Daily Times-Gazette, 23 Jun 1954, p. 19

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it a i -LARG! able for work 5-0507. et ---- ------ rt --a Te YHE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, June 28, 1054 19 Now, 4 Direct Lines To Classified Dept. Of Times- Gazette; Dial 3-3492 28--For Rent 30--Room and Board 32--Automobiles For Sale 32--Automobiles For Sale '39--Articles For Sale 39---Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale 43--Male Help \ Wanted 2 LARGE ROOM APARTMENT. hn pee enrun Con ol Dial 3-4014. " THO LIGHT HOE ROOMS Sno. "Aiply 31 Eig East. | 104t lane FRONT ROOM FOR ONE OR Central. Dial 37754. , 4 SINGLE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, Sentral, Dial 37698, between 10 a.m. and | Sov 2 pm. 144 2 ROOMS, UNFURNISHED, ALL CON. veniences, 1 or 2 children accepted. Dial 3.4042. 144e 3 ROOM APARTMENT, PRIVATE EN- trance. Phone 2460, Whitby. 146¢. FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM SUIT- able or one or two, good location. In- cluding hot water. Dial 5-1036. 1461. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, dial 5-4871. 1418, 5 ROOM SELF CONTAINED APART- ment. All convepiences, immediate pos- session. Dial 3-8683. 146¢ TMENT 3 ROOM UNFURNISHED APAR' Agnes Street. Available July 15. Suit couple. Dial 3- 146b. 3 UNFURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping rooms. Aply 331 Arthur tet Dial 3-7865. i SPOTLESS -- 3 LARGE FURNISHED rooms. Fridge, sink, cupboards. Central. Abstainers. Dial 5-0866. 146a. FULL BOARD FOR ONE GENTLEMAN, young Scots family. Dial 5-6446. 146a | oTHERS -- BOARD AND CARE FOR babies or pre-school age children during working hours. Private home. Dial es ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE OR two nn Dial §-3048. 1428. BRIGHT BASEMENT ROOM AND board, suitable for 2 gentlemen. Gar- age. Dial 3-8005. st. Rooa OR ROOM AND BOARD, CEN- Dial 3-9895. 145¢ ROOM AND BOARD Large, comfortable, bright, rooms, in new modern e, five minutes from new G.M, Hot and cold water, single beds in every room, large convenient bathroom facilities. 536 LORRAINE DIAL 5-1168 had Julyl 31a--Summer Resorts $3 BEDROOM COTTAGE, $25 WEEK- ly, at Cameron Lake. Dial 5-0147. 145¢ 4BEDROOM COTTAGE. JULY 3, TO ci bi Pine Point, Lake Scugog. Tse Gori ON HEAD LAKE, 72 MILES Oshawa, electricity and boat, $25 oY Dial 5-2063. 145¢ HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES MODERN conveniences. Rates from $30 to per Jeek. Send for information, Geo. A. Ci FURNISHED ROOM, GIRL PREFERR- ed. Dial 3-2114. 146f 3 ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. LAKE Dalrymple. Electric rangette Te- frigerator. Accomoda'e 4. ~veekly., Apply Mrs. G. Snodden, 56 Elizabeth Street, Orillia, 146e. - | wash room, Park Wilberforce, Ont. Tues. Wea: Thurs. June 24 3-ROOM COTTAGE, $25 WEEKLY, AT Cameron Lake. Dial 35-0147. 144c BOWMANVILLE--3RD MARSH, 2 NEW 2 - v screened verandah, laundry room, lied. Two ing room-kitchen, showers, FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen or girls. Board optional. , 10 minutes om acres lawns and shade trees. Quiet and private. Safe beach. $225 for season. Are available from Aug. 1, .. C. 46¢ | Christian, Bowmanville. Phone 2625. 2-ROOM, {, SELF-CONTAINED APART- ment, fridge, stove, central. Dial 5-1923. SMALL FIORE 10 RENT. CENTRALLY located. Apply Wi and Lee Ltd "it 14dc -- HOUSEKEEPING DETLOR'S CAMP 148f | cottages, good fishing -- pike, pickerel, Frank bass. Write to Mrs. Tamworth, Ont. WONDER GROVE CABINS, d for light ki Detlor, RR 2, July FULLY Show. trally | ions now. Family HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS -- HOUSE- Keeping cottages, from July 1 te 17 and Aug 1631 on Deer Lake at High Ton Cove: "yvsite Bob Herlihey, Min. | den. 04! Make your irc. .va- groups welcome. Phone or write Clarence Green, G and June 30, ers, flush toile s. LAKEFRONT HOUSEKEEPING cor. tages available. 1st two weeks July A gust 14 on. Write, phone Wilfred Smith, Lodge, Haliburton, Ont. 3 ROOM APARTMENT, PRIVATE bath, would suit 3 people, one child wel- come, abstainers. Dial 5-3643. 142¢, 195 Chadburn St, SHED BEDROOM, IN PRIVATE board optional. central, Dial 143¢ 2 FURNISHED ISHED ROOMS, KITCHENETTE and bedroom. Apply 194 King We home. 37148. 3ROOM APARTMENT SELF - CON- tained. Apply 460 Eulalie Ave., Apart- ment 4. 1448 ROOM APARTMENT WITH BATH. Apply 640 King East. Dial 3.719 or 50844. 142 3ROOM APARTMENT, NICE LOCA- tion, private bath, adults. Dial iy , | able. Best Septe: July L PORTAGE LODGE AND CABINS, PEN. lake P.O. Muskoka, Ontario, fishing. bathing, dancing, tennis free, boats avail- of meals. Rates June and mber 25 week. Write for folders. June 26 LAKEFRONT HOUSEKEEPING COT- tages with flush teilets, gas stoves, run- ning water and electricity. Leo's Boat Livery, Harwood. Phone No. 2. Jay 15. uly HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES On Beaver Lake, Erinsville, for Aug., Sept. Hydro, water on tap, gas to cook on. Swimming, dancing. Write JAMES, O'NEILL, Erinsville or phone Tamworth 10-Bl . July5 HOUSEKEEPING Very central. Apply 58 Nassau 1411, FURNISHED ROOM, SINGLE BEDS, reasonable, central. Dial 5-3806. 1431. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED BED SIT- ting room. Apply north side door Mr. Green, 299 Simcoe 8. tf, APARTMENT, 4 ROOMS, SELF-CON- tained, | d d session. Apply Wilson and Lee. E BUILDING 34 x 90 FT. SUIT- shop or garage. Dial July 15 3 ROOM SELF CONTAINED APART- ment, main floor, near new GMC. Va- eant July 1. Dial 3-828. 14 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS CEN- tral, Dial 3-7100. OUT OF THE ORDINARY IN ALL BUT COST On beautiful Penage Lake, best fishing. Pure water, safe beach, fully equipped house- keeping cabins. Write Holiday Homes -- Espanola, Ont. T,W,T,June24 CAMP SHARBOT FOR BOYS 15-16 Private Boys Camp at Sharbot Lake, north of Kingston. Write for illustrated booklet. . 86 Glendora Blvd. C. L. PROCTOR Willowdale, Ont. Julvé BRIGHT 2 AND 3 ROOM APARTMENT, nice location, private bath, adults. Dial 3.8133. 142¢. Self-eontained, 4-roomed mod- ern opartment, and bath; has late model electric refrigerator and range. Hardwood floors, balance beautifully tiled. HOUSEKEEPING CABINS And cottages on Lake Huron. $20. Couple weekly. Every- thing supplied. Sand beach, good swimming. All entertain- ment close, open air theatres. Write G. Hazelwood, RI, Bay- field, Ont. Aug. 3. Adults only, diatt sion. 165 eden Rd., Apt. 2. Julyl0 MODERN 4-ROOM APARTMENT Newly decorated, new electric stove and Refrigerator. Best location -- $90. Dial 5-6309 145¢ OFFICE FOR RENT GROUND LEVEL Inside finished to suit tenant. : Dial 5-3023 After 6 p.m. dial 5-0848 146f MODERN 4-ROOM APARTMENT Newly detorated, new electric stove and refrigerator. Best location -- $85. Dial 5-6309 July 21 HOTEL THURSTONIA Sturgeon Lake, 12 miles north of Lindsay. Excellent meals, safe bathing, good fishing, tennis, golf, dancing. Reason- able rates, reduced to July 10. Also housekeeping cottages, V2 price June and September. Folders. Harry Nichols, Thurs- tonia Park. Phone Dunsford 25R22, June5tf FERN COTTAGE RESORT HOME OR ROLLS & HONEY Moderate rates, free golf, bowl- ing, 8-piece band, social host, fishing, swimming. Superb food and sincere hospitality. Opening May 21, closing Sep- tember 26. Write Fern Cottage, ATHERLEY, for folder or tele- phone ORILLIA 6341. , July13 32--Automobiles For Sale '38 FORD COACH, FAIR CONDITION, '39 Ford Coach good mechanically, sell cheap fogether or separate, or trade, dial 5-4020 after 6. 146b PONTIAC INN Comfortable turnished rooms in * residential hote] -- tele- vision lounge Close to new GM Single room with board, $18 weekly Shared room with board $16 Banquets and wedding catered to. Thornton's Road at Highway 401 ' Dial 3-3993 July13 | 29--Wanted To Rent 5, 6 OR 7 ROOM HOUSE WITH OPTION | to purchase under VLA thin 4 to 6 months. Dial 5-2432, 145¢ DUTCH FAMILY WITH 2 CHILDREN, would like to rent a house in or near Whitby. Dial 3.4873. 145¢ GENTLEMAN WITH STEADY EM- ployment, requires room in quiet, re- spectable home. end preferred. Write Box 428 Times Gazette. 145¢ GARAGE, IN CEDARDALE DISTRICT. Dial 5-1318 after 5:30. 146b 30--Room and Board '49 DODGE, $750, SPECIAL DELUXE Sedan, good tires and motor, body In verfect shape, nylgp slip covers. Dial 5-3889. 146c '38 DODGE, GOOD RUNNING CONDI- tion, $60. Dial 5-2902, 146c '51 SUNBEAM 3500 CC "MOTORCYCLE perfect condition, $595. Apply Seaway Motors, 301 Dundas A] Whitby, 145¢. '50 CHEV. DELUXE COACH. RADIO, air condition'n?, hea'er Iest reason-'le offer accepted. Dial 5-4360. 1 a '46 2-TON CHEV., 12-FOOT PLATFORM, new motor shape Apply 1036 wed St. 145¢ '41 PLYMOUTH COUPE. DIAL 5-2292. 144c | SEE DOUG AMEY FOR THAT NEW car or truck Ontario Motor July5s or used Sale. Dial 5-4836. BODY MAN'S CHANCE '51 DODGE CRUSADER SE- : DAN --= Heater .. $450 'S50 CHEV. SEDANETTE -- Radio and heater. $450 '49 HILLMAN SEDAN Heater with parts. $350 SUPERTEST GARAGE ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE gentleman to share room ia private Dial 3-41» Mec A Brooklin 14Bc | BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! SPECIAL Clearance Sale * AT SEAWAY MOTORS *37--DeSOTO SEDAN -- Good, reliable transportation . . '37--CHEV. COACH ~ Black, white walls, visor, con- tinental kit '42--O0LDS, 4-DOOR ---- Motor in top eondition '46--HUDSON SEDAN --A real bargain "45-~PONTIAC SE- AN -- Sound 2 a bell '47--PLYMOUTH SE- DA Sound transportation '48--FORD TUDOR-- Good motor, tires and body '48--PLYMOUTH DE- : LUXE SEDAN, custom, radio, ex- cellent body, tires and motor .... '48--CHEV. COACH ----Radio, etc. .. '49--FORD § - PASS. COUPE -- Excel- lent tires, motor '49--FORD SEDAN-- Priced to sell .. '49--CHEV. COACH Motor and body excelent . '49--CHEV., SEDAN- ETTE -- Com- pletely . recondi- tioned '50--CHEV. SEDAN-- Completely re- conditionéd . ... '§0--FORD SEDAN-- Custom radio, white walls .... '50--FORD COACH-- ~--A spotless cor '50--PREFECT SEDAN --Good motor _ and tires '50--PONTIAC COACH -- Silver streak. A clean $995 $1045 $995 $995 $295 *50--CHEV, --Clean as a '50--MONARCH SE- DAN One- owner executive's '50--FORD SEDAN-- Whitewalls, cus- tom radio, ! visor, spotlight and many other ex- tras' '$1--MONARCH - SE- DAN--Bell Tele- phone official's '51--STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SE- DAN -- spotless '$1--PREFECT SEDAN ~--One-owner car '52--MORRIS OX- FORD 'SEDAN-- Completely re- conditioned $995 '52--MONARCH SE- DAN--Excellent in every respect '$3--PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE SE- DAN --"' One- owner, low mile- $1895 TRUCKS '50--CHEV. 3-TON .. '51--FORD Y2-TON PICK-UP--A one-owner - truck '51--MERCURY PANEL--Dark blue, very good body and motor "51--DODGE 1-TON EXPRESS--Motor in top condition '52--F600 CHASSIS & CAB--New truck condition '53--FORD 12-TON PANEL--Just like $1595 Seaway Motors LIMITED OSHAWA 138 King W. DIAL 5-2631 25 ALEXANDER BLVD. DIAL 3-4683 WHITBY 301 DUNDAS W. PHONE 429 DIAL 3-7157 l46a FOR # SQUARE BEAL SEE LoanNiy Walker, Bramley Motors Limited. and used cars. Dia) 54675: evenings §-5706. Julyls '41 CHEV. COACH, FAIR CONDITION. $100. Apply A. Wassallo, 607 King East., after S. 148¢ '50 METEOR CUSTOM COACH, RADIO, like new, private, terms Call between 5-8 pm. 62 Park Rd. §. 14d 33.--Automobiles Wanted WANTED TO BUY --- '40 OR "41 CAR, Plymouth or Chev. preferred, must be 18 A-1 condition, Phote S34 AMX, after 4. best Prion July? CLEAN CARS WANTED' 1946 and Up Highest Cash Prices Paid Ritson Motors, Dial 3-4851 Open 'till 9 p.m. 40tt NEVER SELL YOUR CAR Until You've Seen Nels Hyland Toronto's Leading Car Buyer NELS HYLAND PAYS Cash in full for your car ' NELS HYLAND PAYS Off any liens NELS HYLAND PAYS You to trade down WE TRADE UP OR DOWN NELS HYLAND * HAS IT, 1750 Danforth Ave. TORONTO RI. 7547 HA. 0060 1 block east of Coxwell North Side Drive in, no 'parking problems Ask your friends about NELS HYLAND Cars Wanted Cash Waiting Must be clean cars We will pay off all liens and give bal- ance in cash. ant cars for paid. Dial 5-033 or 3- Ray Bennett Motors ' 428 King St. West 146¢ 36--Pets and Livestock ENGLISH BULLDOG, BROWN AND white, male, 1 yr. Apply 109 Sherwood Avenue. July 7. ST. BERNARD CROSSED 1 pets for i Phone 2776 Bowmanville. June 19, 21, 28. BOARDING AND TRIMMING, REGIS- tered fox hound puppies. Knowlton's Ken- nels, dial 5-0164. July BABY BUDGIES, BEAUTIFUL CO! stock. Reduced prices. cou Ap ply 114 Elgin ba 3-9767 COCRER 8 Ra ANIEL PUPPIES. 7 weeks boarding; trimming, Dathing "de ening. Waubena Kennels. : uty2 37--Farmers' Column 29 ACRES OF GOOD MIXED HAY. Dial 5-6393. 1431. DEAD FARM M STOCK: PICKED UP Phone collect. Bowmanville We buy live horses. Margwill Fur Fars, Tyrone. 42 ACRES STANDING MIXED HAY. Will sell reasonable in Vshavd, Amly H, Glecoff 174 Ritson Rd. 38--Wearing Apparel BRIDESMAID OR EVENING DRESS for sale, size 14-16, orchid. Full lengtn, matching accessories, like Dial new. 142¢ STRAWBERRIES PICEED Apply 918 King St, E. Da FRESH gaily. 39---Articles For Sale a BEATTY IRONER, 3-BURNER COLE- mans' gas stove, tricycles. Dial $013, 146i SINGLE SHOT 22 RIFLE, HOOD AND peep sights, also man's bicycle. ial 5-0285 after 5. 3%-BED, SPRING MATTRESS, NEW condition 6'9"x9' rug. New nylon elastic stockings, oak dining table 6 chairs. Ap- ply 241 Cadillac 8. 146a BABY CARRIAGE, LLOYD CONVERT- ible, diaper pail, formula jug, utility ca- binet, nurse's oxioids 7% AA, dogls bed, nail clippers, double feeding dish. Phone 53081, H.- CLAIRE-JEWEL COMBINATION COAL and electric range, McLary 4-burner -el- ectric range, Monarch ice box. 132 Brock South Whitby, . phone 559. 146¢ 4 BURNER BEACH GAS STOVE, white enamel, used one year. One Cole- man oil-heater 51,000 B.T.V. One coal and wood annex heater. Dial"§-4928. 146b RACER BICYCLE. APPLY 1% VER- Road. Dial 3.8319. Cet 120 BASS PIANO ACCORDION, dun Road, Dial 3-8319, Park Road South. WALNUT BOOKCASE OR CHINA CA- binet, with Has doors, excellent condi- tion. Dial 3-7600. 146c AUTOMATIC gas BANS 4-BURNER, good condition. 5-2767, (1460) TABLE, BLONDE DINETTE Large McClary refrigerator. Dial Sais: COAL FURNACE WITH CASI"G AND Pipes, nearly pipes, new. Dial 5-490, FRIGIDAIRE HEAVY - DUTY RANGE; three-quarter bed, complete; Savin. Al 1a good pL RANGE; chest of Di 14d GOOD GARDEN TRACTOR, EX- 146t | © 46h. tld MAO, sor PLOW, RAZO stock. Meagher's Electric, 5 King St W. Junedo CITY APPROVED SEPTIC Fabricated now at MAN'S USED BICYCLE, $15. 200 Highland Ave. 146b 2PC. CHESTERFIELD, couch and dresser. All in tion, Dial 5-3659. 145¢ ICE BOX, "ACE", GOOD. CONDITION, whife enamel, $10. Dial 5-5552. 1462 DOMESTIC, HEAVY WIRING RANGE, restaurant grill, Neon sign, can be con- verted, all in new condition, cheap for cash. Dial 5-0027 after 7 p.m. 146¢c 3-PIECE KROEHLER CHESTERFIELD te, $20. Drop-leaf kitchen table, 2 chairs, $12. Dial 5.1657. 146c 3-SPEED ENcLIsH RACER, LIKE new, sacrifice. Dial 5-4339. 145¢ STUDIO good condi and Stampings Lid. or §5-1655. TANKS Metals. U0 Second Ave. July CcoMIC magazines Open every evening. ¢ exchanged. way Book Exchange, 561 King St June30 B. F. GOODRICH STO batteries Addison TIRES, appliances, Thrifty budget plan. Dial 5-4543. for same, etc. Meagher's, § AND aang h Foe | Sow chairs, card Juness FRIGIDAIRE, ELECTRIC WASHING' machine, 3-piece bedroom suite, spare bed, few tables, chair, etc. Phone 382 W Ajax after 5. 145¢ ICE BOXES, METAL, GOOD - CONDI- tion, several sizes. Dial 54543. B, F. Goodrich Stores. June 26. BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Yael furniture. 444 Simcoe St. 8. Dial 3-3271 June30 CABIN TRAILER, 16' x 8', . built-in_cup- cup- boards, icebox, radio. Subway Camp, Whitby, Post Office Box 129. 144c sd Slt dial ripm-------- WASHING MACH I N E ""O'CONNOR" thermos, A-1, Beaver Sal, also car penter tools, 1954 TV cabinet Crossley, 21", new, reasonable. Mirror, sewing machine cabinet, Singer, Al condition, bicycles. 1 standard, man size, dish- eS, linen, toaster, steel bed with spring mattress, 2 bedroom suites, also with 'spring mattres, also other articles. This must be sold by Thursday. - APPlY # Brock St. East. M. GREENBERG & SONS FOR SALE: 8 Cedar Fence Posts, 16' Clothes Line roles, New and Used Lumber, 4° Heavy Steel Tubing suitable toi posts. New and Used Angle Iron cut to size. 45 Gallon Drums. For Your Convenience We are Open Saturdays. Phone 3 7333, 308 Bloor E. M.W.F. FOWLER TELEVISION BARGAINS Rangettes, chrome tops, de- luxe models. Regular 54.95. Sale 47.50. Television -- all' kinds, from 89.95 up. Car Radios, new. From 49.95 One only--15 h.p. Evinrude outboard motor, perfect 299.95. Portable Radios, 95. new. From CASH . TRADE - TERMS 16 BOND ST. W. DIAL 5-1685 146¢ ~ TRADE-IN DEPT. SELL-OUTS SAVE, MONEY 3-pc. Chesterfield, ideal for cottage. Must be sold 24.00. 3-pc. Bedroom Suite. Almost new, modern. Sell-out price J Studio Couch, good condition, spring-filled, chrome arms. Sell-out price 39.00 Space Heater, practically new, good-looking. Must sell at once. Regular $109. Sell-out price FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH ST. 146b RUTHERFORD'S SLEEP SHOP The best night spot in town! 'Lowest prices, largest selection. Continental beds, mattresses, box-springs, headboards, by Marshall, Simmons, Serta. _Sofa-beds, chesterfield beds, studio couches, drop - side couches,bed outfits, Roll-away cots, pillows,bed spreads, etc. BUDGET TERMS RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE S. Dial 3-9614 FISHING TACKLE DEW WORMS Open daily and Tuesday and Thursday evenings. HANNAN MARINE SALES 20 Ray St., Oshawa Phone 3-8853 Z July2 gd TAPE RECORDERS, NEW AND USED bedroom suite, kitchen table and suite, chairs. Apply 276 Grooms Ave. after 6. 14¥ | 10am USED TIRES, MOS1 ALL SIZES, 83 UP B.F. Goodrich Stoves. Phone 5-4543, ed) "KOOLVENT" Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies, made in awa. Free estimates 5.4632. KOOLVENT 94 Bruce Street After hours: Les Eveniss Paul Harris - Dial 3- Whitby 723 M,W,F.Julyl4 Osh- phone - NASH SALES 2707 SPRING 'TONIC F OR TIRED LIVING ROOMS Latet 1954 Designs and tab- fics in beautitul new chester- field suites by SNYDERS, FLEX. STEEL, BRAEMORE; FRY & BLACKALL; KENMAR; etc. Select YOURS from over 35 Suites on our floor at all times LOW EVERYDAY. PRICES TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET cepted. Trade-in: Ss ac- "Shop at RUTHER. FORDS, und discover the dif- ference" RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE S. Dial 3-9614 = 53 RUTHERFORD'S STORKLAND Lowest prices. Largest sel ection of nursery furniture in the city. 1954 Carriages: shine, Lloyd, Sun- Gendron. All eolors, Strollers, sidewalk carts, trikes, etc. Cribs, junior beds, bunk- beds, high chairs, play-pens. Budget Terms RUTHERFORD' 156 SIMCCE S 3. tt DOUBLE-R ENTERP RISES 37 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA Dealers for Ron-Del * F olding Aluminum Awnings an Wrought - Iron Hand R Dial 5-5614 ails OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. July9th BABY LAND AT HOLDEN BROS. FEATURES LARGEST Selection of BABY CARRIAGES CRIBS HIGH CHAIRS PLAY PENS STROLLERS DOLL CARRIAGES TODDLE CARTS DOLL STROLLERS TRICYCLES WAGONS HOLDEN BROS. FURNITURE CO. 63 KING E. DIAL 3- 7943 July 12 "CLIMATITE" Aluminum Combination Win- * dows, Moloney Aluminum com- bination Doors. Easy Terms * Unbelievable Values TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 JULY8 ALUMINUM FOLDING LAWN CHAI RS' Reg. 9.95. ONLY 5.99 in colors A & A STORE 86 Simcoe North Julyl SUMMER SPECIALS FOR HOME OR COTTAGE NEW ICE REFRIGERATOR -- 75 Ibs., fiberglass insulated, white 29.50 porcelain, Reg. 69.50. SELL-OUT PRICE 3-BURNER OIL STOVE -- Reg. 22.50. SELL-OUT PRICE. . CURTAINS FOR EVERY ROOM -- We are closing out this dept. Give-away sacrifice. SELL-OUT 'PRICE 1.99 FLOOR COVERINGS REMNANTS = Large choice, many beauti- ful patterns, inlaid, congoleums, Quaker. SELL-OUT" PRICE, 25¢ ft, UNPAINTED CHEST DRAWERS -- Harwood, varnish, SELL-OUT PRICE CONTINENTAL BEDS -- single size. SELL-OUT PRICE 100% spring-filled, 9.95 ready for paint or 15.95 fully guaranteed, 32.50 CHROME KITCHEN SUITE -- We gre closing out several smart kitchen suites at a give-away sacrifice. SELL-OUT PRICE. WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH ST, 49.50 al | ope summer, 395. Dial condition, $20, 53-5935. i. . Hutessiongl, churches, schools and ho.oe MOVING MUST SELL, DINING Room | "se. 128 SURPLUS BUILDING MATERIALS CE- ment, brick, lumber, scrap wood eto. New High school. Henry street, hi BOAT, $%, NEW, 3SPEED BICYCLE, 4, Bicyels 17. 5.2998. 148¢ | NEW. HUDSON MOTOR R BIKE, Oth CHILD'S CRIB, SIZE % xu Goon LARGE ESTABLISHED COMPANY 1 RE- quire salesman with own ear, experience preferred but not necessary. Write LOX 433 Times-Gazette. * 16a EXPERIENCED SALESMAN TO SELL Jew and used cars. Automobile exper- ience not essential. Training plan and sales aides Liberal ation plan. Apply Seaway Motors Ltd. Alexander Blvd., or 138 King sr 8c "ut a FOR SALE, GOOD es MATCHING BUFFET, TABLE: chairs. Bates, 286 King St. W. MAN'S BICYCLE, IN GOOD CONDI- tion. Dial 5-5100 after 5. 143¢ FOUR | 148e SALES REPRESENTATIVE -- YOUNG. ve man interested in petroleum to Sover Se the Outline selling experience, mari- ar y Boon age, etc., to: Reliance Petro- eum Limited, 416 Mount Pleasant Read. WANTED: RELIABLE MAN AS DEAL- Ex] not SINGER SEWING MACHINE, cycle. as new. ELECTRIC RECORD PLAYER, ELEC- | ren tric shaver ( Rand), reason- able. Apply 456 Simcoe South. 145b RANGETTE, PRACTICALLY NEW, $40, Dial 5-3802, EW, we. T HTS ON SHEET MUS- ic as well as records available now at Meaghers, 5 King St. W. uly 16. Dial 5-5822. Jul WELL ROTTED WEEDLESS AN I) mushroom manure Black and sandy sand and cheap A Dial 54274 Jun ALL $2.95 PAINT, INTERIOR, EATERIOR, You ARE ATED TO HEAR THE High Fidel mpsle. KITCHEN table and chairs, G.E. T.V., ohild's tri- X fe . Apply 225 Oshawa Bd Prodi credit. Wile "Rawleigh's Dept. F 910-163, Mont- June23,30 BRANCH OF LARGE ORGANIZATION requires service man for shop. Must be good worker, honest and between the ages of 20-35 years. Phoie 5-3022 or 34373. 145¢ SALESMAN WANTED, EXCELLENT ty for a married man with own car, apply 237 Highland Ave. after 6 p.m. 1458 COLLECTION BOY Age 12 to 15 for - South-East - East District Must have bicycle Apply CLASSIFIED ADV. TIMES - GAZETTE 145tf ity Machi Gy "the most al instument of our age. h King St. W. July . BICYCLES USED Popol ye. B. . TF. GOOD- rich Stores. June 26. BABY SPECIALS Save Money New 1954 baby carriage at a great money-saving price. Folds easily, also converts into handy go-cait, chrome fenders. Sell-out price 26.95 Full-size crib outfits, natural finish with full-length, draft- proof end panels, safety drop side and casters. FREE -- Marshall spring-filled mattress, fully guaranteed. Sell-out. price, complete 32.95 Folding strollers -- Light weight, folds easily. Sove money. Sell-out price .. 4.99 WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. 20 CHURCH ST. July 6 39e--Fuel Wood HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS, for jacket heater or stove, $3-33 lets. Delivered. Dial 5-1526. July 17. SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT LENGTHS, $5 single cord, 50 single cord. 5-2490. BOWSER'S FUELS 509Bloor St. East Dial 5-2490 Chatco Oil Burners - Furnaces - Space Heaters. Completely installed -- Easy terms. Coa] - Wood -. Oil July? 40--Articles For Rent CEMENT MIXER, 2% CU. YARDS, $4 day. Dial 5-2812, 62 Stevenson's Rd. N. July 18. 41 --articles Wanted NARROW PLAY PEN WITH CASTERS. Dial 5-1301. 146a LIVE POULTRY FEATHERS, SCRAP iron, metal, rags, and mattresses. Dial L Turner, North Oshawa, 3-2043 eollast. SHAW RAG and METAL d tor scrap irom, WANTED IMMEDIATELY FIRST CLASS MECHANIC WITH LICENCE Man able to undertake all auto and truck re- pairs and willing to op- erate tow truck as re- quired at night. MUST RESIDE LOCALLY FLAT-RATE OPERATION GOOD EARNINGS HOLIDAYS WITH PAY PAID VACATIONS GROUP INSURANCE SICK PAY CLEAN WORKING CONDITIONS Only men with above qualifi- cations need apply. Perman- ency to right man. SERVICE MANAGER CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED 3-4634 145¢ MEN WITH MECHNICAL APTITUDE To train os salesmen with large, and still expanding, firm. No canvassing, all ap- pointments made for you. $65.00 weekly, plus commis~ sion to start. You must have reliable cor and presentable appearance. Toronto RU. 1-3631 or call at 1093 Eglinton W., Toronto. 145¢ TWO APPRENTICES Required for composing roond. Must have at least Grade 10 education, intelligent and eager to learn. Apply to Carl Mantz, Times-Gazette. Any- time Thursday. . tf 45--Agents Wanted GET GOOD JOB WITH GOVERNMENT or industry in television, radio or wire- less Trained men get from prices metal, rags, b etc. Factory accounts appreciated 89 BLOOR SI. Ek Dig) 5-2311 -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-911 Julys CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis St. . East of C.N.R. Station WE PAY: Highest prices for iron, Metal, Rags, Paper, etc. Free Pick- Open Saturday Dial 5-343 Res 5-4159 Julyls M. Greenberg & Sons WE BUY: Scrap Iron Metal Rags, Etc . Highest Prices Paid Phone 5 7333 -- 308 Bloor E . July20 Floor Covering Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over' 300 smart 1954 patterns for every room $219 to $542 monthly. We train you-- by correspondence with kit of valuable parts supplied -- or start in Fall Day Course Toronto or Montreal. Write for explanatory booklet, if over 16%, stating age and education. Radio College of Can- ada, 88 Bathurst street, Tofonto. June 14, 16, 19, 21, 33, 26, 28, 30 46--Employment Wanted NURSE'S ASSISTANT, SPECIAL EX- perience with children, desires position. References. Write Box 331 Times-Ga- zette. 146e PAINT BRUSH PAINTING. WILL WORK at any place anytime. Patrick Picard, 336 Highland Ave. 146¢c GOOD RELIABLE WOMAN DESIRES any housework, full or 'part-time, references. Dial 5-2425 146d CHIMNEYS 5 AND FIREPLACES BUILT and Tepaired, Dial 5-4433. 145¢ HOUSEWORK "WANTED, LIVE IN OR , by 2 young Dutch girls. Write Box 429 Times-Gazettte. 145¢ 47 --Legal Notices I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR any debts contracted in my name with- out my written consent as from this date, June 21, 1954. Karl Blewna, 25 Quebec St., Oshawa in the house. Congoleums, Feltols, Rexoleums, Inlaids, Marboleums, etc. Harding and Barrymore Carpets; Hall Run- ner and Stair Carpet, Custom Rug sizes made to ord RUTHERFORD' S 156 SIMCOE SOUTH aH 135¢ 42--Female Help Wanted A GOOD HOME FOR GIRL ON COM- fortable farm, in exchange for dishes, baby-sitting. Write Box 530 Times-Gaz- ette. 145¢ YOUNG GIRL 16 OR OVER AS MOTH- er's helper in summer cottage, light duties. = 5-2484. 145¢ MIDDLE AGE BUSINESS WO MAN alone in new home, Oshawa eastern lim- its wants middle age husines: eo. pen- sioned woman for companionship and light duties. Remuneration arranged. Re- ply Box 421, Times-Gazette. June 19, 22. WOMAN WANTED AS MOTHER'S help in country home. Live in for month of July, Phone 23J11, Pickering, after 6 pm. 144c R.N. NURSES, FOR CGIT CAMP PRE- toria, July second to twelfth, fourteenth to twenty-fourth. 3-9830 RELIABLE EXPERIENCED GROCERY clerk. Sincie. Replv un own hat ow giving details and phone number to| Box 427 Times-Gazette. roa NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of ELLA ALBERTA WOON, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, widow, de- ceased. All persons having claims agaist the estate of the above-named deceased who died on or about the 29th day of April, 1954, are requested to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of July, 1954, after which the estate will be, distributed having regard only to the claims of which notice shall be had and to the ex- clusion of all others. DATED at Oshawa, Ont, 11th day of June, 1954. MABEL ENNIE LEGGE, Administratrix, . By ERNEST MARKS, Esq:. 17 King St. E., Oshawa, Ont., Her solicitor. Junel6,23,30 this Additional Classified Ads on Page 20

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