Daily Times-Gazette, 27 Mar 1953, p. 8

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doy with ( JO ALDWINCKLE WOMEN'S EDITOR anern DIAL 3-2233 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Friday, March 27, 1953 - BRIDE AND GROOM OF 25 YEARS AGO Twentyfivé years ago Miss Florence L. Pointon becamé the bride of Samuel Charlés Rundle of Maple Grove. On Tuesday were honored by relatives and friends on the occasion of their silver anniversary. ; Photo by Campbell's Studio. | evening Mr. and Mrs. Rundle North Oshawa Residents Celebrate Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Charles Rundle, North Oshawa, celebrated their silver anniversary on Tues- day evening amid & shower of greeting cards, flowers and visi- tors, all expressing congratulations and g wishes. : The oe6uplé were married in Maple Grove by the Réverend H, Stainton. They havé livéd in Maple Grove, Florida, Hampton and Oshawa. They have two sons and two daughters; Marjorie and Lewis, twins, Raymond and Sylvia. Mrs. Rundle is $hé former Florence L. Pointon of Yorkshire, England, and West Palm Beach, Florida. Mr. Rufidle 18 the &6n of the late Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Rundle of Maple Grove. Mr. Rundle has beef an employee of General Motors for over twenty- five years. The 6ouple re mem- bers of North Oshawa Unitéd both on 'he offieial board. Mr. i# & member of the board of session, and Mrs. Rundle is organist and choir leader, Mrs. Rundle is also presi- dent of the Senior WA a and president of the Local Gui and Brownie Group Committee. Wearing a dress of green crepe and a corsage of pink and white carnations which was the gift of the bride's mother, Mrs. J. Collett, the bride received about seventy guests du the evening. Those from out of town inchifled, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Squair, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. ur Found, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt, Mr, and Mrs. C. Green- ham, Mr. and Mrs: Stewart Mor- ton, Mr. afid Mrs. Pred Stevens, Mrs. M. Mildred and Bob, Mr. and Mrs, C. Jefferey and FREE - FREE - FREE A BEAUTIFUL 20 x 40 BEDROOM RUG Factory te you. Yes, we will give 'absolutely free, oa gift of eo ) rug with each pure cho: Luxurious orduroy Chenille bedspread. This Is the spread thot "hos thousands of velvety tu vhich completely $5 the spread, N for A each, sent From salid A remarkable hd when you tonsider that you " 8 rug worth $3 aos o free gift to meteh. Immediate money-bdéck guarantee. TOWN & COUNTRY MFG. BOX 904, PLACE D'ARMES MONTREAL, QUEBEC son, Mrs. 8. Jeffery and son, Mr. and Mrs, L. Crago and Isla all of Maple Grove, Mrs. M. Staples and Miss BE. Penfound, Orono; Mrs. J Hall and Mr. and Mrs. J. Pen found, Toronto, and Mrs. R. Pén- féund, Lindsay. The dining room table was beautifully arranged with pink candles and pink and white car- nations, from which the tea was poured. The living room was decorated with bouquets of spring flowers. Serving the guests were Mrs. R. B. Lang, Miss Mary Penfound, Miss Lois Fice, Miss Marjorie Wal- laée and Miss Joyce Harding. Receiving the guests were Mrs. Kyle BSquair and Miss Marjorie Rundle. Telegrams of congratulations were received from Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dumontel, Sudbury, and Mr, Among the gifts received were a . silver tea service from the family; a tri-light jJamp from Mr. Rundle's relatives and an oil painting from the board of stew- ards of North Oshawa United Chureh. Staff Dinner Marks 25 Years' Service Of Store Manager The staffs of both Loblaw groceterias in Oshawa held a ban- | uet on Wednesday evening in the asonic Temple honoring Mr. Stanley Myers who, completes 25 years' service with the company, chairman for the evening, and Mr. resident and district supervisor, a gold wrist watch on behalf of the | assembled company. |. Speeches of congratulation were | also made by Mr. Leslie Lee and { Mr. Arthur Knight, | from Toronto, | Moore of Peterborough. | Guests from out of | Suded Mr. and Mrs. John Mec- | Cartney and Mr. and Mrs. "Ted" | Moote of Peterborough; Mr. Rob- | ert Mothersill, Mr, and Mrs, Leslie | Lee and Mr. and Mrs. | Knight all of Toronte. Following dinner Miss Hazel Rundle played for a sing song | muéh enjoyed by the guests, many town 'of whom were former employees, | © ODOR-MASTER eo ELECTRICALLY ACTIVATED CHLOROPHYLL ROOM DEODORIZER JUST PLUG IN Banishes cooking, nursery, sickroom LIGHT SOCKET ahd Mrs. R. W. Rundle, Windsor. | PERSONALS Accounts of social events and news of visitors to and from | the city are appreciated by the Social Department, Telephone | 3-2238. Mr. and Mrs. Géza Angi, Glad- stone Avenue, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Hueber and son, Eric, in Hamilton West. Eileen Bishton Bride Of David Kehler The marriage of Eileen June Bithuen. formerly of Peterborough, and Mr. David Kehler of Oshawa was solemnized by the Rev. §. C. H. Atkinson in the chapel of Al- bert Street United Church last Sat- urday afternoon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Huggins of Peter- borough and the bridegroom is the son of the Reverend P. P. Kehler and Mrs. Kehler of Altona, Mani- toba. The bride, who was attended by ber sister - in - law, Mrs. Edward Kehler, wore a navy blue suit with white hat and gloves and navy blue accessories, Dark red roses com- prised her corsage. Her attendant was wearing a grey suit with a small black hat and a corsage of pink roses. Mr. Edward Kehler performed the duties of best man jor his brother. Following the ceremony, a re- ceptioh was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, Jar- vis Street. The hostess was in navy blue crepe trimmed with matching taffeta with navy blue and white accessories and a cor- sage of spring flowers. The bridegroom's father propos- ed the toast to the bride and ex- tended wishes for the couple's fu- ture happiness. Among the guests were the bride's sisters, Mrs. Delbert Arm- strong and Mrs. James Michael, and their husbands, and her nep- hew, Mr. Alvin Armstrong and Mrs. Armstrong, all of Peterbor- ough, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blue of Toronto, unele and aunt of the hostess, were also present. After a brief honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Kehler aré making their home in Whithy. this week, | Mr, Wallace Holmés acted 'as | John McCartney, former Oshawa | paid a glowing tribute to the guest | of honor and presented him with | supervisors | and by Mr. "Ted" | in- Arthur | BERMUDA Mr. and Mrs. Alex G. Storie | are seen in the gardens of the Bermudiana Hotel, Pembroke, Bermuda, where they spent the Eastview Park Aux. Holds Card Party | Eastview Park Ladies Auxiliary held a card party on Tuesday, March 24 at the home of the secré- | tary, Mrs. S. W. Melnichuk, La| Salle Avenue. Forty-six women at- | tended. A prize was given to the win-| ner at each of the eleven tables. The door prize was won by Mrs. Allan Smith, La Salle Avenue, Refreshments were served by | president," Mrs. J. R. Morrison, | treasurer, Mrs. A. Barnes, secre-| tary, Mrs, S. W. Melnichuk and Mrs. E. Couvier. LODGES AND - SOCIETIES SILVER CROSS WOMEN The evening meeting of the Osh-| awa and District Chapter Silver Cross Women was held on Mon- day at the Scout hall with 19 members present. Plans were discussed for the an- nual bazaar to be held in the fall and the convener's appointed as follows: Apron and handkerchief booth, Mrs. John MeConkey; Coun- try store and white elephant, Mrs. David Rae; fancy work and knit- | ting, Mrs. Fred Langléy: home cooking, Mrs. Arthur Wigston and | Mrs. Martha Rea, Whitby; candy | booth, Mrs. Herbert Bradley, Whit- by. A home baking sale is to be held Thursday, April 2, at the Motor City Bowling. Plans were made to hold a spring tea in the Legion Hall on May 6 at 3 p.m. Silver collection. Proceeds from a.bingo held at the home of Mrs." John McConkey were handed in to the general funds. The meeting closed and a social hour was spent at penny bingo, | the proceeds going to Mrs. Jessie | Tooley to buy gifts for future en-| y ON THE THRESHOLD OF A NEW YEAR Looking forward to his first birthday which will be on April 29 is Ralph Arthur Sonley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sonley, tertainment. eT SEE ITT Ta held on Thur§day April 9 at the 2 p.m. Mrs. Legion Hall at Jarvis Street. Ralph is the grand- I . son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman Osborne, Little Britain and Mr. and Mrs. Robson Johnson, Sun- derland. Photo by Hornsby Studio. Switzerland, -- with its fertile fields of wheat, its tidy villages drowsing in the folds of the pre- Alps, its sweeping green pasture- lands and mighty summits was thé subject of an engaging illustrated Jecture in the CCI auditorium last night. The lecturer was Boris Rouba- kine, pianist and photographer, whose eye for a beautiful picture is as keen as his ear for a musical theme. Indeed, as the colored slides appeared one after an othér the effect was like symphony with the rushing waterfalls replacing the woodwinds and the sweep of wind and sky caressing the peaks like a chorus of violins; mountain and storm swelling to the magnitude of the full orchestra. In his opening remarks Mr, Rou- bakine explained that he prelerred to show glimpses of his native Swit- zerland that were rarely seén the tourist, and his pictures all conveyed the charm and quality of the simple life, The valley of the Rhone; vine- yards in summer and fall, larch- wood houses with their slate roofs, next meeting will be held on Wed- nesday, April 22 at 8. 3RD GROUP COMMITTEE The Third Guide and Brownie Group Committee met at thé home of Mrs. Fred Lloyd for its March | meeting. Jus J. W. Chamberlain presid- led. {Guide Mother and Daughter ban- iquet on April 24. {| It was also decided to send 4 | It was decided to have the | Whose auspices the lecture Artistry, Love of Nature Combined In Color Slides of Switzerland oratories and wayside shrines that comfort the lonely herdsmen, and flowers that set the countryside aflame, like the gentian glowing in- tensely blue through the lingeri snow, all made a rhapsody of color, His camera took his audience along precipitous paths and ove pinnacles to which sight of the top. , of the mighty Matterhorti, past | lakes 'like eyes in the mountain" | in rain and shine, sunshine and . shadow. 3 he second half of his program showed the changes in nature a 1 summer lengthened into fall, { the verdant pastures ttifned from , gold to brown and the lafches om . the slopes glowed like ca 3 flames while the mountain ash¢ trees and blue-berry bushes blazed | vermilion. . i Several of his slides of the Alpine : glow brought exclamations from the audience. The organe-pink glow * is the sunset reflected on the' mantle of snow on the mountain peaks; held long after the sun Ing, dipped beyond the valleys thrown into relief by the deepening night sky. "The mountains have a spiritual meaning for the Swiss people,' the speak®r concluded. "Their peaks are like the spires of Gothic cathe- drals and their massive strength in- | spires them, renews their fortitude and exalts their spirit." Mr. Roubakine was introduced by Miss Hilda Rice president of the University Women's Club under was held. Miss Rice explained that pro- ceeds would be devoted to the club's annual scholarship donated | representative to the Conference (to a gir] student of Oshawa or dis- {in Hamilton on April 8 and that |trict enterting a university in Sep- no meeting would be held in April. tember. To make 3ranspa honey or alcoho! manufacture. HOLIDAY winter. Mr. and Mrs. Storie re- turned recently to their home on | Simcoe Street North. Photo Bermuda News Bureau. rent soap, sugar is added dufing TWEED GROUP | The Tweed Group of St. drew"s WA met at the home of Plans were made for a hobby | tea to be held at the home of Mrs. | W. H. Ross on Thursday, April 30. There will be a sale of sewing and | home baking and a parcel post table. Tea is to be served from 3 am. . 10.8 Group decided to continue catering for teas and receptions. TE MCLAURIN CIRCLE | The Kate McLaurin Mission | ircle met at S Fg) Arnold recently. Thespresi- dent presided and opened the meet- i with prayer. I Mabel Joyce took charge . Joyce read a Easter story | oh) showed how the simplé day | to day lving of one COUTAGEOUS | Christian woman influenced lives of those about her. Mrs. ald Collins closed this part of the SOCIAL NOTICES | ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ross, of their eldest daughter, Catherine, to Donald Roy, son of | Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Kilburn | of Fredericton, New Brunswick. | The marriage is to take place in | the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kennedy of Chatham, Ontario, announce the | engagement of their elder daugh-| ter, Catharine Joyce Hopper, to Robert James Wilton, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Wilton of Oshawa. The marriage will take place on Saturday, April 11, in Vietoria Avenue United Church, Chatham, Mrs. John P, Oke announces the engagement of her eldest daugh- ter, Elizabeth (Betty) Marguerite Darlington, to Michael Anthony Pankhurst, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Pankhurst, all of Oshawa. The marriage~i§ to take place on Saturday, May 2, 1953, at Holy Trinity Anglican JUST ARRIVED! ot KARN'S 19 (NINETEEN) EXCITING NEW VIEW-MASTER REELS 40 The Ine of President uy} seshow iy in Spein, in Flowers rden Flowers of B The Si Lour: French Riviera (Cote D'Azur), France. Romantic Seville, Spain, Old Castle, Spain, The Alhambra Palece-- Granada, Spain, 5 The Zuider Zoe, Holland. indmill Lond, South Holland. The Tyrol, Austria. Festival in Austria. Menace and Monte @arlo. ine. of Our Lady of s, France meeting with prayer. The secre Miss Lola MeClements, of money sent from the Circle. It was planned to present a life membership to one of the mem bers in the near future, planned that each group prepare a parcel of food for India to be ready by the end of May The members of Mrs. group presented a short play en titled '"The Open Bible for French | referring to the work the home of Mrs. | of Grande Ligne Mission. Mrs. Col- Canadians," lins' group served refreshments. RCAF AUX. The regular meeting of port with the president, Charles Moran presiding. The secretary's report Mrs gave her report Malcolm Adam. Following the busi ness meeting, an and television was enjoyed. Refreshments were It was| should Collins ; r the evotional period and Mrs. | Woman's Auxiliary of the RCAF 9 le 4 read the scripture, comn-| Association was held on Wednes- sisting of the parable of the talents. | day evening at the Oshawa Air- which the| was read by Mrs. K. Hankshaw ROD- | and Mrs. Albert S. Burr, treasurer which proved most encouraging: The lucky draw for the evening was won by Mrs. nee : enjoyable and entertaining social hour of games ent | the tea host M J ne a ya, announce the engagemer e tea hostess, Mrs. James Brady | Oshawa, Goldie | assisted by Mrs, Jack Lee. The The hotter the water, the whiter the wash !--no hot water shortages even with an automatic washer-- = hot water troubles are ended b Ruud-Hispeed Automatic GAS Hot Water Heaters. Economical to buy! Economical to use! Wonderful to depend on! Immersion Heat Tubes longer, age. See Hispeed today. ! 3 Pay for it on | GAS WATER An-'|tary read a letter of thanks from of the] _| Mrs. D. 1. Macleod on Wednesday. | Prairie Bible Institute for a gift WITH A RUUD HISPEED ATER Mean Hotter Water Faster Heating automatically from the inside makes the difference! Safe, efficient burners with dial heat selection give new high in speedy water heating, Fibreglass blanket ineulation gives hotter stor- Ruud- From $142.50 INSTALLED ONTARIO SHORE GAS 15 KING STREET EAST your gas bill PENNYWORTH'S -- present these -- Easter Parade Headliners! This Easter let Pennyworth's eutfit you. Our motte: High grade mers chondise at real savings! Come in and see for yourself why you should make Pennyworth's your shopping headquarters for Easter finery. Toppers to wear from now on at ea new low Easter Price! Cloud: soft fleece with disciplined full- ness, straight front and deeply cuffed wide sleeve. In pale, pastel shades from $6.95 to $27.95 Suits in fl Is, poodl boucl gabardines, ripple weaves, ombre stripes. Match box suits, gently fitted suits -- some with scroll trims, jewel- like trims, contrast trims, Terrific buys == all of them for $17.95 to $49.50 | Easy Credit Terms PENNYWORTH'S . >= "2%. (Around Corner from Bus Depot) 4 $2.49 THIS AD ENTITLES HOLDER TO 25¢ REDUCTION -- FOR SALE BY -- H. K. HARDWARE .- . . 337 SIMCOE ST. 8, | DRAPAK HARDWARE . . = * WILSON RD. BRONARAK HARDWARE . . 450 SIMCOE ST. §. -- AND -- and painting odors. Only The mild-mannered coat for Spring--= So versatile, so flattering. Pick a nubby, gentle casual or a soft, sleek dress-up. Choose a pastel -- either very bright or very pale. Your choice is wide in our sky's the limit selection of the newest, smartest, and loveli- est coats. $19.95 to $39.95 To avoid WRONG NUMBERS ... 1 Look in the BOOK 2 Wait for the DIAL TONE 3 DIAL CAREFULLY ALMATEX PAINT STORE 3 : THREE DIMENSION PICTURES ASK FOR FREE REEL LIST KARN'S DRUG STORE 28 King St. E. Phone 3-462) 315 SIMCOE ST. 5. 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