. 0" a. DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, December 18, 1953 42--Female Help Wanted 39--Articles For Sale , SKIS, LADIES' CCM BICYCLE. &FT. hs with poles and boots, size 5%. Dial 3-4831. (293¢) COMIC BOOKS. POCKET agazines. sold x exchanged. C2 "Sons xchange. S61 King $0 - Open every evening. D : Floor Covering Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over 300 smart J953 patterns for every room RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE SOUTH SINGLE BEDS $9.95 Used but in guaranteed excel- "lent condition, $9.95. New single felt mattress, $7.95. Used, good condition, single felt mattress, $4.95; new ""spring-filled mattress, 1-year warranty, $17.95; new Roll- away folding beds with new mattress, $14.95; pillows, sheets, wool blankets in stock. CLERK FOR GENERAL OFFICE work, typing and shorthand Sday week and all employee benefits. Write Box 10, Times-Gazette. (295b) YOUNG RELIABLE LADY WANTED TO 1 week- and 4 . Apply Horwich llers, 20 Simcoe : iy sh, Jewe (295b) Lo day School rooms. COUNTER GIRL. APPLY IN PERSON, 808 Simcoe St. S. (294b) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED -- FOR further particulars call 3-2808. (2930) HAIRDRESSER--NO EVENING WORK. Apply in person, The Vogue Beauty Salon, 3 Simcoe 8. (2920) 43--Male Help Wanted UTOR TO SUPERVISE and man this phone Box 11. CARET. 'AKEHS W, Schools, good wages. A perience to Box 908 Times- VEHICLE MECHANIC FOR HCENCED EH p Nr large tull | prize, A ond A Store, 86 Si Dial 5-4462. Gail) TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, §3 UP + Contrieh Sry amd SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Dec.13) MANURE FOR SALE-DIAL $-6038. (Decl2) SHOP FOR XMAS AT HOME Watches - Silverware - Electric Shavers - Electric Irons & Ket- tles - Dishes - Blankets, etc., sold on small weekly pay- ments. Phone 5-2864 and a representative will call at your home. (Deca) INTRODUCING The new triple-track combina- tion ond screen, windows, oluminum doors and awnings, custom made. Free estimates. WEATHER GUARD SALES OSHAWA -- 3-211} (Dec28) Wilson & Lee Ltd. Trade-In Specials Slingeriand Trap Drum Outfit $175.00. Consisting of bass, bongo and snare drum, high hat sock symbol, cow bell, block, sticks, brushes, 3 cym- bals and stands, drum pad, etc. 3 Speed Sni Dor Radio Com- bination $89.95 (Latest type automatic) 60 Bass Piano Accordion and Case $8 Alto Sox and Cose . $119.95 Wilson & Lee Ltd. MUSIC STORE 87 Simcoe St. N. Dial 5-4706 390--Fuel Wood 44--Male or Female Help Wanted WANTED -- 200 TEEN-AGE BOYS AND girls to attend "teen town" dance tonight, CRA 8 p.m. (2952) 46--Employment Wanted 6) went to Mrs. R. Percy; second to MYRTLE STATION 8S. M. PERCY Correspondent day evening the Sunday School en- tertainment was held in the Sun- Several strip films from the Na- tional Film Board were shown. The beginners class favored with two selections, under the direction of Miss Elizabeth Deeming, Christ- mas bags were distributed and Sunday School Entertainment Show National Film Board Strips Sarneld > Newcastle, were Sun- ay gues r. and Mrs. A. G. MYRTLE STATION--On Thrus- | D homes in our community. beautiful Christmas entertainment in Ashburn Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening. TREE POSTPONED postponed till after Christmas on uff. The chickenpox has visited many Many from here attended the Our Christmas tree has Deen account of so. many being out of school with chickenpox. , Mrs. L. Mitchell visited Mr. and Mrs. Eric Woods in Toronto "over the week end. A carol and white gift service will be held on Sunday in Myrtle United Church at 8 p.m. There will be a film. All are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. A. B; Deeming at- for his Scripture as his text. "How do we find Je- usu." The choir sang "Open Mine Eyes." in Uxbridge on Friday last to visit Mrs. Fisher who is quite ill. Thornhill, were Sun sts of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver 7 oy reading and took Mr. and Mrs. A. Parrinder were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Baker of tended the meeting of the Ontario and York Counties' film club at Claremont. Mr. and Mrs. James Greenlaw, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Annan, Pickering, were Sunday guests of the Percy home. Sunday School and church were poorly attended last Sunday due to sickness and the chickenpox. Rev. -Ht H. Mutton read John 14: 1-14 STAFFORD BROS. MONUMENTAL WORKS Memorials @ Markers 318 DUNDAS ST E., WHITBY PHONE WHITBY 552 I ---- ET -- VIGOR OIL Co. Ltd. FOR THE VERY BEST NO. 1 STOVE OIL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICE! Dial 5-1109 78 Bond St. West a asant time spent. ete Myrtle Rebekahs of were present at Christmas Party, given in honor of those who are residents of Fairview Lodge, Whit- We are having winter in earnest with plenty of snow which makes it more like Christmas. EUCHRE AND DANCE A euchre and dance was held at Brooklin. The first ladies' prize Mrs. Oliver Lane for euchre. Gents' first prize was won by A. Timms and W. Routley the second Lunch was served and gdancing enjoyed for a few hours. Mrs. P. Maynard won the door prize and F. Taber and his girl friend won the spot dance prize. Thanks to all who donated prizes, helped with the music or in any way helped to make the evening a success. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne, R, DIAL 5-3958. EXPERIENCED CASHIE! 2950) ELIABLE IRISH LADY WOULD GO AS RL in exchange for cheap apart: ment. Highest references. Oshawa dis trict. Write box 7 Times-Gazette. p ' er ------ RELIABLE MIDDLE - AGED WOMAN would do baby sitting any day, after noons, evenings. Dial 5-3879. (2906) 47 --Legal Notices Township of. E. WHITBY Tender for Truck Sealed tenders marked "Ten- der for Truck" will be received by the undersigned until P.M., Monday, Dec. 28, 1953, for one four-ton truck or equivalent, complete with dump body and hoist. Tender prices must be stated separately for no trade-in, and also for trade-in of a 1949 KB8- International, Specifications may be obtained from the office of the under- signed. " WALTER BEATH, Road Chairman, E. Whitby Twp, Columbus, Ont. Quinte Conference YPU gathering at Peterborough, Saturday, Mrs. Werry and Donald accompanied him to Yelverton and visited her sister, Mrs. Arthur Rowan. It is here, good and proper, this morning. Christmas snow, sun. shine, nippy winds and cold toes. W'eve been talking about it, may- be it is more healthful, and cer- tainly we feel more like sending cards with their'lovely snow scenes and greetings dripping with icicles. All we hope is that the thermome- ter will not drop too low. It is beau- tiful with the clean whiteness shin- ing 'in the sun. Merry Christmas! Health and weather permitting, there will be a baptismal service at Kedron next Sunday, with the Christmas music and Rev. R. H. Rickard's message, you will not want to miss, the church should be filled. You are heartily invited to worship with us. Also a special service is being prepared for the S.S. hour, with a special white gift feature, for the Fred Victor Home, Toronto, and cash donations for Overseas re- lief. A Toronto lady in our home was speaking of her work in the Victor home for girls. We asked if there were any danger of too much being sent to the Fred Victor Home. The answer was '"'Oh, no, the need is great. Sometimes the call to other places to share KEDRON Sees Brother Installed KEDRON -- Weslin Allin and Charles Allin, Bowmanville, visit- ed Mys. Norman Allin and Mr. and Mrs.' M. Walter, Saturday after- noon and for tea. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Murdoch, Andy, Susan and Tim, were Sun- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fawcett, Toronto, and dur- ing the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Perry, Weston. kend AE with Richard SOFTWOOD FOOT-LENGTHS, #5, single ay Ts slabs, $6.50 single cord. Also body hardwood. Dial 32490. (Jans) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS FOR furnace, range or jacket heater $5 or $3 lots. Delivered anywhere. Dial 3 1. (Dec30) 39b--Coal-Coke-Fuel Oil STOVE OIL Prompt daily 'service, night delivery service. Cities Service Oil Products Day--Dial 3-9443 Night--Dial 5-5027 (Jan18) special w J. Luke included: for Saturday af- ternoon ard tea, Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Werry, Oshawa; for Sun- day dinner and the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Gibson, Tor- onto; and for the afternoon and tea, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, So- lina, with Mr. Wesley Werry call- ing in Seong ATTE! DUCTION Mr. and Mrs. James Pritchard, Palmerston, were in Whitby on Saturday for the induction of the newly-appointed Judge of Ontario County, his brother, Judge John Pritchard. Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard were Saturday overnight guests of Rev. R. H. and Mrs. Rickard at the Ma Columbus. It is of in- 40--Articles For Rent WE RENT ELECTRIC PORTABLE Sewing machines by the week or month. Just phone 5-5443, for free delivery and pick up, or drop in .to your local Singer Sewing Center 14-16 Ontario Street. (270TF) COMPLETE SANTA CLAUS OUT™!T for rent. Dial 5-3204. (2956) 41 --Articles Wanted USED CASH REGISTER, Phone 21r4, Brooklin. A SMALL PIANO PARLGUR SIZE M i be in good condition. Any interested dial SMALL. (2952) (285¢) CHILDS PLAY PEN IN GOOD CONDI- tion. D:al 3-7909. (295¢) PERSIAN KITTEN, BIRD CAGE AND s.aud, 'n Jood condidon. Call Mrs. Srow.i- lee 5-1867 hefore 7. (293¢) WANTED--POULTRY, HIGHEST MAR- ket prices, also feathers. Phone collect _ Mr. Parker, 486 Whitby. (Dec23) WANTED LIVE POULTRY. FEATH ers, scrap iron. metal, rags and mat tresses Dial |. Turner North Oshawa 32043 collect. y i (Dew) CEDARCALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis St. East of C.N.R. Station WE PAY: Highest prices for Iron, Metal, Rags, Paper, etc. Free Pick-up Open Saturday Dial 5-3432 Res. 5-4159 (Janis) M. Greenberg & Sons WE BUY: Scrap Iron Metal Rags, Etc. Mighest Prices Paid Phone 3-7333 -- 308 Bloor E. (Dec20) SHAW RAG and METAL riighest prices paid for scrap won, al, ne rags, Jatteties, matiieases. 89 BLOOR ST. & Dial 5-2311 -- J, SHAW Res.: 3-9111 (Jang) 42--Female Help Wanted TWO EXPERIENCED SAT 1GIPLS E terest to note that Mr. Pritchard's son, Kenneth, is now one of four men who select and dispatch "'Can- | adian Press" news. According to information received, Kenneth Prit- chard started his career as a news- paper man in The Times-Gazette. Were you at church last Sunday? No? That was too bad. The Chirst- mas Carols sung by the choir and by the congregation, and the mini- ster's sermon all made a very fine approach to the Christmas season. 'There is much more to Christmas than turkey dinners and family parties. i Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simpson, Nancy and little sister, moved into the Glover farm house, last Satur- day. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Simpson and daughters to our com- munity. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hunter, Terry and Sharon, moved into their new home on Saturday, just west of the late William Hepburn home. Our best wishes for happy home-making. Mrs. Everett Mountjoy attended the Harvey Hunt Auxiliary Christ- mas ting in Simcoe Street Uni- ted Chétrch, Thursday evening. The Misses Muriel and Helen Oke told of their trip to the Hawaiian is- lands, last summer , and showed beautiful colored slides of the is- lands Mrs. John Naylor, Oshawa, and Stuart Ayres, Zion, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Crossman to Lindsay on Sunday, where the; were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Brady. : Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Miss Norma Elliott, Freddy and Rob- ert, attended the funeral of Mr. Elliott's uncle, the late George Reid, 'at Gummer on Sunday. Mr. Mrs. Elliott also called on Mr. Elliott's uncle, Mr. Charles Rusaw, Peterborough Hospital, and were tea guests at Mr. Cecil Reid's, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mouatjoy visited her parents, Mr. and A W. Parish, Brooklin, Friday even- ing. Riss Muriel Elliott i spent a few days at home last week. Betty and Judy Mooney are holi- For on until Christmas, with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Kerr, Bancroft. W. A. Werry attended a Bay of, lon the highway near ber their showers with them." Miss Margaret Wray, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Arthur Wray's at the weekend. TWICE BEREAVED We extend sympathy to Rich. J. Luke in the passing of two cousins with whom he was especially asso- ciated during his earlier years: Mrs. Walter Lawson (nee Louise Maud Luke), daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Luke, who was born across the road where Harold Werry now lives. They spent their childhood in frequent exchange play periods. Interment took place in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Tor- onto, December 3. And Mrs. Wal ter Dean (nee Flossie Lee), who spent her girlhood days in this community, much of it in the Luke homé, and will be remembered by many readers. Her letters, full of fond recollections have been much prized by Mr. Luke. Interment took place in Mason City, Iowa, on De- cember 5. Miss Diane Lee attended the dra- matic entertainment at Enniskil- len, Saturdav evening, put on by the same group which made such a successful presentation of the Beantown Choir last , year. Their ! uperformance this year is even | better! Let's hear it!" en MOUNT CARMEL School Plans For Concert MRS. WALTER SLUTE Correspondent MOUNT CARMEL -- The Mount Carmel school Christmas tree and concert will be held in the school house on Monday evening, Decem- ber 21 to start at 8 o'clock. The concert will be put on by the pupils under the leadership of their teacher Mr. Irwin and Santa will be there to distribute the gifts from the tree. Everyone is wel- come, Miss: Ruth White and Mervin Gainer of Toronto were recent vis- itors with their sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Gainer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Konderman and children were Sunday guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Panrossell of Brooklin. * On Saturday evening, December 1, Mr. and Mrs. G. Strutt en- tertained a few friends. It was the occasion of Mr. Strutt's birthday. All enjoyed a very pleasant even- ing and wish him many more happy birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. T. DeMille and children and Jim DeMille of Osh- awa were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slute and family. On Sunday, December 6, Mr. and Mrs. Kodermaun and family at- tended the birthday celebration of Mrs. Konderman's father, Mr. Pan. rossell, at his home in Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Rus. Cochrane and family are at last enjoying the | hydro 'which was completed and turned on in their home recently. | WOMEN'S VOTE FELT QUEBEC (CP) -- Women were | allowed to vote Thursday for the | first time in elections at the sub- urban Huron Indian reservation at Loretteville. Result: Bernadette Picard and Mrs. Edgar Groslouis will take their places on the five- person reserve council under Chief Alphonse T. Pichard, ACCIDENT FATAL HAMILTON (CP) -- Mrs, Julio | | Karpenko, 56, of Winona, was | killed Thursday night when she was struck by a car while walking | home. Saturday Christmas Specials at AA STORE OPEN TONIGHT OPEN TONIGHT FREE When Gift Lists Are High and Money Low-- A & A Store Is the Place To Go! BOYS' SANFORIZED FLANNEL PLAID SHIRTS Sizes 6-14 in attractive colours at A & A. MEN'S SANFORIZED PLAID FLANNEL SHIRTS In S, M only. Reg. $2.95. At A & A Purple, White, etc. To the first 400 customers presenting this ad at A & A store we will give absolutely free a beautiful large size biscuit or bread and coloured, this evening or as many as are left tomorrow. LADIES' LONG SLEEVE 100% NYLON BLOUSES With frill front. Sizes 12-20 in Red, Black, Maize institu 1499 bun holder: beautifully styled and ._ MEN'S STATION WAGON COATS Fully quilt-lined Nylon Gabardine, fur (processed Lamb) collar, all-round belt, double patch pockets. AtA& A REVERSIBLE INDIAN ANIMAL PATTERN RUGS Ideal for car throws, couches, bed covers, efc. Reg. $3.98. At A & A ... KIDDIES' GABARDINE SNOW SUITS With fur trimmed hood and wcrmly in- terlined with Kasha. 3 04 "en 100% 90-day guarantee, all colours and sizes NYLON DRESS SOX DRESS HOSE Nylon wool and vicara diamond. Reg. $1.98, at A & A DRESS SLAX Men's nylo-gabardine, heavyweight for fall and winter with self-belt, all popular shades . ., COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Men's, short sleeves and long leg MEN'S "PENMAN'S DRAWERS" and tops for warmth and quality MEN'S LINED SKI-CAPS with ear flaps; or reversible hunting caps MEN'S ALL-WOOL CARDIGAN SWEATERS by "Penman's". All colours and sizes see seven -99¢ 3.95 All-wool, Blue, Navy, Wine and Grey. Reg. $3.95, ot A & A Fully lined and made of fine English Capeskin leather. From MEN'S COTTON BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS Walton cloth flannel in all sizes and colours. Reg. $4.39, at A & A With braided cord and trim in Blue, Wine and Fawn. Reg. $6.95, ot A & A . Fully lined in Brown, Navy and Tan. Reg. $22.95, ot A & A B-29 Sheepskin lined, (horsehide leather and genuine sheepskin lining) . .. MEN'S SLEEVELESS PULLOVERS Reg. $5.95. At A&A ... 5.98 1.99 and up MEN'S LEATHER DRESS GLOVES MEN'S EIDEROWN BATH ROBES 5.95 SUEDE LEATHER JACKETS ns 18.98 BOMBER JACKETS BINOCULARS The Ideal Gift for Dad 7 x 50, Carl Sweitzer ..... 8 x 30, Carl Sweitzer 8 x 26, Carl Sweitzer Army and Navy glass 4 x 10 Coated Optics with carrying case and straps ssscssnnes vss... 38.50 32.50 . 27.50 WATCHES Men's 15-jewel Swiss movement, 1-year guarantee 12.95 FLIGHT BOOTS Men's sheepskin, Men's rubber, with fleece lining ........ { . SNOWBOOTS Men's over-foot thermopile lined rubber. Ideal DENIM JEANS heavyweight sanforized plaid, Men's with zipper front and rivet pockets The ideal gift, you're sure to find the ideal style at A & A. Priced from . HUNTING PARKAS 9.95 for the postman, con- struction worker, driver .. .. SPORT SHIRTS Over 2,000 men's nylon gabardine acetate. All regularly priced from 3.95 to 5.95. Boxed for Xmas. All going for d 2.99 BOYS' STATION WAGON COATS -- With fur collar end lapels. Sizes 6-14. Warm quilted lining in nylon gabardine material. At A & A BOYS' WOOL PLAID STADIUM COATS -- With simulated fur collar back, warmly kasha lined. Sizes 6-14 Reg. 11.95. At A & A severe sasneenss BOYS' 74-OZ. FLANNEL PLAID LINED JEANS -- With zipper front. Reg. 3.95. At A & A BOYS' ALL-WOOL CARDIGANS -- With button front. Sizes 6-14 BOYS' ALL-WOOL FREIZE BREECHES -- With leather knee caps and zipper front. At A & A BOYS' PYJAMAS -- Sizes 6-14, Reg. 2.98. At A& Aonly ........ BOYS' ALL-WOOL TOUQUES -- In bright wool hockey-style club in Welton cloth flannel. sssesssssFessennans KIDDIES' FLANNEL SHIRTS -- With zipper front and elastic back, sanforized 3.69 "2.99 sssssscsses v Sizes 2-4-6 and elastic . 2.99 . 2.29 98¢ flannel in wine or KIDDIES' COTTON CARDIGAN SWEATERS -- KIDDIES' FLEECE-LINED SLEEPERS -- In pink or blue. KIDDIES' FINE CORDUROY OVERALLS-- Red, blue, wine, brown . KIDDIES' PLAID-CUT DENIM BOXER LONGS ....... CHILDREN'S FULLY-LINED Reg. 2.29. Sanforized. At A & A KIDDIES' WELTON CLOTH PYJAMAS-- Sizes 2-6. In brown, blue and wine BOYS' DRESSING GOWNS -- Sizes 6-16. In eiderdown ie cevensnes PLAID DENIM OVERALLS -- blue. Reg. 3.95 BEDSPREADS Double bed size, closely tufted, chenille, Reg. $8.95, at A & A . 5.95 Visit A & A's Toyland Department Pandas, reg. $5.95 Mechanical train sets . . .. Rubber squaky duck toys ..... Large size dolls Toy pistols Friction toys ceeds see sees sss I I ER 3.79 and 6.95 BLANKETS "H.B. all-wool Red and Green double size. .29 32 The ideal Xmas gift. At A & A only . 795 verses ee ee SINGLE BEDS" $9.95 Used, but in guaranteed excellent condition, $9.95. New single telt mattress, $7.95. Used, good condition, single felt mattress, $4.95; ney. spring-filled mattress, 1-year warranty, $17.95; new Roll-away folding beds with new mattress, $14.95 pillows, sheets, wool blankets in stock. A and A Store, 86 Simcoe N. Dial 5-4462.