THE DAILY TIMES-TAZETTE, Tuebday, June 15, 195¢ 18 Now, 4 Direct Lines To Classified Dept. Of Times-Gazette; Dial 3:3492 39a--Fuel Wood BOWSER'S FUELS 509Bloor St. East Dial 5-2490 Chatco Oil Burners - Furnaces - Space Heaters. €ompletely installed -- terms. Coal - Wood - Oil 39--Articles For Sale | 39--Articles For Sale USED FURNITURE, CONSISTING OF 120 Bass PIANO ACCORDION, 4 and chair, double bed, rug, !ch base con- coffee table, 95 Eldon Ave. 13%. ition. AM By Apply 98 Park Rd. 139a. ONE COMPLETE SET OF NEW SASH 2 door frames all suitable na clap board house, reasonably priced. Dial 5-0600. 39¢. 32--Automobiles For Sale $1100 51 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN. ette, custom radio, air Low down payment. 109 Sherwood po tnue Sunset Heights, North June 15 #f. 50 FORD CONVERTIBLE, 47 CHEV. ponvertible. Dial 5-0870. 139d. *50 METEOR, RADIO, HEATER, PRIV- ately owned, good condition, sold to best offer. Dial 3-4580 after § p.m. 138¢ 47 CHEV. SEDAN DELUXE EXCEL- lent motor, body, mewly pained, new battery. Dial 5-3270. 139f '49 DODGE SEDAN SPECIAL DELUXE. model A-1 condition. $775. Dial Su. 3 a--Summer Resorts FURNISHED COTTAGES AT SNUG Harbour on Sturgeon electricity and spring filled mattresses. Good fish- ing for Lunge, Bass and Pickerel. $25 weekly, C. Bryant. Dial 3-9572. 139 | CHEMONG LAKE COTTAGES, Fowler's Corners, Peterborough, 8 Electric rators. June rates. A. Brotherst 562 st. 28--For Rent 3 ROOM APARTMENT, UNFURNISE. od. Dial S088, HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, APPLY King West, ny BASEMENT APARTMENT bedroom upstairs. Close in. - Charles. : ELECTRIC RANGETTE, DROP LEAF table, both in good condition. ph 139b. WELL ROTTED WEEDLESS AND mushroom manure Black and sandy loam sand and cheap fill Dial 5-4274 June29 PAINT, EXTERIOR, ALL oolours guaranteed, $32.95 gallon. and Electric, 8 Church St. June30 5 oe JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR, & ood running condition. Apply 17 Greta it. 139¢. BICYCLE, RACER, IN Goo CoNpl- tion. Dial 3-8319. 39b. LARGE CRIB, SPRING: FILLED MAT- tress, shoo-fly rocker, 2 45 gallon oil drums with taps, good condition. Dial 5-4603. 139%. - ALUMINUM ~~ FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS Reg. 9.95. ONLY 5.99 in colors A & A STORE 86 Simcoe North July? NEAR miles. Apply a 1391, ONE DINING ROOM TABLE, GOOD condition, reasonable. Dial 5-1585. 13%9¢c. BOAT AND TRAILER, CHEAP FOR quick sale. Phone' Brooklin 166. 139¢c. KITCHEN TABLE, CHAIRS, RUG, drapes, end tables, hot plate, Tangetie, evenings 531 Mary St. HEAVY DUTY RANGETTE, FROST King ice box, 50 lb. capacity, both in good condition. Reasonable. Dial S258. July? 40--Articles For Rent WE RENT SEWING MACHINES the week or month for free Senvely pickup, dial 5-5443, Centre, 14 Ontario St., 41--Articles Wanted WANTED SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER, model R. Good condition. Dial 3-008 af- ter 5.30. 139¢. LvE POULTRY FEATHERS, SCRAP metal, rags, and mattresses. Dial L Karner. Bi North Oshawa, 3-2043, collect. Tues. Aug. IW CRYSTAL SPRINGS LODGE, BON- field, Ont. Equipped oot- motors, 3 Hank Wallbridge. ,Jun2® BALA PINES -- COSY COMFORTABLE double and single cabins, housekeeping, near stores, ch , boats, station. Write W. J. Rosser, Bala, Ont. TuesJune29 LAKE OF BAYS -- HOUSEKEEPING cottages, snack bar, flush toilets, safe beach, . May-Thanksgiving. Fold- ers. Glen Manor,, Dwight, TuesJune29 FISHERMAN'S PARADISE, BASS, PIC- kerel, trout . F $20 week, boat, ice supplied. Informa- {tion D. L. MacPherson, Wilson, Po | FAMILY COTTAGES BELMAN LAKE, fishing, , $20 week. Particu- lars, white Walter Van Stunburgh, Have- lock, Ont. Phone Havelock 42R3. Tues. July 20. CAMPBELLFORD SEVERAL FURNISH- ed River Trent, half mile from town, running water, electricity, beach, boats. Tues June 15, GEORGIAN BAY, PENITANG, DOUBLE housekeeping cabins, equipped, hy- dro, private beach. Dial 5-3660. Write S. Phillips, 57 Buckingham Avenue Osh- awa. . Tues July 20 LARGE COTTAGE ON CANAL LAKE, weekly rates. Apply Herbert Martin, C®umbus. Phone 87r32, Tues.,Augs MODERN 4-ROOM APARTMENT : . Newly decorated, new electric" stove ond refrigerator. Best location -- $90. Dial 5-6309 PONTIAC INN Comfortable turnished rooms in residential hotel] -- tele- vision lounge. Close to new GM Single room with board; $18 weekly. Shared room with board $16. Banquets and wedding catered to. (INTERIOR, every BY nd tages with propane hydro. Folders, Tues one. *51 CHEV. COACH. MANY EXTRAS. Best offer, 70 Rossland Rd. W. 137¢. FOR # SQUARE DEAL SEE JOHNNIE Walker, Bramley Motors New and used cars. Dia . SEE_DOUG AMEY FOR THAT NEW or ased car or | Sale. Dial 5-4836. eles *53 HARLEY "74" WITH EXTRAS, $800 cash or terms. Apply 80 McMillan Dr. al 5-5430. 136 137¢ BED CHESTERFIELD WITH DEEP spring filled mattress, heavy tapestry cover, less than half price. Dial Sa) after 6.15 p.m. HOUSEHOLD » INCLUDING refrigerator and stove. Telephone eve: sings 1068 Ajax, D-4 Kingscourt 138b PRESSURE lawn mower. 138¢ a an A ces metal, cag. batteries, atirasses BOAT AND TRAILER, cooker, fireplace grate, Dial. 5-0480. : OUTBOARD MOTOR, JOHNSTON, 21 h.p., perfect condition, $100. Apply 280 Division. Dial 3-7535. 138¢ CITY APPROVED SEPTIC TANKS now at Metals, and Stampings Ltd. Second Ave. or. 5-1655. Julyé 89 Dial 5-231 Res. Julys M. Greenberg & Sons WE BUY: Scrap Iron Metal Rags, Etc Highest Prices Paid Phone 3-7333 -- 308 Bloor E. Jume20 '48 FORD, EXCELLENT MECHANICAL- ly, § tires ean Dial 37177, 139 Roxborough. 1341, 2 TON TRUCK, EXCELLENT MECHAN- ically. Good looking, new body, 8 x 15, high plywood racks, $150, 5-5117. 13%9a. 50 NORTON DOMINATOR 500 cc TWIN very good condition 100 Park Rd. S. Dial 5-4439 before 5 p.m. 139a 33---Automobiles Wanted ; 1 5 Saw Thomton's Road ot Highway : 3.9111 Dial 3-3993 Juneld RUTHERFORD'S STORKLAND Lowest prices. Largest selection of nursery furniture in the city. 1954 Carriages: Lloyd, Sun- shine, Gendron. . All colors, Strollers, sidewalk carts, trikes, etc. Cribs, junior beds, bunk- beds, high chairs, play-pens. 29--Wanted To Rent 3 ROOM APARTMENT UNFURNISHED "Self-contained, private entrance, gaxage if possible, responsible adult. Dial 3- COMIC BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, magazine sold exchanged Kings Book Exchange, $61 King St Oren every evening. ' June20 FLAGSTONE FOR SIDEWALKS, PAT- ios, dry walls, driveways, or water fronts at cottages; also work done and deliver- ed. Dial 3-8840. June 17 F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, batteries As Television. LAKBSHO! AUTO WRECKERS. Want cars for , highest prices paid. Dial 5-0533 or 3-2924. July? CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis St. East of C.N.R. Station WE PAY: : 30--Room ond Board HOME IN THE COUNTRY, WILL TAKE 2 dilldren fo boar, call 39) Mis. Fires: ette, le SMILING RUSSIANS ABRIVE Six Russian psychologists smile | sities, headed by Prof. pleasantly for photographers on | Leontyev of 0SCOW AM. (centre). CLEAN CARS WANTED |B 3, SENILEMAN BOARDERS. APPLY 3s Drew St. 1301, ROOM AND BOARD FO FOR 2. TV. ALL ¢ privileges, 5 or 7 day. Dial 3-8813. 134 ROOM OR ROOM AND BOARD, IN IN private home, all conveniences. Dial 3-8881. 134¢, f 2 3 i ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLE- BEAVERTON -- 3-ROOM HOUSEKEEP- ing cottages, all eq uipped, safe swim- ming, electricity, $25 M. Samp son, Holiday Inn, RE, 1 areckin: Tues.July20 STONEY LAKE § ROOM COTTAGE electric fridge $35 weekly. Available July 17 to 31, Aug. 14 to Sept. a S30 . a 1946 and Up Highest Cash Prices Paid Ritson Motors, Dial 3-4851 Open "till 9 p.m. 40tt BICYCLES USED, $15 UP. B. F. GOOD- rich Stores. Dial 5-4543. ICE BOXES, ddison appliances, Thrifty budget plan. Dial 54543. June28 June 26. SUNBEAM parts same. Cul rae ete. iE pa 8 King METAL, GOOD CONDI- Budget RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE S. Terms. CONNER '42--Female Help Wanted Highest prices for Iron, Metal, Rags, Paper, etc. Free Pick-up Open Saturday Dial 5-3432 Res. 5-4159 Junel$ their arrival at Montreal to take part in the 14th. International Psychology Congress at MecGil University, The scientists are members of an 1l-man team from Moscow and Kiev Univer- During a 10-day stay in Canada they plan to visit various parts of Quebec and Ontario, includ- ing Ottawa and Toronto. (CP Photo) HOUSEKEEPER FOR ELDERLY NEVER SELL YOUR CAR Until You've Seen Nels Hyland Toronto's Leading Car Buyer men. Near new General Mutors, Apply Ls a0 172 Hibbert St. L une 19. ROOM AND BOARD comfortable, bright, tion, several sizes. 4543. B, F. Goodrich Stores. June 26. GAS STOVE 3 BURNER WITH ov EN, cream and black in good condition. $15. Apply 117 Alice. 13%7¢. 3 PC. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, BROWN Mohair. Best offer. Dial 3-9487. 1376. LUMBER GOOD USED WIDE SHEET- ing boards. Reasonable. Phone 94-r-5, Brooklin, Long's Farin, RR 3, Oshawa. COTTAGES FROM JULY FIRST TO on. Crystal Lake. Mrs. L. Ashforth, Riou t Ont. June 15, 1¥. LAKEFRONT HOUSEKEEPING COT- tages with flush toilets, gas stoves, run- ning water and electricity. Leo's Boat Livery, Harwood. Phone Ne. 3. THERMO WASHER Late model to clear 38.95 BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC couple' at Highland Grove, dial 3-8089. 138¢c CLEAN OF- 13%b AP- 137¢. Unique School Is Built By Tanganyika Natives By FRED ZUS Y The centre, built at a cost of MOSHI, Tanganyika (AP)--The |$280,000--paid from co-operative Chagga tribe- of African blacks |profits--was itself a unique ven- are building a school which will |ture. It is used by all races. # {2s bo WOMAN WANTED TO fices, twice 'weekly. Dial 5.0223. EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER, ply Betty Lou or Dial 3-4212, 43--Male Help Wanted DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN EARN ' five minutes Hot and cold water, single beds "4 in every room, large cor July 15. CHATEAU WOODLAND bathroom facilities. $36 LORRAINE DIAL S-1168 Julyl '$1a--Summer Resorts JULY 1ST TO 15. 5-ROOM COTAGE, 's Point, near Caesarea. Hydro. . Jones, od Simcoe North. Dial 5-4660. oF HALIBURTON Delightfully situated on Lake Kashagawigamog. Large main dining room, lounges, recrea- tion rooms, etc. Sleeping ac- commodation in individual cot- tages, many with private bath- rooms. All sports, excellent meals, American plan, reason- able rates. Open until Thanks- giving. Write W. F. Salter, Haliburton, for folder. Tues. Aug? HOUSEKEEPING CABINS Couple oi Luke Every- pled: AHN entertai n= . Srp air theatres. Write G. vr J gil RR field, Ont. HOTEL TORI Sturgeon Lake, 12 miles north of Lindsay. Excellent meals, sofe bathing, good = fishing, tennis, golf, dancing. Reason- able rates, reduced to July 10. Also housekeeping cottages, a price June ond ember.. Folders. Harry Nichols, Thurs- tonia Park. Phone Dunsford 25R22. June5tf CAMP SHARBOT FOR BOYS 15-16 Private Boys Camp at Sharbot Lake, north of Kingston. Write for illustrated booklet. 86 Glendora Blvd. C. L. PROCTOR Willowdale, Ont. + July FERN COTTAGE RESORT HOME OF ROLLS & HONEY Moderate rates, free golf, bowl- ing, 8-piece band, social host, fishing, swimming. Superb Spi and Sincere Jesphelity. ning. Ma closing Sep- : hi Ko Fern Cottage, pra Ar a for folder or tele- 395. Seaway Motors, 301 Dundas St. '| Whitby. 2 HALIMAR Modern lodge and heated ca- bins, 1,000 ft. natural beach, near golf course. Bountiful hos- pitality ond meqls, varied "sports. The Henry's of Hali- mar, Haliburton. Tues.,June29 LJ CEDARHOLM RESORT Mousekeeping cottages, fully equipped, except linens ond extra blankets. Electricity. Good fishing. Daily mail ond milk. For information contact Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Slack, Ar- den, Ont, RR. 1. Phone '22 r 1-3. LONE MAPLE PIGEON LAKE Heoted cottages, running water, electric refrigeration, flush toilets, early pickerel. fishing, muskies, bass in season. BOX 28, BOBCAYGEON PHONE 45r22 Tues, June29 TRAIL'S END on Stoney Lake Tues.,June29 | BOARDING AND TRIMMING, REGIS- tered fox hound Kn nels, dial 5-0164. BABY BUDGIES, BEAUTIFUL COLORS Reduced ply 114 Elgin E, 3-9767 NELS HYLAND PAYS ash in full for your car NELS HYLAND PAYS Off any liens NELS HYLAND PAYS You to trade down WE TRADE UP OR DOWN NELS HYLAND HAS IT 1750 Danforth Ave. TORONTO Rl. 7547 HA. 0060 1 blogk east of Coxwell North Side range, kitchen cabinet, dresser, ed drapes, kitchen sink, other artivles. TAPE : RECORDERS, YOU ARE INVITED TO HEAR _ "THE pressure systems, 3-7088. MANURE "FOR SALE. DIAL 5-6028. 138¢. AUTOMATIC HEAVY DUTY ELECTRIC new I'n- 186 Arthur Street. SACRIFICE FOR CASH 82 JOHNSON motor in good shape. Apply 18 West mount Ave. WNINGS MADE = TO MBASURE. dil patterns. Free estimates. Folding chairs. card and banguet tables for rent Cleve Fox, Oshawa. Julyld NEW AND USED professional, churches, schools and home use. 125 Burk St. Dial 5-5822. _ Juv amazing new Electrohome High Fidel- ity Machi e, the most sensational music- al instument of our age. Meaghers, 5 King St. W. July 8. 2 - FT, 2 - ROOM MOBILE : HOME trailer, all equipped. Dial 3-2094. MOVING SALE, COTTAGE FURNI- ture, plumbing supplies, "45 3-ton truck, box and hoist, septic tanks, water tanks, 426 Simcoe Street S. 139¢ | "eg These cases. PECIALLY LOW PRICED" SINGER REVERSE STITCH PORTABLES Two only--We have these at 114.95 cash or 11.95 down. are completely with lovely leatherette See this low p Singer machine at your local SINGER SEWING CENTRE 14 - 16 Ontario St. Dial 5-5443 Oshawa i new style riced 13% piping July 3, AND EXCHANGE 444 Simcoe St. Dial Dial WE BUY, SELL used furniture. asm. June 16 087 ALL SIZES. $3 UP {SED TIRES, M. 54543. Drive in, no parking probl Ask your friends about NELS HYLAND © 130 Ost) 36--Pets and Livestock PLUMBING SUPPLIES, PRESSURE systems, sump pumps, septic tanks, hot water heaters. Radiators, bollers, fur- naces. Dial 3-7 June20 's Ken- July 18. "Sine % Distinctive housekeeping cot- tages, each with private shal- shore. Excellent boats, motors, fishing, clubhouse, merry- go-round, slides, sports, folders. - Write Trail's End, Lakefield, Ont. TuesAugl0 32--Automobiles For Sale BEAUTIFUL REGISTERED COLLIE puppies and grown stock, stud service. '| Loch Rahnoch Collie Kennels, 1000 By- ron South, WHitby. June 18. weeks bathing New highway near Drivedn Theatre. SPANIEL PUPPIES. 7 also bo old , trimming, Waubena Kennels. July? 37--Farmers' Column 35 CHEV. COACH. GOOD CONDITION. Best olfer, 8 Wilson Rd. N. Dial 3-9897, 139¢ DEAD FARM BI0CK, PICKED UP Phone Bowmanville 2679. yy SCE! Le Farms. Tyrone. June29 'S38 CHEV. $30. APPL RITSO! Rd. South. Dial a N et] 39__Articles For Sale "7 PO! PONTIAC Di DELUXE Co COACH, A Al condition, radio, dial 5-1833, 8.30 - 6. 52 FORD 3-TON CHASSIS AND CAB carries complete guarantee. Price $l, w. 1392 @ PF PREFECT BL BLUE BI BRAND NEW WHI TO 12 6" x 6" very reasonable. Dial 3-9139. 154" wheel base, red, 24000 miles only, a LLOYD like new, = small baby crib, $5, call evenings, 92 Elgin St. East. TE CLAPBOARD LEAN SILVER - GREY USED CONSOLE RADIOS in working condition, 4.95 and up BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 Simcoe Street S. 13%¢ Floor Covering Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over 300 smart 1954 patterns for every room in the house. Congoleums, Feltols, Rexoleums, Inlaids, Marboleums, etc. Harding and Barrymore Carpets; Hall Run- per oy Stair Carpet. Custom es made to order. "RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE SOUTH 135¢tf Thursda 20 FISHING TACKLE DEW WORMS Open daily and Tuesday and y evenings. HANNAN MARINE SALES Ray St., Oshawa Phone 3-8853 July2 bination "CLIMATITE" Aluminum Combination Win- dows, Moloney Aluminum come Doors. Easy . Terms Unbelievable Values TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 JULYS Marshal studio Sofa-beds, couches,bed outfits, cots, pillows,bed spreads, ete. BUDGET TERMS RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE §. RUTHERFORD'S SLEEP SHOP The best night spot in town! Lowest prices, largest selection, Continental box-springs, headboards, Simmons, Serta. chesterfield beds, beds, l, couches, drop - Dial 3-9614 mattresses, Roll-away 'by side BABY LAND AT HOLDEN BROS. + | 47--Legal Notices from $1.50 to $2.50 per hour. Selling na- dots on a full or part-time basis. Car neces- sary, age no handicap. Apply 365 Park Rd. South. Dial 3-2652. 13%¢ LIFEGUARD AND, 6 SWIMMING IN- structor for private park. Must be fully competent, (with written references) July 1 to Sept. 7. Reply giving age. Sal- ary expected to Box 348 Times-Gazette. 139% DUE TO TREMENDOUS INCREASE IN | business Fuller Brush Co. require 3 full time men. Apply 237 Highland Ave. Wed- nesday evening. 139%a. FOURTH CLASS FIREMAN, REFER- ences required. Apply Engineer, Osava General Hospital. PRINTER EXPERIENCED OPERATOR Intertype preferred, also gen- eral shop work, weekly paper and job plant, steady employ- ment. Good wages and working conditions, Apply ECONOMIST and SUN MARKHAM 139b HELP WANTED Smart young salesman, with good credentials to assist in \Men"s Clothing. Apply 57 King St. E. 138ec. 46--Employment Wanted LADY DESIRES HOUSEWORK BY THE day. Dial 3-4172 . 1384. | DUTCHMAN, SINGLE, WILL FARM for year round. Speaks English. Inquire at Joseph Schraven, care of RR 2, Bowmanville. Phone 2461. 135¢. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSI- tion doing light housework or ny sitting. Dial 5-6081. FIRST CLASS PIANIST, DESIRES EN- gagement for summer Or permanc. its trio classic, modern organ. Union. Helene Leatherland, 16 King George Crescent, Batawa, Ont, 13% IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO IN THE, MATTER OF THE CHANGE OF NAME'ACT, RE- VISED STATUTES OF ONTAR- be open to whites--and to Indians, 00. The Chaggas live on the south- ern slopes of 19,545-foot Mount Kilimanjaro, highest in Africa. They've grown rich in the last few years because their coffee shops have brought high prices. The Chaggas number all told about 365,000. In 1932 they organ- ized a co-operative society called | 3 the "Kilimanjaro Native Co-opera- |. tive Union, Ltd." They were helped in doing so by Roman Catholic missionaries and district govern- ment officers. The union has about 35,000 mem- bers. Last year the Chagga's 6.- 000 tons of high grade 'arabica" coffee brought them more than $10,000,000. The coffee is marketed co-operatively. COMMUNITY CENTRE Three years ago the Kiliman- jaro co-op group built a commun- ity centre--with its own offices, a public library, small hotel, shops and roof-top restaurant. The four-storey building domin- ates this town of about 10,000 with its clusters of tin and thatch- roofed huts and low buildings. The town is at the foot of Kilimanjaro and one looks up at an angle to see the snow-capped dome. Coffee auctions are held in the co-op's board room with all races participating. There are about 200 whites and several thousand In- dians living in the area. 'Indians have dwelt in this part'of Africa for 500 years $140,000 'SCHOOL Last March the co-op approved plans to build a new commercial school as an addition to the ceptre. It will cost $140,000 and will also be pala for from co-op profits. sionary selivols have, i the same fashion, regardless of w.. of oe pa but an moshi school is said to be the first built and up for by blacks. The school will teach English, short- hand, typing, bookkeeping, office routine, secretarial practice and use of mechanized office equin- ment, Teachers will be brous 't from England. The school will handle 100 students. The Chaggas are one of the most advanced of African tribes. 'They have in the past sent, through the co-op, a small number of their young men to England for educa- tion. This is expected to coptinue for the best qualified. The British government of Tang- anyika--a United Nations trust ertitony--is assisting the Chagga in their school venture. 47 --Legal Notices SEALED TENDERS Plainly marked es to content and addressed to the under- signed, will be received up to 12 noon, June 23rd, 1954, for the exterior painting of 200 houses in Project No. 8, Ajax, Ontario. Specifications and forms of tender required may be' obtained at_the ad- dress shown below. Each ten- der must be accompanied by a security deposit of 5% of the amount of the tender. A cer- tified "cheque or negotiable Dominion of Canada bonds will be accepted as a security deposit. The lowest or any 1ehger not necessarily accept- ed. Central Mortgage & Housing Corporation, Ajax Branch Office, Ajax, Ontario. R. C. Ballard, Branch Manager. 13%9a '| 44--Male or Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED Ajax 473. PRESSER. PHONE | = Husband, Wife Drowned Sunday KIRKLAND LAKE (CP)--A Y band and wife were drowned in Labyrinth lake 35 miles east of here Sunday but their dav~hter saved herself and her hushz#! by struggling 60 feet to shore wiwa his unconscious form. Dead are Ernie Rabelski, 47. and his 42-year-old wife, Nelly, both of nearby Virginiatown. T! ey were thrown into the water with their 19-year-old daughter, Joan, and her 23-year-old husband, Tom Rowe, when an outboard motorboat over- turned. . After dragging her unconscious husband ashore, the young wife gave him artificial respiration for two hours before he regained con- sciousness. Details of the mishap came to light Monday after youn, couple were rescued by a searc party. GREATEST NUMBER OF TRUCKS Ontario's milk industry has a greats investment in trucks and ons than any other type oft 139b. | ess in' the province. phone ORILLIA 6341 July13 BELLE PLAGE HOTEL And Cottages _MATANE BY THE SEA, MATANE, P.Q. On the beautiful St. Lawrence River. Heated cottages with showers. French-Canadion cui- sine; our specialties; home- made bread, broiled lobster, grilled fresh Gaspe salmon, Salmon and trout fishing. Opening date May Ist, closing date Oct. 15th. For a new different, enjoyable vacation, write_us for more detailed _ information. Rendezvous of Driftwood Col- lectors, TuesAug31 OUT OF THE ORDINARY IN ALL BUT COST On beautiful Penage Lake, best fishing. Pure water, safe beach, fully equipped house- keeping cabins, Write Holiday Homes -- Espanola, Ont. T,W.,T,June24 SANDY BAY.CAMP RICE LAKE Housekeeping cottages, accom- modate 4-6 persons, hydro, ice and boat included. Sandy beach for children. Good fishing. Rates $35 to $38 weekly. For reservations. write R. Me- Cracken, 9 Church St., Port Hope. Phone 4013. tires, runs good, reduced to clear $195, 301 Dundas St. W. Whitby. . 1 SUNBEAM MOTORCYCLE WORTH $1, 400 new, first class condition, to clear FEATURES LARGEST Selection of BABY CARRIAGES CRIBS HIGH CHAIRS PLAY PENS STROLLERS DOLL CARRIAGES TODDLE CARTS DOLL STROLLERS TRICYCLES WAGONS, HOLDEN BROS. FURNITURE CO. 68 KING E. DIAL 3-7943 July 12 Rich, black loam, 5-yd. load, $10. : Phone PORT PERRY 84R21 Reverse charge 10 1950, CHAPTER 47 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO. TAKE NOTICE that the appli- cation of HELEN OVUKA of 54 William Street East, Osha- wa, Qntarfo, to change her name to HELEN OWENS, will be heard by His Honour, Judge Pritchard, at his Chambers in the Court House at the Town of Whitby, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, Daylight Saving Time, on Fri- day, the 25th day eof June 1954. DATED this 28th day of May, 1954, MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister &c., Suite 4, Bassett Block, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant. Junel 8,15 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of GEORGE McQUAIG, late of the City of Oshawa in the County of On, tario, deceased, who died on the 16th doy of May, 1954, must file their claims with the undersigned before the 25th day of June, 1954, after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated this. 27th day of May, 1954, 52 JOHNSON 5 H.P. OUTBOARD, IN good clean condition, dial 3-9940, 13%¢ DINING ROOM SUITE, GOOD CONDI- tion. Dial 3-4192. 139% QUEBEC COAL AND WOOD COOK stove with oll burner. Ideal for summer 3800. 139¢ SALLY'S SALLIES DOUBLE-R ENTERPRISES 37 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA Dealers for Ron-Del Folding Aluminum Awnings and it out we'll take $595. Seaway Motors, 301 Dundas West, Whitby. 139¢. 39 CHEV, DELUXE SEDAN, GOOD able. Apply 17 Greta "st. 13f¢. 47 FRAZER SEDAN, GOOD MILEAGE, good transportation at a low price. A real buy at $400 cash or will trade on sedan delivery. Dial 3-3993. 139¢. 48 FORD COACH, LIGHT GREY, NEW tires, beyond criticism mechanically, Seaway Motors, Ford Dealers, Whithy, Wrought Iron Hand Ralls Dial 5-5614 OPEN UNTIL 9 PM. g Julyyth SPRING TONIC FOR TIRED LIVING ROOMS Latet 1954 Designs and fab- rics in beautiful new chester- field suites by OR FLEX- STEEL; BRAEMORE; FRY & BLACKALL; KENMAR; etc. Select YOURS from over 35 Suites on our floor at all times LOW EVERYDAY PRICES . . TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET , . Trade-ins ac- cepted. Shop at RUTHER- FORDS, and discover the dif- ference" RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE S. Dial 3-9614 BENDIX AUTOMATIC WASHER Like new, extra special $50. BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 Simcoe Street S. IY eal $1.00 SALE With the purchase of e@ televi- sion set, you get one of the following appliances for only 1.00: ® new electric refrigera- tor ® new washing machine ® new 4 - burner electric range @® floor-size automatic ironer ® Sunbeam Mixmaster ® G.E floor polisher ® new vacuum cleaner ® mantel radio ® G.E. kettle or iron, It's hard to believe but it's true. BARONS' Radio & Electric 426 Simcoe St. S. June20 46 PONTIAC SEDAN MAROON, Tings like new. Excellent mechanic: $645. 301 Dundas W. Whitby. 41 CHEVROLET SEDAN. LIGHT Sreen marvelous mechanically, spotless interior $295. Seaway Motors Whitby. 1392 52 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR DARK green white top, has had slip covers since new, guaranteed first class condi- tion, Price $1445. Seaway Motors, Ford Dealers, * Whitby. 1392, 50 PONTIAC COACH SILVER "STREAK dark green, radio, sun. visor, genuine bargain $1,145. 301 Dundas St. W. Whit. by. 1392. '53 BUICK Two-tone deluxe sedan, radio, dynaflow drive, windshield washers, back-up lights, shade light glass, chrome wheel discs, white side wall, tubeless, punce ture-proof tires. This car has only gone 13,000 miles, and is in perfect mechanical condi- tion. Apply 68 Simcoe St. N, Dial 5-1179. Price $2,500. Terms can be erranged. W3% 137¢ CROSLEY REFRIGERATOR 7 cu. ft. To clear $79 BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 Simcoe Street S. Sat NASH Aluminum Window Screens and doors, made in Oshawa. Free estimates - phone 5-4632. KOQOLVENT - NASH SALES 94 Bruce Street After hours: \ » 'S << LoS Core, 197% Ring Focus Spica, Ic. Wold ght semet "dow we can get ali new furnitore, dear. 1 made the last pay- mentan the old stnél" 13%¢ ! F, N LOUIS S. HYMAN, QC, 37 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontarid, Solicitor for the Executrix. Junel 8,1 390--Fuel Wood Les Eveniss Dial 3-2707 SOFTWOOD SLABS; FOOT LENGTHS, " : 5 single cord, hardwood slabs, $6.50 Paul Harris Whitby 723 oT, hardwe d Dabs, a Tuss., Thurs, Sat. June 3 | 52480. «®