2Eo<HOO<E 2 NISSE JSR... 1) an» ag TWAS Inv itewoun <I a ] WOMEN Annual Report Of YWCA Reveals Tentative Plan To Foster YM. Due to the general feeling that there was eos of YWCA in Osh- awa a committee appointed by Board of local YWCA had met dur- the past year with a represent- ative of the extension department of the National Council of the YMCA regarding YMCA develop- ment in Oshawa, it was revealed Miss Ruth Higgins, executive director, in her report to the tenth annual meeting of the local YWCA held at Adelaide House on Tuesday evening. It was felt that the best beginn- ing would be a demonstration pro- gram and in December a meeting | had been held to talk over the idea of forming a Phalanx Club and several young men from the High Park Phalanx Club in Toronto had joined with the Oshawa group. CHARMED CROCHET By ALICE BROOKS Thrill your little girl with this lovely new-fashion outfit; Easy double-crochet forms the pretty pattern; little lacy scallops the edging on shrug. *° Crochet Pattern 7001: Directions for Girls' Sizes 4-6; 8-10; 12-14 in- cluded. Use sport yarn or cott Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS coins for this pattern (stamps can not be accepted) to Daily limes Gazette, Household Arts Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print . plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. WONDERFUL is the word---for one the fad been provided in the local | the president and executive com- Further plans in this direction had forward in January, space for the meetings and staff mem- bers from CRA were also assisting the YMCA extension department. In continuing her Jeport Miss Hig- ins stated that in the budget for the year it was estimated that the expenses would exceed the rece.".s by $13,570. Actually the excess was $14,139 and $13,000 had been re- During the year there were several large expenditures, $2,100 had been spent to keep the building and gro, unds in good repair and 7 ad been spent in replacing equipment and supplies by the Food Service and Residence Committee, Miss Higgins expressed personal appreciation to the president and members of the board, to the ad- visory committee, and to all mem: bers of the staff for their loyalty and co-operation during the year: Also, on behalf of the Association, she expressed thanks to the individ- uals and groups in the community who had contributed in any way with special mention of the Osh- awa Times-Gazette, radio station CKLB, the Kiwanis Club, and to mittee of the community chest. The Finance Committee report presented by Miss Florence Hor- ton showed total receipts for the ceived from the Community Chest. year $59,141.49 including $13,000 from the community chest. Total expenditures for the year were | $60,280.80 leaving a debit balance | on the year's operations of $1,139.31 The report of the Personnel Com- | mittee showed that in June Miss Mary Andrews had resigned as Crafts Supervisor and Mrs. Julia Sherwood as Resident Supervisor In August Mrs. Winnifred Corner, had been engaged as Resident Sup- | ervisor and in September Miss Patricia O'Brien was added to the staff as program assistant | In January Miss Higgins and Mrs the staff seminor at National Head: | quarters in Toronto. During the | winter months Miss Grace Richer, | program director, and Miss Hig-| gins attended a University of Tor-| on international social welfare and in June Miss Higgins attended the | international conference of social workers in Toronto. In June Miss| Richer went to Brighton, Maine, ! for a special course in folk dancing. by Miss Grace Richer showed the A comprehensive report prepared | mapy hases of program activity, ca on during the year and that there were activities to suit all ages and classes. Events included World Memb House, fence and National Assembly, After - Church Musicales and | reading in cameo had been held | and several art exhibits, | The Food Service report showed 42,896 meals served during the year with a credit balance' of $1,363.54 The foregoing reports and state- our NEW Alice Brooks Needle- craft. Catalog for 1955. Exciting, | 5 | enchanting--our ne asjons nl all that--and even more! Send 25| Nominating, Public Affairs and the members of the board of dir- cents for your copy of this terrific| World Service committees were ectors and staff. Mrs, R. L. Gray ~~ to| compiled in book form and distri-' and Miss Vera Moyse presided at| order every wonderful design in it! buted at the meeting which was | the tea table. catalog--NOW! You'll want ments of Building and Administra- | tion, Christian Emphasis and Mem- bership Constitution, Residence | Ann Miller, dietitian, had attended |? onto extensiod course of lectures i father lived on the same lot with ship Banquet, Regional Conference | M nd Fair, | cancer or the throat about Hanging-oftheGreen, Y-Teen Conc| hich fook She husband and gon. CER my a IMPORTED FROM ITALY From Italy comes a charming | available in white, black and dress-up bag in hand crocheted | navy and is pictured with an eve- beads with a zipper opening and | ning dress worn for de luxe cruis- a wide single handle. Soft dress- | es or important evenings at 'maker pleats enhance the sur- | southern or tropical resorts, It face of this modified pouch that | will be a grand item for summer is suitable and handsome for al- | wear later in the season, -- By most every occasion, The bag is | TRACY ADRIAN, CHILD GUIDANCE Advises Sorrowing Widow To Devote Herself To Children By G. CLEVELAND MYERS If you and I have not been|she faced with bereavement in our| was and the little mother wants | immediate families, we can not|to bring them up in a more in-| quite be sure how we might man-| dulgent way. age ourselves in case we were,| 'She does not want her children especially if several of our loved | to talk about their daddy. She does ones were suddenly lost, as in an attend church and is really trving accident. to find her way out. I have been| WORTHY GOAL over the same way myself and | It would seem that we should | can give her undgrstandiog but dn | aim now to live among our loved |not feel competent to advise her, | ones in such a way that we might| I'm enclosing a stamped eavelope carry on as well as possible if one| addressed to her. or more were suddenly snatcied| Although my rule is to write from us. Trying to live unself- advice to no one who does not ishly, we should keep in mind the|himself ask for it, I made an ex- welfare of others left in tha fam-! ception in this case. Here is how y, especially if they he young! I personally wrote that widow: children. Our very concern for| GAINING COURAGE them should give us courage. | Your very kind friend asked me An Illinois reader writes: 'Could | to write you. My heart, like hers vou offer some help to a mother' goes out for you, I'm sure your of two young children who has| recently been left a widow by an accident? She has written you sev- eral letters but has not had the courage to send them. A GREAT LOSS "The husband's mother and | adjustment, The grandmother feels must be strict as the father| wil continue to gain courage there- y. Fortunately you have these two precious little children. Because fou love them so, this love should elp you turn your heart and mins and energy toward their welfare, It would give you and these chil- dren comfort and relief to {talk about their father if the talk wee SUPER OM SOHE THE SUPERIOR LATEX-BASE WALL PAINT them, Thexfather-in-law died of a month $ after the accident This leaves two very nervous @n upset women to work out the presided over by the president, Mrs, O. D. Friend. The opening worship service was led by Mrs. S. G. Saywell The meeting was brought to a close with the benediction pro- nounced by Dr. George Telford. Refreshments were served by | they don't know what to ask for," church attendance and talks with | God have helped you and that you | W. Ririca Sets World |p Pattern For Tolerance |! Speaker Tells YW.CA. |i A new concept in racial harmony, |f black and white men living and |; working side by side was emerg- |/ ing from West Africa, Mrs. M. N. | Vuchnich who attended a confer- ence in Nigeria last year, revealed |; in her address at the annual meet- ing of the YWCA on Tuesday even- ng. "Africa needs 'leadership, doc- tors, nurses, technicians and tea-|" ' she said, "and we must|' find a way of giving the right lea-|| dership and sharing Christianity. In return Africa can give us a lesson in race relations, a more relaxed attitude toward life and the secret of making the more re- laxed attitude toward life and the secret of making the most of what you have." ¥ Mrs. Vuchnich was the Canadian delegate at the first conference of the West African YWCA Associat- ions held at Ibadan, Nigera, and she spoke of the problms confront- ing the work of the Y. It was conceded that western in-[/ fluence had brought improved | "* food and sanitation, a btter sys-|} tem of trade and mony and inter- communication by building roads, but it had also brought broken homes, delinguency and thieving. |, Through volunteer, untrained | workers the YWCA was trying to|' teach the fundamentals to bridge the gap between the old and the) new. It was teaching women to read, and instructing them in hy- glene, and held itself equally re-|; sponsible to non - Christians and Christians, The speaker was introduced by |! Mrs: K. H. Braithwaite, and Miss | Margaret Pellow moved a vote of thanks. STEAL ATTENTION LONDON (CP) -- Actress Freda || Jackson says the stage is no place |' for anyone, under age 11 "It's im- possible for an actor to focus at-| tention on himself with a child on | the stage," she said. "He might |; . as well go home." Miss Jackson ! ; played the lead in a film lel h- sare utd "No Room at the Inn,' featurin ' gYacliee Shildren of the Second | LOUNGING SUIT orld ar, HARD TO CHOOSE HESTON, England (CP) -- Au- thorities in this Middlesex town | have organized talks for house- | wives who can't discriminate be- tween cuts of meat. "Now they are faced with unlimited supplies check, with a casual loose-fitting as an after-ski suit, AWAIT HEIR LONDON (CP) -- Lady Mary Bailey, 20-year-old daughter of the Montreal-born Countess of Had- dington, is expecting her first child in April. The former Lady Mary said an official. Meat rationing in | Britain ended last summer. about him only when he was well and alive, about the 1 ve and good times they enjoyed with him, | Resolve to discipline them and | bring them up as your husband | in-waiting at Queen Elizabeth's Coronation, and married Adrian Bailey last year. Designed for lounging comfort | is this Paris-designed suit in grey | collarless jacket, buttoned low, | and tapered trousers. It is perfect | (CP Photo | Baillie-Hamilton, she was a lady- DOUBTFUL INCENTIVE AYLMER Que. (CP) -- Offer- ing a child a cash prize for better school marks might have the op- posite effect to that desired, says Dr, H. W. Henderson, director of the Ottawa Civic Hospital psychia- tric clinic. "It may result in mak- ing the child so tense that marks may actually go down," he said. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, February 3 1955 9 WELL-FED HOST | INFANT EXPLORER LONDON (CP) -- A Battersea! LONDON (CP) -- Bus - loving district cookery school is housed | Gordon Pomfret, 2, clad only in in a building reputedly haunted by | pyjamas, was found waiting for a girl who starved to death in|'a big red bus" at 1 am. A po- | 1899. Headmistress F. F. Laidler |liceman tended him at the local | says "if the ghost does still exist | police station until his father it's sure to be well fed by now." | claimed him. ~~ ----l™ i" creations are always a constant source of pride. cherished forever! And, remember, they're regis: tered Perfect and are Insured Free. Glamorous duette in distinctive heart design. Engagement ring, $100. The wedding band, $50. | 32 KING W. A BEAUTIFUL Blucbind DIAMOND RING Let her know she Is your Special Valentine ... Give her a Bluebird engagement and wedding ring duette. Designed by master craftsmen, Bluebird Day. The engagement ring is $125. -- matching wedding band ... $43.50 Perfect Pair for the perfect couple. Engagement ring $150. The Wedding band $57.50 PAY ONLY 10% DOWN AND AS LITTLE AS 1.00 WEEKLY The Pan For now -- and forever, creat. fons of matchless beauty | Engagement ring $200. The Wedding band $57.50 [BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. DIAL 3-7022 would have helped you do if h [ were alive, If you can help these children to grow up to be happy, | likable and useful citizens, you! will have built a great living mem. | orial to your husband, and their] father, (My bulletin "Love and Re- straint" may be had by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to me in care of this newspaper) "Tihing oF Pie Or Money Back You do not have to be tortured and embarrassed by the itching soreness and burning pain of piles any longer. Hore is real help for you. Get a package of Hem-Roid, an Is. ternal pile treatment, at any drug store and use as directed, You will be pleased at how quickly your pile trouble is re- lieved. Only $1.59 for the big 60 let package. If you are not 1009, pleased after Aning Hem-Roid 2 tor 3 days, as a test, ask for your money back. Refund agreement by all drug stores, ++. a cake mix for Angel Food that makes a higher cake than you could make with the whites of 13 eggs. t WUAON 12 KING ST., W. Furs BLENDED PERSIAN LAMBS DYED Thse Luxurious coats are of he highest, first quality, gua- ranteed furs, sass sansen od A big and beautiful cake that has zoomed right to the top of your pan. Golden outside, snowy-white inside. All the fine country egg whites + « + and the special Angel Food Flour Mix, are in separate cartons inside the package. Betty Crocker's easy directions tell you just what to do. So bake one soon, won't you ? All you add is water and your own flavouring. You don't even have fo sift the flour. Wnen you open the oven door what a sight will meet your eyes. from. ....0i000 SUITS Pe) =) ~ ALL WEATHER "Belly Crocker says: "1 promise a perfect cake every time you bake . . . cake . . . after cake . . . after cake." OV = BLOUSES JERSEYS & SWEATERS coats.. $10.95 s].49 Tene . $2.49 $10.95 ® LAYAWAY 4 WAYS ® BUDGET Add that look of Elegance: Select your Fur Coat NOW, for a real investment in many seasons' wear in smart style and warm comfort, MUSKRAT BACKS 325 5 Limited Supply of CLOTH COATS $ all DRASTICALLY REDUCED! TO BUY ® CASH ® CHARGE