Daily Times-Gazette, 21 Jul 1953, p. 15

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Mrs. D-Rented Her Room The First Night Her Ad Appe ared. AND BOARD IN home for 1 gentleman to share. beds. Dial 85-0000. THE DAILY TTMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, July 3, 1988 18 You Get The Biggest Value Possible When You Use Times Classified Ads. I> PRIVA' (153d) 30---Room and Board 39--Articles For Sale ROOM AND GOOD BOARD IN CLEAN 2 tlemen to share. Dial oo. fen (168¢) FOR SALE -- EVINRUDE OUTBOARD motor, 5.4 h.p. A-1 condition. Phone 372 Whitby. (169b) ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLE- man, single beds. Apply 108 Park Rd. South. (1686) ROOM AND BOARD, THREE MINUTES from Motors, excellerit meals. Apply 45 Broek St. (169¢) 31--Room & Board Wanted COTTAGES FOR RENT ON MAPLE Lake. Reasonable. Phone Lindsay , 3722 (colect). (165i) JMPORE CEMENT, 112 LBS. PER BAG, 1.65, "equals Canada cement price per 1b." Bathe & McLellan, phone sie 53 GOLDEN JUBILEE MODEL FORD tractor, like mew, used only 70 rs, G. Hilis; Frenchman's Bay. _(169¢) FOR SALE -- CABIN TRAILER, LIKE new, reasonable. Apply 318 Mary West, Whitby. (169¢) BABY CARRIAGE, DELUXE MODEL, and gray, good condition, aiso 31a--Summer Resorts a baby-tenda in good condition. Phone 3-2046. (169a) S-ROOM COTTAGE AT CAFSAREA for 'rent. Dial 3-9868. (169b) RANGETTE, PERFECT WORKING OR- der; cabinet radio. Phone 5-3689. Call 5 and (1696) CABINS ON EAST LAKE OUTLET, 10 miles from Picton. Light housekeeping except for bed and kitchen linen. Boat rent separately. Cabins $20 per week. No running water. Phone or write Mrs. Margaret Hudgin, Picton, Ont. (168¢) 3-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE AT Caesarea, Lake Scugog, close to lovely sandy beach. Dial 5-0786. 1696) 32--Automobiles For Sale 47. FORD. SEDAN, 4 NEW TIRES, IN good condition. Dial 5-3758. (1696) 39--Articles For Sale AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. Lovely patterns, gay stripes, solid col- ors. Can accep. a few more orders for early delivery. Free estimates Folding chairs, card and banquet tables for rent, Cleve Fox, Oshawa, (Augld) LIGHTNING RODS INSTALLED ON houses, barns, etc. Free estimates. Ra- dius of 100 miles. s Gustanteed work: Sys: tem, Leaskdale, Ont. © (July26) CITY APPROVED SEPTIC TANKS available now at Fabricated Metals, and Stampings Ltd., 249 Second Ave. or 5-1665. (Aug. 6) COMIC BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, magazines, sold or exchanged. Jungs: way Book Exchange, 561 King St. Open every evening. (Jy20) BATTERIES FOR ALL MAKES OF portable radios, fresh Rock and, hu fully 25 H.P. MERCURY OUTBOARD or 8, Bh © or, $395. 9.7 Evinrude otor, $95. Good condition. Dial wg. EVERYTHING IN GOOD CONDITION: 9-piece period room suite, old English oak, 3-piece sunroom suite, odd chairs, kitchen furniture, 52-piece Royal Doulton china service, new condition; 8-day mantel clock, curtains, lamps, feather pillows, other items. 3913. o> USED HOT AIR FURNACE, 24 INCH firebox $25. Apply 31 Warren '52- PONTIAC SEDAN N DEL ERY EX- Ave. Dial 5-2596. (1692) cellent ade or terms. Dial Be i6n (169¢) PORCELAIN TOP KITCHEN TABLE and 2 ch chairs, $10; wing fire- *39- PONTIAC, FAIR CONDITION, $175 cash take over payments, or $225 cash. | Seg at 62 Ema r 792, (169¢) *S1- OLDS. SEDAN, 'Y EQUIP- ped, black. Dial 5+ (169¢) '41 CHEV. APPLY 2 YROUGH. 3 (169¢) 's0 .CHEV. DELUXE ZH, NEW tires and slip covers, radio and i Sobditionng. Phone 52444 between and 8 i690 place screen, $5. If interested, phone 3-2456. (169¢) «NO PLACE TO GO? THIS TRAILER will go anywhere, sleeps 2, Coleman $200. Dial 3-4930. (169¢) FRIGIDAIRE, 4BURNER ELECTRIC stove, with cook-master oven controls like new. Reasonable. Dial 5-3438, after (169¢) stove, ice-box -- DINING 8-PIECE kitch suite; other CLUB (169¢) *47. FORD SUPER-DELUXE cope, $600. Dial 3-8335. *3§ BUICK SEDAN, IN EXCELLENT * condition. Dial 3-7516. ' (169b '48 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, 2TONE 258 Centre St. (169b) TREADLE SINGER = SEWING * MA- chine, good condition, $40. Mrs. Gray, 236 Gliddon Ave. (16%a) 50-LB, ICE-BOX; BABY CARRIAGE, A-1 condition. Dial 5-0108. (169b) arab. undercoating, 6 good tires, sun , fog-light, excellent ply 292 Celina. Dial 3-2951. "5§ PONTIAC SEDAN, RADIO AND heater, perfect condition. Phone Bow. manville (169 *41 BUICK IN GOOD CONDITION, BEST offer. Dial 5-3346, after 6 p.m. don "40. MODEL, A-1 CONDITION. SEE IT and make offer. Dial 5-3815. (1676) *$3: METEOR, WELL EQUIPPED, LOW leage. Phone 3489 Bowmanville. 107) . c '4 REo. B BODY 6 x 8 x 2%', GOOD running condition, sts. Dial some. ( BOB MOORE, NEW AND USED CARS and trucks. Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Dial 3-2256. (July28) | 83 CHEV. &DOOR_| SEDAN. MODEL | and other extras, fully pre Price $2,100. Terms can be arranged. Phone 5-3048. C1600) (167¢) "| RASPBERRIES FOR SALE. DIAL 3 8927. « STUDIO COUCH AND CHAIR: GUER- ney range with water front, cheap for quick sale. Apply 410 Perry St., Whit- by. (169b) GIRL'§ BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION, reasonable. Apply 254 Beatty Ave. be- tween "5:30 and 7:30. (169¢) DINETTE SUITE; bed. Phone 5-2550. KITCHEN: RANGE, LIKE NEW; ; washing hi (Miss Can- Rew condition. Kitchen sink. Dial (169b) RANGETTE; % ( 169a ) ada), ), 3-8742. 1696) LARGE MONARCH ICE-BOX, A-1 CON. | dition. Phone 3-8492. Apply 312 French. (169¢) | ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, WEST- | inghouge, _lijke. new. Phone 3-9677. . (169¢) HOT-AIR - FURNACE, EXCELLENT condition. Apply 634 Hortop Ave. (169¢) ATTENTION CAR BUYERS AND SELL- ers--Buying a new car or selling your old one let us save you money on financing and insurance. Phone Ta ug. PHONE. TED CAMPIN FOR NEW O used cars or trucks at Cliff Mills Mor tors. Dial 3-4634. (Augl3) | REBUILT KNEE ACTION, "34-38 | Chev. and Pontiac. Retail agd whole sale. Immediate installation or delivery. e go Th Garage, Verdun and Glddos, GIRL'S BICYCLE } FOR SALE, GOOD condition. Dial 5-309) ~(169a) | LEONARD REFRIGERATOR. 7 CU. "A Phone 35-1518. Apply 232 Burk St. - (169¢) | FOLDING CAMPING TRAILER. AP- | ply 186; Huron 8 it. (169¢) | | OUTBOARD MOTOR---BEST BUY OF j the season; 7% H.P. Evinrude, "52 mod. | el, used only twenty hours, perfect con. dition. Call 3-7043 before six p.m. (1690) RASPBERRIES FOR SALE. COLUM- bias. Latham fresh picked daily, 63 Orchard Ave. or 5-3 (168£) WRITING DESK, LAWNMOWER, ROLL- away bed, kitchen cupboard with arbor- ite top, lamps. Reasonable. Dial San DELIVERY ON (Aug:10) FOR IMMEDIATE loam. Phone 5-5650. VENETIAN BLINDS--THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling develop- rient in venetian blind history. Flat. tened S-shaped slats' give better "and more graceful enclosure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without obligations. George Reid. Dial 5-0633 66 Bond St. West. (uAg12) LLOYD BABY CARRIAGE, , EXCEL- lent condition, also baby swing on tele- scopic legs; combination baby car seat and bed. Apply 409 'Athol E. Dial 3-9777. GRAY KROEHLER CHESTERFIELD & chair with matching. pillows and foot stool $50 or best offer; floor model radio, '$20 or best offer. Dial SE (1 ) STRICTLY. BUSINESS & mateatren 43--Male Help Wanted UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES IN THE selling field for a man with some sell- ing experience. Age 25 to 40. The man You're not gambling when you "And shoot tomorrow's delivery too!" o Times-Gozette Cla*sified Ad. shoot at your sales target with Call 3-2233. 1 will have an opportunity for a lifetime career and higher than average earnings. Apply, giving complete de- tails, to Box 625, Times-Gazette. to0s « ) EXPERIENCED TINSMITH AND H ers wanted Immediately. Amy on Church St. Junior Mechanical Draftsman With some practical experi- ence. Leading furniture manu- - facturer offers permanent position, : Apply SKLA FURNITURE OSHAWA (168¢) 44--Male or Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS REQUIRED Apply - SKLAR FURNITURE MAN. LTD. 30 RICHMOND ST. Wj, OSHAWA (187¢) 46--Employment Wanted WOMAN DESIRES CLEANING AND ironing. Good references. Reliable. Dial 5-4340. (169) 39--Articles For Sale 41--Articles Wohted LADDERS Aluminum Ladders kinds, Light yet strong. Also Aluminum folding: Clothes Dryers, KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST. DIAL 5-4632 (Augl0) of all NASH Aluminum Combination Windows, The world's finest Oshawa. KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 BRUCE ST. DIAL 5-4632 (Augl0) 'DON'T BUY A SEWING MACHINE Unless you get the right one. We carry the largest selection in new and recongitioned- Sewing Mach Screens and Doors, made in RE - CHROME BUMPERS, GRILLS, etc, with "Bumper Re-Nu!" Not a paint or polish. Just like chrome. Last year's! Send $1.98 or COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (July16tf) TELEVISION AERIALS. INSTALLED, revolutionary all-station one-wire sys- tem, eliminates switching and messy | wires. Guaranteed 1 year in writing, | $49.50 up. Kelly T.V. and Appliances. | (July29) | NEW EUREKA CANNISTER TYPE vacuum cleaner, very powerful, com- plete - with . all attachments, $99.95. Terms: $10 down and $7 per month, Meagher's, 5 King West. (Aug16) RAMODE Canada's most attractive all- aluminum awnings, canopies, patios. Let's the light in, sun out. For more information and free estimates DIAL 3-3553 keeps the Jiyas From $20 up. Easy terms -- 00 interest .charges. COMMUNITY SEWING CENTER Dial 5-3793 (Aug.") SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Exterior $2.30 qt; $7.45 gal. OSHAWA PAINT AND WALLPAPER Your Almatex Store 315 SIMCOE £3 DIAL 3-2472 Tues, Wed, FriJun20tf) VENETIAN BLINDS your home today with our GET YOUR FRONT END ALIGN- ment wheel balancing - it Morag' Gar- age, 1084 Simcoe St. (Augl0) '52 8 HP. CHAMPION OUTBOARD motor with gear shift. Good as new. Dial 3-9782, evenings. (169¢) Super Klostop model. Canada's finest custom made vepetian blinds steel or aluminum. Estimatés without ob- Open from 9 to 6 including bi A SQUARE DEAL SEE JOHNNIE Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Dial 3-4675; evenings gts 0 155 ; of ' SEE "BILL" BENNETT FOR A NEW or oly, used car, at Belmont Mo- 137 King West. Phone (Augls) 33--Automobiles Wanted DACHSUNDS, Fox TERRIER PORTABLE WESTINGHOUSE = BAT- tery and plug-in radio, leather eovering practically new. Phone 5-4693. (169¢) LADIES'. BICYCLE, CCM, JUST.LIKE new, very cheap. Call 313 French St. anytime. (1694) TWO MEN'S BICYCLES, good shape, cheap. Apply 313 French Street. (168d) ELECTROLUX, GUARANTEED LIKE new, $90; child's cart, good condition, $3. 75 Orchard View Blvd, upstairs CCM, ' VERY A Retriev: 8, Rs, North Oshawa. Dial 3-8932, (Augé) wn CARS BRING MORE CASH FOR at : Car Lot, 300 Park Road (Aug!) AUTO WRECKERS. ng (168¢) SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER AND spare parts for same. Cu heads Cords. ete. Meagher s King Bt. Weer (July28) KELLY T.V. AND APPLIANCES O fer used television sets, ono paid. Dial 5-0533 or 3-2024. SeLing YOUR GA , For Quick sale RS your ear "with us. All cars insured. We handle all financing. You are paid in cash, For further information dial 3-4851---open till 9:30 .m. p (Aug® 36--Pets and Livestock CANARY. GUARANTEED SINGER, cage. Apply 732 Margaret St. (1692) BLACK THOROUGHBRED COCKER spaniel pup, 5 months old. Phone 3062. a MOVING--MUST SELL FEMALES, 1 cocker, 1 beagle, 2 springers. Gordeene Kennels, Highway 7, Brooklin BRIS - (Aug21) AVEAR- OLD PONY FOR SALE, BROK- for saddle and to the harness. He 72R12, Blackstock. (169a) BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR TRAIN ing, talking strain, all 'colors. Mrs. T. Hroad, 114 Elgin East. (Augd) Prices, (Aug.") wa machines, ranges, vacuum 'cleaners, floor polishers. Make us an offer. New .store, 81 King West. (July29) RANGETTE, NEARLY NEW. DIAL 3-8514. (168b) RECORD PLAYER NEW, tone, complete with $8 worth of records, $20.95. Terms. Meagher's, § King West uglé) ORNAMENTAL PORCH IR ings, free estimate. Air Shade Aluminum Awnings of Oshawa, 110 Verdun Road. Dial 5-4332, (Augs) USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, $3 UP. B.F. Goodrich Stores. Phone 4a, ob (143 Saturday. ALLEN'S VENETIAN SALES Dial 3-9662 or 598 King East (Aug20) COME ana see the NEW 1953 BENDIX Automatic WASHERS and DRIERS Only $2.95 Weekly BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE ST. 8. "Your Authorized Bendix Dealer" Jy19) Is your name on the voters' list? If not, telephone: Liberal headquarters 3-2263 Oshawa uly se Roaster Oven $30..00 2 Burner Enclosed Element Hot Plate $10.00. 86-inch Skil Saw with 3 blades 965. RCA Car Radio $50. 1-8 H.P., 110-v, 60-Cycle Motor $15 14-inch gear water. or oil pump and %-H.P. 110-v, 80-cycle Motor Coupled on base 00. The above articles may be seen in Oshawa. Just send post card giving B. F, GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, batteries, Hotroint and Addison appli ances, 'elevision. Thrifty budget plan. Dial 5-4543. (July28) USED BICYCLES, Sood CONDITION, oodrich Stores. 453 B. F. G Simeoe St. 8. 153th) FISH WORMSB---AMERICAN RED WIG- glers are smaller yet the greatest known wigglers, active and hearty jor bass, pickerel and smaller fry. worms--for big fish and. glob work. Try some of each. Ross Skitch Service Sta- tion, 83 Ritson Rd. South, (Auglo) SCREENS MADE TO ORDER. FREE 1,20) CoCRER SPANIELS, = ALSO BOARD. hoa Kennels. new highway near Pl ip Theatre. (Aug.6) Dial 5-2315. SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS, "ALL models; also parts for same in stock. Meagher's, § King West. (Aug1® REGISTERED .CHINCHILLAS + FOR SALE ! With a 30-day money-back J guarantee. . ' 'Write, phone or visit Leonard's: Chinchilla Ranch RR"1, Oshawa - Phone 3-4432 3 37 Farmers Column fond. ae, Wil GRAIN BINDER TIN shape. Will sell reasonable. Phone (168b) DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED uP mptly. Phone collect Bowmanville Also lve horses. Margwill Fur Karm, Tyrone. (July28) 38a--Market Basket 'BATH TUBS, TOILETS, $20: WASH basins, sinks, 35; modern piece bath taps, sh $159. Harry Chinn, Be 'South. (Aug.10) CUT PLUMBING COSTS IN HALF. 'Modern and used four- Figce bathroom sets, Pipe and fittings. Pi 3-7088. yl! ) Phone USED METAL ICE BOXES, 80 AND 75-1b. capacity. Used 3-plece chester- field suites, studio suites, and single davenos, 5-piece natural kitchen suites. - All in good condition. Ruther- ford's, 156 Simcoe South, (134t) CAR TRAILER, GOOD "TIRES. DIAL 5-2887. (167¢) R. L. BEAUMONT REACH ST. -- UXBRIDGE (168¢) SCRAP WOOD $5.00 per Truck Load DIAL 3-7333 M. GREENBERG & SONS 308 Bloor St. East (July13D McClary Refrigerators See the new miracle capacity McClary with automatic flash defrost, new green and gold interiors, 75-1b. freezer capa- city, butter conditioner - with cold control. Prices start ot only $279. Liberal trade-in allowance. Easy terms. See them today at RUTHERFORDS 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (168tH) FLOOR COVERING Oshawa's largest display. Choose from over 300 smort 1953 patterns for every room . in the house. Congoleums, Feltols, Rexoleums, Inlaids, Marboleums, etc. RUTHERFORDS 156 SIMCOE SOUTH (166tH) YOU CAN GET -- $100.00 For your {ee-box o- matter what condition) On a new refrigerator EASY TERMS BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE 8ST. 8. Wiy19) DON'T PAY MORE! 21" CONSOLE TELEVISION $249.95 (all-channel aerial extra) Largest Selection of T.V, at lowest prices BARONS' RADIO. & ELECTRIE 426 SIMCOE 8ST. 8. (Ny1® WANTED -- BABY"S PLAY PEN. DIAL 3-2359 Oshawa. (169¢) GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED, dressers, stoves, heaters, kitchen sets Crysler Furniture, 56 King West. Dial 5-0132. Jly23) PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANO | now. Wilson & Lee 79 Simcoe N. Dial | 5-2822. (Ny23) | CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paid for Iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Local and out-of-town calls pick up free. 100 Annis St./east of CNR Station. Dial 5-3432. Residence dial 5-4159, (Aug1$) SHAW RAG and METAL Highest prices paid for scrap firon, metal, rags, batteries, mattresses, etc. Factory accounts appreciated. 89 BLOOR ST. E. Dial 5-2311 -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-9111 (Aug.®) Attention Dump Truck Users TRAILMOBILE PILOT HOIST $352 up. Trailmobile Canada Ltd. now offers a full range of Pilot Hoists and dump bodies. All hoists feature exception- ally low mounting, permitting greater use of body space. Unusually light weight allows extra payload. Unique sealed gear pump ensures low main- tenance cost. Call Trailmobile direct or con- sult your truck dealer. Trailmobile Canada Ltd. Box 70, Station H, Toronto 13 (Head Office ond Plant: Pharmacy Avenue, Scarborough, Ont. Phones: (Call Collect) Day -- PLymouth 5-1151 Night -- PRincess 2579 Ajax 743 (Mr. Pryce or Whitby 835 (Mr. Fallaize) Jy') 42--Female Help Wanted GIRL TO MIND CHILDREN AND DO ent position. Dial 3-8178., BAKERY SINK HELP REQUIRED, full time. Apply Home Dairy, 4 Sim- coe 8. (169b) . | the British Columbia coast. CUSTOM BAILING DONE. SPRING tooth harrows for sale. Dial 5-4006. (Aug® MAE'S CLOTHING REPAIRS, DARN- ing, patching, zippers, button holes, pant | cuffs, shirt collars turned or remade. Free pick-up and delivery. Dial 3-4849. (Augs) 47 --Legal Notices LONDON'S "WEDDING OF THE YEAR" Joseph Emmanuel Appiah, 32- year-old Ashati tribal chief, is show with his bride, the former Peggy Cripps, daughter of the late chancellor of the exchequer Sir Stafford Cripps, after their marriage at St. John's Church in London. Some 200 British social- ites and African chiefs were on hand for London's most-talked- On and after this date, July 31, 1953, | I will not be responsible for any debts | contracted in my name by wife, Stefinie Adanowicz. \ Allin Adanowicz, 108 Eldon Ave. (168¢) | TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS For Arrears of Taxes Corporation of the City of Oshawa | County of Ontario To Wit: By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Mayor of the City of | Oshawa, under his hand and the seal of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa, bearing date of the 15th day of June, 1953, a sale of lands in ar- rears of taxes in the City of Oshawa, will be held at the Assembly Hall, Centre Street Public School, Oshawa, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore- noon on Wednesday, the seventh day of October, 1953, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes, has been published in the Ontario Gazette on the 4th day of July, 1953. Copies of the said list may be had: at the office of the City Treasurer, Dated at Oshawa, this 7th day of July, 1953. H. E. TRIPP, City Treasurer (July7,14,21,28) Use For Oyster Shells LADYSMITH, B.C. (CP)--Thou- sands of oyster shells, their succu- lent contents long since removed, are going back "into service" on The shells are being strung to- gether in groups of about 100 to a string and hung from scows to | catch oyster seed or eggs for Bloat A LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY RE- etary ing in rcial oyster spawning grounds. About 15,000 strings, each | 18 pounds, are are being as- EXPERIENCED WAITRESS FOR HO- tel main dining room. Phone Te) By ( here. oystermen sponsoring the scheme are poping the attempt to gather oyster here will even- tually make Canada independent of J seed growers who now RELIABLE WOMAN oR aim, J avs in. Must be fond of children. veniences. Dial 5-35607. AL oo EXPERIENCED WAITRESS---AT ONCE, Crysta! Grill, 20 King East. BOUSERBEPER ther particulars FUR- dial 3-2003. (180¢) 43--Male Help Wanted SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Aug13) Don't 'Miss Baron's Sth ANNIVER- SARY WASHER SALE- New 1953 models -- $00.50 up. Easy terms = largest selection. BARONS' RADIO &-ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE ST. 8. (Jy19) OXFORD PAINT $1.00 quart ... $3.49 gallon SUPREME PAINT $1.25 quart ... $4.49 gallon 29 Interior & Exterior Colors A & A STORE 86 SIMCOE N. DIAL 5-4462 (July20) $19.95 UR - HOOVER, ELECTROLUX, General Electric, Filter Queen, Airway. Rexair sales. Dial 5-5121. (July29) $4 PER WEEK INSTALLS A NEW "S3 dmiral television, refrigerator of range. | at wliys T.V. and A RASPBERRIES, BEANS AND NEW atoes freshly ered. Dial i Fish 3-4053. dug and deliv (1666) 39--Articles For Sale BEDROOM SUITE, 4 PCS., WALNUT veneer, good condition; Monarch ice- Box, 75 lbs. Dial 3-8410, L167¢) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR OLD og and clothing. Reversible and seam- is broadcloth, any. size to 13 feet, wide wi t a seam, any length. Solids, e-on-tones and patterns, For informa- dial 513533, Continental Rug pliances, 81 King W [¥] CONSOLE RADIO AND RECORD players, used, $35 up. Apply B.F. Good- rich Stores. Dial 5-4543. (145t) "CLIMATITE"" Aluminum combination windows and screens "Maloney" Aluminum Combination doors, $59.50 'Low Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 (Aug.® SLIP COVER CENTRE Latest patierns, ten dollars up. F Covers: insteljed and ear vacuumed WILSON BATTERY, Cor. Church and: Bon: Streets DIAL 3-3512 AWNINGS KOOLVENT VENTILATED Aluminum Awnings ond Con- opies, made in Oshawa. KOOLVENT SALES & SERVICE 94 "BRUCE ST. PHONE 5-4632 (Aug) Let, us replace your old fur- nace with a new all-steel Gurney furnace ond a well- known make of automatic oil burner. 18" furnace and burner in stalled -- $500, 21" furnace and burner in- stalled -- $550. New pipes extra. Free estimates on eompletely new installations. 10% down, balance through UAC. + HARRISON & KINSMAN DIAL 3-4425 or 5-4637 (Augal) 40--Articles For Rent WHEEL TRAILER FOR RENT. DIAL -0184. (189¢) | 41--Articles Wanted WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEATH- ers, scrap iron, metal, rags and mat- tresses. Diul IL Turner. North Oshawa, 3-2043 collect. (Augl2) WE HAVE AN OPENING FOR men. DRIVERS WANTED. MUST BR NEAT, courteous United Ch oi 2 vu, FA WANTED RELIABLE MAN for sales and service, for the distribution of Chemicals for Septic Tank and Drain Line cleaning and treatment. We can extend to a financially responsible man with a late mode! ear or truck a satisfae- tory contract. Could be han- dled by part-time agent. Phone or write for particulars to W. Rogers, 107 Mutual Street, Toronto -- EMpire 8-3111. (160¢) Substitute Carriers Would you like to have a newspaper carrier route while the regular carrier is on holidays? Contact CIRCULATION DEPT. The Daily Times-Gazette ¥ you would (1800) | supply the bulk of oyster seeds for west coast spawning grounds. FRENCH LA BELLE Christine Martel of France, a real la belle, holds her sceptre in her hand as she stands next to the gleaming trophy, symboliz- ing her choice as Miss Uni- verse. An 18-year-old model from Paris, Christine won the "most beautiful girl in the world title'" away from 67 other entries representing. all 'of the 48 states , | Justice Minister Garson said Mon- day night: | tries to outside conditions, about wedding of the year, which saw the bride wearing a gown of embroidered silk brocade with long tight sleeves, while the groom wore the brilliant striped ceremonial dress of the Ashanti tribe. Currently studying law in London, Appiah and his wife will eventually settle in the Gold Coast British colony of the west coast of Africa. Central Press Canadian.' ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP)--Pro- | posed establishment of an unpre- cedented international tribunal to | rule on millions of dollars in high- | water damage claims against Can- |ada was disclosed here Monday. Tentative plans for the tribunal were agreed upon at an Ottawa meeting June 10, and have been sent to the Canadian cabinet for approval. The tribunal, proposed by the Lake Ontario Land Development | and Beach Protection Association, | would be made up of one Canadian judge from a province bordering | Lake Ontario and one U.S.-federal | judge. The two would hear claims that | the Canadian-built Gut Dam, in the St. Lawrence river, caused record high lake water, which reached an all-time peak last year and resulted | in millions of dollars .of damage | to shore-front properties. la foreign power. International Board 'To Hear Flood Claims Although Norman Atter of Rochester, Association president, said he was assured at the Ottawa meeting that the Canadians would act on the plan within 10 Say. m0 move has been made on it . Under the Association proposal: Should the. judges decide dam caused the high water the Cana- dian government would put: a' sum into escron which would meet U.S. claims. Should they decide the dam did | not cause the high water, the 'As- sociation would agree to drop all further claims filed under a P1908 U.S.-Canadian treaty which---gcét cording to the Association--permits American property owners to sue Canada in U.S. courts for damage resulting from 'the dam. The proposal counters one of: { fered by Canada, which calls for a body compesed of a Canadian, American and a representative r Death-Is LAC DU BONNET, Man. (CP)-- "I can't think of any- thing worse for the country than to have Mr. Drew as prime min- ister." In an address to an audience of 70 in support of the Liberal can- didate for Springfield, Anton Wese- lak, the justice minister said if ever there was need for a strong goveérnment--"which only the Lib- erals can supply'"'--that time was the present. Canada, dependent upon trade, was more exposed than most cout- and "we live in a very dangerous world." The fact that the Progressive Conservatives and other opposition "Fate Worse Than Drew" parties predicted a post-war de- pression showed they did not recoge nize the principles under which the Liberal government operated, nor did they have any policies of their we that would prevent ad epres- sion A depression following the Second World War was averted in by the policies of the Liberal gov- ernment at Ottawa, together with other governments such as the United States and Great Britain, Mr. Garson said. The Liberal pary believes Can- ada's prosperity depends on the largest amount of trade possible, the justice minister said. 'Every year that foreign trade was high, We were prosperous; every year it was low, we were not." More Culture For Mr. Massey OTTAWA (CP) -- Governor-Gen- eral Vincent Massey left here by train Monday night for a two-day visit to the Shakesepare Festival at Stratford. Mr. Massey will inspect the Fes- tival facilities, meet the artists COMFORTS OF HOME AUCKLAND, N.Z, (CP)--A min- ister from Ceylon visited the Mount Crawford prison, saw the spring- mattress beds, heated and lighted cells, radio, good food and bottles of milk and rubbed his eyes. "If this prison was in Ceylon," he said, "there would be long queues for admission." and attend a performance 'of "All's Well That Ends Well' to- night and "Richard III" the fol- lowing evening. SALLY'S SALLIES in the U.S. and 20 other countries besides

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