An Old Story But It Always Has A Happy Ending -- "Sold The Fist Night" Mr. C. -- William W., Was Able To Cancel This Ad Aft er The First Insertion THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, November 17, 1953 17 A ARGH FINDLAY SPACE , HEATER, storage tank. 2108) "gp with 200-gallos For Rent , 30--Room and Board = ROOM BASEMENT APARTMENT, ed. Suit 2 girls or couple. Child e. Private entrance, Abstainers single room. Dial 5-0819 or apply Camagie Ave. (267¢) GE FURNISHED m, central. Reasonable. > HOUSEKEEPING Dial 3.3164, 268a) DROOM FOR GIRL, WITH BREAK- , Dial 5-2873 after 6:30 p.m. ano | ROOM i FURNISHED "APARTMENT, ¢, light, water supplied. Separate ce, adults preferred. Dial 08 OR 3 3 UNF URNISHED } ROOMS, SEP- ate entrance. Apply 62 Cordova _R4. 0 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. CHILD come. Phone 2690, Whitby (268¢c) OWNSTAIRS, THREE UNFURNISHED | ms. Garage included, 1 or 3 children | Apply come, $65. ir five, SEPARATE WARM "ROOMS IN PRI- te home for 8 gentlemen. Breakfast: desired. Central, residential. Dia! 7066. 490 Bloor East, (268¢ (268f) | TED SELF-CONTAINED, x, close to bus stop. Write Box Times- -Gazette. (268¢) ] 4ROOM | i | LICENCED HOME TO TAKE | CARE of oF child. Dial 35-2430. ROOM | AND BOARD FOR _ 'SEVERAL men William St. W. (2680) | ROOM AND BOARD FOR GIRL, PRI- vate home central. Dial $-1018, | arctic: For Sale | 1936 EV. COACH IN GOOD CONDI- ! tion. Beatty, Ajax. Phone 684, after 5. (268b) 51 CHEV. GOOD MOTOR AND TIRES, radio and heafer. 344 Harmony oad = '48 CHEVROLET COACH, BLACK FIN- ish, heater and clean interior, low mile- | age. Dial 3-3056. (267¢) '39 CHEV. PARTS. APPLY 312 GIBBS Avenue. (268¢) 4 | '50 PREFECT, UNDER Sza1 HEATER, for best '40 or over in Po car, Dial 5-2794. (268b) ATTENTION CAR BUYERS AND SELL ers--Buying a few car or selling vou: | old one let us save you money op | and Phone 3-7863 " UNFURNISH- M "APARTMENT, Roo (268a) d, no children. Dial 3-852. LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, USE couple . Dial ry (268b) UNFURNISHED | ROOMS. TALL CON- niences. No children. Dial 3.9493. SHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. cinity of Albert and Bruce Sts. Apply Albert (rear entrance), (2682) FURNISHED FOR LIGHT eeping. Apply 176 Simcoe South. (287¢) DROOM FOR GENTLE- Central. Dial 3-4196. (267¢) FURNISHED "ROOM FOR man. Central. Dial 3-9225 (267¢) ISHED BEDROOM, INCLUDING water. Good location. Dial Si c) I RENT -- EXCHANGE ACCOM- Lovely hy home on highway, Whitby. Fully furnished. city con- dences. Dec. 1 to May 1, for sim- home or aparment in Toronto. 738 Time Times-Gazette (267d) FURNISHED ) ROOMS IN NEW HOME, for light housekeeping, to ome child. Apply 273 Bloor St. .» or Dial 35-2358. (267b) [SHED ROOMS FOR "RENT. 4 AP. @ McMillan Drive. Dial 35-3641. ROOM FLAT, PARTLY FURNISHED, conveniences; central. Vacant De. ber 10. Dial 3-2300. (2682 ROOM UNFURNISHED APA APARTMENT, only APY. 735 Albeit 81, (268¢c) HED BEDROOM, NEW HOME, end, board if desired. Dial 5-3563. (Nov.17,20,31) ISHED BED SITTING ROOM. tral. Dial 3-649 5-6496 (286¢c) RNISHE 'DROM | SUITABLE FOR | 2 telmen, willing to share. Apply 196 (286¢c) V ROOM FLAT, _ KITCHEN CUPBOARDS sink, preferred. Apply 254 Hibbert Ave. (268¢) ROOM APARTMENT. BUSINESS ple preferred. No children. Dial 2915. (286c) FURNISHED ROOMS, ONE OR TWO iid welcome. Dial 3-7398. (2682) | : (Dec) END = ALIGN Moring's Ga (Dec10) GEI1, YOUR FRON% nem" wheel balancine a/ age. 1084 Simcoe St. N. OR A SQUARL Walker, Bramley Motors Limited. New and used cars. 53-5706. PHONE [ED CAMPIN FOR NEW Ok sed cars or trucks at Cliff Mills Mo tors. Dial 3-4634. (Novis) SEE I DOUG DUG AMEY FOR THA THAT NEW or used car or truck. Ontario Motor Sales. Dial 3-2256. (Nov2é | '2 FORD SEDAN DELIVERY, L Low | mileage. Good condition, $650 and take over low payments, Phone Ajax 288W after 6 bp. m. (266¢) | 51 OLDS. SEDAN, HYDROMATIC, 98 | Series, trade in er terms. APPLY 21 or 25 Church St. ( '51 METEOR CONVERTIBLE, BLACK in color, fully equipped with radio, heat- er and overdrive, white wall tires, new top and seat covers. One owner since new. This car is in perfect condition, For information call 3-8835 after 5 p.m (266¢) Attention Farmers This is your opportunity to be- come a P.C.V. Class FS licensed carrier of livestock to market to or from any point within a radius of 75 miles of Oshawa. '50 Chev. 2)42-ton stake, con- tracts, all accessories very reasonable. Only going out of business due to health. Dial 5-3702 (268¢) 33---Automobiles Wanted 41°53 (¢RS BRING MORE CASH FOR vou at * add's Car 00 Park nos Dial 3-9421. LAKESHORE Want cars for wrecking paid. Dial 3-033 or 3 2924. AUTO Vine d nighest orice« (Dee?) SELLING YOUR CAR? For quick sale place your car with us. All cars insured. We handle all You get paid cash. For ROOMS, UPSTAIRS down, can be for 2 families, child- weluome. 208 Conant St. (268b) LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, | Apply 224 (267¢) FOR BUSINESS GIRL, IN PRI- home. Apply 265 Wilson Rd. 8. (267¢) ARGE | BRIGHT _ "HOUSEKEEPING business people only, 239 Simcoe at Louisa St. (2656) 0 OM FOR COUPLE OR 2 FRIENDS, privileges. 213 Oshawa Bsa) SUITABLE FOR ONE OR TWO. . Close to Motors and Fittings. 5-6350. (2640) | ERIZED , Black Cat Inn, on Bowmanville fhway, bus service. Phone Bowman- | 2834. (2780) | 00M FOR GENTLEMAN, IN PRI- te home; continuous hot water. Apply 32 Elgin St. (2856) ARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING m. Apply 81 Bond St. W. round floor. Adults only. : St. (2670) HED ROOM FOR 3 GENTLE- nen. Apply 117 Stacey Ave. Dial T3001 « UNFURNISHED RO ROOMS, ¥ BASEMENT ~ HOUSEKEEPING CA- i further information Open till 9:30 P.M. Dial 3-4851 (26180) | 36--Pets and Livestock 12 LAYING BARRED "ROCK F PULLETS. Apply Walter Buss. Dial 35-4950. (268b) HOUND FOR SALE-FOX AND DEER. Must have good home--$5. Apply 200 Bond W. (2682) 3 "MALE SMALL TOY FOX TERRIER puppies. Dial 3-8064. (268¢) | any BUDGIES "READY "FOR "TRAIN ing, talking strain. All colors, 114 EI gin East. Dial 3-9767, (Dec9) | GOCKER SPANIELS, ALSO BOARD ing, trimming, bathing, defleaing. Sean Kennels. aew highway vear ve. MINK Breeding mink for sale. Write to Greenspoon Bros., 2 6 4 Spadina Ave., Toronto. (Nov 14,17,19) on T Dial ~(a87¢) FOR ADULTS 2nd floor S-room apartment, in private home, furnished or unfurnished: 2 large bed- rooms, living-dining room and verandah; kitchenette, bath- room; garage. Apply, stating number in family end where employed. Box 805, Times-Gazette (2080) PONTIAC INN 37--Farmers' Column DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP promptly. Phone collect Bowmanville 2679 Also live horses. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. (Dec28) 38--Wearing Apparel willing to share; central. Apply 112 weal SEE JOHNNIE | Dial 3-4675; evenings | (Nov1j) | 266¢) | MAN'S BLACK LOOSE OVERCOAT, 38-40, almost new. Man's winter dress- | ing Soy L wine, 38-40, good condition. | Dial 5-2873, after 6:30 p.m. (268¢) | GREY CLOTH COAT PERSIAN TRIM. cloth coat. Green all-weather coat. Sizes 12-14. Also skirts and dress. Dial 3-977. (2682) Comfortable furnished rooms in residential | hotel, meals served 6:30 | am. to 6 p.m. Close to | new GM; television lounge. Apply Pontiac Inn. Dial 3-3993. | (Novad) | Wanted To Rent OR S5-ROOM HOUSE, 3-PC. BATH, couple with baby. Write Box 905 . Gazette. (2688) | PRGENTLY NEEDED--3 - 4 ROOM apartment, by Bell | employee one 4 child. | Box 707 Times-Gazette. (268¢) | LADIES' WINTER COAT, BEIGE MOU- ton collar, size 18, $30. Ladies' wool suit, black, size 40, $20. Ladies' green all-weather coat and hood, size 16, $10. Ladies' suit, grey, size 16, $8. Guardian | service coffee urn, 12 cups $10. Dial 3-9617. (268b) | MOUTON COAT, SIZE 12 TO 14, $35, suit short person. Apply 107 Simcoe S.. Apt, 3. (268a) 38a--Market Basket GOOD CARR AND BEETS, 9c A A bushel. D Dial 5- 2870) COME A! AND GET THEM WHILE THEY { last, potatoes, turnips, onions, Macintosh and probs apples, also fresh eggs at Jean Goodells Farm Gardens, Simcoe St. North. Phone 35-5078. (DecS) DOM FURNISHED APARTMENT OR . Dial 4150 betwem 6 - 9 PEL ) 10 OM UNFURNISHED AP. 'ARTMENT, iz 3 ountral, Write Box x 705, Times- ---- (asc) | BEDROOM HEATED APARTMENT | of local Write 640 Times-Gazette. (267t1) 0--Room and Board | OOM AND BOARD FOR 1 GENTLE- an, single bed. Transportation avail- ble to new G.M. plant. Dial 53754, { ( OOM AND BOARD rrr i to share. Apply 52 Division or dial 2737, (267¢) M AND BOARD--TWO YOUNG LA. | in private home. Apply 35 Hall St. 34703. (2656) DOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- | , single beds, very soutral, Dial 3- | ELECTRO-HOME COMBINATION RA- dio. Good condition, $85. Apply Bob Cor- fo 5 E. Robert; Corbett's Point. Dial ls (26TH) | BED STUDIO COUCH, 4 AXMINSTER rug, ¥ x 12°. Table. Apply 39--Articles For Sale DEWILDE AND PENHALE, ha Au | STRICTLY BU SINESS + stern ins, canvass articles, new a Auto slip covers, tent rentals. Upstairs 160 King St. W. Dial 8- Residence 3-3774. (Decls) YENEJIAN BLINDS--THBE 'ADVANCED startling gr: We these blinds will not only satisfy create enthusiasm. [Estimates without pbligaticns George Reid. Dial 5- - 86 Bond St. West. (Dec.12) "CLIMATITE" Aluminum combination windows ond screens "Maloney" Aluminum Combinatinn doors, $59.50 Low Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 (Dect) AXMINSTER 208 BED STUDIO COUCH, Rug, ¥ x 12°. Table. Dial $-5719.. Dearborn. Body Hardwood Hardwood Slabs Mixed Slabs Soft Slags Foot-lengths Va-Cord Lots, 75¢ Extra G. HEASLIP PHONE 37R33 BETHANY, ONT (Novas) | PAINT, INTERIOR, E EXTERIOR, ALL colours every gallon guaranteed, $2.95 gallon. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, | 8 Church SUNBEAM | spare parts for same. Cutting neads. | nords. etc. Meagher's, 5 King St West, (Nov.28) $19.95 UP - HOOVER. ELECTROLUX | Genera) Electric, Filter Queen. Airway Rexair Sales. Dial 5-5121. (Nov29) ORDERS TAKEN FOR STORM SASHES | Yo. 1 quality, measurements and esti mates free. Dial 3-4989. (Novis) 'OMIC BOOKS POCKET BOOKS agazinas | sold or exchanged King: v Boos Gvehunge. 56] Kinz St Open every evening (Nov20) /SED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, $3 UF 3.F Goodrich Stor:s. Phone 5-4543. (i43u CITY APPROVED SEPTIC TANKS available now at Fabricated Metals and Stampings Ltd. 249 Second Ave or 5-1665. (Dec6) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR OLD rugs and woollens, reversible and seamless broadloom any size or color Save up to 12 Continental Rug Co Ltd. Dial 5-1553. (Novas) PRESSURE SYSTEMS, "BATH TUBS toilets, wash basins, sinks, laundry tubs, sump pumps, piping and fittings. Harrv Chinn, 460 Montrave (Nov16) | CONSOLE RADIO AND RECORD | players, used. $35 up. Apply B.F Good rich Stores. Dial 5-4543 1456) B F GOODRICH STORES, TITRE: batteries Addison appliances, Television Thrifty budget plan. Dial 5-4543. i (Dec28) |] SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS, AL] models. also parts tor same in stock | Meagher's, 5 King West. (Novi16) | AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE Lovely paiterns. Free estimates. Foidin; chairs. card and banquet tables for reni Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Dec.14) ALL TIME ALUMINUM 'WINDOWS and doors. Awnings and door canopies. For free estimates or demonstration call Airshade Awnings of Oshawa. Dial 5-4332. (Nova0) FLOOR COVERING Oshawa"s largest display. Choose from over 300 smart 1953 petterns for every room in the house. Congoleums, Feltols, Rexocleums, Inlaids, Marboleums, etc. RUTHERFORDS 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (1680) STOKER--AUTOMATIC, TANK, HEAT- ers, boilers, radiators, bath tubs, toilets, | wash basins, showers, . sinks, laundry | tubs, fittings piping, pressure cystems, sump pump, space heaters, new and used. Phone Harry Chinn, 460 Montrave. (Decé) HEALTH (Nov30) | I SHAVEMASTER AND "Oh, bartender , . . "healthy" edvertising results use the easy-to-place Deily For Times-Gezette Classified Ads. "" Dial 3-2 2233. | 39--Articles For Sale UPRIGHT ANNIS PIANO, BENCH, $75; 9-pc. walnut dining room suite, good condition. Best offer, 79 Colborne W. § (266¢ CUSTOM - BUILT '53 PLYMOUTH RA- dio with 8 tubes, also fender skirts. Dial 3.7869. (266¢) SMALL ELECTRIC "TRAIN SET, 10 rs. Apply 389 King E. Dial (2682) CAR RADIO FOR SALE. DIAL 3.4406. Any time. (268b) CLARE JEWELL COOK STOVE WITH 2 oil burners, good condition. Dial 3.3617. (268¢) GUARANTEED T.V. ANTENNAS INSTALLED DIAL 5-2133 Canada Building Maintenance Co. (Dec 14) APPLIQUE QUILT DESIGNS STAMP- ed on your choice of material. Many patterns to choose from. Dial 5-0876 or apply Mrs. Pinch, 22 Gladstone Ave : Cc 39a--Fuel Wood HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS FOR furnace, range or jacket heater $5 or $3 - lots. Delivered anywhere. Dial 3- 7391. SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTHS. 3, single cord; hardwood slabs, $6.50 | ingle cord. Also body hardwood Dial 5-2490. (Dec') 41 --Articles Wanted SOLID WALNUT OR MAHOGANY DIN. | ing room suite. Good condition. Dial 5-0651. (267¢) SHAW RAG and METAL Highest prices paid for scrap iron, metal, rags, batteries, maliresser etc. Faciory accounts appreciated 89 BLOOR ST E. Dial 5-231) -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-9111 (Dec6) LIVE POULTRY metal, rags and mat Turner North Oshaw: (Nov26) | WANTED, ers, scrap iron, 'resses Dial L 3-2043 collect. CON USED FURNITURE WANTED, stoves, heaters, kitchen sets SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and | GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Dec.13) DON'T BUY A SEWING MACHINE Unless you get the right one We earry the largest seltction in new and reconditioned Sewing Macchines. From $20 up. Easy terms -- mo Interect - charges. COMMUNITY SEWING CENTRE Dial 3-4840 (Novis) INTRODUCING The new ftriple-track combina- tion and screen, windows, aluminum doors and awnings, custom made. Free estimates, WEATHER: GUARD SALES OSHAWA -- 3-211) (Nov26) OFFICE CHAIRS Steno chairs, side chairs, executive arm chairs, stacking or folding chair , etc., a complete stock ready for immed- iate delivery from our Oshawa warehouse. Call GENERAL PRINTERS LIMITED Office Supply Division 64-66 Celina St. Telephone 3-7733 (TuesNovas) 5-0132. i Write Box Crysler Furniture. 56 King West Dia (Novas) ORGANS i WANTED. MUST BE REA sable. ¥ Will pay cash. Give phone No. 436, Times-Gazette. (Nova2) PIANOS, sow cin 2822, a Vy Greenberg "& Sons WE BUY: Scrap Iron Metal Rags, Etc. Highest Prices Paid Phone 3-7333 -- 308 Bloor E. o (Nova0) cash JOR YOUR PIANC & Lee 79 Simcoe N Dial (Nov23) -CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON AND METALS 100 Annis St. East of C.N.R. Station WE PAY: Highest prices for Iron, Metal, Rags, Paper, etc. Free Pick-up Open Saturday Dial 5-3432 Res. 5-4159 (Dec.13) 42--Female Help Wanted COMPANION. HOUSEKEEPER FOR R EL derly lady. Write 06, Times- Gagette. 4 268¢) WANTED Stencgrapher -- must be thor- oughly competent in both typ- ing and shorthand and have good education--experienced preferred. Good working con- ditions and opportunity for advancement, Write BOX 1 TIMES-GAZETTE (267¢) MAN 5.3950. (268¢) 8.5. STEWART NEW YORK lin, good condition, $20, Dial DO- | MATUR! E CHRISTIAN WOMAN WANT- ed as house keeper for 4 men on farm near Toronto, good cook. efsreticel. ho! 9300, to | Ave. (267¢) ICE-BOX, | STURDY BOY'S DELIVERY BICYCLE for sale half price. 137 Rosehill Buds (2060. 39--Articles For Scle FROST KING, IN GOOD Dial 5-1370. (268¢) WILTON RUG 7 x §, GOOD CONDI tion. Dial 3-3379. (2602) FASSETT SPACE HEATER, MEDIUM . Apply 135 Celina. (268b) LOVE SEAT, ROSEWOOD, SMALL, plain design. Excellent condition, $45. al 5-0832, (268¢c) NEW COMBINATION CROKINOLE board; No. 4 mechanical hockey game; two medium Quebec heaters; coal stove and pipes. Apply 238 Greenwood Ave. (268b) $10. CHILD'S | VACUUM CLEANER, mechanical horse, $10; child's figure skates, size 2, $5. (268¢) FLOOR POLISHER. WENERAL, ELEC. Bow, sacrifice, $46. Dial G.E. HOTPOINT THREE - BURNER stove, excellent condition, $50, Dial 3-7988. (2682) COOKSVILLE BARK BRICKS, 1,100. Dial 3-7483. ( 268¢c) GARDEN TRACTOR AND CULTIVA- SH.P. d motor. | Charo for quick sale. Dial 5-3828. (268¢) LARGE QUEBEC HEATER WITH pipes and floor boards. Best offer. Dial 38219. (268¢) 39035 | MANURE FOR SALE--DIAL 5-8088. Moet ne Reverse charges. (¢ he International Concern Needs Responsible Women To Learn Reweaving ot Home When Qualified Can Earn $3 AN HOUR In Spare Time at Home No Selling WRITE BOX 702, TIMES-GAZETTE (Nov30) | J! OTTAWA (CP) Leader Drew Bays Liberal govern- | ment Doliey ia "socialism in a hal sil Minister St. Laurent says the government isn' such headgear. ' The reference to the hat high- lighted an argument between the two leaders in the Commons Mon-- day as the throne speech debate | moved off for a weeks-long run. Mr. Drew said last week's cab- | inet decision denying cific Airlines' appli Vancouver-Montreal cargo service Canadian Pa- business." Mr, St. Laurent replied that the | overnment believes in competi- provide what it normally provides --a stimulus to better service." said, that the government-owned Trans-Canada Air Lines was carry- ing efficiently all air cargo avail- able and would be able to handle any increase in the foreseeable future, SOCIALISTIC TOPPER Mr. Drew said: "The policies 't wearing any | is socialism in a silk hat." | Mr. St. Laurent replied: "I id pase 1 I Should iP my socialis at Mr. Drew) on this! oo hE q think' we are all believers in competition." But this did not mean unlimited competi- tion i The subject of competition*came up in a want-of-confidence mo- tion moved by Mr. Drew. The Progressive Conservative motion said Canadian welfare de- cation for a pends on free competition and ad- vision of the market, result ded. "The prosperity and security indicated a policy "which means! of all Canadians will be advanced |pers and taxp. the end of free competition where |by government policies which will Ly it i nt the government has entered any v| restore markets for primary prod- C ucts and Generally romote a high | { volume international trade." | A- sub-amendment to this mo- tition | * the' leted the reference to com and said the House "regre! | mend a national health insurance ' pla END COMPETITION In his lead-off speech of the ses- sion, Mr. Drew said government | policy in the CPA case 'could | generally, if the government de- being followed by this government cided at any time to carry this care to every Canadian and now enunciated so clearly do policy a stage farther under the 'less of individual income." Drew Calls Liberals "Silk-Hat Socialists" Opposition | constitute socialist doctrine. This over-riding powers of the Emer | gency Powers Act." The government's action had disclosed its determination to pos- sess peacetime emergency powers to exercise full control over any industry by order-in-council with- out reterence to Parliament. Mr. St. Laurent said in reply: "If competition is apt 2 achieve better service, greater efficienc and lower costs and Charges, "all to the good. But if it is apt to achieve over-expansion with a di- 8, e er AE F AGR Mr. Coldwell sided with the gov- ernment in the argument. There were certain phases in Canada's heavier burdens 22 Carriers ion "when competition is apt to tion by CCF leader Coldwell de- [economic life, particularly trans- portation, which were suitable for public - control, development and The cabinet had decided, he government has "failed" to recom- operation. The CCF leader said that two years ago the Progressive Conser- vatives nad aiteinpied to . .u amendments to the combines act. On the CCF's proposed national health insurance scheme, he said mean the end of free competition |it should provide for full hospital, mental, dental and other health, '"'regard- Devotes L 43--Male Help \ Wanted TRUCK DRIVER FOR FURNITURE store, must know city. Apply Oiawa Upholstering Co., 10 Bond St. ison» EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANIC with papers, all round man. Apply. Middleton's Garage, Whitby. (267b) MAN WANTED, PREFERABLY MAR- ried to instal television aerials, exper- lence preferred, must have chauffeur's licence, be reliable and take pride in his work, Apply Fowler Television, 16 Bond (267¢) Internationally known Life, Accident and Sick- ness Co. requires an am- bitious man, age 25-40, who is capable of Gov- erning his own time as the representative for Oshawa and district. This is an opportunity to build a life time car- eer and be your own boss. Experience an as- set but not essential. Applicants selected should have good char- acter references. Call Oshawa 5-3311 for con- fidential interview. | (268) 45--Agents Wanted Gea AGENTS WANTED Men or women employed in in- dustrial plants or offices can earn good money by distrib- uting an easy-selling Giftline among their fellow . workers and friends. Generous commis: sion, samples supplied. No ex- perience necessary, (Toronto) | BA. 1-1732 evenings. { (268¢) FiAlb | | 46--Employment Wanted | oDD . JOBS oF ANY KIND, "ANY TIME, | Dial 5-1644. (268¢) | RELIABLE WOMAN WILL MIND CHILD while mother works. Dial 3-2019. (268c) YOUNG WOMAN WILL Do HOUSE- work daily. Dial §5-2251. (267b) RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS "LIGHT { housework by the day. Ironing, baby- | sitting. Dial 3-8383. (267¢) obD Joss, ete. Glazing. ly painting. G & W Ser- vice. Dial 3-7213. (263f) FLOOR CLEANIN G AND | 47--Legal Notices CARETAKER NEW CITY HALL Applications will be received by the undersigned until Mon- day, November 23rd, at 5 o'clock p.m. for the position of caretaker at the new City Hall. By PETER JACKSON KARACHI (Reuters) -- A keen- ed young Pakistani named Islam almani will devote his life to aising the status of barbers in >akistan and achieving for them a respceted place in seciety." Islamd Salmani, 21, is at present udying political science and his- | tory. But he says: "I would rather | be a successful barber than an un- successful lawyer. "I come from a family of bar- bers, for in India and Pakistan it is a profession handed down from father to son, and barbers form a highly - organized community. The trouble is that when a barber becomes educated he looks down on his own community, I shall not do that." In 1950, Salmani set about or- ganizing an All-Pakistan Barbers' Association. Since then, he has put Pakistan's barbers on the world tonsorial map with a series of well- drafted memoranda which have in- cluded calls for an international federation of barbers; a world con- ference of Moslem barbers to pre- cede setting up a barbers' Islamic university for which Egyptian bar- bers have expressed strong sup- ife To Boosting Barbers port; technical training for bar: bers under the United Nations and | United States assistance pro-! grams; and for a history of the barber's art, On the proposed history, sal- | mani says: 'More than anyone else, barbers have been intimately connected with the rulers of the Indo-Pakistan sub-continent. SPECIAL GIFT | "Did you know that Liaquat loo Alki Khan, our first prime min- ing ister, used to consult his barber about the feeling among the or dinary people on political issues such as Kashmir? When he visited the United States, he brought back a special gift of a razor for his barber. "In ways like this barbers must have influenced the history of our land. Perhaps some used their pri- vileged positions to act as spies or to enrich themselves. As art- ists. they have developed hair styles, invented perfumes and soaps and special instruments for their craft. One would like to know more of the relations between our holy prophet Mohammed and his barber." Hospitals Strained By Fall Polio Outbreak EDMONTON (CP)--Health au- (thorities kept close watch today on a fresh polio outbreak that has | shattered records set by last year's | major epidemic. | Officials said they' believe the | outbreak, which brought Edmonton | |a total of 231 cases, 136 more than last year, has reached its peak. eight from Winnipeg and Calgary | aq jssued a 10-cent The disease has claimed 10 lives in the city, compared with seven during 1952. The new outbreak became no-/| ticeable two weeks ago, long after | the seasonal summer decline of | polio was reported. The provincial | total now stands at 1,164 cases | |against 774 for 1952. Alberta's | 'death rate is at a high of 80, two more than last year. | Dr. G. M. Little, Edmonton med- | ical health officer, said Monday the trend of infection indicates the | peak has been reached. More adults than children are catching | the disease, _ which is "usual at | OTTAWA (CP)--M. J. Coldwell, CCF leader, said Monday that Agnes Macphail, former CCF of Parli t, had not Applicants should be in p sion of stationary engineers' papers, fourth class or better. Duties to commence Decem- ber Ist, 1953, Starting salary $3,000.00, F. E. HARE, City Clerk. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS NOMINATI ETING NOTICE IS HEREBY MEIVEN that a meeting of the electors of the Township of EAST WHITBY will be held at the TOWNSHIP HALL, Columbus, Ontario, on THURVDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1933. From 7:30 in the afternoon to 8:30 in | the afternoon, for the purpose of re- | ceiving nominations for the offices of | Reeve and four (4) Councillors for the year 1954, and three (3) members of the East Whitby Township Public School Area Board for the years 1954 and 1958. If a Poll is necessary, Polls for taking | the votes of the Electors shall be held | on Monday, December LL oy Begin. ning at 10:00 o'clock in foren and continuing until 7:00 el in 'the | afternoon. The att of is drawn to the following. "When a proposed candidate is not pres- | ent at the meeting there must be satis- | factory evidence given to the Returning | , Officer that the candidate has consented to his nomination. At the nomination meeting or before 9:00 o'clock P.M., the same day, a candidate may resign in respect of one or more offices for which he is nominated by filing his resigna- tion in writing with the Returning Offi- cer, the Clerk, otherwise he shall be deemed to be nominated for the office for which he was first nominated." GEORGE FARNCOMB, Township of Returning Officer, Edst Whitby. Columbus, Ontaria, November 12th, 1953 WATER SEEKERS TRURO, N.S. (CP)---Water-well drillers from all over Nova Scotia met here to form the Nova Scotia Well Water Association. The organ- ization seeks to raise the stan- dards of those in the profession in in properly treated by her coun- try. Miss Macphal was the frst wo- man elected to the House of Com- mons. Shé represented the ridings of Grey South East and Grey-| Bruce for some 20 years. Mr. Coldwell said in the Com: | mons that Miss Macphail served» the people of Canada well and! "has deserved better at the hands of Canada than she has received." Miss Mcphail, he said, will long be remembered as one of the great exponents of penitentiary reform. The reform that had been imple- mented during the last few years were recommended by Miss Mac- nhail during the time she sat a the Commons. lieve a new virus, CCF Think Miss Macphail Deserves Her Pension titled if she had followed her or {from 1921 to 1940 and sat in the | Ontario legislature as CCF 'menyp the tail-end of an epidemic," sai The fresh outbreak put a strain | jon city hospitals. There is still an | {urgent need for nurses and trained { physiotherapists. IMPORT IRON LUNGS Hospitals, caught without enough | iron lungs, had the RCAF fly in and 12 from Boston. Health authorities said they be- | stronger than |the one which caused last year's epidemic, is responsible for the un- | |seasonably high rate. Dr. Little said cases this year are more se- vete than those of 1952. A. Somerville, Jeputy pro- | vineial minister of health, said it | was unusual to see two epidemics in consecutive years but he said a polio outbreak in winter is not un- usual in northern climates. He pointed out that the epidemic which hit Eskimos at Chesterfield inlet in the Arctic a few years ago started in January. E. B. Jolliffe, retiring Ontario CCF leader, said in a telephone in- terview that Miss Macpha il through her long service in Par- liament and later in the Ontario legislature, forfeited any claim to the superannuation pension to which she would have been en- iginal career of school teaching. She was a member of Parliament her for York East from 1943 to 1945 and from 1948 to 1951. Recent] she has been in indifferent healt! but attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto last week. Mr. Jolliffe said he hopes the pension plan for members of Par- liament soon will be amended to include such persons as Miss Mac- phail who served as a member more than the required 17 ses- sions but who are not now mem- bers. Tune-Up By Shock 'While You Loaf \ By HAL BOYL) NEW YORK (AP)--Well, I was just sitting there with my feet on the desk, contentedly watching a spider spin a cobweb between my two shoes, when the phone rang. '"'Are you one of those lazy men Whe hate exercise?" demanded a VO! "No, " I said honestly, "I'm just one of those lazy men who hate people who exercise--and brag about it." 'How would you like to exercise while you loaf?" asked the voice. "How would you like to build a tiger-trim figure without even mov- ing a muscle yourself?" "Can I do this lying down?" 1 | co-operation with provin 8 voice. "You een even read, eat, watch a TV pro- gram, or fall asleep, and all the time you are getting to look more like Hercules, We do it with all machine. Come over and see." So I climbed out of my 5. and into a taxi and trundled over to a Fifth avenue salon that said on the door: Relax-A Cisor. A brunette named Louise Sim- onet led me into a small room where a pretty . blonde, Charlotte Rakay, lay stretched on a table. Miss Rakay wore a bathing suit and a series of damp felt pads that looked like an old-fashioned truss ad. Wires led from the pads | to a small radio-like machine with knobs at her side. "This machine 'takes the place of your nerve gentres and elee- |Nobody Tries To Plan Bridges wa IRONTO CF Deputy High- Says Minister Millar Monday said Ontario's bridge program is bein seriously hampered by a lack of bridge designers. Mr. Millar said that because of | the designer shortage the high- | Ways Jepartment has not been able to call tenders on 20 planned bridges and many more which are wait on the books. The shortage of designers, the minister said, is caused by uni- versity students who are not tak- the course because. it is too monotonous and requires too much hard work. Coldwell Fears Freedom Threat OTTAWA (CP)--M. J. Coldwell, CCF leader, told the Commons Monday he is greatly disturbed by reports that individual freedom of thought and speech is being '"'crushed" in some sections of the United States. Mr. Coldwell was referring to a report from Indianapolis stating that a Republican member of In- diana's textbook commission had urged that the story of Robin Hood and all information about the Juaker religion be banned from schools. Mr. Coldwell said the com- missioner had urged that such | books be banned because they sup- | ported Communist propaganda. = Tells How To Stay Alive ay (CP)The overnment ooklet de- | signed to reduce the number of Canadians killed and injured im construction accidents. The 48-page code of construction safety measures advises workmen and contrators how to avoid step- ping on a nail, bumping into a ladder, slipping off a scaffold, falling down a shaft or being hit on the head by a can of paint, It {applies to men working on a shack or a 20-storey office building. The code outlines minimum safety requirements on construc- tion and will form part of the na- tional building code to be issued by the National Research Council early next year. Both codes are ad- visory documents published by the | Council as guides to municipalities writing. their own building by-laws. Last year 245 workers were killed in the construction field, compared with 215 in 1951 and 160 | in 1950. trically' flexes your muscles for you," said Miss Simonet, "at the rate of 20 contractions a minute or 1,200 an hour. It does all the work for you. All you have to do is plug it in and turn the dials. It can tone up. any muscle in your body while you relax." NICE TWITCH "How about that old serratus an- terior muscle?" I asked cynically. She adjusted a pad on the blonde girl's left rib section, and tuned it in. Immediately Charlotte's splen- did serratus anterior began a rhy- thmic twitch. "How does it feel?" "Tingly . . . just tingly," replied Charlotte reservedly. "Now, we'll test it on the muscle we sit on, the gluteus maximus," said Miss Simonet. She put a pad under each of Charlotte's hips, and a moment later the blonde lady was giving a completely relaxed imitation of Gypsy Rose Lee at her best. *'Wonderful thing, electricity," I murmured. "How does that feel?' "Tingly just ny IE jai Charlotte coolly. "There is no f ng of shock at all." Vell, maybe not from her view- int. We went on from there, test- I muscle after muscle, and Charlotte's pectoralis major re- sponded as gamely as her vastus externus. "Now, would you like to try the machine?' asked Miss Simonet. Bashfully, 1 agreed to test the only muscles I had on display at the moment, those in my triple- threat chin. She held a pad under my chin like a buttercup, and im- mediately the musgles began auto- matically twitching. "How does it feel?"' asked Char- otte. "Tingly . . . just tingly," I told er. MORE WOOD FROM FORESTS - By forest management and bet ter utilization the pulp and paper industry is increasing the produe- tivity of Canada's forests.