THE STARS SAY: If Tomorrow Is Your Birthday |. You Have Cause For Optimism By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW On this d the moon enters Capricorn, which augurs well for real estate dealings and affairs per- taining to the home and hearth. In all such matters, however, rely on your own judgment without de- gauamg on advice of others. is especially true where fin- ances are concerned. The evening hours show bene- ficial vibrations for cultural acti- vities, romance, courtship, love and marriage. is a possibility that you 'may be approached for a favor during this period but, be- fore granting it, consider carefully whether you can afford to do so. FOR THE BIRTHDAY ; If tomorrow is your birthday, you have great cause for optimism the year ahead. You may have had some disillusionment in the months just past because of romises which did not material- fe. and a sense of frustration over plans and projects which went wrong, but you are now entering upon a new cycle in which you should meet a person who not only understands your ambitions but en- joys co-operating with you. During October, a family dispute may put you under some tension, but if will put aside your in- nate self-assertiveness and use dip- lomacy and patience, the situation can be quickly resolved. Year's end should find you offered an un- usual opportunity which, properly sized and handled, could make 1954 a banner year for you. A child born on this day will be imaginative, romantic and joyous in . spirit, B.C. Summer School Has New Director VANCOUVER (CP)--The Univer- sity of British Columbia summer atre has director for the first time in 14 years. : In charge of the six-week co: that attracts students from" ravi Canada is vivacious Joy Coghill, a UB.C. graduate back on the west coast after a year spent in- structing and directing at Good- man Theatre, Chicago. Miss Cog- hill succeeds Dorothy Somerset, head of U.B.C.'s drama department who is on holiday. An actress herself, well-known to CBC listeners, Miss Coghill is primarily interested in children's theatre. "Children are the severest crit- ics," she says. make excuses for shortcomings and the creative training is won- fort for them in this age of hard acts.' "Children never off! v Day Campers Spend a Night Under the Stars The "'camp-out" held on the Y.W.C.A. grounds for the leaders, © rs, and 12-year-old camp- ets of the "Y" Day Camp, on Tuesday was, from the viewpoint of the girls a huge success. For many it was their first experience of sleeping out. ter the girls put up the tents, layed and a swim was enjoyed in Rotary Pool. This was followed by dancing in the "Y"" recreation room. A camp-fire was lit and songs were sung around it before cocoa and cookies were served. When the irls came to get ready for bed t was discovered that some of their pyjamas had disappeared. They were found--at the top of the flag pole. Breakfast was bought in the cafeteria. This left time to make bedrolls before the other campers arrived for their regular camp day. Henny Circus was the theme for yésterday and the grounds were transformed into a carnival while campers and friends tried their luck at various booths. - Pop-corn and soft drinks were sold. One of the most-liked attrac- tions of the afternoon was the fortune teller with Sylvia Sloan icialling. ] The campers all agreed that a Penny Circus was a very nice way to spend "Special Hour." By THOMAS MAPP BRADFORD, England (Reuters) --Twenty thous: 11 - year - old schoolchildren in the western half of Yorkshire were the envy of every boy and girl in Britain when they started their summer holi- days. For 500,000 other children of the same age the approach to the end of the school year meant weary hours of knowledge - cramming, suasion culminating in the dreaded ordeal of entrance examinations for higher schools. But. the Yorkshire educational authorities had scrapped the ex- aminations which for years have decided the type of higher educa- tion for which a boy or girl attend- ing primary school was suited. In place of the terror of the Holiday Notice! Mrs. L. COTTENHAM 14% BOND ST. EAST (Dressmoking and Alterations) Will Remain CLOSED from Aug. 1st to Aug. 17th For Holidays ! Scrapping Entrance Examinations Pleases Yorkshire School Children examination room, west York- shire's boys and girls this year are being selected for one of the three types of secondary schools on their all-round academic re- cord, simple classroont tests, in- telligence and their potential for hard work. The new System, which is partly experimental, will be watched by Britain's 145 other local authorities and by ministry of education ex- perts, who say they are non-parti- san on the question of examina. tions, but favor any relief of ex- amination terrors. "The secondary school examina- tions have been attacked by lead- ing educationists, parents and the children themselves for many . The main criticisms have that they are unfair, aca- demically useless and prove too great a strain on the child. Suicides and nervous and emo- tional breakdowns have been blamed on the fear of examina- tions in the past, which are said by some doctors to be the least suitable method of de! ing a child's ability. The systemn works like this: All 1.year-0ld children attend- ing the free state schools are required to sit for the second- ary school entrance examinations. How they are placed in the results determines their entrance into (1) grammar school, (2) secondary modern school and (3) technical school. Grammar schools offer the high- est secondary school education and include a classical background of SALADA TEA a 2 best? Zw THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, July 28, 1958 8 Latin, Greek and higher mathe- matics At 16 a student may sit for the general certificate of education, a hallmark in future life, and at 18 he may enter a university. Secondary modern schools offer an all-round education, stu- dents there are forced to complete their education at 16 years of age. Many people complain the system is unfair as a large number of children improve their studies at 14 to 16 years of age, but are then prevented from obtaining a school certificate. A ministry of education official said there was nothing to stop a child from taking the school certif- icate privately. Technical schools offer instruction in the trades, such as carpentry, plumbing and ma- chine ope # M British ationists be- lieve that a ve child never gives of its best under strain and for that reason some children who fail are de; of a classical education and can rarely hope to attend university. More than a million of Canada's school childrén are being trained to carry on Red Cross work -- "to carry on and assist in work for ...the mitigation of suffering throughout the world." Their an- nual record in overseas relief, in community service projects, in hospital and medical care of handi- capped Canadian children, dem- | onstrates théir preparedness to carry on a vital, growing Cross. 3 oso TRY IT Prsomal ined CAMIRA Awe want you fo take the View- Master Camera home with see how easy it is to take 3-dimension color pictures of your family. Ne obligations, no charges MAKE A DATE WIT _ US TO TRY IT} JURY & LOVELL "For Everything Photographie" 8 RING ST: kL DIAL 3-2248 (BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS| AY AS LITTLE AS $1.00 DOWN AND $1.00 WEEKLY He has never owned a watch like the TOW & ounlry * extremely thin climate-proof dress ond sport watch! * Handsome, yet rugged--water, dust, and shock resistant. ® 17 jewel Universal Gendve movement -- "metal bedded" for greater protection. o Direct sweep hand and raised numerals. o In choice of white dial or black-and: pold dial, gold-filled case -- steel back. s With expansion bracelet, with alligator strap, 4&8. Deluxe model in 14 Karet gold, $77 50 up Federel Tex Included $3.00 DOWN $1.00 WEEK A starter sat for tour in the new CARNIVAL WARE by Sovereign . . . . consists of luncheon plates, bread and butter' plates, cups, saucers end junior soups . . . in beautiful con. trasting decorator colors of BURGUNDY, CHARTREUSE, FRENCH GREY ond FOREST GREEN. . . . the twenty pieces specially priced at $7.95 Complete table service also available in sets and open stock. $7.9 Charge It CONVENIENT TERMS . 1 350 BUY G i T6750" Aas, IP oY IKMOND RINGS H 4 The one gift that will mean more than 'the world" to her, is one of these magnificent . Bluebird Diamond Rings. For, after all, the Bluebird creations give you that extra quality, extra valve -- ond beauty unsurpassed. Choose hers tomorrow, 1==$2500 Down, $6.00 Weekly 3-$7.50 Down, $1.75 Weekly 3524.50 Down, $6.00 Weekly 4=§20.75 Down, $6.50 Weekly Ocon2 as IFTS NOW -- On Our Lay-away Plan LUGGAGE Ladies' Genuine Rawhide - Flite 69 - Diag- onal Tweed - Rawhide « Airwoy Matched Twins. " Gent' Airline Series - Gledstone - Club- Boge, USE YOUR CREDIT CANADA'S NEWEST FINE WATCH! CREDIT TERMS GRUEN Lift freceseore WATCH i i "No Down Payment . . . Add To Your Existing Account CREDIT JEWELLERS 32 KING ST. W. LIMITED DIAL 3-7022