THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, Jume 30, 1952 18 Tr ansfer of Pl ayground CGIT Members School P icnic - Priority Asked | Marks" ~~" "Cry. the Beloved) I, : ATI OY . a » Country", 2:05, EL, 10:05 i / - ; hd "Passport to Alcatraz", 1:00, . . A | Enjoy Meeting Enjoyable Event For Housing { 3:35, 6:15, 9:00. Last complete TOMORROW show at 9:00 p.m. To Ci Y Given pprova MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN MRS. CHAS. WHITE TORONTO (CP)--A conference Corresponden 9 hous d d by the | Biltmore -- "Ruby Gentr$"" 12:30, MRS. CHAS WHITE corsage of white roses and orange | ENNISKILLEN -- The CGIT| THORNTONS CORNERS -- The on g needs, sp ed by the | ar 6:1 and 3:13 on. "Ven WHEN LYNCH LAW Correspondent blossoms. The gifts were arranged | meeting was held at the home of following = the 18 of ize win- Canadias Legion, (Sxpressed Mi kee. Buccaneer . (Techuicolol) x . "e THORNTONS ORNS AS . I ms Hat ae ley on ¥ school picnic last Thursday after- ing should be made available with 192 do. 3:35 nd 53 p.m. w AELD NEVADA IN A +4 Shoo Weeline on Thursday | chosen words thanked all. Gloria Wright and Shirley Filis. | noon. wool dhiid ils. 1. Elly |® Public subsidy. Last complete show at 9:13. p.m. NOOSE | ening with about 25 present. The BE Busts jheh Made depietinp| The Scripture readings were Periae en Br atin. | RR Hulse of Ottawa, beat Plaza -- "Column South", 2:18, superintendent Elmer Lick or the a 4 4 Pp ne read by Nancy Wood and Irene boys, i. Ralph Harman; 2. Larry | 7c, 8101S Ontario command, 4:50, 7.27, 10:07. "Untamed chairman and Lloyd Scott sec- | all stages of her ite ron any Ferguson. Two hymns were sung, | JOY" ". ; | was conference chairman. Women". 1:00, 3:27. 6:48, 8:54. i Several items of business | ShIIEO00 XE OE maned [20d a short story was read by ANC, | Ajce Powell; | "Estimates reveal that the un- Last complete show 8.45 pm re brought before the meeting, A EPpy ns was a Gloria Wright. Shirley Ellis led in 2. An Cincirak, satisfied demand for housing is ut the main subject under discus- SCHOOL PICNIC a very bloyable game. Tne Mest Boys 6-7 years, 1. Arthur Mat- greater today than ever before in jegent. -- *I Don't Care . Girl." on -was the problem of condi- On Thareday afternoon the Home 125 closed wi prayer Y | thews: 2. Elmer Skinner. Canadian history," said a state- shown at 1.30, 3.35, 5.30, 7.35. oRing and upkeep of the sports d 'School Association treated the | S1ona Wright. Girls 8-9 years, 1. Carolyn Schad; | ment issued at the close of the 940 Last complete show at eld. The committee appointed at | af SCU00' ASSICUN HEAL pic. | The program consisted of a hum- (9 'Tavone Newell. (two-day conference, attended by g'so last meeting to meet with the Se 0 pLs prizes and lunch, | Orous poem by Elenor Heard. A|™ poys 8.9 years, 1. Don Korte; | representatives of '15 national or- : : y parks commission gave its re- The rain stopped the races, but the | Very interesting story from our|s payid Matthews. | ganizations including labor bodies, rive-In -- Starting at dusk "Ap- = i lunch was served in the school. |Study Book was given by Shirley |™Girjg 10-11 years, 1. Douglas Al- | Women's groups, churches, welfare pointment With Danger", Am- | The committee consisted of the Mrs. Delaney won the lucky cup Ellis. Mrs. Seymour led in a sing- lan; 2. Buddy Cook. workers and the legion. erican Empire'. Last complete : . : y song. A delicious lunch was serv-| Girls 12 years and over, 1. Mar-| "It is the opinion of the confer- show 10:45 p.m. NW i ho bleed hm nday school trustees Roy Lick, i cClarerice Scott and. -Gordon hp WLR Ra Ry "Wat. ed by the hostess and her mother. | jorie Carter; 2. Marilyn Scott. {ence that the provision of good peson and the chairman of the y The meeting closed with Taps. Boys 12-13 years, 1° Jack Whit-| housing is a basic protection for 'rock, Whitby -- "Assignment CE pmmunity association, Bill Mat- S08 a0 Hara Jom Yele 21 Next meeting is held at the |tick; 2. Ron Cooper. family life and should be consid-| Paris", and "Bronco Buster". home of Ruth Lamb, on July 10,| Boys 14 and over, 1. Bryce Ash- [ered a top priority by govern-| Evening shows at 7 p.m. last hews. i i . : They reported that if the park gent 3 lhe association, re. Her at 7.30 p.m. more; 2. Ken Henning. ments." complete show at 8:20. Holiday as taken over by the city, the city | "yy, "01a rence 'Scott was present- | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and | Girls ball throw 6-7 years. 1. matinee Wednesday, July 1, at ould maintain the Playgrounds, ed with a gift by Mrs. George family visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred | Ann Cincurak: 2. Alice owell,. 1:30. « DONNA R ). 1. Fk fn. Le nel provide enuipment for ji of | Lofthouse, a-token of appreciation | Ferguson at Bowmanville, Boys ball throw 6-7 Fig ¥ 1 C.R.A. Ble Jorma Lee Moris oth ov Bh On ey for her many years' service as| Mr and Mrs. N. E. Wright vis Arthur Matthews; 2. Elmer Skin- S A Par question from a 11 Pianist for the association. ited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wright i 51 J race. $9 years. t - glen. the eting passed the | Mr. St. John, assisted by Mrs. | at Barrie and also with relatives Tear Rees ee gars, | TUESDAY | ngles, meeting p Schuerman, presented the en-|in Toronto. udy Reeson an yone Newell; | Recreation office open all day. ' billowing motion. i i ' 2. Jane Jackson and Susan Smith. | trance class with their Thornton's . 9. .30 p.m "That the already appointed : Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and Boys 3-legged race 8-9 years, 1. | : ; pmmittee, along with Harold Fos. | Of eleven passed so all received | (ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. | Bobby Hircock and Earl Whittick: | 5.85708, Club Room for the: Blind. r be authorized to proceed with George Robinson was up at Sun. |A- M. Wearn at Claremont. 2. Robert Lick and Richard Cie- | ™ WEDNESDAY egotiations with the city s a nybrook hospital in Toronto 1ast| Mrs. M. E. White, Toronto, spent | chanowicz. | Holid phy | a regarding the transfer of the | wo". 2 check-up. He also spent |the weekend with Mr. and 'Mrs. | Girls Dodge ball 10-11 years, 1. | Holiday -- Building closed all | nday school playground by deed | Jc. "i. 0" with "hic 'son Frederic | R. Mitchell. Shirley Rutherford; 2. Donna Ross. | day. long term lease, all regulations | 4 ¢amily. They brought him| Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leadbeater | Boys Wheel barrel race, 8-9 the regular deed to become part |; 0 on Saturday and stayed for |and family visited A. Leadbeater | years, 1. Randy Scott and John Hie. transfer. the week-end. in Toronto and also visited Mrs. | Schuerman; 2. Richard Ciechano. | RPRISE PARTY Mrs. Lloyd Wilson left 1ast|A. Leadbeater in the hospital. we sg bo ane. 12 years { Mrs. Herbert Schuetman's home | Thursday for a seven week trip to | Wiss Joan Hobbs is spending her # 1 S | t Wednesday night was the with her to Montreal where she | summer holidays 2 Spending her and over, 1. Disne Mollon and DANCE TONITE ene of a surprise party in the | caught the plane for London, Eng: | park, Sturgeon Lake. erey ney A arjoie Carter | prm of a miscellaneous shower for | land. Mrs. Earl Trewin and Mrs. ang acy ox. 1. rack at the iss Margaret Watson, teacher of | Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. | Lloyd Slemon spent Father's Day Whit ove, Sack race, 1. Jack | he Intermediate room at Thorn- | Donald Hines (Mary Evelyn| with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gi ie bail an ening. 1 | on's Corners School for the past | Reader) who were married in Port | Fred Toms. J ns a row 22 years. 5 ALO MN Wo years. Perry last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin uly gg obeta arrer | Miss Watson was seated in the | The Sunday school picnic will be | and Mary, accompanied Mr. apd D 4 oh gy od Yems: a pecial chair, decorated with pink | held Monday afternoon and eve-| Mrs. Wallace Griffin and Heather Cin $1 ment; . andy cott. | ® FUN FOR ALL! nd white, and presented with a ining at Lynbrook Park, June 29.)to Oak Hill Lake and were guests 1 fis -legged race 1 years, | " of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Chant at |. Donna Russ and Shirley Ruther. || o poring 9pm. to 1 their cottage ford; 2. Linda and Leyone Newell. | 9 Y p.m, am, : EDRON Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs spent Boys 3-legged race 10-11 years, | : the workend with Tels res Bil Douglas Allan and John Cum- ADMISSION -- 50¢ Lindsay mins; 2. Carl Skinner and Billy | Mr Smith. » . | Maxwell School Picnic [me 3, 52 Smut | 2s sums or | Ferguson, on Thursday evening, to | pro: Sig Nays ott and Diane | (visit Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont. on; 2. Joan Rutherford and | . ® gomery at Solina Marjorie Carter. En a # utin Mr. and Mrs. Cecll Coulter, Osh- | . Open boys slow bicycle race, 1. as JOY g awa, called on Mr. and Mrs. Al-| Ronald Cooper: 2. Lloyd Hircock. MH OLIDAY ; bert Oke m girls slow bicycle race, 1. KEDRON -- The annual picnic, Girls' Shoe Scramble; 1, Rochelle Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore Carlyn Buss: 2. Lyn Schuerman. | Maxwell's school was held at] Kolinko, 2, Jean Ball, 8, Vera Hos- spent a few days with Mr Girls shoe scramble 10-11 years, { neva Park on Thursday and kin. Mrs. R. J. Wea at Thornhill. |1- Leyone Newell; 2. Mdeline Ash D ANCE as a very successful and enjoy-| Boys' shoe scramble; 1, Jerry, Mr. and Mrs Walter Rahm Ty- | more. | ble event. The children and adults | Kozak, 2, Gordon Sutter. 3, Charles rone, were at Mr. and Mrs. John | BOYS ball throw 10-11 years, 1. | e all enjoyed the outing, and | gutter. |E. Griffin's : John Cummins; 2. Buddy Cooke. | various games and races were | Throwing baseball, women: 1,| Sorry to report little Robert The remainder of the sports! Toh ply contested and entered into ,,,, "pr 2, Mrs. ton, Robert Griffin, son of Mr. and | Program was postponed until Fri- | Tuesday, h great zest. The results of thes pj. yopur Mrs. John E. Griffin, is in Bow-|day because of rain, but rain Fri-| ports events were as follows: | Throwing baseball, boys' 1, manville Memorial Hospital for an day made it impossible to finish | Brier Race, pre-school girls; 1, Molly | ne Irvine, 2, Charles Sutter, 3. operation. We wish him a speedy | the races. J | ¢ hnston, 2, Dorothy Hoskin, 3, ci Vi "Chie: & Char | "| recovery. une \ By EVERY yygg Adults 60¢ atricia Byrne. : Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke and SACRILEGE * | IB AND wep [/ Children Swimming race; 1, Mike John- > | | Laer, . Race, pre-school boys; 1, Harvey 3 | Master Alfie Bender of Oshawa| SALISBURY, England (AP)-- | HR- . Under 12 aggerty, 2, John Lindsay, 3, Ken- ton. 2, Wayne Irvine. he weekend with Mr. and Thieves smashed two priceless | Same Band THIS WEEK'S OFFER THEATRE Te 1 all. | M. A : | ) : spent {| Bove Somersaull paces 1, Mike SO A Oke, stained glass windows in 700-year- | Girls' vace, 6-7 years; 1, Molly | Eatin he ps on, 1 Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Betty (old Salisbury Cathedral Thursday | ohnston, 3, Marjory Hoskin, 3, wii 2 crac eI, 2 y 3 ; Mes: Jane and Grant were iy vis- | night and stole a handful of shill- RED BARN op an Hoskin. Sl » rs. Oagle, 3, Mrs. Ben jtors at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Met- ings from seven collection 'boxes. & ALAN LADD at his fighting best! Boys' Race, 67 Years: | Harvey MAXWELL SCHOOL REPORT [Satie 5: Maple Grove, "ml NORTH OSHAWA : hase, 4 id | Promotion examination results| Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp were i 4) (0 | 1] : | 0 > LJ at the Maxwell school are an-|recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. WA DS [3 ) I presents [4 RR Girls' vace, 8-9 vears; 1, Joyce nocd ac follows. | H. Wannamaker at Port Perry. iM Ti ND 3 . ¥ oskin, 8, Vera Hoskin, 8, Sharon, Grade 8 Wa : { : i i : 3 -- yne Irvine. | Miss Ruth Lamb is holida, Tow, sace. 8 - 9 years: 1, Pat| Grade 7 -- Rolly Ball, Jerry Ko- with her aunt, Mrs. Clifford Hety, Bécavae Jou . ohnston, 2, Donny Kolinko, $ Gor- 22: Hay (Hoskin. in Pennsylvania. ins Loc ; : -- Marilyn Hagerty,| Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Dor- / 1 starring on Sutton and Bobbie Kozak, tied.| cp ares Sutton, Tommy Love, Ro- een and Donald. attended the i > - I Girls' race, Lg Tears, N Marl | chelle Kolynko. | Decoration Service at Pine Grove | : y AUN LADD a PHYLLIS CALVER ; » 4 Jean Bull, 8 V&Y| Grade 5 -- Tommy Marrien, Cemetery, Prince Albert, on Sun- yo , ote NAL STEWART AN STERLING - ck Web OSE. 0-11 : 1 Charles | Mike Kolynko, Mary Kolynko, Jean day and were tea guests of Mr. . W Dep Kl Hed Boy ; s 3. Mike Kolinko, 3, Rares Thompson, Vera Hoskin, Jean|and Mrs. Sandy Moore at Port x . - OR eh Perry. . Grade 4 -- Pauline Falkenburg-| Miss Laverne Orchard. Bowman- ? v 5 Girls" race, 12 and over; 1, Pau- 8 | 4 ) > er, Helene Falkenburger, Ronnie] ville, spent a week with her a%s- | vy, t Mome in re 7 g { 8 TATRA 3 Rachel Ko | Pduay Bobby Kori Gordon er Mi. Mion: Samim. + | Xo Ton a Heh 8 , al SECOND BIG FEATURE th gyn hg Sutter, Joyee Hoskin, Donnie Kol- er, ad Mo Duis Jaticry, | C8, went ve, Meret "free Wl I i " 4 0, Pat Johnston. athy ai rah, Mr. , > ' i : s ' iris» Da ree Grade 3 -- Sonny Iverson, Wil-|Orr Jeffery, Port Perry, visited| , MAIL COUPON TODAY : "AMERICAN EXPRESS' Girls' wheelbarrow race; 1, Joyce i 2 3 ' foskin and Vera Hoskin, 2. Ro-| oc "gil ocd Finns, 'Sharon WL.| Dr. and Mra. C. 3. avin. Bow] AMERICAN SCHOOL \N rm STARRING RICHARD DIX helle Kolinko and Marilyn Hag-|S® DCsay,. Sharon Wi ai ee . : bur, Grant Irvine. manville, were recent visitors at Dept. 0.7.6. Ty. Grade 2 -- Joan Kolynko, Jack Mr. and Mre. O. C. Ashiton's. 165 Colborne St., Suite 1 = A Sina Pony ] Bi Mike and Kirby, Erna Falkenbur, er, Miss Susan Swanefelt celebrated Kingston, Ont ' ' : Cartoon yf vilired Lindsay, 3, Tommy Love| GTade 1 -- Harold Hoskin. her first birthday a a plenie at send a3 pegs bask ; Ne Wosld News WN i DOUBLE FEATURE} NTA En ||| G6 PERREAD GENE LOCKAANT i SAVAGE BEAUTIES IN las? Day 'Yankee Buccaneer' & 'Ruby Geniry' A STRANGE WORLD! OSHAWA Woodland Park. ind Gordon Sutter. Mr. and Mrs. Ploxd Pethick, Girls' Three-l : 1, Son- A, hack : : : Kozak er TR 2 Y.W.C.A. Jorome, Jete Me. and : WEDNESDAY ads aD BO kn 3 'Mr. and Mrs. Mikon Stainton, ot. pauline . MONDAY, JUNE 29 Dorot d and Miss |, - Bove Hire - logged race" 1. musinens athe open, 01 am. [Poros fo, Sarees 07, Mit mE MENEEEEEEEN = TOUSK Gordie Sutter and Pat Johnston, 3, hibit pang dl Local an. os. ah] Yiow 0. C. Ashion, Lois OSHAWA : : 4 erry Kozak and Charles Sutter. | Kicking Race: 1, So Xo-| TUESDAY, JUNE 3 and Charles, were with Myr. and Shoe-Kicking nya 3 |, Business office 5 S18 am. Gordon Beech at Maple KING ond NASSAU STS. Ay 1] , 2, Marilyn Haggerty, 3 : Re . x « on Hoskin. ys Hagzerty, 3, {2-5 om; 7-9 p.m. Peterborough , FRIDAY ! : 33n8 heartinrobs Girls' somersault race; 1, Sonya | YWCA od. Fountey pl oe ; 4 J Kozak, 2 Audrey Hayes, 3, Ro-| Biter noon. Local art exhibit -- All | yp, 0" Sunday and were. visitors: AL AT: . : 2 > Cracker - eating race; 1, Gordon WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 wis ee nd . Russell Spinks, \ J Uuier, 2, Tommy Love, 3, Harold) Building will be elosed for hobi- 2 Hoskin. ay. "CROSSWORD PUZZLE | rriE STATION Correspondent MYRTLE STATION community is gr-ins re " - AAAs A "on Mw Nav da - - he Mr. and Mrs. John Hamer in the loss of their barn by lightning on Saturday. Mrs. Ben Hitchens a.nd Mrs. J. Stredwick of Oshawa were Mond guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. : | Mitchell. The regular monthly meet of the Faithful Group will be held at of Mrs. W. Armstrong; go Julys. in the form of a straw: ITY supper. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eyers, Nor- man and Betty Ann, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, at- tended the Broiler Festival held at Aurora on Saturday afternoon and | report a good time. : Congratulations to Jeanette Wat- son, Mary Stevens, Eddie Benetian, Douglas Ash and Murray Wade, who passed their entrance exam- inations. School will close the end of this week. Mrs. Gibson who lives with the Johnson family celebrated her | birthday on Tuesday. Many happy returns. Haying operations and silo filli a i are in full swing. The crop is rea : + "SM OKY" {heavy. The strawberries are of : J J : | good" quality but it is thought they ' a Ea Sor tant yong." nought they ! DH? In TECHNICOLOR Henry Barnin of Tillsonburg was ! STARRING t of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ra eel Fred MacMurray - Annie Baxter Rev. N. Reed wiil preach his 1 a So i he Gratast SoW oh rl BN BOX OFFICE OPENS welcome new Pastor Rev. Mut. . IV et1&7pm Choice reserved grandstand chair tickets, i AT 1:30 P.M. ton. { Mr. and Mrs. Bill Breman and| inch odmission end ail tex, $3.00 and | grandson of Scarboro were re-| (ya d tickets, ADULTS $1.50; 37. About cent guests of Mr. and' Mrs. W. none 750) APY i 38. Whirling G. Armstrong. 40. To set 1 at ___ | TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT JURY AND a u f DOWN 'Mad or off the east coast of Sova pl i Dh fais J (po? Day "en, the Beloved "Passpart )\ No INCREASE IN PRICES . J. § | va 1, Frugal Africa has a total area of 241,000 try" I To Alcatraz" = 2 Wander jixica Tas 4 total are * SEEN EENENEEE | Country plus. To Alcatra ZIGINZ] OZ] ACROBS 8. Supplying 10. Try or test 11. Mountains (So. Am.) 38. No score (Tennis) M. Ovem 26. Negative reply 38. Keel-billed xs ® i erie ae 1 'f Fe =m WEE Fl 7H & 8 | 0 i Y TH i it