THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, August 7, 1933 17 Make It A Habit-- When You Have Vacant Rooms--Place A Times Ad. It's So Easy To Do And The Results Are So Gratifying. This Room Was Rented Quickly By Mrs. D. >= CLEAN FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR 2 gentlemen or working 6. Very central. Light Housekeeping Apply Ontario. (170c) ets and Livestock 39--Articles For Sale 40--Articles For Rent 43--Male Help Wanted 45--Agents Wanted PUP, REGISTERED, FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON loam, Phone 5-5650. (Aug.10) ORNAMENTAL Porc IRON RAIL 8, free esti r Shade Aluminum « Mio Verdun Road. EAUTIFUL REGISTERED COLLIE up and grown Stud service. Loch Rahnock Collie Kennels, 1000 Byron Whitby. Phone " (Aug) DACHSUNDS, FOX sm , Samoyeds, boarding, trim: Kennels, North Oshawa. (Augs) REGISTERED CHINCHILLAS FOR SALE These are not Rabbits = With a 30-day money-back * guarantee. Write, phone or visit Leonard's Chinchilla Ranch RR 1, Oshawa - Phone 3-4452 z (Sept6) DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP promptly. Phone collect Bowmanville 2679 Also live horses. Fur Farm, Tyrone, (uly2s) 37--Farmers' Column JIK THRASHING MACHINE, 22" cylinder, price $800. Phone 145W Brook- lin, asid) 38a--Market Basket FOR YOUR HOLIDAY FOODS BE sure to call at Glecoff's"1.G.A. Super- Smarket, Ritson South, for low prices ery day, wide selection of finest . Open every might till 10 p.m. (Aug30) BRING CON- EXTRACTED HONEY. tainers and save. Roy Anderson. 268 Ritson N. Dial 35-2441. (Aug29) FOR FRESH VEGETABLES---POTA- toes, beans, carrots, parsnips, in sea- Son." delivered, dial Mr. Fish. 3-4953 > 39--Articles For Sale SILVER GREY DELUXE LLOYD CON- wertible carriage, $35. Dial IPN. ; a WHITE KITCHEN CABINET, GOOD, $10; white ice-box, metal, 50 Ibs., good condition, $10; sink $8, Phone 3-7536. BATH TUB 5 GOOD CONDITION, reasonable for quick sale. Phone Te 670 x 15. AP- ark. (183 2 TIRES AND 3 TUBES ply caretaker, Lakeview LUMBER -- 2 MILLION FEET WHITE pine, red pine, hemlock and hardwood. I will save you money, mail Box 3531 Waithy st 83c) , COMPLETE WITH $20 each. Dial (181c) WEAR-EVER WATER- less cook ware; in Dit 5-4332, (Aug5) VENETIAN BLINDS IE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The ost startling develop- rent in a blind histosy. Flat tened S-sha slats give Detter and losure. e sure Ratisty but St. West. RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR OLD rugs and clothing. Reversible and seam- less broadcloth, any size to 13 feet wide without | a seam, any length. Solids, and For tion al 51553, Continental Rug Con Ltd. (Augls) TELEVISION AERIALS INSTALLED, + $19.95 UP -- HOOVES, ELECTROLUX, General ,» Filter Qui een, Airway. Rexair Sales. "Dial 5-5121. (Aug29) Let us replace your gid fur- nace with a new all-st WE RENT ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES By the week or month. Free pick-up and deliv- ery service. For' REPAIRS on all SINGER sewing ma- chines, (some other makes too) FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Phone or write to: Singer Sewing Center 14-16 ONTARIO ST. DIAL 5-5443 OPPORTUNITY Young man to sell "Cory" Stainless Steel Cookware, Ex- perienced or inexperienced. Ex- tensive sales program in pro- gress at present time, Car re- quired. Write Post Office Box 41 Oshawa (183b) A WAY TO MAKE MONEY! THAT'S what you are looking for? Just sell our 250 guaranteed necessities in your surroundings, Write for full particulars and we will tell you how. Familex, Dep. 8, 1600 Delorimer Montreal. 83¢) 46--Employment Wanted YOUNG MARRIED MAN WITH ACA- demic and To Those BANFF, Alta. (CP)--The rugged territory of Banff national camp h self-reliance while pro- in meet- ing the public desires part-time em- ployment for Saturdays. Phone 3.3368 after 6 pm. °' (Aug. 7, 13, 14) FURNACES -- PIPES, CHIMNEYS VA- cuum cleaned. Phone 2770, Whitby, 419 Ajax. (Augl?) S To sell refreshments at Stock Car Races, one or two even- ings a week. Bright energetic, 0% commission, The more you sell the more money you make. Those interested turn up no later than 7 p.m., Satur- day night, Oshawa Motor Raceways, Taunton Rd. E., at 5 Points. (183b) 41--irticles Wanted Gurney furnace and a Ho known make of automatic oil Burrer. 18" furnace 30d burner stalled -- $50 21 jumeee ons bumer in- NE Nemes co 3550. stimates on completely i installations. 10% down, balance through UAC. in- HARRISON & KINSMAN DIAL 3g4425 or 5- 4637 Aug22) SHAW RAG and METAL Highest prices paid for scrap iron, metal, rags, batteries, matiresses, etc. Factory d SALESMAN WANTED FOR NATION- aly advertised food company, calling on and Must own car, age 21 - 30, salary. Must live in Oshawa, Cobourg, Peterboro area. State age, education, experience -- Box dl, Orillia. (1832) MAE'S MENDING SERVICE, CLOSING for holidays until Aug. 17, whe we again hope to serve your mending needs. (Augls) Custom BAILING DONE. SPRING harrows for sale. Dial 5-4006. (Aug9) MIDDLE AGED WIDOW COULD TAKE full charge of house, adults only. Dial 5-6359. (182b) MAE'S CLOTHING REPAIRS, DARN- ing, patching, zippers, button holes, pant cuffs, shirt collars turned or remade. Free pick-up and delivery. Dial 3-4840. (Aug12) 47--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of DANIEL LENNOX NEIL, deceased. 89 BLOOR ST. E. Dial 5-2311 -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-9111 (Sept6) WANTED----USED JUNIOR SIZE GIRLS bicycle, also tricycle, good. condition. Dial 5-0407. (182¢) WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEATH- ers, scrap iron, metal, rags and mat- tresses. Dial L Turner. North Oshawa, 3-2043 collect. (Aug12) HOME FURNISHINGS. SECTIONAL furniture, end tables, lamps, combina- tion radio, magnificent rug. Phone Sarr ( ) COTTAGE FURNITURE, ings, pipe threaded, PLUMBING sink , in- board motor. Call Harry Chinn, Mont- rave th. (Septl) FISH WORMS--AMERICAN RED WIG- glers are smaller yet the greatest known wigglers, active and hearty for bass, pickerel and ' smaller fry. Dew worms--for big fish and glob work. Try some of each. Ross Skitch Service Sta- tion, 83 Ritson Rd. South. (Augl0) SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER A ND spare parts for same. Cutting neads, cords, etc. Meagher's, 5 King St. West. (Aug2s® POCKET - BOOKS, magazines, sold or exchanged. Kings- way Book Exchange, 561 King St. W Open every evening. (Aug20) RECORD PLAYER NEW, GOOD tone, complete with $5 worth of records, $29.95. Terms. Meagher's, 5 Rig Yost: (Aug $4 PER WEEK INSTALLS A NEW '53 Admiral jon, refrigerator or range. Full selection at Kelly's T.V. and Ap- pliances, 81 King West. (Aug29) WARDROBE -- 6x31, x3. PHONE 3-3266. (1832) COMIC BOOKS, used bal good condition. Keasonable. Dial 5-3323. (18le) COOK STOVE COMPLETE WITH OIL burner and drum, alse electric rangette. Phone 3-7480. KELLY T.V. AND APPLIANCES OF- sets, radio-pheno combinatiens, washing machines, ranges, vA cleaners, cuum floor Make us an olfef. New Tore, 81 King West. (Augae) (181¢c) LARGE SHUR-HEAT SPACE HEATER and drums, good condition, best offer. Apply 83 Bloor St. E. (1832) GLADIOLUS -- VARIETY OF COLORS, suitable for weddings. Dial 3-2962. 119 Rose Hill Blve (183b) 3.6 OUTBOARD MOTOR, USED ' 25 hours, cook stove with deep fire-box, coal oll stove. Phone 5-5825. (183¢) CONSOLE RADIO AND RECORD used, 43% up. Apply B.F. Good- "Bov's BICYCLE, p SARRIER. LIGHT, rich Stores. €145t8) tool bag and pum Apply 87 Bloor St. St. Per (182¢) IN GOOD CON- GIRL'S CCM BICYCLE dition, $12. Apply 1044 King St. E. 1820) 4PIECE CHROME SET, GREY AND yellow. Apply 81 Cadillac §. (183¢) + GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGE. HOT Point, good condition. Cheap. Phone 3-2164. (183¢) NEW EUREKA CANNISTER TYPE- vacuum cleaner, very powerful, 'com- plete with all attachments, $99.95. Terms: $10 down and $7 per month. Meagher's, 5 King West. (Aug16) CITY APPROVED SEPTIC TANKS avi now at Fabricated Metals, and Ltd. 249 Second Ave. or 5-1665. SCHICK models; -- 5 King West. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 od oy condition. Phone 3-889. (181e) CABIN TRAILER TO BE REPAIRED, cheap. Apply 128 Liberty St. N., Bow- manville. Dial 3074. (182¢) AIR-COMPRESSOR, NEW, WITH ELEC- tric motor, hose and paint, sprayer. 'Also air-compressor, new, with paint sprayer. Best offer for quick sale, 309 Gibbon A Qa LEAVING CANADA, MUST SACRIFICE small tables, needle point chairs, lamp. $10 each. Phone Brooklin 161R before 8. (182b) ALNUT CUPBOARD, WALNUT CON- "nolo table, in good condition. Dial ple wk radi fresh and fully e 0s, ~guaranteed. Meaghers, 5 "King i AH ug. 4 USED METAL ICE BOXES, 50 AND 75-1b. capacity. Used 3-plece chester field suites, studio suites, and single davenos, S-piece natural kitchen tes. Allin good condition. Ruther- ford's, 156 Simcoe South. (1346) AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. Lovely patterns, gay stripes, solid col- ors, Can accept a few more orders for early delivery. Free estimates Iolding chairs, card and banquet tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Augld) B. F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, batteries, Hotpoint and Addison appli- ances, 'ele budget plnn. al 5-4543. (Aug2s) McClafy Refrigerators See the new miracle capacity McClary with automatic flash defrost, new green and gold interiors, 75-Ib. freezer capa- city, butter conditioner with cold control. Prices start at only $279. Liberal trade-in allowance. Easy terms. See them today at RUTHERFORDS 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (166t0) NASH Aluminum Combination Windows, Screens and Doors. The world's finest made in Oshawa, KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE $4 BRUCE ST. DIAL 5-4632 (Augl®) BATH TUBS, TOILETS, $20; WASH basins, 8, $5; modern 4-piece bath taps, Harry Chinn, Monirave "South. (Aug.10) USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, $3 UP. B.F. Goodrich Stores. Phone BAY, "CLIMATITE" Aluminum combination windows and screens "Maloney" Aluminum Combination doors, $59.50 Low Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 (Sept2) RAMODE Canada's most attractive all- Slim awnings, canopies, patios the light in, keeps the sun out, FREE ESTIMATES DIAL 3-3553 (Aug-25) SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Augil3) PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. mn & Lee. 79 Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822. (Aug2s) GON USED FURNITURE WANTED, dressers, stoves, heaters, kitchen sets Crysler Furniture, 56 King West. Dial 5-0132. (Aug23) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paid for Iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Local and out-of-town calls pick up free, 100 Annis St, east of CNR Station, Dial 5-3432. Residence dial 5-4159, (Aug15) 42--Female Help Wanted WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR mothers help. No heavy work or cook- ing, live in or out. Dial 3-2448. (183b) WOMAN WANTED FOR CLEANING and dusting a store for 3 or 4 hours a day. Write Box 741, Times-Gazette. (183¢) EXPERIENCED SALESLADY, COATS, suits, dresses. Permanent position. Sal- ary commensurate with ability. Write Box 827 Times-Gazette. (Aug.5, 7) GIRLS For refreshment booths at stock car races for few hours one or two evenings per week. Experience a benefit, but not necessary, short hours, good wages, pleasant atmosphere. Uniforms and transportation supplied. Girls must have neat appearance and able to keep things spotless. Apply Satur- day from 3 to 4 at Rose Bowl restaurant, Corner: Bond and Prince. From 4.30 to 6 Oshawa Motor Raceways, 5 Corners. (183b) SALESLADY Experienced only, La- dies better ready - to - wear. Must have suc- cessful sales record. Sal- ary $50 per week. Re- plies strictly confiden- tial. Write Box 728, TIMES-GAZETTE Py (181e) GIRL OR WOMAN FOR CASHIER PO- sition, experienced preferred, but not necessary. Apply ILG.A. Phone 583 Whitby. sid) JUNIOR OFFICE GIRL 18-20 ABLE TO type accurately, good appearance and pleasant personality to meet the public, experience not necessary. Write Box 738 Times-Gazette. (1820) EXPERIENCED CASHIER, FULL OR 894 Si CARPENTER AND HELPER TO 'ER- ect full frame barn during holidays. Phone 875 Why, Russell Fleming. (182¢) CRUSHER OPERATOR WANTED. AP- ply Pleasure Valley Construction, RR No. 1, Oshawa. Phone 5-3652. (181c) YOUNG MAN TO WORK WITH SALES- man as door-to-door 'canvasser, trans. portation supplied, commission. Write Box 630 Times-Gazette. 181f) OPPORTUNITY International organization re- quires ambitious representative ° for new territory, complete training given with all leads supplied. Must be ambitious, with car. Complete details write | 586 Yonge St., Toronto (183a) WAITER FOR BEVERAGE ROOM. Must be experienced and able to supply character references. Apply Commercial Hotel, Oshawa. (1780) DRIVERS WANTED. MUST BE NEAT, courteous and good drivers. Apply United Taxi, 143 King St. East. (169tf) Greater Opportunities For MACHINISTS, TOOL GRINDERS, INSPECTORS Huge industrial expansion creating urgent demand in these key, highly paid posi- tions. All easy to master the S.E.I. way without interrup- ting present income, Send cou- pon now for complete free illustrated proof of opportun- ities. STANDARD ENGINEERING INSTITUTE Box 725, Oshawa Times-Gazette ADDRESS 44--Male or Female Help Wanted FULL-TIME HELP 16 years or over, neat appear- ance, courteous. Apply in person REWARD SHOE STORES 12 SIMCOE ST. N. (183b) 45--Agents Wanted CHRISTMAS CARD AGENTS You can easily make extra money showing our unexcelled Christmas card assortments to friends, neighbors, and at work. Wonderful line to choose from. Feature assortments, Gift Wraps, purse lights and chil- dren's books. Special plan for clubs and church groups. Send no. money--write today for samples on approval. You run no risk but hurry, be ahead of others in your locality. Monarch Greeting Card Co. Dept E, Hamilton, Ont. (Augl® All having claims against the estate of DANIEL LENNOX NEIL, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Janitor, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of July, 1953, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 14th day of August, 1953, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative wili distribute the assets of the said de- ceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 22nd day of July, A.D. 1953. WILLIAM A. SMITH and ANNIE SMITH ' Executors. by McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers, etc., 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. nv Their solicitors herein. (Jly24,31-Aug?) NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. 1927 -- Chapter 140 The Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Bowmanville hereby gives notice that it has under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minis- ter of Public Works at Ottawa and in the Registry Office for the gistry Division of the West of the County of Durham at Bowmanville, On- tario, a description of the site and the plans of a 24%inch waterworks intake pipe proposed to be laid in Lake On- tario at Bowmanville, Ontario, in front of Smart Street Road Allowance. And, take notice that after the expira- tion of one month from the daté of the first publication of this notiee the Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Bowmanville will, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans. Dated at Bowmanville, Ontario, this 17th day of July, 1953. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION of the Town of Bowmanville, ROSS STRIKE, hairman. AYU an, I will not bé responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone other than myself, on and after this date, August 7, 1953. ~--FRANK PHELPS, 168 Eiloft Ave. (183¢) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of MARTHA ENNA SOUCH, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of MARTHA EMMA SOUCH, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Married Woman, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of viding a vacation-time 'prize for top qualifying members of Can- ada's 60,000 high school students in khaki. About 150 teen-age cadets attend the camp, established six years ago as a counter-attraction to the foreign tours sponsored for other cadets by the navy and air force. The army camp features citizen- ship and the theme: 'Know Can- ada First." E. R. Hall, a civilian instructor at the camp, h Bhiobbos realism. He is a naturalist and teacher of chem- istry and zoology at Kenora, Ont., the rest of the year. FORGET FABLES When a cadet leaves the bivouac camp, where he learns woodcraft Buzz Worsen Bear In Wilds as well as military tactics and discipline, he knows that the child- hood fables of Mother Goose and such are not much use in the woods. Here bears, wolves and lynxes take. second rating to the lowly mosquito. For instance, the boys are told that bears are more afraid of cadets than the cadets are of bears. Mr. Hall says thére has never been a proven case of a wolf attacking a human, although the wolf, like the lynx, will follow a man for hours out of curiosity. "I'm much more afraid of the mosquito than I am of the bear," says Mr. Hall. swarm of mosquitos and the re- sultant itch and irritation have | been known to drive a man crazy. As a result of their bush train- ing, the boys learn to fend for The stings of are themselves when in a group or alone. As for getting lost, they are told "'the only thing to fear is fear itself." RULES FOR OUTDOORS They learn the proper way of hiking--"have an objective. Leama to observe, and travel slowly, The curse of all travel is perspiration. The important thing in bush travel is to know your speed." Cadets are taught to find and keep their direction. '"There is no rson with a compass in his ead," they are told. "One in his pocket is a lot better." They learn how to toughen their feet by soaking them in a solution of salt and rubbing alcohol. Capt. W. L. Barteaux, a cadet officer and superiutendent of schools at Kentville, N.S., was in command of the camp and the cadet company was headed by Major Jacques Paulin of Mont- al. The instructors included wel- | qualified army personnel such as { Sgt. Emile Boucher of Montreal ang WO2 R. F. Hanlon of Kingston, nt. Antarctic May Vast But Chilly By JEFFREY SMITH MELBOURNE (Reuters) -- Aus- | tralia's plans for establishing the | research station in the antarctic | are entering their final stages. Early next year, a tiny but | sturdy ship will nose out of Mel- bourne harbor and travel south, | carrying the small group of men | who will set up a camp and est- ablish the research station. For more than five years Aus- tralia has been maintaining scien- tific stations at lonely, snow-swept islands in the Antarctic ocean. The new expedition is another step in the battle to conquer Antarctica. The snow-covered, icebound land | has not been extensively explored geologically and Australian ex-| perts believe that the continent, 1,500 miles to Australia's south, | has untold wealth for the nations which control 'and exploit its re | sources. External Affairs Minister Ri- chard G. Casey told the federal | parliament : "For us to neglect the Antarctic | could be as serious a matter as | if our forefathers had confined | themselves to a small strip of | coastal settlement in Australia and | left for others the development of | the resources of the rest of our | continent.' The expedition will leave Mel | bourne about the beginning of Jan- | uary in the Danish motor Ship | Kista Dan, 1,200 tons, which is | specially designed for Phi 1 Mid in 'ice. | The Kista Dan can be driven like an automobile because, from the bridge, the captain or officer on watch can steer the ship with his left hand by means of a small handle, while with his right he can, with a similar handle, directly con. trol the main engine. Once Antarctica is reached, the | ship will slowly work its way along the coasts of Princes Eliza. | beth Land and MacRobertsdn Land | Hold Wealth y search for a mainland site { where a station can be established. | It will carry two small airplanes Royal Australian air force crews | to guide Kista Dan through the | ice and help to find a suitable base | fon the Australian sector of the | continent. Everyone aboard the ship will | go ashore to help erect the huts, unload the stores and dequipment, and begin the work of establishing | the station. Throughout the 12 months the men will carry out work in meteo- | rology, geology, surveying, geo- physics and biology. St. Kitts Boy Out PANMUNJOM, Korea (CP)-- Among 25 United States prisoners of war turned over to the United Nations command today was Cpl. John A. Davis, whose mother, Mrs. Edna B. Brooker, lives at 40 Wood- land Ave., St. Catharines, Ont. Davis is a member of the U.S. | 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st cavalry worla's first permanent scientific | equipped with floats and skis and | division. It was not known whether { he was born in St. Catharines. HUGE CATERING JOB KITCHENER (CP)--A mammoth catering job involving about 40 tons | of food will be undertakén when delegates to the world Mennonite conference meet here Aug. 25-30. Preparations are being made to {serve more than 40,000 meals to { between 5,000 and 8,000 delegates | during the five-day period. Meals will be served cafeteria style in {the basement of the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. 'ROOM AND BOARD BUT MY FAVORITE SPORT IS SWIMMING....ESPECIALLY ENDURANCE SWIMMING... T DARDANELLES, THE BOSPHORUS AND CATALINA CHANNEL... IF YOURE UP WHEN I RETURN, T'LL TELL'YOU ABOUT BASE OF JUDGE SWAM THE ENGLISH CHANNEL. THE | BLAST THIS BRAGGING BORE....HES TAKEN ALL THE DIFFICULT ONES AND HASN'T LEFT, TANS OPEN FOR MEE... TLL LOOK OVER THE WORLD ATLAS WHILE HE'S OUT, AND FIND SOMETHING / Bi id Rp / > 0 o* NIAGARA FALLS 3 July, 1953, are hereby ified to send in to the undersi Personal Rep! tative of the said deceased on or before the 28th day of August, 1953, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa this 5th day of August, 1953. ALICE SANDERC FLORENCE HAM Executors. by McGIBBON Barristers, etc., 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, their solicitors herein. (Ang. 7, 14, 21) NEWSPAPER MAN DIES HAMILTON, Bermuda (CP)--Les E. Russell, former newspaper man in Winnipeg and Montreal and edi- tor of Bermuda's Mid-Ocean News, died Thursday in hospital. Born in Winnipeg, Mr. Russell worked for a time with the Mid-Ocean News before returning to Winnipeg, where he was on the staff of the Free Press. He later joined the Montreal Herald, but returned to Bermuda a year ago as editor of the News. part time, for St. N. (182b) ON excellent azette. (181¢) EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER, coats, suits and dresses; wages. Write Box 737 Times-G: SCRAP WOOD $5.00 per Truck Load DIAL 3-7333 M. GREENBERG & SONS 308 Bloor St. East (Aug13f) LADDERS Aluminum Ladders kinds, Light yet strong. Also Aluminum folding Clothes Dryers. KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST. DIAL 5-4632 Augl0) - FLOOR COVERING Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over 300 smart 1953 patterns for every rocm in the house. Congoleums, Feltols, Rexoleums, Inlaids, Marboleums, ete. RUTHERFORDS 156 SIMCOE SOUTH eet) of - all SECRETARY -- TYPING AND SHORT- hand essential; Nospitalization benefits, 5-day week. Apply E. F. Drew and Co., Ltd., Ajax, or phorie Aj Ajax 55. 131d) LAB. TECHNICIAN Girl for position as Lab. Tech- nician in Chemical Plant. Knowledge of chemistry not necessary but asset. Elemen- tary high school mathematics required. Apply in person or by letter to DOMINION VISCOSE PRODUCTS LTD. AJAX, ONT. (182¢) Experienced Waitress Wanted Apply at the ROSE BOWL 43--Male Help Wanted WANTED -- MAN FOR PART TIME willing to devote four or five evenings per week. Contact work. No selling. Box 842 Times-Gazette. (183b) ) VENETIAN BLINDS Beautify your home today with our Super Klostop model. Canada's finest susiom made venetian blinds see} Bigaton. Open from 9 to 6 Es aturd ALLEN'S VENETIAN SALES Dial 3-9662 or 598 King East (Aug20) OXFORD PAINT $1.00 quart ... $3.49 gallon SUPREME PAINT $1.25 quart ... $4.49 gallon 29 Interior & Exterior Colors A & A STORE 86 SIMCOE N. DIAL 5-4462 CAugan) : AWNINGS KOOLVENT VENTILATED Aluminum Awnings and Can- opies, made in Oshawa. KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST. PHONE 5-4632 (Auglo) SALES MANAGER Our factory representative, Mr. Fenton, will be in Oshawa Aug. 10 and 11, to interview a high calibre man for an executive position following training in our direct sales pro- gram, You will organize and train all salesmen through our close, by appointment, system; supplied by our one hundred thousand dollar advertising campaign. Drawing account. For further details and appointment leave phone number at CUONR FOR 5 CONSECUTIVE YEARS THE LEADER--FIRST IN SALES --FIRST IN ECONOMY Over 80,000 Toridheet Oil Burners in Canadian Homes, make Toridheet the leader in sales and their high efficiency and low operation are proven reasons for Toridheet's popularity. Remember 1) 4 OIL BURNERS FULLY AUTOMATIC CONTROLS you can be sure of the best at the lowest price when you see your Conroy dealer for Toridheet; McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. DIAL 3-3481 110 King St. W. BOX 743, TIMES- GAZETTE 1290 Simcoe St. N. and | and BASTEDO A NICKEL OR A DI Canada today. ME OR A DOLLAR. Cause High Prices Some of us are paying far more than we need to in Income Taxes. ALL OF US are paying more than we should in hidden taxes to pay for surplus budgeting, waste and extravagance EVERY TIME WE SPEND These Indirect Taxes which we all pay are the means by which the present Government hopes to make their money grab painless. are their devices to conceal from you the real burden of taxes in They The Sales Tax alone accounts for from 17% te 20% of the cost of everything you buy. (The tax is 10%, but mark-ups and toxes-on-taxes bring iy much higher). Then there are the excise taxes which are in addition to sales taxes. Under of O the p t crazy half the price of a Ottawa faxes.) 7 even pay excise toxes on the sales tax. you (Over package of cigarettes is still On the cheapest automobile there is, the Gov. ernment tokes more in taxes thon the menue facturer pays in wages. As your PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDI- DATE, | am glad to tell you that my Party is pledged: 1. 2. To reduce all hi To reduce Income toxes and raise exemptions, dden taxes. . To bring down prices by reducing the chief cause of high prices--Ottawa toxes. ! WE WILL CUT OUT WASTE REDUCE TAXES. YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVAT VE WE WiLL