Daily Times-Gazette, 4 Jul 1953, p. 16

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48 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, July 4, 1958 Try It Now And See--Selling Things Is Easy When You Use Times Ads. "I Was Very Happy With The Results" Exclaims Mrs. B-Royal St. And Sold The Tent The First Night. AUTO TENT, HEAVY QUALITY, HAS canopy to cover car. Dial 3-0000. (146¢c) was the first vice-president of } maining for holidays. the Oshawa Presbyterial. Mrs. 39--Articles For Sale 41--Articles Wanted 43--Male Help Wanted GREENWOOD 39--Articles For Sale | 39--Articles For Sale CHESTERFIELD SLIP COVERS, 3 pleces, good as new; also Frost King ice box. Dial 3-3940. (155¢) LARGE BLOOM, IRIS ROOTS, ASSORT- ed colors, 15¢; also hardy 'mum plants, 10c each. 80 Rossland Rd. W. (155¢) ICE-BOX, GOOD CONDITION. APPLY 186 Hibbert St. (185b) KITCHEN ANNEX, EXCELLENT CON- dition. Phone 5-4256. (1552) COCKSHUTT 60" TRACTOR WITH row crop cultivator. Excellent for speedy scuffling of corn or er row crops. This tractor, new in 1948, has never been worked hard and is in ex- cellent shape. Has had engine overhaul this spring. A. H. Murphy, .R. 1, Brooklin, Ontario. Phone 15R2, Brookiin, c $19.95 UP -- HOOVER, ELECTROLUX, General Electric, Filter Queen, Airway. Rexair sales. Dial 5-5121. (July29) CHILD'S PEDAL KIDDY CAR, BABY'S high chair. Both excellent condition. Apply 377 Elmgrove. (1552) HOT AIR COAL FURNACE, COM- plete with pipes. Dial 3.4119, (154d) KELLY T.V. AND APPLIANCES OF- fer used - television sets, radio-phono combinations, refrigerators, washing machines, ranges, vacuum cleaners, floor polishers. Make us an offer. New store, 81 King West. LS (July29) COLLAPSIBLE CAMPING TRAILER. Ideal for holidays. Phone 3-7650. (155c) MAN'S CCM BICYCLE, GOOD \CONDI- tion, reasonable price. Dial BT 185 1 a SINGLE BED, SLAT SPRINGS, SPRING mattress, almost new; stoker complete with thermostat; jacket heater. Dial 3-4770. (155¢) SIMPSON'S FROST KING ELECTRIC refrigerator; carpet 9 x 12, wine; Maj- estic floor model radio; desk, chair, bed; ironing board. Dial 3-3781. (155a) JOHNSON 5-H.P. OUTBOARD MOTOR, in excellent condition. Dial 5-4690 or 5-3579. (1546) CABIN CRUISER, PLY CRAFT, moulded hull, 25 H.P. Evinrude motor, 2 weeks old. Phone 5-5579. (1540) USED METAL ICE BOXES, 50 AND 75-1b. capacity. Used 3-plece chester field suites, studio suites, and single davenos, 5-piece natural kitchen suites. All in good condition. Ruther- ford's, 156 Simcoe South. (134t) ING RODS INSTALLED ON ; barns, etc. Free estimates. Re work- LIG! hou. dius of 100 miles. Guaranteed h ri 1 Rod tem, Leaskdale, Ont, $4 PER WEEK INSTALLS A NEW '53 Admiral television, refrigerator or range. Full selection at Kelly's T.V. and Ap- pliances, 81 King West. (July29) SUNBEAM SHAVE MASTERS AND spare parts for same. Cutting heads, cords, etc. Meagher's, 5 King 5 Jen, VENETIAN BLINDS--THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling develop rient in venetian blind history. Flat- tened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful enclosure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create husi Estimates without CONSOLE RADI AND RECORD players, used, up. Apply B.F. Good- rich Stores. Dial 5-4543. (145t) ORNAMENTAL PORCH IRON RAIL- obligations. Gearge Reid. Dial 5:0633 -- 66 Bond St. West. Jly12! TELEVISION AERIALS INSTALLED, revolutionary all-station one-wire sys- tem, vitchi: and messy ings, free Air Shade A Awnings of Oshawa, 110 Verdun Road. Dial 5-4332. (July5) SCREENS MADE TO ORDER. FREE estimates. Dial 5-2315. W120) 120 BASS ACCORDION, FOR BOY OR girl. Apply 304 Currie Ave. (1508) ORDER YOUR SASH, DOORS, frames, also lumber from T. H. Dancey, Whitby Woodworking, 310 Chestnut East Whitby. (Julyd) 2x4, 2x6 2x8 AND 1" LUMBER, $90 per thousand. 143 Atherley Rd., Orillia. Phone 5383 (}54¢) LARGE QUANTITY OF FILL AND clean black loam. Cheap; also sand, gravel and cinders. Phone 5-4274. « Jly9) Outboard motor, rental and sales. MARINE ENTERPRISES DIAL 3-3553 If no answer DIAL 5-4332 (Julyl2) SLIP COVER CENTRE Latest patterns, ten dollars up, FREE Covers installed ond car vacuumed. WILSON BATTERY, Cor. Church and Bond Streets DIAL 3-3512 4 (July19) wires. Guaranteed 1 year In writing, $49.50 up. Kelly T.V. and Appliances. (July29) RE - CHROME BUMPERS, GRILLS etc., with "Bumper Re-Nu!" Not a paint or polish. Just like chrome. Last year's! Send $1.98 or COD, Fernlor, 772 King West, Ont. wanted.) (July16tf) RECORD PLAYER NEW, GOOD tone, complete with $5 worth of records, $29.95. Terms. Meagher's, 5 King West. (July16) SOFA-BED, NEARLY NEW, LINOLE- um, chest of drawers, child's furniture, coffee table, buffet, Underwood type- writer and other household articles. Dial 5-1462. (153¢) CABIN TRAILER, WILL SELL OR trade for anything useful. George Gib- bitt, Whitby Pickering Town Line, South, c. GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERAT- or, good condition, reasonable. Apply Art's Clothing Store, 125 Brock Street South, Whitby. . (153¢) Hamilton, (Dealers un28) | CAR RADIO, NEARLY NEW, 0, an NEARLY NEW, LARGE WASHING PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANO now. Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe N. Dial 5-2822. (Jy23) WANTED--RUBBERS AND SANDERS for television cabinets. Oshawa Furni- ture Mfg. Co. Ltd. Dial 3-2297. (1546) SHAW RAG and METAL Highest prices paid for scrap iron, metal, rags, batteries, mattresses, etc. Factory accounts appreciated. . 166 ALMA ST. Dial 5-2311 -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-9111 (July6) 44--Male or Female Help Wanted WANTED IMMEDIATELY SWIM- ming instructors or instructor for child's dude ranch. Must have had previous camping experience. Dial 5-6092. (155b) AGENTS NEEDED TO SELL VARIOUS h tems, door-to-door, on small 42--Female Help Wanted COOK - HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED, meals supplied but live out. Salary ar- ranged. Apply 94 King W., after & Sib machine; nearly new, - type vacuum cleaner. Dial 3-9279. (154b) SINGLE BED WITH FOAM RUBBER mattress, cost $110, will 'sell for $70. Dial 3-9470. (154c) ply 169 Bloor East. (154c) COUNTER GIRL FOR GRILL, MON- day, Wednesday and Friday, 3:45 to 12:30. Apply Elliott's Fine Foods, 4 Prince St. (154c) HOUSEKEEPER FOR BOARDING house. Live in, central, $100 per month to right person. Write Box 449. Times- COMBINATION OIL AND GAS SIOVE di woul heat 5 or 6 room-apartment. Apply RR 2, Allen St., Whitby. (154b) ELECTRIC STOVE, size, 6 burners on top, 2 ovens, warm- ing closet, storage compa COMMERCIAL (154b) LEARN TO BECOME A MEDICAL 1 techni Avopli I y are being accepted for the training of lab- oratory technicians at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Books and tuition sup- plied as well as an honorarium. Re- i ts, * senior matri with Good working order. Cheap for quick sale. Apply 48 King West. (154¢) RCA VICTOR BATTERY RADIO PER- fect, for summer cottage; set of curtain stretchers. Dial 5-1657. (154b) WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE, SIN- gle continental bed. Apply 465 Masson. Dial 5-3475. (154c) JOHNSON 10 MOTOR; LAKESIDE decked boat; McGinnis boat 5 motor; 16-ft. boat. Will sell items separately. Phone New- castle 2871. (154tH HOUSE BOAT, 28' x 10'. SLEEPS 6, running water, electric lights, 2-piece bath, radio, very complete. $1,800. Dial 5-2297. (153¢) COMBINATION RADIO AND AUTO- matic record player; baby carriage. Best offer for quick sale. Apply 309 Gibbon St. (153¢) ADMIRAL T.V.,, 17" SCREEN, 3 months old, $250 aerial included. Dial 3-9362. (153¢) B. F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, batteries, Hotroint and Addison appli- ances, 'elevision. Thrifty budget plan. Dial 5-4543. (June2s) NEW EUREKA CANNISTER TYPE- vacuum cleaner, very powerful, com- plete with all attachments, $99.95. Terms: $10 down and $7 per month. Meagher's, 5 King West. (July16) GIRL'S AND BOY'S BICYCLES, IN good shape, very cheap. Apply 313 French anytime. (154b) COMIC BOOKS, Upper School Chemistry. Apply in writ- ing to Superintendent, Oshawa General Hospital. (1526) JUNIOR CLERK For general office work. Must be good in spelling, ac- curate at figures and have some typing experience, Apply TIMES-GAZETTE (1s2tf) CLERK - TYPIST For either morning or afternoon. Write Box 438, Times - Gazette. (155¢) 43--Male Help Wanted weekly pay S. for ambitious person. Good commission. Box 433, Times-Gazette. (July2s) OPENING FOR High School Graduate to train as REPORTER Must be able to type and well qualified in English, Apply by letter only stating qualifications and salary re- quired, to M. McINTYRE HOOD Managing Editor, The Times-Gazette Oshawa 45--Agents Wanted RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN IN Oshawa and Durham Co. Trade well es- tablished. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. G-310-189, Montreal. (Jly4,11,18,25) FOR ALUMINUM WINDOWS, DOORS and screens. Full or part-time. Highest commissions. Box 335, Times: Gazette. (152) ARE YOU PREPARED FOR BIG earnings? Become a Familex dealer in your surroundings, selling over 250 prod- ucts that are used and needed by every housekeeper. Spare or full time. No previous experience necessary, little eapital requested. Write for our plan and free catalogue. FAMILEX, 1600 Delori- mier, Dept. D., Montreal. (154c) 46--Employment Wanted RELIABLE WOMAN WISHES POSI- tion as companion to elderly lady or leman. Will go to summer cottage Write 2 EXPERIENCED PAINTERS, hourly. Apply 616 King St. E., after 5:30, Dial 5-5757. Mr. Thibert. . (155b) $1.35 POCKET BOOKS, magazines, sold or h d. Kings- way Book Exchange, 561 King St. W. Open every evening. (Jy20) MIDDLE - AGED MAN WITH EX- perience in meat cutting. Write Box 507 TV G giving all particu- ONE THOUSAND RECORDS, BRAND new, both 45 and 78 R.P.M. clearing at 3 for $1. Meaghers, 5 King St. W. (Julyl2) OSTER POWER VICE, ALSO LARGE jacket heater. Dial 5-1850. (154b) SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS, ALL models; also parts for same in stock. SCRAP WOOD $5.00 per Truck Load DIAL 3-7333 M. GREENBERG & SONS 308 Bloor St. East (July13f) OXFORD PAINT $1.00 quart ... $3.49 gallon SUPREME PAINT $1.25'quart ... $4.49 gallon 29 Interior & Exterior Colors A & A STORE 86 SIMCOE N. DIAL 5-4462 (July20) Attention Dump Truck Users TRAILMOBILE PILOT HOIST $352 up. Trailmobile Canada Ltd. now offers a full range of Pilot Hoists and dump bodies. All hoists feature exception--' ally low mounting, permitting greater use of body space. Unusually light weight allows extra payload. Unique sealed gear pump ensures low main- tenance cost. Call Trailmobile direct or con- sult your truck dealer. Trailmobile Canada Ltd. Box 70, Station H, Toronto 13 (Head Office and Plant: Pharmacy Avenue, Scarborough, Ont, Phones: (Call Collect) Day -- PLymouth 5-1151 Night -- PRincess 2579 Ajax 743 (Mr. Pryce or Whitby 835 (Mr. Fallaize) WJly23) CORONET T.V. SPECIAL SALE 15 17" CONSOLES BRAND NEW 1 - YEAR GUARANTEE ON ALL PARTS AND PICTURE TUBE Hand Rubbed Wood Cabinets SPECIAL TO CLEAR $249.95 Plus installation 74 CELINA ST. PHONE 5-1101 (153¢) DRAPERIES AND VENETIAN BLINDS Custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our rep- resentative will call at your home anytime with a complete range of samples and sugges- tions without obligation. Free estimates within 35-mile area. Lowest prices in town FABRIC TOWN 75 SIMCOE N. DIAL 5-1611 In 'Bowmanville Phone 3609 (Mon, Wed,Sattf) BARGAIN One Gilson Manufactur- ing Ice Cream Freezer. Capacity 1 gallon fresh ice cream every 20 min- utes. Contains cooler and deep freeze. MRS. C. KITELEY Phone 94) Arthur, Ont. (Friksat) r's, 5.King West. Jly16) PRIVATE SALE CONTENTS OF SEV- en room home, everything in 'excellent condition, period dining room suite, Hespeler bedroom suite, tea wagon, 52- piece set Royal Doulton china, other china, Adam cutlery, linens, lamps, rugs, many other items. 320 Athol St. (153¢) GMC RADIO, CUSTOM BUILT, FIT *49-'52 Pontiac, cheap. Apply 313 French. (154b) DON'T PAY MORE! 21" CONSOLE TELEVISION $249.95 (all-channe! aerial extra) Largest Selection .of T.V. at lowest prices BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 436 SIMCOE ST. 8. Wiy19) COME and see the NEW 1953 BENDIX Automatic WASHERS and DRIERS Only $2.95 Weekly BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE ST. 8. "Your Authorized Bendix Dealer" Wly19) Don't Miss Baron's 8th ANNIVER- SARY WASHER SALE- New 1953 models -- $99.50 up. Easy terms -- largest selection. BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE ST. 8. Wly19) YOU CAN GET -- $100.00 For your {ce-box (no matter what condition) On a new refrigerator EASY. TERMS BARONS' RADIO & ELECTRIC 426 SIMCOE ST. 8. Jly19) H. MOSIER Sheet Metal Authorized Dealer Imperial Oil Esso Oil Burners Garwood Temperered Air Units Williams Oil-O-Matic Oil Units Anthes Imperial and New Idea Furnaces Sales and Service 21 CHURCH DIAL 5-2734 J) USED TIRES, MOST ALL SIZES, $3 UP. B.F. Goodrich Stores. Phone 5-4543. (143tH) SELLING OUT -- BEDS, DRESSERS, spring mattresses, ice-boxes, tables, chairs, etc. Good condition. Reasonable price. Apply Goldman's Farm, Eliza- beth St. North, Pickering. Phone 3-3317 after 7. (1524) lars. (155b) PLUMBERS WANTED AT ONCE, od for season. Write Box Gazette. 501, mes- (155a) Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn, M. C. Fisher took for her subject, Mr. Mr. Clarmont, were with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. D Yeo at Sturgeon Lake. Miss Elsie Oke, and Mrs. S. Turner and Helen, Oshawa, were with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland. Miss Carrol Wright is visiting Frank Spry, in Victor, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Perry, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cowling, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hep- burn, and Carl, Mr. and Mrs. R. McNeil. Earl Luke, Ronnie, Ralph and Allan, Hampton; Ross Page and family, Newcastle, were with Mr. and Mrs. L. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. T. Bell, Toronto, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and family to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ashton's cottage, Caesarea, on Sunday. and Mrs. Bowmanville, Mr. Stainton, Hampton, were with Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton. and Mrs. Toronto, C. Mills, Oshawa, Eric Stainton, and Mrs. H. Edgar Wright, Doris, Betty and Lawrence, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carr at Hampton. "Wide Windows', which proved very interesting and helpful to all present. A duet by Mrs. H. Daw- son and Mrs. Glynn Eastwood was much appreciated. After the meet- ing, all went downstairs where strawberries, ice cream and cake were served. . The sympathy of the communi is extended to Mrs. Norman Wil- son whose brother, the late Arthur Russell of Markham, died sudden- ly last week. Mrs. W.'G. Perkin is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Johnson of 2 chester, for a few days. Wm. Brown and sister Gertie of Tara spent Sunday with the Brown family on Sunday. . . A large crowd attended the an* nual memorial service at Salem on Sunday afternoon. Rev. M. Ju Fisher of Brooklin brought inspirs ing message and the Quaker Hin Quartette led in the service of song and rendered special numbers. Many old friends and neighbours were present from the surrounding communities and Toronto, Hunts® ville, Bracebridge, Manilla, Osh: awa and Whitby. Andy and Mrs. Morden and Jo* anne visited friends at Wiartod over the weekend. Death Removes Greenwood Man In California MAY E. BROWN Correspondent GREENWOOD -- Word has been received from San Gabriel, California, of the death of Fred- erich William Meen, son of. the late Benjamin Meen and Mary Ann Green. The late Mr. Meen was bo... in Greenwood in 1873 and left for the western states when a young man. He learned the creamery business with his cousin, the late F. L Guen of Greenwood, and later operated large creameries and pro- duce commission houses in Wiscon- sin. Michigan and Minnesota. He went to the Southland in 1940 where he wa retired from active busi- ness. He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Miss Virginia of San Gabriel and Mrs. Harold F. Ward- law of Fresno, one brother, Ar- thur R. Meen of Seattle, Wash.; three sisters, Mrs. James Harris Mr. Port visited and Mrs. 3 i MOVIE DIRECTOR DIES HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Director Irving Reis, 47, died Friday at the motion picture country home, a victim of cancer. Reis, whose latest picture was Stanley Kramer's "The Four Poster," came to the movies via radio. He was the founder and director of the Columbia Workshop on CBS in the middle of Oshawa, Ontario, Mrs. E. F. Bell of Toronto and Mrs. William Mitchell of Beacon, Michigan, and three grandchildren. STRAWBERRY TEA The Evening Auxiliary of the WMS held an open meeting and strawberry tea in the Greenwood Church on Tuesday evening of last week. The worship service was led by Miss Edith Ormerod, assisted by other members. The guest speaker TOSSED 100 FEET, LIVES LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Jack Pots ter, 16, of Port Stanley, was tossed 100 feet Friday night when a ones ton truck he was driving was hit by the locomotive of a passenger train. He suffered only a fractured left shoulder. John Tripp, 16, of London, riding with him, was un- hurt. The truck was wrecked. '30s. DUTCH GIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK | by the day. Dial 5-4273 after July 5. | (155a) | CHRISTIAN WOMAN DESIRES POSI- | tion, plain cooking, ironing, from 9-4. Write Box 504, Times-Gazette. (155a) | new houses only. F. Phone 5-5352. (154¢) HELPER FOR SOFT DRINK TRUCK with chauffeur's license. Apply 183 Bloor St. E (154b) SALESMEN AND OTHERS, YOUNG OR old, anywhere: Death, taxes and leaky roofs are Your able protection against uncertain future m 5-PIECE KITCHEN SUITE, MAN'S BI. cycle, bed and spring. Dial 3-7652. 518 Eulalie Ave. (183¢) 1009, Canadian roofing compound sales; liberal Join us in this h hly d busi- | MAE'S CLOTHING REPAIRS, DARN- | ing, patching, zippers, button holes, pant | cuffs, shirt collars turned or remade. Free pick-up and delivery. Dial 3-3840. | (Augl) | PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT WANTED, li hanic, tools, h s license. Dial 3-7829 till 4 o'clock. (154c) | EXPERIENCE GARDENER RE. | quires part-time job in gardening and | y b r ness now. President, Box 1766, Cleve- land, Ohio. (July4,11,18) SINGER SEWING MACHINE, TREADLE Apply 41 Westmoreland after 6. (163b) USED BICYCLES, GOOD CONDITION, . F. Goodrich Stores, 453 Simcoe St. S. (153tf) BROADLOOM REMNANTS Disposal of distress stock: savings up to G09 and more. All room sizes and colors. Terms arranged. AUTO MECHANIC, FIRST CLASS, FOR Chev. Olds. dealer. Clean, modern shop, Dial 3-8882. (1506) | YOUNG HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WITH 3 years high school, would like full-time or part-time in office or store. Dial 5-3048. (153¢) good working di and accident benefits, group life insurance, paid vacation, good wages. Apply Bry- den Motors, Port Perry, Ont. (153d) LARGE PUBLIC UTILITY HAS OPEN- ings for Electricians skilled in mainten- ance of all types of electrical equip- ment including High Voltage switch Rear, transformers, rotating and control Squipment. Reply to Box No. 436, Specialist in wall-to-wall in wide widths. For TORONTO MAyfair 0950 Collect (July4) call RAMODE Canada's most attractive all- aluminum awnings, canopies, patios. Let's the light in, keeps the sun out. For more information and free estimates DIAL 3-3553 SCOTT'S 4 RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Jly2s Wly1s) "CLIMATITE"" combination windows and screens "Maloney" Aluminum Combination doors, $59.50 Low Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER * Dial% 3-8924 AWNINGS Canvas awnings, 40 patterns to choose from. Ten days delivery. Free Estimates DIAL 5-5563 BARRIE TENT & AWNING COMPANY (July6) ' Aluminum Wly2) VENETIAN BLINDS Beautify your home with our Super Close Top model. Can- ada's finest. All flexo vene- tian blinds. Free plastic tapes available. Free estimates and no obligations. Square foot, 57c. Allen's Venetian Sales DIAL 3:9662 or 598 KING E. NEW Leonard . "ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS With all the worthwhile features Low down payments ..24 months to pay No finance company HILL - CORNISH ELECTRIC LTD. 50 PRINCE ST. DIAL 3-2248 (153¢) 'DON'T BUY A SEWING MACHINE Unless you get the right one. We carry the largest selection in new and condi d Sewing Machines. Easy terms -- no From $20 up. interest charges. COMMUNITY SEWING CENTER Dial 3-2548 4 July?) ESSO OIL BURNER Installed complete with 200- gal. tank, 3 years to pay at less than $10 per month. OIL CONTRACT SUPPLIED 21 Church St. Dial 5-2734 (Fri,Sat.th) 39a--Fuel Wood SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTH, $5 single cord; hardwood slabs, $6.50 sin- gle cord. Also body hardwood. Dial 5-2490. (July6) HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS, for furnace, range or jacket heater, $5 or $3 lots, del'vered. Dial 3-7391, (Jurce29) 41--Articles Wanted GOOD USED FURNITURE WANTED, dressers, stoves, heaters, kitchen sets. Crysler Furniture, 56 King West. Dial 5-0132. Jly23) WANTED, LIVE POULTRY. FEATH- ers, scrap iron, metal, rags and mat- sses. Dial I. Turner.' North Oshawa, 3-2043 collect. Wly12) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paid for Iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Local and out-of-town calls pick up free. 100 Annis St. east of CNR Station. Dial 5-3432. Residence dial 5-4159, July1s) BOYS To sell refreshments on commission ba- sis. Apply Oshawa Motor Raceway 7.30 p.m. Saturday. 1 (154) CUSTOM BAILING. DONE. SPRING tooth harrows for sale. Dial 5-4006. (July® RELIABLE WOMAN WILL DO WASH- ing and ironing at home. Dial 3-8700. (July30) YOUNG COUPLE WITH ONE SMALL child, desire work on a farm, furnished accommodation required. Dial 3-7522, Oshawa. (153¢c. 47--Legal Notices Take notice that after July 3, 1953, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name or by my wife, Marie Edith Bartley, or by anyone else. Arthur Bartley, Bowmanville, RR3. (154c) 48--Auction Sale Auatt Young Man 22 to 30 For large retail organization, Must have good education, some office and sales experi- ence preferred, but not essen tial. Good chance for ad- vaneement if you are the am- bitious type. All company benefits. Good starting salary. Apply B. F. GOODRICH STORES 453 Simcoe S. (153th COMMERCIAL SIGN PAINTER Silk screen printer, show card writer, required immediately for expanding sign and display house. opportunity for advancement. Apply, stating experience, age-and marital status, to D. W. HILL LTD. 22 GAUKE ST., KITCHENER PHONE 2-8395 (153¢) MECHANICS WANTED Good Working Conditions FLAT RATE SHOP EMPLOYEES BENEFITS BLUE CROSS PS HOLIDAYS WITH PAY Apply Service Manager HARRY DONALD LTD. WHITBY, ONT. (154¢c) SALESMAN WANTED Progressive young Co. distrib- uting 2 popular combination windows and doors, requires a salesman for Oshawa, Bow- manville and vicinity, which will be a closed territory to him, Applicant must have good background, neat ap- pearance, drive own car, be willing to learn and apply sound sales effort to the job. We have connections for the sale of awnings, appliances, and other productive leads, to enhance your income and ours. Highest commissions paid. Here is a chance to join a réal sales group, and build for your- self a year-round job. Write BOX 502, TIMES-GAZETTE for interview in Oshawa dur- i k July 6. ing week July A350 N Sale, Stirtevant's Auction Room, 33 Hall St., Monday evening, July 6th, at 7:30. Doors open at 7:15 -- Full-size bed, spring - and mattress, dining room table and chairs, rangette, 2-piece chesterfield suite, day beds com- plete, Quebec heater, inside doors, rec- ord player, table lamps complete, com- bination Westinghouse radio and clock, writing desk, lawn mowers, 3-burner coal oil stove, single mattress, lawn chairs, ice-box, child's desk, high chair, kitchen tables and chairs, tub stands, Jig-saw, wicker chairs, linoleum, kitch- en stool, 6-piece kitchenette suite, occa- sional chairs, bassinette, sink, daven- port, trilite lamp, rug (green), gents' bicycle, water - hose, Gentral Electric Hot Point heavy duty electric range, vacuum cleaners, table top rangette (new), cooking utensils, dishes and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirte- vant, Auctioneer. Dial 5-5751, (155b) ENNISKILLEN MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN Correspondent ENNISKILLEN -- Ralph Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters and Gail, attended the Elliott-Hems wedding in Toronto on Saturday where Little Miss Gail Masters was flower girl for her cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin and family visited Misses Louise and Marjorie McIntosh, at Corbett's Point. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adams and Linda, Harry Ferguson, Mrs. M. Johnston, David and Sherry, Mrs. George Ferguson, and Lloyd Fer- guson, Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. . Wilbur Vance and Miss Edna Vance, Port Perry, were Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Langmaid and Marlene, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett and boys, Scarborough Bluffs, were with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. Miss Deanna Reid, Oshawa, was with Miss Shirley Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Orono, visited Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston and children, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick and Nancy Wood, visited Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bradley, at Bowmanville. Miss Betty Knox and Miss Jean- nette Snyder, Toronto, were with Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon. Master Robert Griffin has re- turned home from the hospital and is doing nicely. Master Dean Heard, . Orillia Hospital, day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard. Leonard Stainton has returned home from the hospital and is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery, Shirley and Dianne, Burketon, were with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Mr. and Mrs. L. Winkworth, Bar- rie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spry, Vie- spent a week's holi- | tor, N.Y. visited Mr. and Mrs. MPS EFL A Edgar Wright. Mrs. Spry is re- JOHNNY WANTED A BIKE -~ % AND POP WANTED A CAR DID YOU NOTICE THEIR HAPPY SMILES WELL, THEY ALL FOUND WHAT THEY WANTED THROUGH INEXPENSIVE TIMES-GAZETTE CLASSIFIED AD SUSIE WANTED SKATES MOM WANTED A RANGE JUST DIAL 3-2233 FOR A COURTEOUS AD TAKER DIRECT LINES oR. 3H WwW Irn4

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