| THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE OSHAWA WHITBY PAGE 3 Combining The Oshewe Times and Whithy Gazette ond Chronicle OSHAWA-WHITBY, MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1955 VOL. 14---No, 13 Flying Club Holds 4th Awards Dinner "| Flying Time And Member Roll Well Maintained | One of the most successful years in the history of the Council noted and filed letters of | Ontario County Flying Club was reviewed at the elub's resignation from the welfare f th p i board of Thomas Flett, chairman; | ourth annual member dinner in the recreation hall at the a Howden, treasurer, and J.| Oghawa Airport on Saturdhy night, The event was attends A request for a grant from the | €d by some 150 members and guests, John Ambulance Corps, was | Following the dinner trophies (tion Trophy for forced landing J | tabled for consideration at the | won during the year were present. | competition, Carl Ayery { annual budget meeting |ed, A delightful program of enter-| Gary Chant, Grindley Trophy for Memberships In the Association |tainment was provided by Doug, | spot landing competition, of Assessing Officers of Ontario, | Romaine, Kathy Burke, Jim Jen John Porayko, Oshawa, ¥raser | Ontario Good Roads Association kins and Cam, Warne, Dancing { Memorial Trophy for the best all- | and Ontario Association of Rural | Was later enjoyed to the music of | round club pilof, Committee Chairmen Named In East Whitby Standing commitiees for 1055 | were appointed at the inaugural | meeting of the East Whithy town. ship council last week, All mem-| A bers of council are members of each committee, Reeve Waller Beath presided, Other members of | Bt f council are Councillors Russell ¥, | ) n y gw LT ' Down, John Glover, 1 : and John G, Hayes, aE AD Chairmen of the commitiee are Finances, legal and salaries Saturday night were, left to right, Gordon Jolee, Toronto, Ontario Reeve Beath Rounds, bridges, under drainage County Flying Club Trophy for best alr cadet; George Koleb. | o Cam Warne and the Aeronautic Gord: Jolce. Tor: { ' at Fle | Municipalities at $10 each were CH, wordon Jolce, Toronto, Ontario and sidewalks, Couneiiive Hates. | approved | It was pointed out that the club | County Flying Club Trophy for yperty, : ne | niak, Oshawa, Royal Canadian Flying Club Association Trophy 4 7 3 ¥. + se ew fleld Trophy for bombing: and Gary Chant of Hampton, Grind ley Trophy for spot landing Absent was Abbie Corrin, winner of the WO Hart Trophy for out standing service to the club for forced landing competition; | Fraser Memorial Trophy for best | Frank Smith of Pickering, Hay. | all-round pilot and Grindley-Hart den Macdonald Trophy for navi- Trophy for formation flying; Ron gation exercise and Grindley. | Gidner of Pickering, Grindley Hart Trophy for formation fly Hart Troghy for formation fly ing; John Porayko of Oshawa, ing; Bill Cole of Oshawa, Scho - Naval Vets \ Members of the Ontario County Flying Club who received troph- fes for club competitions during 1954, at the fourth annual mem bers' dinner in the recreation hall at the Oshawa Alrport on f ¢ : wpp | Membership for 1954 totalled 274 | best alr cadet highest marks and fences = Councillor Down, | A communic ation from the CPR as compared with 271 in 1963, The | Grindley-Hart Trophy for forma: Police, by-law enforcement, fire | regarding a parcel of land in the | oj had" one honorary member, tion flying: John Porayvko, Frank protection, stock killed by dogs, [south half of Lot 15, concession 1,1 Alex G. Storie; 20 sustaining mem. | Smith and Kon Gidner of Pleker. Brucellosis and Warble Fly con. | was referred to the township soll | hors 165 flying members and 88 | ing, Hale Wortare. hospitalizat uta ng APY ALY ick Relief, Welfare, hospitalization 'e he ! VE ' 4 Those whe y "jy . and public health Councillor | A by-law was passed to permit | The club owns seven alrcraft and | lot's holo received prime bi Avery | the, borrowing of up to 850,000 to |operates one Chipmunk for the | were: Gordon Jolee, Toronto; Er. . Rev, R. H, Richard, minister of | cover expenses of the municipality | RCAF reserve, Ten members now | nest (Bud)) Drury, Peterborough; ] Columbus Kedron United Church | until taxes are paid { own aircraft; while five other | Bill Hamblin, Peterborough: Allan | 0 ec 10N civeuit, conducted devotional exer A resolution from the board of | members own aircraft which are! Mather, Peterborough; Les North. cises, offering prayer for that the | health regarding the hiring of A | based elsewhere | Peterborough; Tom Nice, Pets Oshawa and District Naval Vet-| council be wisely guided during | part time public health nurse was | Flying time in club aircraft and | orhorough; John Webbing, Oshe erans' Club is holding its inaugural | the coming year, Mr Richard | discussed and referred to a later | In the Chipmunk In 1954 totalled | awa; Grant Stonehouse, Whitby; meeting for 1056 on Saturday, Jan: | congratulated. the council on their | meeting, : . - 2,430 hours as against 2,435 hours | Bernice Dobbin; Oshawa; Jo Anne wary 20 at 2 p.m, The meeting | election and said that municipal | TO MEET CITY COUNCIL for 19563, Flying time in club alr. Burroughs, Toronto; Gary (Chant, will be held at the sea cadets bar-| government Is important as it fs | As notifieation had been recely. | craft was decreased by 206 hours In | Hampton and Jim Ribyard of Pet: racks, All ex-naval personnel are| so close to the people compared | ed from J, Nesbitt that his proper. | 10564 but was Almost made w hy erborough x urged to attend, At a recent meets | with other forms of government, | ty would not be available as aon Increase of 291 hours in Chip Those reeelving commercial pi | Ing the following officers were, ASKS CLOSE WATCH | township dump after December pi operation, . lot's licenses during the year were: elected In his inaugural address, Reeve | 31, 1064, the reeve and chairman (Mo iring ae Jur 28 people ob- | po ni mith, Pickering! Reg, Bur. | President, George Stonebridge: | Beath commented that educational | of the property commitiee were | Lined Private eonses, ine Fe | roughs, Leaside; Gary Chant, | Vice-president, H, V, Harmer; | costs have become so high that | authorized to meet the Oshawa | £646 Wai ht ag and | yampton and Lorne Carson of | Secretary, EK, Goyne Treasurer, | other expenses of the council would | city council in connection with the | bord nl ngirue oF Ba ings, | Brooklin, DA MacDonald; Master-nt | have to be kept as low as use by the township of the city into this year Sere Saixiec OVE A " -- -- Armas, Vernon Bowler Committee | other expenses of the council | dump TETY . B and one for eA eae HOSPITAL BUSY chairmen are: Membership, Nick | possible, He was of the opinion | he clerk will contact Mr, Bou TROPHIES PRESENTED | BANCROFT -- A report submit. Lakas; entertainment, Peter G,| that members of council would | eher, district municipal engineer Dur The SumntR ' god dmada Ras PH } 4 4 no A ring the evening the following ted by nurse<in-charge, Miss Sig Tuloch; property, R. C. Plow: try to look ahead so as not to) and agrange for a meeting 85 |e Drasented with trophies for | rid Laine, at the annual meeting right; Publicity, P. H, Hudson cut down to such an extent that | soon as possible regarding the | aiub competitions: p tot the Bancroft Red Cross branch, Two advisory directors were | there would be a larger expense | 1055 road budget. le oil will | Bill Cole, Oshawa, Schofield | indicated 1954 as the busiest year also elected, Willlam Osmond and | to be met later It was agree that. council. Will fpraphy for bombing, | ever for the local Red Cross hos- Herbert Maynard, Regret was expressed at the ab. moet in the afternoon of the sec | Frank R, Smith, Pickering, Hay- | pital, Patients admitted numbered sence from the meeting of Coun | ond Thursday of each month dur | qen Macdonald Trophy for naviga- | 1,100 and there were 264 during Te cillor Hayes who was confined fo | ing the winter months and in the | tion exercise, : | the year, this figure also constitu { 5 i ' | hoanitat through lines, evening during the summer Gary Chant, Hampton, A, C.|ing a record Fortytwo major and Fir we road superintendent advis. | months iim Storie Trophy for the most of | 228 minor operations were per. ed that he had nothing of an un Oliver McCulloch , addressed | ficient graduate pllot during the formed, 384 outpatients received usual nature to report except that | council on behalf of residents of | year, | treatments and 372 persons were hs department had run out of | Columbus requesting more street | George Kolebnlak, Oshawa, Roy- | X-rayed, Eleven chest clinics were sanding material due to the unus- | lights in the village, It was urged | al Canadian Flying Club Associa. | held, unl amount of ice, He sald he was | that special attention be paid to |" - -- | arranging to met more salt and | the south end of he village, It that more sand would be secured | was agreed that Councillor Down to mix will 'make an Investigation and Township el George Farn- | bring In a report ht a later meet. comb was appointed temporarily An assessment commissioner un tI a permanent appointment Is made. This action aws taken at| the request of the county assessor, Ww 'Women Hysterical When Dense Smog Hits London LONDON (Reuters)--Frightencd, seen in this city, hardened as it women sank to thelr knees in|ls to dense fogs Bill Hamblin of Peterborough, Allan Mather of Peterborough, Les Northey of Bowmanville and Tom Nice of Peterborough, Church Has Splendid Yea meeting of the Uk Presbyterian Church was held last night after the evening service! Very enthusiastic reports were received by th members of | the congregation, The meeting was presided by Ajex Wladyka The elected officers of the board managers were: Harry Kotyk, | Alex Wladyka, vice +] Michael Nicholishen, re Nicholas Zales secretary Peter Peter Nowoz Nellie Nichol of Hampton and Jim Ribyard of Peterborough; back row Gor don Joiee of Toronto, Ernest (Bud) Drury of Peterborough, awa was In the spring. of 1668 | when he officiated at the opening of the Junior Trade Fair and de livered an address. Rotary Club | officials were In process of ar ranging a date on which he could | address that body at one of its | Monday luncheons In Whithy, officials of the PUC | recalled that Mr, Saunders visited their new utility offices and offi clated on the occasion of the open ing in late 1948. They also have extended sympathy to the family of the late hydro chairman, BIRTHDAYS Congratulations are extended to the following readers of The Times-Gazette who are cele brating their birthdays today, January 17 Stewart Storie, street east Robert Foreman, street Arthur EF Webbing of Oshawa, Grant Stonehouse of Whitby, Bernice | Dobbin of Oshawa, Jo-Anne Bur. roughs of Toronto, Gary Chant | Members of the club who qual {fied for their private pilot's licences during the year were: pow, left to right ~~ John 4 in Toad and bridge vouchers am- ounting to $3,743.27 and adminis trative accounts totalling $510.67 re passed for payment 12 KING ST. EAST DIAL 3-3633 MEAT SPECIALS ! TUES, & WED. ! prayer and screamed "It's the end| The alr ministry weather bur. | LEAN, DRY c Le. 35 of the world" as a huge amok aon sald the smog from London's cloud dropped over London here myriad chimney pols bacame| Sunday, turning early afiernoon | ifapped between a northerly wind | TENDER midnight black {and the southeasterly wind. The Millions of other Londoners, sur (prevailing low terhperature caused SIRLOIN d an LB. prised at thelr Sunday dinner, fled[it to drop In a two-mile-wide | LEAN, FRESH GROUND The rainian apnual of president; presjdent cording secretary chook, financial Blaske, treasurer; wansky and Mrs shen, auditors Rev, John Jacenty stated that the activities last year are predicting a bright future for all church ganizations this year and years LLDg FRAC, outside or turned on their lights| blanket over the eity, The SMOK | Cc [in panic as their homes were|lifted when the wind trap released | { plunged Into "darkness its hold Economist Is Club Speaker The blackout lasted only 10 min Generally recognized as ane of| p 1d sean y Canada's leading economists, Pros! The end.of-the-world scare was most Infectious in suburban Croy PROF, BURTON KEIRSTEAD, 201 King in his report of the very or MUCH BUILDING | CORNWALL Value of con. struction In urban Cornwall town: 20 Elena Barton, 652 qualified for the the club during 1954 were row, Gary Chant of Hampton Arrest Pair In Pickering School Break Two men were taken inte ol tody by Constable Roy the Pickering township police in court at Whitby on ing the discovery that the Picker ing District High School had been Pickering police report $68 wort! of canned goods and a mixmaster were recovered when the Choir Elects New Officer Lorne Carson of Brooklin; rear row, Frank Smith of Pick ering and Reg Burroughs of Leaside Times-Gazette and Staff Photos | otticers were elected for the year 1943 Président Vice-Pres Recording Moorcroft Corresponding Secretary Fitches 4 Treasurer--Miss Evelyn Farrow Librarians Blake Branton Assistant, Miss Bessie Pacoe Social Committee Convener, Mrs, Ronald Wragg: members, Mrs. Herbert Johnson, Mrs. H, A Mellow, Mes, Wm, Wendt and Mrs 8, V. Barlow 4 Gown Convener Jeffs, Asst. Mrs, maid Press Ralph Geo, Fogal Herbert Johnson Secretary Thos Wm Mrs Mary Wilbert Lang Representative Mrs Kimmerly Sick and Visiting Mrs. Jean Nokes As a token of appreciation leadership during the past the choirmaster, J. R, Rob was presented with a small the retiring president, Dry ell Convener for hi Year erton gift hy CLK Hydro Head Mourned Here [a recent I Somerville avenue Reporter Wins Scholarship TORONTO (CP)=J, M, McMa hon, 20-year-old reporter on the Montreal - Star, Is awarded the| ninth Kemsley scholarship in jour | nallsm, He will spend a year in Britain gaining experience in the various offices of the Kemsley newspapers Anpeuncement of the award was made by Frederick I. Ker, chair man of the Canadian section, Commonwealth Press Union, Ob ject of the annual scholarship, also given in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, is to encourage an exchange of ideas and experi ence among British and Dominion journalists and to strengthen Com monwealth ties Candidates were required to be on the permanent staff of a Cana dian newspaper, to be under M4 and to have five yéars of news paper experience, They undertake to return to their newspaper follow ink the year in Britain Mr, McMahon was born in Mont real and is a graduate of MeGill university, He completed his uni versity education after serving as an alr gunner in the RCAF, After | graduation, he worked for The En sign, Roman Catholie weekly, and Fhe Canadian Press at Montreal hefore joining the Montreal Star Ih 1953 Selection of Mr, McMahon was made by a committee of news paper men under the chairmanship of Mr, Ker PETERROROUGH br RK Magee was elected president of the Civic Hospital Medical stall at meeting succeeding Dr J. R. Morgan | ahead, He particularly praised the Ladies' Ald Soclety for its contri butions in the support of church work The report from Ladies' Ald was given by Mary Tkateh, president of the Society, "I SAW..." "While in a nearby town, one evening 1 SAW a policeman stop a lad and bawl him out for not having a light on his bileyele When the boy replied that he had one but it wouldn't work, the policeman took time to fix some little thing that was wrong and sent the boy on his way with a bright light on his hike." Mrs, C. A, Weldon, 699% Hor top avenue, is being sent two guest tickets for the feature pie ture "Seven Hrides for Seven Brothers" in color now being shown at the Regent Theatre, or for any other feature shown there during the next month, for havs ing sent in this I SAW item Entries for this column should be sent to The "1 SAW" Editor, The Times Gazelle, Oshawa, Two guest tickets will be sent to the sender of any item published Since only one item Is used each day, only the most un usual and striking observations will be published, and in the order in which they arrive at The Times.Gazetle. Plane Crashes On Lake Simcoe ORILLIA (CP)-Two men were injured Sunday when they tried to fly their light aireraft through a heavy snowstorm and crashed into fessor Burton Kelrstead will speak at the evening mealing of the Canadian Club of Ontario county on January 20 at St George's Par ish Hall, Oshawa, He is probabl best known to the public through his radio and television work | where he has been a member of | several panels for discussion of national and international affairs and his contributions to 'Week End Review' | Professor Kelrstead Is a gradu | ate of the University of New Bruns: wick, where he was awarded a Rhodes scholarship in 1928, He took his M.A, degree at Oxford where he returned several years later for further studies He is now professor of Political Economy at the University of To. ronto, having this year moved from McGill University where he | was chairman of the Social Sel ence Group. His topic will be "Re cont Issues in Canadian Foreign Policy", lake before coming to rest on its wheels, Its engine was torn 'out and the cabin demolished Champagne back and cuts a.bad head gash cussion [USED suffered a broken Thompson received and mild con TRACTOR | 'Mhey were not reached by am bulance until an hour after the | opsh because of heavily snowed 11 roads, A tractor had to be used fon a deserted country road to make {a path for the ambulance Several girl skiers and men in huts on the lake admin istered ald to the victims, The men were flying their Fleet Canuck air f eral to Sudbury from Taronto {where they had purchased it, They { landed at Orillia services airport to refuel and took off again into the stormy weather Fhey apparently got lost and were circling the lake before they crashed fisher lently a don, where. a bearded man----appar religious fanatic walked [up and down shouting "this Is the {end of the world." WOMEN SCREAMED littery women believed him [ They sereamed, dropped to then {knees in prayer or fled for | shelter, | The blackout was one of the | most amazing weather freaks ever cost of $3,500,000 Weekly } Deposit ship soared to a near record $4,221,749 during 1054, This was | $1,387,227 higher than the 1053 fi gure of $1,387227, Record year for township was 1052 when construc- tion totalled $5,179,795, Included In | permits issued that year was one | for the new Hotel Dieu Hospital, | now nearing completion en Me | Connell Avenue at an estimated | CHUCK STEAK PORK STEAK 99° 43° sith "You can still join, too" Wise lady, , . she's a member of The Dominion Bank Christmas Club, She knows that next Christmas; her cheque for $100 will arrive in lots of time for buying presents, And there's still time for you to join=time to make sure that you will get a Christmas Club cheque from The Dominion Bank for $25, $50 or oven $500 to make it a real Christmas, All you do is choose the weekly deposit that fits your budget , ,, and in fifty weeks, your money will arrive by mail in time for Christmas shopping. Ask for full details at your nearest branch of The Dominion Bank. THE MINION BANK minster, United Church choli held following regular p hearsal on Thursday evening In the absence of the minister Rev. H. A. Mellow, the organist| and cholr master, J. R Robert: son presided over the meeting. | death of Robert Hood Saunde Following the reading of the min | che Wan the Ontario Hydra utes of the last meeting and the ( treasurer's report, the following the on Lake Simeo Roche Champagne, 28, the pilot COMING EVENTS and Stanley Thompson, both of Lockerby near Sudbury, were taken to hosnital here RUMMAGE SALE, Roth men + ies, Wotlnesday . . i 4 ples Sunshine the plane as | whed about 400 | BALE MONDAY, JANUARY 17.8 PN vards off Lake Simeoe, The Ne! Polish Mall, 818 : olish Ha 1 Olive Avenue, Pro cartwheeled 150 yards out into the [ceeds for Polio Fund, Ada we OVER '80 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE CANADIAN PEOPLE G. B. Miles, Branch Manager, King & Simcoe Sts, AGENT RETIRES HAVELOCK William W Hill Havelock CPR agent, retired Fri day afternoon after completing 48 years with the company. He had been agent at Havelock since 1948 also performing the duties of tele graph operator Members of Oshawa Public Util Commission proposed (hia morning to call a special meeting for the purpose of making some expression of sympathy upon the 10.00: 1511004 eae 500.00 ities OSHAWA ARMOUR fanuary 19, 8 pam, Aus thrown clear of Rebekah Lodge, 333. 14h I. E. Erwin, Branch Manager, South Oshawa Brangh, ol mmission Mr, Saunders ast visit lo Osh |