Daily Times-Gazette, 25 Jun 1953, p. 9

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'sociation was held in the chapel on .in the devotional period, using as vher theme, "Our Country, Our Min- +ister and Our Church'. She gave a 'er. Mrs. John Johnston read the + With Thee , refreshments at the close of this , Sus evening auxiliary of Holy Trin- ' the CREPE rE EL RE GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES VALLEYVIEW PARK AUX, The Valleyview Park - Ladies' Auxiliary held its closing meeting at the park club house recently. The president, Mrs. Frank Brit- on, presided and there was a short business session after which a social time was enjoyed. Bingo was played and everyone was a winner at least once. The door Prizes were won by Mrs. Lloyd asters and Mrs. Reg. Norris. Refreshments were served and everyone had a most enjoyable evening. The next meeting will be held in September in the park club house. CENTRE STREET WA The . regular meeting of Centre Street United Church Women's As- Thursday. Mrs. Fred Graham led reading entitled, "The Land We Love the Most". Mrs. Ray Valentine led in pray- scripture. Mrs. A. F. Cowan read a poem entitled, '"We Thank Thee Today"'. Miss Flora French read the min- utes. Mrs. David Morris gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Walter Vice, flower report. Mrs. Morris, parsonage report. The next meeting will be held on September 17. KATE McLAURIN MC The members of the Kate Mec- Laurin Mission Circle of First Bap- tist Church met at the home of Mrs. Frank McLellan, Tooley's Mills, with an attendance of 25. The new president, Mrs. Mabel Joyce, presided. Mrs. H, S. Win- sley reported that a parcel of food had been despatched to India. Mrs. W. R. Collins took the de- votional part of the meeeting, and Mrs. Ralph Hopson led in prayer. Miss Norma Bowen sang a beau- tiful solo entitled, '"The Altar of Prayer Walter Lane was the guest speater for the evening, and told her experiences as a mission- ary for 11 years in West Africa. The meeting closed with the hymn, "0 Master, Let Me Walk The members of the exeeutive provided strawberry shortcake for most enjoyable meeting. HOLY TRINITY EVE. AUX. The weekly meeting of the Wom- Anglican Church was held at home of the treasurer, Miss. Gertrude Jones. The president, Mrs. A. Gordon Armstrong, open- ed the meeting with the special order of service which included a prayer for three members of the Auxiliary who were sick. Main discussion of the meeting was, the forthcoming Holiday Fair to be held on July 10. It was an- nounced that movies had been ar- ranged for. Final plans were made for the serving of the upper and hope was expressed that the straw- berries would continue to be plenti- ful until then. Miss Betty Helliwell, acting sec- retary, stated that one of the door prizes had been donated from a cosmetic firm; also a box of scented sachets from firm to be sold at one of the booths. All those who would not be work- ing at the Fair will be on hand earlier in the day for decorating the booths and preparing the sup- per. Arrangements have still to be completed in regards to games which would fill in the time until it was dark enough to run the movies. At the next meeting it is hoped that all the plans will be complete and a list of door prizes will be Prepared to give to those who selling the advance tickets. At the conclusion of the business, supper was served by the Misses Gertrude and Margaret Jones and a pleasant social hour followed. Charles St. Pair Married 43 Years Mr. and Mrs. James M. Higgins, Charles Street, were pleasantly surprised on Saturday evening on the occasion of thei. wedding an- niversary when their family paid them a surprise visit. A highlight of the evening was the presentation of a Kenw blanket to the bride and bride- | of groom of 43 years ago, with 2 bouquet of roses to Mrs. Tigi who was the former Ella Foley, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Foley of Oshawa. Mr. Higgins is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jack Higgins of Trenton, Ontario. Their marriage was solemnized in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church, Oshawa, on June 21, 1910, with the late Father Cline officiat- ing; Jume 21 also marks the oc- casicn of the birthday of Mr. Hig- gins. They- have four sons and one daughter and fourteen grandchil- dren. Another son, Bernard, died thitse éars ago. Mr. Higgins, now was a long time employee of A Motors of Canada. To round out a delightful occas- ion 'refreshments were served and the "bride" cut the wedding cake made by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. John Higgins. a local | Marilyn Faye Beare United in Marriage With Ronald Alldred Greenbank United Church, deco- rated with baskets of pink and white peonies, was the setting for a pretty wedding on Saturday when Marilyn Faye, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fleetwood Beare of Greenbank, became the ride of Ronald Charles Alldred, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Alldred Oot Sain: field. The Reverend R. T. Chapin officiated. The wedding music was played y Mrs. Ernest Phair and the soloist was Mr. George Beare who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "O Promise Me". Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of rose- point lace and nylon net over satin flowing into a cathedral train. Her lace - edged veil of tulle illusion was held by a pearl tiara, and she wore a necklace of pearls, the bridegroom's gift. She carried a cascade bouquet of red Svat ar roses and white carnations. The bridegroom's sister, Miss Joan Alldred, was maid of honor in a gown of nile green. Miss Joyce Clements and Miss Marilyn Gib- son, the priacemaas, were in shrimp pink. elr gowns were pv a with shirred net bodices, net boléros and mittens and bouffant skirts over taffeta. Their flowers were cascades of carnations in contrasting shades. Mr. Elmer Alldred, the bride- groom's brother, performed the duties of best man. The ushers were Mr. Richard Alldred and Mr. Keith Heron. For the reception the bride's mother wore navy blue sheer with ood | white accessories and a corsage ink and white carnations. The bridegroom's mother was also in navy blue with pink accessories and flowers. The Souple left on a motoring trip through Eastern Canada and the United States. As they left the bride was wearing a navy blue suit and stole with navy blue and pink accessories. Pink roses com- prised her corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Alldred will return to live in Bowmanville. Pupils Presented In Piano Recital Baskets of smmer flowers form- ed the setting for the pupil's an- ; nual recital in First Baptist Church en by Mrs. J. H. Wilkins, A. T.C.M., R.M.T., on Tuesday eve- ning. An appreciative adience of par- No Trays to Fill! No Trays to Spill! No Trays to Empty! «=or Forget to Refill! world's First and Only Refrigerator that MAKES ICE CUBES WITHOUT TRAYS and puts them in a basket AUTOMATICALLY Greatest Refrigerator advance of a | time by the hil s finest REFRIGE RATOR Servel now offers you the most amazing development in the modern refrigerator --the Servel Automatic Ice-Maker Refrigerator. It makes its own ice cubes, dries them (to prevent sticking), then puts them in a basket--all automatically! Take out one ice cube, or a handful, and your Servel makes fresh cubes. You'll never have to worry about having enough ice cubes for a party. You'll never have to bother with filling and emptying ice cube trays. Never before has a refrigerator offered you so much. * Never before have you seen refrigerator value like this. You get a full-width freezer that stores 70 Ibs. of frosted foods . . . two large gleaming GAS or ELECTRIC Lfelo] 18) Only Serve shelves . , . I gives LUBLIN TT natural-action door handle to save you steps . .. AND the greatest development of all--Servel's Automatic Ice-Maker. 4 plastic Dew-View vegetable fresheners . . . handy in-a-dor shelves . full-width Quick-Cold shelf for chilled desserts . . . adjustable ONLY SERVEL OFFERS The world-famous motorless re- rigerator (absorption-type freez- ing system) with the 10-year Guarantee . . . as well as . . . The standard refrigerator (electric compression freezing system) with the 5-year Guarantee. JACK BIDDULPH ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES "LOOK FOR THE STORE WITH THE YELLOW FRONT" ents and friends was generous in its reception of each player. Those appearing on the program were: Karen Gray, Suzanne Skinner, Lin- da Johnston, Donna Graham, Ron- nie Nathan Imeson, ill Knibb, Carol Morrison, David Ed Justine Rose, Karen illy Davidson, Diane wards, Bessie Gaatch, Irene Dyl, Merrall Youngson, Marjorie Corn- ish, Sharon Nathan, Caroli Edwards Carol Clough, Carol Audley, Paul Audley, David Gray, Barbara Mgor- rison, Merle Cornish, Sheila Nath- an, Glenn Owen. Piano duets were given by Irene ¢ Zndrew's United Church Couple's lub Tables were placed on the spac- ious lawn and supper served to a splendid gathering Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Christie were in the charge of the sports program and many enjoyable games were played. The most outstanding was a treasure hunt over the whole farm. Maps of Elmcroft Farms were distributed to everyone and several groups went hunting var- ious objects placed in strategic places indicated on the map by an Dyl and Bessie Gaatch. David and | X. Carol Edwards, Majorie Cornish and Carol Morrison. Awards were presented by the To climax the evening the group gathered around a large camp-fire for a sing-song of popular songs and hymns. Several skits were act- THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Thursday, June 25, 1953 § ed also. Mr. Jack Reid and Dr. George Telford extended the thanks of everyone nt to Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin for a perfect evening and Dr. Telford gave a short pray- er in closing. Eric Lilley Weds Marilyn Sharland At Long Branch A pretty wedding was solemnized in Long Branch United Church re- cently» when Marilyn Joyce Shar- land, daughter of Mr. ard Mrs. Fred Sharland, became the bride of Eric Donald Lilley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Lilley, Courtice, with Rev. Goss officiating. The bride, who was given in mar- Brethour, wore a grey suit with white accessories and a corsage of pink rosettes. Her only attendant | CO! was her sister, Mrs. Merl Breth- our, in a grey 'suit with navy blue 1and white accessories with 2 cor- sage of red rosettes. Mr, John Lilley wah best man for his brother. Before the depart- ure of the couple for Northern On- tario a reception was held at the home of the bridegroom's parents teacher to Glenn Owen for general proficiency, Barbara Morrison for asic technique, earl Edwards for sotmendable P rOgTess during the year; Bessie Gh atch for the term's work and Linda Mary Mikolash'in the five year old group of per- formers, Mrs. Wilkins was presented with a gift from the class by little Su- zanne Skinner. Acting as ushers were Erna Aru, Marjorie Davidson and Carol Cloug St. Andrew's Club Invited to Picnic At Elmcroft Farms Elmcroft Farms was the scene of an enjoyable picnic on Tuesday | evening when Mr. and Mrs. George u 7 Girls' SUMMER DRESSES 1.98 7.95 S. B. COLLIS CLOTHING It's going to be fair and warmer! Better hurry in and scoop up an armful of these darling little buys for daughter. All of them pretty-wise, comfort-wise and penny-wise. in Courtice. About forty friends and relatives were gathered and many lovely gifts were received by the bride and bride; m. Refresh- ments and wedding cake were riage by her brother-in-law, Mr. M. | Serv ed. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Liney will make their home in ce. ; CLEARING OUR STOCK OF SUMMER HATS ! ALL DRASTICALLY REDUCED MAE DUNCAN 28 SIMCOE ST. N. DIAL 3-3341 104 KING ST. EAST (at The Plaza) McLaughlin acted as hosts to St. BURNS PAY AS LITTLE CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. ALL PATTERNS ARE OPEN STOCK AS $1.00 DOWN! 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