26 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, Décember 17, 1958 Defeat Conservative Bid To Extend Anti-Dumping Lg A Progressive of > a Monthy prior eated a ve A Conservative move to broaden the visions of the bill went into overnment's new anti- dumping (effect last Tuesday, aimed chiefly : * at cut-rate United States textile imports. It provided for a customs ap) aisal when mpolt prices drop the |to_below-normal lev 'as the re- sult of the advance of the season or the marketing period." AMENDMENTS DEFEATED Mr. Fleming's first amendment, to apply the bill to all goods, was defeated 87 to 39. His second amendment, to delete of [the reference to season and mar- keting period, was rejected 104 to Mr. Fleming sald that "astute" U.S. manufacturers could find wi to get around such narrow tions. The present dum of US. goods was not co to sales at the end of seasons or marketing pefioas. Some U.S. textile plants pt operat! even after their pe. ine Thursd: own market: d been supplied in order to avoid the costs of shutting down. The surplus production was dumped into Canada, "the happy dumping ground." : Revenue Minister McCanp said if members wished to adopt the first amendment, the government was prepared to accept it apply the measure to imports of all goods. But the Sovermment could not agree to deletion of the reference to season and marketing period. The bill's aim was to provide for a fair and reasonable basis of valuation, Prime Minister St. Laurent said the type of dumping dealt with by the bill was not the kind of com- petition which Canadian manufac- turers should be asked to meet. i INO FAVORITE GROUP Man of Your 'Choice They're Washable The government was prepared, if members wished, to extend pro- 4 | visions of the bill to all goods. It did not want to'give the impres- sion it was favoring a certain Troup. A St. Laurent said, however, he did not think that any Souds other than manufactured articles came under the situation dealt with by the bill. Some members, including H. P. Cavers (L--Lincoln) and Charles Yuill (SC--Jasper-Edson), said the bill should protect fruit and veg- etable wers from U.S. impo during their marketing season. Mr. St. Laurent replied that he believed the Frowers would pre- fer the present system of seasonal tariffs on U.S. fruits and vegetables Maori Dance On Royal Ship 'ABOARD 8. 8. GOTHIC (Reut- ers)--Queen Elizabeth steps ashore ay to a royal come in the Fiji islands. The islanders have been holding full-scale rehearsals. of native dances and ceremonies since they learned the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh Jlanned to stop at Suva on their Commonwealth tour. It will mark the first time they have touched land since leaving Pan- ama Nov. 29. The royal couple alre has been given a preview of the en- tertainment. Maori crew members of the escort New Zealand cruiser Black Prince daubed their faces and donned yellow and black skirts Tuesday night when they visited this royal liner. Accom- panied by guitars, they chanted and whirled about in war dances. MP's Overtime To Get Break OTTAWA (CP)--Parliament may adjourn tonight for the Christmas recess. . Members Tuesday night agreed to a proposal by Citizenship Min- ister Harris, government House |§ leader, that they sit this afternoon and evening in an effort to finish necessary business before the hol- ¥ iday recess. Parliament will reassemble Mon- day, Jan. 11. rather than protection under the new legislation. Asks Gov't To Donate Yukon, N.W.T. To Provinces OTTAWA (CP)--Sendtor W. M. Aseltine, acting Opposition leader in the Senate, Tuesday suggested that the government could get rid of a costly administrative head- ache by giving the Yukon and Northwest Territories to the four western provinces. - nator Aseltine made the sug- gestion during debate on a meas- ure changing the name of the de- partment of resources and devel opment to the department of mnor- thern affairs and national resour- ces. "I am informed that the cost of administration is considerable and that there is very little revenue so I am going to Suggest that my solution of this whole problem of looking after the northwest terri- tory would be to give it to the provinces," he said. British Columbia would get the Yukon and that part of the North- west - Territories 1 to its north and Alberta, Saskatchewan and Hane, el orthwe: el ef mein was given approval in principle and sent to Fog dB for further study. Senator W. Ross Macdonald, gov- ernment leader in the upper cham- ber, drew a laugh when he asked Senator Aseltine if he thought the proviies would ask for a subsidy 0 administer the 1,500,000 square miles of mineral-rich territory. TROPICAL DISEASE Malaria cases reported in Can- ada last year numbered 522, but most were contracted outside the oceans is 19,450 feet--more Mas DEEP WATER | The average depth of the, world's! two miles. committee on natural resources || country. HAROLD G. ROUGHLEY INSURANCE Announces Their NEW ADDRESS Effective December 15 THE METROPOLITAN BLDG. 64 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA - ONTARIO Phone Number Remains 5-4251 SALLY'S SALLIES "Lounger" Bouncy, bubble-rubber, mid soles, soft flexible outsoles. Warm end somfortable. Sizes 6 to 113. $4.95 Si Save Up to 570.00] ON A BRAND NEW NORTHERN ELECTRIC TELEVISION | Just in time for Christmas, Hill-Cornish Electric Ltd. smash Television prices, offering honest-to-goodness savings on nationally famous Television. We have to have the room for more models, so you save money, but hurry. They won't last long at these prices! 'Save $70.00 on This 21" Console Northern Electric ; TV Modeincaiv New aluminized back picture tube, giving up to 85% neg, $569 -- how ony 4.99.00 SAVE On this beautiful 21" con- sole model with doors offer: ing new "up front" TV aot its best, with the new alum- inized picture tube to give up to 85% brighter picture. Tinted safety glass elimin- ates glare. See! The NEW... 1954 'CHEVROLET a ON DISPLAY ; Tomorrow ALSO TOMORROW EVENING at the ONTARIO MOTOR | SALES LIMITED KING and MARY STS. OSHAWA DIAL 3-2256 Model NC 21 V We sell only the finest in television -- We install what we sell -- With the best material and workmanship -- We service what we sell -- Customer satisfaction is our business. Hill-Cornish Electric Lid. 50 PRINCE ST. OSHAWA Dial 3224