8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, December 4, 1058 ALDWINCKLE WOMEN Jo WOMEN'S EDITOR DIAL 3.2233 Eve Weinberger Feted Bride-Elect Miss Eve Weinberger whose mar riage to Mr. Harry Alex Vickar will take place on Sunday after- Hebrew Syna- gogue, has been feted at several pre-nuptial events. Mrs. Arthur Weinberger, Elgin nfertained at a trou- Sal afternoon Street East, e teau tea last Saturday for her daughter. and Pink bop carnations decorat- ed the Miss rooms. Margaret opened the door to the guests who were received by Mrs. Weinberger and the bride-to-be. Pouring tea were Mrs. Lorne Ferguson, Mrs. Martin Norden and Mrs. William ._ Tea assist- s Edith Davidson, Mrs. Norman Cooke and Miss Nan Christie. Mrs. Gerald DePratto presided in the room with the liens. Miss Frances Loeffler was in charge of foe, room with the trousseau. The held of hy Wales, Elgin Street East, when friends and neighbors Juttiered to express good wishes. arrival, the bride-to-be was presented with 2 Chrsage and a treasure chest many attractively wrap- ped gifts. Refreshments were serv- ed by the hostesses. Mrs. Walter Jackson, Tylor Cres- cent, was hostess at a miscellane- ous shower. A special chair over which kb a decorated umbrella awaited honored guest who was presented with a corsage and a white satin bride's book made by Miss Joan Jackson. The gifts over- flowed a decorated clothes basket. Assisting the hostess in serving re- Jeshmelnts oe Miss Eleanor ar] aret King. Miss Frances Loeffler arranged a kitchen shower at her home on ¢ | Burke Street. On arrival the bride- §| Christie. TO LIVE IN TORONTO A wedding of Oshawa interest was solemnized recently at the Beth Sholom Svgagopue, Toronto, when Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wasser- man exchanged nuptial vows. Formerly Miss Tema Evenstein, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Evenstein of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wasserman of Toronto. Photo by Dale Studio, Toronto. FOOTLIGHT FLASHES The Oshawa Little Theatre Studio Club will present an evening of two one-act plays at Ritson Road . School on Thursday, December 10, at 8.30 The plays to be presented are, "Heaven on Earth" by Philip John- son, directed by Joan Brown, with Clay Boys, Phyllis Ferguson, Jack Switzer and Kirsten Friis, and "It Well" by Joy Dell, directed by oy Dell, with Evelyn Richards, Mervyn Jenkins, Jim Pollard, Ted Brock, Pat Dayday and Tommy Reed. The Cameo Group, Harry and Rileen Chapman, Kénneth Pogue, ' ART FOR SOLDIERS OSLO (CP) -- Norway's govern- ment-supported travelling art gal- lery has arranged to take one of its exhibitions on a tour of all the major military camps in the coun- ASTHM Don't wheeze, gasp, cough, ht for breath. Take Templeton's RAZ-MAH Capsules, specially made to help asthma sufferers breathe more easily and comfort- ably, so they work regularly and enjoy Jong restful nights of sleep. 65c, $1.35. p-53 QUICK RELIEF AMERICA'S NEWEST INTERIOR DOOR? - For new homes and | apartments , . . for remodeling work of any kind . .. give rooms an entirely new look with Ra- Flexible Doors. They're low in cost ~ beautiful to see. Easy to i «+. door bangs from overhead channel . , . only screw driver needed to put in place. Air circulates through the door to give ven- tilation to closets. space is saved since door folds to side . . , ending the inconvenience of space stealing swinging doors. Gwe your rooms new intri- ing look with Ra- ox Flexible' Doors ASL: N1 that harmonize with DOOR any room design, Choose from ELEVEN beautiful color fin Ishes including natural wood. Let us show you the Re-Tox Flexible Door today. Inquiries Invited From Contractors OSHAWA PAINT & WALLPAPER 315 SIMCOE S. DIAL 3-2472 We Deliver Louise Thomson and Norma Vin- cent will give readings from 'The "Importance of Being Ernest" Oscar Wilde, and Longfellow's "Hi- awatha". All members of the Little Theatre and their friends are invit- ed fo. attend. . Members of Theatre '49, Toron- to, attended the Saturday perform- ance of Laburnum Grove which he th lves had pr ted a ew seasons ago. They ope ad- mired the local production. ny elect and her mother received cor- sages of roses. The honored guest was seated in a special chair and a fancy umbrella hung from the middle of the ceiling. The many gifts were presented in a decorat- ed hamper. The guests joined in a game of bingo led by Miss Nan During refreshments a cake inscribed "Best Wishes, Eve' hy gd) as 8 e hostess in se were Miss Nan Christie and Miss Edith Davidson. Miss Weinberger was t of honor at a dinner held at ghe Cen- tral Hotel by the girls of the Ac- counts Receivable Department of General Motors who presented her with a corsage of pink and white carnations and a combination waffle iron and sandwich grill. From her fellow employees in the Accounts Receivable Derarimon: she received a table lamp. T ; 's P - WIFE PRESERVER. The best way to water hang- ing plants is to place a cellulose sponge saturated with water in each pot 'with the plant. Queen Elizabeth Home and School Assn. Entertains Courtice and Harmony Groups Courtice and Harmony Home and School Associations were guest of the Queen Elizabeth Home and School Association at its regular meeting held in the school audi- troium on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Lloyd Courtice was intro- duced by Mrs. Glenford Taylor, program convener. Mrs. Courtice read an article on "Is there really a Santa Claus?" Several members enacted a short play entitled "An Old Fashioned Christmas." Mrs. T. D. Thomas accompanied by Mr. J. C. B. MacMillan led a sing song of carols. Mrs. Thomas also organized several ames. Mrs. Gordon Tomlinson president resided for a short business meet- hy She welcomed the visiting As- sociations and other guests to the meeting. It was decided to give the children the usual Christmas treat and Mrs. Ray Bishop con- sented to be the convener. A series of euchre parties were planned for January, February and March, the first one to be convened by Mrs. Glenford Tay- lor and Mrs. Roy Bishop. Miss Margaret Waterman, teacher, room V was the winner of the room prize. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Robert Ambrose, social con- vener, assisted by grade mothers of room VII and room I. J GROUPS, CLUBS, UXILIARIES In order to ensure publica- tion of reports of meetings of women's groups and organiza- tions as soon as possible after they have been held, press se- cretaries and reporters of all groups are asked to have their reports in the hands of the women's editor the day after the meeting in all cases when this can be done. At the ou- side reports must be handed or sent in not more than hours after the meeting - has taken place in order to ensure publication. Publication of such reports cannot be guaranteed unless this 48-hour time limit is strictly observed. ' HOLY CROSS WA The regular monthly meeting of Holy Cross Women's Auxiliary was held in the parish hall on Tues- day evening with a good attend- ance. Mrs. J. H. Lyons opened the meeting with prayer and welcom- ed several new members who were present. Mrs. R. W. Brooks read the min- utes of the last monthly meeting and also a special meeting. Mrs. James Allen gave the social con- vener's report. Mrs. Leo Karnath, sick list convener, gave her report on cards, spiritual bouquets and fruit sent to the sick and stated that there were few on the sick list at the present time. Telephone conveners appointed for emergen- cy calls are Mrs. Hugh King, Mrs. Leo Karnath and Mrs. Jeseph Hall- owell. The president read a letter from Mrs. William Schoenau, including her resignation as treasurer of the Auxiliary. This was regretfully ac- cepted and nominations were call- ed and Mrs. George King was elect- ed treasurer. It was decided to have a Christ- mas party in the form of a pot- luck supper, followed by a program and exchange of gifts on Tuestas, December 15, in the parish hall. After the business matters were taken care of, a social hour was enjoyed. Contests were won by Mrs. Martin Bulkowski and Mrs. Stephen Coe. Refreshments were served by the social convener and her assistants. Mrs. Gorge King, 24 Mill Street, kindly invited the members to at- tend a card party at her home on Tuesday, December 8. Owing to the Christmas season, the next meeting will be held Janu- ary 12 in Holy Cross Hall. SILVER CROSS WOMEN The Oshawa and district chapter, Silver Cross Women, held its eve- ning meeting Monday at the home, of Mrs. Arthur Wigston, Centre Street, Whitby. Mrs. V. A. Cope presided and there were 14 mem- bers present. : The election of officers will be held at the regular monthly meet- ing, Thursday afternoon, December 10, and all members were asked to attend. It was decided that a special fund be set aside for the Memorial Book. A letter was read from one of the adopted First World War Veterans for cigarettes received. The meeting closed and a social hour was spent playing bingo with prizes being awarded to the win- ners. The draw donated by Mrs. Frank Crawley was won by Mrs. Herbert Bratley (Whitby), proceeds going to the Flower Fund. Re- freshments were served by the hostess. The next regular meeting will be held in the Legion Hall Thursday, December 10, at 2 p.m. CENTRE STREET WA (WEST GROUP) The West Group of Centre Street Women's Association met on Tues- day evening for their regular meet- ing. The Group leader, Mrs. Ace Abbott, had charge of the meet- ing. Sis. H. E. Pierson led the de- votional exercises. Her theme was "The Spirit of Christmas'. Mrs. Pierson read a poem, "Giving". The scripture reading was given by Mrs. Earl James. Mrs. Abbott took charge of the business items. Mrs. Thomas Solomon gave the secretary's report and Miss Flora French gave the treasurer's report. The proceeds from the holiday cards were most encouraging and the report for the copper contest proved satisfactory. The following will act as a nomin- ating committee: Mrs. John John- ston, Mrs. C. E. Flewelling, Mrs. William Frost. : Refreshments were served 'by Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. Charles Plowright, Mrs. William Forst, Mrs. C. E. Flewelling. DALE DOUBLES CLUB The regular meeting of the Dale Doubles of Cedar Dale United Church was held in the lower hall of the church on Tuesday evening. Prior te the regular meeting a large gathering sat down to a pot luck supper, and Mr. James Young, minister of the church, showed an interesting colored film entitled "The Story of Steel". Mr. Albert Porter presided for the devotional period, concluding with prayer. It was announced the officers for 1953 had consented to to continue in office for the coming year, and the officers for 1954 were as follows: ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD WASHER on the Purchase of a chrome trim, NEW 1954 In a choice of Models. Each washer has all these Quality Features . . . Gleaming all white finish with Self lubricating -- no oiling. Dependable V4 H.P. motor. Porcelain enamel tub. Gyrator with offset wings. Powerful fast acting drain pumps. New long skirt design. Sediment zone in tub. Safety wringer with polished drein boards. Coffield 5-point Lifetime transmission. 12-year factory rebuilt guarantee. See This Saving Model No. CS. 54 Regular Price . . Trade-in Allowance 50,00 You Pay Only . . Budget Terms Available $195.00 $145.00 JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS AT i WARNER WILLIAMS | Radio and Heciric 78 SIMCOE N. DIAL 3-7752 NOTE TO BRIDES The Times-Gazette wishes to have all wedding reports and pictures published in this news- paper as quickly as possible after the event takes place. It is requested that the forms which are sen out to all fu- ture brides be returned to the women's editor in advance of the date of the wedding. Pub- lication of wedding reports can- not be guaranteed unless they are in the hands of the wom- en's editor not more than three days after the date of the wed- ding. In the acse of wedding pictures these will not be pub- unless the yare received by the women's editor within days of the date of the wedding. President, Mr. Allan Shortt; vice- Preside , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred arrison; treasurers, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boneham; secretaries, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoy; pianist, Mrs. Frank Bright; program committee conveners, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hay- ward, Mr. and Mrz. Allan Leavitt, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Worsley; de- votional conveners, Mr. Albert Porter. It was unanimously agreed b the members to ask Mr. and Mrs, James Young to act as honorary presidents for the coming year. The Sext } Meeting wil be . the form of a as y and program to be held on je Bos &. b was decided to vpen the membership in the Dale Doubles to all mem- bers of the congregation. Moggi plans were made for anniversary turkey supper which is sponsored by Tite pe Doubles and will take place earl in February. In installing the offi- cers for the coming year, Mr. Young paid tribute to the group for their cheerful co-operation during the two years it had been organ- ized. An hour of games was en- joyed. 4TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The monthly meeting of the 4th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held recently in the parlor of St. An- drew's United Church. Plans for a rummage sale were discussed; also a Christmas party for the Scouts and Cubs, the date to be announced later. It was an- nounced that there would be no December meeting but that the January meeting would take the form of a pot luck supper. The group committee met the same eve- ning and joined the Auxiliary for refreshments: which were serv- ed by Mrs. Harry Johnston and her committee. and Mrs. | PICTURED FOLLOWING CEREMONY Leavitt, Alberta, will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loye Olsen whose marriage was solemnized recently at the Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Cardston, Alberta. The bride, the former Miss Anna Louise Crouter, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey R. Crouter of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Olsen of Leavitt, Alberta. Photo by Jan's Studio, Cardston, Canon D. M. Rose Addresses H. and S. The Duke of Edinburgh Home and School Association held its regular meeting with Mrs. Stephen Saywell presiding. Three Christmas Carols by Miss Hazel Rundle, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Harold Lemon were much enjoyed. After the business session Canon D. M. Rose, intro- duced by Mr. William Owen, spoke on the subject, 'Christmas'. Mrs. Stephen Saywell thanked the speaker and refreshments were served by the mothers of the kin- dergarten pupils under the conven. ership of Mrs. Douglas Clemens. NEIL HARDWARE 946 SIMCOE ST. NORTH WHERE PARKING IS NO PROBLEM Fota gay XMAS TREE S ALL BURN INDEPENDENTLY ADD-ON CONNECTOR Areas 77 ET. 7 LIGHTS "15 ae -- $1 Werlich Tricycles For Children 3V2 and Older .45 -- CHRISTMAS TREE STANDS - $1.25 a a I I I i VISIT OUR TOYLAND NONE CAN COMPARE! Werlich Transport Select hard maple. Removable racks, red baked enamel. 32 "13.95 TRAINS Powerful big scale model that goes "choo-choo", Starts, stops and reverses. 22 45 8.95 Ty Junior Erector Sets 2.75 =» Werlich Tot Bikes Sturdy Construction USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN Open Thurs., Fri, and Sat. Until 9 p.m. For Your Convenience Gifts for oll the family