mont WAS THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Se tn ro we 0 Other Calls ,.......,. 3-3474 Combining The Oshawa Times and Whitby Gazette and Chronicle night 15, high tomorrow 90, Lo a] OSHAWA-WHITBY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1995 Eee Cony Phone 33474 TWENTY AIX PAGER _-- CHIANG GUERRILLAS |HOLD OFF RED FOES Mother, 3 Tots Die In Sleep | LifeAindDeathStruggle' Bj As Fire Sweeps Ontario Home Waged For Tiny Fortress GARSON, Ont, (CF)-F) | the frame home probably started RB ne Ga {11} TAIPER, Formos (AP) hinese Nationalist # ' . bd # {! today took' the lives of a mother | the tire, "The ehie estimated dam Latendrum family. Por othe rillas today clung desperately to their fingerhold rip on and her three young children age at more than #4000 The Tather, 1, HW, Lutendresse | battered Yikiangshan, two full days after Pelping radio Vire chief Jack Haves identified CRAWL FO SAVEA wis ml work on the miami whiff | ars hint anal staves \dentifie " 0 BAFETY at Palconwidge Nickel Mines, | Dad trumpeted that the tiny island outpost had fallen to Lawrence, B, Shirley, 5; and Bey , r ind Mrs Daniel Rivet and Mrs, Hayes sald Communist invaders, erley, two months fhe children, Vauletie, 8, and] Firemen and neighbors in his Th The chief said all four died in! JANNY, Jr. |, escaped hy Crawling mining comanunity five miles | he Nationalist defence ministry the though bandits 8 good drab thelr sleep viom aspryxiation, The 0 dlr Anda nt knees the iby ast 0 Lvl iried to ves suid fhe us rillig Mr still re- | bing,' mother and Shirley. were wpstairs, | Lo 1 py 4 Jiiied two rooms | cue the trapped family hint Names bik ng hi "Nite or death" siruggle | Wednesday the Nationalist air the others dwar The fire hiet's wite id she "he yi oh hein . fron by a ven | force prowled omg some. i 1 and He added that overheated pipes received a calll at 4 a.m i Ti di Ie mperitin Ao Moin A 0s im Vong of foumeh | of the southeast Ching ¢ on a wood stove In the kitchen of ing the fire. The eall came from' below zero . inforeements | Hv dlatonca. ministey sid At Joash The ministry shid two Red war [the ships were small, ! y ships laid down & curtain of fire | Nationalist artillery on rin ree n ac 41 while fresh Communist troops | fired 500 shells into hao 0SPITAL y poured ashore on the 8% square { oyu island In Amoy ha CAR OLLISION SENDS T™WO0 T01 H | ¢ 3 ee {and off the ( hia mainland, | ministry said ma ny a iibery pos ry P " y p ¢ Benway auto es | | J he landing came after Commun: | tions were smashe f Two persons were taken to | RR. # Dorestville, Ont, went | from the verandah Benway and | sengers in the P d d w D th Re / di Ist artillery batteries on Toumen, | hombardment from Quemoy _-- 4 a companion Hazel Dunean, 24 caped with a shaking-up hey rece e oman s ea J five miles away, #lso had ham: | September hospital with head euts last out of control and crashed into 4 ht Mor k od and of Tweed, Ont, said the aecel: | were Lina wore of J 4 night following this collision on the rear of a parked car owned | gent oeourved when a front bie | Wendel Maclean of Burke SAULT BTE, MARIE, Ont, (CF (that took the couple to the small £8 & J mared JH iiangehan With more a 0 Lg Bd ats Simcoe Sireet South, The car on by Thomas Foy, The parked aur on the moving ear blew out. Both Biseet, Damage was estimated | Police chief Leo Trudeau of Blind cabin where they lived , j hells, I pl 4 h at $60 | River said Wednesday he found ii ore | i BELIEVED SMALL | Wednesda's attack which fe right which police say was driv. | to was driven onto the front lawn | were released from hospital af y | of y Mey were having some kind of | Nationalists called retalintory en by Ronald Benway, 21, of | of Foy's house stopping Inches ' ler treatment 0 0mer p Vimes-Gazette Staff Photo | signs of drinking in a shack the | a family argument hut 1 didn't pay There was no official indication | (ie indiscriminate' Hed in on) | day hetore 21-year-old Helen Rivers | much atienfion,"" Martel added | ' s LL of the sige of the holdout force | of the Tao hen islands was found dead In the Witlding | William MeDonald, the taxi dri ; hut i was believed to he small, | 1p this Nationalist capital there ' | 4 " Y ale | va hi b 4 A eForBloodless Truce Seen Sheriff Hauls | "i. ie dri dah, rm jo, i, if | SE. A Nuon communi on. wns diy over th tdiemions by | Rivers and bushworker John Le of the conversation Her had reported that "our brave | President Eisenhower and Bia [) YOL, 14--~Me, 16 f guerrillas, still fivmly holding their | Secretary Dulles that the U an * -» euyer, who Is charged with the | a of Miss Rivers, David | ® 0 our woman's murder apparently had | Rivers, sald he had seen her the || £8 k positions, are bravely and bitterly | States would not ohject to the | ut ons 1 (®) C. " uar 8 | gone to a hotel to drink after he | night before she was killed and 4 fighting in paols of blood, This was | United Nations seiking a cesses wDETAWA (cr In a rare court | visited their home ved with | that she was so Intoxicated "she 4 despite ip hombing, paval and | fire. in the Chinese civil war, . : mave, 12 startled pedestrians were Miss Rivers, who lived with the | could hardly walk." | ground fire and use hy the in| It was reporied that the BOSTON (AP) - Site prison inal courts of the eommonwentth, porado convits tried Wednesday Wate off the street Wednesday #8 | 26-year-old mishworker. was found | REARTED Fo" ARGUE a, ; {| yaders of Mamethrowers, In the | tonalists quickly exprossed ioe thorities today saw indications | (state I y m EO | a Hl, Sar rundoy Toast Judge sought to fill a gap on a {dead Jan. |. Earlier court test) A statement. admitted as evi ¢ | | face of these heavy attacks our | | opposition to such & plan through t the four rebellious Massa | for very long terms which takes hostages and s i J "| Jury panel mony said blood was found on the | dence quoted Lecuyer as saying |! b | | defenders ealmly held out and gave | the US Amhasador he here, iehuselts state prison conviets hold: | from their hearts any hope hut all pleas failed Veteran court officials said it! woman's bed, on the ceiling of the | hand Miss Rivers deank in Blind | | -- ing five Hot J hostages for the They agree that proper sentient In an unprecedented move, 17 mi rh fh ' Bh in their mem. | room and on a sled outside the | River hotells on New Year's Eve rd day may soon be ready ton is practised In California | year-old Barbara (Toby) Green ! } 3 } ¢ ! Ee for le pss than fre sedom despite whereby a man 1s sentenced for| made a tearful bul fruitless face | OTY that such ne tit ney achion | oor returned to their sha k by taxi || 4 fo, 1 their continued show of defiance, | an indefinite period, limited to | lodace appeal to her father, Theo Wis (Aken, those dulled popeared BOY TEATIFIES | "He was quoted as adding § 4 ! y 6 4 ) f | puzzled and a f wed bh | He { Hopes for 8 bloodless seitlement| fe, which gives him a yeario-| odope Green, #9, notorious hank Be rd the sheriff into court! A 16-year-old hoy, Edmond Mar-| "Bhe came al me with a hatehet : expressed hy Rev. Edward! year hope according lo the prog: | robber and escape artist, Bhe stoed ' 4 ] : : A ; %, BT aa prison Roman Cath | Fess he himself makes in prisen." | In the courtyard and he stood Just | without abjection, | i astit ey I k Khe mad und i tl Leer | H I a V e ing 88 ue olie chaplain, and Dr. Samuel! The 86-year-old priest said that | inside a low window of the he, wh emerge ney action Was called hil duarrelted_on the' way home | drank two hotties of wine after [ ' # | wlin, the prison physician, after! was the econviets' principal com gleged solitary eonfinement d : h i latest or numerous visits. to| plaint, He did not outline any fur-| block ' the Citario Gunreme Court when fod" hoon . urs Das, ie oh pd im to 408 bd : / LONDON (AR) == Britain dis: heen considering taking = Joint h : r A ¥ "i Closed today that she has con: | ceasefire resolution to ee besieged cell block ther grievance, hut said the hos:| Jeanette Balben, also 8 'teen | lawyers, picking a 12-man Jury g 4 sulted with the United Bates and! ity Counell, Both listened to the four hard [tage guards "have heen given! ager, went to the prison to ry Wo) fram a panel of 5, gol only 11 ide consideration and courtesy | reason with her faher, Waler Wo, and needed another before a ape IS. New Zealand on a possible move The report sald the eoun ned criminals for an hour and a) every y | ight and later! No officer has heen mistreated," | Balben, 88, vobber and gunman, | gase trial court start. The fudge H A S I In the United Nations to obtain a salt Nednesday hight and Toei Werlin said that although he has| but he refused fo talk to her | ordared the sheriff to go oul nd Truce opes ain ira a "LOOK MA" ceasefire In the China fighting, ork" dying ing told reporters: "The men say they we determined fo hold oul, hut|seen three fun in the possession 'T hoston Post says In a copy: | find prospective jurors ye here had hited article that he moher of # Are i as ta the even of the reel Us api i Ai Hhted file a lh B F d d U 0 Silent b t ) a iy pp, HELL ial 2 Move To Stop ut Ford And Unio A loveln office spokesman, ve-| cause of opposition from Na Two-year-old Janice whi ie oa fs of hud Hd at oho 1.4 ™ ia whe BOMRING fon (( M he plies met for twp Walling hh Co rh the { lave wih or' oma pd TORONTO (CP)-Move sonteach| | EE wg Dislien inet for fu a lhe pi Ault " fier allan al she got the black sve wi 12 Evictions | peusisson vee vated ins) leaks divin oie do To 0d wale when wh. 1 gc VER din NDS [ Automobile Workers (CIG:CCL) fo: Heporters waiting outside the | (CF Photo) "Bul ne dolaion to earry It out | Me prolest Is lo Diomo Lights Ble W "Cop ters hy Hod Nett Atom | dy and there was a general foel-| Meeting room in A flowntown hotel | was (aken,'" the spokesman added, | Formosa provinelal auth horiien a f 2 Hi Wing that - settlement of the long | (ur News of settlement stirred | The spokesman was commenting | Tamsul, Britaln recognizes » | governmentawned housing project Walk ot wos not Tar olf | Nene say when & report from Wolve ' Wolverines on a report from UN headguarters Ching and hi only consular tes i " Natees of evietion oF nt : Oakville, midway helween Toronto Ere Saunders' Crash Aid J | Tuesday to the 12 union Members Although neither side would em and Hamilton, sald the strike | Py F H t Ti that Britain and New Zealand have with the Nationals on _Tormoss, all of whom are striking Ford of | MeN OR he progress of hin That | ih end in a matter of hours @ ror rio me OTTAWA (CPA pilot's call sary safely messure if mare than | LONDON (AP)~-TRelays of hell: | Canada ~warkers, because they | (Hosoi GRastEece SESCERER TO | pred aoe the Kuba Liok:| OTTAWA (€P)=It's going fo he . y / lor all-out lighting ot lainfon 8 ane wet of risway obprbael lite | fewed" ne, Part boo" hin Ha yg 8 Win ds 108ed day, may come this | president sald: 1 don't know any | "Pen season shortly on coyotes, iICaragua arge Crumlin airport led to a lighting are on al the same time, pilots | lieved the distress o Bb an 0 pi i U week hing ahout it." wolves and wolverines in the ) he crash landing | may he confused and use the | landers marvogped in snow-covered Herman Bwansan, vicepresident : : failure preveding the crash 1 | we of the local, said the union will do! Emil Magey, international vice Commented Mr, Marey { North y ally Wrong runwa northern Beotfand i iy [ [1] . i at Friday. night which Chairman Rak T MTU ATION of Food drops from the air now | "everything in its power' 1a make | President i the union, answered "There's nothing to 11." | The Northwest Territories Coun To Tense Costa Rican Picture Rahert Saunders ne 11:40 p.m, the pilot asked for | have reached all isolated villages, | sure no one 1s evicted fhhations hd ona More than 9,000 persons have [ oll, mixing financial business with 1 " runway and approach lights to | and snowplows are heginning the He declined to comment onnn i AIK adlournes i heen left idle hy the strike, which the more down-to-earth SAN JOB eo f ( Transport Minister Maier ve | he turned on, presumably because | task of opening roads and vallways, | the housig project, that the unon night with these words |wtarted in Windsor last Oof, 10 H h Viito-earth - consider JORKE, Costa Rien (AP) Nicaragua also Is reinforcing ite ported to the Commons Wednes. | 5 SECT oon, Foiaation in which | In London, an acrid smog that | pay $1,050 fn back vents for the, "When we settle we'll Tet you'and spread to company plants in| AUONS of the 10.000 people It gov: | Costa Rica's rebellion threatened border garrisons, fay that a fuse burned out from | Po 0 ATEREE | kept vesidents of the great metrop: | steiking famille know Oakville and suburban Blobicoke, | © In 1,004 pao square miles of | to widen today as Nicaraguan Pres Viguetes, meanwhile, predie the unusually heavy power load In view of the speefal circum: | olis coughing in thelr beds Weil the Canadian North, got around [Ident Anastasio Bomora oharged | that today would mark the peeded to meet the pHOL'S request | oo.noas "and (n spite of the control | nesday night cleared away this Di 1 F t to Its game laws Wednesday, that new American « purchased clsive stage In his government's " he struggled with loeladen | yrvangements all Tights were morning ' 18p ay eatures The four elected and five Ap: fihters hd Violated the Conty fh Qhainet the rebels In north Wings to make an emergency anc od on hut they stayed on for | Scandinavia experienced bitterly | ext ove ue ec 5 M ' pointed council members agreed in| oan caraguan frontier, and | west Costa Riea ng RE alaly one mivnats aidy. tm | cont wantien. * Hruee. aha: Go Canadian Pictures | pincivie thei ihe main preduiors | aided that pur of his own fipiers| | Mopar" trom he tghing tron nday 0 4 ) y TT § ace wrohlems nl ie North--eayve 0 dw Flo mee! diene Mr, Baunders died Sunday of in | then a fuse blew out heeause of | many still faced flood problem 4 LONDON (CP)---One of the bid: | oloeting =4a¥e . wl and a he. hares | a a he ered In the crash of the 4 § ) he whole, winter turnes aria differed which occurred 400 the, tveflond on ee con fg 8 oe to Europe than she gest exhibitions of Canadian paint: | from protection under present laws | In a message (0 the IntersAmer: | converted airliners wore trying to feet from the end of an alrport rune | pol officer in the airport tower | has for more than a week, in n ax ed er Hh ever ween In Britain and Ins | getting hunting seasons and quotas, | lean Investigation commission here | outflank the rebels and out thom way immediately called the senior con: | which at least 26 lves have heen K eluding LV anen vied hi the | mia ordinance, equivalent ta pro Homora sale two Cotta fiean pilots | off from the border over wi on AFTER QUESTIONS troller, maintennace foreman and | lost QUERRC (CP)--Prime * Minlster : " i hier ; hoe hand Heme Minster Chuveh: | nolan" iaw, will receive final ap: | Nad Veered their F.01 Mustangs | ifiaueres charges they came, f Hater | Income (AX but with higher exemy was launched Wednesday with over the frontier while strafing Lin | These reports RL) ove) hment p y nd then the he improvements in Beotland| field radio technician, and then 4] pro 8 At, Lawrent will learn today what | Hons [a wivate viewing proval shortly Crug, seven miles from the border, | troops continued ednesday Mr, Marler's statement followed RUA Ton crash and. Hre: treks | w warticularly | noticeable. . A uestions in the Commons Tues f sh # Wis pi h the Quehee government thinks of | The federal government's deel The display, sponsored hy the It wae the pilots' frst mission with | push the rebels into a tight OF " : wp ade ters lor the re day by Donald Fleming (PC---Tor | LINED vp TRUCKS t ong aide hv od iatidquaties pokesman | Ms plan to give many Quebee tax | lon, made in the ght of the fed: | Ontario government and eompriss Bi D D b G t the United Niates planes, which | near the Nicaraguan border, Alot onto Eglinton) about the partial Tau ks were ined bis al one, ai said: Another day or two should | payers a 10-per-cent veduetion fn | eral tax structure, provided that [ng 148 pitikings, will he officially | 19 0g er Y 018 [arrived In Ban Jose Monday sllrmishing, whieh broke o airport blackout and a report of of the a hd 8 ! | A ] ie soo the worst of owe troubles | (hele federal Tncome tax the 10 per cent reduction will ap | opened Friday hy Field Marshal | | he Nicaraguan president, & | nightfall, again was reported in the an hour's delay in getting lot Wi tole, hy Jae ' ht had | er Premier Dunlessis Wednesday | ply, except for 1054, ta all 760,000 | Edel Alexander, It is being shown | Publicity Assist long-time enemy of Costa Rican | area of Banta Rosa, 20 miles from stretcher to the orash scene en § 4A LY Fh JT gent by vegistered mail a veply to | federal income taxpayers in Ques | until Feb, 4 in the galleries of the President Jose Flgueres, told a the horder He sald the transport depart soe after being oul for 30 Ww | the federal propasal, It was drafts | hee central London department store, | OTTAWA (OP)--Ottawa's Inter press conference in Managua Wed: | Nix foreign correspondents wh nen loathed that The totatiig Wh connection with the refer 1 od at a one-hour meeting cabs | Recause the federal reduction | Eortnum and Mason, owned by national sled dog derby today | nesday night that the situation | fell into rebel handy kant weeken beacon and obstruction lights did LL, a bon With She Jer ueen ings inet but the premier gave no elie | totalling about $10,000,000 is | Canadian husiness magnate Gar | starts seceiving a publicly assist | could beeome "an international turned up unharmed in Managua ht #0 oul treteher party, I am advised that to hls views on developments on | spread aver 750,000 taxpayers Ha field Weston from the post office: department, | confliet" | Wednesddy, sootehing reports that Lights on Rifways ad _ruhway h oy I continued in radio com H the Quebec-Ottawa taxation front, | stead of the H00.000 who pay pro | Most of the paintings ave drawn | All mail from Ottawa and melgh The protest to the commission, | two Cubans In the group had been Ripragehos were Utena separate) the ower PORINER 1h TAME ntl | ome its His letter believed fo he two | vineial imeome tax, some double | rom British collections but 48 having Hull will carry the cancel: | sent here hy the Organization of killed. They said the rebel fie) Sirol avalon: ahr y i AAR Rs AL five minutes after |= pages "flows from Mr, St. Laur | taxation will still exist on a small | Vere selected and shipped 10 Brit: | ation stamp "international Dog | American Blates, sald the Hosta | commander, Capt, Teodore Ploado ny ad axtwis "fama p he he | midnian the tower telephoned the SANDRINGHAM Eng, (Reuters) | aq's Iter" tabled in the House | 8 ale for upper-ineome brackets | in hy the Laing Galleries of Tor: | Derby fram now until the end | Rican planes oreated a 'very | Ir i was In good health, We also firmed on Bt the same time township and provineial pollee and | The Queen sang some old favorites [af Commons Monday. He said nal Ta recount the entive $40,000,000 | | of the two-day race Feb 10 tense" situation, The note sald! had heen reported killed in action, to the musie of an organ Wednes ama hee ade 0 Il ret to Quel : | The control system, however, 1s | a commercial ambulance, The alr arrangements have heen made (0 Ottawa will yeturn to Quehee tax 'H l E d not intended to carry at one time | port did not know at this time the day disclose a contents | pavers In 1988 and 1066, the pro | ami ton n orses ' more than one set of approach | exact location of the alveraft, The Phen she poured tea for an eleo: | Offieials of the government were | vineial government would have 0 | . 2] 1 o (®) ue eC | daughter of serap is current tax steueture and | Ballet Premiere Tights hecause experience has | department does not, of courge, | rielan's wife and the gllent an Quebee's next winy 8 operate an ambulance servi Ml her farm manager DOURT CHANG PENDING frame anather based on the federal fhe Queen, with the Queen | Political observers, ha we ver, | (ax strugture HAMILTON (CP)-The premiere : Mother and Princess Margaret, [sald Mr. Duplessis presumably 16 { This, observers here say, Mp, Dy pobue many 0 of the complete co n £ era axa 10N eq wis at a meeting of the Women's | hol proposing to modify the strue- f plessis is unlikely to do because he | bake by the National Ballet Com | tstitute--a- national organization | ture of the Quehee Incame tax, now | Is already committed to higher ex: | PANY Was given an enthusiastie re A LA E NEWS FLASHES whi h Whar is gountry Women in| set at 18 per cent of the federal | emptions, on ehureh advice | teptan by a capacity audience A OTTAWA (CP Prime Minister | and 1056, The reduction would 'vost | At (he conferences the governs the arts of cooking, The Queen | 3.000 at the Palace theatre Wed: | 81. Laurent has heen acoused of | the federal treasury about $30,000, | ment had proposed to provide the Mother 1s national president of the ' P , ov | nesday night surrendering to Premier Duplessis [000 a4 year In revenue from . the Moving o8 WIth the funds nepessary + institute Duplessis Deal ravinoes by Prime Minister 8t | "deneral manager Walter Hom. | of Quebeo tn their taxation dispute, | provinee's taxpayers [fo fulfil their duties under the cons Belgian House Ratifies Pact The voval pary Joined in sing Laurent has "feightening stgnitl | burger sald (his was the first time | The charge was made Wednes: | MADE RETR( ACTIVE | stitution, ineluding better roads and ne DRIaY dive Me Your Answer H Id 'T i ht in fF UAne Awan Lake has heen produced in| day during the Commons throne Lhe tax out would be made retro: | educational facilities, It also had crn = i sy, (1 y Your 4 p ) BRUSSELS The Belgian Lowér House today Dra tik of the. century. musie e rg en ag fhe prime minister offered (he in entirety on the Américan con: | speech debate by Hagen Arive, Aor, to iat tor ig ne Mnounoed plang for a health ine A \ TAQR y A an | Bn \ 3 a nen COP member for the Naskatehe : . s Par eOME '@ ) wll favorite, and then pitched into | PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE, Man, | provinces a tvesyvear, -peroei \ " RHED NY " ratified the Paris aireen ma to rearm Western HWA WA Dally, P Must Leave | (CP) Pravineial Treasurer RD, | reduction In federal ineome taxe Outstanding were Lois Smith | wan constituency of Assinibola | Sours Ihboreont Are Dai - Kh lg ent a Germany and form a Western European Union, | You"-=a song popularized in 1808 | Turned of Manltona sald Wednes: | #5 an alternative to tax rental | portraying the double vole of Piggt member to comment on come tax allowing the attitule of he pr | during the Boer War day the tax deal offered to the agreements with Ottawa Sette lle, He jentle SWAN | the federal government's proposed Mr. St, Laurent sald the tax out | mier of Quehes to nfl onee he d \ ait IMpersond: | settlement of the Ottawa QUebso | will he available to all provinees | the point that it says 'No we Ww fi arm rapist membgrs of all four des: | hung pon ig mathe demonstrated that this is a neces ) A A \ Ottawa Fire Damage Heavy . S F N | ed David Adams as Pring J (aN dispute ho sid it ix a dis who wish 10 (mpose prov inelal not make fants for dion lon In on s Wi ina at 3 sorviee to Canada evies instead of continuing under | Canada,' The result Is a Bo OTTAWA A three-alarm HN laday caused 1tt e ee een or avy | ands Ril TS done oF OnE TE demonstrated the government | existing federal-pravineial tax von standard of edueation in many damage estimated at move than 175,000, destroyed tontant and then to KAM Hb Ohad abandoned (15 postwar pros | al agreements, All provinees but | provinees in the Dominion of Cans | LL cheng posals for health insurance and Quehee have - signed tax agree ada a restavrant and damaged a number of other busi hant Fleet Decli nes 3 x ald tor sehools and road:hullding, | ments The Canadian government i q Ottawa erc 1 21 Lassies Clad 10 DISCUSS PARIS TREATY | My, Argue sald Canada now will show ht saerifieing the ells WE 0 iments in the heart of ness establishments h 164 { Foday, th Lbmmom thiarrubts | HO hack W the All tation fetore the | being of 15,000,000 Canadians on OTTAWA (CPR) Deepsea ship ing what purpose (s served in sea me hl hip under this 8 R ] St its throne speech debate 10 SOUS | Reon ? ori Ar when taxes | the altar of wltra-nationalism, | , Girl, 15 Critically Hurt, nerators question the need for a | SPOnding many hundreds of wil: | oaumtey's fag with the help of same n oya ewart | Canadian vatitieation of the Pavis {varied from one provinee to an Also during the throne speech , : \ \ fighting navy for Canada if the | Mons of dollars a year in building { 95,000,000 a yoar from the foddval | TORONTO (CP A touch of | profocal providing for membership | other debate, John Hamilton (PO No kK BELLEVILLE Marie Stapley, 15, ia in orvitic a : nant fleet continues | ANG maintaining an escort navy if | (reasury, At present 104 Canadian: | Od Seatia has turned up In the Of A rearined West Germany in the We will have all of the ill West, making his maiden speech, s 2 1h i bat a country merchan eel of | | HE only purpose 1s to protect tn awned vessels ave under the Beit Hank of Nova Seotia North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. "effects, double taxation and differ | sald munloipalities are helng Sade ul condition in-hospital following + collision between OUNLPY 8 i [a only bun fined Saati alu: dhder te Rel Elevators of the building {| The protocal wa signed hy Can hi laxption dn a. ly extremely Wed, ha responsibilities fa bes n a 3 Senger a CPR The Canadian powners 8 + y 4 A | downtown Taranto's Ray street fi. | ada Oct MON disappointeg al the federal gov: yond thelr capacity, The prof lem a car, in which she was a passenger, and a CPR | sactation Wednesday approved ai SPH NDING MILLIONS aah | ii h bormmitted transfor ot regis nancial disteiol boasts 81 tassios! Nome members alieady have ii | spnment has conceded to the pre: | should be considered at thik Year's freight train at Haig sideroad, near heve, presidential statement hy M. Q if Canada does not pa hab A Canadiun uate "lokad tn skirts of Royal Stewart! dieated during the debate that they | mier of Quebee in thix way, It is | tederalprovinelal eonterence, merchant shipping, why does | anadian costs waditional thistle buttons will approve the protoeal. West | a disserviee ta Canada" | He also proposed that the Hove An of Mantreal exnre \ \ if it | Need a navy | The operators would like ta sell The aufits are faithful coples of | Germany would have a 500,000-man | NOT PREPARED ernment give tax relief to homes 3 libs as to financing a navy | \ i Welsh Sworn In As Sherifl at have Canadian au shins | The federal government is spend: | some af these vessels--honght (rom | Seattlsh hghTand. costume. WIhont| army in NATO the proposals demanstrated that | owners. This could be done by a ! avernment had toy percent tax on : | gh ing in th eal your an! the Canadian government atter the | hare-kneedongih hose. After hreak \ly Lavront, In andguncing | the federal oradit annual G, Arthur Welsh, who retired as provineial secre patimated $37,000,000 on navy oon: war and still subleet to resale re! mg such traditional bans as those | Monday oahinet olution 16 | gotten prineiples enunelated the | payments of principal on house tn telling tt A ion at ) : 8 HO \ \ \ | Wreh ¥ ate truetion maintenance and opera | sseietion andl to thvest th Against N | wen ame the Tas dispute if the govern: | post-war federal «= provinetal con neha and on real estate taxes . . 2 awa { | Ww tl ang @ 10 ARAN moking and women ¢ ¥ ¥ W 3 tary of the province, was sworn in at Whitl | nual meeting that the deepsea fleet Hil took hank directors | ment will propose amendments to | ferences; that It was nol prepared | Or, the government at least could [the lnoome Tax Act to provide alte take the flseal, taxation and | allow deduction o JRORCY taxes cent eat In federal income f sconomic measures to ensure full from federal Income tax assess an turns in modern ships whieh could | plavees, i n Fhe association has contended gamplete with shipping built (nf three months 10 authorize the ships, Mr, Angus said that Canadian ship owners could [other countries sine the Second | wearing of the Kilt during banking 10per his mew duties tomorrow ' vMany Canadians must be ask: ' operate a fleet of about 50 deep: World War NOLS, Lian fo has declined to a 35-year low of x afternoon as sheriff of Ontario county, He assumes 100,000 Quebecers Wn 1933 | employment, | ments,