THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, Juric 16, 1953 47 Discover For Yourself The Value Of Times Ads. Be Sure To Call 3-2233 Now! This Low Cost Ad Brought Good Results For Mrs. C~-And Rented Her Room The Second Night! >> FURNISHED able for 1 gentleman, very central. SUITABLE Dial (1286) BEDROOM, 25--Real Estate For Sale | 25--Real Estate For Sale .28--For Rent $5,500 DOWS--_STOREY AND HALF, | brick home, hardwood floors, hot water, electric. Full go $11,000. Apply %d Jarvis St. $11,000 8 rooms, brick, pn Simcoe S., oil heated, garage, $3,000 cash will handle this good house, near Simcoe S, School. $9,500 6 rooms, off Albert St. Only $2,500 cash down, balance as rent. A good house in good, clean condition. JONES REAL ESTATE 62 PRINCE ST. DIAL 5-6412 BARBER SHOP Total 'price $700, includes 2 chairs and all equipment, long lease may be arranged for $30 per month. Located on best business block in: Bowman- ville. ' DONALD SCOTT Real Estate 25 PRINCE ST., OSHAWA DIAL 3-2612 or 78 KING ST. W,, BOWMANVILLE PHONE 713 H. A. PHILP -- Salesman Res. Phone 2620 (1402) $13,500 $6,800 Down, 6-room brick bungalow in beautiful condi- tion on Willingdon, hot-air heating with oil, tiled modern bathroom, nicely landscaped, garage. $10,500 5-room lovely brick home on Highland, lovely oak floors, oil heating. Quick possession, $9,800 5-room rug brick bungalow on Warren Ave., hot-air heating with oil, oak floors, modern kitchen, garage. This home is in spotless condition, WALTER R. SMITH Broker 18 BOND ST. W. DIAL 3-2911 HENRY R. STINSON Salesman DIAL 5- 2130--Evenings (140a) "DAVID McLEAN LTD. Realtors 43 Bond W. $1,000 Down--6 rooms with hydro, on Port Perry bus line, monthly payments only $60. Immediate possession. Call Mr. Tindall 5-0429. $1,500 Down--4-room bun- galow, hydro, city water, close to schaol, only 4 years old. Lot 40° x 208'; adjoin- ing lot 40' x 208, only $600. Call Mr. Tindall 5-0429. JARVIS ST.--6-room brick, 1 Va-storey, 4 rooms on main floor, 2 rooms and 4-piece bath on second, oak and tile floors, full cellar with recrea- tion room, oil heat, air-con- ditioned. Spacious well land- scaped lot. Total price only $10,400. Call Mr. Salter 5- 0429, ALBERT ST.--Income home," store and 3 apartments, 2 bathrooms, hot water heated by stoker, 2-car garage, V2 block from R.C. and public schools. Income $145 per month plus 4-room apart- ment for owner. Call Mr. Tin- dall 5-0429. Listings Urgently Needed (1402) !1 ACRE, 7 ROOMS, CONVENIE garage, two kennels, $5,000 down Newport, R.R. 1, Brooklin. LARGE 6-ROOM HOUSE, floors, oil heated, ideal income home. J. pointment 35-2737, 7.ROOM BRICK HOUSE, FINISHED Attic, garage. Hardwood up and down, centrally located. Good income home fmily. Write Box 326, Tir». (140¢) | SNACK BAR Business fixtures and lease, Simcoe St. Full price $2,500. About half cash. Stock at in- voice, See W. McAULEY Realtor 13 PRINCE ST. DIAL 3-2512 - 5-2133 (140b) 25a--Summer Properties For | Sale ATTRACTIVE LAKESHORE COTTAGES 20" x 24°, 4 rooms, wired, Rice Lake, large wooded lots. Write G. Milne, RR 1 Cobourg. Phone Cold- spings 2r12. (Juné: 4 - ROOM COTTAGE AT BOWAAN- ville Beach. Cheap for quick sale. Apply 538 Oxford St., or 5-1586 (1402) EXECUTIVES OPPORTUNITY $15,000 BARGAIN--Worth double. Lovely summer home, 3 acres, park-like trees; ab- solute privacy; boathouse, docks, cabin, healthful, rest- ful, 60 miles north, Make of- fer. Write Box 322, Times-Gazette (140¢) 27--Real Estate Wanted cash or your equity. For quick resulls and satisfactory sale, see W. McAuley, Realtor, 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512. Resi- dence 35-2133. (July?) | WANTED TO PURCHASE FARM UN. { der V.L.A. within 20 miles of Oshawa. Write Box 323, Times;Gazette. (1401) URGENTLY REQUIRED Properties, large or small Have buyers waiting W. E. HOLMES Broker 31 Bond E. Dial 5-2363 (Junel$) BERNEICE H. PATRICK Real Estate Broker LISTINGS WANTED PERSONAL SERVICE 16 BOND ST. EAST -- DIAL 5.3692 100 WILSON RD. N. -- DIAL 3-3800 Salesman R. J. Fursey -- Dial 3-7053 (July30) 28--For Rent suit middle age couple, 317, Times-Gazette. FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE for gentleman. Apply 136 Elgin St. East. LARGE ROOM FURNISHED light' housekeeping, suit two. Apply 143 Clarke St. Dial 5-1347. Fe OR | Central. FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE for 1 or 2 gentlemen, private entrance, bus stop at door. 299 Siincoe 3outii per month, July 1, bus stop, Write Box | (138¢) | INCES. | APARTMENT (140a) | | brizht and cheerful. { $3,400 down. immediate possession. Ap- | (140a) | | heated, at | | URGENTLY | Brooklin 1 by July 1st. | WANTED -- 2 | ed or unfurnished in Oshawa. TWO ROOMED UN- East city limits, You wili like it. adult total abstainers apply. Also | furnished, suburban, Only HARDWOOD | have 4-room seli-cgntained apartment. 5-4233, 139¢) LARGE ROOM -- 0 GENTLEMEN to share. Across froth Motors Employ- ment Office. Dial 35-1056. (1392) , GENTLEMEN TO SHARE ROOM | single beds, very central. Dial 3-3783. Townline Turkey Ranch, dial (139¢) | $70 PER MONTH -- 3 ROOM UNFUR- nished apartment with bath, also garage. Self-contained, near new G.M., new home, adults only. Dial 3-308, * 13! 2 FRONT ROOMS FOR RENT, SUIT business couple hot water, private entrance, no children. Dial 51953 We) c PONTIAC INN Single furnished rooms in resi- dential hotel, GM; television lounge, Apply Pontiac Inn. Dial 3-3993. (140¢) close to new 29--Wanted To Rent NEEDED--4-ROOM house, 2 children, Phone (June?) or small 3-47 YOUNG "BUSINESS COUPLE, NO CHIL | desires house or apartment in inside conveniences preferred. (138¢) dren, Write Box 319 Times-Gazette. STRICTLY BUSINESS by MecFeatten 39--Articles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale 43--Male Help Wanted C. HYDRO OUTFIT COMPLETE BOAT and motor, perfect condition. Sacrifice. Dial 5-6176. ' (140b) APT. | | | fone 1953, Vublih ers ym EL ARE { YOUNG COUPLE WOULD LIKE 2 OR 3 | igen: H unfurnished rooms, mo children, both working. Dial 5-6120. (138¢) TWO OR THREE ROOMS URGENTLY needed by couple with 3-year-old child Dial 52164. (138¢) ~ 3 ROOMS, FURNISH Baby 6 165 Verdun Rd., (1396) months. G. Lockart, Oshawa. {3-ROOM UNFURNISHED APARTMENT | Write Box 312 Times-Gazette. HOUSES WANTED FOR CLIENTS, ALL | 2-ROOM APARTMENT, LAKE SHORE, | year round, $20 | (1386) | ( 138¢) | 3-490 | man willing to share. (132tf) | day week. Phone 5-4482. | ROOM for couple with 12 year old daughter. (1361) ™WO0 "UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms on ground floor for quiet elderly couple. Phone 35-4403. (140¢) U RGENTLY NEEDED, 4, 5 ; OR 6 ROOM house, couple, 13-year-old child. Dial 5-2432, 3-4529. (1402) 3 OR 4ROOM T™WO adults, Dial 3-8409. URGENT--3 OR 4ROOM APARTMENT APARTMENT, or house, young couple with 2 children. | | Dial 5-3291. (140c) APARTMENT, TWO adults. Dial 3-8409. (140a) URGENT -- 3 OR 4ROOM APART- ment or house, young couple with two children. Dial 5-3291, (140e) DESPERATE Please help us, as we haven't a home! We are adults, desperate and urgently in need of a house, 6, 7 or larger as we are forced out 'and have to vacate by June 25. We are respectable, reliable, clean; abstainer and steadily employed, have excel- lent references. We will take care of your home and willing to decorate if needed. Willing to pay $75 to $125 a month. Central as possible. DIAL 3-3106 DIAL 5-2116 3 OR 4-ROOM (140m) 30--Room and Board | CLEAN Qu IE BT GENTLEMAN share, near hospital and Motors. 3-4997. « TO Dial 1401) D BOAR Single beds, 7. FREE APARTMENT -- A BEAUTIFUL | ROOM AND BOARD SUITABLE FOR 4 room apartment for couple, prepared | 3 gentlémen, in new rooming house to do janitor services for 18 suite apart- | Dial 3-1 26 Gladstone. (1394) ham Man- (1386) ment house. Apply 5 B or. LARGE. APARTMENT WITH TWO | bedrooms, newly decorated, no children, $100 monthly, Available August 1st. For | information apply 341, Division, afler 6 pm. (138¢ ROOM FOR TWO OR THREE, \W.iLi.- ing to share; central; breakfast or board if desired. Dial 3-8490. | 2 BRIGHT, CLEAN BEDROOMS IN good mattresses. Suit two | new home, friends in each. Single beds in one -- | OR 2 | ling to share single beds. Dial 3 550. (138¢) | ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE GEN. | ( 140b) | room. All applicants must be abstain. | ers, office employees preferred, clean, $4,000 DOWN 1 block from Simcoe St, N.-- é-room brick, oil-heated, 2- storey house, paved street, garage, new asphalt roof, 3- pc. bathroom, cupboards in kitchen, insulated, heavy wir- ing, open fireplace, laundry tuos. Home is ciean, well dec- orated. Storms and screens in- cluded. 30 days' possession. $13,000--DOUBLE GARAGE Double lot, 6-room brick, oil- heated, 2-storey home. Spa- cious rooms, cican and newly decorated. Modern kitchen, plenty of cupbdards, hardwood floors, insulated, new furnace ond oil burner. Extras. $13,000 -- MARY ST. 5 years old, rug brick, 6-room, 2-storey 'home. Very atirac- tive. Beautiful lot, landscaped, fenced yard, electric mantel, oak and tiled floors, 4-pc. bathroom, - recreation room, laundry tubs, electric tank. $7,000 FULL PRICE Spotlessly clean and attractive, 4-room clapboard bungalow, hardwood floors, modern kitch- en, 3-pc. 'bathroom, electric tank, insulated, heavy wiring. Possession Aug. 1. $11,000 5-room rug brick bungalow, oak and tiled floors, open fire- place with heatolator, * 4-pc. bathroom, laundry tubs, elec- tric tonk, air-conditioning, in- sulated, heavy wiring. Rooms are extra lorge-and attractive. Quick possession. $10,500 -- 1 YR. OLD 3-bedroom brick = bungalow/ north, dak and tiled floors, 4- pc. bathroom, electric tank. Landscaped lot. $8,500 6-room attractive clapboard, large modern kitchen, electric tank, 3-pc. bathroom, heavy wiring. Quick possession, BERNEICE H. PATRICK Reel Estate Broker 16 BOND ST. EAST DIAL 5-3692 - 5-5165 A140) Dial 53692. BEST SECTION 50° x 60°, TIN ROOM A} BOARD FOR TWO "To | share Good board. Central. Apply 184 King West. Dial 3-8490 (Junel2,15) WIL ROOM AND 'BOAR tleman, abstainer, Apply 330 Celina St. (138b) GOOD "ROOM AND BOARD FOR 4 gentlemen willing to share. Dial 3-4702. | (1361) | ROOM AND BOARD FOR MEN WILL. | ing to share. Apply 86 William West. ROOM® AND. BOARD FOR Walking distance from new GM | . Apply 208 College Ave. or phone -4835 CENTRAL, (140c) (T wo FURNISHED THOUS KEEPING | rooms, conveniences, suit adult couple. | Vacant now. Phone 3-4861. 24 Elgin E. | (140a) CLEAN ROOM WITH TWIN BEDS IN private home for two gentlemen. Close to Motors. Some housekeeping privileges allowed. Phone 3-9800, after 6. (140a) FURNISHED BE 2 s P R ING | Mattress, central, all conveniences. Ap- | ply 128 Albert St. (140¢) CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM, FOR TWO k gentlemen. Must be clean, abstainers. | Central. Apply 91 Ontario St. (140: {3 EXTRA LARGE BRIGHT ROOM | Electricity, outside conveniences, 10 | minutes from new General Motors, Ted | Roberts, Corbetts Point. (140a) | Fons ROOM, SUITABLE FOR 2 | single beds. Write Box 329 Times- | Gazette. (140¢) : LARGE ROOM FOR 3 MEN, LIGHT | housekeeping or board. Abstainers. Dial | 5-0810. (140) UNFURNISHED ROOMS, CENTRAL, no children. Dial 3-8832. after 6. | LARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING | | room, furnished. Apply 736 Albert St. | Dial 5-6220. (139c) | | a. -- -- - |2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, MODEH N country home, 1 or 2 children welcome. For particulars phone 3-8018. | ROOM Ci OTTAGE, ple. Dial 3-8125, | THREE - ROOM A APARTMEN | ness or middle-aged couple, | first week of July. Write | Times-Gazette. RELIABLE COU- Box 227 (140¢) F FU RNISHED SINGLE ROOMS, GEN- tlemen Prefeired, board optional; cen- f tral. _ Dial 3-98 (140¢) | OFFICE SPACE 300 - 400 sq. in business section DIAL 3-7788 After 3 p.m. ft. a7tH MONTHLY PARKING By numbers. Downtown area. Apply 97 RICHMOND ST. W. DIAL 3-4904 C1 10) (140¢) | (140¢) | | radio, (140a) | BUSI- | availabde | (1406) GENTLE men to share, Apply 272 Haig St. Dial 3-4235. (140b) ROOM AND "BOARD FOR FOUR MEN, | | all conveniences, very central. Phone 5-0980. Apply 20 Oak St. (June16,18,20) 32--Automobiles For Sale 47 HUDSON CONVERTIBLE, top and tires, Bargain. Dial 5-6456. 1408) °° CE a . gr | 30 FORD---MODEL A. PHONE 35-1916. (« (Junel3,17) | Three advertise with The Ti small boys can mean Pe zette "Three small boys . . . three sodas . . . three water pistols!" trouble, but it's no trouble to Classified Ads. Just call 3-2233. |, angle iron. Dial 3-7088. | LADIES' LADY'S PAIR WHITE ROLLER skates size 5. Dial 5-3315, (140b) SCHICK ELECTRIC RAZORS, ALL models; also parts for same in stock. Meagher's, 5 King West. (Ny16) GOLF CLUBS, FULLY MATCHED SET of men's Walter Hagen irons, putter included. Reasonable Dia] 3-4837. 5 (140¢) DINING ROOM TABLE, LARGE BUF- fet, white metal ice-box. Phone 35-2182. 1105 King E. (1402) DINING ROOM BUFFET, 6 CHAIRS, walnut finish; wicker armchair and rocker. Dial 35-3874, (1408) RECORD PLAYER NEW, GOOD tone, complete with $§ worth of records, $29.95. Terms. Meagher's, 5 King West. (July1é) ORDER YOUR SASH, DOORS, frames, also lumber from T, H. Dancey, Whitby Woodworking, 310 Chestnut Ea Whitby. * (Julys) ICE BOXES, ALL SIZES, GOOD CON: dition. Make an offer. B. F. Goodrich Store, 453 Simcoe S. Dial. 5-4543. (Jun27) DUMP BOX AND HOIST, FOUR wheel trailer, large oil and septic tanks, (Jun23) BICYCLE, cycle with gears, both C.C.M., | sleeping bag, 696 Carnegie Ave. (139¢) POW ER LAWNMOWER FOR SALE, 20" | cut, just overhauled, cheap. 110 Verdun Rd. - i (139) RUGS, 2 GREY WOOL BROADLOOM modern, sizes 9° x 12°, 9° x 18°, almost new 3-pc. walnut bedroom suite, mod- ern. No reasonable offer refused. Avply 115 Alice. St. (139¢) BUECKER ALTO SAXAPHONE AN D | one Buecher tenor. Cheap. Phone 3-5207. (139¢) { 32--Automobiles For Sale cars. Dial 3-4675: evenings 5-5706. (Junels) ETT FOR A NEW at Belmont Mo- Phone 35-0732 "BILL" BEN! car, SEE | or quality used tors, 137 King West. FORD PANEL (139¢) LIKE NEW -- 51 $1275. Phone 5-443). 140¢) REBUILT KNEE ACTION, "34-'3b | Chev. and Pontiac. Retail nc sale. Immediate installation livery. Morey's Garage, Verdun and Glidden. Dial 35-4332. (June23) '41 CHEV. RED CONVERTIBLE, white walls, heater, radio. Phone 3-8656, | 568 Front St. 137d) | "48 CHEV. '4.TON PANEL, PERFECT | condition, new paint job, new and overhauled. Cheap for quick sdle. Apply Art's Grill, 102 William East. 1390) SEDAN, _ Dial 5:4259. (13h) 33--Automobiles Wanted '48 CHEV. DELUXE good condition. Must sell. '41-51 CARS BRING MORE C ASH FOR 300 Park Road | ty IL LADY'S BICYCLE. | basinet; tion. | | you at Dodd's Car Lot, 8S. Dial 3-9421. LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS. Want cars for wrecking, highest prices | paid. Dial 5-0533 or 3-2924. (July™ Out-of-Town Buyer will be at BOWER'S SERVICE STATION on WEDNESDAY, JUNE From 12-7 p.m. Highest Prices Paid For Good Clean Cars (Mon., Tues. .tf) RITSON MOTORS Pays Highest Prices For good, clean used cars '46 to '52 Models 17 506 Ritson Rd. S. 3-4851. Open Evenings Till 9 CASH For Your Car | Dial BOLD) Belmont Motors 137 King West DIAL 5-0732 July?) USED CAR BUYER NEW | motor and body perfect, | 137) | will be at GET YOUR FRONT END ALIGN: | ment wheel balancing at Moring's Gar- age, 1084 Simcoe St. North. 42-4 DIA MOTORCYCLE, GOOD bit Why extras, $225. Phone 353-4918, (138¢) 50 DODGE. 'SEDAN, | RADIO, HEATER, four new tires, very good condition. Apply 13 John St. PHONE TED CAMPIN FOR used cars or trucks at Cliff tors. Dial 3-4634. BOB MOOR and trucks. Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Dial 3-2256. (June2u) ATTENTION 'CAR BU BUYERS A AND SE LL ers--Buying a new car or selling your old one let us save you money on financing and insurance. NEW OR Mills Mo. (Junel3 NEW (July) '30 FORD--MODEL A, (Junio) | (138¢c) | / AND USED CARS | PHONE 51916, | Bob Calder's Service Station Cor. King and Ritson Rd. Thursday, June 18 3to7 p.m. Phone 3-7863. | Only exceptionally choice cars considered. (13%) | | 35 PLYMOUTH SEDAN GOOD brakes, tires and motor, $95 or trade for what have you. Phone 5-4020 after 6. (139¢) DELUXE PONTIAC SEDAN, BL. ACK, air-conditioning, heater. Direc- tional lights, $1,700. Dial 5-1976, after 6 p.m, (140b) | 50 PONTIAC COACH, LOW MILEAGE, underseat heater, General Motors radio, | "51 Engiion Springer champion parents. Mar nels, Reg., Boulter, Ont. (Tues, July28) COCKER & SPANIEL ALSO | BOARD. ing, trimming, bathing, defleaing. Wau- | bena Kennels. new highway near Drive- | In Theatre. (Junel) | other ies, diti Apply | 23 Gladstone. (140¢) '47 MERCURY SEDAN, LOADED WITH extras including radio, 4 new tires. This car is perfect throughout, 50 down payment. Take over payments, Dial 5-1724. '31 CHEV. SEDAN, GOOD CONDI- tion, 4 new tires, recent motor job. Ap- | ply 236 Beatty Ave., after 5. (140¢) | "8 PON AC SEDANGTTE, built radio 'and heater, all-round good condition. Would accept older model as part payment. Dial 3-2042, (140b, "52 CHEV. COACH, RADIO, "ON- AIR- -CON- ditioner, slip covers, extras; private. Dial 3-4473, (140b) 34 OLDS. COACH? _ Soop « _CONDI- tion, $75. Apply 464 Richmo (140¢) 49 MONARCH SEDAN, MM AAP E, new Atlas tires, and tubes 4 (140d) | { | (138¢c) "CUSTOM. | | REGISTERED PUPP) SAMOYEDS, | | Daschunds, Labrador retrievers. Board. ing and 'trimming. Knowlion's Kennels 1 Dial 3-8932. (Junet) | Gi oD HOMES WANTED FOR KITTENS part Persian. Dial 5.3604, 895 King E. [30 1 ROP BARRE D ROCK COCKERELS. 11 weeks old. Dial 3-259 REGISTERED CHINCHILLAS FOR SALE With a 30-day money-back guarantee, Write, phone or visit Leonard's Chinchilla Ranch RR 1, Oshawa - Phone 3-4452 (July8) 37--Farmers' Column ing, window washers, ali or good family ear, Terma arranged if neces- Ik 3 (13%) FOR SALE --- 23 ACRES OF TIMOTHY hay, in the field. Phone 2558 Whithy. ~37--Farmers' Column FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE JOHNNIE | Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used | (Juni9) hole dress rubber | ---- VERY | 40a) | DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP | promptly. Phone collect Bowmanville 2679 Also live horses. Margwill Fur Farm Tyrone. (June2s) 18 WEANED YORKSHIRE PIGS FOR | sale. Dial 5-6007, (139¢) | 38--Wearing Apparel CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. SIZE 8 - 12. ladies dresses, size 16 - 18: ladies' grey suit, size 241%; Dresses, size 241%, new Phone Whitby 2152. (140a) | BRIDESMAIDS DRESS AND HEAD- si 11, mauve rayon net and un once, will sell for half | price. Phone 3-4201. t | YOUNG MAN'S SUIT, | waist 28", 1 5-2608, H | 39--Articles For Sale taffe NAVY BLUE, perfect condition, $15, Dial | (1402) | GOOD CONDI- ! Apply 22 (140¢) GIRL'S CCM BICYCLE. tion: also Quebec Heater. | Bruce St. COMPLETE a2 serve grocery, meat counter, Cash Register, slicer and scales. 3-7984. SELF- National | Phone (140b) LARGE RUG, FLOOR LAMP, RECORD | player, electric kettle and drapes, all | in good condition. Dial 5- 2737. (1402) | CCM; BABY'S in excellent condi Phone (140a) lamps. All Reasonable for quick sale. Whitby 2152. | A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash | ers. Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. Dial 35-1179. (Jun RECONDITIONED RADIO, VICTOR cabinet model, long and short-wave, un- usually fine tone, in perfect condition. $60. Terms: $10 down and $7 per month, Meagher's, 5 King West. (140¢) WILTON GREY TONE.ON-TONE_RUG, 9 x 12, 4 months old. Sacrifice. Dial 5- | | 3108. (140) DINETTE SET. APPLY 101 PATRICIA. | (140c) | NORGE FRIG. 9% CU. FEET, LIKE | | new, value $415. Cash sale $250, or ex- | change for T.V. 310 Elgin St. E., Apt. 4. after 7 p.m. (140¢) SCREENS MADE TO ORDER. FREE estimates. Dial 5-2315. (June20) ONE THOUSAND RECORDS, BRAND new, both 45 and 78 R.P.M. clearing at | w 3 for $1. Meaghers, 5 King St . (July12) | COMIC BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS. | | magazines, sold or exchanged. Kings. | way Book Exchange, 561 King St. W Open every evening. (Jun20) | ORNAMENTAL PORCH [RON RAIL | ings, free estimate. Air Shade Aluminum Awnings of Oshawa, 110 Verdun Road. Dial 5-4332. (Julyd) REWOVEN FROM YOUR oLD | RU rugs and clothing. Reversible and seam less broadcloth, any size to 13 feet wide | without a seam, any length. Solids, | tone-on-tunes and pattecas. For informa- | tion dial 51553, Continental Rug Co, Ltd. (Junel9) | 2 RAL ELECTRIC FEATHER- | | weight iron, General Electric portable | | radio, like new; % length fur coat, black Persian paw, size 14. Dial, 5-5251. (138c) | | HEAVY DUTY RANGETTE, GRAHAM. | etle, oven control, perfect condition, us-! i ed one year, Apply 56 Tudo St., Ajax. (138¢) | FLAGSTONE FOR SIDEWALKS, PAT | s, dry walls and driveways. Dial 3- 5 (138¢c) | RE - CHROME BUMPERS, GRILLS, vith "Bumper Re-Nu!" Not a | paint or polish. Just like cnrome, Lasi! | year's! Send $1.98 or COL, Fernlor, 772 | | King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers | wanted.) (Mayl16if) | | i { CLEANERS, NEW AND | used. See now. No obligation. June Sale. | | Call Filter Queen, Oshawa 3-7938. \ (140d) BONNET HAIR DRYER, SHAMPOO | | tray, good condition. Dial 3-8125. | (140¢) | RA- . Used (140¢) | | VACUUM | WESTINGHOUSE COMBINATION | dio and record player, 17" T.V two months. Dial 5-4901 after 6. | LAWN MOWER; /| FOLDING COUCH | and matress: gas stove: walnut ward- | robe; new pressure cooker; amplifier { Price reasonable, Apply 195 Roxbor- { ough. (140¢) | | COOK STOVE WITH OIL BU RS | | and two oil barrels. Rangette, gest of- er. Phone Ajax 670. (140c) | NEW EUREKA CANNISPER TYPE, vacuum cleaner, very werful, com- plete with all attachrnents, $99.95 { Terms: $10 down and $7 per month. | Meagher's, J King West. (Julylé) VENETIAN BUINDS Beautify your home with our Super Close Top model. Can- ada's finest. All flexo vene- tian blinds. Free plastic tapes available. Free estimates and no obligations. Square foot, 57c. Allen's Venetian Sales DIAL 3-9662 or 598 KING E. (Junels) "CLIMATITE" Aluminum combination windows and screens ""Maloney" Aluminum Combination doors, .$59.50. Low Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER Dial 3-8924 | nearly | ROLLAWAY BOAT TRAILER 30 x 3'4 TIRES, new. Can convert to box. Price (1390) GOOD CONDITION, a3se) $40. Dial 3-8235. DAYTON SCALES, Dial 35-1953. USED METAL ICE BOXES, 50 AND 75-1b. capacity. Used 3-piece chester: field suites, studio suites, and single davenos, 3-piece natural kitchen suites. All in good condition. Ruther- ford's, 136 Simcoe South, (134t5) B. F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, baticries, Hot;oint and Addison appli- ances, 'elevision. Thrifty budget plan. Dial 5-4343. (Jun2?) SUNBEAM SHAVE MASTERS AND spare parts for same. Cutting cords, etc. Meagher"s, 5 King St. West. (Jun2s) MATTRESS, (138¢) COT. AND never used, $23. Phone 5-4843. ALSO MAN'S BI- | also | heads, | | | | | | | BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR TRAIN- ing, talking strain, all colors. 114 Elgin East. [hal 3.9767. (Jun20) VENETIAN ELINDS--THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling develop rient in venetian blind history. Flat tened S-shaped slats give better and more graceful enclosure. We are sue these blinds will mot only satisfy but créate enthusizsm. Estimates without obligations. George Reid. Dial 5.0633 66 Bond St. West. (Junei2) AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. Lovely patterns, gay stripes, solid co) ors Can accept a few more orders for early' deliver;. Free estimatés Folding chairs, card and banquet tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Junels) LARGE QUANTITY OF FILL AND clean black loam. Cheap; also sand, el and cinders. Phone 35-4274. yy : Jy9) grave Frigidaire, Coca-Cola Cabinet, Heintz soup kitchen with 2 electric cups, complete, coffee maker, re- Cory 3-burner, I NEED TWO MEN WITH CARS. FU Ll or part-time to Watkins producis. Fone 3-2352, or 244 Tresame St. (June20) YOUNG MAN TO COMPILE INSURe ance reports. Car an asset but not ese sential. Good remuneration. Apply P.O, Eox 52, Station Ave., Toronto, 136) BOYS To sell refreshments on commission basis. Apply Oshawa Motor Raceway 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. (140e) CORONET T.V. CORP Is accepting applications for representatives to work out of their Oshawa store. Resident agents also required for Whit- by, Bowmanville and Cobourg. ceptacles Milk shake machine with 6 cups. 18 cu. ft double door refrig- erator (Frigiddire). complete. All equip- ment listed like new. MEAGHER'S ELECTRIC 92 SIMCOE NORTH (132t6) BROADLOOM REMNANTS Disposal of distress slock: savings up to G09 and more. All room sizes and colors. Terms arranged. Epecialist in wall-to-wall installation in wide widths. For appointment call TORONTO MAyfair 0950 Collect (July4) SCOTT'S RBCORD BAR and GIFT SHOP SIMCOE. STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 111 (Junelld) | 39e--Fuyel Wood SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTH, $3 single cord; hardwood slabs, $6.50 sin- #8 Sone. Also body hardwood. Dial July) | HIGHEST COMMISSIONS PAID LEADS SUPPLIED MEDICAL BENEFITS OPPORTUNITIES FOR AD- VANCEMENT TO MAN- GERIALS POSITIONS UN- LIMITED MEN ACCEPTED MUST BE ABLE TO MAKE MINI- MUM OF $150.00 PER WEEK : CAR ESSENTIAL TRAINING GIVEN FREE Apply in person to MR. R. B. CAMERON 74 CELINA ST. (Junel1,12,13,16,17,18,19) | 44--Male or Female | Help TEACHER WANTED, MALE OR FE. male. for part-time duties, avproxi- mately three afternoons weekly. Duties to commence in September, qualifica- tions to teach Grade 8 preferred. State | salary, ete. A. W. Tyas, Secretary, 8.8. 3 West, R.R. 3. Pickering. (June9,10,16, 17, 23,24) 45--Agents Wanted ATTENTION ALL SALESMEN IN OSHAWA AND WITHIN A 50-MILE RADIUS New discovery -- Amazing SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Exterior $2.30 qt; $7.45 gal. OSHAWA PAINT AND WALLPAPER Your Almatex Store 315 SIMCOE S. DIAL 3-2472 (Tues, Wed, FriJun20t) Outboard motér, rental and sales. MARINE ENTERPRISES 110 Verdun Rd, DIAL 3-3553 If no answer DIAL 5-4332 (July12) | HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS, for furmpce, range or jacket heater, $5 or $3 lots, delivered. Dial 3-7391. Jute29) CHOICE BODY HARDWOOD, MAPLE hard and soft slabs delivered. Phones 37R33 Bethany, or 52R12 Blackstock. 41--Articles Wanted COND U:ED FURNITURE WANTED, dressers, slovess Heafers, kitchen sets Crysler Furnityre, 3 King West. Dial 5-012. (June23) (Junel6) | od 1 fay Terrific savings for of- fices, stores, factories, institutions, etc. Assured repeats exclusive territories, No special training ne- cessary--Sure-fire sales presenta- tions sell 4 out 5 calls. Immediate Earnings--Hundreds eof dollars a | week--every week, nonseasonal! No Invesment. Complete sales kit, 'full instructions and plenty of samples and demonstrators absolutely free. Write today: HI-TEST CORPORATION, HAMILTON, ONT. €138¢c) PIANOS. CASH FOR o YOUR NANO 9 | 46--Employment Wanted now. Wilson & Lee, 35-2832. (June2l tresses. Dial I. Turner. North Oshawa, 3-2043 col'ect, AWNINGS Canvas awnings, 40 patterns to choose from. Ten days delivery. Free Estimates DIAL 5-5563 BARRIE TENT & AWNING COMPANY . (June$) SCRAP WOOD FOR SALE $5 per truck load; also cedar posts, 8 ft, to 16 ft. in length DIAL 3-7333 M. GREENBERG & SONS 308 BLOOR ST. EAST (Junel3tf) | "DON'T BUY A SEWING MACHINE Unless yon get the right one. We carry the largest selection in new and reconditioned Sewing Machines. From $20 up. Easy toms -- po interest charges. COMMUNITY SEWING CENTER Dial 3-2548 July?) SHAW RAG and METAL Highest prices paid for scrap iron, metal, rags, batteries, mattresses, etc. Factory accounts appreciated. 166 ALMA ST. Dial 5-2311 -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-92111 CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paid for Iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Local and out-of-town calls pick up free. 100 Annis St. east of CNR Station, Dial 5-3432. Residence dial 5-4159, (Junel5) 42--Female Help Wanted GIRLS OVER 20 FOR EGG GRADING station candling, packing, cleaning. Ref- erences. Apply in pérson to Geo. E. Scott, Poultry Farm. (140a) EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, GOOD | { hours, good wages. Apply the Rose Bowl, 24 Bond St. West. . (138¢) STENOGRAPHER---MUST BE EXPERI- enced and thoroughly competent. Per- it commensurate with H. MOSIER Sheet Metal Authorized Dealer Imperial Oil Esso Oil Burners Garwood Temperered Air Units Williams Oil-O-Matic Oil Units Anthes Imperial and New Idea Furnaces Sales and Service. CHURCH DIAL 35-2734 (June5tf) 21] FOR 'SALE 2 kitchen sinks, 1 bathroom washbowl, | bathtub, 2 toilets, double cut glass door, 6 in- side doors, 2 small kitchen sink, cupboards, fireplace, man- tle, overhead kitchen cupboard, 3 doors, 3 drawers, 2 come- apart closets, milk box, medi- cine cabinet, linoleum and in- laid, 24 shutters, assorted light fixtures, The following are in excellent condition -- for sale only be- cause they do not match mod- ernistic interior. 2 mahogany end tables, ma- hogany bookcase, 3-piece ma- hogany nest of tables, 1 wal- nut drum table, 3 livingroom chairs (one antique). Apply 172 KING ST. EAST, SIDE ENTRANCE, APT. 3 BETWEEN 7 AND 9 P.M. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AND 2 AND 6 SATURDAY (139¢) ELNA THE MIRACLE SEWING MACHINE With many special features. Exclusive Free Arm Forward and reverse stitch, Darns,' mends, embroiders, etc. Modern in design with built-in sewing light, knee control lever. 'I nere - Elna. Sold exclusively in Oshawa by MEAGHERS' 5 KING W. DIAL is' only one genuine 3.342% Salary capability, 5-day week. Write Box 2h ( Times-Gazette. % WARD MAIDS, 7:30 TO %30, ONE ward aid 3 to 11. Apply Mrs. Morgan, housekeeper, Oshawa General Hospital, 138tf) SALESLADIES -- THOROUGHLY perienced on dressés and coats. Good m. daily. Suss-Mans Dept. Store, 42 King St. West: GIRL, FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK or as mother's helper, live-in preferred. New home, Rossland Rd. area. 3-8844. 2 GIRLS_DINING ROOM AND COF- fee bar. Phone Brooklin 80. (140¢) SALESLADIES full part-time. Apply in person Must be experienced, or FOX'S LADIE'S WEAR (140b) ATTENTION SALESLADIES! Here is an opportunity for you ladies to turn your spare hours into cash. Our company re- quires several young ladies, who like to get out and meet people, for a position that is pleasant and profitable. Act now, For further information write Box 328, Times-Gazette. (J16,18) Young girl or lady required for purchasing dept. rapidly- expanding: manufacturer. Pre- vious experience in this type of work not required but must have office experience. Trans- portation to or from sur- rounding district can be ar- ranged. Group insurance bene- fits, 5-day week. Apply Stark Electronic Instruments Ltd., Ont, in Ajax, (140) 43--Male Help Wanted RELIABLE SERVICE STATION AT- tendant, preferable with some exper- isnee, Hiohaet wacee natd for right man i nl I A. Ls WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEATH | ers, scrap iron, metal, rags and mat | (Junel2) | (July6) | EX- | wages. Apply in person beiween 2 and | 4 (140c) | Dial i (140¢) YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE HOUSE- work by the day. Dial 5-2009, from 6-7, bt 40a) 5" AN 5007, R (July16) | DRAFTSMAN DESIRES POSITION, | Experienced, junior matric, presently | employed. Ambitious, Write Box 327, Times-Gazette. (140¢) WATER WELLS DRILLED, 6", 4" casing, $5 per ft. Phone 5- PRACTICAL NURSE--DIAL 3879. (1402) BAILING DONE. SPRING Dial 5-406. July) MAE'S CLOTHING REPAIRS, DARN- ing, patching. zippers, button holes, paat cuffs, shirt collars turned or remade. Dial 3-4810. Guy) RELIABLE WOMAN WILL DO 'WA H- ing anl ironing. at home. Pick-up and deliver." Dial 3 870) _ (Junesd) HANDYMAN REQUIRES WORK NEAR Oshawa or loronto. Anything considereq, carpentry, building, caretaking, garden- ing, etc. Good worker. Write Box 318, Times-Gazette. (138¢) 47--Legal Notices | TENDERS WANTED | For fuel oil during the coming year for the Oshawa Public Library=--approximately 4,000 | gallons, Lowest or any tender | not necessarily accepted. | OSHAWA PUBLIC LIBRARY | BOARD. | CUSTOM tooth harrows for sale. f ass) "The trustees of Eldad Church, Solina, are of- fering a frame shed, 50 x 60, for sale by tender. A. L. Pascoe, chairman, Hampton. (Junell.16) | | Claims Rush For Uranium MANIWAKI, Que. (CP)--Uran- ium fever is running high in this | Gatineau valley area about 90 {miles north of Ottawa. | Hundreds of prospectors are | swarming over the bushland, to | stake ~ut claims in the hope of a | rich radioactive ore strike. Two big "breaks" were reported, one running north of Wakefield, about 60 miles south of Maniwaki, and the other in the Lake Baska- tong area, about 30 .miles north of here. The commercial "breaks" ha. not lished. / : At Ottawa, a government official said: "Uranium is being discovered all over the country. But it is only when the claim proves its commer- cial value and production begins that the discovery becomes worth- while." Fishy Story CRANBROOK, B.C. (CP)--The 400,000 baby trout in the fish hatchery here are losing no time in starting tall tales. Siamese-twin fish, and a headed trout appeared on scene Monday, The Siamese twins, now free. swimming but still living on rem- nants of their egg-sac, appear frisky. They swim one at a time with the other obviously deade oF RP 8 x value of the yet been estab two- the