YEAR-ROUND WHITE HERE'S a hat that is as ap- ropriate at luncheon as it is at Hy And it also is perfect for every climate and season. Marie Windsor, beautiful Holly- wood star, models this topper which is made of white velours felt. The side applique trim is of white rhinestones, bugle beads and tiny pearls. A white veil, studded with rhinestones, covers the front of the up - turned brim. --By TRACY ADRIAN. CHILD GUIDANCE Improvement of Public Schools _ Studied by Citizens Commission By G. CLEVELAND MYERS Many of us parents believe that fn most communities, a fair and . CHILL-CHASER! By ALICE BROOKS Just the perfect topping for sun- backs and light summer things! This cut little chill-chaser is crocheted in crazy shell-stitch -- easy as pie. Small amount of cot- ton or 3-ply yarn needed. Crochet pattern 7038: Children's Sizes 2 to 12 years included. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins for this pattern (stamps can- not be accepted) to Daily Times- , Household Arts Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly FAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER. TEN COMPLETE PATTERNS to sew, embroider, crochet --prin ed right in the Alice Brooks Needlecradt Book! Plus many more patterns to s end for -- inel uding ideas for gifts, home acces- sories, toys, fashions! Send 25 cents now! reasonable share of the public funds for public education has never ho expended. You anfl I know that from prac- tically no other public expenditure do our community, state and na- tion get such large and lasting returns. And now, at the very time when more teachers and more buildings and other equipment are needed than at any other time in our memories, we have anxiety for the educational welfare of our children and other people's childre OMINOUS STATISTICS We have been hearing and read- ing ominous school statistics: that although 160,000 new elementary school teachers were needed this year, only 32,443 were trained; that there will be an increase in enroll- ment of nearly ten million school children between 1950 and 1960 and that 600,000 classrooms will be needed to house these added chil- dren; that for a minimum goal, 640,000 new elementary . teachers must be trained. This means that in a period of unprecedented prosperity, our schools are facing the greatest cri- sis in their history--and all in the face of a cry everywhere for less MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Now Free to Marry, Bachelor Fears Test Dear Mary Haworth: I am a male, 28, on the verge of an im- portant decisiva. Economic and de- that prevented doing and if I am a darn fool not being with her. In delicate, in- direct ways she raises the ques- tion--What am I waiting for? And that's the problem. It may be strict- ly a phantom of my thinking; expenditure of public funds for any- thing. ing TAX REDUCTION GROUPS In the last analysis, each local community determines how much is to be spent on public educa- tion of its children. For a number of years, especially in rural areas and smaller communities, there have been organized citizen-groups, sometimes called tax leagues, whose main purpose has been to reduce local taxes. . ' Their drive to find out where there might be greater economy in the use of public funds is com- mendable, of course, but with their central interest in local tax reduc- tion, these organizations can easily. overlook some essential needs, es- pecially of the community's chil- dren. They discover that they can skimp or cut on school expenditures more easily than elsewhere since, in spite of their being many par- hb ents in the community, there is not, usually, a strong local force fight- ing for the welfare of the children. GRASS ROOTS MOVEMENT However, there is a grass roots movement throughout the United States which makes us a bit hope- ful. This movement has been stimu- lated by the National Citizens Com- mission for the Public Schools, with offices at 2 West 45th Street, New York City 36, N.Y. It is a non- profit corporation for the improve- ment of the public schools, and has received financial support from a number of the large foundations. It recently has made available free, 1 understand, three unusual booklets: * 'How Have Our Schools Developed?" "How Can We Or- ganize for Better Schools?" and "How Can Citizens Help Their Schools?" It's the most unbiased and intelligent program I have ever known about. Nothing better to p help clear out bowels quickly -- yet gently. No "sleepy" stuff -- no dulling effect. Used for more than 50 years. Equally good for the restlessness and feverishness resulting other minor baby ills. Get a package today at drugstores, BABYS Own Announce the EILEEN LEWIS 150 Mill Se. Oshawa, Ont, MISS JOAN ANDERSON 337 Division St. Oshawa, Ont. MRS. SHIRLEY COUSINEAU 1323 Simcoe St. N. North Oshawa, Ont. 33 KING ST. E. BEST FURCO LTD "COUNT THE KITTIES" CONTEST Our congratulations to the winners. Prizes are to be picked up on Friday at NESBITTS LADIES WEAR STORE Winners of the MISS OLGA BLASKO 116 Barrie Ave. Oshawa, Ont, MISS E. N. RUSSELL 352 Leslie Ave. Oshawa, Ont, MARIAN MERCIA 576 Front St. Oshowe, Ont, OSHAWA Conjugality nonetheless it is a nagging hin- drance. p For eight years I have been in the bachelor category; but aside from numerous dates, my experi- ence with women have been 'very limited. I am worried (here goes) that my ineptitudes' may drive Polly (should we marry) to drink, or religious mysticism. I've read much good literature on the sub- ject, but really the personality and make-up of the individual woman cannot be catalogued in books. VALID REASON? I have a deep attachment to this girl, not so deep as some r achieved psychological maturity in relation to spouse and children, and always implicitly, or maybe explicitly, blamed them for her emotional discomforts. Thus per- haps you early imbibed from her a feeling that man's ineptitude or brutish inconsideration (meaning your father's, from her view), was woman's Cross. - Possibly she rejected you >mo- tionally too, in the sense--always keenly felt by a child--of resenting the care you required. Thus un- consciously you may have chalked up two strikes against yourself in relafion to womankind (as personi- fied in mother)--one strike for be- ing uncquth 'male; the other for being plessly unloveworthy. So you felt. This discouraged notion, sifted to the back of your mind, with its origins forgotten, certainly fouls make for psychic impotence in later years. o What are the chances of cure? in my early twenties, but deeper, probably, than my ascending ra- tional attitudes will permit as I advance in the thirties. I keep tell- ing myself not to worry, that the natural man will see me' through in a blaze of glory. Yet I know the nuancés of beauty, the delicate procedure of fulfillment cannot be learned in whole libraries of books. Tell me, is this valid reason for breaking with this lovely and de- sirable girl?. I am hoping your] mature detached judgment will help me solve the riddle. C.S. GOES FAR BACK Dear C. S.: Simply stated, the problem seems to be that you fear a wife would find you sexually impoteni. And the existence of this fear (shrouded a romantic yearn- ing and self distrust), suggests that you have an incipient condition of psychic :mpotence; that, is a men- hl impediment to healthy mate- This 'mental impediment, or emo- tional block, as some psychologists might call it, usually consists of an unconsciously guilt-ridden rejecting attitude towards oneself, in mud- dled phantasies about heterosexual interchange. What precipitates this distortion? This furtive censure of one of the vital capacities and primary func- tions of wholesome married love? The distortion is a by-product of a general pattern of emotional mal- adjustments in the family relation- ships that shaped one's childhood feelings and outlook. It is spawned by ignorance, or lack of enlighten- ment in the parents' precepts and example, ROOTS TO COMPLEX? It occurs to me that your mother, particularly, never Auto -- Plane -- Boat You won't miss a thing if you carry BINOCULARS Jupiter Jr. Only $22.50 With Case They depend on the natural vigor of your constitution, the receptiv- ity of your intelligence, and on the degree of the ingrained com- plex. Marriage to the right girl-- who understood the problem and sensibly bolstered your self es teem--might be sufficient therapy to restore balance. However, my advice is to go into the problem fully with a good psychiatrist, be- fore declaring yourself (or your doubts) to Polly. M.H. \ Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not by mail or per- sonal interview. Write her in care of this newspaper. Small Fry Will Have "Play Spot" At CNE - ; Small fry whose energy wears mother to a frazzle will find plenty to occupy them in one Lig in Women's World at the C this year. Mrs. Elsa Jenkins, with both mother and offspring in mind, has centred a 'group of activities on the main floor of the West Annex of the Coliseum. Here, in the Chil- 'dren's Pavilion they can be enter- tained while mother looks at the many other things designed to in- terest her. In special colorful cages the famous Sugar Crisp Bears who are really midgets will be making fre- quent daily appearances with a show of songs and dances planned to amuse children. While they wait for the bears they can play on the teeter-totters and other equipment which is being installed. A special quiet spot where they can sit, cool off and look at books is planned and the school art and winning Coronation murals will be displayed in the same general area. The role of Red Cross in disas- ter makes it an important cog in Civil Defence. Last year voluntary Home Nursing Committees gave supplementary Civil Defence in- struction to 1269 Home Nursing graduates. ; THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, July 38, 1008 ¥ Purex in the white label, Softer . . . still softer is the new, improved Purex tissue. It's stronger and more absorbent, too. ..a better tissue at the same price. Now you can choose from two kinds of Purex, single and 2-ply. For facial soft, single ply, reach for the new Purex in the familiar blue label; for the ultimate in bathroom luxury at a few cents more, look for Super SOFTER.. Dial 3-4621 J ~ amu SOPTER W.y4]3:°§ Mid - Summer Clearance SALE Continues with BIGGER and BETTER BARGAINS than ever Here are Just a Few--Many More on Display Ladies' Better Summer Dresses duced for final clearance. Such lovely cloths and such beoutiful hades. All this S 's loveliest styles. Be sure to visit GLAZIER'S FOR THIS SPECIAL BARGAIN, will save many DOLLARS for good quality dresses. . Values to $14.98 . SPECIAL $4.98 SPECIAL $6.98 SPECIAL $9.98 Values to $16.98 Values to $24.98 You 3 iN Beautiful comfortable, Sizes Ladies' Better Cotton and Spun Dresses hand hable. So cool and so 38 to 52. Also half sizes. had 4 ond g 12 to 20 ond spEcIAL J, for $5.98 Ladies' LADIES' Dirndle Skirts SHORTS Beautiful printed patterns, In new novelty cloth and pet- Elastic waist band. terns, Sizes 12 to 18. Values ela gg to $5.98 special $9.98 Ladies' LADIES' BETTER Bathing Suits | SUMMER SHOES This Sexsand latest styles Many styles and colors, Broken CED uP 10 50% FINAL CLEARANCE of broken sizes and ranges. Sizes 2 to 6x and 7 to 12. SPECIAL "oil $2.98 Children's Sun Dresses DRESSES = $1.00 Striped Duck Chair Covering 15" wide, lovely striped material Yard 59¢ MANY MORE SPECIALS ON DISPLAY 498 SIMCOE ST. S. ALL SUMMER MERCHANDISE DRASTICALLY REDUCED. Easy Credit Terms -- No Finance Charges GLAZIER'S 23% Bathing Suits Shorts o Halters Beachcoats SIMCOE S. T-Shirts o Shorties Skirts Blouses Dresses o Suits Handbags Gloves DIAL 5-6221 Reilmonz» ANNUAL Summer Sale iow on: Here's the big sale you've been waiting for! Here's a golden opportunity to make spectacular savings on Summer wear you'll be needing for your vacation! All sale merchandise has been taken from regular stock, and specially priced at one/third off. NO SECONDS, NO IRREGULARS! Don't miss these terrific values! Better be quick . . . while they last . . .