Mossadegh Thanks Judge or 'Glory' Of Sentence TEHRAN (AP)--A solitary cell awaits tearful, talkative old Mo- hammed Mossadegh following his onviction on treason charges. The five-man tribunal Monday «convicted the former Aranian die- tator on 13 counts of trying to un- seat Shah Mohammed Re a Pah- levi last summer and sentenced him to three year in solitary con- finement. Mossadegh has five days to file an appeal. Mossadegh's co-defendant and former army chief of staff, Brig. Paghi Riadi, was sentenced to two years and ordered dismissed from the army. When they went on trial last month, s «both would be hanged. The emotional nationalist leader stood gripping the edge of a bench culation was rife that! cluded illegally dissolving parlai- ment's lowey house, the Majlis, and numerous actions against the Shah and the royal dynasty, The cour. said, however, that it had reduced the sentence because of a mercy appeal by the Shah. The ruler asked the court to con- sider the earlier services to the country of Mossadegh, who led the campaign that ended in nationaliz- ation Iran's British-operated oil int A old politician, believed to be well over 70, had hotly spurned the Shah's aid. "I've not done any- wrong to this country or to the Shah," he declared. 'I need no orgiv Rid In his final plea to the court, winding up his 35-day trial, Mossa- degh urged Iranians to remain neu- tral between East and West and to 3rd premier. Mossadegh refused to ac- cept the order, and the Shah and Queen Sorays fled the country. Two days later the tables were turned. Supporters of the ruler won control in pitched battles fought in the streets of Tehran. Mossa- degh fled from his home clad in a pair of pink pajamas and was arrested shortly afterward. New Command For "Rocky" OTTAWA {CP ADjuintment of Brig. J. M. Rockingham, 42, for- mer commander of the 25th Cana- dian Infantry Brigade in Korea, as commander of the newly-formed Canadian Infantry Brigade, Tree Lights Cause Fire oo Fever & ite. PRUE Sd te y, P g a wire plug lin to Christmas tree lights, Monday acci- dentally started a two-alarm, $80,- 000 blaze that threatened to de- stroy a half-century-old school. There were no injuries. Firemen battled the fire for more than an hour before control ling the flames that gutted the roof and top floor of the three- storey Guigues separate school on Murray street in lowertown Oft- tawa. Four classrooms and their con- tents of school books were de- stroyed. Some two dozen 'school children, spending their lunch hour making Christmas cradles, were evacuated along with 10 teachers in the French-language school. Fire inspector Philip Larkin said the blaze started when Michael Couture, 10, pulled out an electrical |© during the 65-minute reading of the verdict and only mocked the court when it finished. *1 1 you very much for sentencing me," he said. "The sen- tence has increased my historic tral between East and West and to develop an economy independent of the oil resources. NATIONALIZED OIL Mossadegh became a world fig- ure when he led the successful parliamentary fight in 1951 to na- tionalize Iranian properties of the British-controlled Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. However, British legal and cial vres cut Iran off from oil markets, and the country suffered one economic crisis after another. The showdown came last August glory. j Mossadegh was convicted on charges wing out of his de- fiance of the ah's. decree dis- missing him last August. An up- rising led by the present premier, Gen. Fazollah Zahedi, toppled the old man from office soon after and put him behind bars. FACED DEATH SENTENCE He could have been sentenced to | « death on the charges, which in- when the Shah attempted to remove "him from office and make Zahedi 'April 1952. Yalearsier, Que., Bi Augotficed ondy bya adquarters. Brig. lin Boy is schedufed to arrive in Canada soon from the United Kingdom where has completed a year's course at the Imperial Defence College. He will assume his new appointment shortly after his return. Brig. Rockingham was recalled from civilian life in 1950 to be- come the first commander of the 25th Brigade in Korea. For his ser- vices in the Far East, he was made a companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. He returned to Canada from Korea in wall plug. One of the lights on a third-storey classoom Christmas tree exploded, firing the tree decor- ations. : Following the blaze, Aime Arvi- sai, secretary of the separate school board, issued orders that all Christmas trees be removed from city separate schools. KARACHI (Reuters)--Forty per- sons were injured when Pakistan police broke up a clash between workers at a match factory here Sunday. Police said jailed 55 riot- ers. A dispute .over a piece of to have started the trouble. ZION MRS. RUSSELL STAINTON Correspondent ZION -- The meeting of the Woman's Association was held in the Sunday School with 19 mem- bers, two visitors and three chil- dren attending. Mrs. Naylor, the resident, opened the meeting 'and rs. Alex. McMaster took charge for the devotional period. She introduced the Christmas spirit by use of a short story. Mrs. | William Hasiuk read the Scri ture. 'Joy to the World, sthe Lord Has Come' was sung. Mrs. Mc- Master gave the Devotional fead- ing followed by prayer. Sang, "O Little Town of Bethlehem'. MAKE DONATIONS Roll call was answered by some- thing on "Christmas"", also several s of thanks were read. Bills amounting to $3.15 were presented and paid. A donation of $20 was sent to the Sick Children's Hospi- tal. It 'was decided to give $100 to the General Church Fund and $100 to the M. and M. Fund, also $30 to the WMS. The candy bags for the kiddies' Christmas tree are to be filled at Mrs. Wes Cameron's on Monday afternoon. Would anyone donating candy or oranges have them at Mrs. Cameron's by Monday noon, please. There is hopes of getting land for hut building was believed | as a CGIT group started. Visiting committees formed were follows: Fast Side, Mrs. Cruickshanks and Mrs. W. Pringle; P- lers Strike", by ~ Women's Association Executive Returned For Another Term Centre, Mrs. R. Killen and Mrs. Gerry Glaspell; West Side, Mrs. Tracy Glaspell and Mrs. H. Ben- nett. It was decided that the officers would hold office for another year. The same committees will carry on for 1954. The program was as follows: Reading, "Christmas in Different Countries", by Mrs. Henry Dart. Humorous reading, "If the Farm- x rs. Fred Dart. Piano accordion solo and encore by Jerry Hasuik. Reading: by Mrs. Arthur Dart. Vocal solo and en- core by Miss Marina Johnston. Closed meeting "with theme song | and benediction. After the oup, Mrs. Hasiuk, Mrs. Henry Dart, Mrs. Alex. Me- Master, had served delicious re- freshments topped off with Christ- mas cake, Mrs. Nelson Fice extend- ed the thanks of the ladies present to the group for a very nice after- noon. CHRISTMAS TREE The children's Christmas Tree will be at the church on Monday. evening, December 21, when Santa will be on hand to make all the kiddies in the neighborhood happy. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Down, Eben- ezer; Miss Jacqueline Barlow, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. L. McKenna, Oshawa, were recent visitors at J. | Percy Davidson's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell | grief." THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, December 22, 195% 1¥ and Terry, Toronto, were recent | ne visitors at Russell Perkin's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Robinson, Port Hope; Whitby; Mrs. George Knowlton, Helen and Eric, North Oshawa; Mrs. Bert Bayley, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heughan, Master Keith bay- ley, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Thornton's Corners, were at Ray Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton vis- ited at Douglas Skinner's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Currie, Ham- ilton, were recent visitors at Rob- ert Killen's, Mr. and Mrs. day visitors at Russell Perkins' Mr, and Mrs. Wes Cameron were dinner guests at Stanley Coverly's, Ebenezer, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom family, Bowmanville, were Sunda evening visitors at Percy David- son's. Ivor Gerry, Toronto, spent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. | F. B. Glaspell. | Mr. A. Lyuch and family, | Victor Hulatt, | : Lois and Diane, Oshawa, were Sun- | Newcombe; D. Accountants Pass Exams TORONTO (CP)--Fred L. Karp of Toronto has won the Ontario ! Institute Gold Medal and Prizefin final October examinations, the In- 'stitute of Chartered accountamts of { Ontario announced Monday night | ~ Out-of-town finalists whe sassed | were: Kingston--F. M. Bayliss; B. G. Campin; T. J. Decourcy; €. W. M. Sinclaie; E. M. White. Kitchener--J. I. Battler; W. L. | Butler; P. G. Dooley; L. 3, Mor |genroth; A. Westlake and W. Walker. Sudbury--G. N. Birney; Favretto; D. L. Hunt. Timmins--A. G. Tom! Sault Ste. Marie--W. A L, lin, M. McKin- non. . Port Arthur--F, L. Poulter, 16-Year-Old Behind Wheel ESSEX (CP)--A five-car smash near here Sunday sent one woman to hospital with concussion and caused an estimated $2,500 dam- age. BS rSOn Hicks of Maidstone slowed to make a right turn at an intersection. His car wap struck from behind by one driven by Ro- saire Parent, 16, of Chatham. Mrs. Vera Hicks, a passenger, suffered ' concussion. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Skinner, | Lynda and Patti, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Johnson and Karen, Osh- awa, were at Jim Stainton's. . MOTORISTS WARNED TORONTO (CP)--Commissioner E. V. McNeill of the Ontario Pro- vincial Police has appealed to all motorists to exercise care and caution on streets and highways during the holiday season. "A care- less thinker can be a thoughtless drinker or a reckless driver," he said. "It is the drivers who just will not behave who cause so much SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS KARALAM OVERCOATS Use our easy A BOND CLOTHES =: 3 5-2474 57 KING ST. kK (Opposite Metropolitan Store) 8 FREE!! HOSTESS CHAIR Does your living room furniture look worn, faded ond shabby? Are you eshemed to invite your friends in? Now is the time to beoutify your living room for the holidoy season. Yes, if you act now you can still have your suite reuphol- stered by experts in your choice of hundreds of , letest fabrics, in time for Christmas. Your set is torn down to the bare frame ond completely tightened end A d. We rebuild and giving you @ complete custom job with en uncondi- tional guarentee on our construction end workmonship for five years. And fou save' 3 3 .over the ott of 4 new Si le AND AS OUR GIFT TO YOU, YOU GET ABSOLUTE- LY FREE OF CHARGE A BEAUTIFULLY UPHOL- STERED, MODERN HOSTESS CHAIR ® Legs and Showwood ®' All brok ri Refinished Reine py bia ® Modernized & Restyling LJ All few filling material ot i "re on . ® Cushions renewed with ® Springs retied to moke o new spring construction new sagless foundation and filling material Oshawa Furnitures Upholstering 10 BOND W. COMPANY DIAL 5-0311 P.M. UNTIL V] My every heart ot your house be filled with good cheer and happiness this Christmas. (7 5 or N Ak H Jowellors 14 King St. E. Dial 3-9433 Everything Reduced AT NESBITT'S PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE You'll Enjoy Shopping at . . . NESBITT'S LADIES' WEAR 33 KING ST. &. DIAL 5-0532 Your Credit ls Always Good at Nesbitt's x THE FOLLOWING STORES OPEN EVERY EVENING TO GRRIST Imagine Her Surprise!!! Priced from $95.50 Easy Budget Terms «+ + WHEN SHE SEES HER SEWING MACHINE ON CHRISTMAS MORN, SINGER SEWING CENTER 15-16 ONTARIO DIAL 5-5443 Choose Your Gift Now Toasters Kettles Mectric Pade Tv. Radios Washers troners Meaters Refrigerators Freezers Lamps Nleetric Clocks Coffee Maker Food Mixers Your Choice of Many More Items WARNER \___1 WILLIAMS Radio & Electric 78 Simcoe N. ) Dial 3-7752 Ly -- i ! ! Hlectric Blankets Twe Days Left. See Our Display Of Cisse PEDAL TRIKES For the little children, i Up .... Western Tire and Auto Supply ASSOCIATE STORE Menagers: N. EK. Ward ond G. F. Williams 79 SIMCOE N. DIAL 3.8358 Ideas for . . . FINE GIVING From Our Special Gift Counter Mayfair English Cup ond Saucers ot 1.00-2.00 Sot SPECIAL English insulated tea pots-- white pottery with insulated chrome cover. Gift Department ody $2.98 GOODES HARDWARE 245 KING ST. EAST DIAL 3-9312 Visit Our Regular Special