Daily Times-Gazette, 14 Nov 1953, p. 4

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7 » mam WHITBY AND DISTRICT NEWS =m 4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, November 14, 1953 HACKS WIFE | CLEVELAND (AP) -- Enraged ELECTRIC MOTORS i [because he was sentenced to jail ifor failing to keep up his alimony, 54-year-old Florenino Perna at- tacked his divorced wife Antoinette with a hatchet in court Thursday. i Many Prizes Presented Rewinding - Repairing Sales end Service PORT WHITBY ELECTRIC hill were married drew's § | were presented at the 107th gradu- PRETTY CHURCH WEDDIN in St. An- | son, of Ottawa, formerly cf Whit Presbyterian Church, | by, and the groom is the son of Whitby; on November 7 he Mrs. Gledhill and the late Thom- | bride is the .former Barbara = as L. Gledhill, of Whitby. | Christine Thomson, daughter of Photo by LeRoy Toll, Toronto. WHITBY DAY BY DAY Accounts of social events and | bers are urged to be out for this | meeting and visitors are most wel- come, The mothers and children of the | | Baby Band of the Whitby United | Church will meet in 'the Sunday | roll of the Town of Whitby for the | At Commencement intermed ate ce'ifi-.W. D. Thomson, chairman of the scholarship; Mr. J. Espeers, BA | Thirty-two | cates, 18 secondary school gradua- tion diplomas, six (cm 8 pe lomas, seven secondary school hon- or graduation ceriificates and merit crests, and a long list of other academic and athletic prizes ation exercises of the Waiiby i s- | trict High School held in the Town | Hall last evening. The pres_n.al ois {brought pl e and happi | the recipients and a generous mea- | sure of satisfaction to Principal Donald Tutt and- his staff. The hall {was filled with relatives and friends of the students. Presiding was Dryden, secondary school to |W. H Board, and among those assisting in the presentation of awards were Trustee B. Craw- ford, intermediate certificates; Trustee Dr. F. 8. Mills, sec- ondary school ,graduation and! commercial diplomas; Trustee J. honor graduation diplomas; Tcusice | . H. Elms, merit crests and the Whitfield trophy; Joan Duff, presi- | dent Student Council, the inter- | house trophy; Mr. F. J. Meclnty e, Rotary Club prizes; Mrs. J. G. Fothergill, the IODE prizes and the Kinsmen Club prize; Mrs. F. Browne, the Fred W. Browne me- morial prizes; J. H. Ormiston, the Graydon Goodfellow prize given by the Daily Times-Gazette; Trustee J. C. McGee, Liter Society | prize; Mrs. W. W. Baldwin, the irls athletic awards, and Trustee . A. Wilson, boys' athletic av ards. It is worthy of note that students scored high at "the inter-school meet at Uxbridge. The valedictory address was giv- PRIZES (Continued on Page 5) | AT COMMENCEMENT Presiding at the 107th com- mencement exercises of the Whit- by District High School last eve- ning in the Town Hall was W. D. Thomson, of Brooklin, chairman of the Board. Fine Essay On Wins IODE Memorial Prize Each year Viscount Greenwood | Chapter, IODE., offers a scholar- ship to the pupils of the m~ ~~. | lation classes Grades XII and XIII | who write the best essay on a patriotic subject chosen by the i chapter. Last night Miss Margaret Frost, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Frost, received this prize at the | 107th commencement exercises | held in the Town Hall. Presenta- | . J. Foth- | rgill, edueational secretary of the Chapter. Miss Frost's essay on | +The Royal Family", is as fol- | OWS: { THE ROYAL FAMILY | Crowds cheered and banners waved in the wind one grey day in the autumn of 1947. The eyes of | all rested on the smiling Duke of | Royal Family secret of their happiness. These two young people, destined to rule a mighty empire, were to become trict High School | night held its 107th annual com- | mencement exercises is Donald Tutt. He assisted in presenting ! the prizes. Mrs. the right temple. Perna suffered a blow on 1600 Brock Street South AT COMMENCEMENT Principal of the Whitby Dis- | which last a universal model of happy mar- | riage and loyal patriotism. The young Duke and his Prin- cess went away for their honey- | moon like any other couple and | for a brief spell they were allowed | to be simply human beings, man and wife. The next autumn their son was born. A great surge co. rej 4 REG BRYANT ELECTRIC Wiring & Renairs 213 BYRON ST SOUTH TELEPHONE 628 swept over the country. There was | just one cloud upon the happiness | of the Royal Family and the na- | tion. It was the deterioration in| the health of King George VI. | Princess Elizabeth's desire was to | be, for a few years, just wife and mother. In August of 1950, "hcir Edinburgh and his happy bride. as 'daughter Princess Anne, was born. | they left Westminster Abbey after Soon after this Princess Flizabeth iin- | their marriage and stepped across began to assume an ever-heavier | the threshold of their new life to- burden of public affairs. For gether. This was no marriage of olitical convenience. It was a ove - match between two attrac- tive young people, who made no | ately, her husband was always | ESSAY (Continued on Page 5) SALE Farm equip t and h hold furniture, November 28. No. 2 Highway, 12 miles west of Whitby. C. T. FOTHERGILL be- | | a Court will be held, pursuant to TOWN OF WHITBY TOWN OF WHITBY Statement of a Question to be Submitted to'the Electors Qualified to Vote on Money By-Laws "ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF THE EXPENDITURE OF THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND ($200,- 000.00) DOLLARS FOR THE EXTENSIONS OF THE SEWER MAINS IN THE EASTERLY, WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY PORTIONS OF THE MUNICIPALITY, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECI- FICATIONS OF THE KILBORN ENGINEERING COM- PANY, AND FOR THE ISSUE OF DEBENTURES FOR THIS PURPOSE?" TAKE NOTICE thot the above is a correct statement of the question to be submitted to the vote of t"e qun'!i~q e'-c'nrs of the Town of Whitby pursuant to By-law Number 1954 of the Corporation passéd the 27th days of October, 1953. The day for taking the vote of the electors upon seid ques- tion and 'the places where the votes are to be taken and the Deputy Returning Of.icers shall be the same es for te annual election for the municipal council for the year 1954 ond the Returning Officer appointed to hold the said election shall toke the vote. Persons entitled to vote upon the said question shall be those electors who are qualified to vote on money by-laws, And notice is further given thot Friday, the 27th dey of November, 1953, at the hour pf 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon ot the Council Chamber in the Town of Whitby, hes been fixed os the time and place for the i s to d ot the polling places and ot the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, ' On Tuesday, the 8th doy of December, 1953, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Tdwn Clerk's Office in the Town of Whitby, the Town Clerk shall ottend end sum up the votes given for and against the said by-law. Dated ot Whitby this 6th dey of November, 1953. JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby ment of p NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that news items of local interest [School Hall, Tuesday afternoon, t | year 1953 which will be used for | and names of visitors are ap- | 1954 taxation purposes, is to be| The Ontario Voters' List Act, His | November 17th, at 3.30. preciated. PRESENTS FLAGS TO LEGION PHONE 708 For many years Comrade Russell Hatch has on Remembrance Day presenfed two "flags "to Whitby on | Branch 112 of the Canadian Legion, the one for the cenotaph and the other school. Mrs. A, E. Kemp will be the | for the flag pole on the memorial guest speaker and has chosen as| hall. This year this generous gift "her subject, "Importance ot Le". was repeated. Mrs. Kemp, is the wife of the rec- tor of St. John's, Port Whitby, and| COURT OF REVISION MEETS was actively identified with the | First sitting of the Court of Re- church and YMCA of Quebec City, | vision to hear and determine ap- before coming to Whitby. All mem- i peals against the 1953 assessment The Brock Street Home and School Association will meet Tuesday, November 17th, in expected that there will be many others. Tuesday 'at Hotel Royal the guest speaker will be the Miles, minister of St. Paul's Pres- | byterian Church, Oshawa. He will be introduced by Rev. David Mar- | | shall, of St. Andrew's, Whitby, | held in the Council Chamber, on | Wednesday evening, November 25, | at 7.30. Already quite a number | of appeals have been filed and it is | TO ADDRESS ROTARY At the Rotary Club luncheon next Rev. Bruce | FIREMEN ATTEND CHURCH NOMINATION by i the County Court of the County WHITBY PHONE 613 SATURDAY EVENING SHOW STARTS AT 6 O'CLOCK BROC £ "The most welcome 2° 'kind of musical in, 8 Fire Chief Bruce Corner and the | members of his fire department | | will attend the morning service in | a body Sunday at St. John's Angli- | | can Church, Port Whitby, and will | place a wreath on the memorial window. The rector, Rev. A. E. | Kemp, will preach. Whitby Classified NOTICE: Classified advertisements for this column must be in the Whithy office by 5 p.m. the day preced- ing publication, MEETING TOWN OF WHITBY IN THE TOWN HALL at the hour of 7:30 p.m. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1953 for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office of MAYOR, REEVE, DEPUTY-REEVE, COUNCILLORS, PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSIONERS ond PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES for the Town of Whitby; of which all electors are hereby required to |i 1953, at 4 o'clock in the after- © Whitby for 1953. Honour the Judge of of Ontario, at the Court House, on the 26th day of November, noon to hear and determine complaints of errors and omis- sions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Town wi DATED ot Whitby the 14th day day oi Novem'~r, 1953, - JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby, STROWGER'S FURNITURE CO. LTD. Authorized Dealers for Canadian General Electric Apnliances 123 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY PHONE 611 SPECIAL PRICES FEATURED ON 3 COLD WAVE (3 PERMANENTS (& IRIS BEAUTY SALON 129 BROCK STREET S. WHITBY From November 9 to November 21, 1953 Regular $15.00 lanolin cold wave complete $12.50 Regular $12.50 creme cold wave complete $10.00 Extra Special $10.00 cold wave $8.50 Phone 321 for appointment--Mrs. Elle Hrytzak, prop. > take notice end govern themselves accordingly, and if a greater number of candidates than are required to fill the said office, are nominated and make the required declarations, polls will be opened in the pl named in the proclamation, in the said Town of Whitby on Monday, December 7th, 1953 and will be open from 10 a.m. until 7.00 p.m. FOR SALE '-- GIRL'S WINE 3PIECE winter outfit, size 4. Reasonable. Phone 2233. (2662) 3 ROOMS TO RENT IN RAGLAN Second floor. Abstainers. No objection to 1 child. Water on tap. Phone Brooklin 66r32. (2662) INSULATE NOW, WITH ROCK-WOOL, | | TOWN OF WHITBY COURT OF REVISION SIDEWALKS Notice is hereby given that Court of Revision will be held in the Town Clerk's Office, 201 Brock Street South, on Wednes- doy, November 25, 1953, ot 7.30 o'clock P.M. to hear ap- peals against sidewalks which heave been constructed os local improvements under the author. ity of By-law No. 1816 of the Town of Whitby. Dated ot Whitby this 12th dey of November, 1953, JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby. TOWN OF WHITBY Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Véters' List Voters' List, 1953, Municipality of the Town of Whitby, County of Ontario Notice is hereby given thet | have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' Lists' Act and thet | have posted up 'at my office at the Town of Whitby on the 4th day of November, 1953, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said M icipal blower method, free estimates. Phil Harper, Green St, Whitby. Phone 2277. (Nov2é) ROCKWOOL INSULATION, FIRE | proof. Cool in summer; warm in winter | Free estimates. Walter Ward, Insulation Contractor, 204 Chestnut West, phone | 2863. (Deets) WELLS DUG AND DEEPENED. SEP- tic tanks Installed and cleaned. Phone | 2061. Don Ferris, 639 Brock St. North, Whitby. (Nov20) he -- ALL KINDS, SHARPENED, #rosced vy ROBERT BASSLER dusered by RICHARD SALE screen riay by SOBEL LENNART icipality at M » Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And | hereby coll upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 18th day of November, 1953, Dated aot the Town of Whitby this 7th dey of November, 1953. JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby. and no longer Mayor, Reeve, Deputy-Reeve and six Councillors are to be elected for a term of one year. Two Public Utility Commissioners are to be elected for a term of two years. Three Public School Trustees are to be elected cowroRT ron filed, set. It it's dull we sharpen it. ALSO: / Rear of George Hamers, 212 Brock S., (Dect) "THE SEEING EYE" "BATBOY"" "WONDER GLOVES" | Andy Anderson. for a term of two years. | the best for the least money. Call | H. H. Goode and Son, Ltd., 2017. Free | estimates. (Dect) | weLLs DUG AND DEEPENED, SEP- tic tanks installed and cleaned, com- | pressure work done. Phone 2563, W. Ward, 210 Chesnut West. «Deec.17) | TRANSPORTATION WANTED--DAILY TOWN OF WHITBY Statement of a Question to be Submitted * to the Electors Qualified to Vote on J * on fot phone #0 Money By-Laws | "ARE YOU IN FAVOUR OF A GRANT OF NOT EX- CEEDING FORTY THOUSAND ($40,000.00) DOLLARS BEING MADE TO COMPLETE THE WHITBY COM- t MUNITY ARENA?" 7 | keeping with & TAKE NOTICE that the above is a correct statement [| *™° cunty Son HY of the question to be submitted to the vote of the FOR SALE quelified electors of the Town of Whitby pursuant to . p By-law Number 1955 of the Corporation passed the 3-speed Rigo) e Oo 29th day of October, 1953. : tion, $25.00. Als 51 record. tion, $25.00. Also 51 record And further take notice thet sil persons, whe heve appealed The day for taking the vote of the electors upon said ings of classical music, consist- intt thelr Cra Rerun 1% oMond ee question and the places where the votes are to be ing, of Svar 160 elections i Dated ot Whitby this Ta de oF Novembe ing : taken and the Deputy Returning Officers shall be the . i alg $84 00 oe" YW Y oT; 1933; same as for the annual election for the municipal 33 1/3 RPM .. each $3.00 on i. sho un council for the year 1954 and the Returning Officer 50¢ i i appointed to hold the said election shall take the vote. 50¢ Persons entitled to vote upon the said question shall be those electors who are qualified to vote on money by-laws. And notice is further given that Friday, the 27th day of November, 1953, at the hour of 10.00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Council Chamber in the Town of Whitby, has been fixed as the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the final summing up of votes by the Clerk. On Tuesday, the 8th day of December, 1953, ot the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at the Town Clerk's Office in the Town of Whitby, the Town Clerk: shall attend and sum up the votes given for and against the said by-law. Dated at Whitby the 6th doy of November, 1953. JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby JOHN R. FROST, Returning Officer. SERVICE BY HARRY THE NUT THAT HOLDS THE (264¢) COTTAGE. (265b) . THE MECHANICS AND EQUIPMENT ON THE JOB HERE AT DONALD'S ARE THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS, YOU CAN BE SURE OF EVERY PART OF YOUR CAR EXCEPT ONE/ LADY; WHEN WE OVER- HAUL A CAR ITS AS SAFE AS A NEW BUGGY. FOR RENT -- 3-ROOM Phone 2177. FOR SALE--ONE CONTINENTAL BED. Phone 2881 after 5. (265¢) TOWN OF WHITBY Notice of Sitting of Court of Revision Take notice thet the Court of Revision of the Town of Whithy will hold e sitting in the Town Clerk's Office at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on Wednesday, the 25th doy of November, 1953, te heer and determine oppeals egainst the A nt Roll of the Town of Whitby for the year 1953 for taxation purposes for the year 1954, ~-- FURNISHED OR UN- itable for light house- AbStat FOR RENT DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT IS TCO LATE! ---- A TYPICAL car owner is a guy who will stand for enything short of getting necessary ° ' repair when needed. This brand of citizen isn't sitting so pretty when suddenly his whe=ls . TOWN OF WH ITBY | go in four directions and a rod takes off in the general direction of Minsk! Let us work on your little repairs before they grow up to be wallet-warpiiig major overhauls, APPLY BOX 408 TIMES-GAZETTE WHITBY (2662) WASHER (HEPAIRS | WORK GUARANTEED Complete check - up, .Wringer Te end ° ry q Notice' re Voters' List A Small Repair Now Stops a Big One Later TREAD ED (018017 Ye]. 1]83 Toke notice thot | have prepared and posted up ot my office o list of all persons entitled te vote on Money By-Laws at the forth. i Municipal Election. No alterations can be made to the list after Wednesday, November 18th, therefore all complaints should be filed no leter than thet date. ---- Nw over- BUTT RADIO And Applience 130 Brock St, No Whitey 2 JOHN R. FROST, Clerk, Town of Whitby. CHEVROLET PHONES 304 ar Tel. 707 VISIR:

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