Daily Times-Gazette, 26 Aug 1953, p. 7

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Pikling Time Is Here-- Clp These Notes for Your Files dainty : uaint but tasty pickled Why pri Bom ve jed currants to be eaten wi Tags all the ! ths. of nutmeg ths. cinnamon tok one hour, awy, tightly covered. Let them ingredients are keep in cool hid- ¢TORK-FASHION | Sent THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (35¢c)n coins (stamps cannot be attern. Print accepd) for this lair SIZE, N 3 NUMBER. Sell order to ANNE ADAMS, care of Daily Times-Gazette, Patén Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. , ADDRESS, Fa a pleasant climax to a fanily drive, you'll save mre than enough to pay f¢ your gas . . . : BY SHOPPING AT GLECOFF'S IRA SUPER MARKET 174 Ritson Rd. South Open tvery Evening . untl 10 p.m. WATCH FOR OUR IGA AD IN TONORROW'S TINS-GAZETTE They cme from the east and they core from the wést. They come fom all streets afar to ¢ our store. For velues galore In taxis, by bus ond by cor, Sha and Save Every Day lat Our Everyday Low Prices! (LECOFF'S In SUPER MARKET 174 Ritson Rd. South | " | pickled onions pa compliment a tender ham some bleak November day. It's always nice to know the an- swers. Ever wonder w! they re- commend pure coarse salt in home picl ot iodized? It's so that the Noid will not be cloudy in your pickles: Long, green strips of pickled watermelon rind and stip of pickled cantalope are - delicious when you team them later with cold cuts crisp salads. Or here's a trick that will set guests commen next winter. In water- melon pickle preparation, first are off the tough green skin, next etch your favorite smallest cookie cuters (perhaps those hearts, dia- monds, spades, clubs). Now, cut the soft re pulp into fancy shapes. ' will put you in line for a "pickling award." PS. ler a very crisp pickle? Then cover uncooked rind with lime water (% oz. to 1 gal. of water) Let stand over-night then drain. How to dress up the lowly on: ion, 'rose among roots' this year to fool the home taste-testers. Try adding for each gallon of vinegar 1 ounce of ginger root -- or % cup grated horse radish. Of course, a dry mustard"dressing is always cheered, so make at least one of this old favorite. Ever experi- ment with celery seed, chervil, chili peppers, nutmeg in your For pickling beans, broccoli, caulifiowers, gherkins, heat the vinegar that you will use. A simple but effective trick. "Why do I get soft pickles?" "Why do I Jo hollow pickles?" two young brides enquire. Softness and hollowness may caused be- cause the vinegar used was not strong enough, or the brine too weak. Check the lable of the vine- gar bottle to be sure the vinegar is 4 per cent -- unless recipe in- structs you differently. Pickles such as.dills will also become soft if they are stored in open contain- and pickles exposed above the A note about spices: Wondering spotlight is currently directed on your professional activities. Ro- THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW | Determination and resourceful- ness will accomplish much this situation is a temporary one which can easily be cleared up in more propitious days immediately ahead. Keep plugging at all worth- while goals. the evening hours take part in activities which will give you both physical and - mental stimulation and keep in a cheer- ful frame of mind for, whether you realize it or not, evenis are truly working out to your advan- e and to R THE If tomorrow is your birthday you will find that the celestial ou satisfaction. IRTHDAY mance or social affairs are more or less in the background and that is as it should be, since tunities for career advancement are such now that you should be completely free to take advantage of them. Financial and business prospects htéd d the first will be week of October and, you will employ your innately dynamic methods 1." ing then, i t wel a turning pol Jig} life. Be alert ang even . if sudden new responsibilities seem to awe you, remember that you are well equipped both mentally and manually to carry them out satisfactorily. A child born on this day will be ambitious, versatile and intellec- tually inclined. pickles that ground spices are und to bring about? Use cold kitchen logic and place whole spices in a bag, or tie in a piece of muslin and lower away into the ickle-pot. Merely remove spice bag before transferring pickles to ars. Pickling Statistics. In using coarse pickling salt (not iodized), it is handy to know that the average weight of a cup of salt is about 10 ounces or two-thirds of a pound. Don't ignore your pickling-time tools. ie of cool utensils you select will influence the colour of the pickles. For best results, use enamelware, aluminum and stainless steel. Spoons? You can't go wrong with wooden, stainless steel or aluminum. Utilize dry mustard this pickling festival. It's a good cook's trick to enliven winter-bound meals. Here's a Jine-up of the wide, wonderful choice of recipes from which you may select: Small Cucumber Pickles, M y Beans, Celery Relish, Good Olde Homemade M tard Pickles, Uneooked Pickle, Tomato Catsup, Carrot Relish and Apple Chutney. Some sure, sugar facts in pick- ling: Sugar is used in nearly all pickles. One of the main causes of shrivelled or tough pickles, stem from adding the sugar too rapidly. Well-cured gucumbers take up - ar faster n uncured or poorly cured ccumber and give a better textured pickle. T Skill has been a tradition with us for over a quarter of a century. LEWIS - OPTOMETRISTS 3 KING ST. E DIAL 5-0444 how to avoid the darkening of BY ALICE BROOKS Special! Plan ahead for Christ- mas--and save! Just the stroke of an iron--presto! Tablecloths, place mats, towels sparkle with Christmas colors of Santa Red and Holly Green. Easy! No em- broidery! Washable! Pattern 7258 has 20 washable, iron-on motifs -- ten 2% x 2% to 2% x 4% inches; ten 1 x 1 inch, Plus 28 inches of one-inch border. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps cannot be accepted) to The Daily Times-Gazette, Household Arts Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT- TERN NUMBER. TEN COMPLETE PATTERNS to sew, embroider, crochet--print- ed, right in the Alice Brooks Needlecraft Book! Plus . many more patterns to send for--includ- ing ideas for gifts, home acces- sories, toys, fashions! Send 26 cents now! HOUSEHOLD HINT When you buy a chair, ask if the frame is kiln-dried hardwood. Un- dried wood will check and warp. Nothing can be done to remedy the condition. A reputable furniture dealer will be glad to answer your questions. How to live on what you make Chances are your income is greater today than ever before. Yet, if you're like millions of others, never have you fretted so much about making your income match your outgo. In Septem Reader's Digest, Sylvia Porter, noted financial authority, offers six rules for per- sonal solvency whether you're earning $2500 or $25,000. If you're lpoking for financial peace of mind, don't miss "How to live on what you make" in September Reader's Digest. It's just one of 45 articles of lasting interest, from leading magazines, current books. '|any ordinary day--and then I in- KEEP IN TRIM Jane Pickens' Vital Philosophy Keeps Her Happy, Youthful By IDA JEAN KAIN The day started out just like terviewed Jane Pickens. Not in all my newspaper career have I met anyone with such enthusiasm. As I sat chatting with this singing |in star of radio, it came over me that this gal with a song in her heart really lives life the way it was meant to be lived. I wished that Bh, Lo, HE teed ut, as ne: st, I' her words. Jane is as beautiful as the morn- ing despite the fact that she works |life hard-- somtimes 19 hours at a stretch! She's slim and willowy, 5 feet, 7 inches tall, and weighs 135 round pounds, but she has abun- dant energy. She manages all this by keeping vigorously athletic-- mentally. HEADY WORK! This resolute young woman put the pounds in their place merely by changing her thinking about food. When tempted to continue the pleasure of eating beyond her requirements, she reasoned: 'This food will taste delicious for a split second, and then it will turn into pounds that wili be murd.. to get off." To cure a sweet tooth, Jane made up her mind that sweets taste cheap, that they are empty calories which I weight but not vigor. Now she doesn't care for desserts! She has found that a good breakfast can make it a wonderful morning. All this is just another way of saying Jane eats the protective foods that build THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, August 26, 1008 ¥ and glowing health, and skips the fat-makers. . and rang doorbelis--35 giving each family a slip with the program cl dress to send the cheque. The re sponse was heartening! REVITALIZED! yhich your heart responds ~nd do of them-- three hot, hurried hours, feeling fresh and alive and than springtime. That's secret of weight control, too! A pone ache, it ing to com- ue ese -ni rograms throughout the country. Pisten in and let some of her priceless en- thusiasm rub off! 1 and bank .ad- That's it! Find something to To continue the mental gymnas- tics: Jane "thinks" supple. "'Prac- tice thinking young and supple, and this keeps the waistline wil- lowy. Feel buoyant and this puts oomph in your posture and a lift your walk." " LIVE TRIUMPHANTLY But now I want to tell you the real secret of this young woman's untiring energy. It stems from her philosophy, * life fléw through you . . . to release energy, find to which your heart re- s and do it joyously." And that is exactly how she lives her Jane takes part in all-night tele- to raise funds in behalf of cerebral palsy. This investment in loving really pays of Denver to the tune of $188.09 per minute. Jane Pickens' own beloved daughter has cerebral palsy, and this singing star has devoted her talents and her energies to this crusade. She has lived through a sorrow triumphantly. Now let me show you how con- tagious inspired enthusiasm can be: The evening of the interview I tuned into t program, then went sleepily to bed. Listening in the following morning, I found Jan and the team still going strong, but Washington was as- leep, the response was lagging, and only three hours left! I knew that if the folks in my neighbor" hood in, they'd be eager to help so that the children with cere- bral palsy could walk. Well} there was nothing wrong with my two legs so, with a Sunday morning feeling in my heart, out I went 1 3 DuBarry Lipsticks for only i Ed (Regular Value $253) KARN'S DRUG STORE COSMETIC 28 KING ST. E. COUNTER DIAL 3-4621 t joyously! I came home after ~ DAVIDSON' complete TO SCHOOL "FOOT-HAPPY" _ Start them off to school with correctly fitted new shoes. Shoes that are comfort- able and suited to their growing feet. Our years of experience in expert fitting are at your service. Brown Moccasin Vamp Built by Savage, Goodyeer welt, sturdy, long - wea *. Neolite Sole. Sizes Hrd "5.75 Si 12% © 3.... 5.95 Saddle Oxford Built by Medcalf. Blue end white, narrow and medium widths. Sizes 4 to 10. Reel value at Brown Elk 'Penny Loafer' By Medcalf. Sizes 4 to 10. Narrow end medium widths, Real value ot 5.95 - WE SUGGEST EARLY SHOPPING "TO AVOID THE LAST-MINUTE-RUSH DAVIDSON'S "SHOES THAT SATISFY" Operated By E. A. Southwell 31 SIMCOE N. DIAL 5-3312 * NYLON SAVINGS EVENT! Full-Fashioned ... Dark Seams . . . New Fall Shades! To the thousands of smart women who already know and wear Reitman's "Famous Brands" of hosiery . . . and to those who want proof that "you con't beat Reitman's for hosiery value" . . . we offer these once-a-year sensational values. Every pair of these famous stockings is one of our regular branded lines of first quality hosiery that - SEMI-ANNUAL ALL FIRST QUALITY! 0% OFF! Reilman~ "FAMOUS BRANDS" has contributed to building Reitman's into the leading hosiery headquarters it is today. Every pair is reduced . . . by 20% . . . in every store! For ONE WEEK ONLY! So hurry, and take advantage of these tremendous once-a-year savings! \IWN ULTRA first quality "Walking Sheer" . 42 GAUGE -- 40 DENIER' Reguler price: 5 99 20 You save: 20% Discount Sale Price: 79: first quality "Dress Sheer" '45 GAUGE -- 30 DENIER Regular price: $1.79 24 You save: 20% Discount Sale Price: first quality *Yitra Sheer" 51 GAUGE -- 15 DENIER Regular price: $119 NYLONS One Week Only!! first quality *Sheerest of Sheer® 51 GAUGE -- 15 DENIER with Jacquard lace tops Regular price: $1.29 20% 26 Discount 2 § 0 You save: Price: first quality "Evening Sheer" 60 GAUGE -- 15 DENIER with Jacquard lace tops ( Regular. price: $1.39 You save: 28 ad Price: \e 2 There's a sore in your neighbourhood 29 SIMCOE S. Dial 5-6221

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