THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, March 31, 1996 30 Imagine! Maximum Response For A Minimum Cost With Times Classified Ads Sold After The Ad Appeared In The Times-Gazette. For Results Like This Dial 3-2233. i> DINING ROOM SUITE, 8-PIECE, DARK oak, round table studio 3-plece suite. 658 32--Automobiles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale 43--Male Help Wanted 47--Legal Notices "47---Legal Notices 1938 PLYMOUTH, GOOD RUBBER $115 210 Palace St. Whitby. 76. 50 METEOR PRIVATELY OWNED RA- dio, heater, good cond 'on, barrain. An- ply 62 Park Rd. 8. after 5 p.m. 76a. VACUUM CLEANERS ALL MAKES AND models. Dial 3-7938 for information. "5 APPROVED SEPTIC TANKS Metals, dun Rd. Dial 5-1590 after 7 p.m. GOOD CARPENTER TOOLS. 399 VER: AN ICE BOX, EXCELLENT CONDI- tion, $13. Dial 3-3534, 76a. ailable now at F is Ltd, FOR » SQUARE OEAI SEE JOHNNIE Waker, Bramley Motors Limited New wno used Dial 34675: evenings 5-5706. Aprils DOUG AMEY FOR THAT NEW SE car or truck. Ontario Motor Sales. Dial 5-4836. Aprd 32--Automobiles Wanted ORE AUTO WRECKERS Ap for wrecking. nighest orices paid. Dial 50533 or 3-224. April 7 ATTENTION Cars Wanted We will pay top dollars for good, clean, well-cared-for used cars. Model or year not too important, We will even buy '39, '40, '41 up to '54 models. WANTED IMMEDIATELY We will pay off Existing Liens, etc, Kenny Van Courte 'Motors 83 RITSONRD.S. - DIAL 3-4331 cars 75b 34--Automobile Repoirs -CLEAN CARS WANTED 1946 and Up Highest Cash Prices Paid Ritson Motors, Dial 3-4851 Open 'till 9 p.m. 40tf 36--Pets and Livestock BEAUTIFUL REGISTERED COLLIE es and grown stock, stud service ch Rahnoch Collie Kennels, 1000 Byro South, Whitby. April 17 BABY BUDGIES READY FOR TRAIN- ing, talking strain. All colors, 114 Elgin East. Dial 3.9767. April 19 37--Farmers' Column DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP promptly. Phone collect Bowmanville 2679 live horses. Margwill Fur Farms, Tyrone. pr. 28 AGRICULTURAL CUSTOM WORK Specialize in repairing Alemite greasing equipment. Repair ser- vice to all makes of tractors ond power-driven farm ma- : -chinery. ~ A.W. POWELL AND SONS R.R. 3, OSHAWA DIAL 3-2062 Apr® 38--Wearing Apparel or .5-1655. CONSOLE RADIO AND RECORD players, used. $35 uj. Apply B.F Good: rich Stores. Dial 54543 (145t0) BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME NOW. GREAT SELECTION FLOOR COVERINGS CONGOLEUM REXOLEUM REXOLITE INLAID Wall to wall 'carpet laid BROADLOOM RUGS AXMINSTER RUGS expertly Choose From "Our Large Stock HOLDEN BROS. FURNITURE CO. 63 KING E. DIAL 3-7943 NEW SMITH-CORONA CASH REGIS- ter, adding machine, and typewriter. Dial 3-3911 after 6 p.m. April 7. MAN'S BICYCLE, BABY CARRIAGE, ood PC. BATH- y CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 4 mo, fittings, beds Lay L room set, modern. nk, pressure system, piping and tables. Dial 3-7088. COAL AND WOOD FURNACE AND pipes. Apply 241 Ritson Rd. §. 76c. VACUUM AIRWAY, COMPLETE LIKE new. Sacrifice. Dial 3-7938. 25 IC. ONE KELVINATOR ELECTRIC POP cooler, 5-5118. in excellent condition. Dial | 76b DIEROOM FOREMAN For automotive Stamp- ing Plant, with forty toolmakers. Must be familiar with all kinds of sheet metal dies. Highest wages. Factory located in Windsor area. All replies held in strict confidence. Write Box 819, Times-Gazette 75% | ONE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER with seven department totalizers for breaking down sales, excellent condition. Dial 5-5118. 76b MAROON COLOR, BABY BUGGY, folding type, $10; girl's coat and hat, navy blue, size 4, $4. 102 Rosedale Ave. Dial 5-5175. 75¢ SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS. CUTTING heads, cords and service parts, complete stock. Meagher's Electric, 5 King st 43 . pr NEWy 17.95. 75 PLAYER, records, West. SNIDER RECORD complete with $5 of Meagher's, 5 King St. PAINT, INTERIOR, EXTERIOR, ALL colours every gallon guaranteed, $2.95 gallon. Oshaws Hardware and Electric, 8 Church St. Mar30 CRESS CALLOUS SALVE -- NOW GET relief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve, Cress Wart remover too for amazing re- lef. April §. T.V. mast. All in g Apply 203 Huron St. T4c. RUFTHERFORD'S SLEEP SHOP The best night spot in town! Lowest prices, largest selection, Continental beds, mattresses, box-springs, headboards, by Marshall, Simmons, Serta. Sofa-beds, chesterfield beds, studio couches, drop - side couches,bed outfits, Roll-away cots, pillows,bed spreads, ete. «BUDGET TERMS RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE § Dial 3-9614 AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. Lovely patterns. Free estimates. Folding chairs, card and banguet tables for rent Cleve Fox, Oshawa. Aprid B. F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, batteries Addison appliances, Television. Thrifty budget plan. Dial om 14 USED 2x4's. GOOD, CHEAP, DELIVER- ed. Dial 5-2621. 75¢ FINDLAY ELECTRIC STOVE, 4 ELE- ments with annex, in clean condition. Phone Whitby 2801 after 6 p.m 75 3-PC. CHESTERFIELD AND COFFEE Table. Apply 46 Russett Avenue. 5c TRICYCLE, VALANCE BOX, PAIR drapes, trilite lamp, all in good eondi- tion. Dial 3-4131. 75¢ DOUBLE BED, AND % BED, COM- plete. Set bunk beds. Heavy duty elec- tric stove. Wardrobe, Washing machine, Clipper Fridge, Baby's Crib, Tri-lite Lamp, Air-Way vacuum cleaner. Tele- with Floor Covering Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over 300 smart . 1954 patterns for every room in the house. Congoleums, Feltols, Rexoleums, Inlaids, Marboleums, etc. Harding and Barrymore Carpets; Hall Run- ner and Stair Carp t. Custom Rug 'sizes made to order. RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE SOUTH Save and sew on a machine of your own. We carry the largest selection of new and reconditioned sewing machines anywhere. Priced to suit your budget. Call COMMUNITY SEWING CENTER DIAL 3-3524 Apr2 RUTHERFORD'S STORKLAND Lowest prices. Largest selection of nursery furniture in the city. 1954 Carriages: Lloyd, Sun- shine, Gendron. All colors. Strollers, sidewalk carts, trikes, etc. Cribs, . junior beds, bunk- beds, high chairs, play-pens. Budget Terms. RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE S. FUR COAT. SIZE 16. FAIRLY NEW reasonable. Dial 5-2849, 75e. knit. Dial 3-9115 75¢ LEATHER JACKET, FUR-LINED SA- tin jacket. Reasonable. Dial 5-1948, 76b. 38a--Market Basket FRESH MAPLE SYRUP, 253 BLOOR West. Dial 3-7117 between 5 and 9. 76a. DIAL 3.2116 OR CALL AT 202 ATHOL East for your maple syrup made in Prince Edward County Tde. YES, WE WILL PAY YOU 10c FOR cashing your pay cheque at Glecoff, IGA Supermarket on purchase or orders of $20 and over. Low prices every day Open daily to 10 p.m. Glecoff's, 174 Rit- son Rd. South. May 23. COME GET THEM BRING CONTAIN ers, carrots, turnips onions, beets, pota- toes, apples, also rfesh eggs at Jean Goodells Farm Gardens, Simcoe St. N. Dial 5-5978. Aprd 39--Articles For Sale CABIN CRUISER BOAT, 25 H P. Evin- rude motor, sleep 3. built last summer, can be seen at 117 Warren, Ave. Tc BABY LAND AT HOLDEN BROS. FEATURES LARGEST Selection of BABY "CARRIAGES CRIBS HIGH CHAIRS PLAY PENS STROLLERS DOLL CARRIAGES DOLL STROLLERS TODDLE CARTS TRICYCLES WAGONS HOLDEN BROS. FURNITURE CO. 63 KING E. DIAL 3-7943 MOTOROLA 21". SCREEN CONSOLE model with doors. Frigidaire stove 1953 model with 2 ovens. Servel electric re- frigerator, 11 cubic ft. 1946 model. Apply 253 Athol St. East. 738. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER $95. DIAL 27513 | dc | price. Dial 5-3083. NASH Aluminum Window Screens and doors, made in Oshawa. Free estimates - phone 5-4632. KOOLVENT - NASH SALES 94 Bruce Street ' After hours: Les Eveniss Dial 3-2707 Harry Anderton Dial 5-5227 Apri0 SPRING TONIC FOR TIRED LIVING ROOMS Latet 1954 Designs and fab- rics in beautiful new chester- field suites by SNYDERS, FLEX- STEEL; BRAEMORE; FRY & BLACKALL; KENMAR; etc. Select YOURS from over 35 Suites on our floor at all times LOW EVERYDAY PRICES . . . TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET . . Trade-ins ac- cepted. "Shop at RUTHER- FORDS, and discover the dif- ference". RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE S. Dial 3-9614 53t¢ COOKSTOVE IN GOOD CONDITION. Dial 38173, 760.9 ORCHARD SPRAYER FOR SALE. DIA 5-1034, 76a, HOT POINT REFRIGERATOR 63 CU. ft. like new. 4 years warrantee $179, B. F. Goodrich Store 5 76c USED ELECTRIC FRIGERATOR, | good working condition $49 B. F. Good- | rich Stores 35-4543. 76¢ HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS, $5 | |or $3 lots. Delivered anywhere. Dial | 15-1526 - 3-3791. May 1 THREE-QUARTER STEEL BED, ICE- box, 2 kitchen chairs. Bicycle (man's). Dial 3-303. 391 Verdun Rd. 76a MERCURY HURRICANE 10-H.P. OUT- board motor. Terms. Apply 555 King East, St. 76¢ CAR RADIO, BUILT-IN, FITS S53 Buick. Also radio for '46 - "48 Chev and Pontiac, fits Chev. and G.M.C. | HOUSEKEEPER trucks. King St. E. 76e | BENDIX AUTOMATIC WASHER, LOW Maral-Apra | vision Apply 353 Verdun Rd 75¢ FOUR-BURNER GAS STOVE, TABLE top model, good condition, cheap. a Cc 5-0849. SUNBEAM VEMASTER AND same. Cutt neads. spare parts for cords, ste. Meagher's, 5 King . West. April 28 COMIC BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, magazines. sold or exchanged. Kings way Book Exchange, 561 King St Open every evening. April 20 USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, $3 UP B.F. Goodrich Stoves. Phone Lit TO WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture. 444 Simcoe St. S. Dial 3-3989. April 23 M. Greenberg & Sons FOR SALE: 8' CEDAR FENCE POSTS 16° CLOTHES LINE POLES TANKS SUITABLE FOR CULVERTS NEW AND USED LUMBER FREE DELIVERY For your convenience we are open Saturdays Phone 3-7333, 308 Bloor E. tf KOOLVENT Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies, made in Osh- awa. Free estimates - phone 5-4632. KOOLVENT - NASH SALES 94 Bruce Street After hours: Les Eveniss Dial 3-2707 Harry Anderton Dial 5-5227 Aprl0 39a--Fuel Wood SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTHS, $5, single cord; hardwood slabs, $6.50 single cord. Also body hardwood. Dial §-2490. April MIXED WOOD, FOOT LENGTH, ALSO body hardwood. Dial 3-9932, April M4. 41--Articles Wanted ORGANS AND PIANOS. STATE PRICE '| and size of pianos. Will pay cash. Give phone no. Write Box 649 Times-Gazette. April 23. SHAW RAG and METAL Highest prices paid for scrap iron, metal, rags, batteries. mattresses, etc. Factory accounts appreciated. 89 BLOOR ST. E Dial 5-2311 -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-911] April 6 LIVE POULTRY. FEATR iron, metal, rags and mat sses. L North Oshawa, 3-2043 eollect. Apr 26 CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis St. East of C.N.R. Station WE PAY: Highest prices for Iron, Metal, Rags, Paper, etc. Free Pick-up Open Saturday Dial 5-3432 Res. 5-4159 Aprl5 M. Greenberg & Sons WE BUY: Scrap Iron Metal Rags, Ete. Highest Prices Paid Phone 3-7333 -- 308 Bloor E. April 20 42--Female Help Wanted WANTED, ers, scrap AND COMPANION, for invalid lady, light duties, elderly lady preferred. Dial 5- A 75¢ WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. No cooking. Must be fond of chil dren. Live in. Apply 76 Rowe St. 76c. 43--Male Help Wanted OPPORTUNITY FOR CHAUFFEUR-LI- cense driver with his own sedan car, Dial 3.7463 76a. 2 MEN FULL OR PART TIME RE- quired to service well established Wat- kins routes. For appointment dial #2458 8 | 8-hour day. Write Box 620. Times-Ga- THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE REQUIRES COMMUNICATIONS OPERATORS (Assistant Technicians, Grade 3) for the OSHAWA WIRELESS STATION at OSHAWA, Ontario Open to qualified male resi- dents of Oshawa, Ontario, and locality, including the City of Toronto. Preference in appointment will be given to residents of Osh- awa and locality. For full particulars, see posters displayed at National Employ- ment Services and Post Offices. Application forms available thereat should be filed with the Civil Service Commission of Canada, 1200 Bay Street, To- ronto, Ontario, NOT LATER THAN APRIL 15TH; 1954, Please quote Competition Number 54-T5848. 76a WHY STAY IN A JOB PAYING YOU LESS THAN $2.00 HOURLY Reports show your time is worth top wages in one of the following trades. OIL BURNER MECHANICS, REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING DIESEL. MACHINE SHOP DRAFTING. OFFSET PRINTING Chose the trade offering you steady, top wages in your own community and send coupon for facts, Easy to master with, out interrupting present incom in a few short months. STANDARD ENGINEERING INSTITUTE Box 816, Times-Gazette 45--Agents Wanted ACT NOW IF YOU WANT EXTRA $$ for Easter. Join a progressive company with 250 guaranteed products. Every house in your territory a potential cus- tomer. No dull season with our line. Wherever you may live write in for de- details. Familex, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. B. Montreal 74f WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY TRAV- | el among Consumers in Oshawa. Per- manent connection with large manu- facturer. Only reliable hustler consid- ered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. C-310-131, Montreal. 3,10,17,24,31 | Mar 46--Employment Wanted HIGH SCHOOL GIRL DESIRES BABY- sitting on week-ends Dial 3-7869 after 4. 75b YOUNG LADY REQUIRES WORK AS salesgirl. Dial 3-2572, 750 YOUNG MARRIED steady employment, anything. Dial 3-424 MAN WANTS truck driving or 74c RELIABLE LADY DESIRES HOUSE- cleaning or taking care of convalescents, zette. 76a YOUNG WOMAN, LIKES HOUSE- cleaning; work by day and look after children; can do sewing. Dial 3-2441 47 --Legal Notices CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING . CORPORATION TENDER For Demolition and Removal of Buildings at AJAX, Ontario Sealed Tenders, plainly marked as to content and addressed to the undersigned, will be re- ceived up to 12 noon, April 9th, 1954, for the demolition and removal of buildings at Ajox, Ontario, Numbered as follows: Bldg. 741 15,000 sq. ft. Bldg. 742 1,800 sq. ft. Bldg. 731 10,000 sq. ft. Bldg. 705 2,880 sq. ft. Specifications and forms of tender required may be ob- tained at the address shown below. Each tender must be accompanied by a Security Deposit of 5% of the amount of tender. A certified cheque or negotiable Dominion of Canada bonds will be accepted as a Security Deposit. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Separate bids will be received on each building. C. N. HANNAH, Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation Ajax Ontario 76a EXPERT CARVER VCTORIA (CP) -- Miss Carola | Bartl, who came recently from Oberammergau, Germany, is gain- | | ing recognition in Canada as a wood 'carver. She is working on a | plaque for one of British Colum- | bia's parks. | THE HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT T AC PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursu- ant to Section 92 of the High- way Improvement Act . and Amendments, an Application will be madé by the Depart- ment of Highways to the On- tario Municipal Board for the approval of the closing of the following roads in the City of Oshawa, County of Ontario, and in the Township of Darl- ington, County of Durham, at or near the Controlled Access Highway known as Highway No. 401. 1. Farewell Road in Lot §, Concession 1, formerly in the Township of East Whitby, now in the City of Oshawa. . Harmony Road being the road allowance between Lots 4 and 5, Conces- sions | and Broken Front, formerly in the Téwnship of East Whit- by, now in the City of Oshawa. . Unopened road allow- ance between Lots 2 and 3 in the Broken Front Concession, formerly in the Township of East Whitby, now in the City of Oshawa. . Road allowance between the City of Oshawa and the Township of Darling- ton. Such Application will be heard by the said Board in the Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Oshawa, on: the 28th DAY OF APRIL, 1954, AT THE HOUR OF 10 O'CLOCK IN. THE FORE- NOON, DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME, at which time and place all persons claiming to be in- terested or affected may ot- tend and be heard. By order of the said Board all persons objecting to the said closings or claiming that their land will be injuriously affect- ed by the said closings must FILE PARTICULARS OF SUCH OBJECTIONS OR CLAIMS with the Ontario Municipal Board, 67 College Street, Toronto, and with the Chief Property Valuator (Attention; Mr. A. A. Outram) of the Department of Highways, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto, ON OR BEFORE THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF APRIL, 1954, The hearing of such claims will take place at such time and place as may be subsequently fixed by the said Board. A Plan P.2372-35 showing the portions of roads proposed to be closed may be seen at the office of the Clerk of the City of Oshawa, aot the office of the Clerk of the Township of Darlington and at the office of the Department of High- ways in Room 2, Main Floor, 74 Wellesley Street, West, To- ronto, during regular office hours, up to April 28th, 1954, DATED ot Toronto, Ontario, this fifteenth day of March, 1954, GEORGE H. DOUCETT, Minister of Highways. Mar. 29, 31, Apr.3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM RICHARD GROSE, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, retired gentleman, decease. All persons having claims against the estate of the above named deceased who died on or about the 17th day of March, 1954, are requested to file proof of the same with the 'undersigned on or before the Ist day of May, 1954, after which the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which notice shall be had and to the exclu- sion of all others. DATED ot Oshawa, Ont., this 25th day of March, 1954. JOAN WILLSON, Executrix, ERNEST MARKS, 17 King St. E,, Oshawa, Ont,, Her Solicitor. March 31, Apr. 7,14 TENDER FOR COAL SUPPLY CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION AJAX, ONTARIO Sealed tenders, plainly marked as to content and addressed to the undersigned, will be re- ceived up to 12 noon, Wednes- day, April 14th, 1954, for the supply of 13,000 tons of coal to our Steam Plant in Ajax, Ontario, during the 1954-55 heating season. By Specifications and forms of tender may be obtained at the address shown below. A de- posit of 5% of the total am- ount of the tender is required. A certified cheque or negoti- able Dominion of Canada bonds will be accepted as de- posit. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. C. N. HANNAH Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation Ajox Ontario 76a BONN OFFICIAL RELEASED BONN (AP)--Friedrich Wilhelm Heinz, former West German intel- ligence chief, has been released from arrest, it was officially an- nounced Tuesday night. Heinz was formerly chief of the intelligence division in the office of defence commissioner Theodor Blank, which is planning the German con- tingent for the German army. He was arrested Friday on suspicion | of mishandling official funds. TENDER Secled Tenders, plainly ~ marked os to content and ad- dressed to the undersigned, will be received until 2:00 P.M, Thursday, April 22, 1954, for Landscaping Harwood Ave. Ajax, Ontario. File No. 106-3- 4-1-A6, Job 16/1. Plans, specifications and tender documents may be ob- tained by Prime Contractors only, at the address shown below. A deposit of $10.00 is re- quired for each set of plans and documents. This deposit is forfeited if said plans and doc- uments are not returned intact and in good condition on or before the seventh day fol- lowing the date of contract award. Each tender must be oe- companied by a security de- posit as prescribed in the ten- der documents. Such deposit shall indemnify the owner against loss in the event of withdrawal of the successful tenderer subsequent to the ac- ceptance of the bid. ALL CHEQUES MUST BE MADE PAYABLE TO CENT- RAL MORTGAGE AND HOUS- ING CORPORATION. In the event you have not had a previous contract for landscaping with Central Mort- gage and Housing Corporation, it is necessary to indicate in your letter requesting - tender documents; your qualifications, references in the landscape field, a list of your recent jobs along with their size and o de- tailed description of the work involved. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H. I. STRICKER, P.Eng., 40 Eglinton Ave, E,, Toronto 12, Ontario Té¢ 48--Auction Sale AUCTION SALE STIRTEVANT'S AUCTION ROOM 33 Hall St, Thursday Eve, April 1 at 7.30. Doors open at 7.15, 9-piece oak dining room suite, English design. corner cupboard (green); living room table (rosewood); small cab- inet; end table; coffee table; sun ray heater; magazine stand; foot stool; upholstered occasional chairs (good); dress- ers; Y4 bed, spring and mat- tress; vanity dresser (small); kitchen stool; living room table; full size bed, spring ahd mattress; dining room cabhirs; studio couch; kitchen chairs; boys' bicycle; chests; drawers; metallic ice box; chrome set; trunk; rangette; kitchen rang- es; bedside tables; single cots; and mattresses; '40 Chev, 5- pass. coupe; garden tools; pil- lows; dishes; and a great many other articles. Terms, cash, auctioneer. 76b RCAF Marks 30th Year OTTAWA (CP)--The RCAF will celebrate its 30th anniversary Thursday with a cake-cutting cere- mony here. There will be no formal parades either in Canada or overseas to mark the birth of the junior ser- vice April 1, 1924. But all messes are expected to hold informal open houses. Governor-General Massey will cut. the cake in the presence of Air Marshal Roy Slemon, chief of air staff and one of the RCAF "originals," Defence Minister Clax- ton, and Associate Defence Min- ister ~ampney. The air force had a strength of fewer than 400 April 1, 1924. It now has a peacetime strength of more than 45,000 and more than 70 major establishments. Scots To Retumn To Battle Site EDINBURGH, Scotland (CP)-- The skirl of pipes will sound again in Normandy this summer when men of the 15th Scottish Division return to the scene of their toughest battle in the Second World War. Veterans of the 15th--brother unit of the famed 51st Highland Division--ill attend a memorial service at Tourville, France, to honor slain comrades of the Royal Scots, Royal Scots Fusiliers, the Gordons, the Argyll and Suther- lands, the Highland Light Infan- try, Seaforths and Cameronians. The division, formed late in the war, underwent its baptism of fire while erussing the River Odon in 1944, and played a major part in the Allied break-out from the Normandy bridgehead. A memor- ial was unveiled at Tourville in 9. Frank Stirtevant, Dial 5-5751. TOMBSTONE CAUSES DEATH ALLENTOWN, Pa. (AP)--A 500- pound tombstone fell on five-year. old Kathleen Marks, killing her as she played in a cemetery here Tuesday. RESCUES SEA ELEPHANT AVALON, Calif. (AP)--A baby sea' elephant has become lost from its mother and has been taken in tow by Al Hansen, deep-sea diver, Hansen rescued the two-months-old suckling mammal Tuesday in Ava- lon harbor but is stumped about feeding it. The 70-pound marine | pachyderm has refused cow's milk | and squid. Hansen is trying goat's milk, and if that doesn't work bel is open to suggestion. A SAY, PUFFLE---ALL THE NEIGHBORS ARE TALKING ABOUT THAT Ottawa May Assist Implement Trade OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern: | ment has agreed to consider pro- posals to assist Canada's farm im- plement industry to overcome problems. The suggestions were made Tues- day at conference held under aus- pices of the national advisory coun- cil on manpower. It was attended by representatives of the industry, of labor employed in the industry, of agriculture and of the depart- ments of trade and commerce, ag- riculture and labor. The nature of the proposals or the delegates who advanced them were not disclosed following the private meeting. It was also agreed that no press statement would be issued. The conference was called by the manpower council to discuss prob- lems confronting the farm imple- ment industry. It was an experi- ment to see whether representa- tives of organizations directly in- volved in the manufacture of farm implements could suggest methods to improve the industry's position. A. H. Brown, deputy minister of labor, said: "We had a free and frank dis- cussion and exchange of views on the problems of the industry. We all learned something from the presentations of the various groups represented at the meeting. It was agreed that the representatives would report back to their own or- ganizations, and that no statement would be issued." NO RECOMMENDATIONS He said the meeting was not called to draw up recommenda- tions. However, some suggestions were made by delegates and the government agreed to explore them. He added that it was agreed he should not make the suggestions public. Besides Mr. Brown, government delegates included Dr. J. C. Tag. gart, deputy minister of agricul- ture; M. W. Sharp, associate dep- uty minister of trade and com- merce, and Dr. G. V. Haythorne, assistant deputy minister of labor. Other delegates: Agriculture--H. H. Hannam, Ot- tawa, president of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture; J. A. Ferguson, St. Thomas, of the On- tario Federation of Agriculture, and F. Woloshyn, Saskatoon, Sask., of the Saskatchewan Farmers Union. Lahor -- George Burt, Windsor, Ont., of the United Automobile Workers of America; Cleve Kidd, Toronto, of the United Steelwork- ers of America, and G. P. Schollle, Montreal, of the International As- sociation of Machinists. Management--T. A. Rice, Hamil- ton, of the International Harvester Co. of Canada Ltd., R. H. Met- calfe, Toronto, of Massey Harris- Ferguson Ltd., and George WM. Thomson, Brantford, of Cockshutt Farm Equipment, Ltd. CNR Appears Headed Back Into Red For Coming Year OTTAWA (CP)--After two sur- pluses born of a parliamentary | streamlining of its debt structure, the Canadian National Railway ap- | pears headed back into the red for President Donald Gordon told the | Commons railway committee Tues- | day a deficit is about certain un- | less the publicly-owned company's business picks up to an extent that does not now mppear likely. | At the same time, he expressed the hope that 'sanity and reason | will prevail" in the contract de- mands of non-operating workers, | which he said could cost the CNR up to $46,700,000 a year. | Mr. Gordon spoke as the com-| mittee concluded examination of, | and approved, the CNR's 1953 re- | port and its budget for 1954. The | 1953 returns showed a $244,000 sur- | plus, the second straight since a| 1951 financial reorganiation that | followed six successive post-war | deficits. The budget for this year, show- | ing estimated revenues and ex-| penditures down in the face of slumping traffic, forecast a $500, 000 surplus. WIPE OT SURPLUS But the railway president said that, as things look now, the sur- plus seems to be eliminated. It was doubtful that predicted earnings would be achieved. The gross was down more than $5,000,- 000 from the forecast for the first part of the year. Also, wage adjustments for some running trades personnel had ad- ded $1,300,000 to the wage bill since the budget was drawn up two months ago. "So you can say at once that ang goes our surplus unless we get more traffic than we now can foresee," Mr. Gordon said. LONG HAUL FORT ST. JOHN, B.C. (CP)-- Motors-trucks are transporting a fleet of 22 steel barges about 1,500 miles from the Yukon to Great Bear lake. The barges were used for years on the Yukon river and now will supply oil to various mines on (reat Bear lake. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Jewish month $8. Touch end to end 9. Female horse 20. Girl's name 11. Submerge 13. Sailor DOWN 1. Friendly 2. Italian poet 3. Chest 4. Music note 8. Small wild ox . 6. Moves quickly up and down 7. Biblical city 8. Fastened with tape 11. Kept watch 12. Happy 14. Poem 16. More pure 17. Cue 19. Rant %3. Perform CIERNSI|CION. [DERM (EISINERB]T [RIO] [E] SIT] IEISERN| 1 [EICIE] JAICIR[ARSEIPIEIE] ; Yesterday's Answer 36. German river + 38. Fop 39. Java tree 43. Crowd 45. Dutch (abbr.) 46. Masurium (sym.) yellow fruit . One of Phil, Is. 31. Egyptian goddess 33. Frozen water 34. Greek poet