EXTRA SALES HELP FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE FOR LADIES ALL - WOOL CARDIGANS -- 2 styles, cable stitch and batwing. 6 colors. Sizes 12 to 20. 2. 49 TRICOT NYLON BRIEFS -- Em- broidered sides. c Regular 1.49. 69 FIRST QUALITY NYLONS -- 51 Gauge 79 60 Gauge Fully Guaranteed LADIES' 3-PIECE ALL-WEATHER COAT SETS--With motching hot ond umbrella. Various shades. Sizes 12 to 20 Reg. 32.95. LADIES' 1ST-QUALITY CoTroN THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, July 9, 1953 19 ALLA TH ANNUAL JULY _ CLEARANCE SALE OPENING SPECIALS FRIDAY 11 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. CAMP SUITS Boys' and girls' 2-piece sanforized printed cotton camp suits. Reg. $1.98 SPECIALS FOR MEN MEN'S TWO-TONE STROLLER JACKETS -- It looks as good es it feels. 1 95 Reg. 19.95 MEN'S REVERSIBLE JACKETS -- The 2-wey jacket all men want. Made of corduroy and fine pin- check material. 10 95 . Reg. 19.95 TOP COATS -- You're ready for ony kind of weather, wet or dry, chilly or balmy, in our fomous gabardine top coats 14 95 L Rég. 29.95 MEN'S IMPORTED ALL - WOOL SPORTS JACKETS --41 8 95 a SLIPS -- 1-year gu satisfactory wear. Sizes 32 to 42. Regular LADIES' GABARDINE SKIRTS -- 6 pastel shades. First quality Sizes 12 to 20. Reg. 6.95. ......... . LADIES' NYLON GIRDLES--Fam- ous-name manufacturer. First quality. Rég. 3.95. . Reg. 32.50 JUST ARRIVED! THOSE FAMOUS COTTON "T'* SHIRTS -- Sizes S, M, L. Colors: yellow, MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Large size. Hemstitched. c Reg. 2.00 value. Doz. .. 99 MEN'S BRIEFS AND TOPS c Sizes 5, M, L. Reg. 98¢c . 49 RAYON PANTIES, 1ST QUALITY 3 shades. Sizes Small, Medium, Jorge, Reg. 3 for 99 1.50 value. LADIES' PICOLAY SKIRTS -- 4 Tw go. Reg 295. 1:99 LADIES' RAYON LISLE HOSE -- Beautiful 19¢ LADIES' STYLED ENGLISH IM- PORTED T-SHIRTS -- 8 assort- LADIES' COTTON CAMISOLES-- Erblat | trim, sizes 32-38. a8. LADIES' PEDDLE PUSHERS, -- 5 pastel shades, Sizes 12 to 20. Sanforlad. SUEDE LEATHER JACKETS, GAB. BACK. Fully lined Reg: 19.95 Girls' country). HOUSECOATS sanforized printed house coats (ideal for camp and cotton Reg. $2.37. WOMEN'S BELTED GABARDINE SLACKS Subs of 5.49 line. Sizes 12 to 20 3.75 WOMEN'S ENGLISH 'Ladybird' "T" SHIRTS Exceptionally fine quality Eng- lish interlock "'T*' Shirts. REGULAR $1.95 "T" SHIRTS Boys' English interlock cotton sid if shirts. Asst. colors, to 14. Reg. 69c. LADIES' HOLIDAY DENIM SHORTS Ist quality. 2 side pockets, back zipper. 12 to 20. REGULAR $1.98 1.48 Women's Oversize Gabardine SHORTS In grey, brown or navy. Sizes 38 to 44 REGULAR $3.95 2.88 HEAYY - DUTY JEANS. 7Va-oz. denim rivet reinforced. Sizes 30-44, Reg. 4.95 2.75 SANFORIZED BOXER SHORTS Small, med., lorge. YOU ARE INVITED TO OPEN A CHARGE OR BUDGET ACCOUNT ...DON'T PAY A DIME -- PAY IT ALL ON TIME Kiddies' WADING POOLS Made of strong Vinylite plastics. (Ideal for beach or home). Reg. $3.98 .. 2.14 FOR BOYS BOYS' SANFORIZED DOUBLE- KNEE JEANS -- Zipper, nylon re- inforced. Reg. 2.98. 1 aa - Sizes 6 to 16. BOYS' ALL-WEATHER COATS -- Made of nylon gabardine. Sizes 5 ond 6. Reg. 1.95. 7.95 BOYS' PENMAN BRIEFS AND TOPS -- Sizes 4 to 14, 49¢ BERMUDA GAB SLACKS -- Self- belt, 3 shades. Sizes 10 to 16 yrs. Reg. 7.95. 4. 27 GAB. SLACKS -- Self belt. Sizes 22 to 28. Four shades. WOMEN'S SUITS A buy you can't afford to miss. Gabs, pic 'n' pics, flannels, ete. Sizes 12 to 20 ond 183 to 244, JULY CLEARANCE REG. TO $39.95 12.95 SHORTY COATS Designed and toilored by one of our best makers from 1009 oll wool ma- Yerialy, Sizes 32 to 20. Assorted col- ors, Reg. TR ARY SPECIAL 7.79 SWEAT SHIRTS (P White. Reg. 2.98 SANIORIZED WORK SHIRTS assorted colors, Sizes 14 - 17. Reg. 2.79 . "1 99 MEN'S CAPS -- Made of fine check materials with net sides. -- 59¢ LADIES' PICTURESQUE BEACH JACKETS -- Must be seen to be appreciated. 2. 13 Reg. 4.95. MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS -- Woven stripes. Solid colors. Sanforized broadcloth. Reg. 3.98 value LADIES' DIAMOND TUFTED COT- TON SWEATER COATS -- Bat- wing style. Sizes .12 to 2 "i . 20. Reg. 3.95. INFANT SPECIALS KIDDIES' FANCY KNIT ANKLETS Sizes 62 to 8 Reg. 29¢, 19¢ pr. BELTS--GENUINE leather, pack- aged. Sizes 32 . 44 Reg. 2.00 BRACES--(Boxed) first quality el- MEN'S NYLON REINFORCED "T" SHIRTS--White only. Sizes small, " BABY"S WHITE NYLON CHRIST- ENING DRESSES -- Beautifully styled. Reg. 2.50. GIRLS' NYLON DRESSES AND SLIPS -- 3 siunning postel shades. Sizes 1 - 2 3. BOYS' ELASTICIZED SATIN BATHING TRUNKS -- Luminous multi-colored shades. Sizes "77° 2 to 6x. Reg. 1.49 .. * 25° MEN'S PLAYFLEX RUNNING SHOES BY BATA--Sizes 6 to 11. Reg. 5.95 . ms. 99 MEN'S SWIM TRUNKS--Made of elasticized satin, 5 shades. Sizes small, medium, large. Reg. 3.95 MEN'S BROADCLOTH SPORT SHIRTS -- Various patterns ond colors, Sizes small, medium and large. 2 wi 5. 00 BABY'S PLASTIC PANTS a Reg 50ec. | KIDDIES' DENIM OVERALLS -- sib front. Looks just like Dad's. Sizes 2 to 6x. THOSE FAMOUS CURITY DIA- PERS -- 1st quality, 3.79 Reg. 4.95. CORDUROY yellow. -- Col- ors, pink, blue, vel ow. c Reg. 1.89. 99 TRAINING PANTIES -- Combed cotton, double crotch KINGCOSY BLANKETS--Colorful patterns. Pink or blue, 99c 30 x 36. Reg. 1.49. ... KIDDIES' SUN SUITS -- Save 25 to 50% on preview of this Sum- Frys 49+, 99° oR SR TA Be Eh a" 49° NOW... 2 STORES IN OSHAWA FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Reg. 3.95 .. MEN'S BOXER SWIM TRUNKS-- Ar i 2.95 98° MEN'S SUN VISOR CAPS -- For all-round wear. Reg. 1.00 Bow TIES -- 100 different patterns . . HEAVY-DUTY WORK PANTS -- Sanforized. All sizes NYLON and ACETATE SPORT SHIRTS -- 4 shodes. Sizes § - M - L. 1st quality. Reg. 4.95 NYLON SOCKS--1st quality, 3- month guarantee, 4 shodes. Sizes 102 - 114. Reg. 1.25 WORK BOOTS -- Leather rubber sole, All sizes top, GIRLS' ALL WOOL SPRING COATS Manufacturer's samples of 15.95 to 32.95 line! Asstd. colors. Sizes 5-14x. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 8.99 MEN'S NYLO-GABARDINE DRESS TROUSERS One of the most satisfactory suit- ing to wear. 4 shades. Reg. 7.95, MEN'S GABARDINE Stroller Jackels You'll enjoy wearing this reloxable, leisure jackets for sports, motoring or just plain relaxing. Choice of Sum- hie Smoky Grey. Sizes 36 to 42. eg. 10.95, 4.98 MEN'S OUTDOOR SHORTS Poplin Gabardine! Fil belted. 3 to 4 REGULAR 2. 2 1.99 KIDDIES' SATIN BATHING SUITS ..... KIDDIES' DRESSES GIRLS' BATHING SUITS .. GIRLS' BLOUSES GIRLS' PEDDLE PUSHERS GIRLS' STREET DRESSES, SIZES 6 TO 14, REG. 2.49 KIDDIES' "T" SHIRTS ...... BOYS' OUTDOOR SHORTS BOYS' SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS BOYS' GABARDINE PANTS (8 to 16) $1.88 vetinarian BOE $2.79 97¢ LS I NE BRT RY $1.99 REEL I WOMEN'S SPRING COATS In the latest styles and materials. This is an absolute give-away. REG. TO $42.95 JULY CLEARANCE 13.71 CORDUROY LEISURE JACKETS ~--Self belt (just like Dad's). Sizes i LL BOYS' SOCKS -- Assorted sizes and colors, "o 59¢ |& From COWBOY NIGHT RIDER BELTS miniature gun, holster and bullet attached. All-leather. 1 2 Reg. 1.95. . WOMEN'S WASHABLE CASUAL DRESSES 's* el Mandiecty soiled a y Reg. to 4.95 97- BOYS' SATIN JACKETS (Bar ring sleeve). Fully lined. Sizes 3% 6x. Roy, 496, + 00 BOYS' COWBOY T-SHIRTS -- Made of interlock cotton, blue and yellow, Sizes 2 to 6. BOYS' NYLON GAB. PANTS EL- asticized back, belted front, blue and brown. Sizes 5 to 8. 3.79 Reg. 4.88. EXTRA SALES HELP FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE HOME BARGAINS COLORED BORDERED CASES. 4 shodes. "49+ BLAN- KETS. Ist quality. Size 70x84. Reg. 6.95. Py. 4. 99 SNOW WHITE COTTON SHEETS ----Double-bed size. .79 CELLO - WRAPPED SUN SHEETS--84" x 100", UNSHINE Reg. 7.95 Pr. 4, 99 CHENILLE BATH MAT SETS -- 7 beautiful shades 1 .66 Reg. 3.95 LARGE - SIZE CANNON TOWELS --Regulor 2.9 .18 WABASSO PILLOW CASES -- (family), Pr. 1 49 THROW RUGS -- Beautiful pat- terns, flower desi, T . i. Yingou ends. mn 3 ae 99 PLASTIC Sow CURTAINS-- 72" Qe ARTIC FLANNELETTE AMERICAN COTTON TA CLOTHS -- Beautiful pat- Oo terns and shades. Reg. 1.29 69 COTTON FACE CLOTHS -- Blue and pink, Reg. FOAM RUBBER PIL- LOW, cotton covered 5.49 RED LABEL PEPPERELL PILLOW CASES, pair 1 39 ALL - LINEN TABLECLOTHS -- 60": Reg 245 1.49 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Cool, easy to launder jersey silk sport shirts with short sleeves. Six shades. Sizes S-M-L. Reg. 2.49. 1.33 BOYS' LEATHER KNEE JEANS Sturdy Sanforized denim jeans with simulated leather potch knees. Sizes 6 and 12 only. REGULAR $2.98 1.68 CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Fine tufted chenille double-bed size. Reg. 11.95. 5.99 GIRLS' SMOOTH-FITTING BATHING SUITS Of knit rayon jersey, shirred elastic back. Sizes 8 to 14. REGULAR $2.98 2.33 BOYS' SEERSUCKER POPOVER SPORT SHIRTS--Bright check pat- terns. Sizes 8 to 14, Reg. 2.50. Boys' Playflex RUNNING SHOES ~~ By Bato, Sizes WOOL PANTS -- Elastic back or loops. Sizes 3 to 6x. Reg. 5.95. COLORED AND STRIPED DRESS SHIRTS -- Sizes 12 to 14. 100% LINEN TEA TOWELS -- First quality. TEA TOWELS -- special RAYON BEDSPREADS 2.88 ALL-METAL KITCHEN STOOLS --First quelity, white and red. Size is 24" high, 12" seat. Re- inforced rubber tipped. Reg. 3.95 2 FOR 3.00 BARGAINS FOR GIRLS GIRLS' BATHING SUITS -- Made of 5 beautiful shades of satin -- ve 6. Res. 300 1.99 410 6. Reg. 3.98. . . .. 8 to 14. Reg. 4.49. GIRLS' BEAUTIFUL CREPE AND SATIN BLOUSES--Assorted colors, Sizes 3 to 14, IBEX FLANNELETTE SHEETS 70" x 90". Pr. 5.75 SATIN REVERSIBLE COMFORT- ERS -- 6 col aa Reg. 12.95 60% WOOL, 40% COTT COMFORTERS -- OM Reg. 7.95. PLASTIC TABLE CLOTH--Water- proof and crack-proof. 4 ottroc- tive shades. Sizes 54 x GIRLS' PEDAL PUSHERS. Mapt of 4 sanforized denim. ir 12 to 18. Reg. 3.95. al 49 GIRLS' CREPE TAFFETA DRESSES ~--Gingham check collar and cuffs with matching shoulder bag. Sizes 7 to 12. Reg. 5.95. GIRLS' NYLON BLOUSES--Beau- tifully styled, white and pink. Sizes 8 to 14, Reg. t0-3.98. ....... L] 72". Reg. 98¢ REVERSIBLE INDIAN BLANKETS. Reg. 4.95 2.79 Bw "TENE 39s COLORED BED SHEETS -- Dou- ble bed size. 81 x 90 & 81 x 99. Reg. 6.95. Pair LARGE SIZE BEACH TOWELS. Reg. 3.98 . 2.66 GIRLS' NYLON PULLOVERS--As- sorted colors, 14. Reg. 2.95. WIN A FREE TRIP TO FLORIDA AN ALL-EXPENSE 2-WEEKS' VACATION CAN BE YOURS IN SUNNY FLORIDA BY JUST SHOPPING AT EITHER OF THE TWO PENNYWORTH'S DEPARTMENT STORES, 454 SIM- COE ST. S. OR 21 BOND ST. W. JUST ASK FOR YOUR CKLB HOLIDAY TICKET. 'plete with air pump and rain BRAND NEW R.CA.F. RUBBER BOATS 2-man size! Brand new! Com- protector cover. ORIGINAL COST 125. 00 21.95 INDESTRUCTIBLE RUBBER SAND PAILS Regular 98¢ 29: ® SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED PENNYWORTH'S :=- Keep the kiddies happy, and around the house with a vinyl WADING POOL Comes with 3 plastic fish, fish- ing rod and hook, repair kit, in- tlating air adaptor. Size 40" x 40", Reg. 5.95. 2.88 GIRLS' 2-PIECE Short and Halter Sets Attractive plaid cotton. Washable. Sets 3 to 6x. REGULAR 1.98 99- SHOWER CAPS -- Made of soft rubber. SWEET SUE BAKING SETS Reg. 97- MUSICAL TOPS 21 BOND ST. WEST 454 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH -- DIAL 5-5505 pypaer "iocount GIRLS' STRIDES -- 3 shades lap seoms. Sizes 6 to 12. Reg. 4.95. GIRLS' WHITE COTTON HALT- ERS--Eyelet trim. Sizes to 12. Reg. 1.50. GIRLS' ENGLISH INTERLOCK T- SHIRTS -- Slightly soiled. 39- Reg. 98¢c. 100% NYLON SOCKEES 44> GIRLS' HALTER AND SHORT SETS -- 4 shades of colourful denim, Reg. 2.95. GIRLS' -- 8 pastel shades. Sizes 6 to 8'2. Reg. 79¢. .. ©® USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN © ASSORTED FRICTION TOYS, CARS, PLANES, JEEPS, etc. Reg. 59¢ TOY PIANOS Reg. 2.98 WALT DISNEY JIG SAW PUZZLES ALL-METAL TRUCKS Reg. 2.49 PLASTIC TRAINS 12¢ 1.49 COMIC BOOKS -- Latest out, Reg. 10¢ KIDDIES' BUGLES -- YOU'RE INVITED DIAL 5-4313 TO OPEN A CHARGE =0f =