18 THE DAILY TIMESOAZEYYE; Saterday, Josnery 18, 1088 What's new with Chevrolet... ever Here are sixty ways of saying that the 1955 Chevrolet is utterly new from road to roof, from grille to tail lights, But the total of these changes is the significant thing, for they add up to a kind of car that has never existed irl the world before, It is a low-cost car, with low- cost gasoline economy and low-cost maintenance, But in everything else it rivals the finest of high-priced cars--in scintillating styling, ything! in silken case of handling, in thistledown riding comfort, in blazing acceleration, in the full luxurious range of power assists and drive options. You can look at it and tell it is a precedent-shattering car. You can check the features and appreciate the brilliant advances in engineering. But you can't possibly know how astonishing it really is until you drive it...and that is what we sincerely ask you to do, New 162-hyp, "Turbo-Fire V8" engine has ultra-short stroke, 8 to 1 compression ratio, Iweep-Sight windshield gives fer wide-angle view, Tubeless tires are standard on all models, offer more protection ageink blow~ Olan | area Is up to 18 per cent pend so all passengers get 8 oader panorama, 12 vours 12-volt electrical system easier winter starting, higher voltage for all speeds, High « level ventilation intake at base of wind- shield picks up cleaner r above road fumes. GL) New "Touch-Down" Overdrive transmission reduces engine speed 22 per cent, HOTCHKISS DRIVE HOTCHKISS DRIVE lets rear springs absorb acceleration and braking thrusts and lowers the centre of gravity, Low-level lu compartment has sill po gg With the floor for easy loading, Bodies are wider inside, with more room for hips, hats and shoulders, both front and rear, New "Blue-Flame 136" engine teams with tPowerglide auto- matic transmission, ""Touch~ Down" overdrivet and new Synchro-Mesh Transmission, Cilide-Ride front suspension With spherical joints gives softer flexing over bumps, New linkage-type Power Steer- ing (extra-cost option) is applied directly to steering linkage for more positive action, ry IN J12 The new shorter pis saves one mile of pincn's Sie for every 12 miles you travel, When it's pen. guin weather outside it's warm and cosy inside with Chevrolet's "Comfort Zoned Heating", X Front tread Is broader for greater stability on the road, Curved glass rear-quarter windows on station wagons give = Rear window corners are squared to give broader, safer @ © Red tell-tale lights flash warning when oil pressure or generator charge drops too low, maximum visibility -- and add a striking new style note, Yrand-new frame Is lighter = but 50 per cent more rigid, Ball-Race steering is smoother, takes less muscle to turn, 35.5. 35 colors and combinations, A rainbow-full of 14 solid colors and 21 two-tone combinations, Anti-Dive braking control checks [endency of front end to noses down during fast stops, keeps car "heads up," "Outrigger" rear sprin e sot wider apart to resist ody roll also permit lower frame, Now there are only 4 biiestion fittings In front = instead of 1 for easier maintenance, LL LI) Peli Nal ¢ (Y bY Full-Fold rear seat in station wagons gives nearly 11 inches longer cargo deck ~ because seat cushion folds flat too! aw nt de 1 ~ W any ear on the Ca ' Stronger centre pillar and double-wall doors vo greater strength to body side Hoods are 314 inches lower to give drivers a "Better, closer look at the road ahead ~ and rear decks are lower, too, iii Four live-rubber mountings cradle Chevrolet engines in a naturally balanced position New Interior fabrics In two-tone combinations harmonize with exterior colors, oY (% 4 a i wo | by Powerglide Automatie transmise sion now offers smoother shifts, Went vi UR REA head-lights, greater had-lehus, give Central glove compartmeni is handier for the driver, viey Compression-iyps gives more pa orm spring rate for a better ride, spring shackle * Lighted con- trol panel for ventila- tion system makes selec~ tion simpler at night, Bumpers resist flexing" bee cause frame members are exe tended to give more support, Four defroster nozzles wider spread of cool less eeeney to fog up. r, with @ Brake cylinders on front wheel spindles cut unsprung weight, A New concentric-type gears control shaft is neater gd smaller, = Lower centre of gravity provides greater stability on curves, better road dchoiding. = Floating oil pump intake in crankcase picks up cleaner oil from the top of the oil level in the crankcase, Serra rn Station wagons are shorter for easier parking -- but pros vide longer cargo space inside, Nonsmetallic bearing in- sorts in spherical-joint front suspension resist seoring, give greater dur- ability Front wheels are connected more rigidly yi balanced relay-type steering linkage, Automatic dome light also can be operated manually by rotat hin Heudlight control knob, Ey Overall height is cut as much as 6 inches without any sacrifice of headroom for pusschgen. Improved tPower Brakes ree quire less pedal pressure iy POW be conditions, ALL4 All 4 fenders are visible to the driver for use as guides in park ing, traffic ving. Ch Turret-Top roof is reinforced by header bars front and rear, and centre roof bow, New rotary door locks offer more ositive locking, fe ess closing effort, are quieter and smoother in opera- tion \ One-piece skirt design and and stronger reinforcoments make fenders more rigid, Lo) (1 New design eliminates possibile ity of snow and mud "packing" in front Suspension, c-- Rear leaf springs are 9 inches longer, provide softer cushions ing against stresses, & Swing-type brake and Suit polah permit draft-free Headlights have a separate wiring circuit for greater pros tection Agu "shorts," Reduced-speed water pump on "Blue-Flame' 6 has greater capacity, longer seal life, Larger fan pulls more air but turns nearly one-third slower for reduced engine noise level, moloramic OVIO [et more than a new car... A NEW CONCEPT OF LOW.COST MOTORING ~~ Lighted indicator dial in instrus ment cluster shows which range of Powerglide automatic transe mission is engaged, x This is the only way we can show the silence of the new Body by Fisher , , . how rubber mounts ings insulate closed bodies from the frame to blot out the rumble of road halts and dampen ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 86 KING ST. E, OSHAWA, ONT, HARRY DONALD LIMITED WHITBY, ONT,