i oe Over And Over Again--Youl "I had very good results!" exclaims Mrs. R--, R.R. 4,0 Caaf Ral wh shawa LN Re nk THE DAILY TIMES.GAZETTE, Thursday, January 22, 1953 23 From Times Ads. > WANTED -- RELIABLE BABY SITTER, middle-aged woman, Dial 3- (140) 32--Automobiles For Sale 50 OLDS. COACH, NEW TIRES, mxchy.| Jent. condition, Phone Whitby 2624, aser | Be SR, FOR A SQUARE DEAL SEE i] '49 DODGE SEDAN, EXCELLENT CON- dition} radio, heater, extras. Apply Prince Milk, Bramley Sei Nhe os fer Rie" ist Ans Fring wn | Se TED CAMPIN FOR AUTO INSURANCE -- FOR PROPER | R_ NEW OR protection and reasonable rates call Me- Auley Insurance Agency, 13 Prince St. Dial 3-2512 or 5-2133 anytime. (Feb20) | 32--Automobiles For Sale GET YOUR FRONT END ALIGNMENT whee) baiansiag 4 Moring's Garage, 1084 | 32--Automobiles For Sale zon » MOORE, NEW AND USED CARS : le Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. Dial 225 3-9672. (Janas) ! EBUILT KNEE ACTION. 34'38 CHEV. d Pontiac. Retail and wholesale. Im. fimediate installation or delivery. Morey's |Garage, Verdun and Gliddon. Dial 5-4832 WJan23) BENNETT FOR A NEW | Dial 3 (Febl3) TRADE-DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN trade any article ot value. \n on a good used car at Kenny Van Courte Motors, Ritson Rd. §.? For 'nstance, outboard motors, radios, boats, fact, anything within reason. We do this to help you make up your down pay ment. We are the original traders. Many people took advantage of this offer last Jour with excellent results. So to Rd. S. (Jan22) 0g | ISEE "BILL" or quality used car, at Belmont Motors. 137 King West. Phone Lay- Away Plan! 5-0732. (Feb19) 2 AT» (Febl0) | | used Jas trucks at Cliff Mills Motors# RUGS---SAVE UP TO 1% ON NEW RE. versiblé broadloom rugs, made from your old woollens, ryzs, clothing, etc. Dial 3-3836. (Jan! SKATES, ALL SIZES, MEWS: en's and children's. New and used. So and exchanged. Lowest prices. Drayton's Cycle, 204 Bond St. Dia) is 5 Dial 3-9638. 2-SECTION CAST IRON STEAM OR HOT | water radiators, wall type, complete with hangers and fittings, quantity of used hember and plywood. K. Smith, 41 Wind. sor ering BED, SPRING AND JIATTRESS, condition. Dial 3-48 WHITE WHITE KITCHEN CUPBOARD, 1 REA- sonable. Apply. 865 Simcoe South. (166) GOOD ef. | 52832, | Bio? i Ave., Ajax. Phone Ajax 134] or ae 5132, 41--Articles Wanted | 43--~Male Help Wanted ~~ GOOD USED FURNITURE aE. dressers, stoves, heaters, kitchen suis | Crysler Furniture, 36 West. Dia | Jan23) CASH FOR YOUR PIANO w. Wilson & Lee, is Simcoe N. Dial (Jan2d) "E" FLAT ALTO SAXAPHONE, HOLTON. | WANTED, LIVE POULIRY, FEATHERS, am scrap , ®ietal, rags and mattresses 'lurner. Nartd Oshawa, Ban col lect. Febll) ie SHAW RAG and METAL 89 BLOOR EAST ! Dial 5-2311 J. Shaw Res.: 3-9111 Highest prices paid for scrap irom, metal, rags, batteries, mattresses, etc. Factory '50 PONTIAC (BIG 6 S5.PASSENGER coupe, 19,000 miles, new car condition, one Swier since few--4$1.78 Can be fin- anced. Apply $40 C aregie. 17f) '47 PONTIAC COACH, BLUE, EXCEL- lent condition, good tires, seat covers, low age. Phone 182M, Po Kenny Van Courte Motors ARE YOU WISE 2°? ? ? Have you talked to us about these hand-picked bargains BE WISE! USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN SEE THESE TERRIFIC -BUYS CHEV. 1069 DELUXE SEDAN, black, air conditioning $1595! 1950 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN, immaculate $1395: 11950 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, radio, air conditioning, many extras 21425] CHEV, SEDAN, 2-tone green, extras ... $1295) CHEV. 2-DOOR SEDAN, a very clean car .... $1325] CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN, radio, heater $1095 CHEV. SEDAN, blue, heater CHEV. DELUXE COACH, radio, heater, a beauty $1050 PONTIAC SEDAN, metallic paint job, sun visor, heater, many extras side CHEV. COACH, beautiful black finish, radio, heater NASH SEDAN, in Al condition , CHEV. COACH, a good car throughout BUICK 2-DOOR SEDAN, recent motor job . .. FORD COACH, needs cleaning up 1933 DODGE SEDAN, a good running car .... 1932 CHEV, COACH, excellent transportation MODEL "A" FORD COACH USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN AT KENNY VAN COURTE MOTORS 83 RITSON RD. S. 40 NTIAC 6 COACH, IMMACULATE eondition throughout, perfect tires and mator, privately owned, Apply 130 Ware Cc '37 STUDEBAKER SEDAN, GOOD RUB- | ber, upholstering, new battery, heater, | radio if required. Engine overhauled last | August. Bargain or exchange Club Coupe. Dial 5-2036 after 6 o'clock. | (Jan22, 24,27) '34 FORD COUPE, RADIO, "HEATER, many, sxiras, good tires and motor, $150. Dial 3-764 (18e) '47 ' BUICK SEDANETTE, Al CONDI. tion throughout, radio, heater, windshield washers, backup light, etc. Must be. sold this For quick sale, $1,100. ADDIS 4 790 1 asl. 18b) 1951 week. el, per. qui ct condition, ey Way o sale. 309 Gibbon before 4 pm, ' Cc 51 FORD 14-TON PICK-UP, | miles, best offer. Dial 5-4990, after 3 1949 | 1949 1948 1948 1947 1941 veal '52 CHEV. lent condition, low mileage, heater, de- | froster, Pleasure driven, Dial 5-27 33--Automobiles Wanted PRIVATE PARTY WANTS LATE MODEL | Chev, Sedan, must be in perfect condition, all all cash. Dial 5.4274. Wa n3!) | 413 *51 "CARS | BRING MORE CASH FOR .. | you at Dodd's Car Lot. 300 Park Road $595 | 5. Dial 3.9421, (Feb7tt) $295 | LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS. WANT | cars for wrecking, highest prices JU (Febf $275 | Dial 50:33. $350 | 100 CARS 1 $95 | Immediately '4) 52 Models Must be 'goed, clean cars. eee. (18e) $695 1940 1939 1937 1937 1935 $951 $95 | $75 Out-of«town dealer Can be reached at 3-8412 after 9 p.m. Brooklin 54R24. 288th) 36--Pets and Livestock COCKER AND SPRINGER ' PUPPIES, dogs boarded... Gordeene Kennels. Apply "an! > | cushions, 75¢. Both new. ) evening. 10,000 | make an offer. | | and mattress; rangetite, as new. | 3-7877. NORGE REFRIGERATOR, GOOD CON- (Feb2) dition, $123: also Lloyd maroon , $15. Apply 281 Oshawa Blvd. (18e)+ HOUSEHOLD CONTENT! FOR ALL | roomms, for sale, Phone rookie me it NORDHEIVER UPRIGHT, oo PIANO, Dial 3-9198, after 6. P, ! size 24 by 36 open; * ear radio, B. F. Good: CEDARDALE SCRAP IRCN and METALS | Highest prices paid for Ircn, Metals, Paper, Rags, etc. Loca: and out-of town calls pick up free, 100 Annis St. east of CNR Station. Dial 5-3432 (Febl5) rich, half price. Apply 616 C Ave. ji 4 » (18c) DOUBLE (BED COMPLETE, 'SPRING | 4] mattress, nearly new. Dial 5-3474. (18h) | ENGLISH ALLWOOL FLANNEL, ALL | purpose or lumbago belt, $1.00; also air Dial { 3-9308. la COMPLETE "STOCK OF "wr INGER | rolls and, belts for all makes of washers. | | Jack Biddulph, 68 Simcoe St. N ! 5.1179. (Jan23) | { SINGLE BED, SPRING] FILLED MAT- | tress, like new. Apply 163 Simcoe South | MAGA- | zines, sold or e:: Sehangsd, | Exchange, 595 King it. W. Open every (Feb20) | | irs NEW - IT'S DIFFERENT - T's wonderful. Free gift with each demon: | | stration. Phone now. Filter Queen, 51 | Albert Street. Dial 3- 7938. am | Dial { - | EXPERIENCED COOK, rite Box 978, Times-Gazette. | 42--Female Help Wanted WANTED--YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED woman for household duties in doctor's home in Bowmanville. Laundromat, drye:, television, Wages excellent with full room ; and board. Wages $60 a month for experi: enced help, Apply P.O. Box 89, Bow. | manville. house work. Must be honest and reliable. Fond of children. Live in. Mod | veniences. Liberal time off. Call Spring, 35-0311, between 10 0 ana 5. * Mr. wages, good working «asn | EXPERIENCED CLERK, | with factory payrolls and general office routine. Willing 170) GIRL OR WOMAN FOR rrr ern. con- | 7) | DAY "WORK, | conditions. | FAMILIAR | EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR AG: FOR AG- | gressive man, steady employ: ment: ast have chauffeur's. license: | sick benefits, pension plan. eries. Apply H., Kirk, 40 Albany Be 15--Agents Wanted YANTED: RELIABLE MAN AS DEALER in Oshawa and Ontazig County. Experience not A fin to step into old profitable Dusiness where Raw- leigh Products have been sold for years. profits. Products furnished on credit. white Rawleigh's Dept. A-310-163, Mont- real (Jans) GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF-- | Make storekeeper's profits without store- eeper's troubles. We'll put you into busi. eh furnish everything you need, train you, carry stock for you, without your | investing one penny. We'll work with you [until we've made vou a success. We've done it for others. We'll do it for you pro- viding you are honest, ambitious and willing to work hard. If you are, write us, 3g hear frora us at once with facts. Address Dept. 528, Sales Manager, P.O. Box 23, Montreal, P.Q. (Jan22) 46--Employment Wanted CHARLIE MILLS, NORTH OSHAWA. -- Watch and Clock Repairs. Solicit your | patronage. Pick-up and delivery. Dial | 3-8530. (Feb' CHAIN. SAW CUTTING, moved, firewood cut, Fast, efficient. TREES RE: cordwood for sale. reasonable. Ajax 72R. (Febl2) REPAIRING DEFECTIVE OR BROKEN | { Tri-lights, bridge lamps, or smal) electrical anphan es. Phone Frank Snudden, 107 Athol St. E. (Jan2l) CUSTOM CHAIN® SAWING Do? PHONE | | Mount Albers 3711, Mr. R. Young. 148) ble, good references. Dial 5-430. (18a) REFINED CANADIAN WOMAN, 60, DE- sires light household duties. Please stale | all particulars te Box 29, Times-Gazette. (18a) | WOMAN REQUIRES DAILY HOUSE to Write Rox 32, ® rimes- Gazette. tel. Canada y. Apply Pye W-TON PICK UP, EXCEL || [ARGESIZE CRIB, NATURAL FIN. | Ajax. ; ish, spring-filled mattress. Dial pL ' © | short hand and wd) SPACE HEATER, "BLOWER AND "THER. Phone ue) | HOTPOINT STOVE, LARGE SIZE, GOOD | condition, reasonable. Apply 162 Colborne | | Bu or 5-5207 any | mostatic control, heat 6 rooms, { Bowmanville 2303. | SOUTHWIND CAR HEATER, EXCEL. { lent condition. Heats in 90 seconds. Dial" 34826. 160) | 1 SET OF BUNK BEDS; DOUBLE | BED al (7% REWOVEN FROM YOUR oLD { rugs and clothing. Reversible and seam- | | lows broadcloth, any size to 13 feet wide without a seam, any length. Solids, tone- | on- -tones and patterns. For information | al 5-1553, Continental Rug Co., Ltd. (Feb1$) | soe BANGETIE, GOOD CONDI- | tion. Dial 3-3: 7) | | CLEARING! 15 English Elysian Winter Coats, | Selling at half price. Various sizes and colors.' MAE DUNCAN LADIES' WEAR 9 BOND ST. EAST DIAL 3-433] BRAMLEY | Kinsale No. 7 Highway. Phone | 18718, * (Febis) old, forced to seli. $25. Dial" 35-2784. READY FOR TRA \IN- , all colors, Ts Wain Feb20) FLEMISH rday. Rab- BABY BUDGIES, ing, talking strain, East. Dial 3-9767. RABBITS, NEW ZEALANDS, Giants. Apply evenings or REGISTERED FEMALE COLLIE, 1 YR.- (16e) | (Jan16,20.22.3) SCOTT'S and GIFT SHOP 111 SIMCOE SyREeY SOUTH DIAL 5-6245 (Feb13) | (18¢) Dog bit Ranch, Varcoe's Rd. Master Dog Foods, Dr. Foods, dog ' collars, | combs and toys. | Mountain, Justrito, and Brock's bird foods Ballard's MOTOR SALES I= ; OFFER THE FINEST IN NEW 'AND USED am bi And | powder, dog and cat dishes. CARS AT THESE THREE LOCATIONS | MASTER FEEDS, | 54 Church St, Dial 3.2229 209 DUNDAS ST. W.[1271 SIMCOE ST. N.| prego WHITBY OSHAWA | EAD. FARM STOCK, PICK DIAL 757 DIAL 3-4675 2679. Also live horses. Margwill NEWCASTLE -- PHONE 2871 BE READY! FOR SPRING AND SUMMER DRIVING PLEASURE 51 FORD SEDAN, GREEN, VERY LOW MILEAGE 51 METEOR SEDAN, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION up Fur 38--Wearing Apparel | MOUTON FUR COAT, SIZE 14, GOOD condition, reasongble. Dial 3.4864. (17h) 3 EVENING GOWNS, SIZE 16. DIAL 51079. (18a) LADY'S BLACK SEAL COAT, PERSIAN lamb trim, size 16, tuxedo style. Dial 3- 9728. (18b) .| Joa-----iviarket Basket CHOICE MEINTOSH AND SPY APPLES, well colored, delivered. Dial 5.3214 (Feb16) GOOD TABLE TURNIPS, 81 BUSHEL, carrots and parsnips $1.50, Dial 3.4953. early for delivery. (Feb) JANUARY SALE-3.4's OF WHITE OR amber honey for $2. Dial 35-2441 for de- ED collect Bowmanville | (Feb22) | PRIVATE SALE | 3-piece chesterfield suite 7-piece limed oak dining room suite cabinet radio 1 new Moffat electric range and other household effects too num- erous to mention; also garden tractor. | | Sale: Friday, 23rd; Saturday, 24th-- | 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. V2 mile east of city limits, No. 2 Highway, southside. MR. W, MOSIER am) 'WEEK END SPECIALS at MURPHY'S! | TV SETS--17" screens -- Metorola or Westinghouse $299 up| ADDISON COMBINATION, TV, ra- dio and phonograph; wonderful buy ... $604.50 NORGE SPACE HEATER--50,000 B.T.U.; medium size, Reg. $129. For $109.00 | | | 1} | | livery. (Febli), | | POTATOES FOR SALE, $2.73 PER B. BAG, 51 METEOR SEDAN, METALLIC GREEN 50 FORD COACH, MAROON, EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN CAR | Serene. Thome WR, Brookin 50 PONTIAC COUPE, 2-TONE GREEN [P3=Autiches for Sale | B. F. GOODRICH STORE ~ TIRES, BA!- 49 MERCURY SEDAN, GREEN, SUN VISOR fe Ey ACcaMOries.. | LoiDuint appl (Febl2) 48 MONARCH SEDAN, MAROON | ALcMINUM STORM WINDOWS. PHONE 46 MERCURY SEDAN, BLACK 46 CHEV. SEDAN, GREY, RADIO, HEATER, SEAT COVERS 41 FORD COACH Wright, Kooivent representative, 40 CHEV. COACH | Boe for demonstration without obliga | tion, (Febl?) GE REFRIGERATOR, N NEW uNIT, 0) "cu. ft., first-class condition. B. F. Goedrich Stores. Dial 35-4542. ast) MOTORCYCLE, PRE - WAR 500 C.C. road-racing Norton, perfect condition in- side and out. A beautiful high performance | machine for the experienced deny Will store till spring. .3-2674. 9th) VENETIAN BLINDS -- THE ADVANCED | Kirsch type. The most startling develop- | ment in venetian blind history. Flattened S-shaped slats give better and more grace ful enclosure. We are sure these blinds will not only satisfy but create enthusiasm. Estimates without obligation. George Reid, ¢ TRUCKS 5) MERCURY 13-TON PICKUP, RED 49 FORD 3-TON (DUMP x | R INGERSOLL WASHING Machines $139. 00 ' NORGE REFRIGERATORS, 8.75 cu- IER a $334.00 | HIDE- A-BEDS--Chesterfield by day and conifgrtable bed by night $119.50 STEEL BEDS, walnut finish, spring | and spring-filled mattress, Pop 9.50 | | RANGETTES----with oven control | $69.50 STUDIO COUCHES $49.50 TRADE-INS | efrigerators, Washers, Rangettes Combination Radio, Pres, Coal Ranges, etc. All priced to clear. MURPHY Appliance and Furniture 117 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 48 CHEV. 15- ON PICKUP, RED Dial 35-0633 -- 66 Bond St. West. (Febl2) | 9.PC. DINING ROOM SUITE, FRIGL i daire heavy-duty electric stove. Best orter. Dial 3-2044, . MANY, MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM "GENUINE BROADLOOM RUGS For Your New Car See BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES your LINCOLN CZALER | tured, tone on tone, carved, needle point. | We also seil silverware, aluminum wave, dishes, blankets, bedspreads. Terms arranged. DIAL 35-0494 (Feb 17) CLEANING OUT OLD STOCK 2 x4by8 by 10, 12, 14 and 16 2x 6by 12, 16, 2 x 8 by 12, 16, and l-inch lumber by 6, 8, 10, inches wide at $80 a thousand to | clear. METEOR! | | ERCURY Apply STAN OLAN MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, | PHONE _70W, MILLBROOK (18a) | ( (40 | | All-wool pile, beautiful selection of sculp- ! | Service Oil Products, | 30--Articies For Rent | FOLDING CHAIRS, CARD_ AND BAN. | January 22, quet- tables, for rent 100 | (Across from Memorial Park) Dial Oshawa 3-8634 Phone Bowmanville 811 i (132) 39a--Fuel Wood | SOFTWOOD SLABS, FOOT-LENGTH, $4, single cord: hardwood slabs, 85.50 single | cord. Also body hardwood. Dial 5-2 a 'eb6) | CHOICE BODY FIARDWOOD, MAPLE: | hard and soft slabs delivered. Phone 18r33, Bethany. (Feb0) | HARDWOOD FACTORY CUTTINGS FOR | quick sale to clean factory, $5 or 83 lots. Delivered. Dial 3.7391. (Jan30) 39b--Coal - Coke - Fuel Oil STOVE OIL AND FUEL OIL, PROMPT dally deliveries by metered trucks. Cities Dial 3-8443. (Mars) ! .. Cleve Fox. Oshawa, ot | | references required. D'al b= | storm i and aluminum storm doors. t OPPORTUNITY FOR Ltd., ¢ SECRETARY, WANTED Were ol (18¢) | SENIOR STENOGRAPHER, REQUIRED | 18¢) | GOOD Dial 35-6434, (18a) INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED. | Envelopes addressed, price lists Typed eic. Dial 5-1365. 47--Legal Notice. Apply, giving full details of experience and salary expecied. P.O. Box 118, Ajax, Ont. 2 SALESLADIES, T TO COVER (OSHAWA. Dial 3-8587, after. 6 pan. (18a | YOUNG WOMAN TO KEEP HO HOUSE FOR | man with girl 7 years old, no ébjection to | small child. New house, all conveniences. | Wriie Robert V. Young, Box 72, Brooklin. | Phone 162m, afier 6. (18e) | GIRL OR WOMAN FOR LAUNDRY work. Apply to the Star Laundry, 13 | Celina Street. | WANTED PART-TIME OPERATOR | BELL. TELEPHONE CO. Apply Chief Operator, BkOOKLIN, ONTARIO Tey | |" SHORTHAND TYPIST | With High School plus Coramercial ( training and office experience. A good opportunity for a capable girl. Apply to Personnel Manager RECORD BAR R. D: WERNER CO, SIMCOE STREET SOUTH (18h) | 43--Male Help Wanted (18) | I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife, Eu- nice L. Pearse, without my written con. sent on and aiter this date, January 23 ! 1953. John R. Pearse. ~ g (18 | NOTICE TO CREDITORS . IN THE MATTER of the estate of Regi- nald Erie McMullen, late of the City of Oshawa, Physician, deceased. | "AN, persons having claims against the | estate. of Reginald Eric McMullen, late | of the City of Oshawa, Physician, who died | { on or about the 20th day of September, | 1032, are hereby notified to send them to | | the undersigned Solicitors for the Execu- tors of the said esiate, duly verified, of {ror before the 14th day of February, 1953, | After the last-named date the assets of | {the sald estate will be distributed among { the persons entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the execu- | for shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa, this 13th day of Jame uary, Harris, Harris & Wallace, | 112 Simcoe St. N., | Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitors for Executors. (Janl5,22,29) | IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER OF the Andrew Crawford, late of Ajax, graph Operator, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Andrew Crawford of Ajax, Multi: graph Operator, who died on or about the twenty-sixth day of November, A.D. 195%, are hereby notified to send them to the | undersigned Solicitors for the Estate Multi: of | WOMAN DESIRES DAY WORK, RELIA. | = Legends Of North ~ Recalls Old Days MATTAWA, Ont. (CP)~Wlien you Henry Timmins, who later became listen to the story of Louis Neault, giants in the mining industry and you can hear white water roaring, {bad a thriving nortaern towa | the lusty songs of lumbermen, the named after tiem. | cracking ice shattering the still | He still recalls those early days. ness of a northern night. "The Indians came down each Old Louis is a living legend in spring from the north to trade,' this country, one of the few survi-|he sald. "The finest spectacle I vors of a great breed who wrested ever saw was their 40-foot birch the treasures from the land whose canoes plunging through the white passing is lamented with the other | water, 10 men paddling on each vanishing symbols of 19th century | side." Canada. Like most of his free-spirited Louis is 85, but his affable coun- | com ades, Louis travelled. H2 tenance and alert, grey eyes re- went to the Pacific coast and spent veal little of rugged years spent a winter in a Rocky mountain tie- in the wilderness. cutting camp, He drove logs in He once walked and ran 74 miles | camps at the upper end of Lake from a lumber camp to a railhead 'Superior, and wandered over nor- in 16 hours when a daughter was |thern Ontario trapping and pres- born and now is embarking single- 'pecting. handed on the construction of a Louis eventually settled down in two-storey house for a daughter Mattawa and raiséd nine children. and son-in-law moving here from | In his latest project, the house Sudbury. for his daughter, he quarried the He came to Mattawa, 40 miles stone for the foundation from out- (east of North Bay, in 1874. Only croppings near town, and hauled it two other white families were here. in with a wheelbarrow, But ior One was the Timmins family, and Louis it's only another job, for a | Louis shared a bench in a log man who finds dcing nothing is | schoolhouse with the late Noah and 'deoing the impossible. 'Phoenician Seamen Knew Seas That Wrecked Liner | WASHINGTON -- Daring Phoeni- cian seamen of Biblical times who even through the Pillars of Her- cules proved. The malaria-cursed Beiru river was abandcned as a scuvee of fresh water and an excellent supply into the unknown Atlantic | was pipped in from another stream. knew well the stormy seas that| Progress, however, had its draws | recently broke the back of the backs. Lights from a new jet aire | French liner Champollion off Beir- | base south of the city are report ut, capital of Lebanon. ed to have coniused the navigator | The famous ports of the Phoeni- of the Champollion as she made | cians, Tyre and Sidon, are now un- (her last gale-tossed apprcach to ,| important seascoast towns a short | Beirut. ' | distance south of Beirut on the FAMED EXPEDITION !east coast of the Mediterranean, | Near the scene of the wreck is The very storms that broke up the the camping site from which the |Champollion made the ancient|Citroen-Hardt Trans.Asfatic Exped- 'cities imporiant, says the National |ition set forth in April 1931 on its Geographic Society. momentous 7,370-mile first motor | - In Biblical times Tyre and Sid- crossing. of Asia. The pioneering on were safe in storms because [trip ended in February 1932, at {each had a double harbor, protect- | Peiping, China. ied from both north 'and south| Dr. Maynard Owen Williams of winds. These former havens have the Foreign Editorial Staff of the been without major value because | National Geographic Magazine was {south winds carrying desert sands the chief American representative {and ocean currents bearing Nile with the expedition. ja have silted them to shallow-| Members cf the expedition were carried to Lebanon by the Mariette | PINES HALT SAND | Pasha, sistr ship of the Champol- The same winds fatal to the an- lion, Their half-track vehicles were: {cient ports threatened to engulf Ib ight across the Mediterranean | Befrut with red sand dunes creen- (fr Marseilles, a seaport coloniz- ing toward the city from the south. led by the Phoenician 'mariners of | But pines were planted to halt the [the Lebanese coast, ymarching dunes. And it was a Lebanese boatman, Man triumphed over nature in|a seaman in the true Phoenician (other ways around Beirut. The in- tradition, whose ability and hero- |adequate natural harbor, formed |ism in rescue work kept the Cham- |by the point, or Ras, on which the | pollion's casualty toll from mount [oy stands, was enlarged and im-|ing. tratiix of the said estate, duly verified, on or before the 2nd day of February, A.D. 1933. After the last-named date the assets of | i ihe sald estate will be distributed among REAL ESTATE SALESMAN car essential, local resident preferred; 35-3889. (17¢) TRUCK DRIVER, GOOD WORKING CON- ditions, steady Bosition for right Man, son F 20 Church 8%. am DELIVERY BOY, DAY WORK, GOOD opportunity to learn trade. Apply, Buperin- | tendent, General Printers Ltd. am | SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT WANT- | ed, with experience. Apply Al Preston, Sunoco Service, 925 Simcoe N. (17¢) | WANTED---MESSENGER _ BOY. AP APPLY | Canadian Pacific Telegraphs, 11% King | St. East; good chance to learn railway ork. (Janldif) DISTRIBUTOR WANTED FOR THIS TER. ritory. mbination 'aluminuni self-storing P.O. Box 92, Weston, Ontario. (Febl9) WELL advertised Watkins products route. Avail able in Oshawa, highest c omissions, oF bonus, for appointments, dial 3-265; 8 pm, SALES ENGINEER | Good, neat appearance, to organize Dominion Dealer coverage for new product. A well-established"Bominion | | company. Apply giving full particu- lars to BOX 23, TIMES « GAZETTE : ik ash IMMEDIATE OPENINGS AVAILABLE with the ONTARIO REGIMENT (11th Arm'd. Reg't.) You can make extra money in your spare time and learn an interesting trade. Come in and check the ac- tivities of 'the Regiment -- You'll "| enjoy the association. Apply Monday Night 8:00 p.m. Oshawa Armories (Jans, 15,22,29) SALESMEN LIVING IN OSHAWA AREA . We have openings for men in this area, for our ~sqles organization. We are now devéloping a new and | very successful idea that has met | with tremendous acclaim. Our pres- ent men are earning from $100 to $200 a week. Your qualifications must be ambition, desire for a per- manent position, desire for a real future with no lay offs, If you can meet our requirements and pass our | special aptitude test, we offer you a chance of a lifetime. Initial qual- ifications, under 35 years of age, and own a car, Complete 'training is given for this position, no canvassing nec- essary. For interview be at:430 Sim- coe St. South, 9 o'clock Thursday, 10 a.m; Jan. 23, 9 p.m., Friday. WANTED, | ESTABLISHED, NATIONALLY | tre thereto, having regard | only to claims of which the said adminis. tratix shall then have notice. DATED at Oshawa,, the 12th day of Jan. iL A.D, 1833. CONANT & CONANT. Barristers & Solicitors, 'Solicitors for the O dinlatratri. (Jan13,22,29) 48--Auction Sale AUCTION SALE ~ STIRTEVANT'S AUC: tion Arena, Thursday, evening, Jan. 22 at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:45. 2 Floor Model Radios, 2-pc. Bedroom Suite (walnut); Dresser (walnut); 2 Single Poster Beds; Spring and Spring-Filled Mattresses; 2- pe. Chesterfield Suite (2 tone); Rangette: Coal and Wood Rapge (as new); Kitchen { Chairs; . Round ining Room Tables | Combination Wardrobe and High Chest Drawers; Kitchen Suite; Settee a Thais (walnut); Beds Spring and Mat- Day 3 Bridge Lamp; Odd | Tables. and Y Chairs: Ice Box; Dressers; Dressing Table; Table Lamp; Desk: Tea | Wagon: Coffea: Table: Drop Leaf Table; Mirrors: Smoker; Cooking Utensils: Dish- es; Clothing and other new merchandise | and a great many other articles too num- erous to mention. Terms cash. Frank Stirtevant, auctioneer, Dial 5-5731. my} Farmers Get Growing Tips For Big Crop. TORONTO (CP)--Farmers at- tending the Ontario Soil and Crop | Improvement, Association were given some tips Wednesday on how to increase production through pas- ture improvement, conservation and utilization of rough pasture. trict farmer, said most farmers are frightened by the mention of conservation because it called up a mental picture of heavy expendi- tures. Aeration and drainage were part; of the conservation program, he said, Sufficient amounts of raw have a moisture holding effect and help to provide proper drainage and aeration, He suggested chang- ing farm fence lines where neces- sary and for a five-year rotation program dividing the farm into five fields. said commissioner, more | proper seeding and pasture meth- ods. Stays by Blind Wie 'As Fire Hits Home: TORONTO (CP)--An 83-year-old man and his blind wife, whom he refused to leave behind, were res- cued Wednesday from. a burning! three-storey house. + Mr, and Mrs. David Claus were trapped in their home-room flat on the second floor. Fire helped them through smoke-filled hallways to the street. days Mrs. from her home. There was an- . (isa) | Other fire in the building Monday. John A. Stewart, Ailsa Craig dis- organic matter and humus in soil | W. P. Watson, Ontario livestock cef | could be produced an acre through | TN to discuss a possible changeover. It was the second time in three | Claus was evacuated | W. Germans E ve Trade Colcieae By BRACK CURRY BONN, Germany (AP)--West Germany, riding a boom that pro- duced its first foreign trade surplus since the war, is aiming at new trade conquests in 1953. The Germans are planning to invade the Oriental car market, expand their trade with South America, Africa, and Middle and Far East, and push deeper into the rich Canadian and United States markets. A spectacular world-twede come- back has been scored by the Ger- {mans while Britain and Francee {their wartime conquerors--have | been grappling~yith serious trade ! deficits. In just four years, West Germany {bounded up from nothing to a jatoravle trade balance of about 00,000,000 marks ($142,800,000) in Frey Before 1848, the Germans had virtually no foreign trade. Now the "Made in Germany' label is fam- {il ar again from Singapore to Sas- katoon and from Rome to Regina. The Germans are exporting every- [thing from needles to locomotives. | BRITONS ALARMED Their chief weapon planned invasion of the Oriental car market is the little Volkswagen --people's car--which already is being sold in 43 countries. Selling prospects in Japan, Siam, Burma, Hong Kong and Indonesia are con- sidered good for 1953. Britons are openly alarmed at mounting German sales in. foreign markets. British goods are under pressure in many markets in Latin America, the Middle East and Far East from fierce German coms petition. A British trade mission just back from Latin America reported many German exports are subsidized by the government and in some cases German prices are 10 to 15 per cent lower than British prices. In India and Pakistan, which rank with Australia and South Africa as Britain's largest overseas markets, German competition also Is worrying Britons. Like other European countries, West Germany's biggest foreign trade problem is the dollar area. But German. imports from the dollar area are dropping while {exports to the dollar area are at their |an all-time' high. » Handless War Vet Prefers British Hook NATICK, Moss. (AP)--Handless the matter of ratents," he said, Harold J. Russell, Second World When Britain's Labor party came War veterans leader, says he | into clfice, it took over all patent thinks the British artificial arm [rights on- -artificial arms, he said. with a replaceable 'hook" is 2 | e told of seeing a British am- |per cent 'more useful and effi {putes replacing the hook with a {cient" than the American type. {paint spray gun. The tool at onge Russell, 38, has used the metal 'became part of his arm," Russell prongs since he lost both hands said. His Amarican. counterpart in 1943 while serving as a United | | would have to handle the heavy States Army demolition instructor. | implement with his hook. A native of North Sydney, N. He also reported seeing a hand. he was brought to Nas, |le3s Wosaturer i Engiang, speed Mass., as a small boy. A former Switching to a variety o movie actor, Russell won an aca- chisel to complete a job in record emy award for his role in * oy of Our ea en Bet i "The Thai purpose of rehabilita- He recently wrote his autiobio-| tion is to put a handicapped man graphy--*Vietory in My Hands.'* jones Jez wih @ non - handicapped The British *'hook" is' quickly interchangeable with "108 different tools and devices," he said, 'Our hook is designed as a basic | tool," he explained. "It screws into | the artificial arm and can't be | readily exchanged." | The British type fits into a shot !l' and is locked in place with a lever at the base of the arm. "It takes only a second to pull out," Russell said. A founder of AMVETS, Russell is meeting Jan. 19 with veterans' administration heads in New York I "The great difficulty would be, ] in a nn PRESCRIPTIONS Qui.kly and Accurately Filled . MITCHELL'S DRUG STORE 9 Simcoe N. Dial 3-3431 STAFFORD BROS. MONUMENTAL WORKS 318 DUNDAS ST. &., WHITBY PHUNE WHITBY 552 Memorials @ Markers More than 5,000,000 volumes are | kept in the library of the British | Museum in London. |