1 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, December 15, 1058 "An Old Story But It Always Has A Happy Ending--"Sold The First Night" Mr. C.-- William W., Was Able To Cancel This Ad Aft er The First Insertion FINDLAY SPACE HEATER, a TOR size 200-gallon 3 -- 25--Real Estate For Sale 28--For Rent 32-- Automobiles For Sale $7,500 $1,800 Cash -- Balance as rent and you can move today into this cosy 4-room bunga- low, that has all conveniences including modern kitchen, 3- pc. bath, hot-water heater, large living room with picture window, overlooking Lake On- tario; economical | oil heating equipment; low taxes; go- rage; can be seen anytime, HIGHLAND AVE. $11,500--Modern § - room brick bungalow, built about 3 rs. Excellent condition, oil ali ; large garage, $5,000 cash, " Early possession. ROXBOROUGH AVE. $10,500 -- With $3,000 cash obtains immediate possession of a 6-room, |Va-storey bun- galow. There are 5 rooms and Sunroom down with one large up. Natural fireplace. Timken oil burner. Buy it to- day and you can be settled by Christmas, BUNGALOW $7,900--About half cash. An excellent buy at the price, consisting of 4 rooms with large living room, 19 ft. long. | Brick construction. Full base- ment, hot-air heated, Good residential district close to school. Owner is moving into his new house and can ar- range possession for Christ- mas. W. E. HOLMES Broker BOND AT ONTARIO DIAL 5-2363 ANYTIME Salesman BD. IRISH -- DIAL 3-3301 (291b) LARGE. 3 . aod ak tn, Kite apartm cupboards sink en, business couple only. Apply 446 borne St. E., after 6. , TWO PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE- CLEAN FURNISHED BEDROOM SUIT- close Motors. 2910) SELF CONTAINED APARTMENT. UN. Tmm 3 ediate possession. Dial 3-761. 2910) $3 UNFURNISHED ROOM APARTMENT Wh yk © Hehe: Suv 10 MD) L A AR GE COMFORTABLE BEDRCOM, th or without wil po for gentleman. Apply 369 Divison, LARGE WARM HOUSEKEEPING ROOM near hospital and Motors suit business couple or 2 or 3 gentlemen, 239 Simcoe st. N. (291) FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room gentlemen preferred. Apply 174 Ar- thur or dial 3-754. (2910) LARGE FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE or two, Dial 3-7800. (2920) ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, OL CLOSE TO Motors business better home; Me Apply 114 5% Egin HS BEAUTIFULLY room flat, all conveniences private en- trance. No objection to teen-age chil- dren. ces ' required. Apply 271 Celina St. (at Elm) evenings OY il) 3 ROOMS, UNFURNISHED, NOT heated. Write Box 840, bis b+ > SMALL | HOUSE AT FAIRPORT, PART- ly ed. Immediate possession. Phone P Pickering 389W4. (2922) UNFURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- RB rooms. Apply 91 Burk St. (298b) UNFURNISHED CHILD 5. Apply 105 Celina' St. (2922) 2-ROOM APARTMENT OR CAN BE used for business office. Apply 16 Bond St. E. (293b) 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, PRIVATE Apply 206 Marie St. (292¢) New Housing Project $1,810 DOWN 3-bedroom brick bungalows, fully modern throughout, full height basement, suitable for recreation room, sewers and water in. Dial 3-3849 or 3-3331 until 6 P.M. Leon B. Nash Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Agent 13%4 Simcoe St. N. After 6 p.m. Please Dial LLOYD METCALF = --3-2988 EVERETT ELLIOTT --3-9290 DOUG WILSON --3-3507 7 _Reol Estate Wanted y | ville 2834. 13 Prince Street Dial 3-2512 or 804 Whitby anytime Deca) ' BERNEICE H. PATRICK Real Estate Broker LISTINGS WANTED PERSONAL SERVICE 3 BOND ST <TAST - DIAL 5-3602 DIAL 3-3800 DIAL 5-0457 (Dec30) FARM WANTED WITHIN 10 MILES OF Oshawa preferably toward Toronto. State 28--For Rent FURNISHED 30M, APPLY 65 CHAR- les St. Dial 3-7368. (292¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR RENT in new home, suitable for gentleman or lady. Apply 304 Wilson Rd. 8. FURNISHED BEDROOM, Breakfast if desired. Dial "s-0081. LARGE FURNISHED APARTMENT 3 ROOMS and kitchenette: no children. Apply 235 Simcoe 8 (296¢) SEE DOUG AMEY FOR THAT NEW 41-53 CARS RING, More cas FOR you at Dodd's C ark Road South. Dial 3-9421. (Decl) ) | ATTENTION CAR BUYERS AND SELL ers--Buying o | FOR A SQUARE DEAL | SEE JOHNNIE Limited. Ni Ww. » Walkes Bramley Motors 5-5708. cars. Dial 3-4675: a (Decl5) SELLING YOUR CAR? quick pla us. All cars fuancing, You get paid cash. information Open till 9:30 P.M. ial 3-4851 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. HAS THE BEST USED TRUCKS FOR THE LOWEST PRICE FORD 12-TON PANEL, $545 GMC 2-TON PICK-UP, Bell Telephone truck, Dunlopillow cushions, special body and' over- head racks, ideal for television service truck. COME IN -- TEST DRIVE AND BUY WATCH THIS AD DAILY 33--Automobiles Wanted 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, continuous hot water, cen tally | loasted, ideal for business Dial 5- > NICE FURNISHED BEDROOM, PRI- vate home, for one gentleman. Close to Moturs: ang down Wwn. TON) IMMA LARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, unfurnished. Dial 3-7460. (290c) FURNISHED BEDROOM, LO- cation. 'Continuous hot Dial 85-1096. (290c) @GOo0D 'water. PARKING LOT FOR RENT. DO town, by week or month. Dial 3-8876. Jan. 30) IOUSEKEEPING CARS WANTED IMMEDIATELY MUST BE CLEAN We sell nothing but the best. Highest prices paid ot KENNY VAN COURTE MOTORS 83 Ritson Rd. S. (283th) 5 [STRICTLY BUSINESS on women | 39--Articles For Sale 43--Male Help Wanted PHILLIPS 17-INCH "TELEVISION, Me- 4.8. Avene INVESTMENT "Down, Fang! We'll wait and see how our investment furns out!" An investment in The Daily Times-Gazette Classified Ads turns out the kind of results you like. Call 3-2233, 39--Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale SEALED TENDERS Will be received by undersign- ed until Friday, Dec. 18 for Oakwood Church shed. Metal clad, self-supporting roof, size about 160° x 50°, frame, in excellent condition, Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HUGH DAVIDSON, Secretary of Board, Oakwood, Ont. (2897) SECOND HAND STOKER, GOOD CONDI- tion new reporch and motor overhauled lately. Have put in oll. Apply 55 Drew St. Dial 3-4845. (290¢) MANS BICYCLE, TABLE MODEL CROS- ley radio. eral other items. Dial 5-4295. (290¢) CHRISTMAS TREES. SCOTCH PINE. Bob Brown, 45 Farewell Ave. Dial 3- 3884. (2880) B. F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, batteries Addison appliances, Television. Thrifty budget plan. Dial 5-4543. eit C. ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM SASHES, No. 1 quality, measurements and esti mates free. Dial 3-4989. (Dec18) GENERAL ELECTRIC FOOD MIXER, makes an ideal gift, oly a2 50 at Meagh. ers Electric, 5 King Si 2911) MOFFATT GAS RANGE WHITE ENAM- el, 4 burner and table top automatic oven, excellent condition. Dial 5-0325. (291b) SCOTCH PINE CHRISTMAS TREES DICK BRADLEY'S 299 SIMCOE S. SCOTCH PINE, CHRISTMAS TREES. All size. 737 Margaret St. corner of Annis. Dial 5-0408. (288¢) STROMBERG CARLSON COMBINATION radio. Black seal coat and muff. Size 15. Good Apply 34 St. of. ter 5. (291c) MUSIC uSASE. IDEAL CHRISTMAS gift for the young musician. Price from $2. 1 up. Wilson and Lee Ltd., 87 Simcoe St. N. Dial 5-4706. (ie) BUY HER A HOOVER VACUUM cleaner for Christmas. Ask about our convenient budget plan. Meagher's Elec- trie, Dial 35-4711. nn SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS, ALSO cutting heads, cords, etc. Also Sunbeam Shavmaster, $5 down, month. 's, 5 King St. W. 1 Di Mixed Slabs Soft Slags Foot-lengths V4-Cord Lots, 75¢ Extra G. HEASLIP PHONE 37R33 BETHANY, ONT. (Dec23) S-cu. ft and 3-9307, 210 Ritson Road 8. (292¢) KITCHEN TABLE di FOUR chairs, red leatherette cover, good con dition. Dial 5-0439, or odo 'ot Jed Street. (292¢) LARGE COAL SPACE HEATER. REA- sonably priced. Dial 5-2550. (2032) SINGLE BEDS $9.95 Used but in guaranteed excel- lent cdondition, $9.95. New single felt mattress, $7.95. Used, good condition, single felt mattress, $4.95; new spring-filled mattress, 1-year warranty, $17.95; new Roll- away folding beds with new mattress, $13.95; pillows, sheets, wool blankets in stock. A and A Store, 86 Simcoe N. 'Dial 5-4462. (Janl) USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, $3 UP. B.F. Goodrich Stoves. Phone 5-4543. 8, AD SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 Dec.13) MANURE FOR SALE-DIAL 5-6028. (Decl?) SHOP FOR XMAS AT HOME Watches - Silverware - Electric Shavers - Electric Irons & Ket- tles - Dishes - Blankets, etec., sold on small weekly pay- ments. Phone 5-2864 and representative will call at your home. (Deca) AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. Lovely patterns. Free estimates. Folding chairs, card and banquet tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Dec.14) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR oun rugs and woollens, reversible seamless Srnadioom any size or - Save up to Continental Bug Co. Ltd. Dial 1553, Novas) INTRODUCING (0) SALESMEN * Well-established company, dig- nified work, no travelling, above average income. Inter- views will be granted from 10-12, Friday, Saturday, Mon- day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. ALGER BUILDING '37 King St. E., Oshawa 2nd floor, Room 22 (2880) Experienced Hardware Salesman With car, wanted to cover Ontario East of Toronto and North to the Sault for old established cutlery Company. Well developed territory. Sal- ary, commission and expenses or straight commission -- as desired by salesman. No side lines permitted. Write giving detailed list of experience to Box 830 Times-Gazette. (290C) Required Immediately By Coronet Television Corp. Three Salesmen Shortage in our staff caused by promotion of six of our men in the last two weeks. Highest Commissions Paid High man's pay this week -- $240.79. Low man's Pd week -- $89.6 WHY ACCEPT LESS? BENEFITS SUPPLIED CAR ESSENTIAL LEADS SUPPLIED OPPORTUNITIES FOR ADVANCEMENT UNLIMITED Apply in person Mr. H. R. MacDonald 74 Celina Street Oshawa this (290C) The new triple-track a- tion ond screen, windows, aluminum doors and awnings, custom made. Free estimates. WEATHER GUARD SALES OSHAWA -- 3-2111 (Novae) 390--Fuel Wood SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTHS, $5, single cord; hardwood slabs, $6.50 single cord. Also body hardwood. Di 5-2490. (DeeB) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS FOR furnace, range or jacket heater $5 - $3 lots. Delivered anywhere. Dial 7301. Novas 40--Articles For Rent DEWILDE AND PENHALE, TARPAUL- ins, canvass articles, new and repaired. COMPLETE SANTA CLAUS OUTFIT for rent. Dial 5-3294 (2891) Auto slip Jovars. tent rentals. U = 0 King St. W. Dial 55563. Residence (Dec13) (2910) | PAINT, Fi Logo's EXTERIOR, ALL teed, $2.95 surT- | 36--Pets and Livestock . ROOMS FOR RENT. or 2 gentlemen. Private entrance. Apply , | 209 Simcoe St. South. (271) ING CA- on Bowmanville Phone WINTERIZED bin, Black Cat Imm, vr (2570) PONTIAC INN Comfortable furnished rooms in residential hotel, meals served 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Close to new GM; Jelevision lou ly Pontiac inn. Dial 3.3998. 29--Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT-SMALL HOUSE or 3 unfurnished rooms with couple with 2 children, ages 13-14. Write Box 940 Times-Gazette. (293) YENEHAN THE ADVANCED h type. most startling develop gallon guaran gallon. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church St. (Dec30) REG. 20s COLLIE PUPPIES, $20. wil 8 Veeky old H small Le 0M (Jani) ROLLER CANARIES, YELLOWS VARI- ated and greens. From club stock. Dial (Jan. 8) ROLLER CANARIES, GUARANTEED singers, $8. Apply 261 Gibbon St. FOR SALE--2 COCKER SPANIEL PUP. ples, black. Apply first farmhouse Cor- bett's Point Rd. north of old highway. (292b) CUTE LITTLE BROWN AND WHITE terriers also collie puppies. Female $3, male $5. Bowmanville 2749. (2922) DACHSHUND PUPPIES CKG R REGIS- tered. Twin Birch Kennels. Phone Whit- (292¢) LIVE GEESE FOR SALE. PHONE, 2983 Bowmanville. 292a) REG. FOX TERRIERS spaniel . male, red Kn (Dec23) 3 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms by Jan. 1 Central preferred. Dial 3-2080 after 6. (2901) - | 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR 3 GIRLS willing to share. Private homie. North end. Dial 3-934. (2972p) Dial 5-0164. BEAUTIFUL REGISTERED COLLIE and stock, stud ioe. Ll Loch Kennels, 1000 Byron South, Whitby. (2746) BABY BUDGIES READY FOR TRAIN- ing, talking strain. All colors, 114 EI. gin East. Dial 3-9707, (Dec9) SINGLE ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN, block from Motors, also 2 large house- rooms bedroom shed. No bjection 40 1 amall ehild. Dial 340 ) SMALL HOUSE TO RENT, G (2920) | 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, PRIVATE nt bath. Apply 12L Annis St. (2022) 314 LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, BUS . Dial 3 7865. (292a COMPLETELY FURNISHED BASE ment apartment, private entrance, 3-pe. bathroom, frig, stove, etc. Would prefer couple only, with housewife assisting in upper apartment. Phone be- tween 58 p.m. Dial 3-3398. (2928) 3 - ROOM APARTMENT, CENTRAL. Baby welcome. Apply 150 Burk o > FURNISHED BEDROOM, NEWLY DEC- orated, for 2 gentlemen, Apply 160 Park Road North. (ane SINGLE ROOM FOR "ONE OR T™O0 Sentigmen. Central. Dial 3-7698. (2920) 3 PARTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, PRI vate entrance. Apply 106 William St. E. (C 202a) APARTMENT, MODERN, 4 ROOM, + hardwood floors, well heated. | men. Apply 223 Athol St. E. ROOM AND BOARD FOR 8 MEN. Very central. Apply 20 Oak St., or dial 5-0980. (292¢ ROOM AND BOARD, FOR 3 GENTLE. men, singe , private home. Garage available. ood 169 Gibb St, or dial 5-0576. (292¢) ROOM AND BOARD | FOR SINGLE gentleman. Apply 592 Howard St. (292¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- men, central. Dial 5.3955. (2920) ROOM GENTLE- AND BOARD FOR 3 ) men. Central. Apply 318 Nassau St. (291¢) ROOM AND GOOD BOARD FOR GEN- tleman. Variety of foods and plenty of it. Apply 115 Alice (291¢) ROOM AND BOARD SUITABLE FOR ons ar we people, © Dial 3-4172. Apply 12 BOARD- ing, trimming, bathing, defleaing. Wau- ) | bea Kennels, new highway near Drive in Theatre. (Dect) 37--Farmers' Column DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP promptly. Phone collect Bowmanville 2679 Also live borses. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. (Dec28) (2920) | oe: in tened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful enclosure. We are sure these blinds will not only safisfy but create enthusiasm. obligations. George Reid. Dial 5-0633 -- 66 Bond St. West. (Dee.12) SUNBEAM FAYEMASTER AND parts head: onde. Se oi Bo 4 br West. (Nov.28) CONSOLE RADIO AND RECORD Good- ALL TIME ALUMINUM WINDOWS and doors. Awnings ad door canopies. For free call ot 5-4332. Dial (Dec20) We have a number of good used radio-phono combinations: Westing- house, Philips, Motor- ola, RCA Victor, etc. All at sacrifice prices. EXAMPLE: 1 RCA Vie- tor with beautiful wal- nut cabinet, automatic recor changer, golden throat radio, for only $89.50. Come in and look them over. Low down pay- ment. Easy Terms. JACK BIDDULPH APPLIANCES 68 Simcoe St. N. DIAL 5-1179 (ste) ELECTROLUX, Queen, $19.95 UP -- HOOVER. General Electric, Filter Rexair Sales. Dial $8121. (Nova®) PLUMBING SUPPLIES. BEDROOM 38a--Market Basket d suite. Space heater, stok- - £ bathioon set, sinks, 3- (Jan. > COME AND GET THEM WHILE THEY last. Carrots, turnips, onions, spys and other apples, also fresh eggs at Jean Goodells Farm Gardens, Simcoe St. N. Phone 5-5978. (Jan$) FRESH YOUNG PRE - DRESSED geese. Phone 3-3024, before Saturday. for Christmas delivery. (292¢. RR 3, Uxbridge, or phone Port 125R1L (Dec26) ) one year. Dial SUNBEAM ELECTRIC SHAVER USED 5-5434. (290c! ROOM. AND BOARD FOR 32' GENTLE. Single beds, private home. Su, 900) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 TO SHARE i (290¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLE- (2870) 7 | Apply 384 Mitchell Ave. 32--Automobiles For Sale 53 BUICK 2 TONE SEDAN, DRIVEN 8 weeks, $2550. Dial 3-3508. possession, Adults only. Apply Apart. ment 2, 165 Verdun Road. 2Ro0M APARTMENT, 'UNFURNISH- ed. Young couple with child. $55 monthly. Will look after child while parents work. Abstainers. Apply 718 Simcoe 8. BEDROOMS, | SINGLE, 'SHARING, TWIN beds, bus at door, parking space, break- ". ootional. Clean and comfortable. 376 w. (2916) ..iEDIATE POSSESSION, 5 ROOM |" s.azalow, north end, for winter months, Pr 3 .rhed or unfurnished. Dial 5-0419 after pm : (Me) iid DODGE COACH, PERFECT CONDI- tion, will sell or trade. Later model. Sacrifice. Apply 160 Park Road North. { (292¢) '53 HENRY J. HEATER, DEFROSTER and undercoating, Apply 263 Haig St. before 4. (2920) '53 BEL-AIRE SEDAN, POWERGLIDE, like new, low mileage. Owned by lad Dial 5-104, NEW 3 3 ROOM AND BATH BASEMENT ent, Adults only, immediate pos «ADDI After 5 pm. 472 Drew St (291¢) SPACE OR (9024) FOR STORAGE nda LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS Want cars for wrecking, nighest prices paid, - Dial 50533 or 3-2924. (Dec?) PHONE FED CAMPIN FOR NEW OR used cars or ot Cuff DEills Mo tors, with and without Christmas Specials We have priced our stock of used electric ranges and refrigerators at real low prices to clear. RANGES Norge, Frigidaire, Findlay and other makes. RANGETTES oven heat control REFRIGERATORS Frigidaire, Norge and Astral (small apartment. size) The above equipment carries a guarantee. A REAL CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Bendix Automatic Washer $59.50, in good condition. See our Ajax store for bargains Home Appliances 90 Simcoe St. S. -- Dial 5-5332 | . $35 up. Applv B.F rich Stores Dial 5-4543 (145tf) BREAKFAST SUITE, 9% CHAIRS, DROP- leaf table, $15. Dial 5-2607 after 6 p.m. (2922) TIRES, 2 GOODYEAR SUBURBAN snow ina mud' grip, 600 x 16, $30. Dial 51754 292) | PRINCESS PAT PAT | COOK STOVE, EXCEL. | | lent condition. Dial 5-5639. 324 St. Julien. (292a) CHESTERFIELD, Al CONDITION, blue and wine. Dial 5-4003. (292¢) 18 BASS HOHNER PIANO Accor. dion, excellent condition, $45. Dial 2192. (Dec15, 1 LARGE ELECTRIC RAD, NEW. WILL sell for $10 less than it cost. Keg of 24" 5-4652. (2922) nails. Dial CHILD'S PEDAL AUTO, SIZE 2-5 YRS. os good condition, $10. Dial 56304. (292a) RUG ¢ x 9, 3 TONE TAUPE i Soop condition, with pad, $35. Dial i SINGLE BED WITH |, MATTRESS, also cook Dial 5-2313 (292¢) MAHOGANY FIN- ish; also Beatty table top electric iron- dood condition. Dial 3.3002 (293¢ "$3" DOUBLE OVEN, MOFFATT range, completely automatic, $75, and take over payments. Apply 4 Plies PIANO, DINETTE SUITE, TEA WAG- on, large beds complete, vanity, chest of drawers, porcelain table, table radio, small record player lawn mower, gar- Gell Hoola, Sieen. Tug, 4%' x 7%'. Dial 3-2377 after 6. (292¢) LADY'S STATION WAGAN COAT, SIZE 12, worn only 2 months. Cost $45, will sell for best offer. Dial 3-9019. lors, | WE SELL NEW SKATES AND WILL exchange. All sizes. Oshawa Cycle Sales. 16 Bond St. E. Dial 3-4341. (Jan13) LARGE McCLARY HEATER. DIAL 5-1303. (292¢) ) | ELECTRIC 4-BURNER RANGE; Me- asher; Clary w. ; chrome table and chairs. Other household articles. Apply 208 Park Ave. (oft Park Rd. 8.). (282¢) "CLIMATITE"" Aluminum combination windows and screens © "Maloney" Aluminum Combination doors, $59.50 Low Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 (Deck) COMIC BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, magazines. sold or exchanged. Kings way Book Exchange, 561 King St. W Open every evening. (Dec20) Floor Covering Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over 300 smart 1953 patterns for every room in the house. Congoleums, Feltols, Rexoleums, Inlaids, Marboleums, etc. Harding and Barrymore Carpets; Hall Run- ner and Stair Carpet. Custom Rug sizes made to order. RUTHERFORD'S 156 SIMCOE SOUTH 2700) WE RENT ELECTRIC PORTABLE sewing machines by the week or month. Just phone hig jo free delivery and pick up, or in your local Singer Sewing or, Te] Ontario Street. (270TF) 41--Articles Wanted WRITING DESK, MUST BE IN GOOD condition. Box 237 TIMesCasetie. oi > 0) WANTED--POULTRY, HIGHEST MAR- ket prices, also feathers. Phone collect Mr. Parker, 486 Whitby. (Dec23) | coop GOOD USED GIRL'S "JUVENILE BICY- cle, ccm preferred. Dial 3-2796. (292b) BABY 'WALKER, GOOD CONDITION. Apply Mrs. McLaren. Dial 5-5489. c > 46--Employment Wanted RELIABLE MIDDLE - AGED WOMAN would do baby Sitting any day, noons, evenings. 5-3879. (2908) LADY WANTS DAY WORK, RELIABLE. Mondays and Tuesday. Will fron. Please dial 5-4340. (291¢) ODD JOBS. FLOOR CLEANING AND polishing. ete. Glazing and painting. a & W. Ser (Dec2l) al | vice. Dial 3.7213. 47--Legal Notices I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name without my written consent, as from this date, De- cember 15, 1953. Ken. Salisbury 8 Westmoreland Ave. 48--Auction Sale AUCTION SALE--STIRTEVANT'S AUC- tion Room, 33 Hall 8t., evening, Dec. 15, at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:45. Dptisnt Piano; Electric Washer; Kinder- 8 Child's Crib: Rockers; Vacuum Cleaners; National Cash Regis- ter; Rollaway Bed and Mattress; Rock- ers; tchen 3 Pedestals; High Chair; Trunk; Portable Grama- phone; Sewing Cabinet; Clothes Hamp- = Corner Cupboard walnut); field; Table (wal- , nut); ; 8-plece Dining Roo | Suite; a antity of Bicycle Wheels; Set of ware; Baby Stroller; Record Player; 2-piece Chesterfield Suite; Suebee Heater; Annex; Concrete Blocks; Room WANTED, LIVE POULTRY. FEATH ers, scrap iron, metal, rags and mat 'resses Dial IL. Turner North .Oshawa, 3-2043 collect. (Novae) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis St. East of C.N.R. Station WE PAY: Highest prices for Iron, Metal, Rags, Paper, etc. Free Pick-up Saturday Dial 5-3432 Res. 5-4159 (Dec.15) M. Greenberg & Sons WE BUY: Scrap Iron Metal Rags, Etec. Highest Prices Paid Phone 3-7333 -- 308 Bloor E. . (Dec20) Mirrors; Cooking Utensils; Dishes and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant auctioneer. Dial 5-5751. (Decl4,15) 16 Pages Only In Shaw's Play LONDON (Reuters) ay Bernard Shaw's last play, unfin- ished when he died three years ago, may Provide writers with the same fun they have had trying to write an ending to Charles Dick- ens' unfinished "Edwin Drood." But there are only 16 poorly- type. and heavily-corrected pages o ner. She a a Not--a i a rougl draft of the first five scenes. There is little great or even funny writing in the play--Shaw ! | commission, headed by m manager of the New York da What is thought to be the tusk of a giant mastodon was dis- covered at the bottom of a 30- foot gravel pit eight miles east of Hamilton, Ont. by James Syvert. The 24- year-old shovel operator for a concrete block company found the object while digging. It was "brown in color, weighed about 70 pounds, and 'measured nearly three feet. Dr. Herbert Arm- Strong, of McMaster university, Hamilton, said the fossil, seen above, ehibited by Milv Annetil may well date back 15,000 years to the time of the ice age. It is believed the animal came to that area during the ice age to escape the cold, or in enemy and probably was trapped in quick- sand. Presence of 30 feet of animal was overtaken by the huge glacier of ice which once completely covered the district about 15,000 years ago. was 94 when he died, with nearly 50 plays behind him. It seems largely a reversal of "The Million- airess," with a man the money- making main character instead of a woman. The manuscript now is in the after- | British Museum, where it was de- posited after two well-known dram. atic critics and a number of lit- erary experts decided there was Bo. Poin in trying to publish or It can he read by anyone im- terested enough to ask for it, but since it was deposited Dec. 4, only two persons -- both journalists-- have read it. The museum piece is a carbon copy and no one Fegms to know where the original is. The copy was found aiong Shaw's effects after his death. Off Draft WASHINGTON (CP)--A plan for a lottery to select American youths. for either military training or ser- " | 1 | vice was recommended to Presi dent Eisenhower Monday by a special commission. The national securit; ulius Ochs Adler, vice-president and general es, hower asked last August for recoms , mendations with a view to creating a pool of trained reservists who would be called, in a national emergency, ahead of veterans of the Second World War and Korean ar. The lottery would determine who' would get six months' training and who would be required to serve two years as a draftee. The Commission recommended that the system start by Jan. 1, 1955, with the raining of 100,000 18-year-olds, the number increas- ing as manpower availability and he size bf the armed forces per- It noted that when the Korean War broke out more than 600,000 Second World War veteran reser- vists were called to fight "their second. war, just five to eight years after they fought through their first." It described this as unfair and said a plan to train youths under the new plan would help elimin- ate this. SHAW RAG and METAL batteries, ctory accounts appreciated 89 BLOOR ST. E. - Dial 5-231) -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-9111 42--Female Help Wanted HAIRDRESSER--NO EVENING WORK. Apply in person, Vi piss 3 Simcoe S. EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER RE- at once. State references. Write Box 916, Times-Gazette. (Decl5,17) LABORATORY TECHNICIAN, RE- quired for Osawa General Hospital; prefer wi by letter to Superintendent. (293¢) EXCELLENT SELLING ITEM. GIRLS' ce 28 8B J&258.552 or women to go out selling jewellery, turn your spare time into money. Full or part time. Excellent commission. Very good For further SaoTmaTon come to 132 Central Park Blvd. (291e) WORKING MOTHER REQUIRES HELP to care for 2 live in, Consider mother with one child. Dial 5-3058 after 3 pom. (291¢) EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINIST. Apply Sklar Furniture, 30 Richmond St. West. (28748) SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS "FOR children's wear. Phone 2208 Whitby. (200c) STENOGRAPHER, GOOD TYPIST, shorthand essential, 2 or 3 years exper- ience, preferance to single applicant, orking and good starting Ph bei For interview call Mr. H. Gustin at Seaway Motors Ltd. Phone White 429. (290¢) 43--Male Help Wanted FOR BEVERAGE ROOM, WAIT 5R mus' be experienced, dependable and hav. good references. Also part-time Apply Ci 1 Hotel. §e.2: 8 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS Index To Want Ad Classification Wanted Male & Female Help Wanted CLASSIFIED AD RATES i vot paid within 10 days the charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to original orders al Money to Loan Barristers Real Estate Agents Nursing Services Optometrists Personal Personal Services Pets & Livestock Physicians Radio Repairs E & Sue 9S cub Women's Column Market Basket Sugussbe su B USS BLE oE 20 words or less 1.65 2.64 for consecutive insertions constitute » Box charged publication. hours: REGULATIONS-- The Dally tisemonts submitted incorrect 'Insertion of any sew original Business $5.00 ' 20 words or less. 20c additional for all Horde over 20. Each (initial letter. SRbbresiaton. $ and c sign, figure: ~ount as AR Classified Agvextisements MUST bs In bs i ais. Office t a later date order. listings, 15¢ additional the ot Daily. Saturday. ou iid shall pot be responsible 'for errors otherwise then in Jwiung. nor for advertisement Pp "| also reserves the right to classify advertising ac. classifications. in Aldershot, "© gravel-on top of it indicated the * 3 May Raffle . | { training *,