Daily Times-Gazette, 21 Feb 1955, p. 4

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& THE DANY TIMEAGATRTTE, Monday, ¥ehruary 9, 1998 WHITBY and DISTRICT A SCENE AT THE YOUNG PEOPLES CONFERENCE Over 100 people attended last weekend's Preshyterian Young St, Andrew's Church Host [Striped Bacon For Youth Presbytery Rally " Preshyterian Young Peo the Preshytery held their sixth Conference las! The ple's Boclety for of East Toronto annual Little week-end The conference, whieh lasted febm Friday evening will Sunday evening, was held In BL. Andrew's Preshyterian Church, Whithy Aller over 100 young people who pliended the ( had been sasigned bh weaken A WEICOMINE BIFEAR WAS given by the Hi Marshall, pastor of the ehureh, followed hy closing worship, which was conducted hy Miss Audrey Hirtle The Conference resumed bright and early on Baturday morning with a song serviee, whieh was followed hy a demonstration of Visual Aids, hy Mr, Don Christie This demonstration eonsisted of showing movies and still slides showing different aspects of the work done hy the solely, and stressing the importance of sueh visual alds to those organizing groups, as well as the members The morning session was eon Knowledge Knook", Doris Hap onlferes for the iets eluded with a f in which Bill Clempa vison, Huth Barret, Joyee Pes sall, and Evelyn Bolder, spoke on "Haw to Prepare a Meditation' The afternoon began with a song servite, the assembly dividing after the service Into twa diseus slon groups, one of which made is subject "Getting and holding new members' and the other, | "How ta lead a discussion group." | Leaders In the discussion groups | were: Fred Johnson, Ina and Jean Whitson Before adjourning, 1 ile People's Conference in BL. An rev 's Church, Whithy Shown here are some of the tables dur Programmes AL 6.15 on Baturday evening, the 130 volees Singing Monerieff Ji whieh wil society held thelr annual banquet, fle community od hy ined In ably eonduet The day was hrought to a close with Beryiee Bunday communion conducted hy whieh Following seIvive Ineresting ney i Hey of & practiesl on guidance, with the theme "Tha | dealing denling dealing Four Ralvation Character) Voeation Wedlock Among aris In nme 800,000 people In their most of whom have still need for mueh spiritual and cultural help, whieh ean only the support of the Missions hy the | people at home The Conference Was eone Hill, | Sunday night with the Conference | Clive Williams, Agnes MeCleod, | Rally Service, al which Rev, D, K | Andrews yorothy | Allan Powell presiding, and Ida Win Nigeria Fellowship and hegar whi I morning nErYioe the #8 was the followed the afternoos the soviely was § talk hy Hey whe has glonary In Aden, and Liberia Daney Hey ehireh Biblical W's ay Walk Wark and Wife, dealls Father hy Nev sme LJ revealed was the faet (hat thers are sill over twelve hundred million peo | who have | heard of Christ, and that in Africa | the world missionaries have he was the speaker Guthrie addressed the society on May Dalgliesh, sololst Drama Award For Ottawa Man BELLEVILLE (€®) Charles Southgate, president of the Cana dian Repertory Theatre in Ottawa, was presented with the Canadian Drama Award Friday night for} his contributions to theatre in the | oapltal | he award 1s decided by Canadian drama award commit: | Canadian esented hy Michael | Hon, has set up quarters al the chairman of | Alrport at nearby Carp, Ont Drama | has bought five light airere | training and Ils membership 100 | UWhat vou are doing is an. ex: | Hubert Friday ample ta the whole alr forge,' V. Patriarehe, | 4 ) training | delivered to RCAF fighter squad and 1 hope it will spread | "ons weross Canada tee. It was pr Meiklejohn, Ottawa, the Eastern Ontario League Mp, Meiklejohn described Mr, | Bouthgate as the "man most re! sponsible for rescuing Ottawa from the ahysmal position of being the only civilized capital in the world | Ale Commodore R foree theatre ' | the angel of Cale theatre for five the . honor he | and actresses wha without lve Mr. Bouthgate nadian repertory yoars, sald that longed to the actors directors and crew members do a hard Joh at low pay" King's Classmate "Calls It Quits MONTREAL (£9) Hulehison, anetime ela the late prime minister Ring, has retived alter with ane firm Me. Hutehison publie and high Ring at Kitehener, Onl 1% worrying about Iaek af getivity | a dodbyourselter Fenest 1 mate of Macken Bl Yours who attended | | ehools with My il Am he | alr [flying eluh In-the alr The han hief LUM eluding ne al and Horn HAYA and keep youns my Rirmen Start | Flying Club OTTAWA (CF) HUAF | have Hovkelif the first fore station wl organized club, whieh Flying Clubs recreational numbers headquarters "I ean do preity painting the eotlage on Ix in Collingwood motto Is to ke Parish", | provided recently the | celved its charter from the Royal Ont, Worship with LLL] Mai sevice h h J I BONE en an HK heen for 28 years Budan s talk took the form ressage | with | with | with | ig with tariling Daney not up tn hy uded | with Personnel from fe here| private # re Associa and | ft for flying. | more | flight of 37 F008 nearly wal Is he op husy He came to Montreal in 1008 to Join rm popet What Campany Kvelel leathe He when | now 1] Ltd as a shipper Ary-repsnvey not became a Joint 800K eampany Wak and Hoods made firm n Hh ) 100A, and held this post until his retirement BROC WHITBY Phone 8:36 10 MARLON MOMs comedy romance! RN A RACY GALS oo ON BLING BOYS. HOWARD EVENING SHOWS 7 PM. LAST COMPLETE SHOW 0:20 \ Adult Entertaifiment WATERFRONT AN FLA KAZAN Phobee woe MARL MALDEN we la - ny Ting POLLY BERGEN MARIORIE MAIN NK FOCH + ROBERT BURTON ll) vd (VA MARIE SANT soon AN INREL ue i in on EE ml GAGS ORORE! KEEL | Ul ton | | 3 } 3 | ! the use of hymns In Young Peo: | ple's { gard | Mark 11's are destined foi | everything around: the house, In | light carpentry, | | gardening, and even a little plumb | ing thelr annual Faturday evening Hobertson, Whithy banquet on | rappings Out TTAWA (CPI=Housewives: 1 you have (rouble seeing through | that pinkesiriped wrapping on ba: | con vashers, Health Miniser Mar tin has news for you He told the Commons Vriday hat his department has ordered neat packagers to ewt out this and other practices which tend to deceive the buyer | One of these other methods, he | sald, Is to stack bacon rashers so that the lean stripes are empha sired My section of # h | I Martin sald a responsible | the meat trade has | ¢ stopped "If nol, we will take setion' | he sald The action would be taken | under the Vood and Drugs Ael Mr. Martin spoke as the House considered a hill introduced hy Davie Fulton (PC~Kamloops) fo make it an offence specifically (on wrap meat in reddish-striped trans parent covers He sald the bill is not needed that there 1s power to do this In the present acl My, Marin asked Mr, Vulton to drop his bill In view of the de parimental action But Mr, Fulton declined ving to let It stand for possible future aetion In the next few months should the department's enforcement measures not elimin ale the pink stripes DAY-BY-DRY WHITBY Aceonnts of social evenis and news tems of logal Interest and names of visliors are ap preciated, prefer TWO CALLS FOR FIREMEN The fire siren sounded off twice in Whithy yesterday, The first call was In the early afternoon, to 1886 Brock Mt, Mouth, where some fat had eaught fire In a Kitehen, Apart from the Bunday dinner lost, there was little dam age, The second eall came In the evening, to the Kubway Trailer | Camp where a space healer hlew hack and caught fire In a traller | while the tenant was. out buying Cl elles, ANaln damage was sligal PLANES START FLIGHTS AT, HUBERT, Que. (CP) A ark 1 and V| model fighters took off from Ki | for Kurape: The | Turkey nd Greece while the V's will he Whitby Classified NOTICE: Classified advertisements for this eolumn must be in the Whithy office by § pom, the day preced: Ing publisation, ALL WOOL ENG CLE I AHL Mey Feb, 0 MADE TO MEASURE Hah worsted and gabardine men, BAN, We Nuaranies Gantile Dept, Blas, Whithy | EARL JAKE" BRYANT, ELEOTAL | val SORLFARLIRG, Rew hares, Walter heal | Bia HXUPes, PAREe sabiles & spealaily | MO, KARA Man, Wed, Fac ot WANTED To BUY POULTRY, HIGH: | onl prions alan feathers, new and old, | Phone Jake Parker, S306, mormings or | altar 4 Fah. 3h PARY May Mines * WANTED HENT LARGE Iv funished house, Caml rental RE fram Londen, Apply Bax 1) Uhseiie [ROOM AND BOARD, A HOME AWAY | fram home far guiel Business gentle | WAR In new heme 18 residential dis | tet Box 13 | EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER DE Ares part Hime work, Up 0 A hours » [day, Phone MO, B07, '™ HOME INSULATION, METHOD Fron Estimates MRP PANKE CLEANED THE SANITARY [ WAY, WALTER WARD, Wiiihy. Phone | Nify TRILL) Fob, FOR RENT TWO ROOM APARTMENT hat water, Iaundry roam, alse one fam hed housekeeping mam. Phone MO LEI LL PBUTY BLEOTRI Apply BLOWING FOR BALE HEAVY SAVE, APATEIORE SEs: PARERNS: Wve Willey Westinghouse aulamatic wash IRE WAChine ARd Beatty Ironing wma Chine. ARRIY BNL Palace Rivest, Whithy Li FOR BALE -NTRAMIY slahn, 3 neon (hick ARE ohieken houses a BOARD: 4 x & eal fF HaFAReS APBIY 1010 Broek AL FOR RAENTSLARGE LIGHT HOUSE | ROORIRE roam, sillable for ane oF twa POFRONS, 300 Broek Breet Noo Whithy LL] Auctioneer ). POMERY Dial Qshawa 33-3036 Feb Ni | things we know i (Gives Challenging Address At Presbyterian Youth Rally "Are we willing to risk our pop. warty and security to lake # definite stand against and oppose those things which we know to he wrong, snd stand owt boldly for to be righ?" These questions were asked hb Hev, D, K, Andrews, of Knox Col lege, Toronto, of & congregation of young in the Toronto Vast Preshylery of the Preshylerian Church in Canada st & special rally service at Bt, Andrew's Church Inst sven he service, { # weekend conference here, which stressed the mission ary and other efforts of church and thelr challenge to youth, was well pitended, with several of (he delegates takin part, Dr, Andrews declared that 6 18 not only & Christian's duly to preach to the heathen, hui to all le Dr, Andrews, preaching on the conference theme, "Tesch Me, thy way, 0 Lord," seid that the words of the text constituied man's appeal ta God for help and direction at a time when he was hesel by his enemies, "Tench me thy way, 0 Lord, and lesd me In A straight path because of mine enemies," he prayed, Vew feel in Canada today that thelr lives are threatened as was the experience of the psaimist; they feel perhaps that they are not Vike other men, and because of (his and other reasons they are apathetle and fel no need to seek divine ald | "Unless we have a sense of evil | the sum of $56.00 was contributed forees In our midst, a realization of the pitfalls into which we may fall, and have the presence of imminent evil in our lives, we will not feel the need for ealling on God to lead us," the minister sald, He referred to those who point out every fault In the church and in other people, hut fall to realize their sins and shortcomings, "The price of free dom Is ever elernsl vighance,' he declared, He sald that young people must experience and em ven assurance the practices will | ploy the power of Christ and work | us leader chireh, school, home and christian essentials preser for other vation eople from the churches | marking the | the | In We, said Dr. Andrews, there whe the wivng why, wilh Hy Uw appoloting end, a way thet led (0 denth, and » right way that lends to and points 10 God and opens 1p many opportunities for | christian service, "We must seek 10 see the vision of God thet will Pr, Andrews christian faith Is sRohing the pel Benthen but to af' ith whom we coms in contact, The christion faith enlled for devoted service to Christ with ig Involving seer fices, The way of God was solu tion of the world's souinl and political problems, In (het way Christ treads snd gives leader: ship te all who would follow him, This, said Dr, Andrews, constl tutes a great challenge to young people of today Taking part in the service were Alan Powell, Willowdale, who rend the onl to worship; Miss Eleanor Sinclair, Toronto, who vend the Seripture; Miss Idamay Dalgleish, who sang & solo, and Miss Dorothy Guthrie, "Toronto, | who led In prayer, Charles Black, assistant organist of Willowdale Preshyterian Church, was at the organ, and the cholr was made up of young people attending the conference It was announced (hat at the | missionary rally In the afternoon to the | for the missionary enterprises of the ehureh, Thanks were extended by Mr | Powell to Nev, D, Marshall, the Kirk Bession, the Board of Man | neers, the billet eonvenors, and the ladies of the congregation and | all others who helped in any way {to make the sixth Little Annual | Conference a success, hlso to the | theme speaker, Dy Andrews, the | missionary speaker, Nev, H, Dan | oF, the group leaders, soloists, | planist, song leader, and the chor: for thelr part In the | conference, and to all who had | taken part in any way In the programmes of the conference EARLY DAYS IN WHITBY IN RETROSPECT With the Whithy centennial cele bration only four months away, during which much of the town's earlier and later history will he recalled through the medium of planned events and a great deal of publielty, the writer of the pons weekly feature In The ally Times-Gazette "Karly Days in Whithy" pauses this week for a brief moment to recall some of the events of the century whieh have been recorded, These arth cles, we belleve, not only early history, but many of the events in munieipal, social, religious and educational flelds that have eon tributed so mueh to the town's progress, and made it what it Is today, a growing municipality, with every modern advantage a town whieh Is mueh today In the publie eye and a town with L] Very promising future In the series of articles which we hope to continue, we have re called - events which took place before and after the village of Whithy was a small but thriving lace; the days of great activity 'ort. Whithy, formerly Windsor Bay, when all exports and imports depended entirely upon shipping, the days of elevators, numerous hotels, thriving businesses founded hy early settlers; the cholee of Whithy as the eounty town of On tari County when the amalgama tion of York, Peel and Ontario Belfry Bees Big Mystery AYLMER, Que, (CP)Parish loners of Christ ehureh In this Of tawa valley town are hreathing slghs of relief these days, The case of the bees in the belfry has ended As mysterious as it began It began in 1040 when the bugs of bees could be heard during Bun day nervices, Week hy week it In ereaned until last summer ehureh offielals, tired of the annoyance, eonsidered plan to rid the ehureh of them, Various plans were In atituted, to no avall But last autumn the bees disap peared with wdvent of cold weather This month contractors warily removed the (nner celling of the ehureh to investigate, Not a living hee was encountered, but two empty hives--one a monster seven feel long--were found, Near a chimny were the remains of thou SALLY'S SALLIES whan broken and separate counties set up; the incorporation of the town in 1866; names of early sel tiers and the contributions made by them to various phases of life In the community of thelr time; the origin and establishments of our schools, churches, the Mech anies Institute, predecessor of the fine Carnegie library the town possesses today; our fire depart ment and Ils several stages of development; the coming of the rallways, the Inception of the wa ter, light and sewage plants; the important part played In the community drama by Industries established many years ago, with one of them at least still operat Ing; the many elvie Improve ments that have heen made; the construction of the fine hullding o the Public git Commission; ie proceedings of earlier to sounty mimiotpat bodies. Al oe A ma ol oy have boon dealt with, giving fo the town, we belleve, a more or less accurate history which we know many of our readers have enjoyed, We know of some who have preserved every 'artiole In the series as his torle records In future articles more recent events In the town's history will be referred to, We will go haok from thirty to forty years, so that when the centennial comes we may have added further to the town's record of progress, nands of hees, All the honey wm Hone loo, Church officials believe the dead bees were vielims of a spray that wan fired Into the roof of the ohureh earlier First Governor Was 'Stood-Up' OTTAWA (CP)The first gover nor of Upper Canada was once "wlood up" by Admiral Horatio Nelson, the hero of Trafigar A letter written by Admiral Nel aon In 1008 to Lt Gen, John Graves Nimeoe, breaking a dinner date, wan recently acquired by Nicholas Monsarrat, United Kingdom Infor: mation officer In Ottawa Mr, Monsarrat, author of "The Cruel Nea," has five Nelson let ters and hopes to gel more, He has been collecting them for about | a year Capt \00\ King Paani Sia | Wrownin DRIVE FOR SAFER DRIVING Whithy Police Chief C, Viet cher looks over a mound of booklets and pamphlets, which will be used In 8 drive to make the roads safer, The booklets include copies of the Highway Traftle Act, the Motorist's Man- In Pee Wee Play Saturday's scores in the Pee Wee league in Whithy were a little lopsided this week with the ex ception of one Kame he first game, between the Mercantiles and Whithy Motors, ended In a onesll te, Mores opened the scoring at the four minute mark with Parsons draw: ing the assist he second game, between Don ad's and Plekering Varms, was more lopsided, the final score be ing 80, Moore with two goals and an assist was the big gun for Donald's while Lane also hit for two unassisted tallies, Catherwood and RK, Northam were the other two marksmen At 0:20 am, Plekering High land Dairy and Seaway Motors faced off and for seven minutes It was a close game, Then (he roof fell in on Beawasy and five quick goals was the result, The big gun for Highland Dalry was McBride, with no less than five gonls, with Trwin, Arseott and B, Greener assisting, The opening onl was scored by R, Greener loy from Augustus was the Bea war seoring We convenor, A, C, Morrison, offered his thanks to Al, Hefferin and Jack Bell who assisted wit the coaching and the others who were of great assistance In getting gonl tenders dressed and were generally useful in getting games started on time WHITBY DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE Final Standing drd Section Pittings 18 4 wWo's All Nweels a ee ,"po-IL Clarence Lopsided Games |: 209, Keith King 200; Howard 25; Collins 203, md Doris Npencer, ATKINSON «Bian and Shiels are happy BUCHANAN Meith and June Buchan the little ter being paraly aceldent Inst spring, aralysis, made the an Friday. usl, and a children's hook on means more subject in 8 the care and snfe use of bey. Booklets will be free to the public, and copies will be given to people taking out, or renew: ing, driving leenses ONT, HOSPITAL MIXED BOWLING fe Robertson, Whithy Moore 215; Don Need , 208; Agnes Pols 214; Marilyn Thorndyke 211; Helen Courtney Elliott 3 IM Correll 208, 20%; Bill "Churehlll 207, Link Yates Claire Rich 206, 201; Bi Harold- Moore 20%; Ray Roach 201; Russ Clark 200 Lemon League; Josnne Welsh, Harold Moore, Bill Dalby, PrizeewAoners: Marly Jordan Sabre Jets Cubs Buzzards County Bow Woodpeckers Tomato Kings Tartans Bokers Crickeis J M. Ra BT; high sin Roe 288; C, 216 Walsh 683; J, Moran 563; hi 251; W. Alexander 238, Tacky Strikes Corner Pins Whirlwinds Ned Devils Hen Bens Viasy Aces spitfires Ladies' high triples this week: Roe M97; N, Hors 80; G los this week enyer 218; G, -RRNVIAPIIRDIN ter, " #t the Ontario f Coline a "heing honirhign the fill knowledge and the Department of i'M, Gale Men's high triples this week: G, Howland 609; W, ih Singin this week: i OG, Walsh 208, interest of weation," -- SEE PAGE THREE Howland YOR DUNLOP STORY -- Whippery Cnce's Rockels Trallery Misfits Saints Blowers BIRTHS | to announce the birth of (heir son Paul Stanley, on February 18th, 1085, A the Oshawa General Hospital, A brother for Nanoy (nes Vudger), sre happy to announe the birth of their son, Thomas ¥red: oriek, 7 pounds, § ounces, at the Osh Awe Goneral Hospital, bn 0th, Mother and baby doing 1GGY WILL GO HOME TORONTO (CP) Crolty, Velirunry well WHITBY ROTARY CLUS ond the OSHAWA CHAPTER OF THE 5.P.0.0.05.A, : bring you Barber Shop Quartette Singing featuring THE OSHAWA CHORUS And Four Other Quartettes from Torenve, Orillia and Oshewe WHITBY TOWN HALL Friday, Feb. 25 -- 8 p.m. Tickets $1.00 , , , available fram Rotary members or of Snolgrove's Drug Store Ig Newfoundland' boy who 0 walk and talk again In ital for Blek Children af. red by [] Hattie Ww 0 [i to his family the end of Vebrunry, Dr. Bruce Hendrick, who per. formed two delicate brain opera tons which rescued Iggy from nounoement learned | the Hosp Si in County Bowl Gilberts Whithy Eleotrie Hell Telephone Bunoco's Jokers Canucks Price Yards TrLEvIsion OO BUTT RADIO 110 Brock B, 5, Whithy MO, 83707 Engineers Orphans M Ligh triples; XW, White 808 (318); Yulll 774 | Hunter 796; L. Reed 781; G, Bweel 782; Browning 716; Simms 710; Houlding 700; Seott 000; KE, Sweet 000; Woolner 007 Watts 004; Hayes 691; Rivett 608; i, Rorabeok 603; Chatten Pogson 060; P. Sweet 068; J Clark 087; MoQuay 064; Huntley 1} W. 0. Town & Sons FRIGIDAIRE AUTHORIZED DEALER WHITRY MO, 8.3410 GUARANTEED OIL BURNER CLEANOUTS 2:HOUR BERVIGA WILSO AUTOMATIC - HEATING Y Xn bl WH ane 64; Villeneuve 063; Ktubbing 648; Moore 644; Joyce 044; Faweett 089; MacDonald 638; Bond 088 and BOWLING LEAGUE Woodpeckers took all seven points from Trailers, Crickets and Mis Cubs and Bussards took five Joints each; Stokera four points; Whippers and Blowers two points each Lloyd Sabine W160 (306, S01, 208); Polls 700 (381, 245, 243); Fred | Marty Jordan 781 (319, 818, 808); il Jordan 710 (270, 24%); Merv An Spencer G01 (M18, 211); Reta Han: | pen 071 (04d, 237, 200); Len Yulll | (01, 295); Kva Bartell 648 (313); Fred Courtney 040 (342, 214); Hob Bryant 644 (048, 248); John Dionne 8 (Ne, 210); Vie Afleden 03 offe! (370)1 Alice Desjarding 633° (25, 200); Bill Bryant 030 (384); Grace (284, 200); Helen Dionne 007 (30, 208); Harel Moore 604 (310, 201); Nowlers 200 and over: Mery Potts 264; Hob Bird 253, 2M; Yates 207. Ron Pascoe 384; Jack Spencer 20 Yvonne Churehill WA; Lorraine Foote 236, | Isobel Mothersill 238; Muriel Hill | Knibh 230; Don Ireland 920; | Jeanne Sabine AR; A) Hotfering | Sima 217; Himar Hansen UV; Undertaking W. €. TOWN, FUNERAL DIRROTOR Assle Moore 047; Hewis 048; C, Campbell 034, The County Bowl, Tartans and fits, Tomato Kings, Sabre Jets, Rn ahr points and €.D.C's, Nowlera 600 and over ard Watts 744 (200, 240, 211); derson 704 (267, 298, MP); Doris | 681 (30d); Dorothy Sundin _ 051 Villeneuve 647 (356, 233); Gladys 281, M1); Larry Heffering 030 Wilson 816 (34); Reg Bryant 818 Jessie Hess 600 (230, 230), Grace lgglenden 248; Evelyn 21; Marg Taras 236, 204; Marg 209: Marion Knibh 332; Knibby 218, 208; Clara Watts 217, a HH PROFESSIONAL WE ambalmer, Phone MO, B30 | Chiropractor ih Ine, Ward sighs wens "Han the lore ANY marriage counselor services?" | DENNIS {Mont phone MO, S08, NOWRERRY HE Wael South, Whithy, De XRAY For aon | WORK IN YOUR HOME TOWN We are looking for Whitby and district women, married or single, for sewing machine operat. ors to work on brassieres, 52 WEEKS ot steady work at good wages WILL TRAIN the right women but experience Is an asset Inquire ot EXQUISITE FORM BRASSIERE Co. (Canada) Ltd.) John and Ash Sts., Whitby TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR HOME TOWN ® Luxe WITH Whitby Community Arena SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES For Week of Feb. 21 to 26 MONDAY 2130 to 3:30 PM, Brock Street School Carnival 4 1) Public S¢ Free Skoting ni Rental Time Available OR MHA Hockey Final Brukite a Alek ntarle Ledies allege Rental Lh Available Publis Skating PrasSohool Age Sketing Public School Free Skating Rental Time Avellable Sr, B, Hockey feterbone Petes Va, Whithy Dune opr... . Ver Tay Separate School Free Skating Rental Time Avallable Public Skating Nillerest School Carnival Minor Hockey Play-offs waten tor schedule of game PeeWee Hockey Rotary Figure Skating Public Skating Rental Time Available 81, 0, Hockey, Cornwall Va, Whit by Dunlops, This is the last al edule game before Plays offs, TURSDAY "ie WEDNESDAY 1 LT THURSDAY 4 530 FRIDAY 1: ] SATURDAY 0 10:30 2 430 The Arena "ee dv thet « contract has boon signed with Mr, Pat Milosh of Oshawe to have wrestling ot the Whithy Community Arena this summer, first bouts will be In April, For private parties please contact the management, Office hours 4 to 10 pm, Telephone Moh, 8.2988

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