TV. Stoves, Big A resident of Oshawa for 34 years, Mr. Einhorn has had wide experience in other forms of mer- chandising prior to operating Osh- awa Appliances. During this period he made mai, friends and it is upon such friendships that the suc- cess of his present business is based. Servicing of the lines sold at the appliance store is carried out by Dawson Fraser and staff. Mr. Fra- ser has been doing this sort of work more than & score of years rating as an expert in his field. Prompt service is the watchword. It is part of Mr. Einhorn's "friendly policy" that he charges just the bare essentials for servic- ing. Only the cost of materials and labor are paid by the custom- er and the proprietor ensures that there is no overcharging to make a profit on this part of the busi- ness. "I make my living from the sale of appliances. Repairs are just part of the service," sald Mr, Einhorn, Much of the trade at Oshawa Appliances comes from old frienti- ships, Old friends buy: what they need there and they r d Of Oshawa Appliances 2 SAUL EINHORN Electrical appliances, especially pn Se a vw - a ened and used to transfer the de- sign 400 times to a soft steel print ing plate. The plate then comprised 400 replicas of the master die, each correct in every microscopic de- tail, It also was hardened and placed on a rotary press. Specially - manufactured paper was prepared so it would take an ink of fast color and great tenac- ity from the plate. Perforating machines the new issue was shipped to pos! | offices all over Canada for sale beginning the day before the Coro- | Donald, 29, nation, That was almost 14 months' after the planning of the new stamp be- gan. mes nanciea| Sentence Farmer hg indhy "To samp | For Seed Theft was sentenced fo ene year 'a re- | formatory. Perth county judge H. D. Lang said the crown proved "beyond a STRATFORD (CP)--Eric E, Mc- [shadow of doubt" that the 4 Logan township farmer | McDonald sold to an Exeter 'mill Nov. 11 was the same seed which Monday was convicted of stealing |, , d been stolen. at Mitchell 'ze 45 bags of timothy seed from | previous day. The seed was valued Mitchell Co-operative last fall, He'2 t $845, ROGRESS is an Lines wr ki ahead progressive } | pliances. DAWSON FRASER made a honk of friends. Every television, washers, ranges and refrigerators, are the major lines carried by Oshawa Appliances at 506 Simcoe steet south, Since the day four years ajo when Saul Einhorn took over the General Electric franchise and the store to their friends. Quite frequently a customer will tell Mr. Einhorn: "You remember Mr, So-and-so, He advised me to come here for a radio." Commented Mr. Einlorn: 'Not of one of my friends. That's the way I conduct my store. Prospects for Oshawa Applian- ces look bright. The boom in tele- vision continues, though the other lines still attract considerable cus- only has this business venture been this loca: Spened for, business st : a success economically but I have , the firm has flourished. tom, and there seems to be no slackening in trade. Nature Whittles At Little America WASHINGTON -- Nature's des-| with a fork sticking in it. Someone tructive might is ringing down the| flicked on the light switch, and a eurtain on Little America, history- abi ned g home of American explor- pale Gow filled the long-abando! ers in the Antarctic. nnaissance force| A second camp was built atop Ae jcefalls | the first. Like a western boom town, recently found that titani E have sheared away most of the it grew overnight and was even 946-47 camp near the outer edge of | more remarkable than its prede- pi elt Ay Open sea and sheer | cessor. Among the facilities were white cliffs replace the longtime broadcasting and communications ship haven, Bay of Whales. For all | plant, equipped to handle four actical purposes, the Navy has | planes, a four-cow dairy, and a oresaken Fite America as a futu- Totion picture theatre wired for for Antarctic exploration. | sound. Te Dae ikinal camp at Little Amer- | CAMP ALMOST WENT TO SEA fea was established by Rear Ad-| Camp II once got a foretaste of Mills, director of financial services for the post office, and J. R. Car. penter, superintendent of the post- age stamp division, DELICATE TASK Engravers, working with infinite patience under magnifying instru- ments, cut the design in reverse on a stamp-size piece of blank steel. Every delicate line and groove which gave depth and form to the finished design was cut by hand. Proofs of the stamp were taken from the master die and carefully checked. Some changes were or- dered and the die altered. The color chosen -was purple, Then the master die was hard- ened and impressed at a pressure of 20 tons per square inch on a soft steel roll. The roll, known as the working die, in turn was hard- elusive thing, a goal that year after year becomes harder to realize, but we feel that our policy of offering the finest merchandise avail- able and backing every sale up with serv- ice will assure us of customers satisfact- | ion which in turn will make the years ones, We firmly be- lieve that there are no finer products available than those found here at Osh- awa Appliances, If not we wouldnt hand- le them, Our service facilities and staff back up your very purchase with satis- faction so that you, our customers, may place your confidence in Oshawa Ap- THE DAILY TIMEA-GAZZTTE, Monday, Pebruary 28, 1955 13 1 NEED RAPID TRANSIT } TORONTO (CP)--Mayor Nathan | Phillips said Monday a INDIAN POPULATION - OTTAWA (CP)~--Canada's sistance in part of which will go underground. | tario has 164. PROGRESS :. the General @ Electric Oshawa Appliances Offers You... ® ONE YEAR'S GUARANTEE ON ALL G.E. TELEVISION SETS and OSHAWA APPLIANCES live up to it! WE ARE "AUTHORIZED DEALERS" FOR OSHAWA AND DISTRICT! This means that Oshawa Appliances is the Authorized ® THREE YEAR'S GUARANTEE ON ALL G.E. ELECTRIC RANGES ® FIVE YEAR'S GUARANTEE ON ALL G.E. REFRIGERATORS - "We Service What We Sell!" miral Richard E. Byrd, now a |its ultimate fate. The barrier split, trustee of the National Geographic and for a time it appeared the Society, in January, 1929, during settlement might go to sea on an| the first of his four Antatotie gx joeberg. 2 sudden cold snap re- ns. The camp stood 762 miles | unite e ice. itiops. South Geographic Pole| The first two expeditions were and 820 miles from the South aided by considerable grants from Magnetic Pole. | the National Geographic Society. | Co! COMFORT N ww ning Little America, working Some 2,300 miles from the neares se for one division yrd's | human dwelling, Bryd and his men | 1030-41 expedition, was set up six | raised a comfortable American | miles to the north. When Byrd led village that enjoyed weather-tight | the Navy's 'mammoth "Operation buildings, electric lights, kerosene | Highjump" in 1946-47, a tent city-| stoves and artificial ventilation. | the fourth Little America-hugged | But it was a snow-shrouded place | the ire about two miles north of the | awesome quiet and long dark- | third. os Byrd Hv "We became a| Although doomed by caving ice, family of moles, scuttling through Little America holds a sentimental glistening snow tunnels with lan- | place in the hearts of Antarctic terns and flashlights." | explorers. And before the cata- | During the winter, the tempera-| clysm the frozen continent offered | ture dropped to 72 degrees below | no better Dase within Siiiiing dis- | gero. It was so cold that a man tance of the Sou ole. | could hear his breath freeze. From the Bay of Whales, the Nor- Little America's first residents weglan explorer Roald Amundsen | left in 1030, having carried he) taade the igi Zucctastul dash to! United States flag 1,000 miles far-| the Pole in December, . ther south than it had been before Admiral Byrd foresaw the even- Byrd's 1933-35 expedition found |tual destruction of the Bay and | the old camp intact beneath 30 Little America amid moving ice feet of snow. On a mess hall table | masses. On leaving in 1947, he stood a coffee pit, a half loaf of | wrote wistfully, "This has' been | bread and a slab of roast beef!a peaceful place . . ."" | Stamps Require Long Planning By H. L. JONES Canada's farm lands and military | Canadian Press Staff Writer machines. : | OTTAWA (CP)--Behind ae LENGTHY PROJ ; appear Canadian Postage stamp ah 4 on the set of stamps currently in| story of much planning and har | use A four-cent stamp Issued in| work. i | 1953, commemorates her Corona- All stamps begin as an idea|tion. Her portrait also is on all Which ne concern a Person Reh ordinary issues from one to six as the Queen, a great event or an cents. industrial subject such as a hydro-| Look what went into that Coro- electric station | nation commemorative | Until recently, Canadian stamps| The post office decided on o were reproduced mostly from | Coronation stamp in April, 1952, photographs. Now, because the|goon after the Coronation date) post office wants to encourage| was set. Emanuel Hahn, Toronto} many Canadian artists, many are| sculptor, was asked to create a produced ftom Series siti \ profile Plaque of the Queen and ings. Two types of stamps are is-| design the stamp sued--regular issues to carry the Then artists of the Canadian greater part ol the postal load and Bank Note Company alc | commemorative ones to mark| which has printed a anadian | some event of historical interest. | stamps since 1935, interpreted the On lower denominations, ordin-|artist's design by hand engraving ary issues all bear portraits of the on soft steel. Design details were § sovereign. On the higher, play ttled in conferences of company given subjects such as electric officials with W. J. Turnbull, powepn industrial development, deputy postmaster-general, L. J. tn lets nt . A t ll bli iet In The Past... We have built confidence in our store by continuing to bring to the citizens of Osha- wa quality goods at the low- est possible prices. Our store is not elaborate. We do not pretend to run a high class store. We do car- ry a complete line of Men's, Women's, Children's and In- fants wear at the lowest pric- es in the district. Our policy has always been "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Cheerfully Refund- ed." | PENN Service Depot for all General Electric Appliances! OSHAWA APPLIANCES 506 SIMCOE ST. S. DIAL 5-4331 | Pictured is one of Pennyworth's famous sales with the crowd awaiting the opening of the store. Further proof of the confidence placed in Pennyworth's by the citizens of Oshawa. q In The Future... We look forward to serving all of you, the citizens of Oshawa, with the best pos- sible bargains that we can arrange through our firm's buying power. We invite you to come in to our store and allow us to show you why it always pays to shop at Pennyworth's. . . . Incidentally, Spring stocks are now in so why not come in and look them over today «++ we will be glad to have you open a Charge Budget Account. THE STORE WITH THE BIG, BIG VALUES!!