Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Nov 1953, p. 7

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, November 18, 1953 ¥ | had felt that a planing ib where it was learned he suffered would be necessary due to thea fractured leg, and undetermin- increased schedule and subsequent |ed back injuries. His passen- extra floodings of the. surface. er, My; Tomas BN ath ~ The planing machine which was ueen St., wmanville, suffe: rented from € orth York, consists [shock and Joultiple bruises. of several discs which are set| Provincial Police Constable C. Vth angled knives and turn paral- |B. Cresswell, who inves ated the . lel to the ice surface. The same accident said that Mr. Northcutt drive wilich Tviates the biades he pl bg te x c Jiopels the machine along truck, which belonged to Heads Study . Of Canada HESTER, N.Y. (CP) -- Dr. Donald W. Golbert, director of the University of Rochester's Canadian studies program, expects to i Canada shortly fo educationists, industrialists. and BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT Representative--Donald Hendry, 77 Ontario St., Phone 881 Recreation Board To Aid Hockey Series "AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Phone Ajox 426 confer wi it obtain - > d OBSERVE YOUNG CANADA B Young Canada Book Week got to an excellent start here on iss D. Howard, Li- Monda . Mi prarian, in co-operation with the local schools, had a number of attend the library, junior classes and Miss Howard read stories to them from the wonderful selec- 'a centre for information on government officials to material for the project. Dr. Gilbert, who resign of the university | 'director of its office of de- velopment to undertake his pres- ent work, says he plans to visit Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec "within the next few weeks." The plan to make the univers ed as 1 aspects of Canada and its people was announced Nov. 12 by Dr. Cornelis W. De Kiewiet, university president. Dr. De Kiewiet said the pro- gram is expected to lead to the creation of an institute of Cana- dian affairs at the university. He said the object of the program is to help develop better knowledge and understanding of Canada through- out the United States, and greater | comprehension of some of the 00K WEEK tions on hand. Miss Howard has the gift of holding the attention of the youngsters and the photo shows one of the groups. --Photo by John Mills prob ems of international rela- ions. The project also aims at an an- nual university conference on Canadian affairs, - bringing to- gether in Rochester experts of various aspects of Canadian Life. Hope No Liberal Will Oppose et School WMANVILLE -- The Recre- ation Board met Monday night at the Lions Community Centre with members Fred Cole, Claude Kil- mer, Ralph Mcintyre, Recreation Director n Shay and Chairman Andy Thompson. The Board expressed regrets that Miss Dora Purdon, secretary of the group, was absent due to illness, and Director Don Shay re- ceived a gift from the Board com- memorating the birth of his new son. The first item on the agenda concerned a previous motion to purchase an extra set of young- ster's goal Jods with the intention of renting them to outside teams, as well as the regular free use by the board sponsored teams. Following a further discussion of the practibility of this scheme the members present chose to rescind the former motion. With. the discussion centred on pads, the board declared their in- tention of allowing the inter - pub- lic school hockey teams to use the goal tending equipment during their weekly games. A treasurer's report which was read by Fred Cole showed ex- penses for the operation of last month's program totalling $128.71, to bring the current year's ex- penses to $3,203.38. Monies received during the month totalled $1,224, which in- cludes the $1,000 grant from the town, to leave a balance of $1,349. It was moved that a letter of thanks be forwarded to the Good- ear Co. thanking them for their 100 donation. A request from Jake Brown in regard to a donation to assist in the equipping of a local basketball team was considered, with the Board agreeing to a " donation. A letter from Mr. Bill Buckley suggesting the formation of a mu- nicipal choir was read by Director Don Shay, who will enquire of the possibilities concerning such a ven- ure. 90 Tons Of Ice Taken From Rink BOWMANVILLE -- An estimat- ed 90 tons of ice was planed from the surface of the Memorial Arena during the weekend. Some time ago the Arena Com- tor timated 90 The tons er and grader were used removal of the 'chipped ice. of ice. job which began Sunday, at Yidnigin continued through noon 'tend the second the follow! day. The jowa load | Chief Constable's or R. Snow estimated | 0° firm, was extensively damag- Opera that in the planing of three quart- 3 ers of an inch from the ice, the three cuts made removed an es-|. POLICEMEN TO MEET 100 TO pteren 10 ab policemen are e: a annual Ontario Association con ference here this week-end. Among the speakers at the Man Seriously Hurt In Accident BOWMANVILLE -- Arley cutt of the undertaking firm Northcutt and Smith re orthcutt was taken Bowmanville North- of was seriously injured yesterday morn- ing when a half ton pickup he was driving skidded on the pave- ment of Highway 35 several miles of Kirby and turned over in. the west ditch. to Memorial Hospital three-day con- ference is A. E. Lamb of Guelph. Canada's and indus- try is a 2 Be. 2d va yor Rheumatic PAIN 'Good news for those who 1 for relief from tic pain, but feel hopeless! Thousands get y relief from rheu- ering by matic and T-R-C's. Don't let dull, wearisome aches, and sharp stab pains handicap you any longer. Try Templeton's T-R-C's today. Only 65c; $1.35 st druggists, T-844 EW ORLE NG 96. Bills amounting to $326.46 were authorized for payment. Mrs. G. Graydon OTTAWA (CP)--Rev. Dan Mc- Ivor (L--Fort William) said Tues- day he hopes no Liberal will op- pose Mrs. Gordon Graydon if she is nominated as Progressive Con- |= servative candidate in Peel. 3 Mrs. Graydon has been asked by some supporters to run in Peel to fill the vacancy created by the death of her husband. She has not indicated whether she will accept the nomination. Mr. Mclvor said in the Commons that if Mrs. Graydon should ac-| cept the nomination *'I would be greatly disappointed if a Liberal were nominated to oppose her. I hope we will have enough sense not to do it." ' PIONEER RAILWAY Canada's first steam railway be- gah in 1836 from LaPrairie to St. | ohns, Que. Gay Paris> of America on this delightful 11-day in one of America's most Pirates', Alley, Napoleon House, Doll Draw Scheduled or Wednesday Next AJAX--The ten Jovely dolls mat Ier than Saturday, Novem- ressed the Hospital Auxiliary A be po A for at the Variety | Tickets for the Variety Show Bhow, "Pic-Ax Follies" to be pre-|may be had from any member . of ited by the Hospital Board on the . Auxiliary, or the ticket con- Wednesday, November 25 in the | veners, Mrs. J. Mills, Ajax or Pickering District High ~ |Mrs. J. Lay and Mrs. R. Ruddy, . A. J. Brady, Pickering. Sg all money and un-| This event will start off the old to campaign for sufficient funds to ole dicks be Oo ennette Pick- prio hospital debt free. Your nd Mrs. Hope-Brown, Ajax, are urgently needed. Evangelist At Adult Probation was virtually un- Bowling League eam Standing Gospel Centre- | : Standing of teams in the Ajax AJAX--Strong and Industrial Bowling Association for | pository and evangelistic mess- | dias were on probation, compared this week is as follows: - ages from God's word were de-| with about 34,000 in England and uipment livered by the guest preacher on|wajes. Sunday. ministry of Evange-| Mr. Edmison said records show list Sam Nicholson of Toronto #1d|75 per cent of prisoners granted others has been greatly appre-|probatio i i ciated on occasions upon which Poh oD appear In. police Fought Officer You have 4 full days in New Orleans tour--time fo visit all the famous mysterious and fascinating cities. the Old Slave Market, Versailles Oak and the quaint shops and resorts of the Old French Quarter are just a few of the sights you've always wanted fo see. Going there and back by bus adds further enjoyment fo your trip. Money Can Buy Freedom MONTREAL (CP)--Payment of fines in installments and wider use of probation would cut down the number of criminals in Canada, J. Alex Edmison, assistant "principal of Queen's University and prom- inent penologist, said Tuesday. Addressing a Rotary Club lun- cheon, Mr. Edmison said in Can- ada it is possible for two men to be fined $25 or spend 30 days in jail. "For the one with money it would he a lark. A trip to jail for the other would mark him as a jailbird. "The dollar sign should not de- termine whether or not a person goes to jail." 115% ROUND TRIP FARE Ask your Agent for more details of this and mony other Pleasure Planned Vacations. FREE 18-poge booklet gives many new, money-saving uses for Cow Brand Baking Soda in kitchen, bathroom, nursery and all through your home. Church & Dwight Limited, Sun Life Building, Montreal. OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 14 PRINCE STREET DIAL 3-2241 ou in the beautiful new PLYMOIITH 4 pd ] ; i pastor own pulpit in mission and evangelistic work. Several from this congregation are going im to Toronto to hear fhe ootalanding Gets 30D Dr. Jase Hondiey hi Alanis, ays s hi 4 8 reaching Newly Tussling with a policeman cost week Lord's Day at Mas- Theodore Fisher, 23, of Cart- wright, 30-days imprisonment. Ma- urt on Tuesday, ined that there is too. much terference lately with police officers. The fight occurred a little after stable A. Savoie of the Oshawa force attempted to arrest Fisher's companion, Murray Archibald of Cartwright, for drunk driving. tstified that he stopped Baptist preacher, + trate R. P. Locke, in Traffic seven Monday night when Con- you CAN DRIVE WITHOUT SHIFTING aftwrlg WITH HY-DRIVE® THE BALANGED RID} Archibald's pickup truck on Sim- coe Street North. There were three men in the seat. He had one of them climb into the back of the truck and proceeded to drive to the station. Fisher, beside the right hand door, began to argue. and wave his arms yiolently. With three men like us the cab, ,you can't move around oa tetas; PD) e ck and tol ipeurs by Gilbert Wreggitt i) him to get into the back. Savoie treet, k Mis ho) ne. yas Vrestling with Archibald and thro a passe Athol and Bivens his aid. They a one a of on uffs an by drove and constable YOU. can parc with one Finaer WITH FULL-TIME POWER STEERING® Say Intersection Trap At Night Sem counsel Boye! "a trap at sigh intersection of Ritson ossland Road was the Driver $75 Fine In Magistrate's Court on Tues- George day a fine of $75 and costs was the unus incurred m to jail for the even- Van Allen investigated the acci- iagistrate Locke, in sentenc the accused to 30 days, insis that he should learn more re- spéct for the police uniform. Young Cadet Dies in Plane LONDON (CP) -- ' Robert James tiboon. Jent-Cadet killed Tuesday when his Harvard trainer cr. {rainer ashed a mile north of bson, a Toronto student pilot | at the Centralia was on a solo aT staion, PIC-AX FOLLIES Wed., Nov. 25 LJ IN THE Pickering Dist. High School DOORS OPEN AT 8:00 P.M. ® bi "At reggitt a bottle of beer. Then et i RR Me was p a an finally he said he drank it be- fore supper," said the constable. Police nist Owen D. Friend booze belly, remarked Magis-- vestigated the accident, gave sim-|accident." You ean expect ap Be ported his , C 8 argu- ment by op Ritson Road, south of Rossland Road, has de- Laid jog to the west. A car coming ACCIDENT FATAL You have so many outstanding advantages TORONTO (CP) -- George E. Clarke, 25, was Tuesday when the milk truck was driv- rom the north, if it went straight |ing overturned ir suburban Scar-- through the interesection, would |boro. Police said the truck skidded find itself in the right lane. He in-|200 feet on the recently-oiled gravel troduced as evidence a picture of road. (§ J the intersection. Both roads there dip just at the intersection, so that the crossroads is in the bottom of a cup. "You could better address your remarks on that intersection to the municipal council," remarked the magistrate. He had no doubt that driving, over unfamiliar roads | .. at 45 mph on a dark rainy night. | Was evidence of carelessness. Woman Named To Divorce Seat OTTAWA (CP) -- The Senate Tuesday night set a, precedeat by naming the first women to its div- orce committee, Senators Muriel McQueen Fer- Fusson +(L--New Brunswick) and ancy Hodges (L--British Colum- bia) were namhed to the committee which hears evidence of divorce petitions from residents of Que- ¢ and Newfoundland, the only provinces without divorce courts. The 17-member divorce compmit- tee begins work Monday on about 300 petitions for divorce. NOW IN LIMELIGHT BEXLEY, England (CP)--Young couples strolling down Love Lane here in future are due for a shock. Th> town council has decided to tirn it into a highway, complete with electric lights. 7 If you didn't know beforehand that Plymouth is a low-priced car, you'd say, «Al this is simply marvellous--but will my budget buy so much luxury?" And no wonder! For there's an unmistakable sense of luxury in the long, low sweep of Plymquth's graceful lines . . . in the elegant new chrome... the gem-bright colours in a wide choice of solid or two-tone combinations . . . the richly appointed interiors with their finer fabrics and soft, white leather-grained vinyl. . Everywhere you look there's new beauty . .. with luxurious comfort tool Note the unexcelled close-in view of the road ahead . . . how easily Plymouth handles and clings to curves . . . how you float cloud-soft on the Balanced Ride, while you rela comfortably in the chair-high seats. Feel the nimble power of the Plymouth engine to go-- and the smooth action of Safe-Guard brakes to stop. And for even more luxurious driving ease, you can add Plymouth Hy-Drive "no-shift"" transmission, and Full-Time Power Steering-- available on a// 1954 Plymouths. Drive one and judge for yourself. for VALUE its PLYMOUTH Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited you HAVE WONDERFUL VISION OVER THE LOW HOOD A lively - program of skits, dances, _musical numbers with chorus. ® ALL LOCAL TALENT © LJ Directors: GHARLES . JOLLIFFE +R, CONANT M. €. RON MORLEY late for a business appoint- FINE-CAR COMFORT ment or social engagement. SAvailable at extra cost on ALL 1954 Plymouthe. * you HAVE SAFE-GUARD BRAKES ® FOR SMOOTH, SAFE STOPS This program will 'launch the Hospital C to raise. $60,000. LJ TICKETS ON SALE $1.00 Hackney Motor Sales Oshawa, Ontario SEE YOUR NEAREST CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO DEALER

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