Daily Times-Gazette, 2 Jun 1953, p. 15

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- N There's No Better Time Than Now To Sell Items No Longer Nee These Items Were Sold The First Day Advertised. Mrs. B-- Was Very Pleased With Her Good Results. / f >= THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, Jume 8, 1908 98 ded. Ph. 3-2233. PAINTED KITCHEN TABLE AND § chairs. Apply -- Masson St. (123) 28--For Rent | 32--Automobiles For Sale 39--Articles For Sale 39---Articles For Sale 43--Male Help Wanted LARGE BEDROOM, SUIT 3 GENTLE- men, central, 143 Clarke St. Dial $10. ) S$ROOM APARTMENT, TO SHARE with one working girl, $7.50 per week. Dial 50819. (138¢) FURNISHED BEDROOM. GOOD LOCA- tion. Phone 5-1036. (126¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND GAR- age. Apply 31 Albert St. After 6 o'clock, ROOM FOR SINGLE GENTLEMEN, 1 minute to bus stop, 2 minutes to CNR station. Apply 86 Conant St. Dial 3-3790. FURNISHED ROOM FOR 32 GENTLE- men willing to share, private shower, central. Dial 35-3760 or 31 Albany. '52 PONTIAC SEDAN DELIVERY, USED only as a car, 8 months old. Radio and heater. $500 below list. For particulars phone 3-3164. (1280) '41 FORD COUPE, BODY IN FAIR shape. A good buy. Dial 3-252. 133 Wil- son Rd. N. : (128 NEW AND USED CARS & Motor Sales Ltd. Dial 3 | BOB MOORE, trucks. Ontario (Jun28) SCRAP WOQD FOR SALE $5 per truck load; also cedar posts, 8 ft. to 16 ft. in length DIAL 3:7333 M. GREENBURG and SONS 308 BLOOR ST. EAST (Juniste) 'sEE "BILL" FOR A NEW or quality used car, at Belmont 37 King West. Phone 5-0732. 1 a DODGE, % TON PANEL, GOOD RUN- ning order, and good paint job. $225 or best offer. 63 Cordova Rd. Dial 37897; bd (126¢) (Junel8) (Junel3) TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR business couple or twe girls. Phone 3-9510, ( 126c) | mediate installation REBUILT ENEE ACTION, 34-38 CHEV and Pontiac. Retail and wholesale. Im: i or delivery. Morey's Verdun and Gliddon. (Jun23) 3 FURNISHED ROOMS WITH FRIGI- daire and sink, suit clean, quiet couple only. Apply after 6. 165 Ritson Sou ABD FURNISHED SIX-ROOM HOUSE AT Caesarea, good bus service, hydro. Phone GRover Toronto for further informa- tion. (1246) HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, UN- Phone 3-2441, after 3 o'clock. 3 LIGHT furnished. (127) TWO ROOMS, UNFURNISHED. PHON 5-0847. (127p) FURNISHED SINGLE BEDROOM, CON- tinuous hot water, central, ome gentle- man. Abstainer. Dial 3-9815. (127¢) ROOM FOR 32 GENTLEMEN close to Motors. Dial 35-1666. TO SHARE, azn 1 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM FOR BUS- iness couplé or 2 girls. Apply 165 Alot} 3 ¢ « ) 3 UNFURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- - rooms, suitable for eouple. Write box Times-Gasette. am) - 29--Wanted to Rent 3 UNFURNISHED ROCMS, ON GROUND i floor for quiet elderly couple. Phone 3. * $3 ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT, * business couple, no children, abstainers. ; . (128b) URGENTLY REQUIRED, 4 OR 5-ROOM house or apartment, references. Oshawa or district. Dial 3-216. (138e) SOR 3 rooms, ocouple. FURNISHED OR HED Wanted immediately by business Reply or apply 104 PHice at YOU SUSINESS JIL REQUIRES fairly large room, vate home prefer. rod or would share apartment. Write Box M3, Times-Gaseite. (128) RELIABLE TENANTS SIH ASSURED Beome, require se, 5 rooms or more. Dshawa or vicinity. Conveniences. Will . pay rent. Phone 5-478. _ URGENTLY NEEDED--4-ROOM APART- ment or small house, 8 children. Phone 4776. (June 3 CHILDREN, $70 month. w -Jack Built, Town | (126¢c) OFFICE SPACE D - 400 sg. #. In business section. DIAL 3-7788 After 3 p.m. 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD IN noe, very eemtral; gentlemen Sal 35-1689. PRIVATE preferred. (128¢) WITH (128b) 100M AND BOARD FOR GENTLEMAN. : Hoi _Jotora, awpeliont mosis Cc SOM AND BOARD FOR TWO, ¥ desired. Dial 5-078. BOARD FOR FOR 3. MEN TO . Abstainers. Near Mo- 78 Alice St. (128d) FOR 1 OR 2 to share, private (126c) 2007. LADIES TO SHARE ROOM and washing, Phone dp C ) { E * | Dial 3-485) GENTLEMAN. | \ ae) | '46 CHEV., GOOD CONDITION, PAINT excellent. $925--cash or terms. Dial 3- | mai (126¢) YOUR HOME DESERVES THE BEST--- the All-Flexalum venetian blinds with washable vinyl plastic tapes and cords. Made by Met-Wo Industries and carrying the Good Housekeeping seal of quality. Special steel or aluminum blinds, 60c per | & square foot. tions anywhere. J. W. M Dial 3-2311. (Jun3) Free estimates and installa- elley. STRONG ALUMINUM CAR TOP, BOLT, $100; man's CCM bicycle, hardly used, $25; Roll-a-way cot, coffee table. Dial 3.2091. 176 Burk St. (128a) McCLARY ELECTRIC RANGE, CHEAP. Dial 3-9214. (1282) WANTED---MESSENGER, GOOD CHANCE learn railway business. Apply Canadian Pacific, 11% King St. E, Qs) 1 NEED TWO MEN WITH CARS, FULL or part-time to sell Watkins products. Phone 3-2652, or 244 Tresane St. (June20) PIANO, GOOD CONDITION, RED MA- hogany, best offer takes. 531 Simcoe N., after 6. i (105t6) RECORD STOVE WITH OIL BURNER, jug and barrel -- cheap. Dial So LARGE VARIETY OF BOXED FLOWERS and vegetable plants. Apply Fergusons reenhouse, 202 Pacific Ave. ~~ (Jun5) COMIC BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, MAGA. zines, sold or exchanged. Kingsway Book E: 561 King St. W. Open every B. F. GOODRICH STORES. TIRES, BAT- teries, Hotpoint and Addison appliances, television. Thrifty budget plan. Dial 5-4543. (Jun27) WARDROBE WITH MIRROR, USED two months, $40. Foldaway steel cot with mattress, $10. Two rocking chairs, $5 each; table with folding jack knife leaf, four 'chairs, $20. Phone 3-7787. (128b) |'34 OLDS. SEDAN, GOOD CONDITION, | $100 or best offer. Apply 464 Richmond | East. * (126¢) + '49 CHEV. HALF-TON PICK-UP DELUXE FERNERY; SINGLE COT MATTRESS; fire screen; electric fixture: rocking chair; coal oil stove oven: deck chair; Cape Cod chair: thermos jug. Son. (1282) cab. '40 Ford half-ton pick-up. "47 ! 34-ton express. '49 Thames %i-ton panel. | Dick Bradley Motors, 299 Simcoe A CASH For Your Car Belmont Motors 137 King West Dial 5 - 0732 78th) | | 33--Automobiles Wanted { LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS. WANT | cars for wrecking, highest prices paid | Dial 5-0533 or 3-2924. (June?) | 'wom CARS BRING MORE CASH you at Dodd's Car Lot. S. Dial 3-9421. Out-of-Town Buyer will be at BOWER"S SERVICE STATION on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 From 12 - 7 pm. Highest Prices Paid "for Good Clean Cars (Mon.,Tues.tf) RITSON MOTORS Pays Highest Prices For 'good, clean used cars 46 to 'S2 Models "506 Ritson Rd. S. Open evenings till 9 (sot) | 36--Pets and Livestock 'CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVER English: Springer Spaniel champjon parents. Conroy 'Marsh Ken- nels, Reg. Boulter, Ont. (TuesJuly28) AND ' |'COCKER '@PANIELS, ALSO BOARDING. his pat A Drive-In (Junl) Kennels, Theatre. REGISTERED PUPPIES, SAMOYEDS, Daschinds, Labrad ers. B and trimming. Knowlton's Kennels. Dial 3-8902. (Juné) new highway near | 37--Farmers Column GARDEN TRACTOR | plow and cultivator. Dial 5-038. (128¢c) tion. Take your pick $25 each. B. F. | rich Store, 453 Simcoe S. Dial 5-4543. puppies from | li REG. PRICE 1%-HP. WITH | dition. Phone 5-1880. REA- RENE DUVAL TRUMPET, NEW. sonable. Dial 5-4203. (128¢) MAN'S BK E, RECONDITIONED AS new, $28. ne 35-0856. . (128b) 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE, TWO pieces wine, 1 grey; bed. Apply 128 Albert St. (128¢) A COMPLETE STOCE OF WRINGER rolls and belts for all makes of washers. Jack Biddulph, 68 Sim . Dial 5-1179. (Jun2s) ICE BOXES, ALL SIZES, GOOD CONDI- Good- (Jun2?) BOXED PANSIES, FLOWER AND VEGE- table plants. Over thousand to choose from, also fertilizers, Steele-Briggs seeds, seed potatoes. Open until 10 p.m. every night. Glecoff's 1.G.A. Supermarket, Ritson Rd. S. (Junel2) H. MOSIER Sheet Metal Authorized Dealer Imperial Oil Esso Oil Burners Garwood Tempered Air Units Williams 0Qil-O-Matic Oil Units Anthes Imperial and New Idea Furnaces Sales and Service 21. CHURCH ST.--DIAL 5-2734 (JuneStf) "DON'T BUY A SEWING MACHINE" Unless you get the right one. We earry the largest selection in new and recom- ditioned Sewing Machines. From $20 up. Easy terms -- no interest charges. COMMUNITY SEWING CENTER Dial 3-2548 SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE ON AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER $519.00 Special Clearance Price 350.00 (Jun?) As low as $35.00 down Payments as low as $4.25 weekly F RICH ' STORE 453 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. 170) AWNINGS MADE TO MEASURE. LOVE- ly gay stripes, solid colors. Can COW, DUE TO FRESHEN JUNE 5. CALL after 6 o'clock, John Johnston, 2% miles south Trull's Store, Courtice. (128¢c) DEAD FARM STOCK; PICKED UP promptly. Phone collect Bowmanville | 2679. Also live horses. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. + (Jun28) 38a--Market Basket | FOODS AT EVERYDAY LOW | prices at Glecoff's 1.G.A. Superm | Open to 10 p.m. every night. 174 Ritson { Road South. (Junel0) 39---Articles For Sale H--Room & Board Wanted OOM AND BOARD JOR TWO DUTCH | SILVER GREY CARRIAGE, MATTRESS, cover, good springs, $14. Phone 2230, Whitby. (128a) | VACUUM CLEANER, NEW GOBLIN. } uick sale; also new for qi floor polisher. Dial 3-4954. (1246) | BABY BUDGIES, READY FOR TRAIN- ing, talking strain, all, colors. 114 Elgin East. Dial 3-9767, (Jun20) . Dial 5-6014. 2---Automobiles For Sale 7 OLDS. MAROON, WHITE WALL res, radio, heater. Offers. Phone 3-8804, Yer 6. (128¢) # DESOTO, GOOD CONDITION. BEST ash offer. Apply 130 Division St. 5 ( c) ® 4 WHEEL-DRIVE JEEP, EXCELLENT sndition, low mileage. Apply 169 Mary t. before 4 p.m. (127b) ILLMAN %, VERY GOOD CONDI on, must sell. Phone 766 Whitby. (127¢) 1 CHEV. LOW MILEAGE, PRIVATE tle. Terms can be arranged. A I Brock St. East. (126¢) TTENTION CAR BUYERS AND SELL UR FRONT END ALIG ET YO hee! balancing at Moring's Garage, 1084 (Junel0) | meoe St. North. OR A SQUARE DEAL SEE JOHNNIE 'alker, Bramiey Motors New and used ars. Dial 3-4675: evening 35-5706 (Junels) 9 LA SALLE. RECENTLY OVERHAUL- 1, best cash offer. Phone 3-9973. (128¢c) 7 HUDSON SEDAN, GOOD SHAPE, pst offer over $300. Apply 485 Albert . Phone 3-0671. (128b) » CHEV. SEDAN, MODEL 1069, RADIO, r-flow heater, good condition, reason- dle. Dial 3-3662. (128d) 2 PONTIAC DELUXE, 4-DOOR SE- in, air-conditioned, 3,500 miles, one wvner. Dial 5-3894. ? MAROON FORD CAR, $250 CASH. alnut living room suite, table and 4 jairs, 350. Cheap for quick sale. Apply 0 Pacific Ave. or dial 5-5208. (128¢) ) GMC HALF-TON, QUICK SALE. yone 141 Pickering, B-A Service Station. (1281) | ) FORD, RADIO, HEATER, EXCEL. 1. condition, $1,350. Grey. Apply 132 ock St. East. (128¢) | 16" ADMIRAL TELEVISION SET, TABLE | model, $175. 7% cubic ft. electric refrig- erator, Kelvinator unit, nearly new, $225. Felt mattresses, all sizes, factory iced, x Spring- mattresses, full size only, regular $39.50 for $22.95. Steel bed outfits, large size only, complete $29.50, Dick Bradley Motors, 209 Simcoe St. S. | r (126t6) | FROST KING ICE-BOX, 810; GIRLS blue suit, size 16, $10. Dial 5-6190. (126c) BEACH GAS STOVE, 4BURNER HIGH oven at side, lower broiler, good condi- tion, reasonable. Phone 3-8224. 1260) RUGS REWOVEN FROM YOUR OLD rugs and clothing. Reversible and seam- less broadcloth, any size to 13 feet wide | without a seam. any Solids, tone- | on-tones and or | | dial 85-1553, Continental Rug Co. Ltd 1 « Junel®) | VENETIAN BLINDS --~ [HE ADVANCED | Kirsch type. The most startling develop | ment in venetian blind history Flattened | S-shaped slats give better and more grace ful enclosure. We are sure these blinds ' will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without obligation. George Reid, Dial 5-0633 66 Bond St. West. (Junel2) $50 AND MORE, TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE on a brand new chesterfield or bed-chester- field suite. Limited supply. Dick Bradley | Motors, 299 Simcoe S. (120tf) AWNINGS Canvas awnings, 40 patterns to choose from. Ten days delivery, Free Estimates DIAL 5-5563 BARRIE TENT & AWNING CO (Junes) { (128) | NEW RECESS BATHTUB, TOILET WITH seat, wash basin, taps, attachments, shower and rod $189. Pipe threading fit- tings, new and used. Phone 3-7088. (Jun9) VACUUM CLEANER, NEW ELECTRO- lux. Will sacrifice for ouick sale; also new floor polisher. Dial 3-4954. (1241) BE-CHROME BUMPE with "Bumper Re:Nu!" Not a paint or polish! Just. like chrome. Last year's! Send $1.98 or COD, Fernlor, 772 King , GRILLS, ETC., ) PLYMOUTH COACH, IN GOOD CON. don, good tires. Apply P. Branderhorst, umpton. Phone 2880 Bowmanville. (128¢) CHEV., GOOD CONDITION. MUST il this week. Apply 77 Bond W., after (128) MODEL A FORD -- A DANDY. Wl 35-0167. (128¢) West, H Ont. (Dealers wanted.) " (May16t8) "CLIMATITE"" Aluminum combination windows and screens. "Moloney" Aluminum Combination Doors. Free Estimates TOM BARBER Low cost _) FULL PRICE, '31 BUICK SEDAN, sd condition. 309 Gibbon St. (1286) Dial 3-8924 : Wun) | Oshawa, accept a few more orders for early deliy- ery. Free estimates. Folding chairs, card and banquet tables for rent. Cleve Fox, (Juneldy SPECIAL SALE OF LUMBER If it is for cash Macko sells for less We extend it for two weeks QUALITY LUMBER NO. 1 SPRUCE AND JACK PINE 2 x 4--Runnings foot, 7e¢ 2x85 2x6--8$113. M sq #. 2 x 8 -- Alberta Spruce 2 x 10 -- Price Per Inquiry Hardware, butt hinges, door latch and lock sets. Paints and varnish, sealer. Roof (all colors). Aluminum molding, shingles special price. Prefit cellar, FIR PLYWOOD All Grades and Thicknesses in Stock COMBINATION STORM DOORS Clear Pine, Including Glass end Copper Screen Inserts Sizes 138" x 2' 6" x &' 6A" " 28" x & 8K" 210" x & 1072" 3 O0' x2 .0" Special Sizes Available GARAGE DOORS Apply GEO. MACKO «umber and Building Material 473 Ritson Rd. S. Dial 3-2732 Open Till 6 p.m (May30-Jund) frame and sash, " 8 (Jun20) GOOD USED HOT-AIR FURNACE pipes. Phone 5-1222. ELNA THE MIRACLE SEWING MACHINE, With many special features Exclusive Free Arm Forward and reverse stitch Darns, mends, embroiders, etc. Modern in design with built-in sewing light, knee-control lever. There is only one genuine Elina. Sold exclusively in Oshawa by MEAGHERS' $ KING ST. W. DIAL 3-3425 WTFu AND (128¢c) | SUNBEAM | cords, | end table lamps, gas stove. | lots, delivered. Dial 3.7391. 37R33 Bethany. or 52R12 $-2803. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Exterior $2.30 qt.; $7.45 gallon OSHAWA PAINT AND WALLPAPER Your Almatex Store 315 SIMCOE S. DIAL 3-2472 (TWF June20tf) DUMP BOX AND HOIST, FOUR WHEEL trailer, large oil and septic tanks, angle iron. Dial 3-7088. (Jun23) 10-H.P. MERCURY OUTBOARD, QUICK silver lower unit, racing prop, etc, 11 plywood boat, racing full, crash throttle, speedometer. Dick Bradley Motors, Simcoe South. MASTERS AND Cutting heads, West (Jun28) SHAVE spare parts for same. etc. Meaghers', 5 King St. SCOTT'S RECORD BAR and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Junel3) CONTINENTAL BED, USED SHORT time, double size, cheap. Pair of Chinese Apply 150 Division. (127¢) WHITE ,over broiler, excellent condition. (127¢) enamel Phone 63j Port Perry. INSURE YOUR HOME CONTENTS ADE: quate against fire. We make a complete inventory for you. Phone '3-7863. (Jne8) 39a--Fuel Wood HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS, FOR furnace range or jacket heater, $5 or $3 (June29) CHOICE BODY HARDWOOD, MAPLE, hard and soft slabs delivered. Phones '| cuffs, (120t) | 4TH CLASS FIREMAN Papers and references required. Holidays with pay. P.H.C. end P.S.1. and other employee bene- fits available. Apply CHIEF EN- GINEER, OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL. (108t0) HANDYMAN FOR SUMMER RESORT. Must be reliable. Chauffeur's license. Phone M. Chesher 3-2737, evenings. « LARGE CANADIAN DISTRIBUTOR handling one product only, requires sales- man for Oshawa and district. Experience unnecessary as we will aquaint you with our product. Future promotion assured for right man. If possible enclose recent photograph and any pertinent information. Car required. Write Box 218 Times- Gazette. 127 BUTCHER MANAGER REQUIRED, PRE- fer young man wil 3 or 4 years ex- perience for medium-sized meat trade in grocery store. Apply in writing stating particulars to box 217 TmerGazette, ( ) 46--Employmunt Wanted NURSE - COMPANION Phone 3-8795. (128a) MAE'S CLOTHING REPAIRS, DARN- ing, patching, zippers, button holes, pant shirt collars turned or remade. Dial 3-4840. Jiyl) RELIABLE WOMAN WILL DO WASH. ing and ironing at home. Pick-up and deliver. Dial 3-8700. (June30) RELIABLE MAN, AGE 23, DESIRES permanent job, chauffeur or truck driving. Dial 5-5247. (125) EXPERIENCED GARDENER REQUIRES part-time work, gardening and landscap- ing.. Phone 3-8882, (1256) MIDDLE-AGED SINGLE MAN DESIRES position on farm. Write Box 219 Times- Gazette. (127¢) PRACTICAL wants poMition, i ACADEMIC | (Continued from Page 4) |frey, Eleanor Ellerbeck; Interme- | diate, Gary Gray, Junior, Ann Kruger. Badminton Singles -- Lynda -- Shirley Knights. Badminton Doubles Umphrey and Lynda Knights. Tennis Singles (donated by the | Castle Chapter) --4 Blanca Vorg- Bance. Bance. Swimming Meet: Senior, Sally Sutcliffe; Intermediate, Gary Gray; i Junior, Jane Lillico; Juvenile, Pat- 'sy Earle. Fencing (i) Blanca Vorg-Bance; (ii) Milda Cabral; (iii). Beverley | Knight, | MUSICAL PROGRAM | The musical program by various students included these numbers: | 'Songs My Mother Taught Me", (Dvorak), Mary Frances Ebbs; "Clare de Lune" (Debussy); "Ho- | pak" (Moussorgsky), Mary Bur- rows, pianist; Nocturne in E. Min- or (Chopin); Prelude and Fugue in B Minor (Bach), Marieanela Car- camo, pianist; from the Cradle Song (Sierra trans. by J. G. Un- derhill), Margaret Cole. (JJJunel6) | SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTH, od single cord; hardwood slabs, cord. Also , $5.50 single body hardwood. Dial 5-2480. (Jund) | 41--Articles Wanted GOOD. USED FURNITURE WANTED dressers, . stoves, heaters, kitchen sets Crysler Furniture, 56 King West. Dia 5-0132. (Jun23) CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON and METALS Highest prices paia tor iron, Metals Paper, Rags, etc. Local and out-of town calls pick up free. 100 Annis St. east of CNR Station. Dial 5-3432 Res. dial 5-4159. (Junlis) KOR YOUR PIANO Lee, 79 Simcoe N. Dial (Jun23) SHAW RAG and METAL PIANOS, CABH now. Wilson & | CANADIANS (Continued from Page 4) necki, 368 Drew S8t., Oshawa; Soo {Min, 6 Ontario St., Oshawa; Mr. Teodor Taboreski, 136 Summer 8t., Oshawa; Mr. Alex Sheweluk, 337 Olive Ave., Oshawa: Mr. Jan Babij, 271 Division 8t., Oshawa; |Mrs. Lucy Freymond, Tooley's |Rd. Oshawa, P.O. Box 60; Mr, Louis Freymond, Tooley's Rd., Oshawa, PO Box 60; Mr. Per Hvid- sten, co Uxbridge Times Journal, Uxbridge: Mrs. Nina Halina Kaci- nel, 235 Beatty St., Oshawa; Mr. | Ignacy Kacinel, 235 Beatty St., |Oshawa,; Mr. Joseph Mik, 147 | Bloor 8t. E., Oshawa; Mr. Samuel | Bmil Von Gunten, 1282 Kingston Rd. E., Oshawa; Miss Martha |Helen V. Von Gunten, P.O. Box | 75, Oshawa, Seto Dan Yee (Seto Highest prices paid for scrap iron, metal, | Bing Lun) (Seto Chan Yue), R.R. rags, batteries, mattresses. ote. Factory accounts appreciated. 166 ALMA ST. Dial 5-2311 J. Shaw Res: 3-911] (Juneé) WANTED, LIVE POULTRY, FEATHERS, scrap iron, metal, rags and "mattresses, L. Turner, North Oshawa, 3-2043 col- (Juni2) 42--Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED OPERATORS, working conditi and Boys Wear, Brock St. N., Whithy. ( GOOD ons. Apply Empire Pant AGE ary 5-day week. Previous banking exper- fence preferred but not essential. Bank of Montreal. Dial 3-2288. 18-3 GOOD COMMENCING SAL- Apply (123¢) EXPERIENCED COUNTER AND DINING room girl, uniferms. Apply Del Perry. $22 a week plus meals and Restaurant, Port 1236) STENOGRAPHER---MUST BE EXPERI- enced and thoroughly competent. Perman- ent. Salary commensurate with capability, 5-day week. Write Box 201, Times-Gazette. ' (1236) EXPERIENCED OPERATOR WANTED. Apply The Vogue Beauty Salon. EXPERIENCED SALESGIRLS FOR FAB- rics and drapery. Write Box 221, Times- Gazette. RELIABLE WOMAN, plete charge sleep-in. Dial 5-0820 or apply 367 Ritson Rd. N., 1270 (128¢) TO TAKE COM- house and 3 children, of after 5:30. (128¢) FEMALE fenced double needle operators. Phone HELP WANTED -- EXPER- Whitby. (128¢) WANTED -- WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework home near Toronto, and all conveniences, 2 adults and 2 small children, $100 per month. Write Box 224, Times-Gazette. cooking for suburbah electrically equipped and (128¢) YOUNG LADY AGE 17-22 YEARS High school Some typing, figures. education. good at APPLY T. VERVOORN TIMES-GAZETTE Phone: 3-2233 2, Whitby; Prince 8t., BALSAM, MRS LORNE JONES Correspondent BALSAM AND MOUNT ZION -- Guests for Sunday tea with Mrs. George Wilson were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bushby and John, their grand daughter, Kathryn Mills, and Miss Jessie Day, all of Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brooks of Guelph spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. James Cullen and George Jakubee, 15 Oshawa. ) | family of Orangeville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jordan and family. Mount Zion and Balsom friends are very sorry to hear Mrs, Wil- liam Green of Lindsay has been confined to her bed for about four weeks We wish her a speedy re- covery. Miss Hume of Toronto finished giving a nine-lesson sewing course on Wednesday evening at the home |of Mrs. Thomas Jordan to eight members, after which all members enjoyed light refreshments and cof- fee at the home of Mrs. Cecil Jones, Miss Hume and Mrs. Jordan were presented with a cup and saucer on behalf of the class for their hospitality. A number from here attended {played their first {game at Claremont on Monday | night against Altona champions of 'last year, and lost by five runs. | Their next game will against Pine Grove at Claremont, Music Night at the Pickering Dis- | trict High School on Friday night. The Mount Zion baseball team bush league be. June 1 Come out and encourage the boys along. NUGGET. RAISES PRICE NORTH BAY (CP)--Officials of the North Bay Daily Nugget an- nounced Monday the result of a price increase last week to seven cents a copy from five: Circula- tion dropped 20 from 13,000. Pub- | lisher J. F. Grainger said news- | print price increases and rises in RAGLAN Ladies Plan For Quilting Bee MRS. H. THOMPSON Correspondent RAGLAN -- The Woman's Asso- ciation met at the home of Mrs. R. Nottingham, on Wednesday afternoen, with a good attendance. The meeti opened by singing the hymn, "nen He Cometh", followed by the Lord's Prayer. The scripture was read by Mrs. H. Luke taken from the third chapter y | of Colossians. Mrs. Slute read the topic reading entitled, "Witness", and offered. prayer. The secretary's, treasurer's, and sick convener's reports were heard. A number of busines items were brought up for 'discusion. There will be a quilting Bee in the hall on June 17. A short program was enjoyed. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess and the committee in charge. A vote of thanks was ex- tended to Mrs. Nottingham for opening her home for the meet- ing. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Thompson. MANY AT CHURCH Church service was well attend- ed on Sunday afternoon. The scrip- ture was taken from the 2nd chap- ter of Acts, beginning at the first verse. S. G. Saywell chose for his message, "What meaneth this". The choir sang, '"Make a Joyful Noise', Next Sunday at the usual hour there will be a special service, bringing a message in keeping with "Coronation". A number of ladies attended Miss Jean Gimblett's tea, on Saturday afternoon, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Gimblett. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. N. Birkett and family spent Saturday evening vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. R. Porter {and family of Prince Albert. | Mr. and Mrs. James Nash and | Christine, of Oshawa, were Satur- day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bright and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and daugh- | ter, Valerie, of Oshawa, were Sun- | day guests of Mr. { Hambly. and Mrs. N. Mr. and Mrs. S. Manns, Mr, and Tennis Doubles -- Bianca Vorg- | Mrs. W. Manns and Mr. and Mrs, L. Mahaffy and Gordon motored to Sarnia on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Corner and Myrtle attended a musical concert in Memory Hall at Utica, on Mon- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Freeman and baby, A." Gagnon and Mrs. Davis of Oshawa, were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. David- son and Ronnie. Mrs. E. Brent, Mrs. G. Solomon and boys were Monday evening | guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. David- son, of Prince Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gill and Mrs. Trewin of Toronto were Saturday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans and family. Mrs. Norman Birkett and Muriel and Miss Flossie Spencer attended open night at Port Perry High School on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Corner visited one night last week with their granddaughter, Patsy Coates, at hirley. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Luke. of To- ronto, were Sunday evening din- ner guests of the former's sister, Mrs. James Latimer, and Mr. Lati- mer. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Slute and family were Friday evening visi- tors of Mr. and Mrs. D, Gatchell of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferguson were Sunday evening guests of Mr. Mrs. C. Miller and girls Mrs. Helen Larsen and Jennie of Columbus and Mr. Ivan Wray of Shirley were Monday evening guests of Mrs. R. Bryant. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hambly and Lyn visited with friends in| Port Perry on Sunday. Mrs. Guthrie of Colborne is spending a few days with Mr, and rs. Lloyd Evans and family, Sunday evening guests of Mr, and Mrs. G. Solomon and boys were: Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ho- gan, Mr. and Mrs, James Nash and Christine, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nash, 8r., Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Solomon and family, all of Osh- awa; Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Solo- mon, of Taunton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bryant of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Battams and Danny, of Bowmanville, spent the weekend with the latter's brother, Earl, Mrs. Free and family. Mrs. A. Prouse, of Brooklin, was Saturday afternoon and eveni Fuast of her daughter, Mrs. . olliday. Mr. and Mgs. Bruce Bright and family of Oshawa were Sunday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson. Myrtle . Corner spent Saturday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. A. Hope, in Oshawa. | A number from here attended the funeral of the late F. L. Mason in Oshawa last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Pierson, of Toronto, were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Davidson and grandson, Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. arl Free and family spent Thurs- day evening at Blackstock. Miss Muriel Birkett attended church service on Sunday at Ep- som for the Cadets of Port Perry High School. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson and family of Yelverton. Several thunder storms have passed this way during the past week, but little damage was done in the neighborhood. HOTELMEN GET RAISE WINDSOR, Ont. (OP)--Wage in- creases ranging from five to eight cents an hour and retroactive to last January will be paid employees of the Prince Edward Hotel as a result of an agreement signed Mon- day. The employees, members of local 743, Hotel and Restaurant Em- ployees, AFL, received a five-cent across the board increase and bar- tenders, painters, Bellboys, wall- | general costs made it necessary to! washers and cooks received an ex- «ish | put up the rate. tra three cents an-hour. "With two out trouseau {Douglas and David, {Don Stainton, Bruce and Don Jr., | {Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke |Toronto, spent the weekend with. {and boys, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. |J. Whitby Merchants Blank Colborne By 3-0 Scor By TED MUNNS The Whitby Merchants stayed on top of the Lakeshore loop by beat- ing Colborne Dodgers 3-0 Monday ght. Colborne went down in the first inning with no runs and 1 hit al- though they did get a runner as far as second on a Whitby error. Guye doubled and scored on Bidgood's single for Whit- by's first run. The Dodgers had two men on base in the second on walks hut failed to score. The Merchants were retired in order. In the third both the visitors and Whitby went down in 1-2-3 order. After one batter was retired Col- borne managed a single and a hit batsman but Irwin struck out and Hart hit into a fielders choice to end the rally. Guye opened the Whitby 4th with a single and stole second but died there as the next three batters went down in order. Once again in the 5th both teams were retired in order. Colborne were retired with no runs and no hits in the 6th. Sarnov- sky tripled with one out and then scored on Junior Guye's second home run of the , Bidgood and MacDonald out to end the inning. Harnden, pinchhitting for For- shay walked to start the Colborne 7th, but was out at second on Potts' fielder's choice. Potts went to sece ond when Hanna dropped Hart's third strike with Hart being thrown out at first, Keeleher popped out te ~ short to end the game. Junior Guye was the star of the game. He plated all of Whitby's runs and had a perfect night at bat. Transporters play Whitby at 6:30 at the town park, See you there? Line score: R Colborne 000 000 0--0 Whitby 100 002 ---3 Batting averages are as foll Sarnovsky Hoffart .... Guye .. MacDoiuald Bidgood i: | Neal {Yui .... | Bell | B. Ward G. Ward ERE aRES ENNISKILLEN Recent Bride and Groom Given Shower of Gifts * MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN Correspondent ENNISKILLEN -- An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin when the Enniskillen community gather- ed to honor Mr. and Mrs. E. Horn, |a recent bride and groom, now | residing in Oshawa. Rev. Seymour ably acted as chairman for the {evening. | Mrs: L. Lamb and H. McGill and | Mr. L. Ashton, preented them with a beautiful, Hobbs plate glass mir- ror and satin cushion as a token of | esteem. Mr. and Mrs. Horn each replied | thanking everyone and extended an invitation to visit them in their {new home. | Those providing entertainment | were Mrs. M. Stainton, Mrs. R. M. Seymour and Miss Gloria Wright. Messrs. E. A. Werry, M. J. Stain- ton, Mrs. S. Malcolm, Mrs. W. Ashton were called upon to make speeches. A bountiful lunch was served and | all were treated to ice cream and wedding cake. CGIT MEETING The CGIT will be held at the {hme of Misses Gloria and Carol | Mr. and Mrs. F. W. | Wright, Friday evening at 7.30. A very dainty birthday tea was a dozen or Mr. and Mrs. J. Colless, Maple Grove; Mrs. 'F. Moore, Miss Moore, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Claire and Douglas, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. al May, of Toronto. Ty to report Mrs. Floyd Beckett is in Bowmanville Me- morial Hospital, recovering from 8 recent operation. We wish her a speedy recovery. . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Simpson, Trenton; Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Maurice and 3 Mu and Mrs. Leonard Brad- Mrs. Mrs. Geo. A. Scott, Oshawa, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin and | family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeate and children: visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Thompson at Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mitchell and daughters visited relatives in Pet- erboro. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin B.| Mz. Margaret Peterson and! stone, Essex; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collacutt and Jo Ann, Bowman- jhe visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon eo, Garnet Sanderson, Orangeville was a recent caller at Mr. and |Mrs. R. McNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Masters, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McMann and Randy, Bowmanville, were with |Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters. The weather has been discourag- ing of late for folks who have low 'land. Guess we are paying up for the lovely winter we had. | Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and Willie, Tyrone, were Sunday eve ning callers at Mr. and Mrs. A, | Oke's. | Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin and | family visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Irwin at Bobcaygeon, Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Pethick and Miss Nancy Wood were visitors |with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bradley | at Bowmanville, Several from here attended Buy. keton and Tyrone anniversary | services. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Veale and | Virginia, Detroit, Mich., visited Werry. | Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Rahm, Saints |field; Mr. and Mrs. Howard (given in honor of Miss Lois Ash-|and Garry, Oshawa, visited Mr. {ton's ninth birthday on Monday |and Mrs. Walter Oke. (evening when about {more girl friends were entertained {at her home. | Miss Winnifred Cole, who has [been nursing at Timmins for some time, spent a few days with My, {and Mrs. E. A. Werry. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and family were with Mr. and Mrs. | Raymond Bottrell at Newcastle. | Mrs. Stanley Ploughman and | Geo. Samells, Port Perry; Russell | Steele and Misses Aleta and Muriel |Steele, Purple Hill, were recent | callers at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms. | Mrs. Audrey May and Garry, La Peer, Michigan, visited her moth- er, Mrs. John Dorland. | Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and {Mrs. Verna Wood were with their {parents Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. Peth- ck. - Mrs. J. K. Graham and Diane, K. Graham, | Mr. and Mrs. P, Ellis and family {visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Roche {in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and [family were callers at relatives' jfomes in Uxbridge and Chalk | e | Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Walker and Dalphine, Bowmanville, were Sun- |day visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin, | Sorry to report Master Douglas Ashton ig in the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, having his tone and family visited many friends at Sils and some teeth removed. Weslo ot Sunday. pa 8 ext : a Nell y ended to R. Mc. n the passing of his sister, Mrs. M. Moore of Bowmanville. Earl Parrott, Chalk Lake, was at Mr, and Mrs. A. L, Wearn's. | Heather igervices at. Tyrone and visited Mr, | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms were 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austin | Franklin, of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin and attended anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton [and Mrs. Norman Collacutt. and family visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope at Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo and |family attended the anniversary Melburn and Jack Phillips, Maid- | services at Tyrone. MOUNT CARMEL CEDAR CREEK MRS. WALTER SLUTE Correspondent MOUNT -- Mr. and CARMEL Mrs. Howard Abbott and family of Burketon were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Coch- rane and family Miss EffieBrawn accompanied Mr. and Mrs. R. Corner and Myrtle of Raglan to the musical festival which was held in Utica on Monday evening. They all enjoyed it very much. Mr, and Mrs. W. Page, Vernon and Tommy, of Sonya were recent guests at the home of the Brawn family. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. Hubbard, Ronnie and Cecil, were Allen Roskie and Miss Helen Serlin of Port Arthur, Miss Florence Leybourn of Kapus- kassing and Francis McMillan, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Konderman and children spent Saturday evening at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Panroessel, of Brook- lin Mr. and Mrs. R. Brawn and Clare of Raglan, Mr. and Mrs. Hagerman and Shawn of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at the Brawn home. The very wet cold weather the past week has held the outdoor work up considerably. The Swedish constitution of 1809, oldest written constitution in Eur- ope, is still fundamentally in force. G. A. KILPATRICK Correspondent CEDAR CREEK -- Miss Flossie Spencer attended a demonstration at the home of Mrs. Elwood Mann, at Whitby, last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs Cecil Slute and girl of Raglan were Sunday visitors at the Wm. Steele home. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Bajowski and son of Oshawa were Sunday visi- tors at the Wilberton home. Miss Dorothy Playter of Victoria {Corners was a weekend visitor at the Spencer home. Lorne Martyn spent the weekend at his home. Mrs. Victor Larocque has vre- turned home for a few days from Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ramer of Prince Albert were Monday visi- tors at the Wm. Steele home. The Reach Township School area board brought another piano to the school last Friday evening. The school pupils and their pare ents attended the musioal, "Tom Sawyer' which was held at Utica on Monday evening. David Mosi- enko played the part of Tom Sawe yer. Prospect and Shirley schools also took part in the program. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Birkett and family of Raglan visited the Spencer home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Fenn and and children Eileen, Joyce, Linda and Gordon of Sunderland were Sunday, visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood and children. N yAl3d

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