-~ R T& ICREATEST WINTER! CLOSEOUT YOU HAVE EVER WITNESSED! We don't have te explain to you, the public, how drastic the unseasonable warm weather the last few months has been to us. No need to tell you that we stocked up heavily in anticipetion of @ heavy Xmas and winter trade -- you know the story -- there was no weather end there was ne business. We still have our stock and we also still have our bills to pay. We, must turn that stock into cold cash, no matter how little we sacrifice it for. Our suppliers want their monéy NOW, and our only way to turn this merch- andise into cash is to cut it low, so low, that you will even want to buy for next year, because you'll have no fear of these prices ever being beaten, no matter how drastic you will see other sale prices. THIS 18 IT! YOU'LL SAY ~ THESE PRICES ARE INCREDIBLE! UNBELIEVABLE! STARTS THURS. WE NEED CASH AND WE NEED IT NOW!!! " GHILDREN'S LINED JEANS Tough weering sanforized den- im with senforized shrunk eol- orful pileid Wning--all ereund boner eolestic waist, reinforced ot points of sivein. Sizes 3 to nu. Reg. 2.98. LARGE SIZE SOLID COLOR * BATH TOWELS PURE LINEN Tablecloths prox. sine 52 x 52. Reg. 1.33 MENS PLAID FLANNEL SPORT SHIRTS Gay, oolorful, smert looking pliidy In « large verlety of oolors -- teilored vom shrink resisting senferized cotton floanel. Full out with bi- swing yoke end reguler shirt style for dress or sport. Sizes small, medium end lovge. Reg. 3.98. 2.07 LADIES' ~ RAYON PANTIES in plein reyon er satin striped, seme novelty knits. In pantie or brief style, -- some with bended log. In white, peach, some blue end yellow. Sizes © smell, medium or lerge. Reg. fo 79¢ pair. 28. LADIES' OREPE BLOUSES We've token our complete renge of crepe blouses end grouped them into one low price -- you'll find « large veriety of shyles, colors end « complete range of sizes from WE to 30. Reg. values to 2.98. MEN'S GABARDINE PANTS TURKISH TOWELS Thirsty striped absorbent towels in eeru ground with multi-color stripes, good large size. Reg. 49¢ each. 50 pr. 22 KING W. 3 MEN'S NYLON AND ACETATE SPORT SHIRTS Smort looking for ell yeor rownd wesr -- tellored from acetote end nylon blend yorns ly shades. Sizes smell, medium ond large. Reg. 2.98. 1.6 T------ LADIES' TAFFETA DRESSES Swishy, rustling teffete, eoblaze with color, ond style. Reduced for a font sellent so come oerly for these. Sizes 12 to 20. Reg. volues to 8.95. 3.00 MEN'S DRESS A good essortment of colorful checks, plaids end cloques de- signs. Assorted colors. Reg. velues to 1.00. 44 yp. 36" FLANNELETTE Thick aepped, soft, ebserbont flonnciotte Wn eo weight ides! for dispers, gowns, pyjomes er sieep- on. In white, pink or bine. Reg. 59 yd gusset, log bands end elestie waist. Sizes 2-4-6. Reg. 4%. 5u1 00 PLEECE LINED SLEEPERS While quantities last, soft napped, fleece-backed cot- ton, drop! seat, flat locked seams. Pink or blue. Size 1-2-3-4. Reg. 1.79. 1 00 sovs' PARKAS Sturdy long weering gobardine with werm kasha quilted lin. Ing = full zipper front, de- techoble wolf trimmed hood, olastle weist for snug ft, In. ner storm ouffs - ond four pockets. In brown enly. Sizes 4 to 14 yeors. Reg. 9.95. BIRDSEYE FANTASTIC! BOYS' PLAID FLANNEL SHIRTS First come, tirst served on these goy eolored, good looking suede finish flannel shirts -- fhe selection of colors end potterns is extremely lorge. Sonforized shrunk. Sizes 2 te 6, 8 te 14 years. Reg. 1.98. BOYS' SATIN BOMBER JACKETS Good heovy quality weighted setin with quilted shot - silk - over-woeol lining -- full length sipper, fur ooller, knitted cuffs ond waistband. In blue, green ond brown, Sizes 10 fo 16 yoors. Reg. 12.95. Boys' ond Girls' Polo Pyjamas . Trousers have elastic ond snug fitting cuffs of . Striped tops ond eon- ploin colored bottoms. Siees 8-14. Reg. 2.98, LADIRS' thet wes cleared out fo ws by he menufecturer -- these were made fo soll os high os 3.98 In wow colorful printy" In smert, wesheble eoftons. You'll be delighted with the ouwte styles. Sizes 14 to 44. 144 e Our Complete Winter Stock o All Discontinued Lines o Special Buys and Clearances 2.44 Set PATTENICK'S osnawa SPECIAL BONUS OFFER! 16-PCE. IMPORTED FRENCH PORCELAIN CHINA SET IN LOVELY ROSE PATTERN REG. 8.95 ONLY WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF $10.00 OR OVER DURING THIS SALE ONLY, MEN'S WORK SOCKS Never before have we offered such velue In work sox before -- knit from sturdy wool yarns with reinforced heel and toe. In heother shede only. Reg. 59¢. pr. ar 3..9 FACECLOTHS Good large size, soft and absorbent. In rose, green, blue and gold grounds. Reg. 135¢ each. 9-50 LADIES' HALF SLIPS Pine crepe or rayon jersey knit slips with deep 4" lace trim or In secktell style with ofl eround lace, caught wp ot the front with loce panel. Elastic waist. In peach, blue, white, yellow. Sizes S., M. end L. Reguler 1.49, MOTHER AND DAUGHTER APRON SET Tollored from solorful pottorned print with ergendy trim, handy front pocket ond te backs. Larger one for mother, matching smaller one for deughten Reguler 1.49 for the twe. ; 50 Complete RED SHOE NYLONS 1st quality shimmering sheer well known "red shoe" nylons with fine poneil dark seems, full fashioned. Indie . viduelly eolfe packed. All mew shad Sizes 9-11. Reguler 1.65.< LADIES' 100% NYLON BLOUSES Beoutiful sheer or loce nylon me. teriols, needs ne ironing. Smart up- to-the-minute styles, short and 34. length sleeves. Many styles and colors . Shouse from. Sizes 12-20. Reg. 2+35.00 KIDDIES' JEAN SETS Tough wearing denim jeans with ell eround elastic boxer waist, handy pocket, lined with colorful sanferized' plaid lining That matches the geoy plaid sport shirt. Sizes 4-6 only. Reguler 4.98 set. LADIES' Silk Squares Beautiful 100% pure silk squares with hend-rolled edges. Exotic figured eye- catching potterns. Approx. 32 x 32, Reg. 1.98. 83