20 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, December 10, 1958 Imagine! Maximum Response For A Min Sold After The Ad Appeared In The Times-Gazette. u F or Results Like This Dial 3-2233. 5 QUART PRESTO PRESSURE COOK- er with sections. Also a beige winter coat, size 38. Dial 3-- p, / imum Cost With Times Classified Ads (293¢) z 25--Real Estate For Sale 28--For Rent 32--Automobiles For Sale iat Rl By fully lo & ou wired, a home on wheels; Price $475. Apply 170 Gibb "St., dial 5-4513. TE (aoee) 4#ROOM HOUSE ON TOWN LINE, R.R. 3. With double garage, comfortable home, a good buy. 5-1494. (293d) HOUSE IN CITY, AVA Write' ILABLE JANU- ary 2, 5 rooms. ' Box Gazette. 9, Times- GET YOUR FRONT END ALIGN- ment wheel balancing st Moring's Gar: age. 1084 Simcoe St. N. (Jan10) STRICTLY BUSINESS © meearten 39-- Articles For Sale 43--Male Help Wanted USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, $3 UP B.F. Goodrich Stoves. Phone 85-4543. 4s SALES DISTRIBUTOR TO SUPERVISE sales and Service for the chemical con- ditioning and peatment ; of Septic Tanks, (295b) 2 FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS PRIV. ate entrance. Apply 162 Gibb St. Dial 5-5431. © | (295¢) PHONE TED CAMPIN FOR NEW OR used cars or trucks at Cliff Mills Mo tors. Dial 3-4634. (Deel5) 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, FURNACE HEAT, 6 ROOM 2 STOREY BRICK. REASON- able down payment. Apply 47 McLaugh- lin Blvd. (294c) newly No children. - Dial 5-3469. BASEMENT APART- entrance, heat, NEW 2% ROOM P STOREY BRICK HOUSE SIMCOE acts, Large lot. Could be Jonverted to hi (295¢) business ty or for arage. Will accept low down payment. Apply 132 Central Park Blvd. (203) CENTRAL. APARTMENT, 4 ROOMS, Dial 3-8133. A (295¢) (Dec17,19) | 5 AUTO GLASS INSTALLED WHILE YOU wait. Vern Glass Co. 1216 Simcoe St. N. 2242. (Jan. 17) LAKESHORE AUTO 4 Want cars for wrecking, highest prices paid. Dial 5-0533 or 3-2924. * (Dec?) ATTENTION CAR BUYERS AND SELL. uying selling your money aon Phone 3-7863 N.H.A. HOMES Built by G. & G. Construction Co. Low down payments. Con- toct our agents. G. BARROW, BROKER 25, Burk St. Dial 5.3852 FURNISHED ROOM FOR MEN ONLY, $4.50 per week. Dial 3-2853. (295b) UNFURNISHED ROOM NEAR CITY bus convenient to hospital and airport. Apply 619 Christie St. after 5 Pa i> 3 ROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. Apply 260 Golf St. after 6 p.m. (295¢) (Jang) '53 BEL-AIRE SEDAN, POWERGLIDE, like new, low mileage. Owned by lady. Dial 5-1494. (2926) 46 CHEV. 1 TON STAKE DUAL WHEELS 39 Chev. coach new paint. Both units in Powell T (Dec. 30) very good 1376 Simcoe N. FURNISHED ROOM NEAR CITY BUS, JACK ALLAN SUGGESTS Less Than Rent But All Your Own. $2,000 Cash--2 bedrooms. A smart investment. $2,000 Cash--For this 4- room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, 3-pc. bath, $3,000 balance which con be arranged. Imme- diate possession, Summer Camp -- 3 acres, fronting on Lake Ontério, 7 cabins, 1 double cabin, dining room, recreation room, tuck shop, metal swings, well treed. Protected access to bathing beach. Good fences, 14 miles south of Baseline near Whitby and Ajax. Priced for imme- diate sale -- $12,000. Terms. THEN CALL J. P. ALLAN Real Estate Broker KING'S'ROW, AJAX OFFICE: AJAX 139 ond 704 Open 9 am. to 9 p.m. R. RUDDY PICK. 42 J. VONDETT -- AJAX 269i M. RAPSY PICK. 52ml (295t6) JOHN SQUARE REAL ESTATE BROKER Five-room brick bungalow, beautifully decorated, large kitchen, good - sized living room, three bedrooms and four-piece bathroom. Full base- ment with excellent space for recreation room. Air-condition- ed oll heating. Must be seen to be Sppreciated. megiste possession, ing price $12,- * 000, good terms. Will con- sider good offer. $3,500 down payment for a lovely five-room brick bungo- low, two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, sunroom and 3- pe. bathroom, good cellar, oil heating. 597 Simcoe St.|S. J. ASHTON Dial 5-3662 JOHN SQUARE Broker (295h) SACRIFICE $2,000 DOWN, FULL PRICE $8,500 -- $70 PER MONTH New 3-bedroom ranch bunga- fow finished in clapboard sid- ing on corner lot, Nassau and Marie. Interior trimming to be done by buyer. Inquire: 39 Prince St. Daytime 3-8337, 5-5378. Dial Evenings (293¢) 27--Real Estate Wanted HOUSES WANTED FuR CLIENTS, ALI cash or your equity For quick results and sath see W. McAuley, Realtor. 13 Prince St D'al 3.2512 LLOYD AYERS, BROKER, HOUSES, Farms, Lots, Acreage. Dial 5-3889. G. O. Blow, Agent. . (Nov20) FARMS WANTED ] All sizes List today for quick results. W. McAULEY Real Estate 13 Prince Street Dial 3-2512 or 804 Whitby anytime (Dec25) BERNEICE H. PATRICK Real Estate Broker LISTINGS WANTED PERSONAL SERVICE 16 BOND S§1 %AST DIAL 3-3800 ~ DIAL 5-3692 DIAL 5-0457 ah (Dec30) 28--For Rent THREE-ROOM APT. CONVENIENCES, heated, central. Apply 150 Burk St. (296a) 2. ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT, newly decorated, separate entrance, heat, light, water supplied. Adults prefcrred. Dial 3-7088. (2966) FURNISHED DOUBLE ROOM, SINGLI beds, suitable for 2 men. Close to Hoi | town. Apply 110 Mary St. (296¢) NEW UNFURNISHED 2.ROOM BASE. ment apartment. Apply 228 Maire Ave, (296a) 3 LARGE ROOMS, 1 BEDROOM FURN. ished, private entrance. No objection to one small child. Dial 3-4789 (296b) SINGLE ROOM FOR 1 ( central. Dial 3-7698. (2966) 3ROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, central. Apply 206 Marie St, (296d) ROOM FOR MEN SINGLE BEDS NEAR | (296¢) | | new Motors plant, 212 Bloor W. 2 LARGE ROOMS ALL CONVENIENCES separate entrance, call 5-1287 after 5 p. | ROOM TO SHARE FOR GENTLEMAN. Close to Motors. Dial 3-3783. (2951) | Behan dntitdintusiibe ASN d URNISHED ROOMS, | ners. Close to Motors, (295b) RENT AT 339 KING (295b) m0 \itdren, Dial 5-2124, ONT ROOM FOR St. E. mot tte ines worn a nr iinsiom--. | LARGE FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR gentlemen or business couple, also room | to share 2 single beds. Very central, 45 | Albert St. (295b) | SINGLE HOUS M. DIAL | 5-3078 or apply EKEEPING ROOM. DIAL | 236 Eulalie Ave. (295b) | , UNFURNISHED 3. | - SELD-CONTAINED, UN! apartment ey recent ed, new s heated. 163 Ave., after 6. Adults only. 3%) | dential. Dial 3-7066. + 3-8390. to and airport. Apply 619 Christie St. after 5 pm. (294c) FLAT, 2 LARGE ROOMS SUIT COUPLE. Apply 25 Quebec St. near Simcoe. ' ) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, CENTRAL. Available January 1. Dial 3-8372, P 5 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS HEATED, lights and water supplied. No objection to children. Apply 283 French St. (294¢) FURNISHED ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 GEN- tlemen, close to Motors. Dial 3-4152 be- tween 12-4. (294¢) $795 DOWN 1952 BUICK Blue sedan, grey top, hydro- matic, radio, air conditioning heater, wind shield washers, seat covers, directional signals, first. class condition, - original cost $3,946. Cheap for quick sale. Apply 11 Celina, Monday 10 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. (296B) 33--Automobiles Wanted 5 ROOM APARTMENT. APPLY BEA- trice Annis, 16 Division St. Apartment 2, Bowmanville. (2946) LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, 2 SINGLE beds each, all furnished new, $6 single bed; also singe room for one gentleman. 25 Division St. (2946) UNFURNISHED ROOMS, CONVEN- iences near bus stop. Apply 622 BlecL Ek. c 3 ROOMS PARTLY FURNISHED. MID- dle-aged couple. No children, Strictly ab- tail referred. Apply 224 St. Julien So nen pe (2936) FURNISHED ROOMS FOR SINGLE gentlemen. Five min. walk to bus stop, 73 Fernhill Blvd. 5-2684. 2936) STORAGE SPACE OR WAREHOUSE, 26° x 31', on two floors. Dial 3-2563. (293d) ONE LARGE ROOM, GROUND FLOOR partially furnished. Dial 3-2808, or apply 91 Wilkinson. (293) LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, 2 SIN- gle beds each, all furnished new. single bed; also single room for one gentleman. (2926) 2 NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ALL | conveniences. Apply 137 Rosehill Blvd. (293d) WARM FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentleman. Private home. Central, Fes C ) BEDROOMS, SINGLE, SHARING, TWIN beds, bus at door, parking space, break- fast optional. Clean and comfortable. 356 King W. (2916) able for gentleman, close to Motors. Apply 136 Elgin St. E (2911) SELF CONTAINED APARTMENT.-UN- | furnished. Couple preferred. Immediate possession. Dial 3-7691. 2916) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR GENTLE- man. Apply 225 Eulalie Ave. (294¢) --in llegar 4ROOM APARTMENT, GARAGE, VIC- inity Simcoe N. and Rossland Rd. Box 5, Times-Gazette. (294¢) LARGE WARM HOUSEKEEPING ROOM near hospital and Motors suit business couple or 2 or 3 gentlemen, 239 Sim St. N. (2918) ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, CLOSE TO Motors and business section, bet home; abstainer. Apply 114 it 2926) | PARKING LOT FOR RENT. DOWN- town, by week or month, Dial 3-8876. (Jan. 10) ROOMS FOR RENT. SUITABLE FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen. Privaté entrance. Apply 299 Simcoe St. South. (271tf) WINTERIZED HOUSEKEEPING CA. bin, Black Cat Inn, on B ille CLEAN FURNISHED BEDROOM SUIT. | ---- | ing, talking strain. All colors, 114 Elgin Write | ter | Eg #4 E. | CARS WANTED IMMEDIATELY MUST BE CLEAN We sell nothing but the best, Highest prices paid at KENNY VAN COURTE MOTORS 83 Ritson Rd. S. (282tf) 36--Pets and Livestock A -- { GREAT DANE PUPPIES FEMALE $15, male $25. J. Mitchell, Phone 21r4 Brook- | tin (295b) | REGISTERED ROLLER CANARIES for sale, champion stock. Dial 3-2625 | after 6 p.m., 296 Festubert Ave. (295¢) | ee PEDIGREE PEKINESE PUPPY, MALE. Apply 303% Hillside Ave. (295b) YOUNG GEESE ALIVE OR DRESSED. 38 Farewell Ave. Dial 3-2127 Also want person to dress geese. (Dec 12 18 19 21.) BEAUTIFUL REGISTERED COLLIE | puppies and grown stock, stud service. cl Collie Kennel 1000 | Byron South, Whitby. (274t6) ROLLER CANARIES, YELLOWS VARI- gated and greens. From club stock. Dial | 5-5978. (Jan. 8) | ROLLER CANARIES, GUARANTEED | singers, $8. Apply 261 Gibbon St. (2920) | BABY BUDGIES READY FOR TRAIN- | East. Dial | CANARIES, rave Ave. REG. FOX TERRIERS cocker spaniel male, red or black. Knowlton Kennels. Dial 50164. (Dec23) COCKER SPANIELS, ALSO BOARD ing, trimmi b defi 3-9767. FOR SALE. (Jan19) 400 MONT- (2931) (SMOOTH) ™r EMPLOYMENT OFFICE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Dec.13) MANURE FOR SALE--DIAL 5-6028. i (Dec12) SHOP FOR XMAS . AT HOME Watches - Silverware - Electric Shavers - Electric Irons & Ket- tles - Dishes - Blankets, etc., sold on small weekly pay- ments. Phone 5-2864 and a representative will call at yoor home. : (Dec22) INTRODUCING The new triple-track combina- tion and screen, windows, aluminum doors and awnings, custom made. 'Free estimates. WEATHER GUARD SALES OSHAWA -- 3-2111 (Dec26) 39a--Fuel Wood "Good Heavens, man! You turned her down because she can't type or take dictation?" Regardless of skill, there's always opportunity to get good employment through The Daily Times-Gazette Classified Ads. Call 3-2233. 39--Articles For Sale 22 RIFLE MOSSBERG SEMI-AUTOMA- tic with accessories, brand new. Reason- able. Dial 3-4552. (295¢) MANS SKATES SIZE 10. GOOD CONDI- tion. Phone 3-7174. (295¢) AFRICAN VIOLETS, SEVERAL COL- ors, make lovely Christgnas gifts. 75¢ each. Dial 5-3401. (294c) MAN'S BICYCLE IN EXCELLENT condition, $25. Dial 5-4387. (294¢) RADIO AND RECORD PLAYER, double dpainboard sink, portable type- writer, Boy Scout uniform, size 16. Ash sifter. 22 Rowe St. (294c) RECORD PLAYERS $ave $5.00 on the purchase of a Sni Dor 3 Speed Single Play Portable Record Player. OUR PRICE $39.95 Reg. Price $44.95 Compare the price on this smart Tartdn Covered Model P-306 anywhere. A special quantity purchase by us has made this saving possible for you. Other Models from $32.95 to $99.95. Wilson & Lee Ltd. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. N. DIAL 5-4706 (296C) KITCHEN TABLE, WITH ARBORITE top, 3 chairs with red-leather seats and backs. Dial 5-0874. (296a) Wau bena Kennels. new highway near Drive in Theatre. (Jans) 37--Farmers' Column DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP promptly Phone collect Bowmanville 2679 Also live horses. will Fur Farm, Tyrone. (Dec28) 38--Wearing Apparel bus service. PONTIAC INN Comfortable furnished rooms in residential hotel, meals served 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Close to new GM; television lounge. Apply Pontiac Inn. Dial 3-3993. ol highway, Phone Bowman- ville 2834, (257tf (Dec22) 29--Wanted To Rent A GARAGE PREFERABLE IN THE VIC- inity of Alice and Jarvis. Dial IY ( ). 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND KITCH- en, hot water preferred, couple, one in- fant. Write Box 4, Times-Gazette. (294c) 30--Room and Board BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COAT. WORN one season. Reasonable. Dial 5-1997. (296¢) BOYS' BROWN OVERCOAT. SIZE 11-13. $8. Navy blue serge suit. Size 11-13, $5. | . | |] Dial 5-0838 (296b) GRAY COAT, MUSKRAT TRIM, WINE | coat mouton trim, just like new. Dial 3-3807. (295b) | VACUUM CLEANER AND FLOOR POL- | isher, Axminster carpet, 9° x 12' like new, large cot complete with beddi childs | | for $20. Dial 5-0690. JRE MA | GUINEA PIGS, MODERN 4 PC. BATH, NEW WITH FIT- tings, $159. White and sinks, laundry tubs, stokers, boilers, ra- diators, pipes threaded. Phone Harry Chinn, 460 Montrave. LARGE SPACE HEATER, CIRCULAT- ing coal heater in good condition. Dial 3-8541. (296a) 4 BURNER ELECTRI ANGE WITH timer and automatic oven control, 2 years old $39.95. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe St. (294¢) LARGE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, CHINA cabinet, radio and end table. Reasonable offer accepted. 47 Ritson Rd. N. or 3.7213. ( 39--Articles For Sale 2 NEW 600x16 TIRES $15 EACH ALSO a quantity of truck tires, all sizes, few car heaters. Powell Transport, 1376 Sim- coe N 2938) B. F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, batteries Addi Televi Thrifty budget plan. Dial 5-4543. (Dec28) ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM SASHES, stainless steel | (Jan19) | No. 1 quality, measurements and esti | mates free. Dial 3-4989. (Dec18) red GENERAL ELECTRIC FOOD MIXER, | makes an ideal gift, only $27.50 at Meagh- ers Electric, 5 King St. W (2911) ALL TIME ALUMINUM WINDOWS and doors, Awnings and door canopies. For free estimates or demonstration call Airshade Awnings of Oshawa. Dial 5-4332. (Dec20) SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTHS, $5, single cord; hardwood slabs, $6.50 single cord. Also body bardwood. Dial 5-2490 (Jan5) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS FOR furnace, range or jacket heater . $5 or $3 lots. Delivered anywhere. Dial 3. 7391 (Dec30) 39b--Coal-Coke-Fuel Oil STOVE OIL Prompt daily service, night delivery service. Cities Service Oil Products Day--Dial 3-9443 Night--Dial 5-5027 (Jan18) special 40--Articles For Rent . Must have car or truck, capable of appointing sub-agents and be financially responsible. To such a man we can offer exclusive territory for this fast growing line. If you qualify phone Toronto, EMpire 8-481 or write Box 11. (205¢) CAN YOU USE A BOOST IN PAY? Skilled men "urgently in de' mand. Choose the trade you want to succeed at and pre- pare for more money ever. Oil Burner Mechanic: Refrigeration Machine Shop Diesel Electric Equipment Ser- vicing Just send coupon. Free proof of opportunities. STANDARD ENGINEERING INSTITUTE Box Name Address tess sesessnnnenans sess ssessnsnns 45--Agents Wanted RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN IN Oshawa. Trade well established. Excel- lent = opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. L-310-189, Mont- real. (Dec5,12,19,26) 46--Employment Wanted WANTED POSITION AS BUTCHER, counter and cutter experience. Capable of taking charge if required. References available. Box 12, Times-Gazette. (296a) RELIABLE LADY WILL BABY SIT, afternoons, evenings or weék ends. Ref- erences. Dial 3-4391, (296a) | WE RENT ELECTRIC PORTABLE |sewing machines or month. Just phone | delivery and pick up, or drop in to your local Singer Sewing Center 14-16 | Ontario Street. (270TF) | COMPLETE = SANTA CLAUS OUTFIT for rent. Dial 5-3294. (295¢) 41--Articles Wanted EXPERIENCED CASHIER, DIAL 5-3955. (295¢) RELIABLE IRISH LADY WOULD GO AS housekeeper in exchange for cheap apart. ment. Highest references. Oshawa dis trict. Write box 7 Times-Gazette. (295b) RELIABLE MIDDLE - AGED WOMAN would do baby sitting any day, after- noons, evenings. Dial 5-3879. $19.95 UP - HOOVER, ELECTROLUX Genera! Electric, Filter Queen, Airway Rexair Sales. Dial 5-5121. (Dec29) PLUMBING SUPPLIES. BEDROOM er, bathroom set, sinks, piping, threading, Dial 3-7088. (Jan, 3) and chesterfield suite. Space heater, stok- | 5-0690 SMALL PIANO 37-50 INCHES HIGH. Al condition. Dial 5-3981. (296a) A SMALL PIANO PARLOUR SIZE MUST be in good condition. Any Interested Na} -0690. c CHILDS PLAY PEN IN GOOD CONDI: tion. Dial 3-7909. (295¢) 48--Auction Sale I HAVE REC'D INSTRUCTIONS TO sell by public auction at Stirtevant's Auc- tion Room, 33 Hall St., Mon. eve., Dec. 21 at 7 p.m. Doors open 6:45. A stock of | yard | ladies' clothing, men's clothing, goods, dry goods, plasiics, Xmas er- hand includi novelties SCOTCH PINE CHRISTMAS TREES FREE DELIVERY DICK BRADLEY'S 299 SIMCOE S. (288tf) CITY APPROVED SEPTIC TANKS available how at Fabricated Metals, | and Stampings Ltd., 249 Second Ave. or 5-1665. (Jan6) | PAINT, INTERIOR, EXTERIOR, "ALL | colours every gallon guaranteed, $2.95 gallon. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church St. (Dec30) SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER A ND spare parts for same. Cutting heads, cords, etc. Meagher's, § King St. West. (Nov.28) CONSOLE RADIO AND RECORD players, used. $35 up. Apply B.F. Good- rich Stores. Dial 5-4543 (145t£) VENETIAN BLINDS TOP QUALITY, steel, aluminum wide variety colors, lowest prices. e measure and instal at no extra charge. Write Don. A. Real, RR 3, Uxbridge, or phane Port Perry 125R11. (Dec26) | STROMBERT CARLSON RADIO PHONO- pd RCA VICTOR MANTEL RADIO AND R cord player. Dial 3-3437. ORGAN IN G CHILD'S CRIB, TOYS, y. Dial 3.7885 before 9 swing, doll pram, new and slightly used infants dressers, shoes, rubber welling- | tons, fur lined boots 2 to 4 years. Saxe | blue 3 pe. suit all wool, boys uuit 2 to | 5 years, navy all wool gaberdine rain- | coat. Dial 3-3781. (296a) 38a--Market Basket CARROTS AND TURNIPS, DELIVER- ! ed, $1.25 bushel. Dial 3-9940. (296¢) COME AND GET THEM WHILE THEY | last. Carrots, turnips, onions, spys and other apples, also fresh eggs at Jean Goodells Farm Gardens, Simcoe St. N. Phone 5-5978. (Jan5) PRIVATE HOME, 2 GENTLEMEN, 7- day week. Dial 5-1344, . (294c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- men. 3 ming. walk from Motors. Dial (2046) 2 ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN. ROOM and board. Apply 508 Drew St. (294d) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GIRLS willing to share. Private home. North end. Dial 3-9345. {294¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLEMEN. Apply 223 Athol E. (294f) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- men, central, Dial 5-3955. (2926) 31--Room & Board Wanted WANTED IN WHITBY HOME FOR WO- man in her sixties. Able to go about alone For a choice selection of Christmas Poultry Fruits, Christmas Beef, Toys, Gifts and finest Foods, Shop at Glecoff's I.G.A. Supermarket 174 Ritson Rd. South Open every night till 10 p.m. Lots of free park- ing. (2950) 39--Articles For Sale handicapped but not mental patient. Write Box 6, Times-Gazette. (295¢) 32--Automobiles For Sale McCLARY WASHER, COUCH, CHROME table and chairs. Other household ar- | NTLEMAN, | | Sales. Dial 3-2256, (296c) | EMAN. |". ticles. Apply 203 Park Ave. off Park Rd. 8. (295b) SEE DOUG AMEY FOR THAT NEW | or used car or truck. Ontario. Motor | (Dec25) | 53 CARS BRING MORE CASH FOR | you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Road South. Dial 3-9421, (Janl) - - PERE AA | | FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE JOHNNIE | Walker, Bramley Motors Limited. New and used cars. Dial 3-4675: evenings | 5-5706. (Janl5) SELLING YOUR CAR? For quick sale place your car with us. All cars insured. We handle all financing You get paid eash. For further information Open till 9:30 P.M. | Dial 3-485] W2B1tH CAR HOUSE TRAILER, FOR SALE or rent, suit 2. Wired and insulated, fur- nished, built-in cupboards. Price $300. Apply Kurve Inn, between Bowman- ville and Newcastle. (295¢) 41 CHEV. DELUXE COACH. GOOD every way, $100. '41 Oldsmobile Hydra- matic Coach. Good transportation, $100. Ray Bennet Motors, 4256 King Ww. BADMINTON RACQUET, BABY'S CRIB, air gun. Cheap. Dial 3-7726. (295b) BEDROOM SUITE, LIKE NEW WINE chesterfield, clock radio, other household articles, must sell. Dial 5-4295. (295¢) BOYS CCM HOCKEY SKATES AND boots size 6, clap on roller skates size 5. Dial 5-4233. (29%¢) MEDIUM-SIZED OIL SPACE HEA one-year-old. Dial 5-5649. (296d MOTOROLA CAR RADIO AND ANTEN- na. Just like new $60. Dial 5-0559. (269b) ANNEX STOVE. COAL AND WOOD, good condition, $15. Apply 51 Kluane Ave., Bonnie Brae Point, © (296a) HILD'S STROLLER, , KIDDIE CAR, verandah gate, toidy seat chair com- mode. All reasonable. Dial 35-5586. (296b) 12 - BASS PIANO ACCORDION, .22 rifle. Dial 3-8080 (2962) FINDLAY OIL SPACE HEATER WITH oil drums. Apply 6th house, Varcoe's Road North, (2963) LARGE SIZE" CCM TRICYCLE. JUST like new. $12. Dial 5-1415. (295b) i Solin Scliaid AOR CHILD'S STATION WAGON CAR, LIKE new. Dial 5-5565 (295¢) COMBINATION GAS AND 2 OIL BURN. er stove almost new, Apply Peter Rani maler, Allan St. Anderson, Whitby. (2060) TER, ) p.m. (295b) 3-PC. CHESTERFIELD 'SUITE WINE - | graph E | $39.95. Barons' (2%) | Simcoe St. S. 00D CONDITION GOING | (295¢) ion, like new. Clearing Radio and Electric, 426 294c) AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. Lovely patterns. Free estimates. Folding | chairs, card and banquet tables for rent Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Dec.14) WE SELL NEW SKATES AND WILL exchange. All sizes. Oshawa Cycle Sales. 16 Bond St. E. Dial 3-4341. (Jan1s) green. Beatty washing hine, grey Wilton broadloom rug 9 x 6'9". Dial 5-4819 or 226 Drew St. between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. (294¢) JUKE BOX, $70. SUITABLE FOR snack bar or. recreation room. Apply Pete's Lighter Clinic, 23 Bond W. I (294¢) CHRISTMAS TREES, $1.25 & UNDER. | Delivered. Dial 5-1264 or 340 Gibbon St. (294c) CHRISTMAS TREES. SCOTCH PINE. Bob Brown, 45 Farewell Ave. Dial 3-3834. (2946) CONTINENTAL BED AND MATTRESS, steel bed frame like new. Apply 87 Mont- rave Ave, (294c¢) CONSOLE MODEL SINGER SEWING machine. Console, radio, best offers. Dial 3.2677. : (293¢) 17" MOTOROLA TELEVISION '53 MOD- el $199. Easy terms, Barons Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe St. S. (294c) THOR WASHER, WHITE PORCELAIN, late model, as is $35. Barons' Radio and Electric, 426 Simcoe St. S. (294¢) BUY HER A HOOVER VACUUM cleaner for Christmas. Ask about our "CLIMATITE"" Aluminum combination windows tind screens "Maloney" Aluminum Combination doors, $59.50 Low Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 (Jand) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR OLD rugs and woollens, reversible and seamless broadloom, any size or color. Save up to ' Continental Rug Co. Ltd. Dial 5-1553. (Dx Body Hardwood . Hardwood Slabs Mixed Slabs Soft Slags Foot-lengths Va-Cord Lots, 75¢c Extra G." HEASLIP PHONE 37R33 BETHANY, ONT. (Dec23) convenient budget plan. Meagher's Elec- tric, Dial 5-4711. (2916) SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS, ALSO cutting heads, cords, etc. Also, Sunbeam Shavmaster, $5 down, Meagher's, 5 King St. W. Wilson & Lee Ltd. Offer You Sensational Savings On Radio-Photo- graph Combinations Qur Price $169.95 (Limited Quantity) This is a smartly styled 3 Speed . Automatic Radio-Phon- ograph Combination, manu- factured by the nationally- known firm of Rogers-Majes- tic. The regular price is $209.- 95. Quantity buying of this model and our willingness to accept a lower mark-up en- ables us to offer these sets at this amazing price. All sets are new. All sets carry full guarantee. No trade-in accepted. Wilson & Lee Ltd. MUSIC STORE 87 Simcoe St. N. Dial 5-4706 au (291f) $5 per month. | COMIC BOOKS, ; sold or | way Boek Exchange, | Open every evening. Floor Covering Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over 300 smart 1953 patterns for every room in the house. Congoleums, Feltols, Rexoleums, Inlaids, Marboleums, etc. Harding and Barrymore Carpets; Hall Run- ner and Stair Carpct. Custom Rug sizes made to order. RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (2706) POCKET BOOKS, Kings- 561 King St. W (Dec20) SINGLE BEDS $9.95 Used but in guaranteed excel- lent condition, $9.95. New single - felt mattress, ' $7.95. Used, good condition, single féit mattress, $4.95; new spring-filled mattress, 1-year warranty, $17.95; new Roll- away folding beds with new mattress, $14.95; pillows, sheets, wool blankets in stock. A and A Store, 86 Simcoe N. Dial 5-4462. thant) WANTED TO BUY GOOD USED BATH tub and stove. Phone 2436 Bowmanville, and reverse charge. (296a) WANTED---POULTRY, HIGHEST MAR- ket prices, also feathers. Phone collect Mr. Parker, 486 Whitby. (Dec23) WANTED, LIVE POULTRY. FEATH: ers, scrap iron, metal, rags and mat tresses. Dial I. Turner. No: Oshawa, '3-2043 collect: (Dec26) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis St. East of C.N.R. Station WE PAY: Highest prices for Iron, Metal, Rags, Paper, etc. Free Pick-up Open Saturday Dial 5-3432 Res. 5-4159 (Jan15) M. Greenberg & Sons WE BUY: Scrap lron Metal Rags, Ete. Highest Prices Paid Phone 3-7333 -- 308 Bloor E. (Dec20) SHAW RAG and METAL Highest prices paid for scrap iron, and a great many other articles too | numerous to mention. These articles are all new, Terms cash. Frapk Stirtevant, Auctioneer. 296b) Power Exchange Memorialized MARYSVILLE, Mich. (CP)--On- tariowand Michigan government of- ficials Friday unveiled a plaque to commemorate what is believed to be the largest international ex- Shabge of electric power in the world. The ceremony was held in the shadow of one of the tall steel towers that carry electric cable 177 feet above the St. Clair river, linking the Ontario hydro-electric system and the Detroit Edison Company. The Ontario system, generating its power from falling water, will send its surplus to Edison. Edison, generating from steam power will supply Ontario when water re- serves are low. Bryan L. Cathcart, Progressive Conservative member of the On- tario legislature for Lambton West took part for Premier Frost who metal, rags, batteries, was ble to attend the cere- ete. Factory accounts appreciated 89 BLOOR ST. E. Dial 5-2311 -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-9111 (Jang) 42--Female Help Wanted TWO EXPERIENCED SALEG'RLS TR quired immediately. Apply Horwich | Jewlers, 20 Simcoe St. S. (295h) CLERK FOR GENERAL OFFICE work, typing and shorthand required. | 5-day week and all employee benefits. | Write Box 10, Times-Gazette. (295b) | YOUNG RELIABLE LADY WANTED TO A an fiers, 20° Simeos. A Horwich Jewellers, mcoe Ply .. (295b) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED --- FOR further particulars call '3-2808. (2936) HAIRDRESSER--NO EVENING WORK. Apply in person, The Vogue Beauty Salon, 3 Simcoe S. (292f) 2 CLERK-TYPISTS for Time Standards Department Payroll Department Single Preferred 0 ly. Ss. Apply Personnel Department CANADIAN AUTOMOTIVE TRIM LTD. Ajax, Ontario Phone Ajax 300 (296¢) 43--Male Help Wanted CARETAKERS WANTED FOR SEPAR- Schools, good Wages. Apply stating ex- perience to Box 908 Times-Gazette. (295¢) MAN FOR SHIPPING, RECEIVING & general shop maintenance duties in printing _ plant. Apply Walmsley and Magill, Printing Department, 30 Rich- mond St. West. (296¢) MECHANICAL DRAFTSMAN Opportunity in Engineering Office for good junior. Apply to Personhe! Manager, R. D. mony. Governor G. Mennen Wil- liams represented Michigan. : The link has a capacity of 125, 000 to 150,000 kilowatts and a similar link between Windsor and Detroit has the same capacity. The links went into operation about a month ago. PATTERSON HONORED STRATFORD (P)--Tom Patter- son, who, conceived the idea of Canada's 'Stratford Shakespearian festivil, has received the Cana- dian Drama Award for 1953. Mr. Patterson was unanimously chosen by the Canadian Drama Award Council and will receive an: en- graved scroll. He was recently named director of planning for the Stratford Shakespearian Festival of Canada Foundation. He was in- formed of his award in a letter from the council in Victoria. SOLINA Many Changes In Education GLADYS YELLOWLEES Correspondent SOLINA -- The Hampton Circuit Brotherhood met at Zion Church. Harvey Yellowlees presided. After the reading of the minutes by the secretary, A. L. Pascoe, Rev. F. J, Reed conducted the worship period, The program included piano sol- os'by Mr. J, Warrack and Harold Yellowlees. ' A. L. Pascoe gave an interesting talk on Changes in Education in the last 80 Years, recalling when he first attended Bradley's school, where M. A. James taught. They used slates and fron bound books, wore cooper-toed boots and were taught the three R's. He told of changes down through the years and interspersed his talk withisome humorous incidents. Master Ed. Haas favored with organ selections. \ C. R. Carveth of Newcastle, an adept on education, spoke briefly telling how much it costs the Town- ship of Darlington yearly to send pupils to Oshawa Collegiate instead of the Bowmanville High School. Master Jerry Hassiuk delighted with accordion selections, The meeting closed with a hymn and the Queen with Mr. Warrack at the organ. Refreshments were serv- {ed by the young men and a social 'half hour was enjoyed. | The next meeting will be at Eldad (Solina) on Thursday, Jane uary 14, when Courtice Brother. hood will be guests and provide the program. MISSION PROGRAM Mrs. Frank Westlake, Jr., pre- pared the missionary program at Sunday School. The Christmas story was read by Helen Knox; {the primary class members sang | Away In a Manger and Donna Vice read a missionary story. Little David Hamer, 17-month- old son of Campbell and Mrs. Ham- r, slipped and fell lastFriday e er, slipped and fell last Friday while playing and fractured the large bone in his right leg. Her many friends were sorry to learn of Mrs. A. Prescott's accident on Monday of last week. She is confined to Bowmanville Hospital with a serious back injury. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston, To- ronto, were Sunday visitors at Rus- {sell Gilbert's. Mr. and Mrs, Tom Westlake and | family, Bowmanville, visited Frank Westlake's Sr. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. and children visited Mrs. Edith | Marlowe's at Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. George Boutillier and L. Blewett, New Toronto, vis- ited on Sunday at E. Cryderman's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox were Sunday visitors at Geo. Gibson's at Taunton. Isaac Hardy was in Lindsay re cently, Mr. and Mrs. M. McCarréll and Marylin Omemee; Mr. and Mrs, A. Hills, Tyrone, visited Wes HIM Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hills ard Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yel- lowlees, 'Bruce Taylor and Miss Jean Montgomery attended a Fel- lowship meeting at Mr. and Mrs. J. Medland's at Brooklin, on Sun- day night. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peterbor borough; Miss Lena Taylor, Bowe manville, visited E. R. Taylor's. Mrs. G. L. Crouse, Vern, Glenn and Bob Caverley and Miss Norma Caverley, Oshawa, were at BE. Spires'. Mr. and Mrs. O. Lunn and Teddy, 'Peterborough; Miss Ida Stephens and L. Squair, Salem, visited Roy Langmaid's. Master Robbie Large, Bowman- ville, spent several days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman, were Sunday visitors at C, J Wray's in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. James, Osh- awa, visited N. C. Wotten's. Mrs. Alice Richards, Orono, visit- ed J. Kivell's. Miss Pearl Leach spent Sunday at her home in Taunton, Mrs. J. Kivell visited E. Woods' in Bowmanville. Mrs. Henry Ball, Donna and Bil- lie, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller, Margaret and Davie; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm, Brougham, visited John Knox's. Chas. Shortridge 'attended the fu pneral of his aunt, Mrs. Nanceki- vell, at Brooklin. A. L. Pascoe was the winner of a 7'%%-pound Christmas cake from the Canada Bread Company. Index To Want Accounts (Chartered) Automobiles Repairs Accounts Articles for Rent Architects . Dressmaki Employme! Wanted Engineers Vani For Rent Fuél Wood Gardening Supplies Household Repairs Instruction Automobiles for Sale Automobiles Opportunities Wanted Cartage Chiropodists Chiropractors Coat CokeFue) Male Help 8 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS Sharpening Farmers' Column Female Help Wanted ant Male & Female Help Wanted CLASSIFIED AD RATES if vot pald within 10 days the charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to origina, orders for consecutive insertions Ad Classification Money to Loan Barristers Real Estate Agents Nursing Services Optometrists Personal Personal Services Pets & Livestock Physicians Radio Repairs Real Estate For Sale Real Estate Exchange Wanted Room and Board Room and Board Wanted Suramer Resorts Surveyors Veterinaries Wanted fo. Rent Wearing Apparel Women's Column Market Basket ng nt and « BEREICH S88 BP BSSEBLLE LE 8 Ss 20 words or less Cash Charge 1.50 1.65 240 2.64 9 cew original «order at a later date constitute a $5.00 per month for - Each initial letter. abbreviation, $ Box charged All Glassified Advertisem publication. Office hours: REGULATIONS incorrect insertion Werner Co. (Canada) Limited, Simene Street South, Oshawa. and 20 words or less, 20c additional for all 'wurds over 20. ents MUST be in by Y am. the day of The Daily Times-Gazette shall not be responsible for errors in adver tisements submitted otherwise then in writing, nor for more than one of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single insertior. of the adver also the right to classify and c sign, figure, 15¢ additional count as & word Daily, §5° Saturday. 8-12. rtisements in which error occurs. ad And according to its own