Daily Times-Gazette, 18 Jul 1953, p. 9

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EVEREST PAIR IN DISPUTE Centres of a dispute as to who was the first to reach the top of Everest, the world's highest mountain are Sherpa Tensing, left, and Sir Edmund Hillary. Leader of the expedition, Col. Sir John Hunt publicly that Hillary was the first to stated | | reach the top and that Tensing | was only leader of the porters. | and a good climber "within the | limits of his experience." Tens- | ing says he is the most ex- | perienced Himalayan climber in the world. J J Central Press Canadian. Let's Go To Church Regularly TRIUMPHANT LIVING A few years ago Rabbi Joshua Liebmann was acclaimed far and wide as the author of one of the year's best sellers. Dr. Liebmann was fortunate in choosing a title for his book which attracted at- tention and fascinated countless readers. He called it 'Peace of Mind" which in the estimation of one critic was "the best feature of the book". The critic meant, I am sure, that a title so appropriate that it drew readers to the book was as important as the content. For some weeks. new readers pick- ed it/up eagerly in the hope that they might receive help from this . Although some of them became hopelessly lost amid the psycholggical language and techni- s in parts of the book, they read) on, nevertheless, still trusting find some measure of help disturbed minds. For my , I found the book a stimu- lating effort to encourage people to achieve one the greatest values we can acquire in our pil- grimage through this world peace of mind. For without peace of mind there can be no triumphant living. : The best source of help on this important subject is not to be found in secular writings, informa- tive and beneficial though some of them are. The most important and totally indispensable volume on peace of mind is the one which has been the forerunner of them all and the inspiration of their themes -- the Holy Bible. You can dis- cover this for yourself, as Dr. Lieb- mann would agree, if you turn to the Old Testament and read pas- sages such as these: Peace Of Mind gift of peace to all who believe in Him. Read John 14: 27; also John 16: 33. It is ~pparent that only the person who has made the discovery that eluded Nicodemus can truly claim to have acquired real peace of mind. (See John 3). The crux of the matter is as E. H. Bickersteth writes in the opening | 9ay lines of his well - known hymn. "Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin? . The blood of Jesus whispers peace within." St. Paul brings our theme to its logical conclusion in the benedic- tion: "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and min Teough Jesus Christ." (Philippians HY § 8 Bag Booty On Island TAIPEH, Formosa (AP)--Chi- nese Nationalist guerrillas stormed Tungshan Island off the Red China coast Thursday crushed resistance of "bandit troops," and occupied | the the principal city, withdrew today, the defence ministry announced. The operation, biggest National ist action since Chiang Kai-Shek's forces quit the mainland in 1949, was described as a complete suc- cess. The announcement said booty was taken but it made no mention of casualties. 6 Blowouts At One Time LONDON (Reuters)--The Comet jet liner which burst its tires land- ing at Juhu airstrip, Bombay, Thursday is expected to leave there in the next few days without any special assistance in its take- off, a company spokesman said to- "The Comet can be flown from there with perfect safety without any unusual measures and carry- Hg the normal operating crew," he said. The British Overseas Airways plane, flying on the London-Col- ombo run, touched down at Juhu because of poor weather conditions at Bombay's main airport. The pilot slammed on the brakes to avoid coasting off the short runway and burst all the tires. _A consignment of spare wheels, tires and brakes left London' air- port today as replacements. UNORTHODOX APPROACH VANCOUVER (CP)--The British freighter Notting Hill passed under Lions Gate bridge stern first, first time it has been done in the mem- ory of shipping officials here. Drop- ping anchor after losing her steer- age, the ship was swung around by the ebb tide and dragged under bridge. REPENTANCE By R. BARCLAY WARREN The dictionary gives two mean- ings for "repent" The one Is, 'feel sorry for sin and seek for- giveness", and the other is "feel sorry for; regret". The Greek language has two separate words anc both appear in 2 Cor. 7:10. "For godly grief produces a re- pentance that leads to salvation and brings no regret". The word expressing regret de- notes "to care after". It has an emotional quality. It may pre- pare the way for the godly grief that produces a repentance that leads to salvation. On the other hand, it may have no apparent relation to it. A ma: may regret that he bought a certain used car or a lady that she hought a cer- tain hat. A person may regret that he committed certain sins'because of the embarrassment that resulted or the sickness that ensued. The criminal may regret 'he act which he did because he was caught. But this kind of regret or repentance does not necessarily produce the repentence that leads to salva- tion What then is this repentance to salvation? 1. begins with godly sor- row. We are sorry, not merely. be- cause we are suffering for our sin, but because of the sin itself. We share God's view of sin. We see that it is against Him and we are therefore sorry. So sorry are we Church of €ngland in Canada (ANGLICAN) Centre and ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Bagot Streets THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, July 18, 1953 § that we are determined never to do it again or any other act which we know will displease God. We cannot undo the act but anything we can do to undo the harm done we will gladly do. That is implied in the fruits of repentance stated in verse 11:"what clearing of your- selves". This is the repentance which godly sorrow works. It is a definite change of minu, opinions and inclinations. It results from the Holy Spirit's work in convine- ing of sin, righteousness and judg- ment, It leads to salvation. When one has thus entered into repent- ance, the Holy Spirit will lead that one to rest his faith in Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. He will never regret having entered into the kingdom of God. YOUR POINT'S PUT ACROSS quickly and economically through Classified ads in The Times-Gaz- ette! To make your offer known among thousands within hours Clothes Go Back To The Good Old Days LONDON (Reuters) -- American men in London have shown so much enthusiasm for Britain's "new Edwardian" style suits that London tailors are planning to est- ablish a clothing centre in New York, it was disclosed Friday. Saville Row -- men's fashion centre in London--said dollar ord- ers from overseas and American tourist orders here have given the industry its biggest fillip in years. Bespoke (custom made) suits this. Coronation season have set off a style counter - revolution, going back to the early days of the century when men wore tight single-breasted jackets and pipe- stem trousers. They are a direct contrast to the wide shoulders and draped affect of the post-war era. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Minister: Northminster United Church CORNER SIMCOE and ARLINGTON REV. H. A. MELLOW, B.A. Organist: MRS. RICHARD MOSES Suggests Bonds Would Drop Under Tories By HAROLD MORRISON "But I have felt no embarrass- Canadian Press Staff Writer | ment at the size," the prime mini- SUDBURY (CP)--Prime Minister | ster said. Electors should vote Lib- St. Laurent feels 'no embarrass- (eral and not take any risks, he "I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety." (Pslam 4:8). | 'Great peace have they which love thy law: nothing shall offend them." (Psalm 119: 165). | "Thou wilt keep him in perfect | peace, whos: mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." (Isaiah 26: 3). Grace Lutheran Church 150 ALBERT ST. Rev. N. C. Kritsch, Pastor Rector, The Rev. Canon D. M. Rose -- Phone 5-2386 ° CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary and Hillcroft Streets Rector, The Rev. H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone 5-5795 ° : SUNDAY SERVICES 8AM. -- 11 AM -- 7PM. ment" at the size of the Liberal majority in the last House of Com- | ) | gressive Conservative government | mons. Addressing a Liberal rally here Thursday night Mr. St. urged voters not to favor the oppos- ition parties just because of the lop-sided majority in the last House. The Liberals captured 190 seats in the 262-seat house in the 1949 federal election. He said that during his cross- Laurent | | added. He suggested that under a Pro- Canadian bonds may drop in value. "Perhaps the Tories believe in | deficit budgeting und in increasing the national debt," Mr. St. Laur- lent said, in referring to the Pro- | gressive Conservative promise to reduce taxes by $500,000,000 a year if elected. | "If they do, the millions of Cana- In these passages we observe that peace of mind comes as a result of the existence of right relations between the individual and God. In the New Testament, this theme receives new emphasis from Jesus, "The Prince of Peace". Jesus maintains that no one can enjoy peace of mind until he has | established right relations not only SUNDAY, JULY 19 10:30 am.--"'T.V. -- THIS IS THE LIFE" 11:00 a.m.--MORNING WOR- SHIP: "THE ONE WAY TO HEAVEN" MR. RAYMOND MANTYNEN of Concordia Seminary, Spring- field, Illinois, will conduct the PASTOR: © R. A. BOMBAY THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH country tour 'some good Liberals" | dians who hold Victory Bonds and had suggested it would be better if | Canada Savings Bonds are not very the party hadn't such a large ma- |likely to look on them with much ority this time. ' favor." Soldier Dies - Doing Pack Drill OTTAWA (CP)--Pte. Frederick | was medically examined two days Joseph Burke of Regina collapsed | before his death and showed no and died Thursday after drilling | signs of illness. at Petawawa military camp as the | George Burke, father of the sold- result of bilateral pneumonia, an | ier, said his son came to Ottawa autopsy disclosed Friday. Burke | 10 days ago to visit relatives on was undergoing punishment at the a farm near Ottawa. time. : | © He had taken ill and had over- The 20-year-old Ottawa-born sold- | stayed his leave, the father said. fer collapsed after a "concen- On his return to Petawawa Sun- trated" 20-minute obstacle course | day, he was stripped of his corp- exercise and died in hospital two |oral's stripes and given seven hours later at the military camp, | days' detention. ; 110 miles northwest of Ottawa. The Army opened a court of in- Army authorities here said Burke 'quiry on Burke's death. Toronto-made Plane Makes Quick Sales are interested in the de Havilland | of lands and forests has ordered Otter, a Toronto-made transport |three. The RCAF has ordered 12 Otters | Mail says in a newspage story that | for use in search and rescue opera- | the United States armed services |tions and the Ontario department with God the Father, but also with { | God's children, his fellow men. | Furthermore, Jesus offers His own | ad THE SALVATION ARMY CORNER OF SIMCOE ond OAK STREETS MAJOR end MRS. G. DOCKERAY service. 11:00 a.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. > EVANGELISTIC - MEETING 10 A.M.--SUNDAYX SCHOCL AND BIBLE CLASSES, FOR ALL. MONDAY and WEDNESCAY Services aot 8 p.m. The Pastor and Congregation invite you to Fellowship in the Spirit and Ministry of the Word ot God. 10:00 a.m.--DIRECTORY (Y.P.) 11:00 a.m.--HOLINESS MEETING ; 2:00 p.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE CLASSES 3:15 p.m.--LAKE VIEW PARK (BAND) 7:00 p.m.--EVANGELISTIC MEETING BIBLE VACATION SCHOOL -- Monday to Friday -- 9 a.m.-11:18 TUESDAY, 2:30 p.m.--HOME LEAGUE Bible = ma CHURCH + OPEN BOOK Holy 25é) = Lay Pastor: R. B. WILKINS Gibbons St, North of Louise -- Formerly Gibbons St. Mission SUNDAY, JULY 19, 1953 11:00 a.m.--" THE CHURCH AT ITS BEST" 3:00 p.m --BIBLE SCHOOL 7:00 p.m.--EVENING WORSHIP Speaker: W. J. MANNING aircraft. The otter is a large single-engine plane capable of carrying 14 per- sons. It costs about $75,000. The paper says Russ Bannock, military sales manager for de Hav- illand Aircraft of Canada Limited, is in Washington for conferences. The Globe and Mail reports that if negotiations are sful, the | U.S. Air Force and Army will buy | four each and determine the Ot- | ter's suitability in various roles. | The L-20 Beaver, another de Havilland. product, is in mass pro- | duction for the U.S. Army and Air | Force. Talks May Avert Truckers By THE CANADIAN PRESS Truckers in the Windsor, Chat- ham and Sarnia areas lined up with employees of 19 trucking firms in the Hamilton area in favoring strike action midnight Sunday. ; The strike would involve some 3,500 employees of 36 transport compani h tern Ontario between Hamilton and Windsor. Meanwhile, President I. M. Dodds of Local 880, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, (AFL- TLC), and President James Groat of the union's Local 879 are sched- uled to meet with Labor Minister Daley early Monday in an attempt to settle the dispute. . Union officials advised members to favor strike action after a con- . cillation board report recommen- ded wage increases of seven cents an hour for drivers and 11 cents for mechanics. A similar contract was accepted two months ago by the Toronto local. However, both the Windsor and Hamilton locals turned it down. Originally, thé Toronto and Hamil- ton locals asked for a 20-cent hour increase for drivers and 30 cents for mechanics. Windsor asked for eneral increases of 52 cents an our. Members of Local 879, which covers Hamilton, London, Kitch. ener, Galt, Brantford and Wood: stock, cast strike votes two months ago after turning down the pro- posal. However, the vote was not counted until it was known what action Local 880, which covers em- ployees in Windsor, Sarnia and Chatham, would take. . dsor Fri- fon was Mr. Dodds said in day that Local 880s Strike , "practically unanimous' in favor of a strike. ° ' | Neither Mr. Dodds or Mr. Groat | would say if the strike action would be postponed until after they have met with the labor minister. George Delaney, London, an of- ficial of Local , said he could see no possibility of the strike being called off. Pickets had been asked to report midnight Sunday for duty at the gates of 14 truck- ing'firms in London. Mr. Daley said in the telegrams to the presidents of the two locals he felt the "issues can be resolved without a strike." Earlier, the Motor Transport In- dustrial Relations Bureau, Toronto, urged the workers not to cause "irreparable damage' to the in- dustry by going on strike. Although the railways have said they would be able to handle all extra cargo assigned to them dur- ing a strike, it was felt it would | freight. Trucks are used extensively in southwestern Ontario for short, inter-city hauls of heavy cargoes. OUT OF BOUNDS REGINA (CP)--A frisky deer who wandered into a residential section was chased by a dog and cornered ih a school yard. The deer broke its neck against a metal fence post in an attempt to get out. + The site of the first farm barn in Denmark, still visible in West Jutland, dates from AD. 400-600. take some time before a system | could be worked out for the prompt | | and efficient handling of the extra | CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST NO SUNDAY SCHOOL DURING JULY AND AUGUST SUNDAY SERVICE 11 AM. SUBJECT Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes testimonies of healing through Christian Science. The reading room located at the church, open Tuesday and Thurs- day from 2 to 4:30 p.m., excepting legal holidays, where the Bible and Christian Science literature may be studied, borrowed or pur- chased and subscriptions placed for periodicals, "LIFE" THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH cation ST. PAUL'S Minister: REV. 5, A. MILES, B.A. -- 20 Drew Street 11:00 AM.--CHURCH SCHOOL . 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP "WHY BOTHER . . .>" 8:30 P.M.--SERVICE AT THE BANDSHELL WILSON & ROGER KNOX Stuart SIMCOE STREET N., AT BROCK David Jenkins, Leader of Praise 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP With the Sacrament of Christian Baptism 10 a.m.--Knox Church School 8:80 P.M.--SUMMER SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE AT THE BANDSHELL B. Coles, B.A., Minister GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU STREET (Malf Block South of King Street West) 11 AM--"TIME TO MOVE" (Broadcast) Church School will worship with the congregation NO EVENING SERVICE "A CHURCH'SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY" Ng -- HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Northeast Corner Harmony Rd. and King St. E. MINISTER--REY. RICHARD R. NICHOLSON Director of Music: VERA HEMSLEY BARR, A.T.C.M. 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--PUBLIC WORSHIP SERMON SUBJECT--'CHRIST'S HATRED OF SHAMS' A Cordial Welcome to All, Westmount United Church - ROSEHILL BLVD., JUST NORTH OF KING ST. REV. R. LORNE McTAVISH, D.D., Minister MR, FRANK OWEN, Choir Leader; MRS. ANNE POTTER, Organist £ 11 a.m.--Dr. McTavish will preach Sunday School 10 a.m.--Beginners and Primary Intermediates meet with congregation at 11 a.m. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO NEWCOMERS SUNDAY 10:30 AM. --"REMEMBERING THE LORD" 12:15 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL & BIBLE CLASS 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE : Wed., 8 p.m.--Bible Study; Fri., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting A HEARTY INVITATION TO ALL "If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." (Rom. 10:9). : 17 ERIE ST. DIAL 5-3872 REV. R. E. DARGAN, Pastor ree METHODIST CHURCH CAMP MEETING IS OVER FULL SCHEDULE RESUMED! 10 a.m.--SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES. Come and study the Word with us 11 a.m.--MORNING WORSHIP e p.m.---FELLOWSHIP SERVICE . n en eo therings, a one our "Prayer Meeting dach Wednelday night © at 8 o'clock. PLAN TO ATTEND CHURCH SOMEWHERE EACH SUNDAY ALL SUMMER. DO NOT GET INTO A SUMMER SLUMP CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER JOHN and: CENTRE STREETS MINISTER -- REV. R. W. WIGHTON, F.R.G.S. Sunday, July 19th The Pastor, who has just returned from vacation on the Pacific Coast, will preach at both services. : Mid-week Service Wednesday 8 p.m. Every Lords Day at 9:45 am. our Sunday School in the Church, at 9:45 a.m, our Sunday School at 73 Sherwood Ave., North Oshawa. You and your childrer are welcome at either school. Albert Street United Church "The Church With a Challenge" (CORNER OLIVE and ALBERT) MINISTER -- REV. S.C. H. ATKINSON Mr. J. R. Robertson, Organist and Choir Leader 11:00 AM. Subject: "GOD'S UNSPEAKABLE GIFT" NO EVENING SERVICE IN THE CHURCH Listen te our Sunday Evening Hour over CKLB at 7 p.m. CENTRE ST. UNITED CHURCH "Minister: Rev. A. F. Cowon, B.A, 169 Athol St. E. Phone 34956 Orgonist-Choirleader: Mr. N. Willlams -- 801 Ritson Rd. S. Dial 3-8743 10 'a:m.--Sunday School. 11 a.rh.--"Sudden Wealth" A FRIENDLY CHURCH SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director 'of Music: MR. R. G. GEEN, L.T.C.M. 11 am. Joint Service with St. Andrew's Congregation in Simcoe Street Church THE MINISTER WILL PREACH "WHEN GOD CAN'T FORGIVE" SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 a.m.--Junior, Intermediate and Senior Departments 11:00 a.m.--Nursery, Beginners and Primary Departments FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 79 KING STREET EAST Affiliated with the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec Minister: REV. L. D. BEGG, B.A., B.Th. Music Director: Mrs, M. Joyce 11 AM. --PERFECT LOVE 7 P.M.--STAND FAST SERVICES CONDUCTED BY MISS LORNA PARROTT SUNDAY SCHOOL EACH SUNDAY AT 9:45 AM. Service of Prayer and Bible Study Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. We invite you to worship with us, wing Street Unifed Ghreh REV. MERVIN A. BURY, M.A,, B.D,, Minister Orgenist and Choirmaster;: WALLACE YOUNG, Mus, Bac, ATCM 10:30 A.M.--YOUTH DEPARTMENT WILL MEET FOR LESSON PERIOD DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST 11:00 A.M.--NURSERY 11:00 AM.--REV. M. A. BURY: hig gh "DARE TO BELIEVE" NO EVEMING SERVICE Always a Welcome for All at the Friendly Family Church

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