THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, April 21, 1088 19 Without A Doubt Youll Reach The Most People With A Times Boh Mrs. B--, Beverley St. Sold Her Suite From This Low Cost Ad. 3-2233. CHROME E DINETTE SUITE, FOAM RUB- Jur, chars go with latest plastic covering. 8--Building Trades 12--QGardening & Supplies Business -- Professional 8. J. FLL. DIAL 3-9201. AND, GRAVEL AND (May?) Ross, Thornton's Corners. PIRECTORY 1a--Accountants, Chartered shingles, » Cail' ur Coal HOMES INSULATED WITH FIBER. glass nL Roofs shingled with Jopuak experienced m rk done by for free estimate. MeT.aughiin and Supplies Ltd. Dial 3-3481. MONTEITH AND MONTEITH, CHAR- tered Accountants, 37 King St. E., Dial $4063, R. Gordon EAVESTROUGHING, chimney repairs, ROOFING AND Dial 3-4373. (April) W. Riehl, C.A., Partner. (May9) 2--Auditors and Accountants 3-4 J, HEND] Silider blocks, large stock H. ERSON .CONCRETE AND on hand. Dial (Apri2) ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, 8. T. HOP- General Accountant. 172 | 2 King St. East. Dial 5-3509. CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES, Lou Ras Dial 5-1474. BUILT after 6. nd repaired. Call (Mayl) (May2) SeBarrioiwrs PAINTING, CARPETRY AND jobs, satisfactory work. Dial 3-8329, ALL ODD (May8) (May3) CARPENTER WORK DONE, | foo sma Roofing and altérations. 4979, NO JOB Dial Ask for Bill. (90f) AND CAMERON, 18% Dial 3-2269, Ralph §. EAVESTROUGHING--FREE Guaranteed work. Dial 3-9070. TES. (Mayl?) King Street East. Jones, B.A., John A. Cameron, B.A. Money to loan. (Mayl) BARRIS- Phones: HUMPHREYS & BOYCHYN, ters, solicitors, 6 King West. CEMENT WORK, walks, block and brick work, Small jobs a spec- ialty, Dial 5-3422. PORCHES, STEPS, garage floors, curbs, chimneys, (May20) Office 5-1177; Residences 5-4604, Whitby 2761. Morey to loan. (May1) McGIBBON & BASTEDO, BARRISTERS and Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe St. N. Phone 53566. Charles C. McG;bbon, QC, Edgar F Bastedo. (Apr24) CONANT AND > CONANT, "BARRISTERS and Solicitors, Roger G. Conant, B.A.. of- fices: Oshawa, Ont, 7% Simcoe St. 8. WEEPING TILE Concrete culvert tile supplied and installed. DIAL 5-4052 (May18) 2 : Ajax, Ont., Phone 25. Dial 3.2227 J (Apri) QC, BARRISTER, Street East. Dial Greer, (Aprl0) A. W. 8. GREER, Solicitor, etc., King 5-4717. Residence 3-4759. John M. B.A., St, resident 35-3368. Z. T. SALMERS, B.A., BARRISTER, Solicitor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street North. H 41, residence 5-5542. Dial: office 5-3741, (Aprad) Roofing, masonry. Fireplaces walks, blocks. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN types of side- insul-bric, all hinneys, stucco, GORDON MAY Dial 3-9911 (May5) Q.C.. BARRIS- loan. Office 14% Oshawa. Dial 38232. Residence. Dial 5- (Mayl) MARKS, BARRISTER, SOLICI- IT King Eas, Room 2 Dial Oifice bP Residence 3-4325. (May1) JOSEPH P. MANGAN, ter, Solicitor. Money $0 | King Street Sant, O oul Make the old floors like new, new like floors LOOK! Hardwood Floors Dont Neglect the 6th Side of r Rooms. floors Jags. Hardwood sanded, YANCH, LLCEY'S MODERN pTLOORS prila7) Sewer drains, trenching of any kind, any- where, by foot o Excavating, loam, fill, P. MacDonald connections, septic tanks, r job. Bl filling, gravel. General Trucking Dial 5-3422 top soil, 307 Eulalie (Apras) 8--Dentists Pre-Cast Concrete SEPTIC TANKS Delivered and Installed BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS " Brooklin -- Phone 155 (Apri) PETER BE WILLSON, DENTIST, awa Clinic. Hours 9 to 6 daily. mornings. Dial 3-8632 or 3-3792. R. COLLARD, §. Ton: 3 to" dal. ings. 85-4832. (May1 COE , DENTIST, 4% Su FOS (Aprad) 6--Nyirsing Services GREEN VILLA REST HOME, MDoLE Bowmanville. Phone 2974. (May1?) REST HOME HAS VACANCY FOR SEMI- lady. Rates reasonable. Phone 7--Optometrists TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, DISNEY Sait gopostis Post Office. Dilly 55; Mon., Wed., and Fri. evenings, 7-9. Con- LEGGETTE FLOORS Rental Service Custom Work Floors laid, sanded & finished DIAL 5-5836 (May) tact lenses and plastic eyes. Dial 5-6143. Ja--Surveyors . HORTON, ONTARIO LAND SUR- Civil , 31 Wi Cres cent, Ajax. Phone 247-R, Ajax. (Apr2?7) NEV. AND RICHARDS, ONTARIO and An onal engin and St. E. Phone 5-5632. (May$) 8--Building Trades' ALTERATIONS AND REMODELLING, Bg a pe Re st jusialied; 'shar re re- pairs. Floor and wall tiling. Work guaran- teed. G. Parks 3-2631. (May9) ALTERATIONS, Cup. BULLDOZING GRADING Sand, Gravel, Brick and Block Laying, Plastering and Cement | first Work. Prompt Service. Call for Estimates LILLEY BROS. Courtice DIAL 5-4902 GARDEN PLE OUGHING. A W. POWELL & Sons. May21) HARDY PLANTS Evergreens, - Roses, Omamental Trees and Shrubs, Fruit Trees, (0 few dwarf-apple varieties are of bearing age), vines, perennials, etc. it SEPH SCHRAVEN, Nurseryman c/o Farm, Mr. R. Whyte, located be- tween baseline and new highway directly south of Maple Grove church and school. Dial 5-1337, OSHAWA, ~ (Mays) Evergreens, roses and shrubs Order now for spring delivery, Lawns sodded and seeded. Nursery stock planted. Gardeners: For economy and efficien- cy have us demonstrate the "Merry Tiller" at your home, CLARE & ALLEN SHANK HILLSIDE NURSERY, OSHAWA Dial 5-2744 13--Household Repairs FURNITURE REPAIRED AND REUP- holstared. See our materials for recov ering. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles. Dial 3-7212. (May3) CHESTERFIELDS REBUILT, RECOVER: Like new. Why pay more? Our rates Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Uph Co., 8 Church St. Dial 5-0311, holstering (May3) READ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE ummer Resorts ADVERTISEMENTS HALIBURTON, QUIET HOUSEKEEPING san beach, hydro, store, Expert assistance with your drapery problems. Beautiful materials to choose from. All types, tracks, rods, venetian blinds and window shades supplied and installed. Furniture re- covered and re-built, New custom- built pieces slip covering. V. L. MONTGOMERY Brooklin 122 (May11) 14--Instruction trout, bass fishing, Redstone Lake area. Folders--C. Lynn, West Guilford, Ont. (Tues-June30) GRAYMOORE -- HOUSEKEEPING COT- tages, Haliburton Highlands, good fish- ing, swimming, safe beach. Write John Gray, Graymoore Cottages, R.R. 1, Nor- land, Ontario. (Tues, Jne23) HOUSEKEEPING COT- fishing, flush toilets, $24 weekly. B. Amato, 470 Dupont St., Toronto, (Tues.-June2) GEORGIAN BAY, NEAR MIDLAND, FUR- nished cottages. Fifteen to thirty-five dol- lars weekly, safe bathing beach, fishing. Box 808, Newton- (Tues, June23) KASHE LAKE, tages, swimming, Folders. Walter Earle, brook, Ont. JENORA BUNGALOWS---HOUSEKEEP- for rent, on Mary Lake, LEARNING TO DANCE IS EASY AND fun at the Oshawa Studio of Dancing, 5 ng Muskoka. Write F. W. Jennings, Box 541, Huntsville. (Tues..June23) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, CHE- mong Lake, near Fowlers Corners, 8 miles from Peterborough. Spring mat- tresses. A. Brotherstone, 562 Waterford St., Peterborough. (Tues-June30) WASAGA BEACH, DELUXE 4-ROOMED cottages; city conveniences, private beach. 32 Government Rd., Toronto. Rod- ney 1587, (Tues&Thurs. to May26) BALA PINES--Cosy, comfortable double and single cabins, housekeeping, near stores, churches, boats, station. Write W. J. Rosser, Bala, Ont. (T.,June23) Prince St. Dial 5-0841 or (Aor10s DANCING---BALLET, TOE, TAP, IRENIE Harvey, Burk St. New classes How for. Gibb St. May. Ww COURSES IN STENOGRAPHY, TYPE- writing, acoounting, comptometry and as- sociated subjects. Day and night school classes begin any Monday. Bi iness College. "Plat 54343, LILLIAN MAE MARSH DANCING School -- Ballet, Tap, Toe, Character, Die School--Masonic Temple, Sa ! mation 3.7253, Ma 15--Insurance McMURTRY INSURANCE, FIRE, AUTO, Burglary, Life (Rep.. Imperial Life) -~ 21 King West. Dial 3-3722, (Apri?) PRUDENTIAL OF ENGLAND ASSURANCE COMPANY is represented in Oshawa and District by FRANK E. TURNEY, C.L.U., 47 PRINCE STREET DIAL 5-0833 Life, Fire and Auto Insurance Overseas policies given special attention (Apr.29) 18--Lost & Found LOST---3-MONTH- LD WHITE & BLACE puppy. Dial 5-0186 19--Money To Loan AND SECOND MORTGAGES, 'chased or arranged. North Shore Limited, 113 Simcoe St. North, Dial 5-3568. CLIENT'S MONEY Jo loan ON FIRST Creighton, Fraser & Drynan, {Canad an, adian Bank or Commerce Chambers. (Apr2?) CLIENTS' MONIES AVAILABLE FOR and second mortgages. Mortgages Ee agreeieiiis for pnd purchased. N.H.A. ans Apply--M. F. Swartz, Barrister &c., 3 Simcoe St. 8., Oshawa. Dial 3-4697. (May1) 20--Personal GOING WEST? WE NEED EXPERIENC- ed drivers with good references to drive new cars to Vancouver. We pay part of gasoline expenses and allow extra mileage dial 37048. )| 8Ba--Sharpening Services PLASTERING AND archways, remodelling, water b ts. Free Pi A. Woods. FRAMES, DOORS, WINDOWS AND A 3-8912. (Aprl0) gum: iy os shears, A sharpen- Pahl el AUTOMAMC o SAW FILING, SprNG ming. types of 8h Service. 227 King (22tf) for pl . Enjoy a real vaca- ORILLIA---MAPLE LEAF COTTAGES ON Lake Simcoe. Swimming, fishing, light housekeeping, electricity, flush toilets. Write R. Rees. (Tues, June23) LAKE OF BAYS--HOUSEKEEPING COT- | tages, snack bar, shopping centre, flush toilets, safe beach, fishing. May 15 -- Thanksgiving. Glen Manor, Dwight, Mus- koka. (Tues.,June2s) SIX POINT LODGE. ALONE ON BEAU- tiful Silent Lake, bass, trout, pickerel. 'ol- HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, BULL Lake, good fishing, boat, ice included, $30 weekly, Charles Wilson, 182 Mulock Ave., Toronto. (Tues.,June23) STURGEON LAKE, KENSTONE BEACH, housekeeping cottages, accommodates 4, boat $25. Open week-end. V. A. Freem Ave, Toronto 13. (TuesJly?) HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES AND MOD- ern cabins, on Trent River, May to Sep- tember. For reservation, write Trentonia Camp, Hastings, Ont. (Tues-Jun23) Excellent food and der. Bancroft, Ont. (Tues,June23) DELAWANA INN IT'S NEW! IT'S DIFFERENT! IT'S EXCITING! Completely rebuilt following last sea- son's fire. The brand new Delawana is Ontario's most resort. COTTAGE FOR RENT, JUNE, JULY, August and September. Sleeps five. No hydro, sunset view, Lake Scugog. Abstain- ers. $20 weekly. Apply 92 Stevenson's Rd. S. (93a) ~ CATCHCOMA HIGHLANDS 20 Miles North of Buckorn C accommodate 2 to 10 people. For folders and rates, write DELAWANA INN, HONEY HARBOR GEORGIAN BAY, ONT. (Tues,June23) HEATHER LODGE -- MUSKOKA LAKE ATTENTION ASSOCIATIONS Groups of twenty or over; complete fac- ilities of Heather Lodge, weekends or longer. Noted for excellent meals, group diets. For folders write M. C. SPOFFORD Woodbridge LONE MAPLE PIGEON LAKE Heated cottages, running water, el- ectric refrigeration, flush toilets, early pickerel fishing, muskies, bass in on. BOX 182, BOBCAYGEON Phone 45r22 Y (Tues,Junas) HOTEL THURSTONIA STURGEON LAKE THURSTONIA PARK Come and enjoy good meals, safe bath- ing, fishing, tennis, dancing. Twenty furn- ished family cottages. Reasonable rates. Booklets. (Tues-Jun23) CAMP SHARBOT For Boys 5 to 16 At Sharbot Lake, north of Kingston. Add Jour name to a growing list of enthus- whbse boys learn many sat- tion trip. Cars for 1 departure. Write today, Box 728, Times- Gazette. (Mar31tf) GOING OUT? WE HAVE EXPERI enced baby-sitters, reliable middle-aged women. Phone Baby Sittery Club, 5-4310. Mrs. Weeks. (May?) Tiling kitchen, bathroom. All | Free ex Vi Modern Woodworking Shop. Phone Dial 3.9851. Apr29) Percy Neil, Dial Saws FILED AND SET, RETOOTHING, ete. Lawn mowers, CAR LEAVING OSHAWA FOR TORONTO shears 102 Highland BE Oshawa. Friday, 7 a.m. returning 5:20 p.m. Two passengers wanted. oa 3-8363. (Apri3) | 5.0633 )NCRETE NLEPING AND CULVERT 9--Business Opportunities HUSBANDS! WIVES! WANT PEP? Th J! weak, worn out co tile, Dial 5-40 (May6) YOUR LOCAL ROOFER -- . SHINGLING; insul-bric; flat roofing; flashing; eaves- Free estimates, guaranteed. 0 LUNCH ROOM DOING GOOD William TURN ver. Good lease. $3,500 cash. Apply 15¢ E. (Apra2d) Terms. H. Tucker, dial 5-6161. (April) ROOFS SHINGLED, CONCRETE SILLS Fi OR RENT -- SERVICE STATION ON King St. in Bowmanville, Sood gallonage. I diat rite Box 844, stone work and y repairs, Times-Gazette. (91e) sonable rates, For free esti Br or 8:5 5124. (Apr20) n JR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING p ~orati free estimates, Dial 3- HT oe (May1) MARVELSTONE FOR WALLS OR FIRE- places, popular in interior design. Won. der building material. Information, phone 812 Whit by. (May8) ER HR NEW HOMES NOW. RESTRICT- ORDER | Righty peroegt N.H.A. mort- repal 5043. gages. For tep (Apri?) AMERICAN BRICK, REDWIRE CUT OR smooth. 3 a Vv ai mpt delivery. For informa- tion call Totoutrville 7731. (May$) GROCERY AND MEAT STORE 6' x 65, all facilities, equipment nd fixtures, $5,000. Stock at in- oice. Yearly turnover, $40,000. Owner has other business prospects, nd must sell immediately. Well located on Highway No. 2, 95 miles east of Toronto, WRITE P.O. BOX 489 BRIGHTON Phone Brighton No. 1 or 227R (Apri) because their body lacks iron, get vim, vitality, taking Ostrex Tonic Tablets. In- troductory size only 60c at all druggists. ' a 20a--Cartage FOR GENERAL FARTACE CALL A. BE. Pretty, 5-0965, 444 Ss. (Apr2l) MOVE ALMOST ANYTHING ANY- Dial 5-2621. (May3) WE time. nl, skills in a happy camping atmos phere. For folders write. C. L. PROCTOR 86 Glendora Blvd, Willowdale, Ont. (Tues,June23) JOYLAND BEACH--LAKE SIMCOE 2, 3 or S5-room cottages, good fishing, safe swimming. Ideal vibation spot. Write -- R. GOOD MARKS RD., TORONTO. (Tues-June30 FERN COTTAGE RESORT Home of Rolls and Honey Modern rates, golf, fishing, bowling: plece band, 2 social hostesses. food and si lity. Op Sopa 23, closing Sept. 19. Write FERN COT- 'AGE, Atherl for folder, or telephone 8 21--Personal Service DANCE BAND, SMALL COMBINATION, available for engagements. Phone Ajax 152 evenings or Ajax 216 days. Dorothy Cross. (May16) INCOME TAX 2 ORME FILLED OUT. ANY amount. Dial 3 (Apr2s) EXPERT RADIO SERVICE--AND ELEC- tric appliances repaired. Dial 5-4311 102 Wilson Rd. South, (Apri2) TANKS CLEANED THE SAN: |1 3986. tary way. Dial 5- (May2) 1---Dressmaking MAE'S MENDING AND REP. - kinds expertly Sone, Free SAVE ON LUMBER -- DIRECT FROM d mill to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kin- mount, Ont. Phone 17RIL (May20) DRESSMAKING, WEDDING GOWNS, resses, gowns and alterations. Dial 3.7947. (Apras, UMBING AND HEATING PIPES, FIT- = nd s, new and used, Installs. tings. Dial Pha tons at reasonable prices. hl, _ ROOFING, ASPHALT SHINGLING AND carpenter work. Bill Parkhurst. rege (April6) NOW IS THE TIME ALTERATIONS and DRESSMAKING Dial 5-1538 Sand, gravel and fill for driveways, | 4 1a--Tailoring foundations, For quick service call OCHRANE HAULAGE DIAL 5-5930 (Apr30) Op TON TAILORS SPadlALLE EE AN clothes. All materials of the finest British woollens. 18% Simcoe North. Dial 5.0632. and gents' made (Mar323) 1 NO DOWN PAYMENT 2--Cardening & Supplies 24 Months To Pay and Dial 5-4274. BEAUTIFUL FRUIT-BEARING CHERRY nd apple trees, Chinese Elim other evergreen, All must be sold. (May®) Specializing in Insul-bric sid- ing, Roofing, Kitchen Cup- boards. p DIAL 5-0865 also seed Dial 5-1721. FONE US REGARDING YOUR GAR- ens, everything you need--trees, shrubs, ever- 25 years' experience. We have reens, rockery, flags and chromestone, and sod. George Hardsand. (May7) WORK GUARANTEED a GIVE YOUR GARDEN A GOOD START having it expertly ploughed by , | 3-7143, Ww all pick-up and delivery. Dial (Apran) "| LEARN JUDO, SELF DEFENCE, COR. rect breathing for relief of asthma, bron- chitis, insomnia, nerves. Health Science, 5-2898. (May18) DON'T BREAK YOUR NECK LET ME DO IT | take your storm windows off and clean the windows, also general spring cleaning. R. MAEDER DIAL 5-1724 115 BEATRICE ST. (Apra3) 21a--Auctioneers JAMES WOOD AUCTIONEER Livestock, furniture, purebred live- stock sales; no sale too large or small. Dial 5-5980 Oshawa (Apri0) 22a--Shoe Repairs FINE SHOE REPAIRING, BEST WORK- manship, called for and delivered. Dial William St. T. ORILLIA 6341. uly? ARDAGH COTTAGES Completely equipped housekeeping cottages on beautiful Lovesick Lake, near Burleigh Falls. Safe sandy bath- ing for children. Bass, muskie and pickerel fishing. Write Mrs. I. J. Ardagh, Ardagh Cottages, Burleigh Falls, Ont, TuesJly?) LAKE SIMCOE 7 Miles East of Sutton Best and safest beach on Lake Simcoe -- Cabins, family cottages and motel, picnic grounds and ables f for church or private parties. Information write: BAISLEY & MERCER Pefferlow Point, Ont, (TuesJly?) Sandy beach, remote section, extra good fishing. Also 2 cottages for sale on point of land. STAN BURGER Phone 431 . - Lakefield, Ont. (Tues,June2s) MINERS BAY LODGE Rooms, cabins, cottages. Recreation and relaxation at one of Haliburton's finest. 4 Fora vacation you will enjoy. Write for a descriptive folder to W. H. WUNKER and SONS Miners Bay, Ontario (Tues.June23) THREE MILE LAKE, MUSKOKA F heated. } $30 per week, including boat, fuel and ice. HAMMELL COTTAGES R. R. No. 1., Utterson, Ontario (Tues.,June23) SUNSET VIEW COTTAGES Accommodate six, hydro, fully furnished, screened, safe swimming, sandy beach. On Georgian Bay. $32 weekly, E. THOMBS 174 Kensington Ave. North Hamilton, Ontario (Tues.,June3s) SILVER BIRCHES On beautiful South Lake, Minden. House- keeping cottages, = recreation hall, chil dren's playground, shuffleboard, good fishing, safe swimming. Write MRS. H. SCHMIDT 419 Bay St. North - Hamilton (Tues., June23) SANDY BAY CAMP RICE LAKE Hi 46 persons, hydro, ice and boat included. Sandy beach for children. Good fishing. Rates $32 to $35 weekly. For reservations write R. McCracken, 9 Church St., Port Hope. Phone 4013. (Tues-Jun30) HALIMAR Small, friendly resort, 1,000 ft., safe, sandy beach. Modern throughout. Bountiful meals. Near golf course. Apply Bruce Henry, Haliburton. PpYy ry: (Tues-Jned0) MEREDITH LODGE HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES Beatuiful Lake Rosseau, Muskoka, private showers, tollets, safe sandy beach, boats, up to 6. I LA, 2240. Write 178 Fern tion, folders, Ave., Toronto. (Apr21,28-May8) CEDAR CREST CAMP Housekeeping cottages, 15 miles northeast Napanee, hydro, boat, ice supplied, innerspring mattresses, good fishing, safe beach for children. Vacancies to July 25, Reduced rates for June and Sept. Write CLARENCE NH. WATSON, 7 KENT ST.. LINDSAY, ONT. (Tues, Jly?) 23--Women's Column 25--Real Estate For Sale SPECIALS---COLD WAVES, $4.75 UP; machineless, $3,50 up. Page Hairdressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Dial 5-5363. (Aprld) CLARKE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE, MACHIN- less Permanent, $3.50 up, cold-wave $8, guaranteed. Dial 3-2651, 182 Gibbon St. (May17) CHARIS -- DISTRIBUTOR FOR ALL types of Foumdation Garments. B. Blatter. Dial 5-343¢ (May3) COLUMBUS BEAUTY SHOP -- PER- manents: machineless, $4 to $10; Cold Waves, $6 finger waves. Donalda Me- Leod. Phone Brooklin 13RS. Columbus -- evening appointments. (May?) 25--Real Estate For Sale T, rs X 100°, ON EL MOROVE a Soup ash or R jovments. smog) INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Residential property presently rented showing yearly net profit of $1,300, for sale. Total purchase price, $12,- 500. Cash required $9,000, Excellent opportunity to earn 15% return on investment, 'Many extras included. Box 816, Times - Gazette Nand 25--Real Estate For Sale 25--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate Wanted BUILDING 10h i SEWER, WATER, ON Eulalie, near Rd. and new sehsol Dial 3-9387. ) NORTH OSHAWA, 3 ACRES, 2 BED- room brick veneer bungalow, large rooms, oak and rubber tile floors, 4-pe. blue bath, dinette, Jui in Wii Livi sun- NHA AND CUSTOM HOMES BUILT By (May14) LAKESHORE LOTS 100" SCUGOG frontage, Apply R. Fralick, RR 3, Port Perry. Phone 103R21. (May18) FOUR ROOMS, INSUL-BRIC COTTAGE, hydro, city water, reasonable. Dial sys Nua Anp CUSTOM Bowes BUILT = G & Sam. ® room attached, room and But cellar. Hols ag da by coal. $12,000 full price. 5-5915. (93b) COTTAGE FOR SALE, ON RIDEAU Lake or exchange, as down Rayment on house in Oshawa. Dial 3-9654 (93¢c) BUILDING LOT, 61.FT, FRONTAGE city water, east end. Chore 3.6874, (880) ON KING ST. W. DIAL 3-0998. 3 ACRES (93¢) & 3 Saar. pri MODERN 5-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, all conveniences, oil heated, double gar- age, one acre of land. Phone 5-4361. OS LOTS FOR SALE In Whitby's newest and best sub- division -- Anderson Street. High dry lots, sizes 66' x 183'. Town water, hydre, good roads. Loans ar- | ranged for building. JONES REAL ESTATE 6% PRINCE ST. -- OSHAWA (88) THIS IS IT! DON'T MISS THIS BUY | Large 6-room brick bungalow,. three | years old, all modern conveniences, oil tinted throughout, centrally lo- cated. $11,500 -- for terms and further information contaet G. BARROW Real Estate 25 BURK ST. DIAL 5-3852 (93a) $9,000 -- Immediate possession, 6- room, 2-storey brick dwelling on Jar- vis St, Ideal for subletting. Terms ar- ranged. $9,800--Modern S-room brick bun- galow on Highland Ave, $3,800 cash. Balance payable $55.00 monthy, in- cluding taxes. |$12,000--With $3,000 cash obtains Tullett, 6 | possession of 9-room 2-storey frame dwelling. Immaculate condition throughout. Extra large kitchen. Lot over 200-ft. deep. Oil heated. Pos- session June Ist. W. E. HOLMES Broker BOND at ONTARIO DIAL 5-2363 ED. IRISH -- Salesman Dial 3-3301 (92b) David Maclean Ltd. Realtors -- 43 Bond St. W. $1,500 Down, Walk into business, groceries, cooked meats, confection- ery, 2-room apartment. 4-year lease at $40 per month. Total price only $3,000. Must be sold at once. OAKES AVE.--5-room rug brick, Ne. 1 oak, and mastic tile floors, plenty of closet space, 4-pc. bath, hot-air heating by oil, fully landscaped. Modern throughout. $11,000, rea- able down payment. Immediate pos- session, $300 PER ACRE. Lots 3, or § geres, some well wooded. Rok a few Large or small acreages, for full or part-time cultivation. MR. TINDALL . Call DIAL 5-0429 (932) W. J. MOWAT OFFERS $10,500 Simcoe St. North, 5-rcom place, light brick, oil heating with hot water rads, built-in frig; one room in bed- room in basement, large lot and ga- rage. $10,500 6-room frame, 5 rooms in basement, $90 per month income; one acre and other buildings. $9,500 $2,500 down, 5-room rug brick, oil heating, double garage, with one acre of land. $7,500 $3,000 down, hot water with oil, 5 rooms, large lot, $10,000 Here is an opportunity in Belleville, 7-room stucco over brick, oak floors, tile kitchen, 3 extra lots. Salesmen J. A. WINTERS 174 Church St. Dial 5-0164 L. BROWN 5-2642 Whitby 2601 heating FIRST-CLASS, WELL-BUILT, PLASTER- ed 4-room house with cellar, water and large lot on Lake Sougos, near Caesarea. Asking price $2,200. W. G. Bowles, Nestleton, (92b) NHA AND CUSTOM HOMES BUILT BY For estimates dial & G ( Satin! (Mayl4) REAL BARGAIN Approximately 1% acres of approved land on Stevenson's Rd, N., or large lot for a lovely home site, 4 minutes from new School, Dial 3-7210. (93b) HOUSES WANTED FOR cash or your equity. For i satisfactory sale, see 13 Prince St. Dial Sass. Residence Fe. URGENTLY REQUIRED Properties, large or small, * Have buyers waiting. W. E. HOLMES Broker 31 Bond E Dial 5-2363 BERNEICE H. PATRICK Rea) Estate Broker Listings Wanted Personal Service 16 BOND E. DIAL 5-3692 100 WILSON RD. N DIAL 3-3800 Salesman R. J. Fursey « Dial 3-788 (May30) mi Rent - ROOM FURNISHED HEL entrance, heat, ght supplied. Adults preferred. TMENT, Fie 19 qd. fast b- New, app: ing Large lots. New street open. Bus service in spring, electricity, Building now in progress. West side of National Stud Farm, RR 3, OSHAWA, or write R. C. BICKLE, CAVAN, ONT. (May1) $10,000 -- $4,500 Cash 7-room brick--Colborne East. Oil heated. Garage; deep lot. This is a good home. JONES Real Estate 6% PRINCE ST, -- DIAL 5-412 FINE HOMES Built to order by G. & G. CONSTRUCTION Custom Homes -- N.H.A. HOMES Mortgages arranged -- Free estimates For information call G. BARROW BROKER 25 BURK ST. DIAL 53852 ATTRACTIVE 5-room brick 1V4 storey home on large landscaped lot. Lou- isa St. W. Hot water heated, oak floors, fireplace, storms and screens, full price $8500, $2650 down. DIAL 5-2853 (Apris.21.2) PORT PERRY Large selection of choice properties featuring lower prices, easier terms, low taxes. 20 minutes from Oshawa -- regular bus service. See . . WM. HEAYN Port Perry Representative ERNEST RIDOUT Real Estate Limited Phone Port Perry 174r12 (TuesaFri-th CAR AGENCY One of a Big 3. First time offered for sale. $20,000 will put you in business--large garage with show- room, office, stockroom. Located on highway east of Oshawa. Established over 30 years, has enjoyed steady growing business in car sales ond re- pair work. Owner retiring from busi- ness. For information, only. $16,000--7-room beautiful home on good road near the lake; oak and tile floors, oil heating, air condition ing, large garage; 3 extra rooms for living quarters. $14,000--$5,000 down, 9-roomed brick home, hot-air heating with oil, oak floor throughout. Close to down- town; garage; a good income home. WALTER R. SMITH BROKER 18 BOND ST, WEST -- DIAL 3-2911 HENRY R. STINSON -- Salesman DIAL 5-2130 -- Evenings -- a inquire at office 27--Real Estate Wanted WANTED -- 6 OR 7-ROOMED HOUSE, on at least 2 acres of land, witin 12 miles of General Motors, $8,000 to $9,000, will purchase on V.L.A. Write Box 128, Times-Gazette, Whitby. (92b) BRIGHT FURNISHED BEDROOM IN private home for 1 or 3 &entiemen, Al Appl 369 Division. rind WILL - RENT ANY SECTION OF 7 'TO 52 acres land, good black loam, fertile soil, immediate possession. H. Glecoff, 174 Ritson South. (Apr30) room for 2 gentlemen, willing to share. Quiet and clean. Apply 107 Willingdon, or 3.9686. 91¢) FURNISHED ROOM _FOR GIRLS OR men. Apply 213 Oshawa Blvd. 5-3641. > 91el LARGE BASEMENT APARTMENT, FUR: nished or unfurnished. Adults only. Phons of. ) TWO ROOMS, SINGLE BEDS SUITABLE, for 3 gentlemen, willing to share, board optional. Close to Motors. Dial 3-2701. « LARGE FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping room, suitable for 1 or 2. Ab- stainers. Apply 164 Alice. (92¢) 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. APPLY 3515 Ritson Rd. N. (93d) GARDEN SPACE FOR RENT 50' x 185. Dial 3-8498. (92c) ROOM FOR 2 GENTLEMEN TWIN beds, in clean, private home. Some house- keeping privileges allowed. Phone 3-9800, after 6. (92b) FURNISHED ROOM . FOR % GENTLE. men. Dial 3-9841. PARKING SPACE, CENTRAL. DIAL 3.4817, 920) man only. Phone 3-2037, 7-ROOM BRICK HOUSE FOR, RENT, fireplace, garage, central, $80 per month. Box. 815, Times-Gazette. (93¢) VERY LARGE ROOM FOR GENTLE- man to share, separate beds, central, close to Motors. Abstainer. Apply 114 Elgin E. (930) ROOMS, GENTLEMEN i Apply 174 Arthur. Dial 3-7524. (930) LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for two girls. Phone 5-6159. (930) FURNISHED ROOM, CENTRAL. APPLY 65 Charles St. Dial 3-7368 FURNISHED BEDROOM, SUITABLE FOR 1 gentleman, very central. Dial A > FURNISHED 3-ROOM FLAT, NO CHILD- ren. Dial 3-3882. (93a) ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN G TO share, very central, Dial Ly (930) LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room, conveniences, suit married couple, vacant. Dial 3-4861, or 24 Elgin Hast, 2-ROOM APARTMENT, FURNISHED FOR: light housekee] . Suitable for business or young married couple. Dial 3-8482. OFFICE SPACE 1600 square feet over S. S. Kresge Co. DIAL 5-0732 29--Wanted to Rent 5° 6-ROOM HOUSE IN OSHAWA, BOW- manville, Whitby, by couple with two children. Write Box 255 Colborne, Ont. (924) (89th no family, desire 3-room, self-contained apartment. Please phone 3-9073. (88f) WANTED--2-3 ROOMS FU! . OR unfurnished, in Oshawa or vi s by Scotch couple with 2 small 's. Dial 3-3652. (90f) WANTED TO RENT--GARAGE, WITHIN 3 loess of Bond and Simcoe. Fhone SUMMER COTTAGE OR TRAILER, near Oshawa, by May 1. Write Box o18, Times-Gazette. (93¢) WANTED--HOUSE OR 4-ROOM APART- ment, adults, reasonable rent. Urgent. Dial 3-2731. @1c) WANTED--10 TO S50-ACRE FARM, any condition, suitable for reforestation, must be reasonable. Write all particulars to Box 839, Times-Gazette. (87tH) y | 25--Real Estate For Sale IN | YOUNG COUPLE, 'DE- Dial (93¢) 4 OR 5-ROOM HOUSE OR DUPLEX, BY young couple. Please help us. Dial 5-4695. (93e) NO' CHILDREN, sires 3-room apartment; central. -8668. AUL RISTOW REAL ESTATE BROKER S-6165 A GROWING FAMILY north end, close to school and bus. will find comfort and security in nis three-year-old bark briek home in Oshawa's d many years in this lovely spen location, the owner johaol various extras built into the four large rooms downstairs and has left the upstairs unfinished. Two-way switches, twice as deep built-in closets, quarter-cut oak floors, twindow and and screens, double garage. Very attractively oil burner, storms many outlets, and plate glass, air-conditioning decorated and in Priced at $12,800 with immaculate condition terms. ELECTRICALLY SPEAKING -shock swi here's a home as up-to-date as non: fluorescent lighting. keep. General Electric air - conditioning, four -piece bath and roug! modern kitchen has plenty of cupboards. Private in high dry basement. Large switches, automatic closet lights and Six rooms on one floor, oak and Jaspe linoleum for easy hed - in for batn drive has cement runway. Priced at $12,000 with terms. ro, LARGE LOTS ving frontages of 66 fi depths of 130 feet. City water, bus and new p10 er By Priced at 200 o: ry i; quick sale. Call 5-6165 Regarding Your Property 37 PRINCE ST., OSHAWA 938) YOUNG BUSINESS MAN AND WIFE RE- quire self-contained, 3-room apartment. References. Abstainers. Apply Room 321, Genosha Hotel, after 7. (93¢) ADULT FAMILY Urgently require 4-bedroom house or larger by June; central preferred. Ex- cellent references. Steady employ- ment. Dial 5-5862. (98¢) URGENTLY NEEDED Young couple urgently require 3 or 4-room apartment. Abstainers. Ref- erences if required. DIAL 5-1247 OFFICE SPACE 300 - 400 sq. ft. in business section. i". DIAL 3.7788 After 3 p.m. 30--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLE: | 13 and double beds. Near Motors. (86c)". May19h LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING FURNISHED PEDROOM FOR GENTLE TIMES-GAZETTE EMPLOYEE, MARRIED