THE DAILY TIMES- En Wednesday, September 16, 1258 19 50 Economical--So Easy--Try It! Place Your Times Classified Ad Now! Ph. 3-2233 This Ad Brought Results After only one insertion. J DELIVERY BOY, OVER 15, BICYCLE furnished, 5-day week. Apply -- Grocery: pC, 9-- Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale [} SPACE HEATER, IN EXCELLENT Will heat S5-room house. 0 ee new, also approx. 15 ft. of vepipe. Reasonable. Phone $302 RD D MAHOGANY ORGAN, EXCEL- condition. Best offer. Dial 5-4321. (216¢) GAUGE WINCHESTER PUMP SHOT Dial 3-7559. (2168) OAK DINING ROOM SUITE, chairs, in good (214¢c) DINETTE SUITE, $35; TABLE AND 3 KA hot plate, $2; bath mat, $5. pply 218 Hibbert. (314¢) ERS TAKEN FOR STORM SASH neasuremenia 35d | estimates tree, order early. J Sep1D) PRESSURE ashing UTOMATIC STOKER stem, sink and steel ci Harry A LEVISION AERIALS INSTALLED, ptionary all-station one:wire sys tching Guarani! 1 year $9.50 up. Kelly T.V. . | for sale. GAS SPACE HEATER, LARGE SIZE, new condition, reasonable. Dial 5.470. . (2162) TWO-CORD DRY HARDWOOD, READY for use, also Minneapolis Honeywell Janitor. A-1 condition. Dial i « CAR RADIO "ROAD PAL". 51 Nassau | tel St. Back door. (216a) MEDIUM-SIZED SOFT COAL STOKER, with all controls. 400 Dundas St. West, Whitby. Phone 2398, Whitby. (216b) DAYTON COMPUTING SCALE, $50; cash register with adding detachable, machine, $100; meat platters cheap. Apply 98 Park Rd. (2160) SPRING MATTRESS, 3", condition, $8. Dial 3-2078. USED QUART SEALERS, 60c DOZEN. Apply 173 Alma. Phone 5-2326. (216a) 7-PC. DINETTE SUITE, DARK WOOD trimmed with light, good condition, al- most new. Dial 3-3990. (216¢) DINETTE SUITE, $35; TABLE AND 3 chairs $7; hot plate $2; bassinette $5. Apply 218 Hibbert. (215¢) ONE LARGE NORGE OIL BURNER Used ihtee months. 220 Centre Street S., Whith; (214¢) IN CLEAN POMIC BOOKS, P nagazines, sold ay Book Exchange, 56) n every evening. CITY APPROVED SEPTIC TANKS available now at Fabricated Metals, and Stampings Ltd, 249 Second Ave. or 5-1665 (Oct.6) RECORD PLAYER NEW, GOOD tone, complete with $5 worth of records, $20.95. Terms. Meagher's, § Bing West, 2 GOODRICH STORES, otroint and Addison appli: on. Thrifty budget sn DRNAMENTAL PORCH IRON RAIL rep ewimute. Alr Shade $19.95 UP -- HOOVER, ELECTROLUX, Gen: Electric, Filter Queen, Airway Rex Sales. Dial 55121. (Sep29) GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERA- tor, Presto cooker, sealers. Dial 3-7284. (214c) BEACH HOT-AIR FURNACE, EXCEL- lent condition, very reagonable. Apply. Apply 138 Cadillac South. (215¢) wnings of Oshawa, 119 ie ou Road Dial 5-4332. (Oct5) 1 SINGLE AND 1 DOUBLE BARREL Dial 3-2486. (215¢) PER WEEK INSTALLS A NEW '53 refrigerator or range. selection at Kelly's T.V. and Ap- iances, 81 King West. (Sept29) THTUBS, TOILETS, WASH BASINS, and cabinets, water tanks, sophie MAN'S BICYCLE, NEW SEAT. TIRES, tubes, A-1 condition--$25. Dial IB, '50 5-H.P. JOHNSON OUTBOARD MO- tor, perfect running condition. Phone 3-3186 after 5 p.m. (215¢) pipes Montrave. (Sep28) PLUMBING. ded, sink GIBSON GUITAR, IN GOOD CONDI tion, 5 months old. Apply 520 Ritson Rd. N., between 12 - 2 p.m. (215b) pow with attachments, $99.95. ns: $10 down and $7 per month. gher's, 5 King West. (Sep16) CHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS. ALL ; also parts i, same in stock. her's, 8 King W, (Sepl6) vos REWOVEN FROM YOUR OLD versib| PIANO, GOOD CONDITION. DIAL 3- 9650, 215¢) MAITLAND WOOD 'STOVE CONVERT- ed oil, 2 burners, good condition, pitty baker. Reasonable. Maple Lodge, Corbett's Point. (214c) FLOOR COVERING + Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over 300 smart 1953 patterns for every rocm in the house. Congoleums, Feltols, Rexcleums, Inlaids, Marboleums, etc. RUTHERFORDS 156 SIMCOE SOUTH 166t0) 16a) | 42--Female Help Wanted 45--Agents Wanted GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN clerk-bookkeeper. Apply 91 King W,, Bowmanville. Phone 497. (216b) FOR | A GENTS, CLUBS, CHURCH GROUPS! Make friends and profits easily ;showing Canada's finest Christmas cards. 15 WHITBY NEWS RELIABLE WOMAN TO DO GENER- al housework and ironing, 3 afternoons weekly. Dial 5-2978. (215¢) items scenic, humorous, French, personal .and every day cards. Many novelty items: ribbons, wraps, seals, purse lights and books. service. Liberal commissions. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS FOR HO- dining room. Phone 2 be- ini 9 and 5. (215¢) W. V. Jeandron Greeting Card Co., mn North, Hamilton, pL27) "ATTENTION EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES! If you feel you are ready for a position -- not just a job--and will take some interest and responsibility, we have the position and salary that should interest you. Write or apply in person to BALMORAL HOTEL BOWMANVILLE (21 Cirl or Woman Typist eration. Must be fast and able to maintain sa | . speed all day. Excellent wage. when qualified. Apply TIMES-GAZETTE 43--Male Help Wanted MESSENGER WANTED. 'APPLY CA- nadian Pacific Telegraph, 11% King St. East. (216¢) CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS can easily make more money show- ing our unexcelled Christmas card assortments to friends, neighbors, and at work. Wonderful line to choose from. Feature assortments, Gift Wraps, purse .lights and child- ren's books. Special plan for clubs and church groups. Send no money --write today® for samples on ap- proval. You run no risk but hurry, be ahead of others in your locality. MONARCH GREETING CARD CO. Dept. E. HAMILTON, ONT. (Oct.14) OSHAWA GREETING CARDS For prompt service, speedy delivery get your Christmas needs from / Oshawa Greeting Cards, large selec- tion of special choice -- Christmas Cards, Gift Wraps, Seals, Tags. Highest commissions. 421 Mary St. PHONE 5-2003 (Sept18) : Cadi Drops Intoxication Charges Here Intoxication charges filed against two Pieckering Township women were dismissed by Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in the Whitby Police Court Tuesday when the matron of the Gounty Gaol, Mrs. Sutherland gave evidence that the two did not appear intoxicated upon their ar- rival at the gaol. The two women, Louise Leach, of Fairport Beach, and Violet Cascanette, of Picker. ing Township, were charged along with two men who plead guilty out of Court and paid their fines. CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS Get Free Purselight The sensational novelty item, with early sales. Our complete liné of Christmas cards in- cludes everything needed for fast sales and big profits. Highest quality and liberal com-mission. Make up to 55¢ profit on Feature Box. Hurry, limited time only. Free pursé- light. Write today for samples on approval and particulars of amazing bargain sample offer. Melex Greeting Card Co., Dept. { O.T., Hamilton. (Sept23) 46--Employment Wanted WANTED BY MAN OF 40 WITH VAR- ied experience, position of general of- fice work. Write Box 104, Times-Gazette. (216¢) NOW AVAIL- Dial 3-3579. (215b) REFINED LADY WOULD LIKE JOB as housekeeper-companion to a lady or gentleman. Phone 2915 Bowmanville > (215¢ BUSINESS PREMISES CLEANED nightly and on week-ends. Write P.O. Box 98, Oshawa. (2158) DUTCH GIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK daily, 9 - 5 p.m. Bowmanville 5 ; IC PRACTICAL NURSE able, good references. 47--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of STAN- LEY J. BAKER, late of the Improve- ment District of Ajax, in the County of Ontario, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Stanley J. Baker, late of the t District of Ajax, in the "CLIMATITE"" Aluminum combination windows and screens "Maloney" Aluminum Combination doors, $59.50 Low Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER ' Dial 3;8924 - (Oct) SED BICYCLES, BOYS' ONLY, gbod dition, $10 up. B. F. Goodrich Stores, 3 Simcoe South. (Oct.8) SLABS, FOOT-LENGTHS, single cord; bardwood slabs, $6.50 fle cord. Also body hardwood. Dial 490. (Octs) (CONSOLE RADIO AND RECORD 2 . Good ud, $2 $35 up. Apply B. Stores. Dial 5-4543. "die RAMODE Canada's most attractive all- Sluminum awnings, canopies, yOOD oe the light in, keeps the sun out. FREE ESTIMATES DIAL 3-3553 (Septas) SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Sept.13) Immediate Delivery on good quality loam and agar clothes pbles. PHONE 5-0392 (Septal) 'T BUY A SEWING MACHINE Unless you get the right one. We carry the largest seltction in tioned Sewi From $20 up. Easy terms -- no interest charges. COMMUNITY. SEWING CENTRE Dial 3-4840 (Sep1®) "NASH" ALUMINUM COMBINATION Windows, Screens and Doors. The world's finest. Made in wa. For "free estimates phone KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST. DIAL 5-4632 (Oct10) Hamilton Clothes Dryer, large size, nearly new, excellent for rooming house -- $165. DIAL 5-3131 (215b) Cutboard Motor Rental and Sales DIAL 3-3553 (Sepl®) 41--Articles Wanted WILL BUY CLEAN FILL AT REASON- able price. Dial 3-4345. (216c) Ww -- MEDIUM-SIZE QUEBEC hui He Brooklin 54r13. (215b) GOOD USED J VANITURE WANTED, Crysler Futnitare, 56 King West. Dini 5-0132. (Sept23) PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANC now. Wilson & Lee 79 Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822. (Sept23) WANTED, LIVE POULTRY. FEATH- ers, scrap iron, metal, rags and mat tresses. Dial L Turner. North Oshawa, 3-2043 collect. (Sept.12) M. GREENBERG & SONS WE BUY: Scrap Iron Metal Rags, Etc, Highest Prices Paid Phone 3-7333 -- 308 Bloor E. (Oct2) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paid for Iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Local and out-of-town calls pick up free. 100 Annis St. east of CNR Station, Dial 5-3432. Residence dial 5-4159, (Sept15) SHAW RAG and METAL Highest prices paid for scrap irom, metal, rags, batteries, mattresses. etc. Factory accounts appreciated 89 BLOOR ST. E. Dial 5-231) -- J, SHAW Res.: 3-9111 | (Sept6) 42--Female Help Wanted PROOFREADER, Mus? HAVE SEN- ior educa tion. Opportunity Phe advancement. . py, office manager, General Printers Limited. (216a) EXPERIENCED PART-TIME WAIT- ress for banquets. Dial 3-4822. (215¢) EXPERIENCED PBX TELEPHONE switchboard operator. Chiefly distance work, good salary, 5-day week. Write Box 12, Times-Gazette. (215¢) WAITRESSES person West. WANTED. to Odeon Restaurant, 26 King (216¢) GIRL OR WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK. Dial 3-3398 after 4. SPECIAL ON USED REFRIGERATORS Westinghouse, General Kelvinator and others. All condition -- $95 to $125. WARNER WILLIAMS 78 SIMCOE N. DIAL Electric, in good 3.7752 Gite) M. GREENBERG & SONS ; Scrap wood for sale $5.00 per truck load Phone 3-7333 308 Bloor St. E. Det) (216a) APPLY IN| RELIABLE BOYS FOR GLOBE AND Mail paper routes, good weekly profits, Dial 5-473. (216b)' DELIVERY BOY FOR PART-TIME work after school. Apply Oshawa Clinic Pharmacy. (213¢) MESSENGER BOY, BoUys 6 P.M. Apply Mitchell's Drug Store, 9 Simcoe St. N. (215t0 AND CEMENT FIN- Apply George Hardy Ordinance Depot. Co- rg. (ase) YOUNG MAN WITH LATE MODEL car for part-time delivery and collec: CARPENTERS ishers wanted. Ltd., Central tion work on. large Canadian publica- | tion, able to devote about one day or 2 half days per week. No selling re- quired. Car County of Ontario, Labourer, who died on or about the 20th day of April, 1953, are hereby notified to send such claims to the undersigned, solicitors for the executrix of the said estate, duly veri- | fled, on or before the 18th day of Sep- tember, 1953. After the. last-named date the assets of the said estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the execltrix shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, the 28th day of August, 1953. : CONANT & CONANT, Barristers & Solicitors, 7% Simcoe St. S., OSHAWA, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix (Sept2,9,16) "F will not be responsibe for any debts al paid.' Write Box 10, Times-Gazette. (2150) JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER. APPLY = Wilson Rd. S. Dial 5-513: (48 EXPERIENCED pre AP- ply at job, 74 Alexandra Street. HI Battery & Radiator Repairmen: Permanent position, wages and working conditions, employee benefits. SRB DUNCAN B LIMITED 84 CEDAR STREET, SUDBURY = ONTARIO (Sept16,19,23,26,30-Oct3) "Experienced counter help. Also meat cutter required immediately. Highest wages. Apply in 'person. BUEHLER'S 12 KING ST. EC 15 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS Qualified, enced electronic technicians, senior and junior grades, required for per- manent positions in rapidly - expanding manufacturer. Ap- ply in person or writing to STARK ELECTRONICS INSTRUMENTS LTD. Ajax, Ont, experi- (216¢) GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED FOR general housework. Good wages, no night work. Further detail write Box 5, Times-Gazette. (214¢) TYPIST FOR FULL TIME EMPLOY ment, experienced prefezred. Apply of 45--Agents Wanted EASY EXTRA MONEY IS YOURS! Sell Name-On stmas, Everyday as- riments for® highest commissions. ver sixty sales- tested Jems, terrific Oshawa Ch ce, 16 King West. (2140) Saleslady Wanted. Experience not nec- . essary. Apply Bres- lin's Ready - To - Wear -- Whitby. alm appeal. values including » Card ig Assort- ment, Gold'n Christmas, Velvet Madonna Duets, Surprise, Currier and Ives, Cana- dian Scenes. Appealing Everyday, reli- gipus, humorous cards. Personalized cards, stationery, napkins, Gift Wraps, kiddies' Christmas stockings, pop - up books, Bible stories, paint books, rib- bons, gift cards. Write for NOW. Print name, address clearly. Name-On Stationery Company Limited, Dent. 14, Room F, Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, by my wife without my written consent as of this date, September 15th, 1953. Warren R. Roach, Box 411, Oshawa. (215¢) NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the ESTATE of CICELY ROSE WRIGHT, late of the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontario, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Cicely Rose Wright, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Housewife, who died on or about the 20th day of March, 1953, are hereby notifiea to send such claims to the under- signed, solicitors for the Executrix of the said estate, duly verified, on or before the 6th day of October, 1953 After the last-named date the as- sets of the said estate will be dis- tributed among the persons en- titled - thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executrir shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa, Ontario, 10th day of September, 1953, CONANT & CONANT, Barristers & Solicitors, 7%2 Simcoe St. S OSHAWA, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. (Sept16,23,30) 48--Auction Sale AUCTION SALE--22 HOLSTEIN CAT- tle, all under six years. Full line of implements, 2 tractors. Thursday, Sept. 17, at 1 p.m. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. Sale at Johnnie Mitchell's, % mile west, % south of Brooklin. (215b) AUCTION SALE-STIRTEVANT'S AUC- tion Rooth, 33 Hall St., Thurs. evening, Sept. 17th, at 7:30, rs open 7:15. Norge Electric Refrigerator, 7-piece Dindtte Suite (natural); Floor Model ; Buffet (walnut); Kitchen Chairs; Kitchen Table (natural); Lawn Mower Step Ladder; Victrola; Drop-Leaf Table and 4 Chairs; Full-Size Bed and Spring; China Cabinet; Electric Heater; Hot Plates; Kitchen Cabinet; Bridge Lamp; Floor Lamp; McClary Heavy Duty El- ectric Range; Child's Table and Chair; Pedestal; Camp Cots; Cooking Uten- sils; Dishes and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, auctioneer. Dial 5-5731 (216b) the TRUSTEES NAME OFFICERS HALIFAX (CP)--W. N. McGilli- vray of Gray, Sask., Tuesday was elected president of the Canadian School Tructees' /ssociation at the group's annual meeting here. Mrs. Isabel Ross of Toronto was elected vice-president for Ontario. (fant) Evid in the case was given | by Constable Master, of t he Pick- ering Township Police Department who stated that he arrested the two accused along with the two men at Fairport Beach on Satur-|, day night. He stated that they were incoherent 'and smelled of liquor | when arrested. Mrs. Sutherland, | wife of the governor of the Gaol was called in and testified that | the two women did not appear upon their arrival at the gaol to be intoxicated. Dredge Loss Will Delay Extension | Work on the extension of the in- take pipe at the lake will be held up for several weeks, it is expected as the result of the sinking last Saturday of the hydraulic dredge in the harbor. This dredge was to have been used to dig a trench of about 500 feet for the Mtake extension. This would have been a day's work, it is estimated, by the Public Utility Commission. However, if the dredge is raised soon, and it is expected that it will, this work will be undertaken | so that the job may be completed | this fall. In the meantime, how- | ever, there will be no interruption Catholic Women's League The first fall meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held in St. Bernard's School, "Septem- ber 1st. Reports of the secretary and treasurer were read. . A fowl supper is to be héld in ithe school and the following con- veners were appointed: Mrs, L. Ruest, Mrs. H. Augustus, Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. O. St. Pierre and Mrs. D. O'Hagen. A gold cross and chain were pre- sented to Mrs. A. Smith for her splendid work of looking after flow- ers and linens for the altar, At the close of the meeting a dainty luncheon was served by the hostesses. The League is looking forward to a very busy and successful sea- son. JOAN GREIG (Continued From Page 4) in the schools. "Mrs. Sheedy relieved for two weekends and made a total of 7 "'Mrs. Everett took charge of the branch for the month of July and made 130 visits, all but 19 of which were for nursing care. She worked a total of 163 hours and was re- lieved for two days by Sheedy who made 5 visits. "A total of 55 babies were in attendance at the five Child Health conferences' held in July. "In 'August 151 visits were made only 54 per cent of which were for nursing care. 3132 hours were spent in school work during August in preparation for the opening of school this month. '49 babies were in attendance at the 'four Child Health confer- | ences. "Mrs. Sheedy weekends and made four visits. "Miss Black, the Public Health Supervisor from Toronto, visited Whitby on August °7th and, 28th. "Not too much time has been available for pre-natal visits but visits were made to all who noti- fied the nurse. During the three months only four pre-natal visits were made. "Visits are still being made to all the new mothers and babies re- ferred to us by the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. One visit is made routinely to these homes as fol- Mrs. ! relieved for two | low-up care from the hospital; amount of nursing care fees are on than Sue visit wesk Saul he the decrease $84.70 for the month y is six weeks o e mother desires it. During the three sum- of June, $36.25 for July and $43.41 mer months 14 post-natal and 14 [f° August. There are more pa- newborn vic'. were made. |tients receiving free nursing care. "The three chest clinics held in 1 per cent of the patients pay full the Council Ci . nbers during these | fee while the other 50 per cent are Hues months were quite well at- part pay patients. nde: "Two children were taken to the "I would like to report that the Eye Clinic in Toronto by the Ro- car is in very good cc tition and tary Club in June. {had mow g>-e 8613 miles. 'We. are very grateful to the | "It has been very enjoyable Kinsmen who have donated to the | working in "7hitby durin' the past VON a cupboard which we greatly |15 months and I would like to take needed and are now tinding ex: [to take this opportunity in thank. tremely uséful. o ing the board for their wonderful e CROSSWORD PUZZLE ISITIAIGIERNAISIS] HEAR with ACROSS . Shinto temple . Cry of a dove . Scrutinize . Injure . Sudden rise in prices . Kind of sleigh . Blunder . Decay . Large body of salt water . A guard . Music note . Square bar used asa support . Warning bell . Spirit . Planet . Outer husks . Jewel . Bone (anat.) . Defames . Luzon native . Water (French) . Hill (So, Afr.) . Disposition . Compassion . Regimen . Cover the inside of . Ruler of Tunis (former title) . River of Latvia (poss.) DOWN . Disdainful 3. Indefinite article 4. Sloping troughs for transpor- tation . Retired , Food leavings 7. Painful spot . Seesaw . God of pleasure . Peruse 2. Showers . Free 7. Money drawers SINTAICH 21E IDI GREENS] : SIEIR] RIEG] olN ISLETS! (E IM[OIT]1 JOINIID [EW] [STTININUIOTOIPI IE | EIAIS]) IETR] JAJSISIMSILIAIS]S] ; Yesterday's Answer 35. Among 39. Letter of the alphabet 40. Perennial kérb (E. Ind.) 42. Music note . Antelope (So. Afr.) . Swiss river . Method of learning 33. Enemy scout . Meat of OPPORTUNITIES Canadian Waohs have been praised as second fo none in Europe. There's plenty to see and do, when you In Korea, our soldiers played an important and proud role. Adventure and travel await the man who serves in such a theatre. serve in the Army. For Men Who Want Adventure, Advancement and a Good Future If you want a life that is exciting and challenging -- a job that is truly important, you'll find them in the Army. take spells of rugged going -- Never before has the Army been able to offer so many opportunities for special training and advancement for men who can qualify. If you are physically fit, like active outdoor life, can then the Army is the place for you. There's no greater career opportunity for a red- blooded Canadian. Above all, you build security for your future and Canada's in the Army. Fadil Soldiers finest! These men -- and you have to be good are trained fo strike hard and fast. of the sky -- Canada's to be o Parofrooper -- To be eligible, you must be 17 to 40 years of age (skilled tradesmen fo 45). When applying bring birth certificate or other proof of age. Apply right away -- For full information write or visit the Army Recruiting Centre nearest your home. Canada is huge. Our soldiers train for many climate conditions. The Arctic is one of the most important of thes: The Army uses the most modern equipmeni t available. More men, te use and instruct others in these ded i diatel . The Army finds aut what you can do. Then, where possible, frains you in a field you like and where you are most apt fo succeed. 7 YOUR LOCAL RESERVE FORCE ARMOURY -or- CANADIAN ARMY RECRUITING STATION, 90 RICHMOND STREET WEST, TORONTO, ONTARIO: SERVE CANADA AND YOURSELF IN THE ARMY