Daily Times-Gazette, 13 Jun 1953, p. 21

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Discover For Yourself The Value Of Times Ads. Be Sure To Call 3-2233 Now! This Low Cost Ad Brought Good Results For Mrs. C-And Rented Her Room The Second Night! THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Saturday, June 13, 1953 24 >= FURNISHED BEDROOM, able for 1 gentleman, very central. 3. pi , SUITABLE Dial (1286) 32--Automobiles For Sale 37--Farmers' Column | "42 CHEV. SEDAN, trade for later model, Good condition. Dial §-2589. (136¢) "47 BUICK CONVERTIBLE SPOT- t, radio, underseat heater. Apply 173 Bloor E., after 5 (136¢) "46 PONTIAC, EXCELLENT -CONDI- tion, bargain price. Apply 88 Simcoe St. South, Apt. 2, after (136¢. '30 CHEV. COACH, RADIO AND HEAT- condition. Dial 3-8764. (137b) R A SQUARE DEAL SEE JOHNNIE Walker, Bramley Motors. New and used cars. Dial 3-4675; evenings 5-35706. (Junel5) TO SELL OR Ci ) [LARGE BLACK WESTERN STOCK TRACTOR; 3-FURRROW plow; rubber-tired wagon; 8-ft tandem . All going for half price. Dial 3-3807. (1338) DEAD FARM STOCK, promptly. 2679 Also live horses. Farm, Tyrone. PICKED UP Margwill Fur (June28) saddle equiped with hand tooled mat- ching sagdie bags, bridle and saddle pest a e or k 650 King East. (137b) FOR SALE -- 23 ACRES OF TIMOTHY hay, in the field. Phone 2555 Whitby. (138¢) SEE "BILL" BENNETT FOR A NEW or quality used car, at Belmont Mo- tors, 137 King West. Phone 35-0732. (Jun19) NE TED CAMPIN FOR NEW OR Fae cars or trucks at Cliff Mills Mo- tors. Dial 3-4634. (Junel3) BOB MOORE, NEW AND USED CARS and trucks. Ontario Motor Sales Lid. Dial 3-2256. (June28) UILT KNEE ACTION *34-°38 nv. and Pontiac. Retail and whole- sale. Immediate installation or delivery. Morey's Garage, Verdun ang Gliddon. Dial 5-4332. (June23) '50 CHEV. SECAN DELIVERY, LIGH1 blue, very good condition. Priced right. "Stew" Newcastle 2871. asap '34 CHEV., GOOD CONDITION throughout, $145.00. Apply 1024 Brock South, Whitby. Phone 446 Whitby. (136¢) '48 CHEV. SEDAN. NEW PAINT JOB, y 38--Wearing Apparel BRIDESMAIDS DRESS AND HEAD- dress, size 11, mauve rayon net and taffeta. Worn once, will sell for half price. Phone 3-4201, (138¢) 39--Articles For Sale USED METAL ICE BOXES, 50 AND 75-1b. capacity. Used 3-piece chester- field suites, studio suites, and single natural kitchen 5 good condition. Ruther- ford's, 136 Simcoe South, : (1346) BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR TRAIN: ing. talking strain, all colors. 114 Elgin East. Dial 3.9767. (Jun20) VENEITAN BLINDS--THE ADVANCED Kirsch type. The most startling develop- rient in venctian blind history. Fiat- tencd S-shaped Phone collect Bowmanville | slats give better ang more graceful enclosure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create husi Estimat. without | white = wall tires, motor c¢ overhauled, body A-1 shape. Terms a4, ranged. Phone 3-4464. ie ------------------ A *50 PONTIAC COACH, LOW MILEAGE, radio. heater, spare tire never used. Apply 303 Mary Street. (136¢) *37 CHEV. COACH, hauled, reasonable. Nassau St. *$1 CHEV. SEDAN, $1,495, ditioned heater, excellent Phone Whitby *39 WILLEY'S COACH, IN GOOD CON- dition. Dial 3-8949, (137b) '41 CHEV. RED CONVERTIBLE, white walis, heater, radio. Phone 3-8656, 568 Front St. (137d) ------------------------------e-- "41 PLYMOUTH CUSTOM. THIS CAR is in perfect condition, $230 and take over payments. Dial 3-2413. (138a) '4 STUDEBAKER FAIRLY GOOD condition, Will sell cheap. Burk. NEWLY OVER. Dial , 99 (1370) AIR CON- condition. (137b) Apply 145 (137b) '39 BUICK -- PHONE 3-7122, . (136¢) '36 CHEV., MOTOR JOB, NICE AP- pearance, economical to run. White metal Monarch ice-box, 75-b., excellent condition. Dial 3-3632. (136¢) (136¢) | obligations. George Reid. Dial 5-0633 66 Bond St. West. (Junei2) |AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. Lovely patlerns, gay stripes, solid col- | ors Can accept a few more orders for | early deliver;. Free estimates Folding chairs, card and banquet tables for rent. Cleve Fox, Oshawa. (Juneld) BOAT, 11-FT. CLASS A AND B t 1 with wheel ape. | ic) | | | x and crash throttle. Excellent sh Apply 83 Ritson South. (1364 TENT 77 x 7--3-CAMP COTS, CAMP stove, small Quebec ceok stove.. Dial 5-6324. 7b) QUANTITY OF COLORED ASSORT- ed shells, suitable for shellcraft. Phone 5-0838. (137b) | GREEN BROADLOOM RUG 6%' x 9, | | | and pad, combination radio table model, | | chrome extension table and 2 chairs, 5- piece wicker set, odd cutlery, ideal for | cottage, Apply 341 Division St. (137p) LARGE QUANTITY OF FILL AND | clean black loam. Cheap; - also sand, gravel and cinders. Phone 5-4274. Jly9 WICKER SETTEE AND MATCHING chair, wonderful for cottage, Dial 5-2262, after 6. (137b) | ) S53 PONTIAC SEDAN DELIVERY, IN rfect condition, used only as a car. ould consider good late model, Chev. or Pontiac, as trade. Dial 3-3164. (136c) 33---Automobiles Wanted "41°51 CARS BRING MORE CASH FOR you at Dodd's Car Lot, 300 Park Road 8. Dial 3-9421. Jy) LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS. Want cars for wrecking, highest prices paid. Dial 50533 or 3-2924. HAVE $300 CASH, WHAT HAVE YOU | to offer in a used car? no dealers. Dial : 3-9015. (Jun12,13,17) RITSON MOTORS Pays Highest Prices For good, clean used cars '46 to '52 Models 506 Ritson Rd. S. 3-4851. Open Evenings Tih 9 Dial (800) CASH For Your Car Belmont Motors 137 King West DIAL 5-0732 (July "SELLING YOUR CAR? For quick sale place your car with us. All cars insured. We handle all financing. You are paid in cash. For further information DIAL 3-4851 Open till 9:30 p.m. 137) 36--Pets and Livestock OVELY COLLIE PUPPIES AND grown stock from fine championship blood lines. Loch Ranoch Collie Kennels, 1000 Byron South, Whitby, (136d) COCKER SPANIELS, ing, tr bathing, bena Kennels, new highway near Drive- In Theatre. (Junel) NEGISTERED PUPPIES, SAMOYEDS, Daschunds, Labracor retrievers. Board: ing and trimming. Knowlton's Kennels. Dial 3-8032. GOOD HOMES WANTED FOR KITTENS ~~part Persian. Dial 5-3604. 805 King E. (138¢) WANTED TO BUY, TOY TERRIER OR fox terrier pup, male. Dial 3.8038. (138b) ALSO BOARD: def! Wau- REGISTERED CHINCHILLAS FOR SALE With a 30-day money-back guarantee. Write, phone or visit Leonard's Chinchilla Ranch RR 1, Oshawa - Phone 3-4452 (July6) --- Don't miss out on these special prices for day old and started heavy breed pullets, Approved ond R.O.P. Sired. These low prices made possible by tre- mendous demand for cockerels, Standard Quality all popular breeds $14.95 per hundred, assorted breeds $13.95 per hundred. Money Maker Quality add $1.00, Extra Profit add $2.00, Special Mating add $2.00 per hundred. Started Pullets 2 weeks old add $11.00, 3 week old add $17.00 per hundred. . Special price on 4 week old heavy breed pullets $35.95, 5 week old $40.95 per hundred. C.0.D. anywhere. Also non- sexed and cockerel chicks ot cImpetitive prices. Turkey p-ui.s popular breeds. TWEEDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LIMITED FERGUS, ONTARIO (138m) July?) | | (Juneé) | GREY TONE ON TONE BROADLOOM | rug, size 7° x 9', pad included, new con- | dition, Dial 3-2163. (137) | 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, ALSO TRI- light floor lamp, in good condition. Dial | Syf657, (138a) | ROLLAWAY COT AND MATTRESS, never used, $25. Phone 5-4843. (138¢c) 16-H.P. JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR, and utility boat with steering wheel, etc. $295 complete or will sell separate- ly. 366 Division St. (136¢) Outboard motor, rental ond sales. MARINE ENTERPRISES 110 Verdun Rd. DIAL 3-3553 If no answer DIAL 5-4332 (Julyl2) AWNINGS Canvas awnings, 40 patterns to choose from. Ten days delivery. Free Estimates DIAL 5-5563 BARRIE TENT & AWNING COMPANY (June8) SCRAP WOOD FOR SALE $5 per truck load; also cedar posts, 8 ft, to 16 ft. in length DIAL 3-7333 M. GREENBERG & SONS = 308 BLOOR ST, EAST (Junel3th) "{ 'DON'T BUY A SEWING MACHINE Unless you get the right one. We carry the largest: selection in new and reconditioned Sewing Machines. From $20 up. Fasy terms -- no interest charges. COMMUNITY SEWING CENTER Dial 3-2548 (July?) Frigidaire, Coca-Cola Cabinet, Heintz soup kitchen with 2 electric cups, complete. Cory re- Milk shake machine with 6 cups. coffee maker, 3-burner, ceptacles complete. 18 cu. ft double door refrig- erator (Frigidaire). ment listed like new. MEAGHER'S ELECTRIC 92 SIMCOE NORTH 13a All equip- H. MOSIER Sheet Metal Authorized Dealer Imperial Oil Esso Oil Burners Garwood Temperered Air Units Williams Qil-O-Matic Oil Units Anthes Imperial and New ldea Furnaces Sales and Service 2) CHURCH : DIAL 5-2734 (Junesth) BROADLOOM REMNANTS Disposal of distress stock: savings up to 60% and more. All room sizes and colors. Terms arranged. Specialist in wall-to-wall installation in wide widths. Foc appointment call TORONTO MAyfair 0950 Collect July) SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT. SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Junel3) ESSO OIL BURNER Installed complete with 200- gal. tank. 3 yrs. to pay at fess than $10 per month. OIL CONTRACT SUPPLIED 21 CHURCH ST. DIAL 5-2734 (Fri, Satth) | priced. | GREY riage. high chair. Dial 53423. | ete. | WESTINGHOUSE | mixer with juicer and re | evenings. LARGE SCREEN DOOR, dog. | swing, | other articles. Dial 5-2364. GENERAL ELECTRIC FEATHER- | North. | CAR RADIO, GOOD CONDITION. DIAL | | 51203. | RE - CHROME | paint or | year's: SALLY'S SALLIES -- Copr. 1933, King Features Syndicate, Inc, World rights reserved IA "Mother is going with us--you sional chaperon." might say--as a sort of profes- 39--Articles For Sale | 39--Articles For Sale B. F. GOODRICH STORES, TIRES, | batteries. Hotroint and Addison appli- ances, 'elevision. Thrifty budget plan. Dial 5-4543, (Jun27) WASHING MACHINE, WHITE ENA- mel, good condition. Dial 5-6366. (137) FRENCH DOORS 64" x 7° OPENING, Phone 3-2322. (137b) | SUNBEAM SHAVE MASTERS AND spare parts for same. Cutting heads, | cords, etc. Meagher's, 5 King St. West. | (Jun28) MODERN FRIGIDAIRE MAKE, POP | cooler, complete with motor. Dial 5-4006. | (136¢) HARDY MUM PLANTS, 10c AND 15c, different colors, dwarf and tall, buiton- hole and large flower type. 80 Rossland Rd, West. (136¢) | and Simcoe. | ONE THOUSAND RECORDS, BRAND | few, both 45 and 78 R.P.M. clearing at 3 for $1. Meaghers, 5 King St. W. | (July12) CRATES, 4c | 12 NEW STRAWBERRY each, Dial 5-0891. circular saw | 155 Church St., | (137b) |} plow and cultivator, 2l-in. on frame. N. Tkatch, Bowmanville. cultivator, good condition. Apply Don Robinson's Imperial Oil Station, Bruce | (136¢) 10-H.P. MERCURY LIGHTNING OUT- board motor. Phone 5-0870. (136¢) 3-448). 453 Louisa St. (136b) MAN'S CCM BICYCLE: ALSO LAWN. mower. Both in good condition. Apply 303 Mary Street. (136¢) COMIC BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, magazines, sold or exchanged. Kings- way Book Exchange, 561 King St. W. Open every evening. (Jun20) A COMPLETE STOCK OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of wash ers. Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N. | Dial 5-1179. (Juns) BICYCLES, USED LADIES' AND men's. Good condition. B. F. Goodrich 43. Store. Dial 5- (136¢) wall tires and tubes, also 2 mud and snow. B. F. Goodrich. Dial 5-4543. (136¢) ; "RADIOS AND RECORD | $35 up. Apply B. F.| (136¢) CONDITION. (1370) CONSOLE players, used, Goodrich. Dial 5-4543. RANGETTE, GOOD Apply 842 Mary St. '52 14 H.P. EVENRUDE OUTBOARD | motor. Excellent condition. Reasonably | Dial 5-6209. (1370) | \ SS CONVERTIBLE BABY CAR- (136¢) 2 TIRES, TUBES AND RIMS, 6-70x15", like new. Dial 3-2596. (136¢c) WRECKING BUILDING 2006 "OLD Hart House", Ajax, Harwood Ave., be- side Bank of Montreal. Lumber of all kinds, 2 x 10, 2 x 12, 2 x 4, sheathing, plywood, hardwood flooring, heavy tim- bers, doors, windows, radiators, pipe, Salesman on job. Cross Country phone 27 Ajax. (136¢) ORNAMENTAL PORCH IRON RAIL- ings, free estimate. Air Shade Aluminum | Awnings of Oshawa, 110 Verdun Road. Dial 5-4332 (July3) REFRIGERATOR, ELECTRIC STOVE, washing machine. Dial 3-4521, (137b) ELECTRIC cipe boo Wrecking, Ajax, FOOD k. Al- (137¢) most new, $41. Dial 3-8080 WHITE ENAMEL COOK STOVE, SI- lent Glow burners, reasonable. Dial 137b) | RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR OLD | | rugs and clothing. Heversible and seam- less broadcloth, any size to 13 feet wide a seam, any length. Solids, tone-on-tones and patterns. For inform tion dial 51553, Continental Rug Co., Lid. (Junel9) PIANO, GARRARD HEINTZMAN ,GOOD tone, original owner, $40. Phone 5-0219 | (137b) UNIVERSAL FHILCO CAR RADIO with aerial, like new; Perfection 3- | burner coal oil stove. Dial 5-4369. (138b) | | HARDWOOD ORDER YOUR SASH, DOORS, frames, also lumber from T. H. Dancey, Whitby Woodworking, 310 Chestnut East, Whitby. (Julyd) | | ICE BOXES, ALL SIZES, GOOD CON: | | dition, Make an offer. B. F. Goodrich | 453 Simcoe S. Dial 5-4543. | (Jun27) | DUMP BOX AND HOIST, FOUR | wheel trailer, large oil and septic tanks, | angle iron. Dial 3-7088. (Jun23) 39a--Fuel Wood SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTH, $5 single cord; hardwood slabs, $6.30 sin- gle cord. Also body hardwood. Dial 5-2490. (July6) FACTORY CUTTINGS, for furnace, range or jacket heater, 35 or $3 lots, delivered. Dial 3-7391. (Jure29) CHOICE BODY HARDWOOD, MAPLE hard and soft slabs delivered. Phones 37R33 Bethany, or 52R12 Blackstock. (Junel6) Store, 41--Articles Wanted WANTED TO BUY OR RENT A TENT, approximately 8 x 9 by July 10th. Dial 3- 3545. (138a) WANTED -- 2 SINGLE BEDS WITH spring and mattress, in good condition. | Dial 5-5922. (138a) | COOD USED FURNITURE WANTED, | dressers, stoves, heaters, Kitchen sets. | Crysler Furniture, 56 King West. Dial 5-0132. (June23) PIANOS, CASH FOR YOUR PIANO | now. 'Wilson & Lee, 79 Simcoe N. Dial 35-2822 metal, Turner. rags North Oshawa, | (Junel2) ers, scrap iron, tresses. Dis I. 3-2043 collect. SHAW RAG ond METAL Highest prices paid for scrap iron, nhetal, rags, batteries, mattresses, etc. Factory accounts appreciated. 166 ALMA ST. Dial 5-2311 -- J. SHAW Res.: 3-9111 (July) | ELECTRIC | skates, small | large size roller (138b) | Dial 5-2268. plate, METAL TURNING LATHE WITH $8" 5 H.P. outboard motor, Bur-| roughs adding machine. Apply 6 Jones | Ave. (138a) | COMBINATION ELECTRIC RANGE, | slightly used, studio couch, 2 wardrobes, | bed and matiress, 2 dressers, several | (1388) weight iron, General Electric portable radio, like new; % length fur coat, black | | Persian paw, size 14. Dial 5.5251. (138¢) | eite, oven control, perfect condition, us- | ed one year. Apply 56 Tudo St., Ajax. (138¢) | | LARGE NORGE SPACE HEATER. US. | ed one winter, Philco floor model radio, short wave, like new. Corner | RA. West and Gerrard Rd. (138b) | long and Alberts (1382) | | R BANTAM | Rotovator, nearly new, cost $87.30. Sell | $55. Dial 5-2054. (138a) FLAGSTONE FOR SIDEWALKS, PAT- ios, dry walls and driveways. Dial 3- 8540. (138¢) GRILLS, | Not a Last | 772 | (Dealers | (May16tf) | BUMPERS, with "Bumper Re-Nu!" »olish. Just like chrome. i $1.98 or COD, Fernior, Ont. ete, King Wes! Hamilton, wanted.) '53 JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTOR, used oniy a few times. Phone tlarke | 2020 132tf) GOING FISHING? For earthworms, large, medium | and small. ROSS SKITCH GARAGE 83 RISTON RD. SOUTH (137b) "CLIMATITE" Aluminum combination windows and screens | ""Maloney" Aluminum Combination "doors, $59.50 | Low Cost Free Estimates TOM BARBER | Dial 3.8924 | 3-2651 or 5-5274. Clarke's Beauty Shop. | ladles wear. Apply in person and ready | to start' immediately. CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paid for Iron, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Local and out-of-town calls pick up free. 100 Annis St. east of CNR Station. Dial 5-3432. Residence dial 5-4159, (Junel$) DRAPERIES AND VENETIAN BLINDS Custom made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our rep- resentative will: call at your home anytime with a complete range of samples and sugges- tions without obligation. Free estimates within 35-mile area. Lowest prices in town FABRIC TOWN 75 SIMCOE N. DIAL 5-1611 In Bowmanville Phone 3609 (Mon, Wed,Sattf) 42--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, GOOD hours, good wages. Apply the Rose Bowl, 24 Bond St. West. (138¢) CLERK:CASHIER, WITH TYPING RE- quired, 5-day week, employee benefits available. Apply 2:4 p.m. Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. (Junin HAIRDRESSER, EXPERIENCED) DIAL (137¢) SALESLADIES FOR FRIDAY AND Saturday only, thoroughly experienced on Suss-man's Dept. | Store. 42 King St. West. (137b) WAITRESS -- GENERAL AND NURSE- mald-general at once for small sum- er resort. Birch Villa Lodge, Wilber ree, Ont. (136¢) SECRETARY WANTED -- HOURS 8:30 to 11:30, 12:30 to 5:30, 7 to 9 three nights. to8ruday mornings in doctor's office. Write Box 247, Times-Gazette. | (1346) | a} EXPERI | Per- with STENOGRAPHER--MUST BE enced and thoroughly competent. manent. Salary commensurate | capability, 5-day week. Write Box 201, Times-Garette., (1370) 42--Female Help Wanted 46--Employment Wanted WANTED--A GENERAL FOR SMALL rest home at Rouge Hills. Sleep in. Phone ATlantic 20721. + (13h) WARD MAIDS, 7:30 TO 3:30, ONE ward aid 3 to 11. Apply Mrs. Morgan, housekeeper, Oshawa General Hospital, ( ) MAE'S CLOTHING REPAIRS, DARN- ing, patching. zippers, button holes, pant cuffs, shirt collars turned or remade. Dial 3-4840. ulyl) WHITBY NEWS RELIABLE WOMAN WILL DO WASH- ing 4nl ironing at home. Pick-up and deliver. Dial 3870 (June30) 43--Male Help Wanted METAL FINISHER WITH PAINTING Steady ion, paid holi- days. Apply Service Manager, Bramley Motor Sales. ' (1370) DRIVERS WANTED neat and courteous. Apply Mid-Town Taxi, 46 King West. (1340) 1 NEED TWO MEN WITH CARS. FULL or part-time to sell Watkins products. Prone 3-2652, or 214 Tresane St. (June20) 4 FIRST-CLASS AUTOMOBILE MECHAN- ic. Highest wages paid. Apply by letter to Lawrence and Brown Sales, 15 On- tario St. Port Hope, or phone Port Hope 2159. (137¢) WANTED--MAN ABLE TO PAINT IN spare time. Phone 35-5922. (138a) MUST BE FINISHING CARPENTER DESIRES work, by job or hour. Phone Commercial Hotel, Room 23, between 5 - 7. (136¢c) HANDYMAN REQUIRES WORK NEAR Oshawa or Toronto. Anything considered, carpentry, building, caretaking, garden- ing, ete, Good worker. Write Box 318, Times-Gazette. (138¢) 47--Legal Notices TENDERS WANTED For fuel oil during the coming year for the Oshawa Public Library--approximately 4,000 gallons. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. OSHAWA PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD. (1356) YOUNG MAN TO COMPILE INSUR- ance reports. Car an. asset but not es- sential. Good remuneration. Apply P.O. Eox 52, Station Ave., Toronto. (138¢) SPECIALTY SALESMAN OR MAN willing to learn city or nearby town, farm apd factory territory. Top com- missions for orders, 1009, Canadian roof maintenance product. Well recommend- ed reputable old established manufac- turer. Full credit for repeat business. No cash invested. Home nights. Act now. Write Manager, 9915 Harvard Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. (J13,20,27) SPECIALTY SALESMEN Excellent opportunity for 3 men with young firm, We back our salesmen with good advertising. Drawing account arranged. Apply: Phone Toron- to GR. 1692 or Box 310, Times-Gazette, BOYS To sell refreshments on com-- (136¢) mission basis. Apply OSHAWA MOTOR RACEWAY 7:30 P.M, SATURDAY ( WE OFFER SECURITY, INDEPENDENCE STEADY HIGH INCCME To reliable man with car, cap- able of managing established, expanding business. Perman- ent with a future. Ex-butcher averaged $150 weekly; ex- painter averaged $110 weekly to date 1953. Training pro- vided in techniques proven in 46 years of business. New catalogue plan eliminates cold canvass and assures success. FULLER BRUSH CO. Mr, Burridge 135 August Ave., Toronto 13 Phone HO. 8055 ic) (137¢) REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We have an opening for a successful, experienced real estate salesman with initiative and neat appearance. Late model car necessary. For inter- view call our manager, M. O. Tindall, 5-0429, evenings, 5-6366, David Mclean Ltd, Realtors, 43 Bond St. W. (137¢) YOUNG MEN 20-28 Assistant Branch Managers Unusual opportunity for execu- tive career with National Finance Company. QUALIFICATIONS EDUCATION, senior matricu- lation or equivalent. PERSONALITY, impressive ap- pearance, mentally alert, abil- ity to get along with people. SALARY, $254 monthly, in- cluding car allowance. FUTURE, unlimited: Regular salary increases. Promotion de- pendent upon ability, merit in- crease at end of three months. CAR, Essential: free insurance provided. GROUP, life insurance, Thrift Club, savings plan, retirement plan. Voluntary hospitalization plan. Apply in person between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. auto Personal Finance Company of Canada, 11% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. Ph. 3-4687 (136¢) 44---Male or Female Help CLERKS WANTED---ROYAL BANK OF Canada, also junior stenographer. Please apply in person. (136¢) MEN WITH CAR WANTED TO SELL our 250 guaranteed products in pro- tected territory. Wonderful openings in your surroundings. Write for details and free catalogue. FAMILEX, 1600 De- lorimier, Dept. A., Montreal. 137¢) ATTENTION ALL SALESMEN IN OSHAWA AND WITHIN A 50-MILE RADIUS New lighting discovery -- Amazing Guarantees. Terrific savings for of- fices, stores, factories, institutions, etc. Assured repeats exclusive territories. No special training ne- cessary--Sure-fire sales presenta- tions sell 4 out 5 calls. Immediate Earnings--Hundreds of dollars a week---every week, nonseasonal! No Invesment. Complete sales kit, full instructions and plenty of samples + and demonstrators absolutely free. Write today: HI-TEST CORPORATION, HAMILTON, ONT. (138¢c) 46--Employment Wanted RELIABLE PERSON DESIRES POSI- tion as companion housekeeper to Elder. ly lady or semi-invalid, Phone 2694 Bowmanville, or write 10 Liberty St. Bowmanville, (1372) YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN FORMER Bank teller desires evening employment as cashier. Anything considered. Phone 5-1805. (137¢) CUSTOM BAILING DONE. SPRING tooth harrows for sale, Dial S40, a July?) |COUNTY 48--Auction Sale AUCTION SALE, STIRTEVANT'S AUC- tion Room, 33 Hall St., Monday evening, June 15th at 7:30. Doors open at 7:15, Full size bed, ,spring and mattress smokers, dressers dining room chairs, kitchen table, child's desk, high chair, linoleum, single bed spring and mat- tress, kitchen chairs, Singer sewing machine, wash stands, rockers, Quebec heater, metallic ice box, day bed, 3-piece chesterfield suite, chrome upholstered chair, full size bed and spring, garden hose, chest drawers, lawn mower, 2 travelling cases, full size spring filled mattress and spring doors, rangeite, girls' bicycle, vacuums, - baby pram, garden tools, cooking utensils, dishes and many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, auctioneer, Dial 5-5751. (138b) GRADUATION (Continued from Page 4) beth Valliant. PRESENTATION OF PRRIZES Following the presentation of dip- |lomas and pins, various members of the graduating class and other students were called forward to receive prizes won during the year. | To Miss Aldona Stikliute went the {prize for the highest standing in | the third year, presented by Mrs. Sweet. Miss Anna Brown received | the prize for the highest standing {in the Intermediate Year, from | Dr. Wellman. John Binas was awarded the prize for the highest standing in the Junior Year by Mrs. Dewsbury. The Superintend- ent's prize for the highest standing in psychiatry was awarded to Miss | Grace Stevens by Mrs. Keith Fras- | | er. Mrs. Mills presented the prize | awarded to the new graduate who has shown the greatest promise of professional development during her period of training, Miss Muriel Ryerse. The prize is donated by the Canadian Nurse.'The prize for the best bedside nurse, donated by the Civil Service Association, was awarded to Miss Doreen Pierson. The award, chosen by the ward supervisors, was made by John Kirk. Rev. T. H .Floyd, one of the Hospital Chaplains, presented the prize for the highest standing in Obstetrical Nursing to Miss Doris Medhurst. The prize is donated by the Hospital Chaplains, Rev. Floyd and Rev. Lee. Miss Doreen Pierson was also awarded the bursary, don- ated by the Nurses Alumnae As- sociation, to be used for further education. Miss Pierson was chos- en by the student body as the nurse who during her training has shown the most kindness, tact and sincerity. The presentation was made by Mrs. Sheedy. (Continued from Page 4) first class entertainment. Tables were set in the beautiful oak-pan- elled dining room overlooking the lodge. Presiding was Warden Fee of Ontario County, and brief ad- dresses were given by him and Warden Heber Down, on Ontario County. His Honor Judge J. A. McGibbon, Victoria County, His Honor Judge J. F. MacRae, On- tario County; C. W. Hodgson, MP for Victoria and former Wardens W. S. Worsley, Deputy-Reeve of Fenelon Falls Township. A fine patriotic note was struck by Judge McGibbon as he referred to the recent crowning of Queen Eliza- beth II, and its impact in the peo- ples of the British Commonwealth, and in fact, on other nations. It demonstrated the solidity of Em- pire, and love and loyalty to the Queen. We should all be proud that she is Queen of Canada, and that Canada enjoys many great privileges denied to many nations today. On the entertainment bill were the talented musical Bradt family, who sing, play musical instruments and are much in demand in the county. The father/is Robert Bradt, reeve of Verulam town- two' talented with a Church Studies Work in Africa June meeting of the WMS of the United Church was held Tuesday afternoon in the Sunday School room. The President, Mrs. A. W. Rich- ardson, presided over the opening exercises and business period. Mrs. Richardson again reminded the members to work throughout the holiday months for the - October bazaar. Mrs. George Fothergill conduct- ed the worship service the theme "The fellowship service of the church as a means of grace." Mrs. L. G. Heempels' group were in charge of the study period, the leader presiding. The chapter of the study book was 'The Unmet needs of Angola." The shortage of trained leaders both native and Canadian -- short- age of schools, hospitals, printing facilities, etc., and of course mon- ey, make the work in Angola lim- itéd and hard for those in the field. The W.M.S. of Canada is planning and working to relieve this situa- tion as soon as possible. Mrs. Benvie, Mrs. J. Ward, Mrs. Rev. Terry Martin, shown be- side his easel, will visit the serv- ices of,Faith Baptist Church this weekend. Rev, Martin, an evan- gelist for the past six years, is also an artist in chalk of some note. During the services, Rev. Martin will produce a colorful chalk drawing upon which, later, AR PICTURE WITHIN A PICTURE | the new mysterious black light will be played, showing a pice ture within the original picture. Rev. Martin will be present at the Bible School -and both serv- ices of Faith Baptist Church which are held in Whitby's Coun- cil Chambers. Garton Coach Awarded Full Claim at Whitby Clarence Garton, owner of Gar- ton Coach Lines, Bowmanville, has been awarded damages of $386.25 by His Honour Judge F. J." Mac- Rae, at Whitby. The award was made during the June sessions of the General Sessions of the Peace at the conclusion of a civil action between Mr. Garton and Gerald McInnis, of Peterborough. The ac- tion arose out of damages suffer- ed to a bus owned by Mr. Garton in an accident in February of last year. His Honour also awarded court costs to Mr. Garton. His for Garton Coach Lines, testified that on the night of February 20, 1952, he had been driving a bus towards Bowmanville from Osh- case was presented by T. Mi {| Moore, of Whitby. | Austin Beckett, a former driver |awa, when he halted the vehicle | to allow a passenger to get out. A {car following the bus, he said, | crashed into the rear of the bus | with such force that the motor was | moved and other damage done to | the bus. The driver of the car he named as the defendant, who was not present at the hearing nor was he represented by counsel. CITES DAMAGES A motor vehicle body repairman from West Hill testified to making | the repairs to the rear of the bus | and Clarence Garton produced ac- counts showing that the accident had cost him, in damages repair- ed and rental of another bus for |ten days, a total of $386.25. He | was awarded his entire amount claimed and court costs. Opportunities, Qualities Cited To Graduates - The professional opportunities and the attributes of a nurse was the subject of an address delivered by Miss Florence Emory at the Graduation Exercises at the On- tario Hospital on Friday afternoon. Miss Emory, an associate profes- sor at the University of Toronto, delivered the address of the day to the 15 graduating nurses and pack- pital, Whitby. James Sheedy, instructor of nurses at the Hospital, introduced Miss Emory to the audience. He noted that in her career, Miss Em- ory had been president of the Reg- istered Nurses Association of On- tario and president of the Canadian Nurses Association. She is now chairman of the International Council of Nurses and as such will attend the council in Brazil this books which are mow in use in many schools of rursing. Miss Emory opened her remarks by stating that she felt very much at home in attending the graduation at Whitby since she had at one | time been a student at the Whitby High School while her father had been a minister in this town. She had also, she said. visited the On- tario Hospital while Miss Fiddler was superintendent. Congratulating the class, Miss ed auditorium at the Ontario Hos- | summer. She has also written text- | Emory announced that she had r vv chosen to speak on the profession. al opportunities and attributes of a nurse. They may, she said, choose general nursing or private nursing. Open also was the position of pub lic health nurse, the Red Cross, industrial nursing and others. She then told of the opportunities that lay before these graduates emphas- {izing that the "common denomina- | tor is health, physical, mental and | social." | ATTRIBUTES | Turning to the attributes of the | nurse, Miss Emory stated that a | nurse should now establish an ob- | jective and then hold it. She urged {more formal study to gain better | degrees in their chosen profession. "A graduate should not feel | professionally secure," she advis- | ed, "'until she has received a certif- icate of advanced training." Cone |tinuing in this vein, she added, | "You have placed your foot on the first rung and you require all the | education you can get to get to the |top of the ladder. To be intent {on reaching one's ideal, to feel the {glow of worthy accomplishment is to experience one of life's richest irewards," she stated. A spirit of helpfulness was also | essential, said Miss Emory. "So | much," she said, "depends on the {spirit in which a task is done. There must be a constant urge to ibe helpful and to serve. She does not work for remuneration, for her motives are higher than mone- | tary return." | Dr. Sweet thanked Miss Emory and added that coupled with help- fulness a sense of humour was | necessary. '""There is no one quite so funny as ourselves," he said. Hold Coronation IODE Festival Plans for the IODE Coronation Festival are now complete and the members in charge of arrange- ments for the function being held next week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Langford are: program, Mrs. F. Marsh, Mrs. P. Spratt; tickets, Mrs. H. Fallaise, Mrs. Langford; refreshments, Mrs. A. Ollen Bittle, Mrs. S. Murdoch, cof- fee, Mrs. C. Perdon; soft drinks, Mrs. Moorby; whit elephant table, Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. G. Fother- gill, Mrs. Rbss Irwin; fortune-tell- ing, Mrs. D. Holliday: publicity, Mrs. Marsh; draw, Mrs. J. Ross, Mrs# W. Porter, Mrs. A. Crawford, Mrs. Swanson. In the event of rain it will be held the following eve- ning. Program and details will ap- pear in an advertisement in the' Times-Gazette next week. Mrs. G. McQuade introduced the New field of missionary work in Africa. In the copper belt of Nor- thern Rhodesia, a British territory, the United Church of Canada is starting a new work. We will co- operate with British missions to serve this area of 300,000 people. The mining 'companies in the area provide homes, hospitals and schools but no churches. There is a great opportunity here and we will hear more of it as the work develops. For the present the W.M. S. will help financially. The soloists for the afternoon Jones, who sang two duets 'In a Garden" and "Beautiful Garden of Prayer" accompanied by their Mother, Aleen Jones. An impressive affiliation service for the Explorers Group was car- ried out by Mrs. George Fothergill and Mrs. L. Kemp. The Explorers taking part were Judy White and Linda Law. The girls presented to the W.M.S. their missionary dona- tion for the year.' Harvey, Mrs. Hutchison and Mrs. Killens took part in the discussion | period. Mrs. Howard's group were tea hostesses at the close of the meet- ing. Sturgess, Mrs. F. Price, Mrs. F. | were the Misses Gwen and Marilyn | St. Andrew's WMS Hears Address on Need of Missions | The great need for earnest work {and prayer for the work of the church. in a missionary sense, {was stressed by Mrs. illis of | Dunbarton, district vice presi {dent of Toronto Presbyterial, speaking at St. Andrew's WMS, | Whitby. * Mrs. J. Waterhouse presided at | the meeting, which opened with a {hymn, followed with scripture reading by Miss M. Ross. | Mrs. F. H. M, Irwin prayer. Basing her remarks on Cor. 2: 11-16, Mrs. Willis spoke of Paul as {one of the first missionaries, and |asked what would have happened to christianity if Paul had not heeded the call from Macedonia to "come over and help us". Like Paul, said the speaker, we should all put Christ first in our life. We would then be able to face any circumstances, she said. "God has given each of us some particular talent, and there is something we can do, some gap we can {ill in our missionary so ciety or other church organiza. tions." Mrs. Willis told of the great need for workers in India, Africa and the various mission fields, and said we must pray | more earnestly that this need will be met. Mrs. Waterhouse thanked speaker for her inspiring talk. Mr. Marshall closed the meeting | with prayer. A social hour was lenjoyed; while Miss M. Ross and |her ~ committee served refreshe ments. led in the Highest cliffs in the British Isles, 2,000 feet above the sea, are at Achill Island in the Irish County | Mayo. { Pakistan has one of the world's {longest irrigation systems, covers ling 20,000,000 acres.

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