; W, Shields, $44; Mrs, An almost sell-out erowd at the to make the slightest move a a at the High School, The hours of a Jame Jak a little | ferent gentres, the High School operation wit, be. 10 7] am, 24 od like their lives depended | fou hier than the previous ones as| the Ontario Ladies' College, and) p.m, An ene i] doedle artist Bob Attersley who| D1 ys dd | both teams were a little weary| the Council Chambers, will give everyone the opportunity Inds. a pale of goals, One of |" 0 oo i110 mark that the dus 10 the terrific pace they ware The task of organizing the mass| of viiing the Clinie, came ns 8 result of & pen-| ob Cok bl Ther took a pass| S0ING adhe were af & high| X-Ray in this district has aiready| After the X-Ray, if the plate is shot, Williams and the Juan | from the bashing Alfie Treen and| Peak and { penalty box was| been under way for some time,| satisfactory, that is, shows no ir- lar Fred Eicher scored the) Cre, To wi iake as he bulged the| worm most of the time. There no mean task, when one considers | regularity, the person hears no tallies, Could husky ge | rigging behind the Colts' eustod.| Were nine minor Jonaities, that the aim of the local TB Pre more about it, If, however, the Fish & idor the Cols, ¥ hed) ah, beher's goal was the one Misconducts (both the Colts)| vention Association is to X-Ray| doctor in charge finds traces of Colvi for the first shutout that actually meant the winner,| 8nd 8 match penal also to the every man, woman and child in| any disorder, he sends the plate win fou.ahe Dunlops as he scored lo COURT Col pat all the| Colts in the hectic third and finsl| the Whithy district to the persons' family doctor, who al the-9:84 mark, The locals were | (0d So Coking hard and fast, | period, The locals failed to score The people who have Jndertak- in turn makes diagnosis, and if eg) t v GC on hort "i. + in the final period as they were | en this job are, Mr, , Moore, ime The 'géme was really fast with necessary, prescribes treatment, and they were, Williams who Is on content to sit back ani protect Lcd i oy EARLY DAYS IN WHITBY the Samanski, Air line now, scor- ng were no less than 2 grain bins, separate carriage ed one on a pass from Samanskl, The Dunlops have dropped Eicher] The Dunlops will play in Kings J ton on Wednesday night and back profes a handed out in the game oes Shropshire and Bosh ah. | house, large corner lot with many shade trees, some fruits, etc, and back to centre between Thaler and Wilson and it really gives the| here on Saturday night, This A The Cc ole, were the 'worst of mises to be a hangup series, Mo eked up A terms could be arranged, It was located at Colborne and: Green third line a lot of zip and power, Dnulops can now throw any line| locals will also have playing Ly ¥ misconducts poach Gagnon back In Act 0 _y in the misdoings, ( fo Hospi. | Streets, A block of 12 lots on By- i) i vunding Hy fhe glasiin ron Street North was offered for out over the boards and feel that mach they will bh Just as good as any| has been out since the last game i arted to push Shrop- down Kngaton way, We hope that drew a match 1,800, ] . previous to that aptions had bee | ™C."A. Goodellow called for ten. | Mifflin, 542; M, Forbes, 530; A 531; C. Gray, 0520; E, { ders for the. erection of a pringing | Howls, 531; ( od oe Jud the hosplal: office at the corner of Dufidas| Yates, 517: L. Lafaine, 505; Mrs. With 'some 'of the owners, the and Byron Streets, to house the | Duncan, 802, farms were acquired, : Whithy Gazette and a growing | Points for the day: All Sorts, 4 Re Ning | BUTT RADIO 118 Brock 81. 5. Whitby MO. 8.3707 n. John Hull gon k April 30 WASHINGTON (AP)~The army today announced the retirement April 30 of Gen, John E, Hull, 60, United States and United Nations commanderdn-chief In the Far East, His successor was not named immediately, Hull will leave the army after more than 37 years service and Just one month before he would be subject to compulsory retire ment, WORK IN YOUR HOME TOWN WHITBY We are looking for Whitby and district women, married or single, for sewing to WEBRFYERD machine operators to work on brassieress GENEVA (Reuters) - Almost ) 52 WEEKS 300,000 Europeans have been. set- tled in new homes overseas with of steady work at good wages WILL TRAIN help from the Inter-governmental the right women but experience is an asset ete 43 YEARS AGO The estimates brought down at the Ontario Legislature contained an amount of $200,000 for the Dirthade & of lands and the erection that 'are out there against them, There were five men made the frip to the cooler in the first per. lod and three of them were Dun- lop men, With the score reading three to 0 going Into the second period al 7 min-| most everyone of the nearly 1600 1am th ho at the Kame Jgur. at the Colts woul HON for. ihe mate bans oy loose anytime, They did not know | sulk Marshal Pi juette, sub-goal, commercial rinting busi a Gumdrops, 4; Humbugs, 4 14 Sa Cumons yond de| Just how many the Colle would WHITBY DUNL Goal, Col: Mayor J. H. Downey xead # |The building, Which "stil at rmints, %; Maple Buds, 2 bo a is re Si hy Ket but they all know that with vin; Sinden; | communication to Counel of Tem today, With a second storey 7 he ow got. under 3 2 ny informed that th : Lollipops, 0. ornwall you Just can not ease centre, yo wha. Trimm, | J Rothery, manager the re up a lo e locals van their| O'Connor. Alts,, Samanski, Wil-| Toronto Eastern Rallway, advis- 8d, Yas 10 be of brick and cement .| total fo 4 as Attersley scored his ' 15°00 a hest four-out-olaey second of the night, With the lo: Both, ARY J o rightotway work woul gin in the spring. v locals have! IST, PERIOD Route through the town of Whitby advertise [Slot a vee 490 dhe ths three | 10 Play with two defence men and been A vals for the p lot' Altersiey do the fighting up| Penalty shot A meeting was held in the Town | today was called the Music Hall Or "i ne Biihlops were really out to off the Colts but, added to thelr p Samanski FRE an. dren's Ald Society of the County and many were the events ad- total, Attersley was ng enaltios: r' locals foreed - he | for pos of the Batten of Ontario. into The Colts' end sone and 1 ned the disk and Batten who turn 8 bac! on the Whithy lad, was the goat sib. PERIOD the town and Whitby Junction, als still prodsing and | 4--Whitby, Attersley 7.01 meeting all Grand Trunk trains, right' t of the gogl, a shot! heen checking Attersloy as he on (tr iphing. Janes Scott, for a penalty shot, The| and he male no mistake as he| SRD, rit ) TET D. Watson Megalfin, real estate d to let blond centre! decked him with a fake shot to| 5--Cornwall, Gould Bobby by took with water, light and sewer, for 5 own blue line slowly | locals outphced the Colts to the| and 10-minute misconduct, The house had hot water Dot . 1 sin bin 31 in the middle frame and Oleksulk (roughin ), Treen Colts' blue line anc barn d tab] bi tall BE oan? paint toe tor The Siar oF the ihird And | ai sticking s. MeRath | ¢int,), | Parne_and stables, box stall_and Just a split second for Devaney Dunlops can ("skunk") shut out' (10+ minute olscon uot). WINDSOR (CP)==The final step there will not be another out. break of that sort again when the two teams meet LINEUPS; CORNWALL COLTS: Goal, Dev: rn 4 defence, Bingley, Gould; centre, Savard; wings, Batien, Connelly, Alts., O'Brien, Paysite, Morris, Mario, Belmore, Olek: and ity' y Yor nd this along with two. minute minor that he ot for M sticking with Thaler, t the scrappy Colt Wha oud op ol the. game and apd { i" his team yo + minor md five aa avers, WHITBY DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE Fourth Section hans blers Jokers Sunoco's County Bowl All Sweets Ramblers Price Yards Club Bayviews Canucks Gilberts BOs Engineers Bell Telephone Whitby Electrie Fittings Ltd, High triples--8imms 0808; Scott 706; L. Reed 778; Clark 1768; Hayes 784; McQuay 744; Stubbins 7; G. Awan 724; Chatten 722; Watts 721; Moore 718; Jenkins ny Hasler 003; Hurley at H ui committee for European immigra- tion since the committee started work in February, 19562, it was an- d today, Of thdse almost 70,000 have gone to Australia, Canada recelved 67,204, the United States 52,104 Argentina 40,426, and Brazil, 3,674, HE 1; | | ! 8 . 11.10 is them travelling groups who of. times saged concerts of a high order, A battle royal was launched In Town Council over the granting of a sum of money to the Public Library, even after the vote had been approved in a plebiscite on eloction day, The people also gave assent to the formation of a new board to take over the books and other property of the Mechanics Institute to be part of the new Carnegle library which the town PoRsesses today. Inquire at EXonsnE FORM BRASSIERE o. (Canada) Ltd. i and Ash Sts.,, Whitby TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR HOME TOWN NAME PC CANDIDATE PARIS, Ont, (CP) Stanley Force, Burford farmer and former Brant county warden, Friday night was named Progressive Conserva- tive eandidate fo Brant riding at a provincial nomination conven- BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Undertaking Fr, Fa, To Chiropractor DENNIS SOWBERRY D.C XRAY 141 Brock South, Jrhithy, For appoints ment phone MO, 8-355 Whitby Classified Dirt tt NN RNAS east of here. The workers In this plant were fiven an extra pay ine conse to bring their wages more d into line with those In Windsor, | Sweet 670: P, Sweet 661; R, Clark George Burt, UAW Canadian di. 660; H. Rorabeck 654; a ora. rector, sald he hoped the Chrysler beck 663; Childes 644; Anderson agreement would set a pattern for| 642; Woolner 640; Ossle Moore peaceful settlement of other labor 640; Pogson 039; O'Lesky 636; disputes, 0, J. Moore 633 and W. Sweet 633, TODAY'S CROSSWORD Hasta Air, Richer, Wilson, Thaler, ing that lands. were being bought Dock: + who had #0 you can bet ft will be| FCN re men short and Treen, McBeth, up for the right-of-way and that | p.ol (business for many years, helore it Is over, The ol its one, the Dunlops elected 1==Whithy, Alloraley, was along Mary Street, March 1st. front, The move more than held| 3--Whitby, Ether (Treen) Ha ry 1 The Town Hall as it is known ud farted to its own as the locals not only held | 3-Whithy, Williams, of a Whitby branch of the Chil. a oh is Bey Starting vertised to take place In it, among ] for possession of the rubber in the| (charging), (hooking), : Colts end when he gained the disk| Treen (hoarding), O'Brien, (hook<| James Holden's stages main. tested goalie Devaney with tained a regular service between [) Soupia.t hard shots, At the 1.28 he W ! he the play, as he shou ave me Deen checking Att Penalties; Williams (Int), Ap-| A stage was also operated to on inside the crease | came in on goal, Attersley then Rey on piripping Gould (hooking), Brougham, by the proprietor, "i he Colts' forwards, | had no one to beat but the goalle| n locals g4| Dent, advertised an elght-room rley take the job, Bob! the corner and then flipped the (Batten, Oleksuik) ., brick house, on stone foundation, time as he skated back | disk over his sprawled form, The| Penalties: Bingle ihoving: Atound ted up; took possession of the heating, and with | t mod at te Colta As the players returned to the (tripping), Connelly an y Avpleby Pi; and With 1 Went rioderh £0 harging in on goal, Me skated final frame the fans were buzzing | Thaler and Ol rg thigh Wick), lowly. la on the net 'and walted| and asking "do you think that the | Oleksulk (mate nalty), Marlo Workers Hn i RE SCHWEITZER | sionary, to honorary membership LON! (AP)The Queen Fri In the exclusive Order of Merit Fr BA nltht ippolited Dr, Albert| Pesident Eisenhower Is the only w 'Nylon Splint tin a Ani: sawed vars (0 £4 178 Quon [ives HENSALL, Ont, (CP) ~~ Nylon usually Is associated with stock: sher, HAITI BRO! JAZ MEINE LL BERG IY] WRITBY HOT ranks, "Wanwen Bos Phone 8-3618 EVENING SHOWS 7 PM, LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:20 ER DEBBIE REYNOLDS with HELEN WOOD + BOB FOSSE KURT KASZNAR + RICHARD ANDERSON ings, but now it is the basis for a split developed by a surgeon to push death or amputation aside for patients with damaged arteries, Dr. James , Tap, a native of Hensall, near Sarnia, who studied in Canada and England, helped to produce a knitted nylon splint, re. cently used for the first time in an operation to replace wn artery, The operation took place at a medical college in Birmingham, Alabama, Behind It lay consider: able study and experiment by Dr. Tapp, who heads the research de. ritment of a textile company at ecatur, Ala, Splints previously were obtained from the arteries of cadavers but were not readily integrated with living tissue, Research proved the same of most synthetic matials, Two years ago, nylon splints be« gan to be produced by hand but the need still remained for a mass: produced article, With the ald of a discarded machine once used for knitting shoelaces, Dr, Tapp nl his colleagues were successful, A feature of their product is the ease with which it may be used by argeons, FINED $1,000 MONTREAL (CP) « Edward Potter of nearby 8t, Lambert, Que, was fined $1,000 Friday after pleading guilty to charges of oper ating a lottery, Potter and four other men were arrested this week in a police crackdown on what they called a national distribution headquarters for Irish Hospital land Army and Navy sweepstakes, Some $400,000 worth of tickets were seized in the raids, In the settlement of the contract dispute at the Chrysler Corpora. tion of Canada was taken Sunday when the workers voted approval of a new agreement, announced last week, Officials of the by sler unit of Local 108, nit Automobile Workers (C10 der' sald the vote, taken by show of hands at a gen: eral membership meeting, was "unanimously in favor' of accept. Ing the agreement, 'About 2,000 of the 7,500 Chrysler Yorkers attended the meeting, held in a downtown theatre, The settlement was announced in a Joint company-union state last Wednesday, only two hours before the workers were scheduled to strike to enforce their 'demands, It will end Aug, 1, 1956 PAY INCREASE The wokers will get a four-cent hourly wage boost, effective im- diately, pinging thelr average wie to $1.75 an hour, Tie agreement also provides for two "extra pald holidays, bringing the total to eight a year; com: Bony pald Windsor medical and ut \ ros heath Hong} intrensed weekly sic! nefits to rom $30; and $4,000 company-paid life] 40. Grieve insurance for employees instead| 41. Feathered of $3,600, creature The company also agreed to in| 4% Belonging corporate company-wide senlority to me instead of department-wide; a new| 43 Tolerable skilled trades apprenticeship pro-| 44, Java tree gram; corporation.wide job post ing and changes In. Job transfer DOWN procedures, 1. Enwrap A special clause states the union 2. Think can ask the company to open dis 3. A bounder cussions early in June to set up 4. Mulberry a pension plan for the workers, (India) 8. Hoad cook COVERS CHATHAM 6. The black ACROSS \ 7. Riutin (1. Source of cocaine Tatrie - 8, Talk 8. Crime of 0. Precious attempting stone to 10, Listen to 11, Greedy one's gove 12, Stopped ernment 14, Skin tumor 11; Solemn 16, Not firm wonder 16, Sloth 17, Builds 19, Form of the verh "have" 21. Retired 22. A spot of ink 23, Cut overthrow Burope country 28, Distant 20. A hillside dugout 30, Having lide 34, At home 345, Costly 87, Anger 38, No person The agreement covers 330 em: Ployes at a Chrysler parts plant ' grouse depot in Chatham, 50 miles - 2H. AM" OIE INTRA IC ION IE] TIEMICIE BIA NIGIETS! ates FIETCRNSIETY EN IY] CIRO CIRIEIS] (PIES IVIALD] it y hm IAIYVIALLIL BRDIO IWIRTL | IPIRIT IAL BA IMIAIR IA (AVA (NA) 2. oo 1] Saturday's Answer 28, Censure 30. The root harshly of the taro 31, Goddess of | 30, Relation to the hunt \ life: comb, form 32. American 40, Apple seed Indians 83, Lair 42, Greek letter Classified advertisements for this column must be in the Whithy office ing publication, NOTICE: 5 p.m. the dey preced- FOR RENT FURNISHED BED SIT. ting-room, HOME METHOD, Free TANKS CLEANED WAY, WALTER WARD, Whitby, Phone MO, 8:2563, WANTED T0 BUY .. POULTRY, HIGH. ost priceai also feathers, new and old, Phos Fate Parker, 8.3488, mornin after FOR SAL {yr ~GENERAL ¥ ¥L frigerator, 8100, Phone MO, 0.2302, 40a HELP WANTED neat appearing 'saleslady man with good car for Ajax Real Es tate Office, Ajax 26, WANTED TO country one or two miles out of town, in Whitby or Times Garette, EARL cal contracting, new homes, water heats ars, Jxtures, Tange cables a speciaity, 0, #3630 Mon, rn, of To BUY, property Just call MoAuley Real Estate | phone MO, 8:3231 Whitby anytime, Mar. 28 itabl for light Adults, Conveniences, Whitby, Apply 700 INSULATION, BLOWING Estimates, SEPTIC THE SANITARY Feb, or CTRIC 3 perfect condition, & cuble foot, -- CAPABLE AND and sales Howard Langille, Realtor, ly RENT -- HOUSE IN Brooklin, Write Box 13 Whitby, dhe JAKE" BRYANT, ELECTRI. Wed, SELL OR RXCHANGE YOUR || I " Auctioneer Dial E. J, POMERY Oshawa 3-3036 Marchd | TUESDAY 4.0 Week of February 28th fo March Bth MONDAY 4,00 to 5.00 P.M, Public School Free Sketing 5.30 to 8,00 Rental Timé Axailable 8.30 O.R.H.A, Hockey Finals 00 Ontario Ladies College Rental Time Avallab P.M, Public Skating ,00 Pre-school age sketin, 00 Public School Free Shorns 7.00 Rental Time Available 8.30 O.R.H.A, Hockey Finals Brougham vs, Omemee, THURSDAY 4.00 to 5.00 P.M, Separate School Free Sketing 30 to 7.30 Rental Time Available 8.00 P.M, Public Skating FRIDAY 5.00 te 10,00 P.M. Minor Hockey SATURDAY 8.00 to 10.00 AM, PeeWee Hockey 10.30 to. 1.30 Rotary Figure Skating 2.00 to 4.00 P.M, Public Sketing 4.30 to 3-30 Renta! Time Available 0 Sr. B, Hockey. This is the First game of the Play-Offs when Whithy Dune lops meet either Kingston GOOD YEARS of CORNWALL COLTS. Tickets for Play-offs go on sale, at the Arens, Wednesday 4 p.m, WEDNESDAY The Arena management is pleas=< to announce that on | 29th, and 30th, the Canine Clubs of Ontario will hold their ANNUAL DOG SHOW at the Arena, Whitby groups interess ted in cateri 300 people for two meals for two days, at hh, "Avene, please contact the management, Parties withing to use the facilities of the Arena for Carnivals, | skating parties or dances, please cuntact the management, Office Hours 4 to 10 p.m, Telephone MO. 8-2988