Daily Times-Gazette, 9 Jul 1953, p. 22

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22 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, July 9, 1953 Vacancies? Don't Give Them Another Thoug ht After You Place Your Times Ad! A Maximum Number Of Readers Will See Your Vacant Apartment. Another nga Advertiser is Mrs. K- > 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. APPLY 000 Mary St. (153¢) 28--For Rent 32--Automobiles For Sale 32-5-Automobiles For Sale 32--Automobiles For Sale 33--Automobiles Wanted 37--Farmers' Column 39--Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale FURNISHED HOUSEK gg ROOM, 2 friends preferred. Dial 3-3322, 238 Eulalie. (1546) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR GIRL OR gentleman, central to downtown, 72 W. Phone 5-5517. (157¢) ONE ROOM FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment, suitable for two quiet adults. Apply 200 King West, Apt. 2. (157¢) PARKING SPACE FOR RENT. DIAL 3-48 (1576) Brock PONTIAC INN Single furnished rooms in residential hotel, close to new GM; tele- vision lounge: Apply Pontiac Inn. Dial 3-3993 g (July29) 29--Wanted To Rent URGENTLY NEEDED, 3 OR 4 ROOM apartment, small house or cottage in Oshawa. d steadily pl rent. . Dial 37411 before 6 5.2784 after 6:30 and Saturday. ic) HAS ANYONE A 1'ROOM COTTAGE, garage, basement or attic they would rent elderly woman In or near Oshawa on bus line. Write Box 525, Times- Gazette. (159a) FAMILY OF 4 WOULD LIKE TO RENT 5 or 6-room unfurnished house in Osh- awa or Whitby, by August 1, no chil dren. Write Box 524, Times Gazelle, ( 590) | WANTED TO RENT----YOUNG EXECU tive at Ajax with two small children, will pay .up to $90 a month rent for house in Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa area, three bedrooms preferred, desire short-term lease or will assume un- expired lease. Forward particulars and location to Box 225, Times-Gazette, thy. (158d) GARAGE OR SPACE SUITABLE FOR building a small boat, vicinity of Bruce and Albert Sts. Dial 5-2161. (158b) 4 OR 5 ROOM HOUSE OR APART- ment in Oshawa or vicinity urgently required iby young business executive bi family recently transferred to Osh- awa. References. Dial 3-7837. (158tf) 4 OR 5 ROOM HOUSE or apartment in Oshawa or vicinity urgently required by young business executive and family recently transferred to Oshawa. References. DIAL 3-7837 (154th) MONTHLY PARKING Sy numbers. Downtown area. Apply 97 RICHMOND ST. W. DIAL 3-4904 Quly16) 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD #OR YOUNG lady. Dial 3-8409. (159a) --31A- 2 FURNISHED COTTAGES, ACCOM- modate 6, safe, sandy beach. Papineal pr is - August 1, Charles Boyle. Phong ) ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN. AP- ply 92 Elgin East. Dial 5-2425. (159¢) SINGLE ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE gentleman, Dial 5-4346. Apply 212 Court Street. (159b) £ooL ROOM FOR S ONE OR TWO GEN- tlemen. Phone 3-7. (159a) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO GEN- tlemen willing to share twin beds, near new G.M. Dial 3-8165. ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- men in new private home, 7 days week. Dial 3-2977 or 899 Masson St. (158d) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO, PRI- vate home, single beds. Phone 33a, (157¢) GENTLEMEN AZOARDERS, ABSTAIN: ers preferred. PPly ose lvd (1576) ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 GENTLE- men, very central. Apply 26 Gladstone Ave. or Dial 5-1980. (156f) 31--Room & Board Wanted BOARDING HOME WANTED FOR 3 Aug. 1-16. CI 's age 1, 2, 4 years. Dial 3- is, (157¢) 31a--Summer Resorts 4-ROOM COTTAGE ON LAKE DAL- rymple, good swimming, fishing, July and August, $25 weekly. Apply rear door 354 King East. (158¢) VERY SPECIAL VACATION OFFER. Beautiful pine tree setting. Cooking, showers. $10 week, cabins sleep 2. $16 week cabins sleep 4. Send deposit with reservations. A. Cameron, Emsdale, Ont. No. 2 Highway. (158¢) COTTAGES FOR RENT ON MAPLE Lake. Reasonable. Phone Lindsay 3722 (collect). (155f) ALPINE INN We have accommodation still open for the opening of fishing and for the last part of August. B 1 lodge overlook the falls. ing roo and all forms of din tion including shuffleboard and tele- vision. Make reservation now to BAX 190 or phone 107 FENELON FALLS. Jly25) 32--Automobiles For Sale '46 CHEV. SEDAN, GOOD CONDITION. Apply 269 hing fast. (159¢) '51 PONTIAC SEDAN, AIR CONDI Rivard damrncnns du 4 waa nes @ll, wale dow washers. Dial 5-4160. (159¢) "49 BIG 6 PONTIAC, 2569, ONE OWN- er, spotless, air-conditioned. Extras, $1295. Phone 55700. (159a) "37 CHEV. COACH, EXCELLENT CON- dition. Apply 1043 Hortop. (159b) BOB MOORE, NEW AND USED CARS and trucks. Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Dial 3-2256. (July28) ATTENTION CAR BUYERS AND SELL ers--Buying a new car or selling your old one let us save you money op financing and insurance. Phone 3.7863. (Aug.8) Hackney Motor Sales Chrysler - Plymouth Fargo Dealer Sales and Service See The New 1953 Chrysler and Plymouth Cars Now in Stock 52--DODGE REGENT SEDAN. 51 CHRYSLER SARATOGA 4-DOOR SEDAN, 180 h.p. firepower V8 en- gine. Power steering Tor- gie converter, radio, new white wall tiggs. A real automobile priced right. 51--CHRYSLER WINDSOR 6 DELUXE CLUB COUPE. 51--FORD COACH. 51--STUDEBAKER COACH. 51-NORTON MOTORCYCLE. 51--EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTOR, 7% h.p. 49--PLYMOUTH SEDAN. 49--ANGLIA COACH. 47--PONTIAC SEDAN, with radio. 46--CHEV, SEDAN, motor overhauled. 42--DODGE COACH. 41--FORD COACH. 32--PLYMOUTH CONVERTI- BLE, new paint. A little dandy. USED TRUCKS 48--FORD 14-TON PICK-UP 47--MERCURY 3-TON CHASSIS and CAB Don't Miss These Bargains Our Motto is: Keep Our Customers Satisfied USED CAR LOT Opposite Brewers' Warehouse Open Evenings White Rose Showrooms and Garage at 149 KING ST. W. DIAL 5-3557 (158) '8 FORD COACH, FAIRLY GOOD condition, whitewall tires, radio and Laster, just had complete tuneup -- | 2, Phone 3.7723. (157¢) | '%h CHEY. DELUXE COACH, RADIO, | «xiras, 31,400. Accept trade, terms. Ap- | Py Newt Hodgson, Kingston Rd. W,, | Za miles, Beott's Farm. (159b) | '49 CHEV. "DEL UXE ~ FLEETL coach, one owner, custom radio; ~eonditioned. Phone - Newcastle 2871. (154) "50 FORD, "2 TONE GREEN, , EXC EL- lent condition, $1,325. Terms arranged. Apply Sam Cheresna, 51 Nassau St., afier 6. 1570) | '52 PONTIAC | | SEDAN Good condition, 000. Terms mileage 14 orrangs Api, A72 FRONT 51 alias 5 STOP! LOOK! 'and BUY! ALL ARE SAFE BUYS 52--PONTIAC STANDARD TUDOR 52-- CHEV. STANDARD TUDOR 52--CHEV. DELUXE 4 - DOOR 51--METEOR CONVERTI- BLE 51--METEOR CUSTOM 4- DOOR, overdrive + 51--METEOR CUSTOM 4 - DOOR 51--CHEV. STANDARD 4 - DOOR 50--DODGE 4-DOOR 50--PONTIAC DELUXE TUDOR 50--METEOR CUSTOM 4 - DOOR 49--MORRIS MINOR TUDOR 49--MONARCH 4 - DOOR 47--FORD 4 - DOOR 42--PLYMOUTH 4 - DOOR 41--PLYMOUTH 4 - DOOR TRUCKS 52--MERCURY 15-TON PICK-UP TRUCK 51--MERCURY %;-TON PICK-UP TRUCK 51--FORD" 2-TON PICK-UP TRUCK Ux- Spring MOTORS LTD. Mercury - Lincoln Meteor Dealers Uxbridge, Ontario 15f) | *50 CHEY: DELUE SEDAN, ONE own: 5. FORD SEDAN, GOOD CONDITION. car and terms. Phioke er, 20,000 cellent condition. y {eH 36 Athol 40 E '48 PONTIAC SEDAN, EXCELLENT condition. Dial 5-1324, (159¢) g 9547. 58b) "41°53 CARS BRING MORE CASH FOR | BUCKWHEAT ' FOR SALE. PHONE you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Roa.) | 3-8824. (158¢) GREEN RUG, Lave GOLF CLUBS. Apply 531 Mary S (159a) FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR, 9 CU. lect condition, like new, very rea- 8. Dial 3.9421. Bl 3.902 (Augl) | SFAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP '47 FORD CONVERTIBLE, EXCEL- lent condition. Dual exhaust system, heater, radio, $1050. Dial 3-4345. (158¢) LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS. | promptly. Phone collect Bowmanville Want cars for wrecking, highest prices | 2679 Also live horses. Margwill paid. Dial 5-0533 or 3-2924. (Aug.7) | Farm, Tyrone. (July28) '47 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 74 MOTORCY- cle, in perfect condition, $500 or best offer. Can be seen at 226 Cem St y '53 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, A-1 SHAPE. Terms if desired. Apply after 6, 174 Church, (157¢) '41 PONTIAC COACH, PERFECT motor, good tires, $140 or best offer. Apply 62 Cordova Rd. (158¢) '42 FORD COACH, RECONDITIONED motor, new battery, good rubber, g condition throughout. 82 Scugog St., Bopmanville. (158b) FOR QUICK SALE, NEW '53 2-TONE Cnev. Sedan. For Information phone 2900, Bowmanville. (158d) '40 CHEV. SEDAN, '41 OLDS CON- vertible. Both in good condition. Phone 5-5194. (158¢) '48 DODGE SEDAN, A-1 condition, good tires, radio, "and heater. Very clean. 203 Drew St. (158d) GET YOUR FRONT END ALIGN- ment wheel balancing at Moring's Gar- age, 1084 Simcoe St. N WJly10) '38 CHEV. STANDARD COACH, FAIR condition, $200. Apply rear door 354 East 157) SELLING YOUR CAR? For quick sale place your car with us, All cars insured. We handle all. financing. You are paid in cash. For turther information dial 3-4851--open till 9:30 p.m. (Aug9®) '41 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN Excellent Condition Apply 33 BAGOT ST. Friday after 6 p.m. (159b) '47 CONVERTIBLE BUICK. APPLY 173 Bloor East. 1546) '41 CHEV. COACH, CLEAN, GOOD condition, Best offer. Dial 3-4379. (157d) '47 PONTIAC COACH, GOOD CONDI- tion; radio and heater. Dial 5-5194. ' (157¢) FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE JOHNNIE Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Dial 3-4675; evenings 5-5706. (Jly15) SEE "BILL" BENNETT FOR A NEW or quality used car, at Belmont Mo tors, 127 King West. Phone 5-0732. (July18) PHONE TED CAMPIN FOR NEW OR used cars or trucks at Cliff Mills Mo- tors. Dial 3-4634. Jly1d) REBUILT ACTION, "34-'36 Chev. and Pontiac. Retail and whole sale. Immediate installation or delivery Morey's Garage, Verdun and Gliddon. al 5-4332, Jly23) KNEE The Higher the Temperature the Lower Qur Prices at BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES OFFERING THE FINEST IN NEW AND USED CARS AT THESE THREE LOCATIONS 209 DUNDAS ST. W. WHITBY DIAL 757 NEWCASTLE - 1271 SIMCOE ST. N OSHAWA DIAL 3-4675 PHONE 2871 52 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN--- 'Nice blue, riew cor condition. 52 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN -- 12,000 miles, dark green, one owner driven. 52 PONTIAC SEDAN--Two-tone, grey and black. 52 MERCURY SEDAN -- 2-tone, blue and black, overdrive. 51 ,CHEV. COACH--BIlack, excellent condition. - 51 CHEV. 2-TONE COACH--Sunvisor. This one is sharp, bitter sweet and beige. 50 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN--Grey. 50 FORD SEDAN--2-tone, whitewalls, brown and tan, overdrive, 50 PONTIAC COACH -- Black. 49 PONTIAC SEDAN--Black, custom walls, sunvisor. radio, white 49 MERCURY COUPE--Light green, radio. 49 MERCURY COUPE--Green, custom radio, 49 MONARCH COACH--Green with radio. 49 CHEV. COACH--Maroon, built-in radio. 49 AUSTIN SEDAN--BIlack with radio, an economical car. 49 HILLMAN SEDAN. 48 PONTIAC COACH -- driven. A real buy. Grey. This car one owner 47 MERCURY SEDAN--BIlack, with sunvisor. 47 OLDS. SEDANETTE--Built-in radio, blue. lovely dark "MECHANICS" AS IS SPECIALS 46 DODGE PANEL TRUCK ... 46 DODGE SEDAN 41 CHEV. COACH .........s 39 CHEV. SEDAN sharin sevs $195 sessrsvsnsevese $595 terssressnes $295 $195: AND MANY MORE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM AT THESE THREE LOCATIONS TRUCKS 51 FORD %2-TON PICKUP 49 FORD V2-TON PICKUP 49 FORD }2-TON PANEL 47 STUDEBAKER 12-TON PICKUP 47 CHEV. 12-TON PICKUP 46 DODGE }2-TON TRUCK BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES your * MERCURY -- LINCOLN - METEOR DEALER (1533) 36--Pets and Livestock 50 ACRES STANDING MIXED HAY. Will sell cheap for quick sale. H. Gle- GOOD YOUNG FRESH HOLSTEIN coff, Ritson 8. Oshawa. (1546) cow, also springers and heifers. Dial | c()STOM BALING DONE WITH WIRE 5-4933, (159¢) tie baler. Carmen Tapscotp, Audley. CALVES FOR VEALING, EXCELLENT 1579) ler calves available. Phone Allan J. TTL 3 KS OLD. DIL Werry, Bowmanville 2570. (159a) In EB PIgS, 7 WEE: sre BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR TRAIN- 38a. Market Basket Fur | 5-2737 MANTLE RADIO, WRITING . DESK, ft., perf bl pply 48 Buckingham Ave., after 6. (15%¢) Dial (159a) ICE- King (159¢) GOOD CONDITION, (159¢) small, lamp, stroller, ALL METAL 50-LB CAPACITY box, good condition. Apply 3569 East. . UPRIGHT PIANO, $60. Dial 5-4160. 3-PC. WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE, 3- pe. chesterfield suite, drapes and floor lamps. Phone 5-4562. (159b) 7 FOOT WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGER- ator, 60 Syste: Still under warranty. ing, talking strain, all colors. 114 Elgin RASPBERRIES -- COME AND PICK East. Dial 3-9767. (Aug) DACHSUNDS, FOX TERRIER | or order your needs. Apply 399 Verdun Rd. Phone 5-1590. (1586) Lemon), Samoyeds, Labrador Retriev- 39--Articles For Sale Knowl- i 2% Kennels, North Oshawa. Dial 3-8932. (Augé) 5-PIECE RED AND WHITE CHROME suite, apartment size Kelvinator refrigerator. Connor washing machine, electric rangette. Dial 5-4339. (158¢) BEATTY VACUUM CLEANER, NEW condition, $25. Dial 3-9705. (158¢) CITY APPROVED SEPTIC TANKS available now at Fabricated Metals, and Stampings Ltd., 249 Second Ave. or 5-1665. (Aug. 6) COMIC BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, wiagazines, way Book Exchange, Open ery evening. COCKER SPANIELS, ALSO BOARD- ing, trimming, Wau- bena Kennels, new highway near Drive- in Theatre. (Aug.6) REGISTERED CHINCHILLAS FOR SALE With a 30-day money-back guarantee. Write, phone or visit Leonard's Chinchilla Ranch RR 1, Oshawa - Phone 3-4452 | \ (July) 561 King St. W. (J1y20) Don't Miss Baron's 3th ANNIVER- SARY WASHER SALE- New 1953 models -- $99.50 up. Easy terms --- largest selection. BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE ST. 8. Dachshund puppies, champion stock, $40. Springer spaniels, 21 champions on pedigree, natural hunters, ready for fall training, $35. MACON KENNELS FRANKFORD, ONT. (159¢) Uly19) WANTED 25 GOOD CLEAN USED CARS '47 -'52 Models Dick Bradley Motors 299 Simcoe S. (159b) 32--Automobiles For Sale 32--Automobiles For Sale CUARANTEED CARS EVERY CAR IS SAFETY CHECKED BY EXPERT MECHANICS. OUR MANY REPEAT SALES HAVE BEEN DIRECTLY FROM GOOD CUSTOMER RELA- TIONSHIP. YOU TOO CAN BE ASSURED OF A QUALI- TY CAR FROM OUR STOCK OF 40 CARS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 51 CADILLAC COUPE--A one owner car, two-tone green, fully equipped $3795.00 CHEV. SEDAN--Seal grey, custom heater, 7,800 $ 1795. 00 PONTIAC COACH--1211 model in very good con- dition, under 12,000 miles PONTIAC SEDAN--2569 model, metallic blue, custom heater, in factory condition .... $1675.00 CHEV. COACH--Fully equipped, the best in Osh- awa. FORD CUSTOM COACH--Seza green, like new in and out, fully equipped $1590.00 METEOR CUSTOM SEDAN--Dark green, custom heater, 22,560 miles $1575.00 CHEV. SEDAN POWER GLIDE--Custom radio, heater, is a tailor green $1695.00 FORD HARD TOP -- Two-tone green, . custom radio, heater, whitewall tires $1895.00 CHEV. COACH--Lombard green, custom heater. $1575.00 MONARCH SEDAN--Coral red, a perfect car in every way $1690.00 METEOR CONVERT.--Light green, equipped with overdrive, radio, whitewall tires, many other ex- tras $1795.00 PONTIAC COACH Two-tone grey, an ideal family car $995.00 DODGE SEDAN---BIlack, new tires, custom heater $995.00 CHEV. COACH-=-Maroon, recent motor job, very / good tires . $875.00 OLDS. COACH $795.00 FORD COACH $395.00 MERCURY SEDAN $325.00 OLDS. COACH $195.00 BUICK SEDAN--Outstanding in every way, a one owner beauty. You must see this one. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS BELMONT MOTORS 137 KING W, 52 52 51 49 51 51 51 5) 51 51 50 48 48 47 Sees esses sess sean sess sess anne sold oF exchanged. Kings-| gt w riced, terms arranged iy Dundas West, Whitby. 9b) WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC REFRIG- erator in excellent condition. Phone 5-2637. (159a) SMALL HOT WATER BOILER WITH blower. Excellent condition. Cheap. Dial 3-7318. (159¢) good condition. Phone 3-2642. (159¢) ELECTRIC PUMP AND PRESSURE tank with pipe and all attachments. Dial 3-4449, after 5. (157¢) 2 RANGETTES, TWO 2-BURNER plates, clothes closet and cu . Apply 26 Gladstone. Dial 5-1980. (156f) ONE THOUSAND RECORDS, BRAND new, both 45 and 78 R.P.M. clearing at 3 for $1. Meaghers, 5 King St. W. (July12) PEARL GREY BABY CARRIAGE! USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, $3 UP. B.F. Goodrich Stores. Phone Ssh F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, batteries, Hot;oint and Addison appli- ances, 'elevision. Thrifty budget plan, Dial 5-4543 (June28) BATTERIES FOR ALL MAKES OF portable radios, fresh stock and fully guaranteed. Meaghers, 5 King St. W. (Aug. 4) cur PLUMBING ' COSTS IN HALF, d used four-piece bathroom RASPBERRIES AND NEW POTATOES 50c delivered. Dial 3-4953. (1596) GOOD HOT WATER TANK & STAND, large quantity used bricks, reasonable. Dial 3-8055. (159¢) HIGH BACK SINK, ROLL RIM, GOOD condition; reasonable. Apply 262 Bloor . W, (159¢) NEARLY NEW, LARGE WASHING MA- chine; nearly new, vacuum cleaner. Phone 3-9279. (159¢) 2 SINGLE BEDS, LIKE NEW. DIAL 5. 1830. Apply 289 Festubert St. (159b) 16 x 20 ALUMINUM GARAGE, 1 YEAR old; also one guitar. Dial 5-0506. (159¢) ALL SCRAPPING parts for sale (1586) RUG, 9 x 12, CLEAN. Dial 5-3296. (1576) 7% HP. MERCURY OUTBOARD motor. Apply second house past Camp Samac, east side. (158¢) AIR COMPRESSOR WITH MOTOR, paint sprayer, 50° hose, very good con- dition, $28 for quick sale. Westinghouse push-button radio with record player, $28. Apply 309 Gibbon St. (159¢) '34 CHEV. CAR. Dial 5-2490. WITH PAD, COME and see the NEW 1953 BENDIX Automatic WASHERS and DRIERS Only $2.95 Weekly BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE ST. 8S. "Your Authorized Bendix Dealer" Jly19) 35--Veterinarians Dependable Cars At Reasonable Prices At Kenny Van Courte's SPECIAL 53--BUICK CUSTOM SEDAN, 1,500 miles, sold as new with warrranty, etc. Black with white wall tires. The perfect car at a price » you'll like. 53--PONTIAC HARDTOP CONVERTIBLE, 2 - tone blue, brand new. Below list. 52--DODGE SEDAN, Vio 50--PONTIAC 4-DOOR DE- LUXE SEDAN, radio and heater $1495 49--CHEV. DELUXE FLEET- LINE SEDANETTE, a per- fect automobile with ra- dio and heater, etc. 49--OLDS. 4-DOOR SEDAN hydramatic drive, . radio, heater, etc. $1445 46--PONTIAC 4-DOOR SE- DAN, A-1 in every way, complete with radio and heater, plus new 46--PONTIAC 5-PASSENGER COUPE, flawless maroon finish, mechanically per- fect. A most popular model. '40--PONTIAC COACH, lovely blue finish. This car is in excellent condition $495 38--FORD SEDAN, '41 Ford motor installed 4 months . ago, new rubber $295 37--N! NS. SEDAN. Here is a top notch automobile, Lo / exuaust system t throughout, good motor and tires, etc. .. $345 35--O0LDS. SEDAN $165 35--FORD COACH .. $175% 34--CHEV, DELUXE SE- DAN . $150 TRUCKS 49--FARGO, one-ton stake, new motor with less than 5,000 miles--new paint $195 Kenny Van Courte MOTORS 83 RITSON SOUTH A Good Place To Deal (1392) ant sets. Pipe and fittings. Pipe threading, Phone 3-7088. Jy19 AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. Lovely patterns, gay stripes, lid col ors Can accept a few more orders for early delivery. Free estimates Folding chairs, card and banquet tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. Jly13) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR OLD rugs and clothing. Keversible and seam- less broadcloth, any size to 13 feet wide without a seam, any length. Solids, tone-on-tones and patterns. For informa tion dial 5-1553, Continental Rug Co.. d, Wuly1s) JOHNSON 10 MOTOR; LAKESIDE decked boat; McGinnis boat trailer: Johnson 5 motor; Muskoka 16-ft. boat. Will sell items separately. IPhone New- castle 2871. (154t6) USED METAL ICE BOXES 50 AND 75-1b. capacity. Used 3-piec® chester. field suites, studio suites, and davenos, 5-piece natural kitchen suites. All in good condition. Ruther- ford's, 156 Simcoe South. (134t) LIGHTNING RODS INSTALLED ON houses, barns, etc. Free estimates. Ra- dius of 100 miles. Guaranteed work- manship. Superior Lightning Rod Sys- tem, Leaskdale, Ont. (July26) VENETIAN ELINDS--THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling develop rient in venetian blind history. Flat. tened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful enclosure. We are swe these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without obligations. George Reid. Dial 5-0633 -- 66 Bond St. West. Jly12) TELEVISION AERIALS INSTALLED, revolutionary - all-statign. one-wire sys- tem, eliminates switching and messy wires. Guaranteed 1 year In writing, $49.50 up. Kelly T.V. and Appliances. (July29) RE - CHROME BUMPERS, GRILLS, etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu!" Not a paint or polish. Just like chrome. Last year's! Send $1.98 or COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) (July16tf) RECORD PLAYER NEW, GOOD tone, complete with $8 worth of records, $29.95. Terms. Meagher"s, 5 King West. * (Julyls) NEW EUREKA CANNISTER TYPE- vacuum cleaner, very powerful, com- plete with all attachmgnts, $99.95, Terms: $10 down and $7 per month, Meagher's, 5 King West, (July16) SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS, ALL models; also parts for same in stock. Meagher's, 5 King West. Jly16) USED BICYCLES, GOOD CONDITION, B. F. Goodrich Stores, 453 Simcoe SN 1 4] $19.95 UP -- HOOVER, ELECTROLUX, General Electric, Filter Queen, Airway. Rexair sales. Dial 5-5121. (July29) KELLY T.V. AND APPLIANCES OF- fer used television sets, radio-phono combinations, refrigerators, washing machines, ranges, vacuum cleaners, floor polishers. Maké us an offer. New store, 81 King West. (July29) * $4 PER WEEK INSTALLS A NEW '53 Admiral television, refrigerator or range. Full selection at Kelly's T.V. and Ap- pliances, 81 King West. (July29) SUNBEAM SHAVE MASTERS AND spare parts for same. Cutting heads, cords, etc. Meagher's, 3 King St. wes (July: single PRIVATE SALE -- EVERYTHING IN excellent condition. Period dining room suite, quality S5-piece reed suite, 3-piece wicker suite, 52-piece service for 8 Royal Doulton China, lamps, 2 h.p. out- board motor. Many other items. 329 Athol St. E. (158¢) CONSOLE RADIO AND RECORD players, used, $35 up. Apply B.F. Good- rich Stores. Dial 5-4543. "(ste ORNAMENTAL PORCH IRON RAIL. ings, free estimate. Air Shade Aluminum Awnings of Oshawa, 110 Verdun Road. Dial 5-4332. (July3) GARAGE, 13 x 18, $200. APPLY 506 Bloor East, after 5. (157¢) 10-PC. like new, cost over $200. tal Hollywood double bed with box spring and mattress, Dial 3-3398. aso © FINDLAY COOK STOVE, COAL AND wood, shelf, pipes complete. kitchen cabinet, like new, 82 Scugog St., Bow- manville. (158b) Also Continen- GENERAL ELECTRIC FRIDGE, GOOD running order. Priced right. Apply 1121 Dundas St. East, Whitby. (138c) '52 MOTOROLA CAR RADIO AND aerial, Like new. Cheap. Dial So > c. 'DON'T BU% A SEWING MACHINE" Unless you get the right one. We carry the largest selection in new and rec ioned Sewing Mach From $20 up. Easy terms -- po interest charges. COMMUNITY SEWING CENTER Dial 3-2548 (Aug.") SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 Wyi3) "CLIMATITE" Aluminum combination windows and screens "Maloney" Aluminum Combination doors, $59.50 Low Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 (Aug.2) AWNINGS Canvas awnings, 40 patterns to choose from. Ten days delivery. Free Estimates DIAL 5-5563 BARRIE TENT & AWNING COMPANY - Quly6) DON'T PAY MORE! 21" CONSOLE TELEVISION $249.95 (all-channel aerial extra) Largest Selection of T.V, at lowest prices - BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC __ 42% SIMCOE ST. Tol en UI 3 JUNIOR BEDROOM SUITE, ,

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